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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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or whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision is keywords you to the 3 american soldiers have been killed in a drone attack. in george president joe biden lanes. what he calls a run back militant groups, the about this and then this is all to 0 life and to have also coming up for us to free . yes. again, palestinians leave fun units in southern garza, israel's attacks get more intense. you and the secretary general colors on total countries to continue funding the u. n. agency. that one's 8 operations in gaza,
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up to 7 said bill and the support and the west african regional long echo was, is delta majors send back up to the queue to fossil molly and these are a non stair deposit, the going to bring you some breaking news and i, the us military's as 3 of us soldiers have been killed on 54, had been injured in a drone attack on an american base in jordan. they're all around 2900 american military personnel stationed in jordan as part of trying to apply there to support jordan's operations against i. so we're going across to alan fisher. what more do we know about what's been going on on joe biden is on the campaign trail. he's in south carolina. he's been speaking in the last hour in a church in south carolina, but he didn't mention this. he was brief. first thing on sunday morning about what
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happened on friday night in jordan, very close to ne city a z then issued a paper statement from the white house and joe biden. it says that he and his wife are upset to hear the news of the death of the service men that a number of other service men had been injured. he also adds the service members embodied the very best of the nation on wavering in their bravery, unflinching their duty and bending in their commitment to a country risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow americans. under allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terrorism, it is a fight. we will not see see, describe them as patriots in the highest sense. and he said they'll carry on the commitment to fight terrorism and also added, we have no doubt we will hold all those responsible to account at the time and the mind of our choosing. what is interesting made, of course, is that joe biden says, but he believes that a milton group linked to a run, his words, what involved and this?
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and just a few hours ago, the joint chiefs of staff, the head of america's military, in a television interview was asked do you think that iran once a war with america, he answered it very simply and said no, but we know since october the 7th that had been a number of skirmishes between the us and some of these groups operating in those areas. that would be number of joint and missile attacks. one american forces. but these are the 1st casualties, and that will increase the pressure on the white house, a white house, which is being very keen to try and keep a lid on the conflict and does not see expand, become a much wider, original conflict. there will be, of course be a concern, but as you say, it is coming at a time when we've seen the us carrying out or being part of operations against the, with the rebels. and you haven't the who these have been linked to around. and of course, uh, how much of a young group in gaza has also been linked to around as well. and the us of supporting israel and it's war on gaza. a look, but there's
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a pattern to these things and we'll see that before in the past. it is, of course i can send that this has happened. clearly the white house will come under pressure to do something about this to respond in some sort of way. but they don't want to see this becoming a much wider war. so the chances of this escalating would be slim, i think every, unless we'd give you that idea, but wind turbine and it says we will respond in a time in a manner of their choosing. it's clear that there will be some sort of operation and certainly what we've seen over the last 3 months is that when the has been working and doing a tax. and it was a tune attack which killed the service. and we have seen responses normally within our certainly within $24.00, it's very rarely goes to $48.00 or $72.00. so there will be a response from the united states. and perhaps there is a hope that with this response, that will keep a lid on this because no one wants to see this escalate into them. at least not
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least the bite and white house. no $11.00 stop, particularly in an election year. we're talking about joe, by being on the campaign trail just in the last few hours. and so there will be that sort of response from the americans, that there will be something almost for one of a back to what i wrote venge attack. and then they are hoping that that will perhaps draw a line under this incident. although it is clear that with what we've seen with the pattern overall couldn't join attacks. this could well continue as long as the united states is thought to be given. it's tacit support to israel and what it's doing in the water and gas calling for another. thank you very much indeed down and fisher talking to us in washington dc. we're going to bring it out. is it a senior political analyst model on the shot at all and was making the point there? the us is going to have to be pretty careful about how we had responds to this because it has to be seen to do something in proportion to what has the, the attack that has been carried out at the same time, it doesn't want to escalate the situation which is already very tens,
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it's just that i'm not sure this is a balance that it's can maintain. it's going to get more difficult. i think the whole notion that america wanted not to widen the war in the middle east that started in gaza. i think it's kind of notice started, but surely that it is widening and that america is getting stuck. and whatever the mission is, it's becoming mission creep. the fact that it has to attack in your walk and then syria in yemen, natasha deploy. so i thought i'd see in the submitted today in america's getting sucked in the short this time. so there's the clearest answer. simplest answer, present by the needs to in the ward and garza. this is no time to keep speaking about it on back, right. if you read the, the central command send, come to it the feed, right?
