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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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to take the days that another link is taking place, augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads, profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding, and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the the problem carry johnston. this is an easy life from day one. coming up. the next 60 minutes is where a launch is an assault on garza city in the north forcing thousands of palestinians to flee off to receiving warnings from the military. casals prime minister says good progress has been made on a path to hold as well as the world guns trying our best to get to negotiate a solution where to kansas is safely back to their homes. yet most are stopping the
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bombing. and i see the continuation of public and officers us criticizes. a conference attended by senior is ready cabinet ministers. that's called the return of settlers to gauze. an international criminal court chief prosecutor says there are grounds to believe war crimes being committed in done for the israel has no once in a soul on guns, a city in the north weeks off to putting back from it, strikes of talk to the residential buildings and the school fighting and strikes have also been reported in central and southern guns, that at least 215 protest indians have been killed and 300 injured since sunday. i came up with it begins coverage from rough and southern gauze, and these are the consequences of his,
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of 80 years strikes an apartment building. and so why the and the fire out in central garza, the more to pack a piece of paper stuck the blanket would identify her as she was there outside more the pines off in an ambulance not far away. at the remote school the boys said, stopping on the school building with sha weed. with miss salas, my family was killed. they will be killed. all those in the cost room open today. in the north, at least 10 people were killed in a strike on a residential building and gall, the city. the bodies were taken to as ship a hospital. they used to be a god, the largest medical facility that barely functions. now the u. n. c's about
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14, hospitality throughout the strip remain operational, the only they're paid is a trickling into gaza, but it's not enough to stay in line, especially in the north where people are digging up water pipe. we get water here once every 15 days. we use it for bathing and cooking. for cooking, we must boylen and firewood. as we don't have gas. the water pressure is very weak and the water is dead. children now sick. the teeth are a road from the to the water and they have is pulling out by will borrow and bucket they have to take with. they can get the problem. so then after that we are full of diseases from this water. it's definitely not drink apple. why should we drink it? and everyone has seen this. why are they ignoring us? are we human beings of the palestinian medical students at sea level head? this is one of those for us to hit south and the exit us from honeymoon is towards
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rough. she and her 4 siblings of scratch out the living among the 1000 of displays . pete, the cat. i hope i can find anything under the rubble when we go back. i also hope to go back to my university to the simple days. for now, my future has destroyed our lives destroyed, even if the will and how many years will it take us to recover? there is a sadness behind the smiles, with the uncertainty of the future, weighing heavily on her and so many others. i mean my mode is eda know fi in southern gauze rhetoric. i assume reports known as rails renewed, which we have sold in the northern gauze. these really military as they are spending the military attacks being the central and key neighborhoods of dollars and city. they have been using military credit cope to drones with loud speakers,
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doors from residents, for i still trapped in the north and in cause a city to flee more to the eastern part of gauze. i've been to move forward to the south in order to seek their own safety. now, the views where the forces at earlier stated that they have with it through a number of brigades from the north end, some some areas of kansas city. but right now we've been seeing 10, so reaching to she thought maybe some conflicts, again, were thousands of palestinians are taking shelter inside is facility and yards as well. this is completely a part of the on getting to the sides of the ministry campaign that had been conducted against the cause of succeed. i'd especially be that we have been hearing and seeing more searching of military strikes on gauze and city within the past 24 hours have been issuing more resolutions and also also evacuation orders for the majority of people the to keep slipping to rough. i so you can safety as they are completely leveling to the ground,
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the main central neighborhoods of the city making the life that completely on inhabitable as palestinians are fleeing to russell and the intense is very compartment to a order to secure the assembly members as they are turning the roof, i did not find any place for them as the majority of areas had become completely flooded with the vacuum ease, which right now for the roof is the last remaining area that's supposed to be safe from the is really perspective the topic of a zoom out just a rough, rough off east offering gauze, much solve the gaza strip has been on the is ready evacuation orders the most recent to an issue during the con eunice in the south. but many say they don't trust that somewhere else will be any safe of israel has previously bowman's locations. he's had described a safe in calgary reports from what he calls are just north of there all the law. i'm currently standing on under seed street. a couple of meters away from love
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because that's the last point that separates the north of causal strip and the south of the gaza strip, where it has been separated a couple of months ago. where is there any forces called this a safe cord or? and it's the only cory door, and that's the only road for people to evacuate from the northwest to the south. it has been a tough night on the causes true for their husbands. and this is right. the raids on on south river, you can see camps in several areas across the cause of their sense the morning, the palestinians in gaza strip and shepherds, one neighborhood and telling how a neighborhood and in the middle of the causal cities have been warned on their iphones. and their phones, they receive messages to evacuate from those areas to that end. but as you see, no one showed up. we are surprised that people did not do what's the is where the army i asked them to evacuate, but at the end of the day,
