tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera January 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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isaac card thread, the apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funds to vanity or failure to keep him out of the safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0. the the radian back on the claim responsibility for an attack that killed 3 us soldiers on the jordan syria border the pennsylvania. it's good that you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the full. so coming up this hour is really airstrikes killed at least 10 people in the school. housing display, sleep, wind gusts, a city beaten, and humiliated palestinians detained by his really soldiers in the occupied west
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bank, tell stories of abuse. the store also works closely with the officers around the world. their latest books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. every visit this bookstore and occupied east jerusalem, that is raising awareness of palestinian history and cultural identity. the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone attack on an american base in jordan, near the syrian border. they are the 1st u. s. military faith policies in the region since israel's one gossip again. president joe biden has blamed iran backed armed groups and has promised to respond . iran however, has denied involvement at least 34 american soldiers were injured in sundays strike the american base house as a small number of troops involved in n t. i so operations the
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rocky arm groups believed to be backed by a run have claimed responsibility for the attack. the as logic resistance in iraq released this video, which it says shows the launch of the drone that killed the us soldiers. our correspondence risk will start our isn't that wrong or so it will come to you in a moment 1st. so let's go to baghdad. where am i would have the head of standing by my, who with this group that carried out the attack, they call themselves the islamic resistance in iraq, as we said, for they, what more do we know about them? the will is from it. the stomach resistance is an umbrella term that includes the along the lines of the groups, a walkie autumn with the groups. and by the way, some of them work that under cut under command of the lucky it official, a state admitted to institution that some of them are with the poto minutes, the mid but minutes, the popular mobilization forces and some of them,
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some of them belong to the directly to the state of mitsy and institution, they have been cutting and get more than 170 attacks targeting us and coalition forces military facilities and iraq and city since october the 17th. they say that these talk to these at techs on october the 17th when the united states give green lights, as they say to us, ready to start, it's submitted. so you, it's yolanda incursion into the cause and they're threatening to escalate the tax as long as they want to do stage systems as a major support of has been submitted. so you can pain on. as i said, the recent attacks get it out by these a groups as the stomach resistance has claimed responsibility for all these that need. a daily attacks is october. the seventy's, the most recent one which killed the us personnel near the board,
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the the city and jordanian border at as this number because it says it was cut it out by a drone. and the drone was launched from syria. but this has been refuted, according to reports, quoting us, ministry officials who say that the drone that was launch it from iraq. that's why the, according to stomach resistance sources at these groups are now on high alert to that expecting editor. he had 3 accounts where attacked by us forces as it happened before in similar cases when the us that he said the agent thought of the things the locations inside the locking and one thing, the number of them on, by the way the government in iraq did not condemn those attacks against us admitted to a military facilities or did not condemn most of them. but when the th and a tex happen, it comes up and condemns these at techs calling get a violation of the, of like software into a moment of the head reporting from baghdad. thank you very much my. what i want to
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get the view into it from now with renewal started or who is in the range and capital. so joe, by in the us, president blame the attack on iran back groups move. just explain a little bit about the links there between iraq and i beg your, pardon, iran, where you are. and this umbrella group that's fighting in iran houses around responding to all of this as well. you won denies any involvement orleans with the recent attack. and if the projects, old accusations from the united states of america that iran is behind attack on the u. s. to us in to, of, in, in jordan. so uh, earlier today, um the, the, the sports person off the rental for the ministry nasser came out and he has a release written statement. and he says that all these other petition of the business allegations is a projection. and also applaud plan by doing the find the interest in that i can do as into a region of war. and by doing that,
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they have trying to cover the phone problems. so this is a running position regarding this recent attacks. any rust is that it does not have anything to do with these attacks and also around the scene dead. the responsibility of this pull that could be of allegations all is on the shoulders of those who raised these baseless accusations. so this is regarded as a threat, but on the other hand, you're on says dad, if do us a continued at the continue shielding israel in its kinds that gets the palestinians is going to phase more and more attacks. and also the possibility of why the forwarding region is increasing day by day or so start our reporting from debt run. thank you very much, russel and let's get the view now from washington. dc with rosman. jordan, in the us is not going to say exactly when where or how it's going to respond
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to the attacks, but it is worth noting that the us president joe biden was very quick to say that this would be the case on sunday after the news of the depths of the 3 of us service members was made public. this was all followed very quickly by statement by the us defense secretary repeating joe biden. so a comment that there will be a response from the us in response to the depths of those 3 us service members. this is all of the course to maintain the element of surprise. now of course, the big question is going to be, how does the u. s. calibrate it's response? because the by the administration has been very worried about taking any actions that could possibly lead to more conflict across the middle east. we've already seen the strikes against uh who t targets because of their attacks on commercial shippers in the gulf. and there's