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every tweet has gone back right on back. this, it on back that it on back the other thing. but as the president himself admits death, while these groups might be drawn backed, but they're not in sunday, one directed a decent facts are not necessarily part of a back and forth fit for staff between your lawn and the united states through the proxies. there are also groups from within likes, for example, that x has been a lot that's acting, not necessarily on orders from here. and it's acting in sort of that through with the people in front of staff. and you're going to see something like that in syria and iraq and yeah, and where to buy, not everything is remote controlled from to on. the things just happen. and things might get out of hand easily, especially with those of symmetrical enemies that the united states has throughout the region. this would be, you know, quite dangerous for our president who is in that action year and who vowed not to
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get sucked into them at least me for me. because we've seen in the past when they're who being attacks on, say, u. s. military base is in a rock, there has not always been an instantaneous military response. there is one would imagine a punitive intelligence gathering to try to establish who it was in the 1st place that actually far that made the attack and then create some sort of as i say proportional or directed response. but it is particularly interesting isn't that that joe biden has chosen to specify iran within this rather than perhaps, which i'm not entirely sure when these attacks have happened. but rather than wait a little bit longer, just to establish exactly who it was that find the that through the drone. and no, i think the book, it matters is necessary. you have to have an anatomy and more serious than you know, this little group groups and set them borders or just searching gray areas. see,
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because it's a problem for the united states. if it's and, and these are in the failed state of human defense that, of syria and the field. and the 5th grade zone was over here. all right? and part of, but on this was right, this is not something you can afford the site. this is how you get in trouble the united states and probably out of your the world. don't remember that. but the united states had that experience 30 years ago in somalia went into forward to somalia. i just thought that understood things and it could control and that problem everyone reminds of the famous or infamous black hawk down or something. but these are not manageable. you think they can manage and you can contain and you can find out who's behind. and who did this, and you can punish them, like the united states tried to do in iraq by head thing i said after it was a to and i last a base. but in the end of the day, you're going to say,
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sooner or later, this is going to be forced to be deployed out of syria, re deployed part of iraq. and there's already negotiations about that. and right, and i think might start to re deploy out of the i'd see as well because none of this has any end in sight. what exactly is the objective, neutralizing them at least if there is no attempt at silence. think the one it says, until the president is not of the mind that he wants to have a major war with the one. that means these things are just going to continue to happen today. 3 american soldiers are killed, 24 are injured. god knows how many of them uh, you know, with heavy uh, injuries. but this is gonna continue. and it's already accumulating and it sort of expanding the stick with his mom, cuz i'm gonna go to russell so that he's following developments for us. i'm from the tech on about so what are you hearing from them about what's been happening as
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well as of now there has been no reaction from the uranium inside. yeah. how that or would we just to give a context here you want position regarding such attack is, is quite clear. this is that these attacks are not conducted by you run an or not planned by you run you run is not involved in these attacks that are being carried out by the groups across the region to say that the you run has allies across the region. however, these allies or so called access, what the resistance makes them decision based on the, on their own assessments. so that is iran position here. and also it says that's due as ease complicit and atrocities conducted by israel and access the, the access of the resistance is just reacting to is rad these uh, these values at most of these in gaza. so these are the ones official position as of now. so, but since the beginning of the war and guys that have seen that has been more than
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$100.00 attacks on american basis in iraq and syria and also in some of the places, but in the amount of the close to the amount is what we have seen that the running and allies that'd be involved in this. but this was the, that the as well for the 1st time was talking about the american casualties in america is explicitly accusing you wrong of being behind these attacks. so we have seen now that has been a t, it's for type policy between the wrong dressy and americans so far just to keep it cool, no legit or d as escalation. so you won, you runs one of the top, you run your resolution to guard the official crowds, the most. certainly it has been attacked in december 25th by israel and syria has been killed. and then after that, we have seen that you want as it, we suppose she the bees and how did you see that it was a spite house conducted around by d. as rad, a secret service most odd and done, you run has responded by me side as to some groups in the north of syria and down
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at the same dave had seen that you were going to hit another base impact of stocks . and this was kind of the reaction, however, right after that we have seen on general 20 is well has pulled up another, attacked and killed 5 senior members of the event of the venetian to guard which one of them who just along with what was the head of the, at that, that the, that special unit, of course, he was the head of the intentions unit profile of course, a know you around with seeing that it's going to respond in a time of his own choosing. so we do not know whether this attack is a retaliation or not. as of now, there is no reaction from the right hand side. but now we know that the things are escalating here. and any time as a group that are grouping concerns that the more to go beyond how i'm a beyond garza included into original conflicts. but what is, could you see in your one visit goulding discontent and what you're running? and so what any in particular needs are getting more and more pressure from iranians and brand new is,
