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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:52pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the color on the bulk of this has been use our life some day coming up for the next 60 minutes. the rain paws on the gauze. a compounding misery for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians left outside without shelter. boys ready, a tax on medical sites in southern gaza. nasa hospital and con eunice is overwhelmed with the wounded and sheltering palestinians. just a day off to the international court of justice. orders is ralph has stopped killing palestinians at least
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a $174.00 were killed in 24 hours of his rarely military action. the claims of atrocities committed in thought for a prosecution from the international criminal quotes meet survivors in neighboring chance. the welcome to the program, heavy rain and cold weather in gauze, making living conditions even worse, published in units whose homes have been destroyed by as well as war. 85 percent of the population of last night houses and then having to find safety in other parts of the strip, i will start running short of food, clean water, and medicine. topic i was doing reports from rough winter rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes by these very war machine. people in the camp have slipped
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palms and pallets now or at the met stupid elements. man who has been reinforcing his tempt. see as his, like many others could be blown away by stones, a light and you've seen yourself the condition of the tension which i left. we ask, allow, mighty to stop this disaster as calamity put an end to this war. and to help us return safe to our home is old and is here, i'm need cat that's difficult and open. impossible to find a children among goose made homeless, old face, the cold and train of gauze as winter. don't have what they need to ensure the survival, dustless palestinians here like old basic necessities. now the 10 style living in offloading with winter clothes and short supply. you have no choice but to into the harsh weather conditions. as long as last water has been pull ringing to tens during storms. people, if it feels more, if he is impossible,
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but most to the can to get by 11. well, the 5 digit than i done, jimmy, a situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tense mattresses and blankets very with. the men have managed with difficulty to use stones, to create the kind of gate the defense motor water from getting in the situation. he does disaster us for desperate people are wrong, and that comes every day for themselves as is very forces at fonts. tens of supplies already hot to come by soon you will have to stretch even further topic of a zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern garza, and let's go to tag now who joins us live from southern gaza and target. they are truly miserable weather conditions, any deepening people suffering that how people coping of the. but it was completely hard to imagine how those people that could have been gone,
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at least on getting dress the conditions that they had been getting through since the arrival of the rainy weather in gauls as those people have been struggling on daily basis in order to secure the assembly members or at least and then be will it be the amount of range of the rain and also when a gusting wind, that struck could they make shift sholtes as they have been living inside since being displaced from the houses from separate areas in the territory today we've been to ring among and between through stems, finding out desperate children of women who are looking exhausted from long nights so cool that they have been hit with, especially with the fluctuations of whether inside these mac shift filters they were completely living in peo takes conditions as they have been sleeping for the month of the woods that had been sunk a i'm so that they are a make shift change. it tends to,
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as boost people have completely struggling to keep themselves where, especially with the deep shortage of what floats, especially for one to one as the did not manage to get much as they were fleeing. and also with this condition that had been resulted, will it contribute to increasing the possibility of the suppression of risk by rotary end of a disease, especially among children due to the absence of hiding hygiene conditions in these areas. that black hole, basic necessities of time to stay with us, we'll come back to you shortly because i want to reflect on the scale of the vines that we've seen in the past 24 hours because and it's ready to strike on a house. and rafa was killed at least 3 people that were injured. many more woman says she's lost her sister and nieces and not striking as they me they were sleeping suddenly the rocket fell on them. that's all i know. i live far from them. i heard this news and came to see what happened and now learned it was
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the body of my sister and her 2 children. i found them dead. let's go back to attack and rougher and time i come wherever we in terms of the latest fighting because it doesn't appear to be any change, despite not ruling and the hague israel and the aggression of the destiny of it. it's completely there is moving to the top and science and ingles a display to the order that has been issued by the international court of justice to suspend o military to suspend all acts of genocide, a made by isabel against palestinian civilians inside dollars a box in the past 24 hours, we have been seeing a very surging increase of military acts as these very forces continued to attend palestinians being injured. and the ongoing attacks across different areas as we have been seen by tools between deposit palestinian fighters and the east really. so just continue also to happen in the main central neighborhoods of hon. you a city along side also with unless there's