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people in the gaza strip. now acknowledge the fact that the is where the forces are asking them to go to safe areas and then be safe areas turn into a war. so we're talking about people who have been called to evacuate the community to evacuate, to reflect, and to say, your dog. and to all the southern areas. as you see, people do not trust what the is, where the forces tell them, and no one evacuated just like is there any forces re, must've done this is in the study. why? because the cause of it's really a tax. now the main hospital in con units have escalated in recent days, adulthood nazzo hospital describes how israel's evacuation or to that is that's a chaos and confusion was a vehicle being we didn't leave us like the moon being all over the world or listening to the
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instructions by the it was cut the but it was it make it a phone and they are giving us the inflections to david weird village area. because the business, i bet the area is ready for since i've besieged another major host within con eunice patients and the medical stock had been trapped inside the amount of hospital for days that kind of thing and red crescent which operates the facility says there's a severe shortage of medicine to food and water. so salad which reports escaping from the danger. once again is rarely forces have declared the area around all the amount of hospital and han eunice on safe ordering palestinians to leave immediately. this area has been under heavy bombardment for days and now the palestinian red crescent has been told to move its operations elsewhere
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. let me look at no evacuation should take place without proper coordination or without the humanitarian court. are we looking at this for to ensure the safety of all those inside the hospital ensure we is paramedics? will be able to continue to provide our services and help evacuate the patients and the wounded according to the proper medical protocols, the a power steering is here, say they don't know where to go over to seek safety. the nearby shelters are relatively safe, but the fear of in evacuation order looms then that a shelling never stops. this, winter's cold is fierce. children are gripped with fear. is that my pleasure? if i i just see the situation is more than dire. we can hardly sleep one hour throughout the day. we sleep on the floor in the hospital's court or has everybody checked, the palestinian red crescent has described the situation in our model as critical. hospital units have had to shut down because of a lack of supplies. they are urgently calling for the protection of all civilians.
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but there is concerned these calls may go unanswered access. i'm gonna reach out to 0 calls probably minutes to shake mohammed they've been abdul. drop them on alpha on the says good progress has been made towards the deal could lead to a pause in israel's attacks on garza, he met us secretary of state antony blinking in washington just a day off the holding tortured intelligence officials from egypt, israel and the us in paris, what kinda task probably minister says he's hopeful of balance, a deal that could lead to a cease 500 reports from washington, dc of the guitar, a foreign minister and the us secretary of state appeared briefly for the cameras, but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar of foreign ministers is also the prime minister. rece, the secretary of state on recent intelligence, folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward, the release of those captives still being held in gaza. had come to
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a meeting along with the intelligence chiefs of other parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer. cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made, but he refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting, he outline caught his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that costco was not doing enough to impose its will on him us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cut his. busy whole is that of media to we try to bring the thoughts used to bridge the gaps between them. frustrating them frustrating both of them by the by wards, by, by made things by commitments, by addressing the issues with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this,
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the leverage we don't see that but that as a sort of part of that can impose something on the spot too, or the other thought to to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref. my now tony also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like him us. he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with the united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with its opposing groups such as a month or indeed, as in the past. tell up on my kinda, i'll just sierra washington rich outs and there's a senior fellow atlanta council. he explains how categories paying a unique, unimportant role as a mediator between israel. then time us it has obviously very good relations with united states due to the presence of the united states st. come forward,
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headquarters, other bases, i'll get the most notably. but also because the adroit diplomacy that categories and discrete diplomacy, the guitars have conducted some very thorny diplomatic problems. now, this is dissatisfying to many in the west, at least in the united states, because we see people as, as basically friends or enemies. and this idea that you may have to talk to your enemies and that you may need friends who can talk to your enemies. it's not an easy sell in washington. so i or the, the foreign minister has certainly is work cut out for him because a lot of people don't appreciate that. and they think that this mediation role or intermediary role is either done against the will of the united states without consulting the united states or, or because it's somehow controlled assault on these groups. and that's not what i think is going on. this is stay crap at a high level, and i think it's incredibly important that gets hard. doesn't us? national security spokesman john cubby has strongly condemned a conference held a west jerusalem quarter for settlers to attend to garza once the was over. it was
