tv Up Front Al Jazeera January 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm AST
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the policies, accusations, the policies strenuously denies which stem from a meeting held in november at this building. in potsdam, where prominent if de politicians meant some christy and democrats and of a leading german right wing us to discuss what they call re migration a policy which would remove the citizenship of migrants whose to come naturalized his germans and to pull them from this country it's a concept which one leading lawyer says is entirely illegal. the idea of re migration basically calls for a complete abolition of human rights of migrants of every refugee convention off and basic rights and shrines in the german constitution. it would require a regime change that brings the far right into a position of power where they can do whatever they want. and the last time the far ice in this country has chumps to do what ever wanted to do in power. it came up
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with this, the nuremberg mall, not seeing that just lation, which took away the citizenship of jews and others of the human rights and encourage them to leave this country. eventually, the journey that started with this law would end with the holocaust. the if day leadership says it deplores anti semitism, it has distance itself from the pump stem discussion in an angry intervention in parliament. one of its members who was at the meeting denied planning unconstitutional policies and denounced the coalition. government might not but ties only parties exclusively concerned with constitutional measures, which you are not enforcing that's a failure of the state. that's why you're trying to distract attention from your failure by smearing us. but one thing is on the audio level, the policies of the eye of the day on now in focus as never before, while hundreds of thousands of people are protesting against the party in the
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street. many millions more. supposing it in the poles, in a country where as much as 18 percent of the population can be classed as migrants throwing a cane al jazeera building. well, thousands of people have protested the games, right, where you can stream it some in front of austria's part. yes, because took to the stage in the front of parliament accusing the austin freedom party that was supporting an team a grant policies rallies also took place in other cities right across austria. that's it for me. that clouds, my colleague robust company here in about half an hour with more of the days these upfront is coming to the of the political c, comedian,
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shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight . they will be met with fire here in the rise of anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape or i'd be that to that's like exploring how exist, central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse may be coming soon on outsourcing. during his visit, the israel following october 7th attacks us president joe biden won the country not to repeat the mistakes the us made in response to the 911 attacks. what is israel doing just that? and why is the us refusing to call for cease fire? alas, the director of the award winning film fahrenheit, $911.00, author an activist, michael moore, and upfront special the michael moore. thanks so much for joining me and upfront. thank you. thank you for having the course. you, of course, made a very famous movie called fahrenheit 911,
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which criticize the us as response to the attacks of september 11th, 2001. you chronicled the panic rush to allow the government to spy on its own citizens. the decision to invade iraq and country that had nothing to do with $911.00 and the ways that the defense industry profited off the war. israel is now calling october 7th there, all 911. what do you make of that comparison? and you see the similarities of parallels to how these relays are responding. well, it's, ironically, it's a, it's a very apt description in the sense in terms of how the united states responded to $911.00 and, and how is rooms responding out? and i think president by the both when he was there and since he's come back to the united states, i has essentially said don't make the mistakes that we mean that we were very much in
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a rush toward revenge. we were very, i mean, everybody here. anybody who remembers that day it was frightening. it was a sense of pretty much, i'm guessing how most is really subtract for many years. something like this would never happen. and then it happens in the fact that it took hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours before help arrived. so i think he has this commodities where he does a lot of people in this, in a sense of, of kind of other horror and fear. human beings do not act well when they come from a place of fear and tear. that's why a lot of times terrorism does its job. i think i but i want to say that. um we came up that morning that saturday morning on october 7th.