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a bridge and jerry bela town where he's ready forces are mobilizing more troops to fight in these areas in what been seeing and hearing a lot of over statements where the fight is really military official regarding the expansion of the military acts that to secure all the areas that considered to be bytes. and from these really perspective to militarily this mountain of the metrics infrastructure for the palestinian fight is the reality on the ground that the majority of casualties and victims that are fully on daily basis are including children and women who have been peacefully living in the houses and being targeted if they did not follow the option of if leading to roughly speaking safety. but also this talking fox is the roof are being bombarded today for 3 power stands being killed, giving a clear indication even in areas the are supposed to be safe zone for the majority of these activities button. and that will continue as well. sorry, many thanks man. talk about resume life for us and rough. now the biggest hospital
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and southern gaza was reported now to be on the brink of collapse. the don't mess the whole warning. it wouldn't be able to function for much longer, more than $350.00 patients. and many other people, it'd been forcing their homes sheltering that a 170 for palestinians have been killed across the gauze and stripped in just the past 24 hours of a mood as more from rough up in southern gaza. scenes of pay us and nonsense. the wounded and dying lie on the floor. to sterilize ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have sort of supplies the say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients and same. and so we can pull up our most teams in our department of left even the clean is it gone? some doctors,
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nurses tried to clean the hospital. i felt once we're done treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displaced television. warren galvan no longer has a health care system. doctors without borders accuse israel of targeting gall just hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for tea and are able to offer medical services and only base to get the treatment. because the yet, there isn't enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are all is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is really forces. the world health organization is calling for an immediate cease fire, so it can restock the few functioning hospital level that we are suffering here. there's nothing available, no milk formula,
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food or medication to children. hospitalized packed, and there are no doctors to treat the patient, but the desperation in grows daily as does the lethal combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately the u. n warns will cause more palestinians than is really bun hunting mode. i was just, you know, 5. so during garza or adults, i'm in my grubby is the head of the plastic surgery and buttons department and nessa hospital. he describes how dawning the situation is now. and that's a an extent did you. we are on the eh and said zones at him and a possible spit, the $95.00 or maybe kill us both or the to the host to be that because of the continuous bowman around. and there was to be done because of the gunshot sounds and the gun showed that the fighting at the top of the list to be done,
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and some gloss is already broken because of the so gotcha, it's funny uh most of you that we did it from those to be done, actually people just do you used to be those to be the use this as a she's got as i say please. i don't know. has to be down there. what they are. i mean like 7 to an scores down nearby. they belong to on a lot of an ac issue, and these scores used to be for also or if i created people manual, these people are not as bad. the actual name is saw evacuating and also rooms and also so we tend to be for like 90 percent evacuated. so okay, can you imagine 95 percent of that kind of stuff or any of those to be tested because they were to skip that so they they actually they created a total file. they made me um, some says owns on some notices and getting, i guess they, they, they did
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a lot of depression. 1 and the restaurants outside of those 5th of the you know, hundreds of these fish almost 4 need scale of only yeah, we'll need some go need the sales heavy. so i still doing it. uh it says use of mind you bought me that i spoke to because i don't have, you know, you know, stuff. i don't have cellphones. i don't have this is all, it's just me. i know i'm doing all the cases. this is a pollution you model a lot of you. if you look at them, if you go supplies as he all the same as 5 d is let us of the siege of the lady tools. nothing can thought of those to be done and get them all ready to go supplies for one. well, it's uh, you know, and my name's actually actually always the same strange the ocean did something else, but that every day and i'm speaking no money, but now we ought to fight this without, for this type of medical supplies,