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are saying that the companies response to these ready attacks with american attacks is not at their quaid and will not detour americans or these rather used where i tacked onto running allies or even inside iraq. and that's why running particularly so you're feeling that pressure and feeling who has to do something as of now that is the context. but as i said, that is not official statements yet from to, from me. and also i wanted to ask here because we, we talk a lot about the response that is made by that the, the government and took ron. we also talk about the response that's made by the revolutionary god. in terms of the young people themselves. is there any sort of sense that you get about how consent they might be that this might escalate, that this might spill over from gaza from the west bank and suddenly become of essentially a face to face conflict with western powers? as well as here directly is our course because they do not want original destination. they do not want war to turn into
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a why the one in the region because the i say no, this is definitely brand new. officials know that the war direct, military confrontation with israel, me is not the more wonder with this route, but also we do not assess of america. and that could be a badly one for us. so you run so far, that's why has avoid it or having a direct committed to the conferences confrontation with this route. but rather it has been encouraging this allies for the post to use or what the one cause access of the resistance to that. so your mom's response had been through his allies across the region in yemen by who is in the south of 11 on by the law, and many other groups in syria in iraq. that is now your honest position. how does that, as i said, there's a goulding discontent among brand new, so one solution is quite difficult. it is on one hand, it needs to set side the public pressures here. but on the other hand, it knows that a regional escalation,
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particularly drobek war with israel and we do with the united states. we have great case that goes to so that's why it's for now you read names are trying to read kind of res, beer actions. they are reactions to this, this ongoing crisis that's going on in guides, and because see that there's a can be your will from you run to see an end to the war on gaza. so thank you very much. indeed espresso said to bring yourself to day from tucker. i'm going to go back to island fisher in washington, dc all. and i understand you get some more backgrounds to the briefing that joe biden has been receiving. and that's why we're being told that the lloyd austin, who is the defense secretary, of course, has been able recently entering sullivan, who's the national security advisor brief to the president about what happened. now what is interesting is that the, your dns are suggesting just in the last hour or so, the via type didn't happen on the, or saw a v. a say it was in the all ton space which is in the northeast corner of the city
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. a. it's of course, adds to the complication of the situation there because the united states really has no mandates to be in city or they moved and during the fight against i soviet haven't going away. they are saying that they'll be a to protect the oil fields. there they are not there to the invitation of the city and government, a government which is recognized by a number of other governments around the world. we're also being told that $25.00, the service man. all army were injured in the attack which also killed the 3. so details will begin to become more and more obvious and in the next few hours. but certainly it would appear from what the jordanians are saying that the united states believing that this happened on jo danny, in soil is being rejected by the jordanian government itself and say no, this definitely happened one city. and so all in for another. thank you very much and a, let's go back to the model number charlotte cruz are um, obviously it was political analyst. so already were beginning to see there's
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a certain degree of confusion over for the, the information that has been released initially. it was supposed to be happening and jo, date in so the journey is not the same according to rollin. but no, actually this is happening in the syria. this is one of the concerns is when we get into a circumstance like this, when there is an immediate response from somebody who has been targeted, that's not all the information is going to be there. and the risk is that this could lead to the various kind of escalation that everybody says they're trying to avoid. i think the most important aspect of it is that this is the nature of the estimate trickle enemy. a lot of people are confused. i submit through with this imagery. i'm not talking about the imbalance force between the united states and these little groups, talking to a different nature, fighting the different nature of deployed the different nature of why they are
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fighting. what are they driven by and what are the objectives? so these groups are by their nature more by and by the nature of the more bites. so what are the items or data size of the syrian side? they also function in the great areas of those failed states like syria and there are legions, is as we were speaking area could be to this country and that country. and it could be arm this way or the other way and they could deploy and would throw in no time because of the mobility, the most dangerous thing that's i think the united states is starting to pay attention to. and i'm sure those inside command are studying this. now 247. is that those, the smaller groups or the symmetrical enemies affects are becoming more sophisticated . now we're talking about the use of thrones. as we've seen in that, i'd say base of thrones and they use of these more bio walk it long shows, right?