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all in the red sea i should say. and there's also concern about possibly getting other conflicts allowed to grow larger depending on how the u. s. military respond to these attacks, not just on its own forces, but on commercial vessels as well. the, the as really army has killed at least 10 people in a school sheltering displaced people in gaza. city. many more were injured by shelley. the army has ordered palestinians to leave the school and at least 8 neighborhoods in the area. the woods, that'd be just as easily or the soldiers storms that area from the direction of a ship, a hospital until z at each screw door. we were attacked from the shelves and gunfire . this last was if you're into that, most of us were injured by the soldiers. the army didn't have mercy on anyone. this
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around is this cool unless can bodies in the street us off much at midnight as riley vehicles advanced in that area. and we were attacked with a miss all that fell in a classroom. housing displaced, people is buying these, not these shows. the despised people sold as an into the schools in big house. and dozens of people were also killed in attacks on homes in there on the ballot and central gaza. several bodies have been taken to the hospital, more than a 160 listings have been killed since that today and is really forced is also bomb houses and out in the state of refugee camp. and so why the at least 17 palestinians were killed. their bodies were wrapped in blankets because of the lack of body bags and funeral trouts. i was just there as honey my, who joins us from rafa in the southern guys at honey. i understand that there have been more evacuation orders issued by is really security forces telling people in the north to go to the center of gaza. people in the center to go to the south of
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gust. so yes indeed and ends up here is like the war. 1 as this target all over again, we're talking about the same level of intensity on magnitude on a scale of the bombing campaign going on in the northern pond, gaza and then the site on syria. more evacuation orders to people in central, the gaza city and evacuated in the school. that's an honor was school united nations for rent policy of refugees, a school to turn into a rep, a shelter for this place. hallo, city. and from the north end. and parts of the gaza city were inside the school. when it was a storm. people were beaten with fortune with verbally abuse and then they were shot at now they are asked to evacuate the area in a re miles district. that's 1. 1 used to be a thriving neighborhood, just turned into a pile of row and more of these evacuation and orders
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a read seeing also to the vicinity of us. you've a husband were confirmed reports of from an eye witness of israeli tanks and military vehicle are stationed at certain acts is around the super hospital. these tobacco should orders extend to central area where people are also uh, order to evacuate. do further southern parts of the gaza strip. all of this happen, of course, under heavy bombing campaign across the gulf. the way more than 30 people have been reported goes and tens of other injuries so far. that honey, the majority of palestinians, as you have told us, multiple times, they've already evacuated to the south. most of them are already in rough. yes, the vast majority of people are from the northern part of dogs. and the central area have already been displaced to further south here in rough city,
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a small part of the gas in reference to the comparison to the remaining cities of the policy. the entire truth is very small. but now we're looking at an over crowded area here with $1900000.00 display palestinians are everywhere. industries and the sidewalk and evacuation centers, even some of them, tens of them just set up their tents near the gypsy and gaza borders. all of this had been feeding into their fear of permanent displays than as more reports of his really intention of renewing it in military operations in the northern part. in fact, within the past hour, confirmed reports have been really the beginning of the massive ears strikes and artillery. so they got more of invasion to parts of the areas that had been declared as empty or had been on. there's really conform honey. my hood reporting from ross, i thank you very much, honey. the era block in the is really parliament. the connect that is due to the
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table, a vote of no confidence in the governments of 5 minutes of benjamin. you know, it says his handling of the war on guns is making it difficult to reach a deal on the release of captives and an end to the violence. also far right is really demonstrators have tried once again to stop trucks loaded with aid from crossing into gaza. at least 50 people gathered near the current level. selim crossing, trying to stop the vehicles is really forces have designated this area now a military zone. and they stood guard between the demonstrators and the a drugs. it is really forces have intensified their military operations across the occupied westbank, one palace to you and has been killed and other injured in confrontations between israeli soldiers and locals in a town near hebron is really army also killed a man and overnight rates in you're moving at least 376 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank since israel started this war on gaza. as israel intensifies its rays,
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more stories are emerging of the physical abuse of palestinians, some who were detained at military check points, say that they were beaten by israeli soldiers. that abraham has their store on armed and on the ground abroad hatch took more hits than he could count. some were from the rifle but opened his really soldier back into new and i use i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. the pepper spray them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand, coughed. he was been left to go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which you have not a lot of. they beat me before. i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot at other palestinian men. i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of my se level without wasn't caught on camera. this video shows
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medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the occupied list. way. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at this thing and assaulting dozens of palestinians. so i'm not even unless you have, i'm a 2nd, an officer shouted we found in front of they started beating me up on my head and they hit my shoulders with a crowbar and hit my elbow with a hammer force beads. but my sin was not wanted by these really forces, and there was no reason to detain him. and who had driven by the hatred towards us . they just want to hurt us, especially young man. but if i did altura with or say i'm in pain, they'd beat me harder and humiliated me to them. they kept experiencing me. some of them will back, it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul, so not one this and i've no twine, but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. are you off on that?