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i don't know for how long we would stand for how many i don't know actually i don't know. one we've 2 weeks. we don't hold for how long people just stay with such a system. services and situation will have to months. now if there's already a tax, many of gauze or cities once vibrant, which is 0 visited, should julia in kansas city, what houses and businesses have been left in ruins? policeman and i used to drive yourself home at the end of the i am on my way to shy and neighborhood east of god's assistant to monitor how much the is ready forces, boulders large areas on the beach the month before. as you can see, this is what is left following the occupation forces withdrawal on an hon. these are the, these are some sharps that were destroyed by these ready bold eyes when you get the quote to the pictures are you on, on the wizard. see, i've arrived at the vicinity of a popular market here, and there are
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a few citizens who were trying to see what happened to the houses, to see whether that homes were leveled by the occupation forces on this and shut off all the moment feeling i didn't want to crush, i'm now and tell a bean street where a series of strikes have caused all this destruction that the ship to the more than 100 people have been killed here. and some others are still under the rubble of the bodies of the dead are left on the ground in some have not been identified. the see how the model known that there were 3 people who were killed here, 2 brothers and the sister more put in a be a mother the they are in this and they all civilians. we knows and cause they all my neighbors and their houses over the but this person covered by nyland icon recognize or identify him to get in and have the model
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you can and these really tanks and full days is used together here they have destroyed the entire neighborhood the u. k. and finland say they also spend funding to view an agency for policy in your refugees announcement. it follows the sacking of several staff members of course known as own right on friday. israel is alleging they were involved and they don't tell you the 7th of tax. and so if i was in stuff in guns and thousands of his race have gathered intel a view for 2 separate demonstrations. the 1st is in how big a square a people are running against the government. they're of assembling of the will on guns. i'm calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down. namely, gathering that weekly to make that same demand hold on, i don't need isn't tennessee with more on those 2 rallies. here you have the families. oh, i've been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war right in front
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of the ministry of defense. they have a whole encampment there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no joke about, you know, early elections like what we've heard just an hour ago. and the anti government protests do here is just the message, keeping the pressure for the government to do whatever i can to bring back the captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we live here some reaction as the anti government produce earlier made many blame a really busy government for what happened. they said is because of the rest of the hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the really also the tooling for the government. and has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by and the,
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the far right. and the far right. really, this is the girls i'm or what's happening at the moment, including what they see as a munition or amusing or damage to the image of israel on an international level. now in the substance of the eyes, the j many people would tell you that it's the victim is well, that is being put on the dock and it should be the other way. the power military rapids support forces that number of displaced people is now the highest in the world according to the international organization. for migration, it says people into done are at risk of mound nutrition, infectious diseases, and violence. the conflicts us destroyed most of the countries infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and rose. with the international criminal quotes. chief prosecutor is visiting chad's eastern border. we see that document allegations of abuse car, him con,
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will present his findings to the un security council of monday. well, the 6 hundreds of thousands sudanese refugees have crossed into chat since finance broke out about 7 months ago. victims and survivors se raped from isis seat that i too excited about the possible forces that behind those accused of such crimes. it's a virus like gumbo, danny assessed justice must be done. how many degrees i would use either agree, eastern chide. let's look into this and much more detail now with alex deval, who's the executive director of the world. peace foundation and research, profess a tough fletcher school of law and diplomacy. he joins us from boston if i will welcome to thank you for your time, sir. as we mentioned that the i c, c, chief prosecutor time. com has been carrying out this fact finding mission by visiting chas east and border which see that what do you anticipate his findings will confirm. i'm sure that his can findings, that his fundings will, will confirm that