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attended by several with right wing is very cabinet ministers and members of parliament. some of this rhetoric and the language and that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event, a bare responsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say and certainly isn't as, as in the port with our strong policy statement. what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory. and so who joins this life not from occupied east to us. and what more did the us national security space and have to say about all this a john kirby reiterated the american position that they are unequivocally and clearly against the forced relocation or displacement of palestinians in gaza to anywhere outside of the palestinian territory. he says that the united states has received assurances from
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these rarely prime minister, but that's not going to happen and they are taking his word on it. now other sources within his really media are saying about the these really defense minister himself has given assurances to the americans around a week ago. but he will not allow settlements to be rebuilt in gaza under his watch . and it is worth noting that all settlements are legal under international law, but something else that john kirby noted was that the united states is also against any reduction of palestinian land in gauze that remember these rallies have been building this bluffer zone, taking around a kilometer from the border inland into the palestinian territory and these rallies have told the americans, this is just temporary until they can defeat him us. but the americans have expressed dismay in the saying that their position is clear, but there should be no displacement of palestinians outside guns. and there should be no reduction of palestinian land. and what about domestic precious with the
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protest and israel? so there's been a lot of pressure increasingly on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. you just had this conference that we've been mentioning of settlers calling for the occupation of gaza. and there's been internal turmoil in the is really government from other members of these really can assets. one 3rd of benjamin netanyahu, whose own cabinet attended this. and you had been against a war cabinet administer who spoke out against it, saying that this harms israel in every which way in the face of the international community and any efforts to bring back captive guy, the eyes and co to former army chief of staff. also saying the same thing that it hinders efforts to bring back those captives. and these families are saying the same things that, that conferences like this are counterproductive and nathan, protesting and taking to the streets almost nightly for several weeks now, trying to block roads sending a message to the is really government that they simply need to take whatever deal
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is on the table, they need to offer up any concessions that the other side wants because time has simply run out and that these really government is not prioritizing the return of the captive, these really army spokesperson, daniel, how got he addressing this issue in his nightly address this evening saying that the issue of the captives is something that is close to the hearts of these rallies and that they think about it every single step of the way. well try and. busy accomplish these military objectives while trying to make deals with the mediators and the other side, which is how math. but again, the families of these captives putting a lot of pressure on these really prime minister on these really governments saying that's too much time has gone by and they need their loved ones back without having to sell. who thank you as well. several is riley is having a rest to the com. i was tell them border crossing. they wanted to prevent a truck from entering. garza demonstrates has routed their in spite of an
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announcement minds very forces. the area is now a close to minute reside. they say no humanitarian aid should enter the street until all the captives held in. gotcha, all returned the protest, forced several trucks to return to egypt. in the past week, these 2 people had been killed and several others wounded. in an es, striking a building in the syrian capital, damascus house was reportedly being used by a wrong revolutionary god. the attack happened there, the scene of another stride last month, around blamed israel for that attack which killed a senior member of its reputation regard. well that strike comes a day officer and a ty, kona us submitted sri base in jordan killed at st. american soldiers and injured 40 defensive. and it says the us does not want the tensions in the middle east to spill over into why the war. i can continue to say, we don't seek war, we don't seek further conflict. we don't want to see this, why not into
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a regional conflict. but we will continue to do whatever we need to when it comes to protecting us forces. and our coalition partners and intercept mariners transiting the red sea. we believe that we have been effective and degrading their capabilities and disrupting their ability to launch certain attacks. authentic and corresponding practical, hey, nipples. here at the pentagon, it seemed at 1st as if they might be taking a harder line. the deputy press secretary sabrina's saying, came out and said, quote, we know that around is behind it, and we will certainly hold them responsible. so of course the follow up question is, do you mean right, or any and leaders planned it? and she quickly walk that back. she said no, we believe around funds and trains and provides weapons to these groups. so it has their fingerprints on it. we are also learning more about what happened in the attack was very early morning hours and it was a one way drone. we believe it was armed with explosives and it hit a barracks where soldiers were sleeping. this is
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a very small outpost logistics hub. really just about 350 airman and soldiers stay there because it was early in the morning because they were sleeping. now we know that 33 died. this is the 3 reserves from the state of georgia, and we have a new number of injured, and that's already f 240. so, question here is, depending on what they're waiting with is they need to figure out some way to have some deterrence. they say they've been a 165 attacks and us soldiers in the region, and they've been firing as these are run that groups. but it's a, consider the attacks continue. so they're really trying to figure out how to make sure it doesn't end up in a wider war. and at the same time have some sort of detritus to try and stop future attacks. pedagogy algebra is ready for assistive kills at least 5 protest tenants and occupies westbank. a young man was shot dead in the town of young. others were killed in. so why do unto it was also an incursion in the city
