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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] so the morning in guys after school comes under is really a 10 palestinians are killed the time several many aides that they have you with us. this is an algebra 0 lives from don't also coming up, beaten and humiliate was tenuous detained device. really,
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soldiers in the occupied west bank tell stories of the rocky via run claims responsibility for an attack. it's killed 3 us soldiers in georgia. and of course, in hong kong orders the world's most indebted property developer to stop operating and sell off its assets. the, it's 11 gmc, that is 1 pm and guys that were israel's months long bombardment shows no sign of easing. there were a number of overnighted strikes in the north, central and southern areas of the strip killing. dozens of people in stretching partially functioning hospitals to a breaking point. and the humanitarian situation for more than 1700000, displace palestinians in the south worsens by the day. michael, apple begins our coverage to these all the consequences of these really a strikes on an apartment building is a way to
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a new site out in central gauze. the morgan el cheapo hospitalized pack, a piece of paper stuck to a blanket. we'll identify her as she's bearing outside these mo data piled up in an end not far away at all. the middle school boys sits solving on the school building with showered with missiles. my family was killed, they were all killed, all those in the culture and with burned to death. in the knolls, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building and gaza city. the bodies would take control of chief a hospital which used to be causes largest medical facility. but bailey functions. now you in series about 14 of hospitals throughout the strip remain
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operational, but on the big hate is trickling into gaza, but it's not enough to sustain life is especially in the north where people are digging up lots of pipes, almost ponce de leon. we get water here once every 15 days. we use it for bathing and cooking. for cooking, we must a boiler, firewood as we don't half gas, the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick. the teeth are a road from the to the water and the hair is pulling out by wheel barrow and bucket . they have to take what they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink apple. why should we drink it? and everyone has seen this. why are they ignoring us? are we human beings? kind of spinning and medical student. i see a level head off. is one of those forced to hit south and the exit is from han eunice towards rough and 4 siblings, scratched out
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a living among the thousands of displaced people in the cab. i hope i can find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hope to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future has destroyed our lives destroyed, even if the will and how many years will it take us to recover? is the sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her. and so many others might level l g 0. what else is there as honey? my mood is in russia and southern guys are for us honey. israel is once again ordering palestinians across the gaza strip to flee further south. what do you learn of the yes sir old sends the reports of an early hour this morning and there was more evacuation orders
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coming from this really military and the gaza city, mainly. and in the syndrome and, and han you and is asking people to go from there. evacuated, evacuation centers and residential and building that full of evacuating radiated displays. and from the northern part of the gossip all the way to the central area . and those in, in con, units are ordered to evacuate all the way through, by taking the, the close on the road. now, these really military keepers doing these evacuation order that are large, new described by people as, as contradictory, vague and misleading. and for the most part, there falls narrative because people end up in the area that end up being a bomb, then can continue defense to provide a safe for a door. and people are asked to evacuate. but the same time there's a heavy presence of, of military vehicle times unarmed vehicles on the road leading to the coast on the road where people are supposed to take to evacuated the designated areas. but right
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now people are very, very hesitant, given the pos, terrible experience of evacuation zone that has been described as a safe zone for people to go to an end up being killed within hours or sometimes days of their arrival. so this is one more time being confirmed as a false narrative that people are not willing to take the risk and just are unified around one, a priority right now, it's the end of this not, and it's the end of the mass cutting of how a city ends and allow people to return to their to their homes. honey, my, who would reporting from rough and southern gaza. thank you very much. that was really forces have shot and killed a young palestinian man in the town of young moon during yet another night of rage . this in the occupied westbank. there was also an incursion in the city of jeanine where a palestinian paramedic was beaten by an is really soldier before being arrested. bulldozers demolished properties and public facilities and is really soldiers
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stormed parts of the ida camp and your best. they have rating palestinian homes and making at least 2 arrests there. as israel intensifies its rays across the occupied west bank, more stories are emerging of the physical abuse of palestinians, some who were detained at military checked points, say they were beaten by israeli soldiers. that abraham has the store on armed and on the ground, i'm gonna attach 2 more hits than he could count. some were from the rifle, but open is really soldier like you to know and i use, i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. keep pepper straight them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand, coughed. he was then let's go without any explanation and with many wounds, some of which like him, had not a lot of. they beat me before. i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder to shoot a other fellow sending him,
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and i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of my se level without wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the occupied lift bag. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at s thing and assaulting dozens of palestinian southern, not even last year. and i'm a 2nd, an officer shouted we found in front of they started beating me up on my head and they hit my shoulders with a crowbar and hit my elbow with a hammer, beads. but my sin was not wanted by these really forces. and there was no reason to detain him and who had driven by the hatred towards us. they just want to hurt us, especially young man. but if i did altura with or say i'm in pain, they'd beat me harder and humiliated me to them. they kept experiencing me. some of them will back,
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it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a sol, so not one this and i've no twine. but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop, you'll find that the soldier to like to hit my head against on the phone here. but i use my hand to achieve my head. he took my gloves as a weight, cut off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah. but it wasn't just him. when looking at him, it says these really forces attacked everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool stuff. oh, before they did, he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera christmas time and he told us there would be the only because he's often beaten, but also because he could face further punishment for speaking on camera. with fear is stress, sudden pain. good afternoon, parents try to protect their children the best they can, but living on. but we can talk to it and now you're in remodeling to. these are not isolated incidents. in fact, since you put together that report that we just watched,