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a grave abuses of human rights have been of genocide. they need only watch the videos made and circulated by the perpetrators of crimes themselves. and these are far too graphic to, to screen on, on television for that and then not only particularly gruesome, but what is particularly especially disturbing is the wave of the perpetrators of celebrating the, the atrocities are infecting. and denigrating d, who those perpetrators walking the streets on a daily basis. secondly, also that money fear that they will die without effort. see in justice, the question is, where will these findings go next? what difference will they make as well? the wheels of justice grind very, very slowly, so only one sudanese government told militia perpetrated to from the atrocities of 2003, 2005 has actually a pairs of
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b. i. c. c. his name is ari quick shape. he was indicted in 2007. he surrendered to the court, 13 years later. and his trial began in april of 2022 so almost 2 years ago. and it is not finished yet. the trial is still ongoing, so that is just one perpetrator out of many thousands and it's tight so about allowing the voices of the victims and survivors to be had. and what i very much hope is that the visit of the prosecutor and his report to the un security council next week will be an opportunity, at least for the voices. all the people left off for who, who are complete has this apparent and difference come from. do you think? well, i think the, the champions of accountability, such as and previous as the united states and western european countries, petro of lost interest in this and, and in a case, a lot in
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a country likes to done the most powerful actors. now, the major middle eastern states, such as the united uh, car of emeralds that appeared to have no interest in accountability to begin with. and so the, the civil society, the ordinary people in sedona. com desperately searching for international champions of their rights and, and the search for justice. i like so very briefly before you go, i wonder, to what extent of the conflicts around the world of distracted attention away from what is happening that awful. and i think it's certainly the case that saddam, which i'm the, as your report said, has the knowledge is number 4, so pretty despise people anywhere in the world has dropped off the, the, the international agenda probably because of ukraine. partly because of,
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of israel and, and gone so, and it does seem, sadly, is that said, the wells attention can only be focused really on, on, on one maximum to crises at the same time. and this is the pre d p request. people like stuff um, executive director of the well peace foundation. it's been a pleasure to hear your thoughts and to have you on the program may. thanks. thank . hundreds or protests have months through the streets in major cities in kenya, demanding more be done to stop rising acts of violence against women. yeah, cry follows a series of murders of women this month demonstrate is a cooling on the government to bring
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a new measures to protect women and girls as the rights organizations. and can you say the latest matters of women? a part of a wide, a trend across the country. the government doesn't collect specific data on the killings. bought a national women's rights group. lost a 152 cases in 2023. that's the highest number in 5 years. another group estimates 500. can you women with meredith between 20172024 cases of abuse. so also right from national survey and twits 22 found with 9000000 canyon women. that's roughly a 3rd of the entire population of experience. some form of physical violence in jerry mckinley is a human rights activist. i have the executive director of was to give me a group which deals with gender based finance. she says there's not enough support
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from the kenyan government or from the police is what you're seeing us from your site is a combination of run region. the respondents that has gone and checked, we do not have missions of the police complacency, as well as a very slow judicial process is that leads to really to persecution. have led us to this position that. ready in today, the government has been as well me should stay to the agenda and not so much fun to see. i think the big one actually is to be exercised for you. the government is not talking about this. you're asking the government number one is to return or the minister of gender black to a choose to be which isn't the minister of the service. we also demanding that we need a commission. that is, is, is of involved people to actually credit what the problem is, the number 3 petition we're asking for, the government to declare that firm site is a national disaster. right. let's take the money now where people say that worried
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about an escalation in violence off to the ministry lead has ended the peace agreement with all i'm groups. it also raises concerns of further instability. and that's a whole region of west africa that goes talk has more to the end of a peace agreement that failed to bring peace to molly. the tv announcement by military leaders came as no surprise to many millions in the capital by myself to be so the piece of payment as an obstacle in uniting the money and people on. yeah, i didn't promoting piece of social occasion as i bought the, i feel the agreements was favoring divisions on monday and on by con, support. i commend the gentle decision he did call via code was a threatened to the republican we couldn't have exhibited it after we left the 2015 algae, here's peace agreement negotiated in algeria, but signed in by my code by mostly toward arm groups and the body and state was seen as a victory for algeria and the united nation, which broke are the deal. but absent at the signing were,