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of janine are protestant and paramedic was beaten. bon is very soldier before being arrested. both as the most properties and public facilities is rarely forces of killed at least $379.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank. since the war and guns have begun, the israel intensifies its rates across the occupied westbank mall. stories are emerging with the physical abuse of palestinians, some who are detained, of victory checkpoint, say they were beaten by his very soldiers. the abraham has the store on armed and on the ground, i'm an old hatch, took more hits than he could count. some were from the rifle but opened his really soldier. secular no, and no use. i said to them, my eyes are hurting their bleeding on my face. the pepper spray them without care that i'm in pain. blindfolded in hand, coughed. he was then left to go without any explanation and with many wounds,
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some of which like for him, had not a lot of. they beat me before, i could know who it was. it was also shocking the human lead me and put the rifle on my shoulder. shoot, a other fellow sent him, and i heard the boy going near my ear. unlike ahmed, the beating of much se level, what all wasn't caught on camera. this video shows medical teams trying to help him after he was assaulted during and his really read of his refuge account in the occupied list. way. he says these really soldiers went from door to door at s thing and assaulting dozens of palestinians itself. and not even last year, my 2nd and officers shouted, we found in front of they started beating me up on my head and they hit my shoulders with a crow bar and hit my elbow with a hammer hoarsely beads. but my sin was not wanted by these really forces, and there was no reason to detain him and who had driven by that hatred towards us
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. they just want to hurt us, especially young man. but if i did altura with or say i'm in pain, they'd beat me harder and humiliated me to them. they kept experiencing me. some of them will back, it says this type of physical and mental abuse has become the norm. he says he's been a soul, so not one this and i've no twine, but 4 times is that the most recent was while he was working in a coffee shop. are you off on that? the soldier to like to hit my head again is on the phone here, but i use my hand to seat my head. he took my gloves as a weight off and then continued hitting my head against the wall. yeah, but it wasn't just him when looking at him, it says these really forces attacked them. not everyone else in the coffee shop that night. cool stuff. oh, before they did, he says they pulled the plug on the surveillance camera. christmas time and he told us they're the only because he's often beaten but also because he could face further punishment for speaking on camera with peers, stress, sudden pain,
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palestinian parents try to protect their children the best they can. but living under dec has long minutes through a few patients. they know there is nothing we can do to keep them safe. is that where he is of the occupied restaurant to you know, keep the service and the family owned. the book store has been highlighting the palestinian story and promoting writers for years. they say that admission has now become more important than ever, many times because at the educational bookshop, customers are welcome to read and encouraged to learn about a people's history unfolding before that one chapter at a time the mission has been and is to continue to promote palestinian literature. but this thing and the ice, this highlights and should the lights on the 1st thing in an issue on the stadium story that this family owned and run institution that's done to thousands of
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volumes, encompassing history, literature, food and so much more talking with one of mine's the store chatting with regulars, just like his grandfather did, just like his father and uncle still do. in the cafe upstairs, some patron studies and others nearly skim. how it feels like looks how can i love this place? it's a beautiful place. the way the books are organized, the way that they show case all of these beautiful resources. so you feel that it's not just a collection space. it's a place where the mission mission, that since october 7 has expand, is very important to highlight the books and guys out. because actually when i tell the true story and to in a way come to or the misinformation, uh, that is easily spread opened in 2009. the shop was the 1st of its kind in occupied
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east jerusalem to amplified palestinian voices through only english language books . the store also works closely with authors around the world. their latest books are showcase and previous titles are recommended. it's one more way the one of family reinforces palestinian cultural identity. we're behind the counter with documents today. wife. no, it was. and 5 month old son, a month for who had hopes to impart his family's sense of purpose. we spell this thing as we as beautiful lights. we, as on that of this business where i have to stay, we love what we do. we love selling books. we love telling of a story, a powerful tale long in the making one that will continue to resonate. so how much i'm doing my zeta occupied east jerusalem. coming up off to the brain, genesis in south africa and sort of died out us to new jersey. beside the ultimate price of coverage. and we'll discover why french farm is looked over
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major highways out this terrace, the high low they will start down on the in australia in hot and humid weather is the story across more eastern areas. it has been feeling very muggy in places like brisbin, but it's also very, very wet and it's going to get wet. so we've got a weakening, tropical fica and the remnants of it bring some heavy rain across the western areas of queensland. but the rain picks up in the east as well, a wash out of the next 2 days. full brisbin stuff just coming down a flight here coming down slightly as well for the se in places like melbourne. but it will be heating up thanks to a west coast trough. i've got a warm up western australia kicking the temperature writes up in past 39 degrees celsius that on wednesday. now it is warm and not have hot. however,
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in christ church, the temperature has to fit in higher than the average on choose day. oh, so settled weather to be enjoyed for the south island but much west in the north side. and you can see that rain continuing through to wednesday. and as we move to southeast asia, rain is the story here, not just of course pots of indonesia like java as too much trouble. also. so the west see on wednesday and a heavy rain continues to pile into southern parts over the philippines on wednesday, march trial. further north, the, it's one of the world's largest radio telescopes, designed by soviet era pioneer only to be left lying. idle, refusing to be silenced is nice. we suspect dates the sleeping colossus.
