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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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fixing all we know seeing a worrying excavation in the process and rather system lead international efforts to contain the will stay without a 0 for the latest developments. the israel is on trial for genocide, but there is no less often. it's a salt, it's military is pounding, southern golfing has the siege major hospital news, and i want money in sight. this is all just there in life from don't oh, so coming up. is there any forces setup check points in con eunice, conducting one palestinian site as a campaign of a rest humiliation tara,
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close to the heavy rains. flood comes for displace palestinians in gaza adding to the missouri the in israel purchased this quote for the resignation of the prime minister and demand in the election. and israel's illegal assessment expansion threatens a unesco weld heritage size and the only pod west by the to hi eunice in southern garza, is on the is really at and land a sold palestinians are reporting heavy ariel and tank. find the central and southern parts of the city. the been intense vassals between is riley forces and palestinian fighters. thousands of people have been uprooted from that homes to
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escape of audits at least 26257 palestinians have been killed since israel launched its offensive engagement on october. the 7th to con unice has now become the focal points of israel's offensive. in recent weeks, soldiers of setup checkpoints, screening and detaining palestinians, or trying to move away from the destruction and fighting families, had been forcibly arrested. and those who were released tell of days of humiliation, as is spelled amar reports, and more than even men haven't hudson, the people are moving across this check points that was sets up. yeah, i'll actually university towards the weston area is, is really forces setup this check point 2 days ago. and they've been arresting numerous people as they passed through this check point. oh no not. they took my boys earlier and they just released the moments ago. they took them last night,
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they've just released them. my boys didn't do anything wrong. i'm freezing today. they stopped and detained destiny of a tank. they fired round near ralph feats. they detained and searched us. of the, the loan. well, the humiliated us and fired i saw there was no volta and they detained the safe and lights. then they told us to return to the schools. today in the morning, they fire us again, the moon on, but when they left yesterday we thought we would not see them again. but sign god, we signed them here. well love and i'm of the brains and then said it was very tough. we had to throw away all our belongings, couldn't even eat whenever we tried to open up the bags, they would open fire. the occupation forces has been opening fire in the direction of the displaced people. people reported large numbers of injured at con eunice county,
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and that's our neighborhood. and there are a number of people killed and the dead bodies on the ground. meanwhile, many displaced people have taken refuge in the schools near nasa hospital. so people continue to move towards the far west and positive, con eunice. and they have no clue where they could be heading next. under the ongoing escalation of israel as offensive. garza is facing a health crisis they onto and off hospitals to co, the 10s of thousands of injuries and increasing outbreaks of diseases. the southern golf is not just hospital and con eunice is on the is rarely siege spokesman for the gallons. a health ministry says at least a 150 bodies have to be buried inside the national hospital compound. it's run out of blood for transfusions, live saving medicine. i'm food, old and 350 patients and 5000 displays palestinians all sheltering that honey.
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my mood reports from rafa on the dia, stage of the hospitals, the scenes of pay us and nonsense hosted the wounded and dying lie on the floor. there lies ation and basic medical hygiene are luxuries. doctors simply do not have short of supplies. they say they are forced to use the same bandages on multiple patients and same and so same for the power of most teams in our department of left, even the cleaners have gone some doctors and this has tried to clean the hospital. i felt once we're done treating patients, it's the disaster. the hospital has about 350 patients and at least 5000 displays, palestinians are filtering at the company. they are unable to leave, outside is really times and fears, fighting internationally and organization. warren galvan no longer has
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a health care system. doctors without borders accused israel of targeting gall just hospital one after the other. the you on say is only for do you in are able to offer medical services and only base to get the treatment. because the yet, there isn't enough light during the day. so imagine what it's like at night. many times medical teams rely on mobile phone torches. nurses are also trying to perform miracles. i'm a, let's see, the do we work with the minimum tools in this a very typical situation. the lack of electricity and fuel is a big obstacle. we haven't had electricity since the hospital was targeted by is really forces. the world health organization is calling for an immediate cease fire . so we can re stock, the fuel functioning, hospital level that we are suffering here. there's nothing available, no milk formula, food or medication to children. the hospital as packed and there are no doctors to
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treat the patient, but the desperation in gro, as daily, as does the lethal combination of hunger and disease, which ultimately d, u, and warns will cause more palestinians then his ray, the bun. hunting mode is just the you know, 5. so during garza earlier we spoke to dr. osmond mcgraw, be the head of the plastic surgery and bands department and also hospital. he describes how the few remaining doped as a coping with a lack of supplies because you, we are on the ad says jones demand a possible submit the 95 or maybe the color stuff. or if that was to be done because of the continuous bowman around and there was to be done because of the gunshot sounds and the gun show that the fighting at the top of dollars to be done in front of gloss is already broken because of the said got troops hiring uh