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i'm groups linked to isolate know, tell you that they have since increased their tax for the threatening body sovereignty in the statement. molly's military june, to accuses algeria of harbouring arcade of fighters and other armed groups, hostile to molly, and accuses algeria of meddling in while these affairs of the announcement followed a series of battlefield victories. molly's army with the help of russian mercenaries have taken over territory in the north, last 2 armed groups. the money and government certainly feels that he's in a better position today to negotiate. and they are in a position of strength on the ground could always they recapture in november last year. uh. and so one thing is very clear, i think in their mind that this time they want to leads the piece effort by themselves on monday and territory. algeria expressed regret at the decision saying
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it risk threatening stability in an already unstable region. the leader of the joint ain molly a see me go, dies calling for dialogue. he says, a form is needed to build a new, the multi and piece of equipment you made by molly is formality, is and without for an interference. nicholas hawk elgin 0 of the still ahead. they went out just air of the philippines president finds himself and hope more sense after attending a cold play. come said the cost of living crises shows no signs of using the hello there. we've got some one to be warm, winter weather to be enjoyed across europe. at the moment that's going to take us into the new week thanks to an area of high pressure that's keeping temperatures
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very high, above the average for the likes of the southwest, and also western northwest in areas. and we'll see that trends continue across most central areas as we go into monday, but still some bits a call to be found across western pots of russia, as well as some of the bulk. as you can see, we've got a bit of a wintery mix coming in. this went to weather as well, pushing across intake here and down into grease. we are expecting temperatures to come down of the next few days. we have got warnings that but largely settled across the mediterranean, some foggy and misty issues in pots of italy, though, but sunshine to the latter part of the day. certainly. and despite things looking losely bright invoice, a southern parts of england, we all seen some heavy rain. you can see that bands started to move into scotland and across the island of island. by monday, it has worked its way steadily south, but still lots a mild weather to be found here, temperatures in double digits for london and paris. i show you the attempt to taught. you can see that increase over the next few days. that when the weather will push its way for the east, if we have a look at zurich,
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well above the average with sunshine on tuesday, the, the, the was solving and everything is good. even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would take us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding pure revenge, occupied and imprisoned. hod hey, damien to be used as a un. i'm back to the position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb,
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toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think. look is different on it, access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era the the the fucking box here without a 0. his remind if i told stories this hour, that at least a 174 pound listings have been killed in the past 24 hours. it's just a day off to be international court of justice ordered israel to avoid of genocide . the latest as strikes on a house in the south and rough are getting at least 3 people. the biggest hospital in the south of kaiser is reported to be on the brink of collapse filters and nasa hospital,
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a warning and wouldn't be able to function for much longer. heavy rain and cold weather in gaza or compounding misery upon us to use rain has flooded refuge account. so contents, 85 percent of causes population is being displaced as the will because we're having safari is action, age communications and advocacy coordinator for the altered by policy and territory . she says refugees who flight the homes earlier in the will didn't have the time. oh oppertunity to prepare for winter in more than 20 best ones, they live in one tent at woods is the night on that. the good thing to protect them from this is to be restored in the entry in you where there is a people are flooded with water inside their tents in the any other parts of gather of the, of the huge displacement that for many it has been said where displaced the from
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north and from them into the areas of gather and the hit, the, to the left for seeking self that and for see think, safety and why there is no sick of glasses or zone is set to zones and get the, they live without war or the winter items, and when davis date of homes, when they were displaced today the, the lift width. so somebody call us as the, we know the, the why that in doing go go, but no problem, but in but his time is that it is justice and dozens of protests is demonstrated outside a branch of bodies bind in london, calling for boy costs over the banks alleged financial links to these really military, so when a guy has more from the base capital, so this is a rather different sort of action that is taking place this weekend. instead of the lodge, raleigh is that up and taking place in central london. this one has become more
