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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the the alarm serial venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. at a rocky arm link, a ron claims responsibility for an attack that killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan, syria born more overnight, attacks and gaza. dozens of palestinians are killed in his release. airstrikes is
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really government ministers attend the conference calling for the re establishment of legal settlements and god forcing things up in the courts in hong kong orders. the liquidation of the world's most in the developers. china is ever great. the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone attack on an american base in jordan, near the syrian border. they are the 1st american military fatalities in the region since israel's war on gaza began. us president joe biden blamed iran back to arm groups and has promised to respond. iran has denied involvement at least 34 american soldiers were also injured in sundays strike. jordan's government expressed its condolences divided. the american base houses a small number of troops involved in n t. i. so operations the
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and the rocky own group leave to be backed by iran has claimed responsibility for this attack. these law make resistance in iraq as it calls itself, released this video, which it says shows the launch of the drum that filled the us soldiers. so our correspondent risk will start our is into run for reaction there 1st. so let's go to baghdad with a bill ahead is standing by. so tell us about this group. they call themselves the is lumnick resistance in iraq. who are they? what do they want? the, well, the stomach resistance is an umbrella to them. that includes it on a lined a rocky me to groups and they have been operating in iraq and is city targeting us and coalition forces and military facilities with the over $170.00 attacks
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a since october disability. they say they want to put the pressure on the united states to stop supporting it is the way it was made it so you can pain on a rise about it recently the have arisen that demands the now do you mind doing? it was through will of us and coalition forces from iraq, especially after the counter attacks get it out by us side of strikes. and it, we tend to ation the for the, it doesn't is about to actually get it out against us. and coalition forces in iraq and syria, the us counter attacks killed and one did a number of their a fight that was in iraq. so since then they have been demanding, it was the one of us and coalition forces it from iraq. so since this isn't a rocky group, what do it, rocky authorities say about this? if anything of the world
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we haven't heard from official lucky institutions as of yet. but in similar cases in the past, they would come up and condemn the attacks and case it codes civilians like what happened in those. and they all came to submit to them as good as fijians. several times when u. s. interest was targeted by this same stomach resistance and the civilians. and when civilians are hurt to then the government, the government comes up and condemns death. but in cases of retaliation by counsel and condemns the counter attacks. and in fact, says it's a violation of iraq's sovereignty. and by the way, this is one of the reason why the iraqi government has been demanding was the will of us. and the coalition troops from iraq says it's closed that he said he had to re attacks against his stomach resistance locations. a violation will be like
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sovereignty. so yeah, absolutely. and i'm glad you pointed out the context or a 2500 us troops, roughly is stationed in iraq. and there are some top talks going on right now between the us and iraq, about potential withdrawal of those troops. thank you very much. my hooked up the head for that reporting there from baghdad. let's go to russell russell sort are your in the front. so we heard about this umbrella group that my mood was just telling us about the as lubbock resistance in iraq. but for the you, you all see is that the, it doesn't have any leak or enrollment in the recent that tax on the us roofs in jordan has been read. this statement really is by the you running for the ministry spokesman with goodness of can any. and he says that or petition of this business of delegations is a projection applaud planned by those will find it interesting. dragging to us in a new crisis in the region and spreading the crisis in the region to cover the airplane problem solving,
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military confrontation between iran and usa. but the run also was, i say, is that the responsibility of these allegations based on the shoulders of those who are raising these accusations. so it is an in direct threat that's coming from iran so far. but does a run acknowledge any links connections, contacts between itself and these groups that have been targeting the us, not just this one time on sunday. they've been more than a 150 attacks on us base is whether it's in, in syria or in uh, i beg your, pardon, syria. now it was jordan and previously also iraq as well as use also say this is the beginning of the war and going to have more than $170.00, a tax on the american business that goes to region, but not even for a single one. you run the has claimed responsibility. so you guys official position here is that these groups are not running proxies. the process,
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it doesn't have the proxies that goes to the region. but the brother, it has allies expanded causes allies, as they did on assessments and act accordingly. so that is your laws, official position, but one thing is clear that your law says that this excess of the resistance is acting against the crimes committed by israel. it does palestinians, as soon as the usaa is complacent in these kinds, these groups are targeted us basis. it goes to region and it says that you have to say once these are attached to stop, it needs to stop his supporters read and put an end to the war in gaza or so we'll start all reporting from there on the runs capital. thank you very much, russell. let's get the view from washington dc. now here's rosalyn. jordan, in the us is not going to say exactly when where or how it's going to respond to the attacks, but it is worth noting that the us president joe biden was very quick to say that