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most of the evacuated from those to be done. actually, people just do you use to be those to be the use it as a she's got as i say please. i don't know. has to be down there what they are. i think like 7 to an scores the nearby, the minimum to on the organization and the scores used to be for also or if i created the point manual, these people to this book, they action and they started evacuating and also problems and also has to be done before, like 90 percent evacuated. still. okay. can you imagine mind if i better sense of me that kind of stuff already to those to be that because their way of escape? that's a and they actually they created a total file. they made me, um some says those uh, some notices. again, you know, i guess they, they, they did the no the, uh, the partial. 1 and the restaurants outside of those speed,
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the the, you know, 100, so the specialist who needs to get a warning, he will need some, we need the sales heavy. so i still doing it. uh, it says your use of mind. you bought me. i spoke to because i don't have your, you know, office stuff. i don't have cellphones, i don't have this is, well it's just me. i know i'm doing all the cases. this is the way sion, you know, model a lot of you, if you look at the me because supplies as he all the same is 5 d is let us of the see all the lady tools. nothing gets out of those to be done and get them all ready to go supplies phone. well, it's all, you know, i, my name's james. actually, actually all the same strange or something, something else, but that every day and i'm speaking no money, but now we ought to fight this without for this stuff. and then it comes up was,
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i don't know how long we would stand for how many i don't know. actually i don't know one we've 2 weeks. we don't know for how long people just stay with such a system services and situation. or how does the indians in dolls i have lost all semblance of life since israel's will began? tens of thousands of men, women and children are living in crumbs, make shift tents. this a cold and heavy winter rain as little food will enclose or blankets target boy zoom. how's this report from russia? when to rain branches, the ruins of gauze, driven from the homes. by the is ready will machine be pulling discount? have flood bombs and bullets. now or at the mess of the elements met her has been reinforcing his tent is c as his lot,
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many others could be blown away by stones. a lot have been this, but a little i don't know was 5 or do the weather is very disturbing. the situation is very difficult when they're strong, it rains heavily. this is our life now. the tense pulling us every night and you've seen yourself the condition of the tense and which i live, we ask a lot of them. i to stop this disastrous calamity. put an end to this war, and to help us return safe to our home and get up the old harem need cat that's difficult and open. impossible to find a children among those made homeless old face. the cold and train of gauze as winter. don't have what they need to ensure the survival, desperation, palestinians here lack old basic necessities. now the 10 style living in offloading with winter clothes, in short supply, you have no choice but to into the hot weather conditions, as long as it last has been poor ringing to attend during storms. people for the
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field life he is impossible, but must do what they can to get boeing will learn with us live good then and then jimmy. the situation is very difficult. the heavy rains meet the tents, mattresses and blankets very with. the men have managed with difficult to use tones to you to kind of state the defense mode well to some getting in the situation. he does disastrous or desperate people are wrong, even that comes every day for himself as is very forces. at moments, tens of supplies already hot to come by soon you will have to stretch even further topic of as soon algebra roof off in southern gaza. you know, it's a nation factory general has appealed to countries that have funded funding of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees to at least guarantee the continue and see if it's all persons. i'm telling you good tara statement comes off to the us state
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department said 12 on the employees were allegedly involved in the october 7th attacked by homeless. says any you and employees involved in acts of tara will be held accountable. 9 of the keys on real estate office of and 5. and one is dead. 9 countries have suspended the funding to enroll, which is the largest aid organization in gaza and says without its support, people in golf that will die well, the head of the agency, felipe lozzo, ronnie says the move is more collective punishment inflicted on the people of gauze that in a statement unreal mentioned the ruling by the international court of justice, ordering that israel should take immediate action to make sure palestinians have the basic needs met it. one that's only possible if one right as the largest agency in gaza is allowed to do its work. as role has said it wants to get rid of and rep from the golf a strip. the agency said it would be immensely irresponsible. the sanction it over
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the alleged actions of a small number, if it's stuff, especially at a time when so many people were displaced at new desperate need of help. this is real angry, protest is have confronted police and tell her vive, outside the is where any defense ministry demonstrations had down to the to demand the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government over the handling of the war. they also called for a safe spot, an early elections. the prime minister needs to go to hell. he needs to go as he said, he is very dangerous. he needs to go. then we can deal with the rest of the if you want, including the parents of the captives knows that mason yahoo is dragging out negotiations without justification, solely because of his own personal property in a separate protest. also, instead of eve,
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hundreds of protests as gathered to demand the return of his riley captives held in, gone, cir, purchased, as have been missing at once, become known as hostage square every week or the other made was at that purchase until the b. it's here you have the families. oh, i've been keeping the pressure ever since the beginning of this war right in front of the ministry of defense. they have a whole encampment. there might be, it is no politics. there's no talk about that. there's no joke about, you know, early elections like what we've heard just an hour ago. and the anti government protests do here is just the message, keeping the pressure for the government to do whatever i can to bring back the captives as soon as they can. this is the main message coming out of here. we live here some reaction as the anti government produce earlier made many blame a really busy government for what happened. they said is because of the rest of the