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we've received more video and more evidence of is really brutality towards the palestinians. yes sir. all as you say, since we've finished working on that report, 2 videos have a bird of 2 palestinians who have been beaten by these really forces for no reason as they tell us. one of them is a power magic who is doing their job in do you need refuge account when these really forces rated the area overnight? he's seen a taken by these really forces his head bang against and his rating and military vehicle and has been beaten as well as arrested by these really forces jamal dean was just doing his job. now another video has emerged from hyper on of a 15 year old. i need a job buddy, who according to his cousin, beside, was just standing in front of his home and have grown before he was slapped, beaten,
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and hit by and his way the soldier have any arms is really sold or as the videos show, you know, just the fact that we have to visual evidence of that can tell us a lot about how much this is happening already. how much that is happening on destruct points. it is really custody. that is, even behind the cameras and off of people's eyes admitted just before i let you go, give us the latest on the range. we know that our daily rage and multiple locations in the occupied westbank. give us the latest of what you've seen overnight and over the last few hours a yes, 0. the number of palestinians who have been killed as a result of different is raise the rates to different palestinian towns and areas rose to 5 just this morning, raising the number of those who have been killed since the beginning of the year to at least 60 palestinians now the conditions are different, there were different uh,
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basically conditions related to how those palestinians i've been killed, bought the oven on armed according to local sources. and they've all been hit by these really forces by at live fire. and in addition to that, we are talking about one of them who is just a school student, a 16 year old, near the village of tour, which is around in, in the area of bethlehem, in the south of the occupied to us back when we talk about those rates were not only referring to killings and injuries, but also to the rule, the infrastructure of being damaged and ruined by these really minutes review calls . and now we're talking about the winter time. it's becoming even more and more difficult for people to go outside their homes to live what we can call up semi normal life. but there is nothing normal as many pas as soon as we tell you, under, as well as occupation it abraham reporting from ramallah in the occupied westbank. thank you. need a australia has become the latest western country to suspend funding for the u. n.
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agency helping palestinians and gaza, that is after 12, under all staff members, were accused of taking part in the october 7th attacks the us as the agencies biggest donor in 2023. it contributed $422000000.00 to an off. several other nations including germany, the u. k. canada and japan are also suspending their support. they've provided more than 1000000000 dollars last year. the u. n. agency supports nearly 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east. it runs 706 schools and 140 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians, most of them in gaza. now everyone has a staff of about $13000.00 in gaza and at least $150.00 to have been killed and is really a tax no way has joined un calls for donor countries to keep supporting the vital work of one. joining me know from also as the norwegian minister of foreign affairs,
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aspen boards, ida, so several western countries as we just laid out or have pulled their funding for on want norway has not run us through your decision making. so we have not done, we will not because we think that we're going right. it's incredibly important every day of the year, but particularly now in the 6th we meet in dire situation and 9 da signed particular but also in the west bank. and we think it's best to move to the wrong signal to send. we like all the older donors we, uh, where focused on a pool by the accusations that some members have been wrong. have participated in terrorist activities on the 7th of october. and i am, i appreciate that this next week, i know of the un on the commission of general and raw said that the, these people are dismissed, then they will have the suited investigation independent, the investigation of what has happened. but we think that the tough thing,
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the funding is the wrong reply because that smells to me of collective punishment of the everybody who works there. but much more important thing a little the palestinians best or dependent on the surface of en route. so did you, when has it, has addressed this pretty comprehensively? they say 12 people have been accused under our staff members of being involved in those attacks of those 129 have already been dismissed. one has been killed and 2 cases are under review. are you satisfied with what the un has, how the u. n. has addressed this as well as i said, i'm very happy. i'm glad that they that day this myspace people. and i'm glad that that's not the end of the story because there was a full investigation on the way and i want to know exactly what this is. and if it doesn't happen again, then take appropriate measures as they should. then we as the key though, we support that because we were a poll by and the connection between unrest often service activities. but my point is that the most important thing now is not to punish everybody who needs unreal
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services. as you said, 13000 people employed by on right only in ga, sorry, if you look at the entire regions, it's 30000 stuff and then medium. so people are dependent on that and rough for their medical services for education, for a food distribution now and for it's a key humanitarian vehicles. and for that reason, i uh not only inform you that nobody will continue support, but we are also reaching out to handle donors and to ask them to come see the why their implications of what they have said that they would do so. so there's simple math at work here, right? 12 staffers are accused, $13000.00 staffers, total work for an oil and gas. that means less then a 0.9 percent of employees. and while employees in gaza has been accused of this. what does it say that so many western countries were
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so prompt to suspend and pulled their funding from underwater when less than 0 point one percent of employees are involved in, in this particular incident. and what do you say to those companies do it well. i mean, i think that there is, uh, there is, uh no, i'm serious. so if i could say some stuff haven't been made against the rough. uh, cuz you know, so co pollution with the sensor one and raw has systematically, uh said that that is not the truth. and they have try to investigate the cases that are suggested on the list. so the employees, for instance, are shared with relevant authorities including this rarely or dorothy. so what there is for transparency. and i know that the commission general, that's a reading the has said that there should be 0 tolerance, 0 tolerance to anything like this. but you know, if you have 30000 employees who are embedded inside it, so sites in because the overwhelming majority of these employees are local stuff.