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it's becoming much easier for smaller groups. uh, you know, not exactly the most if you stick it in the world and without this, certainly a military base already in a very short to be using these, you know, or rather modestly sophisticated technology. right? right. but a cheap or on the cheap rather more bio and be able to not necessarily defeat the war powers. but do you know, to be so annoying and to be so disturbing and to be so. busy so human, anything to a supervisor like the united states, what it has to do now is to ask to, you know, as you were saying earlier, look for them, find out who's who, who's behind them, what's going on and how to head back. and this is just 11 incident, right? this going to be many more of those. we already seen them in a walk, we see them and see if you ever see them in human. god knows what the, what else are we going to be seeing them?
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so i think once again, this is not the kind of war america wants to get involved and not after in your walk in afghanistan, not after ices, not ask of god. this is not the kind of thing is it, do you not says wants to be don't, and that's why i keep saying that's one thing to say is that i'm going to manage this and i'm going to deploy my biggest out of my does. and so, and so forth. another thing is just to see how, you know, a mother modestly train the group like the house fees and yeah, man would be able to disrupt a trade global trade or a good portion of global trade from asia to uh, to the west. and one thing we, we were talking about in the early stages of visuals, war on guys, it was with regard to u. s. foreign policy. you were telling me that the us has not really changed its or updated it's. it's been at least foreign policy for several years, certainly going back a couple of administrations and essentially it has been predominantly in we're
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looking, but it has been trying to apply the same rules. and i've got a son that applied in a rock that it is now applying an n l squared. do you think that given the name of the top changing nature of that kind of consequence, right? but it might be saying within this particular region, it might actually force the by the administration and subsequent administration. so have to have a massive reassessment of the way that it handles this region. we go back to the, the issue of the balance that you will put in. busy earlier, the thing is, on the one hand, the united states said under by then we're going to end the forever wars. and they pulled out of, i've gotten a stand drive that a humiliating. right? but at the same time, this very particular coordinates of them, at least policies in, in the white house. mister, my good. right. he's the one who is over seeing in the united states getting back involved in the middle east,
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behind is ad. and in general because as by the side. busy so that we are back, i mean, which means that they are not withdrawing from the grid to them, at least that they are re deploying with visions aggressive at least. and that's what mcgraw underlined and i in the united. i bet it's one of those conferences i we are pointing out of i've got to start but we're not pulling out of them at today's we are read the playing and them at least so we see them and we see the by the administration maintain some of the same policies that that's, that, that dates back to the george w bush policies of having, you know, bases in your walk and, and says from i haven't got to enforcing business in syria or under the pretext of course, or justification or explanation. or i think that are right or, or making sure i sit on the card. i don't, uh, you know, emerge again in the likes of sort a new rock. but i know everything is being context your lies,
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not in those sort of see your article or, or, or macro. so subject terms, everything. and i was getting back and focused on the warrant garza and an american support. a war that is seen fill out the out of world to be i'm and just general side that gives the power to send the people. so one thing is to have what i should know that you are protecting certain all lies or clients or that you are fighting isis on a guy. the another thing being complicit with an is there any aggression against the president people that is not popular in data about fighting? isis is very popular. data was 5 years of car either is the right that popular and data was sticking by certain. all i might be popular in certain countries, but citing or it is right that has just been, you know, goes to mode or been doing it to as being involved in genocide. that's not a good thing for the united states and find things was part of your little was it? i guess i symmetrical enemies, is going to find more, some ethical threats,