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the soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here, but i use my hand to seat my head. he took my glasses away off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah, but it wasn't just him when looking at him, it says these really forces attacked everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool stuff. oh, before they did, he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera. much comedy told us they're the only because he's often beaten, but also because he could face further punishment for speaking on camera with peers, stress, sudden pain. good afternoon. parents try to protect their children the best they can. but living under dec has long made it through a few patients. they know there is missiles they can do to keep them safe. is that where he is of the okay, if i to us then it will get you more on that. after a quick break, we'll be able to talk to abraham a policy and father from guns or shares his struggle to provide food to his children. we'll have that story and of course in hong kong,
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borders the world's most in depth and profit you developer to stop operating and sell off. it's s stay with us as the the it had a lot of the, the heavy rain continues. the eastern pots of australia, but before we get that, let's have a look at south east asia, and you can see from the satellite image, the cloud isn't looking as dense as it has over the past few days. and that means we are seeing long spells of dry weather between the direction down paused for the likes of indonesia. so, so looking a little bit of wire across pots of indo china before, from showers here in the for thailand and improving picture as we go into wednesday . the heaviest rain by the mid week is going to be pouring into southern parts of the philippines. and as we move down on to, to hist, riley, the heavy rain continues to flood into queensland that strikes the remnants over
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tropical sites on but also an area of low pressure. and that's going to bring a very what few days to brisbin, not just the southern parts of queens in but also northern areas of new south wales . you can still see the rain is still there. on wednesday, it's been getting very hot and humid and brisbin, but temperatures will be coming down slightly over the next few days. not just tube, also that southeast corner. that's not the case. however, for past we've got a west coast 12th and that's gonna push the temperature up rather dramatically over the next few days. if you look at the outlook will be seeing 40 degrees celsius there on thursday. that's who weather update. as the, the 1st when they saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing
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on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the, you're watching alpha 0 reminder of our headlines. 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone attack on an american based on the jordan syria border. washington has blamed to run links armed groups and has promised to respond. but there are on, has denied any involvement these really army has killed dozens of palestinians in
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overnights attacks across gaza, strikes, hit holmes, in gaza. city as well as the wide and just say that the refugee camp at least 165 now experience have been killed since that today. and is really forces are conducting more rates in the occupied westbank shooting and killing a man in the town of young moon. they used bulldozers to destroy public, the district prophecy and public facilities that was in the city of jeanine. it's getting more on that. when did abraham mid a year in ramallah? what more can you tell us about these raids in the occupied west back as well? we know that this really forces upgraded the village of to quite a near bethlehem and where we've heard about the shooting of a school student, a 16 year old, who after he's been shopped, been left on the ground without medical assistance. according to some locals. he is in a very critical condition, we're waiting to see more updates from the health industry about the details of
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that shooting and what happens. we're talking about those as really reads that go left, right and centre in the 9th in the day, in different palestinian cities in offering. not just killing processing is not just wounding them, but also be increasing use of a b thing and the souls against those who sometimes are just going about the daily lives. or just as we've seen in gene earlier today, apparent medic who's been beaten up just because he was in the scene trying to help those who have been wounded by these really forces. also, a result of those rates is massive destruction of the infrastructure. we've been seeing roads being turned upside down by these ready forces. so they say these really soldiers that they're trying to do that to prevent palestinians from using home explosive devices to be able to donate when these really a ministry vehicles passed by. what still palestinians would send you. it's been used as another way of taking revenge against palestinians and remind them really
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who has more power was the ultimate control of their lives. and that's it. abraham reporting from romano, thank you to the palestinians were forced out of their homes because of for and the gaza strip were living in dire conditions and rough uh there is a lack of basic necessities. many people are living in tens and this in cold winter conditions. here's the story of one policy and father trying to care for his children in his own words, a rush hour and then come on. let's look at the financing. i know that was really the best, the 1st one you might have put in a little while ago. not
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much going on like some emotional engagement often what was the, the shopping out of the the single russia pop up, even though it went off, it will have a wire. that's exactly what sort of in my own door that there was some, some show. well i know for sure i didn't have the vision the i had you on is issue most the night. it has your words to was just a couple of a couple 100 enough for gave them i love the kind of guy which website understand them us to have a little bit of gift the most of it with a model of the shorter days. a one family owned bookstore and occupied east