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focused on the organization. it has been found to have been giving support to companies that have been invested in the is really a me and given them ministry technology as well as arms and components on this company that is focused on this weekend is bought piece by a bar, which has been found to provide more than a $1000000000.00 worth of loans to companies, as well as underwriting, some 9 of the companies which have given components and ministry technology to the is really all me. now what they're intending to do here is hoping to hopefully the actions that took place in south africa, wisconsin to south africa. and eventually off the much pressure to 60 is, was a pretty serious action is by such events. it's divested itself from apartheid
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south africa. and people who are hoping that this action will do the same. so nearby jago al jazeera london, large crowds have gathered in janine and the occupied westbank for the funeral and for posting a man killed. and in this rarely raid, his body was carried through the streets of the city while i'm on his chanted slogans denouncing what they call the crimes of israeli forces. because there anyways, in the rest of intensifies notified westbank since the beginning of the war with at least $373.00 palestinians killed the us and u. k, i have launched 2 strikes, hitting a port and had data problems and humans. and that's according to who t reports that comes off the who t fight to step top of the tank some vessels in the red sea. on friday, one of the missiles has a british tongue cut off the coast of human. the mountain dwanda reported damage but no injuries to his crew repeated attacks on shipping of the red sea. a false container ships to avoid the serious canal for the shopping center in
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support of the oppressed palestinian people. and in response to the american british aggression against our country. the naval forces, with the help of god, carried out to target to the operation against the british oil tank. marland the wonder in the gulf of age and using a number of suitable naval ms solace. the hits was by wrecked, leading to expanding germany on forces of fun, the continuation of the operation from the red sea. i shall add to the already being against his regular ship of those heading, the pulse of old card, published by us until the aggression stopped. and food and medicine will deliver to the east kind of city and people in the gaza strip is ready ministry. this is air force as of time, has been the target some southern lebanon. the statement says war plains bomb locations in the been to bail. and the on this regions, israel says it has belong operational infrastructure and a ministry building and run con has more from the lebanese town of a go saki, a detention as long as both i haven't got away, they are still
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a pace. they all being contained alone. this product is real, but has now introduced this like new tactic, targeted assassinations between 3 of those in the last few weeks. those have taken place deep within a lebanese territory, some 40 kilometers in, at one point with the killing of a senior local come on. that was something else. well, that took place 2 weeks ago. we both i so at that talk to the size of the nation of a mass leda. so they all roll re, uh, in uh, the some suburbs of the root. so clearly there's a lot of politics still to go look negotiations, don't the guy before the tensions, little missed board to cease and that something like that. his bullets like that know, interested in until there is a complete ends of the war and goes levels in a very difficult position. it has a can take a government right now. it doesn't have a president. uh, there's a lot of politicking going on,
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so it's not like the lebanese are completely unified right now in terms of showing strength to israel is always taking advantage of this. it's sending messages through us and french envoys who have been to the region in the last couple of months saying that has bullet needs to come to the negotiating type type. so worst it's being contained, there is some really bought on both sides. boda, thousands, tens of thousands of people have been displaced on this side of the board and level on 76000 people are still unable to return to the house. he still had cut out of here and we'll have the latest from germany and the control the city involving fall right. x 3 miss plans for the most deportation of money goods. but also in iraq or form a palace which used to belong to saddam hussein has been transformed into a museum issue, the trust, the,
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the these wells war on guys a continues, we bring you the late we are on the rounding dollars a covering the ongoing argument and the suffering to people's terms that we lost displacement and block of resources and from the height is to refund the data rate from restrictions prevents freedom of rights to worship from tennessee will continue our coverage of israel will cabinet decision the campuses and all the political development part wouldn't detailed coverage of the wong cause of