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emerging from places. it's never expected that they wouldn't. and i wanted to ask you, but one thing that dresser was referring to a correspondent in toronto. he was making the point that when it comes to these attacks, iran and i hope i'm understanding them correctly, is essentially taking a back step of saying it's not in guiding. and, and this has no influence thing any of these groups. they may be choosing to be allied with it, but it is not controlling these groups. to what extent do you think that given they, the nature of pressure, the israel, the us, the u. k. on the western powers are involved in the fight that the attacks say against the the hosting's for example, are facing at the moment. to what extent do you think we're seeing iran a recreate thing if you like its position and its influence within the middle east? by its ability to be able to have people acts on its behalf, but yet remain a stage back from that. that's a very, very important question. and we were going to be spending the next months and years
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. and so i think that's outside the why. because from the 1st impression, and it's not incorrect, impression is that the biggest one are out of the guys. a war is one. there is no doubt about that for the time being the one stepping back and watching as the the region boils under the feet of both the americans that was on our lives as one as the auto bi lice. right. so i think for the time being this has been free of cost for your one. right. and as you have heard from prison biden, and as you heard from the press that neither one is interested in a confrontation between the united states. this is the last thing i, the country needs today is to get into these mega more. uh, you know, like the say the us iraq war in 2003. they don't want that. so for the time being
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each side is trying to benefit as much as possible from the proxy, conflicts that are going on that i think the budget administration made the wrong batch box and gets of and behind 5 minutes. so nothing you know, and his personal illogical a class is not something that serves american interest or biden's interest this year or on the long run. but america is boxed in and now it's basically compressed and genocide in gaza, basically is in the months of the middle east getting stuck every day, more and more. it's facing these robot symmetrical threats. so name is to outside agent from iraq to syria, to him and perhaps l squared. moving forward. we might see things in re emerging in other places. so i think on and all this has not been a good fit for the by the invasion. i think he actually to quickly,
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by showing up until of eve, giving a nothing you know that because on so forth. why. on the other hand, that one has been very careful and it's quote unquote calculus of making sure that a lot of it's clients and allies in the region are well armed. if need be, was financed if need be, and for them to be acting on their, on for whatever they do. it does not hurt your lines, entering the charts, americas and i'm one would imagine also that that's an, i'm not, i know a military strategist. but one would imagine that in, in the event to be able to come to these, these smaller attacks. there has to be a permanent presence by the us and other western pines within the middle east. that is not something that you were talking about that they particularly want. but if they do get to the stage where they have to say, i could have like permanent carrier groups here, these we sell the thing one in our, of when israel began as well. and god,
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clearly that's a distraction for an american military, which has also got commitments around the world as well. and that destruction works to serve those who are opposed to the united states. absolutely. and by then came with the, with the, with the, with the, with the 2nd year politics that said, we need to really focus back on the macro strategic challenges for the united states named the restaurant china. and that the united states have been stuck in them, at least for too long, where the geo political gains are very limited. the united states is no longer dependent on at least boil. and it's no longer in, you know, need to be in any form or shape, deployed losing forces or waging wars as an iraq. and i've done this time because we saw what the consequences of that it basically left humiliated in both spaces. right. and now it's backing basically losing war in palestine by is right,
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which eventually is not going to lead or anything but more people's in front of site either. so that about one thing for us to talk about. they me to fits. but what, what i think the, by that, and especially need to worry about just as much is the public dissatisfaction and the out of world. because i think more more. we see uh the, the add up street. uh, are unhappy. even warning and non good. i should say at american west and complicity with his red and his genocide in gaza. and i think eventually these looking groups will start fighting good crowds. i'm on goes it all, you know more angry, more vengeful arabs who don't want to see the united states continue with more of the say, yeah, mom and stay with us cuz we're going to need more of your analysis. but just for those of you joining us, i just want to bring you some breaking news that we've been coming over the last, how far the us military saying 3 of its soldiers are being killed and searching for
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we understand i've been injured and a drone attack on an american base, we believe it's in syria, we can go to island fisher, who's in washington dc for us out of them.


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