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this would be the case on sunday after the news of the depths of the 3 of us service members was made public. this was all followed very quickly by statement by the us defense secretary repeating jo biden's, our comment that there will be a response from the us in response to the depths of those 3 us service members. this is all of course to maintain the element of surprise. now of course, the big question is going to be, how does the us calibrate it's response? because the buying that ministration has been very worried about taking any actions that could possibly lead to more conflict across the middle east. we've already seen the strikes against who t targets because of their attacks on commercial shippers in the gulf. and there's all in the red sea i should say,
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and there's also concern about possibly getting other conflicts allowed to grow larger depending on how the us military respond to these attacks. not just on its own forces, but on commercial vessels as well. since israel's war on guns and began nearly 4 months ago, there been several instances of cross border violence across the middle east of the hush and gives us a rundown the how much is october 7th, a dock and is rose subsequent war and gaza. i still don't like to do, why can reach you on october 8 has will launch a tax on targets and the dispute the chip on farms and what it said was solid, dotted with people off casa, that it needs border continues to cs put on exchange or fire, other $200.00 people are being killed, including top has black combined with summit police on october 17th, drawing a tax target to dining,
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i said. and how do you made it to bases in the rock that tax were claimed by the islamic resistance in the rock? that's an umbrella term for uranium back to rocky groups such as captions will la his beloved news about an sided over here and get the i've said to try that. on october 19th, the tax on us spaces in syria at 10 false hit by 3 drones following the us base. and the chronicle all filled in houston, syria was struck by miss size on january 4th, the us target to do rocky fighting groups, including a drone strike on the headquarters of had i got the news about him about that. getting his senior combined out the group along with all the fall on october 19th, they range him back to his. he's in yemen, launched midsize, and drones towards his road that was shut down by the u. s. navy. on november 19th, the who is, he's hijacked, the deluxe, the leader saying it was owned by and it's really business that was the blockade in
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the red sea and continued targeting ships on january 12, the united states, the united kingdom, with the support of forest radio in canada, the netherlands, long success of a series of crews besides and the strikes against the who, the movement and the hash and just the, the is really military has carried up more overnight attacks. and the northern central and southern regions of the gaza strip. dozens of palestinians have been killed. a strike on a residential building and got a city killed at least 10 people. the bodies have been taken to, i'll shift the hospital, which is on the brink of collapse, is really force is also bombed houses in on the say that the refugee camp. and so why the in the central gaza at least 17 palestinians were killed their bodies wrapped in blankets because of a lack of body bags and funeral shrouds. honey mama joins us from rough and
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southern guys. so there been more strikes over night as we just said, that means more palestinians killed. what, what can you tell us about what's been happening overnight, honey? so this will allow you to where there has been a cruel overnight, but also the error strikes and dark dillar is selling a deadly night for palestinian living at right now, stranded in the northern part on gauze as they were more residential homes, mainly concentrated in the western part of the gods to the around the vicinity of chicago hospital were targeted and destroyed also to the southern part of the city . and since i brought the densely populated neighborhood a residential, almost targeted, coming an entire family, including women and children, and jump out of the town where it's a self densely populated area in the northern part was also targeted with heavy artillery shillings, as well as a drone of tax destroying
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a many of the residential buildings. many people reported it killed more than 10 people at the reported cars arrive to ship a hospital. but it's also important to point out as you've asked, but it's not operational now. it doesn't have so vision. medical supply doesn't have enough medical as staff inside the hospital, the street, the one that arrived into the hospital didn't let alone dealing with a critical injuries that as a result of the relentless areas. right. but in the central area, we have more people that being reported goes arriving to a lot. so hospital as a result of a artillery sitting there from the eastern part of this central area and from the gun both as early out of this morning. and those people reported deluxe a hospital, it had to wait and inside the, the hospital on the floor waiting for sufficient medical intervention, the, some of them died inside the hospital. they were waiting for the medical intervention. but perhaps the most intense of bombing and fighting is still taking