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and it's never a good day on this planet. when you wake up and you hear the 1400 of our jewish brothers and sisters have been slaughtered it's, it's, uh, none of us i think want to live in that world. and so, um, so i think i understand all the initial responses and i understood the response and the desire for revenge. haven't gone through that time. and so you know, all the mistakes we made, as you said by 1st and reading and can stand and reading erac for one. that's an interesting course of the for what the, what was this really about question in regard to 911, let people to say ok. this was maybe just a pretext, uh, you know, for invading iraq with new worry that these really government may similarly use october 7th as a pretext to take over more of guys the,
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to expand into westbank or maybe go to war with iran. could this moment of har and in fear, turn into an opportunistic moment for something else? well, i think it already is. and, and let me just say this, and this is what maybe one issue that most people on the right or the left a pro israel pro palestinian pro human life. um and, and i think i'm guessing just the polls i've seen just it just out of his real um and then yahoo has to go the, the, the people were not protected. what was he doing? why did have they pulled the army back? why? we know one reason they were pulled back into the spring was to support the settlers and their violence against the color settings. i mean, there is going to have to answer for this is not going to go well for him. and,
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and i think that it's very hard to trust the things that are coming out of his, his administration. and i, um, um, the slaughter that we're witnessing now is so i don't know how to put words to it. frankly. i mean, just what, what's happened? the last few nights. oh really what's happened the last few decades and that i as an american and i'm helping to fund that. united states has the bank. what, what's really going to ask you? well, definitely thing michael. i mean it's, that's so important, right? because on the one hand, as you mentioned earlier, president biden says, hey, israel don't make the mistakes we made. we were looking for justice and we made mistakes. at the same time, he's asking for more military 8, you know, he, he said that, you know, in a sense of being killed is just the price of waging
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a war. and you can't square that circle easily. what do you do? what should the us be doing? well, we should not be trying to increase the slaughter mean, should that be funding the war? i, i think, you know, most americans have no problem with making sure that there are no more is really skills and providing for the defense, but that's really not what's going on right now. um, how do you justify the, the, um, the slaughter of children, children and some of these sites, half of the dad, half of the wounded are children. what are we getting back? well, what do we, what are we trying to do? how, what, what did the children do? and how are we defending israel, having more dead children? and anybody who can say right now, you know, especially people,
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so i support israel and i will, you know, defend israel, and then support and fun. the massacre of innocent civilians and children and you have no credibility then when you say the support is really what kind of hypocrisy, that kind of contradiction isn't just what people with, with government. so including our government, i mean human rights. why don't put it perfectly. they said to have progress, the in double standards of western states are flagrant and obvious. and then of course, the us and other wisdom governments have to apply the same principles regarding russian atrocities and ukraine as they would with quote israel's brutal disregard for civilian life. in god, it seems like we pick and choose when we're going to be, uh, is fundamentally hypocritical. it is, but i think what's really at the core always of our foreign policy is what's best for us. and, and, and, and so is real in the, and from the very beginning of the, of the creation of israel and the american government. the american military has
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always seen this as a good thing for us that we have this base there that we, that we have all the kind of a intelligence apparatus and everything. all the things that is real does basically to make sure that the oil supply is there in the middle east. is that good? is that going to be? we're not going to be impeded by this. and i think to, and i, 9, i've had, you know, is really friends say to me we, we get that. what's really behind this either, either politically or, or militarily. why? so the united states has been using israel in that way for many, many years. and the other thing that comes to mind though is the role of the media plays. i get, i think back to your work, you know, in 911 the media to help beat the drum for war. you know, post 911, they beat the drum for war in iraq. they beat the drum for war in afghanistan,
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they continue to beat those wardrobes. a. similarly, today we see the media adopting pro is real approach pro war approach not as uniformly as, as post 911. there are voices urging caution their social media, which is far more complicated and diverse and sometimes messy. but at least we see more descent than we did 20 years ago as the media learned a less than how we learned a lesson from before. i think so, i think because of the, the what's still going on back and forth about the hospital. that was bon uh, was, it is rarely a racket. was it a policy that will come out by the way, we will all know the truth of everything. yeah. oh, i'm confident of that. but in the meantime, the new york times and the others have had that sort of back away from. we've got to make sure we're not, you know, we, we have to say every time anything that comes out of the guys a know from the palestinians. we have to say this has not been independently
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confirmed and which right, we should all know that anyways as consumers of media. but i, but i still hear anybody in the media whenever somebody comes out of netanyahu's miles, whatever his government is saying, it should also be have the caviar attached to it. we have not been able to independently confirm what benjamin netanyahu would say. and, and so we're in the fog of all this right now. we don't know a lot of what, but wait, but everything that, that he and his government very right wing government as been saying and doing must be treated with a lot of skepticism. absolutely. and it's a right wing government and so sometimes the right wing governments, you know, right wing media outlets are very gentle. the thing about this case is that it's not just the right wing media. that's not being sufficiently critical. it's everybody. i mean, look at supposedly centrist mainstream media outlets like cnn. i mean they're still