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the the talk about donald trump is having to appeal against a court ordered by $83000000.00 in damages for defamation. trying to new york, the jury said the former us president, subject to the right to engine list e gene county use of religion to malicious attacks after she accused him of rape wells and then jordan reports of victory posed in new york city. the journalist e. jean carol and her legal team on friday, celebrating a jury decision to award her $83300000.00 in her defamation case against former us president donald trump. it's in a statement, carol said, this is a great victory for every woman who stands up when she's been knocked down. and
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a huge defeat for every bully who has tried to keep a woman down. back in 2019 carol accused trump of raping her in the mid 1990 a charge. she denied a jury decided in 2023. trump was responsible and ordered him to pay carol $5000000.00. but before and after that court case, trump accused carol of lying attacked her character and subjected her to death threats from his supporters. all that led to this latest law suit and fridays verdict trumps reaction. the case was meant to derail his presidential campaign. i fully disagree with both verdicts and will be appealing this whole bite and directed which hunt outside parliaments of the capital vienna. similar den. this happened in all the austrian cities. they followed protests in germany. after
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reports that right wing parties discussed the mass of people. taishan of money grants or mass demonstrations that we said that have been seen in various german cities against the f d. far right policy. so many cane has more from violin on the increasingly popular alternative for germany. of this was germany in the last few days. hundreds of thousands of people in the streets venting the anger at the if day a fall right party that stands accused of wanting to implement neo nazi policies. accusations the policy strenuously denies which stem from a meeting held in november at this building in pottstown. where prominent if de politicians met some christy and democrats and of a leading german right wing us to discuss what they call re migration a policy which would remove the citizenship of migrants who's become naturalized as germans and deport them from this country. it's
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a concept which one leading lawyer says is entirely illegal. the idea of re migration basically calls for a complete abolition of human rights of migrants of every refugee convention off and basic rights and shrines in the german constitution. it would require regime change that brings the far right into a position of power where they can do whatever they want. and the last time the far ice in this country has chumps to do what ever wanted to do in power. it came up with this. the nuremberg mall, not seeing that a solution which took away the citizenship of jews and others of the human rights and encourage them to leave this country. eventually, the journey that started with this law would end with the holocaust. a zach as v, as de leadership says it diploma was anti semitism as distance itself from the pop
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stem discussion in an angry intervention in parliament. one of its members who was at the meeting denied planning unconstitutional policies and denounced the coalition. government might not, by my party is exclusively concerned with the constitutional measures which you are not enforcing that's a failure of the state. that's why you're trying to distract attention from your failure by smearing us. but one thing is arguable, the policies of the i, if day on now in focus as never before, while hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the party in the street. many millions more supporting it in the polls. in a country where as much as 18 percent of the population can be classed as migrants . don't want it. kane address, era bullying. the president of the philippines is facing a backlash for taking a trip to a rock. concert is the arrival by helicopter has infuriated many in the country
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where poverty is widespread. barnaby lo has the story from an in a it's a british rock band, whole place sold out show in manila, philippine president 14 and marcus junior was among the cheering fans. by the way. what was the rest of the crowd in george hours of traffic jams to reach the concert? marcus flew in on the presidential helicopter itself is said, it wasn't necessary for security. but critics say it was just another example of marcus's tone, deaf governing style. but the thing is, he use the filipinos boxes on watching. i'm not saying the beans and of the say, the incident gave marcus critics, something to focus on the salad. and if there's one thing the marxist have long been accused of, is there use of state funds for personal benefit? critics say the use of a government's healthy copper is in line with the presidents of bringing people off
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julia's father's 20 years in offering that presidency. often described as one of the most corrupt in the world. in yet as recently as december, 1 survey suggested a majority of filipinos were happy with marcus's performance. except on installation to st. paul found almost 3 quarters of the population was dissatisfied with the high cost of living. and i don't, i don't see. and so the number for, i guess you probably, i'm sorry to keep playing robertson of a 5 and of the say reviving the economy is going to be tough. especially after cove and 19 he has done some, some diligence to. however, we know that the recovery from depend demik and from the double digit recession of the economy will not take overnight. but we also know that for ordinary filipinos, economic hardship continues to be the main issue of the day. which is why some of