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place in han you and is the central part of the city and around the vicinity of not that hospital. and to this southern part of the city, that's the edges of a rough. it's sitting here and the western parts around the hospice of that is still under military, sees where people are trying to leave. the buildings are shot at either by the attack of drones or by the constant artillery shooting more people are being reported killed either inside these uh facilities or being reported to the hosp to the total number to we're looking at so far it does have been collected identified, but it's $27.00 people and multiple other injuries. this is the situation so far. there is a growing fear that is going to be spreading to include drop by city. so honey, yesterday we were talking in quite some detail about people, palestinians trying to leave han eunice to flee further south to where you are. and
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rough. do you still see people now arriving at rafa from han. eunice as well as of late hours of afternoon yesterday we were able to see a few people managing to get a out of han unit so that we have through to close the road. but the had gone is for the security. it check points that were set up by it is really military. now it hon. units has been cut over from the remaining parts of the gaza strip band the the, the other, the other major road fall. i had been road that's connect the northern part with the southern part of the guys to it's all i had been road has been completely blocked by heavy presence of is really at the tanks and armored vehicles as well as the rubble that been the result of ongoing destruction of residential buildings on both sides of the road. so the only policy now for people to get through is the
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check points. now with the check points, it's very difficult situation for particularly the young been who face mass arrest . but these a check for has been interrogated, being verbally abuse, the human eye that they were asked about to take any of their belongings as well as do they raise their hands with their id cards with them above their heads. and they went through very, very difficult, a line of questioning by these really military who either accused them of being bad from participating in. and it says, october 7th attack or being good associated with the fighting groups on the ground . those who managed to get here haven't been able to, if to get into any of the evacuation centers, in reference to the as the are overcrowded and the don't have the capacity and the space to receive more of this way. it's how the city and the ends up all in on last, evacuations,
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on that is the largely empty sand area. doesn't have any of the supplies or any of the necessities to help these people combat the difficult situations in dropbox city. but so our horror stories keep emerging from a hun, eunice, as people were constantly shut out as they were passing through the checkpoints, honey, mount mood, reporting from rough uh, in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. let me bring in mohammed and most re political analysts, professor media studies at the doha institute, the graduate studies mohammed, thank you for being with us. another thing we're keeping an eye on that will be happening in a few hours. the guitar, a prime minister who is also foreign minister, is going to be meeting the us secretary of state anthony blinking. this is happening in washington. what do you expect that they're going to, that they're discussing at the moment in regards to god's because they were also in a meeting in paris with is really intelligence and other regional actors. egypt. what are they discussing now and goes to what's left to talk about and trying to
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hammer out? well, i think they're going to continue to talk about this potential agreement does. remember, back in november guitar was able to successfully negotiate a temporary pausing the fighting for about for about 6 days. right. and that was seen as something that was a successful and even kind of a minor miracle. given the impasse that we have seen for the previous 2 months. so now katara is don't want a repeat of that same scenario where exactly fighting and then start again. exactly . and that's the major sticking point right now. mosse has been adamant that they're not going to go back to a temporary cease fire, only to see his real resume is bombing campaign, and kill thousands of more palestinians. a mouse remains adamant that they want a permanent ceasefire. in exchange for the, you know, the captives and guitar has, has also gone on record saying that they want a permanent ceasefire. israel for its part is saying that it's going to continue
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this war in, uh, guys or on guys are for many more months. in fact, last week by and yahoo had a conversation and yahoo reiterated to bite and that his intention and missed a flight through route 2024, something that bite and obviously disagrees with. so this is the major sticking point. i think this is what they're going to try to work through in this discussion . so fighting the idea of fighting this war throughout 2024 for bite. and if nothing else, this is a political liability, isn't it? we're now firmly in an election year. he's not doing that well in the polls. his re election is far from guaranteed. how do you think that affects his decision making or us foreign policy when it comes to god? well, it's interesting, it's a bite and administration. insight are spoken honestly to act ceo's. this is published yesterday saying that biden is very concerned about the youth vote. and i think for good reason, some of the recent pulling data out of the united states suggests that young people
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are increasingly sympathetic toward the palestinians and increasingly critical of biden's handling of cause. i think the most shocking statistics were just revealed in the last few weeks. first of all, young people are sympathetic to a mazda is attack on israel. on october 7th, and more recently, last week, there was a poll done by you, you. gov and the economy is showing that 50 percent of democrats believe that israel is carrying out genocide. so if fighting doesn't have the support of his own party. if his own membership base thinks that israel's carrying out a genocide and that bite in his aiding and abetting that genocide, that won't go over very well in the november election. well, okay, since you mentioned that were 3 days removed from the international court of justice, taking, ordering israel to take professional measures to stop killing palestinians because they said there is a possibility here from a legal standpoint, the genocide is indeed happening and they,