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the witness makes 50 for our medias for built in space drive on the jersey to the to to us and everything is good. even explained the torture. all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would visit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding poor, we've been occupied and in prison. how does their a news the
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fucking back her mind about top stories now, thousands of palestinians fleet as is very forces launch and a sold on kansas city week sauce of pulling out most of its military from the point 200 people have been killed since sunday and strikes, we try to cross the street kind of thoughts that find a minister shakela. how many of those are awesome on alfonze? so it's a good progress has been made towards the deal that's pretty to afford. and israel's a tax on cost. you met us secretary state onto the lincoln in washington, us national security spokesman, john coby has strongly condemned a conference held in west traverse in for settlers to attend to casa, once that was over. it was attended by several, i mean, it's very cabinets and members. these ready army has released 19 female palestinian prisoners from gauze who arrested during the war
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. i'm a mood survived 45 days and he's very captivity. she describes the verbal and physical abuse she suffered. my name is becky. daniel was july, but if so many applause, these really occupation forces stormed to my home and it was a tune area in garza entertained to me. it was on friday, december. and before that, these really army had lead seed to the entire neighborhood for 4 days on throughout those 4 days, we have no access to any food or water. although we have many children with us, there were screaming out of thirst and hunger. on the 5th day, these rarely soldiers started a storm residential home. my grandfather was 77 years old and he was disabled. and with all the time he was lying on the floor with a catheter 2 hanging down. as soon as these rarely soldiers entered on home, they shot him dead. the old disabled man was killed on the spot where we were hiding in one room. i started shouting, we're just women and children. a soldier asked me to step forward. the moment i
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came out, he fired at me. i hit the floor immediately. i wonder how i survived the gunshot. i kept screaming these really, so we'll just talk to each other and then they detain. they asked me how many people were inside the house. a soldier told me that if it turns out the numbers were giving are inaccurate. one more person, one person last. we will shoot you in the head. then they ransacked the entire house. all women and children were kept as hostages for 24 hours had cost and blind for that. and they started eating my younger brothers, when we wanted to go to the toilet, women or children, we were asked to do it in the open, outside the house, the following day. the 2 women and i were put on a truck with young men and they were naked and had cost to them. we were beaten and abused throughout the day. after that, we arrived at the detention center, tripped over our clothes, and searched and abusive matters, were given a light jumper in this cold weather and were forced to wear it on the skin. we were locked in an open yard. the is really soldiers kept beating and verbally abusing us,
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mocking and swearing at us. there was no proper toilet, only a pass to cover. we were detained in the space for a week along very cold, hungry, above all psychologically ruined. after that, we would transfer to diamond prison and hypo on the bus and he's ready. soldier kept bothering me with his rifle in the prison. i was not able to sleep because my head injury fainted many times and these rallies denied me any medical treatment. we were given an inferior meals and some water once a day. they have no value for the human soul or human life. these are, these treated us as if we were animals. that's what the land has off the 13 countries to reconsider the decision to suspend funding for you. an agency for palestinian refugees. it says the agency which provides nice saving agent. gaza was forced to stop operations at the end of next month. the us on to 12 other countries made the decision of to israel alleged at 12 and lot of staff members have taken
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part in october 7th attacks the critical humanitarian work that the un does not only in, in, in gaza all over the region needs to be supported people's lives, depend on it. we are doing in parallel taking very seriously all the allegations that have been made. we are we are being forward leaning. it was underwater in announced this, right. they took the 1st step of a brief critical donors. they brief certain parties before that happened. they were given information, they took the steps. so we have a process of accountability that's, that's going on while that's going on. people need to survive and we need to continued the support for on what all humanitarian work. it was like a closer look now at land where its funding usually comes from. the us is agencies
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biggest, don't 2023. it contribute to the $422000000.00 on several other nations including germany, austria, the u. k. canada and japan. also suspending the support they provide a to more than 1000000000 dollars last year. you an agency supports nearly 6000000 in the palestinian refugees across the middle east. it runs at 706 schools and 140 primary healthcare facilities. it's also, it provides food and cash assistance to it more than $1800000.00 palestinians. most of them engaged as a staff of about $13000.00 and at least $150.00 to have been killed in is really a tax s been bought. i, there is an a wage and minister of foreign affairs. he says to spending when it was funding amounts to what equals collective punishment. i know that the commission of general as a reading the has said that there should be 0 tolerance,
