tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST
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to in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem, did exorcise, hear the story on told to how does era the the hello i'm several venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the program. this hour is really special troops dressed as doctors and nurses answer a hospital in the occupied westbank and kill 3 palestinian doctors. and patients in gaza under attack is really airstrikes fit a hospital in the jamalia refugee camp. and you set back for the pro democracy movement in hong kong. it's leader says the national security law needs tightening
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to include treason, insurrection, and espionage. and the united states reimpose essentially is on venezuela for banning and opposition leader from running for president the so we start this hour in the occupying westbank where at least 3 palestinians have been killed by his really troops inside a hospital in geneva. so this is believed to be the moment when is really special forces dressed as doctors and nurses rated the main buildings in the admin center hospital is really military infiltrated. the city during the night sirens have been sounded in jeanine now in expectation of more res charles transferred his in ramallah at charles. so we have this footage now. the cc tv footage run us through what happened of what we've been speaking to hospital staff. the at
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the agency and the medical facility in jeanine in the nose and occupied westbank. they had telling us that in the early hours of the morning, 2 civilian vehicles arrived at the hospital entrance. and those soldiers that you see in that's what we understand. the c, c t, v footage is right. the soldiers disguised as medical stuff and seemingly civilians as well. heavily armed, came into the hospital, oversee on our own, our funds funding for full particular individuals. we understand being treated inside the hospital. the stop say that at least one of the members of the street man that would kill to being were being treated for injuries, disappearing to a couple of months ago during a previous is really all me raise the the video footage is, is hiring. we see members of this group one actually carrying a wheel chair, another carrying what seems to be supposed to be even
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a baby in some sort of costs carrying their rifles pointing at members of stuff as they come through the hospital color. those funding for these members of the armed resistance. now that has been a statement put out by the the janine battalion. now this is what did you need, but gay dis, comprises of various different groups, all the all resistance including from us and is allow me to had this saying that the, how much, what lead jo, them, they was a come on the in from us 27 years old, they saying that the bus, so i am and it goes out we was also a come on, do we understand islam extra had um and how much a month because uh we was, uh was, it was another come on that we also understand in is lot of just had now this is the 1st time since october, the 7th. we have seen it such a thing happen. we see me is really all, i mean pretty much every night. a very concerned about fights is
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hiding in these hospitals and we've seen them. these hospitals be surrounded on a number of occasions also come under attack. we visited the hospital in jeanine only about a month ago speaking to solve the they showed us video footage of gas being fired inside these hospitals as these where they all, we try to prevent medics and patients getting inside these medical facilities. but of course, this is a civilian medical institution and there are many people inside this hospital with being treated for illnesses and injuries that have been cut during these nightly rates. now, these ready, all me just put a statement out, i'll just read it to you. some of the things they said they said that a how much the tire was, so that was inside. they hadn't seen a hospital in janine appliance or carry out the terror attack in the immediate period had been neutralized. it goes on to say that the, how much alumnae,
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one of those killed 27 year old had context according to the statement was how much would it describes as his cultures? a boy is unclear as to what is referring to the ease. uh, the statement says the gentleman, they had transfered weapons and ammunition to what it describes as terrorists in order to promote shooting attacks. unplanned a raid inspired by the cypress, the 7th time us attacks in the side as well. and it goes on to contain what it describes as terrace, of using civilian institutions and facilities as a shiels to, to avoid, obviously being arrested. of course, jeanine has been taught at the time and time and time again over the last 4 months . many people inside jeanine killed thousands century up to thousands, arrested inside the city, but it shows you the determiners should. now the brazen focus,
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if you like the all what seems to be is ready for special full solution in carrying out the mission determined. now to, to just to find these, come on this all the all of assistance and to take them out. but can one can only imagine how to verify the other patients in the hospital stuff inside the hospital as this right happened. that has to be the stipend part of the policy and you know, so that you as well the policy in house ministry. and that statement, i will read you, that is we call on the united nations and international institutions to provide protection for treatment. an ambulance senses immediately. so yeah, this is a very worrying development because of course, they're all hospitals treating wounded, right, the way across the, the occupied westbank as these rates these nightly rates continue these street latest debts mean now that says 382 palestinians have been killed