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jerusalem has been highlighting the palestinian story and promoting writers for many years. and since october, the 7th family says that their mission has become more important than ever mohammed junction and look forward at the educational bookshop. customers are welcome to read and encouraged to learn about a people's history unfolding before that one chapter at a time that the mission has been and is to can, can use to promote palestinian literature. first thing in the eyes that was at highlights and should the lights on the 1st thing in an issue on the police standing and story that this family owned and run institution that's done through thousands of volumes, encompassing history, literature, food and so much more talking with one of mine's the store, chatting with regulars, just like his grandfather did, just like his father and uncle still do. in the cafe upstairs,
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some patron studies and others nearly skim. how it feels like looks how can i love this place? it's a beautiful place. the way the books are organized, the way that they show case all of these beautiful resources. so you feel that it's not just a commercial space. it's a place where the mission, a mission that since october 7 has expand, is very important to highlight the books and guys out because actually you want to tell the true story and to, in a way come to or the admission formation. uh that is easily spread opened in 2009. the shop was the 1st of its kind in occupied east jerusalem to amplify palestinian voices through only english language books. the store also works closely with authors around the world. their latest books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. it's one more way the family reinforces palestinian cultural identity . behind the counter with that from a today wife, node who's and 5 month old son,
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a month for who had hopes to impart his family's sense of purpose. we spent this thing is we as beautiful lights we as of this business without help to stay. we love what we do. we love selling books. we love telling of a story, a powerful tale, long in the making one that will continue to resonate. see how much enjoyment does either occupied east jerusalem. the in other world use, the pakistani and a rainy and foreign ministers have agreed to expand the co operation between the 2 countries. how saying i'm here of the law hand is in islam about the trying to ease tensions after recent cross border strikes, threaten diplomatic relations. pakistan launched air raids on what it called militant targets in iran earlier this month. and that came 2 days after their hon launched attacks on pakistani territory. his visit
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at such a short notice testifies to deep commitment of both sides to further tent and solidify the for tentative ties between bucks done and these on it's a relationship which is steep in shared religion of history, culture and geography. type vision is capital it is, there's no doubt that the tears located in the coming board of regents and areas of you run in pakistan are lead and supported by 3rd countries. but they never favor any good actions and name of the benefits and interest of uranium. and pakistani governments and nations, somebody else's 0 is come, i'll hide or isn't this not a bad following this for us. so come out with this visit or run and pack a stem, putting the recent flare of attentions behind them. now
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edward appeared so the rainy and farther in minutes, the ties down and its lama bod, late sunday night. this word of god going to be a very crucial wizard. given the fact, as you mentioned, the 2 around the exchange i take for that i tag inside their respective categories . yesterday the reunion present in that room. racy also said that focused on his interest rate on the interest. so the 2 sides now coming together and d, escalating those tensions after they broke off diplomatic relations and run for good for that attack. now both sides of the main thing and they are saying that there is the presence of groups which are being supported by 3rd party in order to support the relations between tyrone and it's not my body. and of course, they did not going to be close at cooperation,
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a group which way to monitor the events on both sides military to military cooperation, intelligence gathering, as well as economic and trade cooperation. also, the buckets on a in get imported administer said that it was the ration desired that giovanni and president george where did that as soon as to pa gets done in order to for the boys start, di, did any and pardon minister saying that they'd really happen as sooner than later, as soon as the new government takes over and it's not my bod with the election due on the 8th. but it is also now a deer, live vision by both sides. their pockets on either been saying that below just groups that are operating from across the border. it ends up being saying that there are groups which are responsible for getting are deadly attacked inside it, on their operating from the buckets on each side. so definitely the doors and the determination to try to improve sides of the diplomatic relations were cut off and
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particularly given the fact that tension in the middle east as the noise time, high friendly countries. i've also heard focus on the need on board to go beyond do extensions and to deescalate the crisis. all right, come all hide are reporting from some of that. thank you very much. come off. the courts in hong kong has ordered the chinese profit. he joins ever grand group to stump operating and sell office assets is the world's most indebted real estate company with more than $300000000.00 in liabilities. advert grand 1st defaulted on his debts in 2021. katrina, you has more from badging oceans of evergreens group has been halted in trading and we've just had a statement released by everyone. c e o. and he said that they will cooperate with the liquidation that's assigned. and in his statement he said.
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