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0 tolerance to anything like this. but you know, if you have 30000 employees who are embedded inside it, so sites in because the overwhelming majority of these employees are local stuff and punish the means in public opinion. there is to try to, you know, be absolutely certain that you have 0 risk is very difficult even if, if your treatment has 0 tolerance, which is i talk to me why i want to continue our funding. i urge all the owners to do so. and then we will collectively work with on roads and make sure that everything comes from the table to what actually happened. and what then level do to prevent something like this were happening again, but we can not collectively furnish all the people who are refugees or internally displaced. the fortunately the past, many of them remembered because people did not choose a life as a refugee. i think everyone would prefer to live in the, for you independent, continuing and normal life and having their own business or work. but circumstances
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were many, many years have the put these people in this place on the international community cannot abandon them now. a different routers in the us and suppose that part of citizens, the demonstrations in north carolina, came to a hotel to police. officers say they were not informed of the protest or the route to take the group. it says it has matched every sunday. it seems to be gotten a note from the south african journalist of held a vigil in support of protest indians they own a correspondence on needed workers who been killed and as well as war gotta at least 122 protest in, in june. this had been killed june. none of us. yeah. as she telling the policies please duty con 3 inches far away. the night on our tiny little colleagues closer to the ground. tell them what we can do is
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what we can do is ensure that our, in our, in the, in the telling of the story via will use for accurate energy spending. so the dies even the actual, the access to some of the wells needs. now more than 50 people, including children, have been killed in a tax along the south, so don't support it was done on demand from south sedona that lap state carried out raids into the neighboring of the region on saturday. the dispute to the region is an oil rich area, jointly administered by both sit down and saucer, though it's an actual criminal cause. chief prosecutor says there are grounds to believe both facilities on the end. the power meant to rapid support forces on committing war crimes. in the 4th korean con,
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gave his conclusions to the un security council, often wishing an investigation into the search of hostilities. the president's excellence is based on the work of my office. it's mike, the finding. i can't assessment that there are grounds to believe the presidency room statute crimes are being committed in the whole by boat, the sudanese, on forces and the rapid support forces and affiliated groups. the situation is not by any metric, one in 3 of the population. in the effective parts of china, refugees from the situation of the wanting 3 of the population of china. and these affected areas refugees as reflected in my report. but also
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the alleged atrocities that have taken place in l. janitta formed a send for line of investigations. but my office is precisely at this current moment. and i can confirm the council that we bought collect a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes processing. the has more now from united nations. he painted a pretty grand picture with one and 3 of the people in the chad border region with sudan being refugees, many of them having witnessed and suffered immensely as they fled the country. uh, the prosecutor is focused on what happened in elgin, you know, last year and where human rights group say thousands were killed by the rapids,
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support forces and allied groups. many as they were fleeing the country. but cream con said that he found evidence of atrocities on all sides of this conflict and that the, the sudanese armed forces were not cooperating. no one was cooperating with his investigation. none the less he went to the region to collect evidence and is collecting evidence and under the authority of the security council, which authorized him to go to dar for 1st in 2005 to investigate alleged war crimes . there he is continuing on that mission and it sounds like he is putting together a case to go forward. worth noting, however, that these things do take time. the 1st cases that he is filed related to the situation and are for going back to 2005 and b, 4 were not filed until 2022. so 17 years it took to bring the 1st prosecutions in dar for these cases might take some time. but no doubt
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a reassuring to those who have suffered that justice could still be served for those crimes. the conflict in saddam has pushed the health care sector to the brink of collapse. not a nation says 70 percent of its hospitals are out of service. and that one health center in the capitol following tests with no medical background or stepping in to help the doctors moving the pulse from the cotton. this magical facility in the mind, incidents capital had a tool is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. they who found at the center graduated as a doctor only a few years ago. he works at the hospital during the day and comes here in the evenings level assembly. at the start of the conflict. the situation was concerning
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because of the tax by the rocket support forces on hospitals and health care centers. we wanted to ensure people that access to medical care and set up the center to provide 1st aid and treat chronic illness of set up the media to dance. health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the power minute through rapid support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning in hard to only a handful remain open. and the volunteers provide the study business administration, but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines we have a card for every patient. at the moment we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. donations from volunteers enabled the clinic to remain open despite the center relying entirely on volunteers and equipped with little it doesn't only deal with calls cases. minor emergency operations are