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since october the 7th in these nightly and sometimes daily. and he's really all, i'm your tax run the way across the occupied territories here. and charles can i just get you to repeat who was killed according to on the one hand, the arm groups and jeanine on the, on the other hand, the idea of your idea of saying they targeted the homeless terrace. so the, the jeanine brigade saying it was at least 2 of them were as nomic. johan, it starts according to our understanding guess at least 2 of the kills according to the janine brigades with members of islamic jihad. and there was one that had us come out and killed these, riley's a putting special focus on this mind. the homage alumni who they say was a house come on to 27 years old. and who they accused of, of potentially planning an attack inspired by the i'll tell you about the 7th attacks, but it's important to recognize that said this, this group, notice the janine brigade,
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they are comprised of various different of resistance groups, including islamic jihad, including ham, us including including others, but as i say, at least one of those suite kills was being treated for injuries that it'd be me, could suffer during a previous raise around 2 months ago. and it seems as if to other members of the all and resistance groups with him when this attack happened. and indeed, the soft say that said that the 2 other men, what were literally sitting at his bedside as these uh, the special forces seemingly special forces disguised, came into the war and shot toll free, that charles transferred reporting from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thank you very much. israel's bowman campaign of the gaza strip has continued unabated strikes, targeted a home in rafa where a number of p for sheltering and it's believed everyone inside has been killed. 3
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people were killed also, and soldiers struck a car in the state of the refugee camp. and several palestinians have been detained after a raid on gauze the city. and how must release this video that appears to show fighting on the streets of fun, eunice listing, and fighters say that they destroyed 2 is really tanks. their southern guns as largest city has been at the heart of israel's offensive in recent weeks or, or strikes targeted the out of hospital that's in the jabante, a refugee camp in northern gaza. at least 5 people were injured. many parts of the hospital are now out of service, and the ambulances have been damaged beyond repair. well, joe 0 is honeywell. who enjoys this from laughing southern, gaza at honey. the is really offensive, is choking, gaza 2nd largest city, hon eunice. last hour. you said that there was increased concern where you are in rossa in the south that the is really offensive. will then move towards rafa and
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target that city tell us about that. yes, well intends bombing campaigns and artillery selling heavy artillery sitting across the city of pon, unice since the beginning of the expansion of the operations insides. hon. eunice in the central area ma'am. the western part of the city, including the vicinity of hospital and an academic institution, work hundreds of 1000 of this place, palace and have been sold, drank now the, according to his read a statement made by, in his really, in military radio station saying that the soon as the operation is done and finished in hot new and is within the coming a few days will be expanded throughout the city and mainly designated certain areas . particularly the northern eastern, part of, of us would be in the western part of the city where literally there are thousands of people of been this place have been shouldering since the past
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a few weeks that just increases the hot. it's on the level of fear and concern among people here we're looking at an over crowded area that, that runs out of space friends out of out of resources then facilities get to accommodate people to a single missile or a bomb. here you can count large number of people given just the large number of people to be to squeeze into this small part of the gaza strip here. you know, if we're looking at 1900000 displays thomas city, i'm being squeezed into this part, but just given the intensity of the fighting and then tens bombing campaign across the city. everybody is speculating that as soon as the operation being displayed it or it's done in hon. eunice, it will be a come in here throughout behind. that's the potter we have seen since the beginning of the work from the northern part of the gods trip into the city of bit handling and then delay when those really military meet made these statements one
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after another. that as soon as they are done with one part, they're moving to the 2nd part. that's the part that is making people very scared right now here because they don't have any place to go to from the further, the southern part of this of the city is the age of shingles. a border and from the northern part of, of a city is a, a battle zone going on and extreme fighting between the as the, the bombing campaign continues and a finding on the ground between palestinian finding groups. and these really invading forces on top of that is just the grave human interior situations caused by the ongoing bonding campaigns at all levels of from the hospitals as well as the higher the overcrowded public facilities. an extreme shortage of, of supplies and necessities and survival items that could help people survive and combat the difficult living conditions. okay, honey. talk to us also about what's happening in the northern part of the gaza