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that kind of thing in the, in kind of thing. and there is to try to, you know, be absolutely certain that you have 0, which is very difficult even if it's you tube and have a 0 tolerance, which is exactly why i want to continue our funding. i urge all the notice to do so . and then we will collectively work with and run to make sure that everything comes on the table to actually happen. and what then revel do to prevent. so something like this were happening again, but we can not collectively punish all the people who are richards or internally display. so fortunately the past, many of them remember and these people did not choose a life as far as the refugees. i think everyone would prefer to live in that for you independent, continuing and normal life and having their own business, the work space circumstances for many, many years have the these people in this place on the international community cannot abandon them now. and so in your assessment, what effect will this funding gap have on the 2300000 palestinians currently and
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god as well, it depends. so let me get this because i also do note that some of the older donors have set dates of 10 for temporary suspension until more effects are brought forward until they see what's under uh uh, we'll be doing about this. so of course it could be that could mean that some of these funding will be restart invested in us. these circumstances are much better if it is the last thing, fries, or lost a suspension of the funding. you know, it may be in the most time or something like that that will be no further ability to pay, signed the lease on the on basic services. um, you will have the breakdown of the little that still is of the of the services provided to both in young, including in augusta. and may i also remind you that i think you mentioned it in the introduction as more than 100 than 60 members of the enroll stuff had been
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killed since the 7 of october, you know, be just illustrate that these people are serving and the people there. but just, sir, that makes the human difficult and dangerous that conditions on to tell them that the story because of the serious me speeds. so that's huge and you are not allowed to work and you cannot the helps the people where we were supposed to protect it. so i think there's something about the proportions here which we have to get right . but all of this, again, i assume the on the line, we also very much criticize anything that's to, you know, we are very critical of anything that could sound like a connection to what have to send those over, which is why i welcome the investigation. so so israel's foreign minister, 2 days ago said on ex, formerly twitter that he doesn't see on or off as being part of gaza in the day after. in fact, he also wrote that israel's foreign policy under his stewardship
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a bit foreign policy of israel is going to be to remove and walk from gaza. and at the same time is israel says that it's main support or the us pulls funding for on the la the how do you assess that? is this politics? well, i think those 2 statements are not connected because my impression, you know, the us is a major donor to the rocks. and my sense is that this is that is the suspension. i already told you, i disagree with that, but that's the suspension because of some specific stations i, in my sense, is that there is a bold understanding that the international community needs to be present at both in the west bank and then they bring concerts. i've gotten a living and, and the working with the understanding and refugees and, and internally displaced them so, and, and also in the future. and of course, there were some big questions to now that the everybody's asking is of what will happen to add to the side of that is more because reward ends at some point. you
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have to rebuild both basically and people's lives on the political structures. and, and that's a very open question that you start by saying that the, the main international assessments there should not be accepted. and then on there i think is that more is on. uh, and i think that the, the that but also, you know, of course, the, the, you know, it's a good question back to for me is the customer sees, wants to me because i assume that the also things that, that, that one have to help the people who are no, become homeless, and sick and wounded, then the last minute relatives, when the war is over, somebody has to do it. and then so far that you're not taking a big cheryl, this burden, you know, some people would say, maybe it's on the on. so the fire that the but the us taking this on i think that we will need these conversations has to be good ones that right now. and we have to think about the mediates on the median. so the indians that are certified on rhonda a they this or to better than this. we are collectively punishing them as been
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barth, ida, norwegian, minister of foreign affairs. thank you very much for joining us on the program as our a. thank you very much. good to be with us there in media is reporting an error strike has hit the building and the capital damascus. this happened in the say it a neighborhood near the scene of another strike in december. iran blamed his realtor that attack and which a senior member of the revolution regard was killed. the 3 us soldiers have been killed in a drone attack on an american base in jordan, near the syrian border as they are the 1st american delivery fatalities in the region since israel's war on gaza began us president joe biden has blamed iran, backed on groups and has promised to respond. iran however, has denied involvement. at least 34 american soldiers were injured in sunday strike . jordan's government expressed its condolences divided. the american base houses a small number of troops involved in anti iso operations.