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they will rule on the merits of the case, it will take a long time, but they're already saying, look, this is enough of the possibility. the genocide is happening. that is real, needs to stop killing nowadays. that ice to, based on what you just said is going to put a more pressure on bite, and then his foreign policy support of israel. yeah, the i c j ruling was very damning because of the way the announcement was made. the, the judge basically repeated south africa's arguments and really sidelined or marginalized, israel's, or bottles really at every stage. and then also the voting was pretty lopsided, was $15.00 to $2.00 or $16.00 to $1.00 and on every single provisional measure. so it was an embarrassment for israel, but also for the united states because the u. s. has been saying all along that this case was merit less, not grounded in fact whatsoever. and now what the us is trying to do is they're trying to engage in some sort of distraction and cover up. i think that's why you see, you know this perfectly timed allegation against on or why. and then the you,
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i used to say to an agency in the main agency and guys of this run by the us. exactly, exactly. and as soon as israel made that allegation, we see the united states line up to support it. they suspend this suspend funding, and i'm, you know, i'm a media scholar. and so the 1st thing that i did is i went onto the mainstream american new sites, the washington post for the new york times cnn. uh, abc, nbc, cbs, you'll be hard pressed now, even though we're only 3 days removed to find anything on the i. c. j brewing. but you'll find the news pages littered with reports about this allegation against on or why, which so far, there's no evidence for it. how do you read that? how do you understand that? why i understand that that the american media basically told the official line and so the official line in the us for the last 2 days has been on our wall underwarner, why they're not talking about the i c j ruling. they've kind of buried it, they've down played it, they've minimize it saying that it's no big deal. and so now the us media are just
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sort of acting as, as, as laptops. and it must be political and list professor immediate studies. it'd be doha institute for graduate studies. thank you very much for joining us. it was really forces have shot and killed a young palestinian man in the town of young moon during yet another night of raids in the occupied westbank. there was also an incursion. the city of jeanine, where a palestinian paramedic was beaten by it is really soldier before being arrested. bulldozers demolished prophecies and public facilities and is really soldiers stormed parts of the ida camp near bethlehem, reading palestinian homes and making at least 2 arrests. as israel intensifies its rays across the occupied west bank, more stories are emerging of the physical abuse of palestinians, some who are detained at military checked points. say that they were beaten by israeli soldiers. it abraham has that story on armed and on the ground, i'm going to attach 2 more hits. then he could count. some were from the rifle but
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opened his really soldier that came to know and now you know, i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. the pepper spray them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand, coughed. he was been left to go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which you have now. a lot of they beat me before i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot a other fellow sending him, and i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of my syllable, what all wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the occupied lift bag. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at us thing and assaulting dozens of palestinians. so i'm not given much you have, i'm a 2nd, an officer shouted we found in front of me. they started beating me up on my head
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and they hit my shoulders with a crowbar and hit my elbow with the hammer. fortunately can be, but must in was not wanted by these really forces and there was no reason to detain him and who are driven by the hatred towards us. they just want to hurt us, especially young men of the shipment. if i did altura with or sam in pain, they'd beat me honda and humiliated me to them. they kept exposing me some of the go back. it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul, not one this and i'm not line. but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. are you off on this, the soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here, but i use my hand to see my head and he took my glasses away off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah, but it wasn't just him. smith says these really forces a tech of not everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool, so. so before they did,
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he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera. comedy told us they're not only because he's often beaten, but also because he could face a further punishment for speaking on camera. with peers, stress, sudden pain palestinian fair is try to protect their children the best they can, but nothing on the deck as long minute threw up your patient. they know there is little they can do to keep them safe. is that, but i mean, i just need the okay, if my lesson okay, lets bringing it in. now we can talk to you, you're in ramallah, since you put that report together, anita, and by the way, thank you for bringing it to us. we've seen videos more videos of physical assaults during a raid and janine just overnight. so this brutality keeps happening. yes indeed. we've seen the video of this time a paramedic chick met and it was trying to do his job during the day that took place overnight in getting and lost it for 8 hours. and he's been filled,