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the president's foreign trips have been condemned as ill time and the necessary as commodity prices sword last year. he was the only as the leader to attend the world economic forum in douglas. in this year he looks that the continues jet setting ways with an even bigger travel budget. barney, below l g 0. many of the 1st round of talks is being held in baghdad. home, the future of american troops in iraq, iraq, you government is expecting discussions with us, diplomats to lead to a timeline for true reductions us policy instead of being in iraq since the invasion of the country 11 years ago. they've been targeted and at least a 150 attacks in the past 3 months, like groups linked to neighboring iran, or gears of war neglect and the rock. i've taken a toll on archaeological sites that go full in 1991, forced the shutdown of a museum and buzzer from the city in southern iraq. i'll bring it up to wind report
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. so what happens to these things exhibits as these policy in iraq to solve the new city of basra was built for former lead us of done for saying no, it's a museum of antiquities, hosting heretics from ancient to a separate tamia oh, defects on displays, pen, civil errors and civilizations. so marian, that'd be loading in a c, n, n, a slum. yeah, i'd tell them what time. so this is the 2nd largest museum in iraq off to the national museum in baghdad. and it has a phone, a off, 1000 authentic and rad pieces. the ministry of culture and tourism has chosen this policy because of its unique design. the collection encourages statues, jewelry, and pottery, as well as tablets engraved with ancient lettering. but several monuments were
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damaged by icicle in 20142015. many of these are 2 facts were looted in smug into abroad for only the 2003 us so that indeed and before being retrieved abroad. here, this is again palace, which was one's home to the leader of a to tell the tennessee and redeem is now a platform for all of your rockies on foreign visitors to get to know your rocks rich cultural heritage. archaeology professor news on old. your travelling to hear from poor to go to see ancient items he has studied, admired for most of his life. he regrets that thousands of precious pieces are on the accounted for less than my but the money, but the worst part is the smuggling cases that happened off to 2003, well, only to business. so the stolen piece is a not catalogue. unlike faces that was smuggled in the 19th century,
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which would treated and documented and that include priceless honest x that belong not only to a rock, but to all human. let's say, unfortunately, they have disappeared. the condo, the last one i'll allow you, provide a you've won teakwood, use and heritage recency opened in the museum because he's a collection of books and manuscripts on the countries ancient monuments and archaeological sites and looked about the whole week or so within the the library has a variety of facilities on iraqi history and ation civilizations. forming an academic, it's no longer have to travel to bypass that to access all could logical publications. they also tackles pcs on display here, especially those relates to cuneiform studies, as it provides translation. acute from tex, engraved on pieces, i mean stuff here, whole visitors to wouldn't come to the museum and not just to view it's displays, but also to take part in the body. as all the cultural activities have moved up to, i hate inches, you know,
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most of the southern iraq your help today. that's it for me and the bulk of the news. i'll be back for more news shortly. thanks for watching the so want making sure. well i, i guess the scared the hell i don't think i've ever had anybody get my face like that if i was 20 years younger of and 2nd degree murder throat, his 8 year legal battle, he maintained that he shot into child and self defense during the trial, he's out on the stand and claim that this was the most dangerous, terrifying life threatening situation he had ever experienced. and his whole life. i'm sitting down in a completely defenseless position. i'm looking up at this guy and he looked like
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monsters down there. and that's just hard to believe that someone throw in a little bit of popcorn i knew was the most terrifying experience and all of your swat days and all of your police career or the man that took a life has turned into the victim. and my husband is now the aggressor, and that's not fair because that's not the truth. that's not how it was. every human mind is a managing thoughts at the emotions challenge. and if you're not helping meant to me, then it's sort of like you do not living. we travel to south africa to explore brain training is leading to a limited success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm, stay, relax, and be able to share your shot as you normally would. amongst episode sweep on on
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the brain. pause on the gov. the compounding miseries of the hundreds of thousands of palestinians left homeless on these really bump up the low on the bulk of this just be out of the 0 off our from total. how will so coming up just a day off to be a special court of justice, orders israel to stop coming, palestinians, at least a $174.00, were killed in 24 hours of use. radiate times the
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