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branding their tv coverage is real ad war, which seems to be taken as i very neutral to me a, b, b. so she says were also killed. mainstream media makes all kinds of dubious decisions about how to frame a conflict in, you know, very well as a filmmaker. but the way you frame a story is how people understand the story of how have people's perceptions been influenced by the way the media is frame this? well, i think very much so, but again, the majority of americans don't support the slaughter. yeah. and then the work and they want the humanitarian aid and now not wanting trucks a day or 50 trucks a day, 500 trucks today is that is where the american people are at. and i want people around the world where we might be, listen to this, i understand that my fellow americans actually kind of do get this. and when the big graphics come on, the screen, israel at war. um, you know,
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you just have to stop and think for a 2nd. oh yeah. yeah. the trustees, they have all those fighter jets. they have all those bars. they or you know, all the, you know, the big house city and navy with all those are right. that right, when you say the one you're, you're, what do you define? we are, you know, it's, um, there was an attack on october 7th. that was reprehensible. and um, and, and so people have a right to defend themselves, but that's not what's going on. now. if you're chewing children in mine, a, with my money, that's not a war to defend yourself. that looks like something else that looks like that, that there's a, a group of people, 2 to 2 and a half 1000000 people of color that are being pushed on as they say, into the sea, or into the desert,
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or to get rid of them in some way certainly is what it looks like and you can't wake up every morning and see the bodies of these dead children being pulled from the rubble. yeah. and i think a lot of what uh then yahoo is doing is, was very similar to what bush was doing. he messed up more straight. no attention. no. uh, uh, they knew and intact was going to happen. uh, they didn't prepare for it. and, and now then boys tried to save themselves by, let's go to war let's you know, just defend america. and, and yet we're not any say for now as americans. and we were back then. and yes, there hasn't been another quote, $911.00 here in the us, but none of us are safe. if our response is more showing more depth. well, look at, you know, look, look, i'm looking at biden's requests from congress for more money. it seems like more
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killing in more depth as inevitable binds asked congress and $14000000000.00 for israel's defense. the authority provides israel within $3000000000.00 a year. he's also asked more money for ukraine on top of the 10s of millions of dollars that's already being spent in the fight against russia. now, what's interesting to me is when by made the case for this spending even more than just make a moral argument even more than just make a political argument. you made an economic argument on october 19th, you talked about the number of us states that those weapons would be made it as if the say, this isn't just good for defense, this is a jobs program. what do you think of the argument that making more weapons is also good for the average working american? and we don't fall for that anymore. the majority of the 12, and i'd say a bite. you know, the, the things that he said in the, in the sort of position these take it, i know i, i'm pretty sure what he's doing privately behind the scenes with that and,
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you know, and i, and i know they tried to slow things down a bit to try to get you maturing 8 in to try and get hostages released. and i would say, i just want to say to people in gaza, anybody who's holding hostages, release them release from now. it's it. not just in terms of the, the goodwill that will come from that, but do, because it's just right, it's the right thing to do. and know again as these really pressure has informed us . when they started to release the 1st 4 hostages a week or so ago, and they would do, i think, were one spokesperson for the idea of say, this is all just p r. them releasing her as teachers? well, you know, what's the thing we learned when we were kids that up with you and she was me something. it's quite a sign. it may be what you're doing to. uh and, and it's, it's,
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it's released the hostages. hold the rug out from underneath the netanyahu. a government that's trying to justify the massacre, trowbridge, i would, i would just just strongly encourage that. and, and to, and to say both sides have to have a ceasefire to join us to stop. there was a moment last week that i gotta be honest with you, i'm still sitting in my crawl. also, the last week the white house press secretary was asked if president biden things anti israel protesters are extremists. rather than answer the question she called the protesters anti semitic, and compare and compare them to neo nazis who marching to charlottesville. back in 2017, there's an obvious divide on the left between support of, of support of israel and supporters of palestinians. but this is a democratic white house calling critics of israeli policy. most of the issues are probably be allies,
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a f as in lights. what would you say to the people that depressed secretary make those kinds of claims? my partner, guess team. my producers went down to um, brands central station in new york city on friday night, a rush hour. uh, because we, we'd gotten, we heard rumors that people is going to be like a flash drive or people are going to show up there during rush hour to kind of shut brand central down. and when we got there, what it was was, it was an organization called jewish voice for peace and pat inside of grand central. we're well over a 1000 mostly new york jews sitting down and expecting to be interested in the act of civil disobedience wearing t shirts saying a ceasefire now. not in my name. yeah. people i knew people had family members who had been sho, october 7th,
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and wanted to make it clear that that their deceased loved one would not want children being chilled because they weren't jill. yeah. it was, it was um. and so the cool, i know i heard i saw that. so i said, so basically you're calling these thousands of jews in new york city, anti semites. i mean, really, you're really working the p r machine hard. when you're, when you're calling a fellow, uh, jews. uh uh, awful terms like there. um, so it's uh, you know, it's just not, it's not gonna work. and i think this is very frustrating for israel is really government. so that, you know, we've had a couple of generations of young people, not just in the us, but in israel and palestine in around the world where they kind of get what's going on now. and, and so you're just not going to be able to make stuff up and, and i'm very disappointed in, in uh, president by me for using this language. and,