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hughes by some of the members of the government that actually gave the opportunity to south africa to put this submission at the international court of justice. and that's one of the really also the tooling for the government. and has to have early elections in a big, huge change. it is government, they say that this country has been hijacked by and the, the far right. and the far right. really, this is the girls i'm or what's happening at the moment, including what they see as a diminishing or amazing or damage to the image of israel on an international level . now in the substance of the i c, j, many people would tell you that it's the victim is well, that is being put on the dock and it should be the other way and is ready. right? square piece now says the occupied westbank is experiencing some of the biggest land grabs by israel since 1967 to popular and historically significant sites
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around the threats from israel's army. that's blocking access and aiding illegal supplement expansion. so we're con reports from sebastian and bats. here in the north and south of the occupied west bank. the ancient ruins of sebastian had long been up to the front line of a bicycle of narratives and the occupied westbank is ready to claim them as an important part of that history. wal palestinians living nearby say that's an excuse to justify land grabs horse consultants. they desire, he said, since october, the 7th acts of fine and spice way, the settlers and so just have increased or it's not safe. sometimes to ask the little credibility and to come to visit that. could you go to the site? we don't know what that is that are easiest to blending at me outside of the water because you can see there is no one asking them what they are doing. there is no limits for the pistol out of the, at, for this with a lot of interest to bank. and we are really afraid to lose that because you can
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cite those simple steel boxes mess as while there were few tourists during the war on gaza as well as also shutting off local access. how difficult you like to see if can be a difference of, of the, a lot of things changed after october 7th here is ready. soldiers in the settlers increase the tax. although this has been growing substance on yahoo as far right government to power. and now there's an increase in check points around the town as preventing people from entering the village with splits as punch. the also quotes signed by posting in this way. the leaders in the united states in 1993, sebastian has been divided into 2 sections onto the also quotes area b, and the joint is writing and posting and control. over here is area c just along this line that from the full is really minute to control that since october, the 7th housing se is right, stepped up a tax against the middle of 2 block them from the site. they say for many decades before the rights this line just continuously be in the road. it
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h. e. columbus itself is a village, a bye to you, unesco heritage site dosage with all the trees and last budget haitian this area. west of bethlehem is known for its steep terraces. an aqueducts west palm is still use of 2000 year old reuben irrigation system. but since december settlers have begun expanding an illegal assessment of building a new road blocking foam is access to 17 acres of land old with the support of these way. the minute tree is out of the month of august. the total of the land is filled with olive trees, which my father planted in 1986. this is a huge loss for us and i spoke to the soldier us and they blocked me from accessing my laptop. i told him, i take care of it daily, and they order me to go to the settlement of that out to request that they access permit. during the interview is ready. so just shouted down to 0, his team to stop filming, and demanded to check before search the pharmacy as well as taking the land
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and legal settlements and expanding infrastructure could also drain its water was of an ancient system. they rely on agriculture. the very reason, but it was listed as a protected world heritage sites. neural con, eldest, there are supposed to be a but here in the occupied westbank. the head on out, is there a claims of atrocity committed in del full, the international criminal court prosecute should meet survivors in neighboring chad and we meet some mexican office who's using embroidery to on of the victims of israel's will. on casa, the hello. the unsettled weather is dominating the story across the middle east. the events you can see. the cloud blowing its way from west to east is going to bring some heavy rain over the next few days to places like israel and occupied
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palestinian territories with thunder of showers. domination story in gaza. that way that doesn't go away. you can see sunday into monday is still there. we've also got some unsettled conditions for the north of this, for coastal areas of the black sea, wintery weather, as well dominating around the caspian spaces like iran. but for the south of this, a much more settled story, certainly across the gulf temperatures where we expect to see them. we could just see some blowing dust and sand from some stronger wins across the saudi arabia, in the software on monday. and when is the story across the north of africa, we've got the hon. that winds blowing that sign this the hard us for the east. we could see some of that pushed up towards europe. on this sunday, the winds pushing away from the south winds also the story blowing down into libya . we seen cloudy weather conditions here, putting into northeastern areas of egypt as well. for the south. is this a very wet story across that central band of africa and east scenarios of south
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africa and more heavy rain to come for madagascar of the i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have to change in this legislation and seeing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 word pod, 3. the template on our 20. the,