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taking hits and has had being bound against these really vehicles admitted 3 army vehicle for basically just doing his job while wearing his uniform. yesterday we've seen another video of a 15 year old. i mean, a job buddy who's also been slapped by and his really soldier and his cousin told us that amid 15 year old was just standing in front of his home, basically doing nothing when these really forces started beating them. and remember, we're talking about those videos that we're seeing, what's happening behind cameras. what's happening also without anyone foaming at checkpoints, you know, when we pass, those is really me. the 3 check points. we often see men seated, their hands tied to their box and you mediated, so we don't know what's happening. in addition to that, we've been hearing also very difficult testimonies from those leaving is way the jails saying that the numbers of those being dead in is really jail. they have
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because so much doubt on that because they say a week later after beating someone, they found out that they just died. they say that this is becoming a policy of as rules to target human, the 8th. i'm really a curse palestinians and remind them who has the ultimate power and it is really security forces are carrying out rates daily as you've reported on across the occupied westbank. those res, now happening in the middle of winter, which makes things more difficult for the residents to you know, what makes it even more difficult than winter because we've had previous is raise the rates during winter. but that this time, these ready forces are demolishing and destroying the infrastructure of those places that they, they mainly the refugee camps. if we talk about jeanine and that raise, it has already been destroyed. we've already been there and seen the roads turned
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upside down. so when people try to make it somehow livable, somehow they're not paving the roads, but they're still trying to make the best out of it. we've seen these really forces come again, destroy again. also it's happening in to cut him area in the to refugee camps. so you're talking about the situation where palestinians are making it are ha, having a difficulty just going outside of their homes and going back from school, we've seen children trying to avoid those holes on the ground that were created by these really forces to make it to their school, so it's a very difficult situation when these really forces are coming, wrecking havoc when, when it comes to policy is daily lives. now knit abraham reporting from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thank you very much. and the to the, our block in the is really parliament. the capacity is use a table, a vote of no confidence in the governments of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it says he's handling of the war and gas is making it difficult to reach
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a deal on the release of captives and an end to the violence. let's go to occupied east jerusalem rory challenge is standing by force where we good morning or actually multiple know confidence votes being table today as i understand it, help us navigate what's happening at the class of today the yeah. several, there are 2 uh, 2, but no confidence bite. switch are being had tables, lights are on stay, we understand there is that one that you just mentioned that from the, our block who's think that's the government. so fast, benjamin that no is not doing enough to perceive diplomatic solutions to the will and gossip. but then there is also another one being pushed forward by yes, show teeth, which is the may not position pos. so yeah, let pete spots say that is actually focused on the 2024 budgets, which you have to pete says is political, irresponsible,
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and shameless. he's science, he says the budget is basically not traveling money to the war efforts in the right ways. now, barring law submitted withdrawals, both of these are going to be coming to the la could see, sorry to the class that later on today that have been withdrawals. before but in a one circumstance that has been in our confidence by the made it to the connected . that was a week ago when the labor party brought a no confidence motion about the government's inability to secure the release of the hostages. the captive still being held in gaza that failed and i only got 18 by so in an interesting perspective, what might be happening? likes it today? absolutely. so last week, no confidence motion failed, failed badly. based on the numbers you just told us, and then there are 2 more today or either of those likely to succeed a what i mean is the power adults knew it was.
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government is deeply unpopular. very few people think that he is the right mind to be leading the country at the moment in a recent poll and he's 31 percent of his right. he said that he was deserving of the top job. and yet, despite the mounting pressure, it seems like next to me, i mean nothing. you know, he's government is secure for the moving. that's because basically to, to be successful. these know your confidence motions have to get a majority in the connect that they have to get 61 votes in the phase of the government's the governing coalition of the moving is controlling 64 seats. so they can essentially, boy, you call these and i confidence motions, they can walk away. that's exactly what they did last week. the, the good policy was out when despite was, was being held. also, as i just said, the know, confidence motions themselves being brought by different policies with different