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but, you know, i gotta say in the back of my had nothing to back this up on. i just think the public way, by just taking this position that, you know, we're a 1000 percent behind israel and we're going to send as many weapons as possible and this and that whatever. but i think behind the scenes and his phone calls with that and yahoo and just reading some of the analysis of all this pro, it's rarely have certainly been some links. there been some policy experts who have waited on this and said, absolutely that it's not nearly as uniform opposition in the united states and israel as it looks publicly, but there's something in publicly biting, doesn't like that. and yeah, he's made the right or when i was in new york, just the what, i don't know what to 67 weeks ago for the you, when the annual un meetings, you know, and, and yeah, i was upset that he did not get an invitation like zalinski and others did when they were in the us. hey,
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come on down to dc. come to the white house all that. i didn't didn't want anything . they had a perfunctory little 2 chairs there at the u. n. and they sat side by side for a minute and then yeah, i wouldn't, and that was, it was not welcome at the white house. you know, i was a supporter, bernie sanders and uh, but i bought it for buying and i have been once now once in one time, many times over, a very kind of surprise unhappy with the things that binding has done since he's been present. they helped the people to help the poor to, to stand with the union. so i've never seen a president go to a union march or demonstration to support the union against the automakers. so i think that that there's will no more in the months or years to come. yeah, i mean if there's a speak to that because i, it makes me think about the future or the potential future of the left before you guys want to ask you this. if you were in avatar progressive politics,
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long before people knew what bernie sanders was or who uh and alexandria will cost you a quarter to as was. now there are pod cast about the end of neo liberalism, and more people are joining dsa, democratic socialists of america than ever before. the unions are experiencing the highest levels of public support in decades. a, to your point of bernie almost got the democratic nomination for president as a self identified socialist. i mean, there is a vocal contingent in congress right now that identifies this progressive. we're in a different moment. are you, are you satisfied with the gains made by the left in this country? yes or no, i mean, the gains are not for now. i mean, we saw during the pandemic because of all of the federal support and help for people. poverty amongst children was caught in. yeah. and i'm not the only one who thought at the time, well, why don't we just keep this call. we look what we've done just by providing help to
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those who need it and you know, and then of course, you know, because he's a more of a, a mater advisors had this, you know, the doesn't kept a lot of that a going, but i think i think the young people get it, they are the ones behind the new union movement in this country. you know, you've got what over 30400 starbucks had been organized, embodied in the union. and of course they're fighting that. and as they always do, this is all young people doing this and, and it is young people who are standing up. uh for that. how sitting people you stand up for it. you know, they're, they're focusing a lot on the few. the few kind of crazy people that are bigots, you know, a thing like this is real, you know what they've been doing, playing into the hands of bigots. and that's kind of white supremacist support. but that is not this country now. and, and the right wing will not run the show here. again,
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i really believe in that. i don't believe trucks can they get elected back into the white house? there are so many millions of americans who have not liked the way that we've gone . and in closing, i just want to say thank you for all the people who stand for peace is real, especially. thank you and, and to all here in this country and i, i'm weirdly optimistic. maybe i shouldn't be, but i, i just don't think netanyahu and his game are going to get away with this. and i think that the slaughter will end and maybe not soon enough, michael. thank you so much for joining us. personally. thank you for letting me speak. and um, uh it's uh, i think this is the 1st television interview i've been asked to do since the started on october 7th. so my,
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my sincere agrees and condolences to everyone who's died 1st on october 7th. just nobody who is jewish should have to spend another day on this or worried about their survival. and then immediately we need to stop the floor in gaza. um the re, the house you just have to be returned and sensible people who care about peace care about each other. have to sit down at a table and, and work this out. and you know, we say a prayer for all, oh, absolutely. so that not, no, not another person has to die. indeed, everybody, michael moore, thanks again for joining us. everybody. that's our show upfront. we'll be back next week the
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the latest news as it breaks on. and these say that challenge the president is going to face is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage, the native forests on the other half of this gigantic property. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicle south korea's answer to the air. it has to be the phone counting, the cost of tax microstates and the red c a disrupting global trade could then push out prices and fuel inflation. africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus we look at the house, the
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hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life to jo. how it coming up in the next 60 minutes. southern garza's largest remaining hospital begins to buckle under the strain, a sick injured and a homeless palestinians, russian hoping for any kind of health. the rain pours on garza compounding misery for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians left outside without shelter. just a day off to the international court of justice, orders israel to stop kenning potter stains at least a $174.00 killed and $24.00.
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