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the watching out is era minus our top story is this is randy, ministry is set up checkpoints and con, units on his screening. people trying to flee the fighting palestinians say that being detained in the cold for hours without food to the biggest healthcare facility in southern gauze or east on the is rarely sees. and on the brink of cloud talked isn't enough to focus on wanting. it won't be able to function much longer, due to a lot of supplies. heavy winter rains of flooding in full assessments and camps for displays. people in the southern gaza. 85 percent of the population has been pulls from that homes since, as well as when we began prove how the science of forces have rallied outside the home of the us section of the state to condemn his support as well as war on garza or the
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demonstrate is set up camp in front of anthony lincoln's home in arlington, virginia, senior us officials, including president joe biden, all accused of being complicit and as well as the trustees and dasa wise groups filed a civil case cooling on the government to stop ministry aid to israel in mexico, the war has inspired an office to show solidarity through embroidery. he has a story of rosa perez, these using intricate needlework to spread together victims memories. those are also with us. so you have to step less to get a board of the board, can associate the board a little conservative for some of the separate se, this initiative called the system in the present, assessed se, notice because we see the difference in the list. give me a fix then you could ok, i give it to the other. i if that's the only memorial for them in the sense that
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it was easy receiving yusef alice victims bessie to assume the last time you made a up was for the movie. it was very, this will see our lives. he may be listening for most young emails and people will chat will tell this is for the seo and we'll try it out of you. more time was the a, b, c and okay, i get somebody that is cetera. mean minded of explicit especially that he that is that, that is a lot of that or just that that is the going to that i'm in the with enough he would otherwise give me but assume number 2. yes, you go in and see what else and then e and don't as me for them of it. they have proxy might have massey, they'll go to that goodness does. what are those k gets to? yes. you know, they look, notice the dallas equals the and yet the most i jada concepts and the wireless. the point this point is a 60 was point this, this one is that he, that you could okay, as far as the settlement flexion is. but obviously if you just had the look assessments have been doing in augusta could ok, i information with betsy
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n. e as in way to see see, and then it informs you and we'll get the bucket. ok is important. descended on this guide, you scope is important. this is a set of most likely, honestly, that is in las vegas. the south korea's ministry says north korea has find several cruise missiles from morse's office. east coast. sol says it's working with the united states to analyze the license loans on thursday, and we'll create a confirm that it testified a new christmas all last week. film young set it tested and on the wars in nuclear weapons system pockets. don is demanding an immediate investigation off the 9 citizens were killed by an on identified gunman and neighboring iran families and focused on of health funerals for the victims identified by rainy and media only as for nationals, pockets, donnie foreign ministry described the shooting as
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a terrorist. incident pricing in see don is reported to be closing the wells largest internal displacement crisis. the international organization for migration says around 10000000 sudanese have been forced from their homes. many face, mal nutrition, infectious diseases on violence and hospital schools, and writers have been destroyed and 9 months sufficing between the sudanese army and the power ministry. rapids support or the basso for control of sue don has forced more than 600000 student needs to flee into neighboring child money, or from the dell for regions. they alleged genocide, rate torture and the enforce disappearance of thousands. the chief pulse, the case of the international criminal court, has been gathering evidence that many doubt, whether victims will ever get justice. this asset interest reports me some chart.
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this video shows governor dean at bobbie brought him on for young men, detained by lucas melisha is in debt for shortly after they were cut down a little for me. i can honestly gum redeem. so by the november 2023 a tag and managed to make it to this refugee camp in eastern tried. i don't even know that a lot of these people have killed intentionally just before me in the queue or get killed. and it comes in around a great stories abound of murder, rape, torture. i mean sleep meant to suit any use by the groups is so that nearly everyone here is demanding justice. the international criminal court say is it's investigating what victims and their lawyers waste. and then the but we have the evidence from both sides. some of the accused even took images and posted and bragged about such crimes. some of this evidence collaborates with what we hear
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from survive is dr. so working with the survivors, say something maybe permanently damaged 10 percent of them. they use it to suffer from may government that had some problems on some of them. xavion stuff off from behavioral change that vendor, that ability to, to function properly properly. and then some of them they use it to experience most of them. i think it's best to start the the years after the 1st cases of genocide in death for only a few people are being cried. victims say they steals the they all praises walking the street activities and probably say thousands of victims died waiting for justice, but never came. they say that lack of accountability for crimes committed in death for is what's in boulder, an improper treasures of other crimes. and so that many he had out there will look to see justice done is the same as little fifties and the very the but has the both
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sides. right. and how about in the, let's see how many also here in that for, we need just is from isis. he thought i 2 sided, but they'll powerful forces that, behind those accused of such crimes, survive as like gumbo, d assessed. justice must be done. how many degrees i would use it. i agree. eastern tried for killing if more than a 1000 women named kenny of this month is causing an outcry. purchases have marched in major cities, cooling for more protection for women, and goes into monahan. has all these thousands of women in kenya have a message for their leaders? stop the killing. the march is taking place in towns and cities nationwide is the biggest protest of its kind. the country is ever seen.


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