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sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many in the city. for many people, this is their only option for medical treatment. since being tortured by the rapid support forces, my uncle suffers from diabetes and hyper tension. we come here every day for his treatment, and we've never had to pay a cent. it's dora connie, i brought to my son here and he was given oxygen. the center is new in my home and the treatment is free and that matches because there is no what the volunteers of say. they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict in hopes of making a difference in their lives. and those of their loved ones, he but morgan onto their own heart to south africa is full. but present jacob zoom has been suspended from the governing african national congress. that's off the he backed, another party ahead of this is general elections and see governing bodies says that
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the soonest come, doctors in conflict with their values and principles. and that's 9 year presidency was painted by multiple corruption scandals, mostly noise anyway. cases hot farm is protesting in front, so continuing to block roads there. personnel square in the country, farming union leaders want the french government to do more to health pharmacy say that high tax is low wages and complex. you regulations are routing their livelihoods. it's also blocking reports from pass code of where you've tracked is heading to paris to join a blockade of 8 major roads into the french capital at northeast 50 columbia to south with the city moved to rest, have to be diverted. french farm is being protest infinity 2 weeks. they say the rise and costs and you, you environmental rules makes a work impossible. you feel good. let's talk them. when i go to governments has to
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understand that we can't take it anymore. when the phone was con, take it anymore. we're at the end of all to the we've run out of cash. we've got no money to starts up again. we've got too many environmental regulations at some point enough is enough. i don't see why you are that you are paying countries have different regulations to us. some of the farm is hope that the blockades, in a powerful increase pressure on the french government to meet they did loans. they say new measures announce last week by the french 5 minister failed to address their concerns, including new pay and what they call unfair phone. competition may not do this coming week is a week of all dangerous, because only the government won't hear us will because they'll be so much anger that everyone will have to take responsibility. responding to the crisis phones as interior minister deployed $15000.00 police officers to secure power says apples and you have noticed wholesale food market south of the city going on offices to
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show motivation the most which shows the vehicle seem to go into the show. we did not seek escalation, we want everyone to be respected for offices and property to be respected. we won't allow government buildings or tax collection buildings, or grocery stores to be damaged or trucks transporting forward and prod, used to be stopping and obviously that is unacceptable. to protest come as a sense this time for french presidency manual micro campaign. he's on the way for june's european paul imagery. elections marine depends far right. policy is courting farm is and leading an opinion polls. the government is expected to announce new measures soon to try and calm a situation that looks increasingly volatile. natasha about the ultra 0 pars. so someone else is there a ronald's pocket stones? foreign ministers reach to reset relations from the both countries launched a tax on each other's temperature. the
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funeral has been held for a man who was killed while attending a tete service in this town booth. i saw a kind of responsibility for the attack on the roman catholic church on sunday. turkish interior minister said 2 men have been detained in connection with the st. the same as in levels. we will never tolerate those who try to disrupt the peace of our country terrace. they collaborate to both national and international criminal groups. and those do take a metal unity and solidarity focused on under raul and have agreed to improve security cooperation of the recent across the board of strikes between the 2
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countries to at least 11 people. the developments okay. and went to in the meeting of, of ania and focused on a foreign ministers in is having a bad come out hard in the polls. and the closure round of golf between the in foreign minister who ducks down on sunday evening and it's lama, but both sides of the i did a good that go to mend fences and to cooperate in a language other concerns. his visit at such a short notice justifies to deep commitment of both sides to further spent and so they defy the for 10 and size between bucks done and these on it's a relationship which is steep in shared religion of history, culture and geography. now the indian foreign minister also has
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a meeting with focused ons and getting prime minister the focus on the foreign minister and why did it in president whether it focused on after the election did any in part in minutes? the thing that that were to happen sooner than later. and that this was crucial for both countries to cooperate. but the one thing that did come out of this talk is the fact that both sides have now realized that the 3rd part did right interested in creating tension between the 2 countries. although there are differences between it on and focused on the 1st time that the game goes to a conflict according to you know, that focused on here. so that in a very loud voice, it will tell to old terrorist that we will not run on pockets on will not provide them with any opportunities. it will not provide an opportunity with the service to
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endanger outcome and secure retirement. and you're on a, i just want to strongly despite the sovereignty, antonio integrity or we saw that focused on a complaint that i'm groups that are operating from union story in the end of cards . on the other hand, thing that did i did in groups operating on the progress on each side, both sides of the test on the fact that the confrontation between the 2 countries was not something that within the interest of both countries, given the situation in the lease and that that agent could not afford more instability, but both sides now determined to be delayed after they had broken off diplomatic relations and trying to main fences in order to move forward the data. it's not mobile. 3 japanese citizens of a foreign dissent, assuming the government for racial profiling lawsuits, is the 1st of its kind in the country. it's been filed against both and national and local governments. the plaintiffs alleged they were repeatedly questioned by