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pains, different objectives. none of them really seem like they all concerted efforts to on seat and that's in the yahoo. they have more being brought is kind of complaints . so registers all of discontents and cities start getting defections from way within the governing coalition to from lake code members or from other part of the policies and the coalition. the more right when policies as unpopular is it, as it is, as do, does it may ultimately seem messing ya is government seems to care for the monuments. so rory challenge reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you, rory. it's still a head on elsa 0, a palestinian father from gaza shares his struggle to provide food for his children and the west african original block eco wants is built a major set comfortable. kina fossil molly and the chair announced their departure . stay with us. the
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had the, the extraordinary ones we've seen across europe over the weekend is going to follow us into the new week. we've got above average temperatures across many areas. certainly in italy, we've seen adults a visa in rooms, sunny skies, and clear weather over the weekend that is set to continue. monday into tuesday we could see some fog and mist, particularly up across the move and areas, but the sun funds at all, and temperatures will remain raw the height. so this time, if you notice here, but across the west as well, they'll come down slightly in the north, west of that area of high pressure pushes. it's wait for the east the we on the up for the baltic states. but for the balkans, it's a contrast here. we've got cooler conditions coming in. we'd like you to see some rain sleet and snow for pots of grease and took yes. we have a look at the 3 day for anchor a chance of snow there on tuesday. the sunshine returns on wednesday,
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but the temperature remains below average. now we are seeing some heavier rain pull across the north west for britain on the island of olive gusty winds as well. they'll push that. what's the weather across in to no wait times to snow here moving on was to sweden, but temperature is still remaining high here behind that high temperature in london at 10 degrees with lots of dry weather with settled conditions. this is the 1st one i saw that we see in the real time it's the fixed it was itself was when i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to scream at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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you're watching else, a 0 reminder of our headlines this, our 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone attack on an american, based on the jordan syria. porter, washington has blamed iran linked arms groups and has promised to respond. but there ron has denied any involve is really army has killed dozens of palestinians and overnight attacks across gauze strikes, hit homes in got the city as well as to why the interstate us refugee camp. at least 165 palestinians have been killed since saturday. is really forces are conducting more rates in the occupied west bank shooting and killing a man in the town of young. moving the youth, bulldozers to destroy the prophecy and public facilities in the city of geneva. a conference has been held in west jerusalem calling for the occupation of gauze at once. the war is over, at least 27 members of the israeli government were in attendance. i'm the soho 2 ports from occupied east jerusalem. thousands gather to call for
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a legal is really settlements to be rebuilt in gaza and for palestinians to be expelled from their homes. among them, cabinet ministers and coalition lawmakers, including the countries national security minister and alter nationalist eton, mar ben deer, who called for settlements not just to be rebuilt in garza, but also in the northern occupied west bank. i don't need oh, so i've been so long mister prime minister benjamin netanyahu, i'm addressing you from the stage. it's a shame to wait another 19 years to understand that goose gets easy and northern somalia must be returned. the responsibility of brave leadership is to make courageous decision. so tell me nothing. y'all who says he does not intend to maintain a permanent presence in gaza again, but that israel would maintain security control for some time with some of those in
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his cabinet. once more, we are settling or aligned from width to length, controlling its been fighting several ways and bringing with god's help security to all of his route. you know what the answer is without settlement there is no security one seen as freely voices. they are now at the heart of israel's government. opposition leader. yet you're lupita posting this scathing statement on social media. the settlement conference on guys i by the what's my yeah. did party with many ministers from the liquid party is a disgrace to the thing. yeah. into part to that was once at the center of the national camp, and there's no trailing helplessly behind the extremist. how simeon say there is real danger in meetings like this one? this confidence well is administered about it dissipated, including ministers from the liquid party. the 5 to who's the now edition, at least 15 members of the kinetic participated. so it's not a joke. these are,
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these are the people who are making the policy and the 0 and the they would go and include ethnic cleansing, goals, guides and complete test. mcclin's ingles, the people of guys is there a withdrew from gauze after a 38 year occupation in 2005. this included the evacuation of $21.00 legal settlements. if new settlements were built, it would be against international law and the public position of israel's biggest ally, the united states have the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. the palestinians who are forced out of their homes because of war and the gaza strip, often live in terrible conditions and rough uh there is a lack of basic necessities with many people living in tents and cold winter conditions. here's the story of one palestinian father who is trying to care for his children. i'm sure, is russia. tell me how long then come on.