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the rocky arm groups, backed by a run, have claimed responsibility for the of the islamic resistance in iraq, cause they call themselves released this video, which they say shows the launch of the drone, the killed the us soldiers. right. my mood of the why had joined us your live in baghdad. tell us more about this group. what do we need to know about this is lubbock resistance in iraq of the the stomach resistance, any lock. it includes the 8 on a lie and autumn with the groups. and by the way, these groups, some of them officially belong to the iraqi, the ministry and institution. some of them that belong to part of minutes. the popular mobilization forces, which is also part of the lucky part of minutes, a,
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a group, and some of them a work under control of the iraq. you officiated minutes, the commander is uh they, they, they tested it with the protecting and secure thing, get a secured and get a state and government offices here in by that too. but they have been engaging in conflict with the united states and since it is october, the 17. so that's when, as they say, the, the united states give green lights to as well to this top. it's land incursion into the sides. and the, the, the thing to escalate that attacks targeting us and coalition forces minutes the facilities until and unless the by the states of stops supporting is what it is admitted to the campaign against the adviser impacts of thought, retaliatory account until the attacks, the data strikes namely, by us, against the locations in a rock which killed and one the number of the fighters. they are now demanding get old us and coalition forces was through from iraq as a prerequisite. again,
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to stop their attacks. who did listen to what you're saying, and as part of the claim of responsibility from these groups, it seems pretty likely that they are going to be more and repeated attacks by these groups on us target as well as they just mentioned. did they, they have set the 2 major prerequisites. those top the, there are tax 1st, the united states. it stops the backend. go support thing, is it a, is ministry campaign on the guys and 2nd old u. s. on coalition forces withdrawal from iraq. in fact, despite the fact that the number of us admitted c, personnel has been done with the sized to only 2500 a personnel, limited c personnel since december 2021. and even in fact, there only has been switching from combat to advisory, but yeah,
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to these groups say that they cannot guarantee it despite the fact that there is a negotiation going on between the iraq. yeah. and us submitted to officials to set up a time table a to decide to go through all of these the, the beast forces. but these groups say that they cannot guarantee that the us will withdraw from iraq. given the fact that the do us is putting, get as many predict visits to this demand of the head reporting from baghdad, iraq's capital. thank you very much. inside the world news now, of course in hong kong has ordered the chinese prophecy joined every grand to stump operating and sell off its assets. it is the world's most indebted real estate company with more than $300000000000.00 in liabilities. every grand 1st defaulted on its debts in 2021. right, that does it for me. you can find more information as always on our website,
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that's alpha 0 dot com up next is whether then inside story looks at the strange relations between israel and it states to stay with al serra, we're back to the top of the hour with more work, the the hello that we've seen some very nice weather across parts of east asia. thanks to an area of high pressure sitting across the korean peninsula. so lots of room, fine and dry weather to be found here, the temperature is set to increase in sol slightly over the next few days. and we'll see those conditions shawn to over to japan. it is looking a lot quieter, uncommon here with temperatures sitting in the early teens pushing up to the mid teens of the next few days, but we'll see some whatsoever slipping across from shanghai into southern areas. the heavy, rain intensifies, of course, most central areas of china with a bit of
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a wintry edge on the northern front. beijing seen 4 degrees celsius dep. it lots of sunshine, the heat still pouring in the southern parts of china $23.00 degrees celsius. the in hong kong and ty pay on wednesday. now the rain is set to pick ups the southern parts of india and shank of the next few days. well in the way of shy was those in heavier storms. we will see the heavy rain start to pull into northern areas. we go to west valley front. that's moved its way from afghanistan into northern parts of focused on an india. it's going to bring some snow to the high. a mountains of rain as well. and stormy conditions, possibly even into new daily. if we have a look at the 3 day that we've got sundry showers will fall on friday, then they'll kinda stay just underway. yeah, the agent come being played here and to tell for a reco good time. when people say you go to the tournament,
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but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action. on alice's here, there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places, the state houses are really invested in that and that's a privilege as generous. why is benjamin netanyahu lashing out of egypt? jordan, and castle? he's been criticizing these countries, it sends israel the gun as for on garza facing, growing pressure is at home. what does nothing else who wants to present a business? does he risk a nation regional today is this is inside the hello there and welcome to the program on this policy. okay,


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