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police because of their race. they say it's a violation of the constitution. the eventually i felt myself as part of the social withdrawal and i never knew what social withdrawal and it was on did recently, which is teaching committee and japanese that i feel like every time i finish wolf, i'm hiding in my house and jump in is one of the case, one of the greatest city where people want to go, but i don't want to go out and i always tell them what's a, why contact. and the reason is just because i don't want to face on the police. so 9 out of 10 times i know they will find a way to stop. hong kong court has ordered the liquidation of the wells most in depth to the property, to benefit china f, a grant. after it failed to strike a deal with his credit since to restructure, but it's on clear how much the routing impact the company on mainland china, patrick, for reports from hong kong. the whole court ruling opens up an unpredictable
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new phase and the collapse of epigram. foreign credit has filed a petition a year and a half ago to force the world's most invested property, develop a into liquidation and trying to recoup some of the losses. a grand was repeat to be given additional time to come up with the restructuring proposal, but it failed to materialize on the high court says enough is enough. it's been a very long and drawn out restructuring. and so i don't know most amount of value has already been destroyed for the bondholders. the case now faces major jurisdictional challenges. in cases like these foreign creditors prefer to go through hong kong quotes freaking to become more system. i'm because of the lack of transparency and legal process on mainland china, but liquidators have no power to enforce the order from home comfort from the mainland. so all they can do is try to attempt to grab assets and sell assets that are optional. but the majority of the value in this case is on shore in china. so there's very little they can do, let's say credit is unlikely to recover less than 5 percent of their investments.
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as an estimated one and a half 1000000 people in china are left with unfinished homes. supposing a serious risk of social instability. meanwhile, chinese regulated the shoring up support of the struggling developers and making it easier to access loans as part of efforts to stem a major market wrapped. it's unclear whether the dimensions will have a sustained effect at the end of david spittle. i can send you the invitation of the, our commercial backs of financial institutions in china. some of the top distressed developers have not time to really seem to find the support where awareness of a year additional liquidity is checked to, to really just say only 2 hours. chinese developers still face the problem of sluggish consumer demand. the latest date that shows house prices in december the most and maybe 9 years. but i'm list say evergreen's faith shows authorities all the time and to bring on the control prompt the market bubble. patrick folks, how does 0 come come? they've been protested in mexico city against through
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a ton of both fighting. i don't right sacked to the scaffold in front of the path of the us, the thing describing event as torture, who are fighting performances resumed on sunday. also being suspended financially to years by local court. supreme court is that the suspension of the centers of practice for mexico is 32 states have banned in the to the funny my list. i'm very pro animal rights. this is really sadistic. we're against torture, against killing against it. being entertainment and being applauded. this cannot continue in this century. by the way, i saw how my father raised the bows since they were born, and he gave them excellent life. and so today, the goals are still being raised and the counselor ranch and children don't really learn by things. i mean, because they go to the fields, they see how they find a missing itself, isn't on. that's it for me, for this new though. jordan will be here in
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a few moments with more of the days developments. stay with us here, announces the it's another day of struggle for palestinians living in the north shunts refugee just hours earlier. israel's army once again stormed to camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads, its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk of a narrow alley, we find that out whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago. did that and her family haven't been able to stay here since palestinians believe by utilizing these tactics over and over again. israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy works. in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa the
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truth? it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story. on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in the policy. um, it's meant to get 50 percent representation and even accountability benefits. no 1000 service this claimant reports would that i should just trust that unity often has the cool values to
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produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth the, on the ground target, southern and central gonzo evacuation orders are issued, but people say there are no safe places to go. the other ones are enjoying this is honestly or a life. and also coming on the wound to the camera down to the hospital in northern casa, i'm the, is rarely have time in the south to major hospitals around the is really seems cut off 5 minutes just as good progress has been made on the path to home as well,
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ongoing trying to get things pushed.


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