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let's look at the females to the home of the land, but the 1st of the few miles i put in a little while ago, not much going on like some emotional engagement often how much was the jumping out of the single russia pop up even though it went off, it will have a while. yeah. that's exactly what sort of in my own door and that there was some, some show. well, i don't know if it started from hub, the vision, the i heard you,
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i mean, so how do i you, schuman said, and done my just as your work to was just a couple of a couple of or the not for gave them. i was on the guardian which website understand them. so i have a lot of kids the most of the shorter days to help people trying to escape garza through the russell border crossing with egypt or being forced to pay thousands of dollars to a network of so called brokers for exit permits. and that's according to reports published by the french newspaper lamond some palestinians call it state sponsored corruption in their blaming. israel and egypt. same bas robbie reports the rough uh border. the only crossing between garza and egypt, a lifeline for palestinians even before the war. a connection to the outside world, an entry points from vital resources. since israel imposed a total siege last year,
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it's become the only way out of gaza. but even at the border between 2 era of states, safe passage comes at a price. findings from an independent investigation published by the french news outlets. limone show egyptians pay between $650.00 and $1200.00 for an exit permit . other nationalities pay around $3000.00. but palestinians have been charged anything from $4500.00 to $10000.00. similar findings published in the guardian newspaper earlier this month suggest this has been a common practice at the rough of crossing for years. but it used to be $500.00 per person. prices have searched since october, the so called travel agencies act as brokers at the board, palestinian say everyone involved gets a cut, including egyptian and is really government officials. the payments don't guarantee
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anything. some have lost everything and scans in egypt says the allegations are baseless egypt believes it's a collect influx of the palestinians. and as is referred to use or those hopefully complex that by that it would have the sort of thing the color scheme pose. the roof of crossing is operated by egypt, but israel maintains overall control of all people and goods going in and out. even before the war. the un criticize both sides for lack of transparency while is real henders efforts to get humanity. hearing aid integrates egypt as long resisted opening the border fearing an influx of palestinians. and although egypt is a vocal critic of israel and is calling for a cease fire observer, say it could do more to relax controls at the gods. a border where seeking sanctuary seemingly become a lucrative business for war profiteers. st bus robbie ultra 0, you and secretary general is origin countries to reverse their suspension of
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funding for the palestinian refugee agency. at least 11 countries have paused contributions to unenroll after the us and israel accused some of its employees of being involved in the october 7th attacks. are a couple of reports from rossa and southern gaza. people who have lost everything need all the help they can get for palestinians and garza, most of the hill pest come through the us release and works. you don't see what wonderful now, threats to its funding opportunities that risk the high on on why is our lifeline who give us food and drink after the war? may god help the people? what can i say? the people here appealing on don't hesitate to reconsider the sonya, the comments of britain in germany and some other european countries on aid to the palestinian people is a disaster for us today. they punish us as if we were as guilty as the occupiers.
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the occupation keeps on doing crimes, and yet they are supporting them to do more crimes against us. you and it don't say district kits, food and supplies to keep people going. and it's open the stores to perform. it showed to deduce whose homes now loading boons, the owner, what facilities have been show by use very forces many times since the will began. they continue the work knowing the do so great risk to themselves. more than 100 to 2 you, you on stuff have been killed since the will began secure to hit comp be guaranteed, as many of the facilities have had to shut down. despite this, people keep coming here seeking help. tarika by zoom out just a rough, rough i in southern garza, the
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spring you some of the days of the news now or course in hong kong has ordered. the chinese prophecy joins ever grand group to stop operating and so off its assets. it is the world's most indebted real estate company with more than $300000000.00 in liabilities. ever. grand 1st defaulted on its debts in 2021. katrina, you has more from badging, as all shares of evergreens groups has been halted in trading and we've just had a statement released by everyone. c e o. and he said that they will cooperate with the liquidation that's assigned. and in his statement, he said that the group made every effort to defend against this position. they did the best to restructure, but in the end, the group operation space, he said great difficulties at its results is extremely limited. now we're waiting to hear exactly how this will be implemented. as granted, schools have thousands of projects continuing an unfinished all over the country. this is going to be extremely complicated and probably very drone now as well. and just for a bit of context, every brand was once the king of quote,
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the developers here in china, they invested in everything from football clubs to electric vehicles. and in 2021, it became clear that they had cash flow issues. they were unable to pay them more than $300000000000.00 worth of debt, and then people still ever gotten simply too big to fail. but they were wrong because the government decided to make an example of every gun. other company developers were relying on consumers. speculation, massive levels of debt in order to grow. now this property market here in china is in a crisis. it's hardly self inflicted because the government is the one that really pressed down, trying to prevent what it's always a growing property bubble. and everyone is not the only one. there are many other property values is just like it waiting to see if they're going to share the same face. the country is rustling with slowing economic growth. and the property sector itself is considered a pillar of that economic growth. but just to give you an example of how much that has really been affected in recent years, new home sales have plummeted by about 30 percent. there is
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a crisis in confidence used to be customary that everybody would save up their life savings invest in the horn, and they would be in steps to life. but we've seen property prices across the board . big cities and small cities drop over the years. nobody wants to spend on a new property now, so that consumer companies is not going to be improved. it's also going to that business confidence, foreign direct investment to you and really be a blower to the government's recent efforts to restore that property sector to the wrong foreign minister has arrived in pakistan in an attempt to ease tensions after recent cross border strikes, threatened diplomatic relations i'll send them your of the law had arrived in islamabad on sunday and was met by pakistan's foreign minister in his care take a prime minister. pakistan launched air raids on what it called militant targets in iran. earlier this month, 2 days after tara and launched the tax on its territory. these there molly and berk unit faso have withdrawn from the west african block equal was. they accused the
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group of imposing in humane sanctions in response to the recent cruise in their countries. equal one says it has not been notified of their decision. nicholas hank reports ending a 49 year loan union. the announcement was made live and simultaneously on the national televisions of new share. picking up also involving the 3 countries are withdrawing from the west african regional blog known as eco los which includes all 16 west african nations. the organization imposed sanctions against the 3 nations after their militaries to power in a cool in recent years. echo was calling for return to civilian rule. the joint decision to leave the union is inactive. defiance by the military, june test, the face of sanctions that limit border movements and the ability to trade hurting the country's already vulnerable economies. a lot of the posts do you have that costs allegedly up to them irrational and unacceptable. stands by imposing sanctions that were legal, the legitimate,
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in humane and irresponsible in violation of its own statute. something of created in 1975. the economic community of west african states was intended to bring closer economic ties, prevented military coups and protect democracy. critics now see it as a club for corrupt and aging african leaders going to power out of touch with the aspiration of their young population and influenced by the west. so, you know, we wanted to prevent it, but if all people say we want to be governed by a military man, why are we going to refuse that money? is it echo asked that comes to give us food? does echo us pay us soldiers? and why should it have a say in how we govern ourselves? last september, the gentle leaders of the 3 nations signed to a mutual defense packed, they called the so health state alliance. it commits each country to come to the other is defense if they are territorial integrity is threatened both from internal
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and external forces. many in this region say, this is an important issue. the west african block has failed to address for the gentle leaders, the needs of molly new share and bringing up paso feels ignored by echo was. it is the relationship they no longer want to be a part of the eclipse hawk alger 0. still a head on alpha 0 will have an update on one of the worst color outbreaks ends in bob ways, recent history,
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the, the, the judge in interviews as a un ambassador position given to you by, well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all the good groups i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is
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a problem get access to if he of the story on told to how does era the is in by ways color a vaccination campaign is getting underway. and now since you're a spoke to one person living in the hardest hit area, he says the lack of clean water is worsening the outbreak. my name is mandel friday, june way. i come from bob. i stayed in floods on well, ported out, but it is. this is what we call suites. it passes through my house where
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that is coming from this side or the coming want on this side. it passes through my yes. i'm sorry. i say that the quarter is coming from this. do you know that t v, i saw some bulls in the community. this rich didn't go on. it could penetrate on the ground. then we go situate from there. then we come, we didn't consider comfortable clothes or diseases comes from from this which you kind of see me wherever it is, i didn't like this. what if you've done? what do you, if you've done this, you have done nothing festival for they must be clear this. they need be this not to prove bucks and people, their mother and
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a child died december. this last to this, we are living in canada of the this which is be reported wrote back by to know on the of the come to watch it. part of that is this feeling is about it is 40 was like this. i don't think that that going to finish it the far right german a f d party has suffered a narrow defeats in a district election. there were huge demonstrations across germany when it was revealed a bit, the party planned a mass expulsion of migrants and candidates from the main stream center, right, cd you party one with 52.4 percent of the boat. the police in peru have fire and tear gas of protestors were angry about changes to ticketing and the archaeological site much repeat you, the doors and workers opposing you government deal with an online ticket
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platform. they say that it threatens their livelihoods before days and protests have disrupted railway services to the world. heritage sites, stranding many tours. all right, that's it to this news hour. i'll be back in a moment at the top of the hour with more of the days. the the toner, i screamed when i heard it. and the police officer that like, had me also responded like like, they knew something bad happened? well, sarah was being arrested. a team of officers killed, taught to get in a garage of gunfire. they made $57.00 hollins, his body, some of the,
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some of the let's break the bones. the authorities claim for to get the fired 1st wounding a state trooper in the abdomen. and that a pistol allegedly registered to, to, to get to was recovered from the scene. they say there is no footage of the actual shooting. just recordings from officers who were nearby. that footage has raise questions about who actually shot the trooper officer. i really don't believe anything mondays. i think there are 9, and there is nothing new. everybody knows that police and i exploring type this culture. examining political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity,
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homes and untold stories from asia were in the pacific one. 0, one east. on out. you know, kinda stay just underway. yeah. the agent come being played here to tell for a record the time when people say you started the tournaments, but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action. on the iranian back on the same responsibility for an attack that killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan syria border. the
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good to have you with us. this is elisha 0 lives from don't also coming up in the program more overnight. the tax and government dozens of palestinians are killed and is really extra beaten and humiliated. palestinian is detained by his really


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