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strip. now, because fighting there seemed mostly over uh and now today yesterday it is picking up. do you know why that is? it was, it appears there is a search in the area like tox and artillery, sitting in the northern part and gaza city. in addition to the ongoing, consistent rates of evacuation centers that residential areas remaining residential areas where hundreds of people are still shouldering their, the really military conduct. these rates that the nighttime and a respite and large number of people. but what it looks like there's really military made it statements within the car. the past few days is stating that it has it control the, the areas but on the ground is, seems to be more, more fighting, going on. and the stream confrontation between
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a fighting groups in the ground and is really and military. it just, it appears for a lot of people here that the war has all this started. again, there is, there are rockets fired from the northern part, just putting the, these really narrative about it's a village. it controls the area at the very question right now, because the very area that describe the had full control over these, where the, the rockers were fired to from. and then that seems to be a response to that, the there that they're doing these or the expanding the, the operation in the areas that had already been bombed or destroyed, that they are just, they're destroyed and bonds one more, one more time. but what it looks like is, without an object, the clear objective uh, in the horizon a, these operations a seems to be continuous until there is a b, b, a deal or a. then there is the, there is a something to,
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to talk about or to reach with the as reports and versioning of a possible seeds fire going to happen within the coming to this is not still not confirmed, but these reports are emerging of a possible initial deal of a ceasefire. yeah, absolutely, it's not confirmed, but negotiations are ongoing. honeywell who was reporting life from rossa in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. i want to bring in the chat as a car associate professor of golf politics at guitar university's golf study center and the channel. it's interesting because, honey saying it, it looks like the fighting is going to continue until there's a deal between our mazda and israel. we know that deal is being worked on egypt guitar, mostly the us also, to some extent are part of the negotiations. the guitar, e prime minister has said there is good progress being made, but you wouldn't, you wouldn't be specific. anthony, blinking us extra is that the state also said we're working on it. there's progress
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again, not specific. my question is this. it seems like both sides, both homeless and israel. feel like time is working to their advantage. and they, i, i assume they both can't the right. yeah. indeed the have on 100 come us can see that that is the destruction of israel and united states and other front 11 on in the let's see in jordan in, in see you had said that the, this can be for a by how must leave it us the appointments on their side because while it's while on the but this is obviously there's another, another fonts that kind of felt was too much on what is going on in augusta. on the other hand that you filed on, on, of course the, the, the decision by the court of justice is bringing more support into the actual support, the more legitimacy to the, to the policy and claim. i'm probably copying and supportive of not possible. of course of, of the policy and the on the side. on the other hand,
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israel still after the session of the, the court, there was no request to stop the war. the united states not chasing the petition about that should be made right. the few started to, to, to defend actually, united states on the other. if i were some of the funding as well, from ethics and approximately so again, this sites, so as a lesson feed any price or to stop or to and prevent what is going on. ad there is friends, decided that they went to the stakeholder time, they need to achieve the, the goal. so far, nobody contested the goal. nobody can tell you about the object on know what it's always find that this is an impossible to to which is it working? is there military offensive working? we're almost, we're coming up on 4 months of war. uh, they have 2 goals, released the captives and wipe out i'm us and neither of those goals has been reached. neither of those goals seems particularly close to being reached. i know, i mean, as i said before, now the them, i'm, so the report the i mentioned before,
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i mean, now they bought the, the seems to transfer again to the north meeting. that's what the was and that was 2 weeks ago that the, the fight didn't northwest. it's over. it's not 100 percent true. and we see actually that they are expanding that the contract to the west bank. so we're not even close to reach that. the objective of every minute then how much 100 percent on it seems that the the negotiation was to freeze to free the totally right. the hostages us to a 2nd level of priority. it seems to be fairly said that there are some sacrifices that should be made in order to achieve the goal. and i mean, difficult to say, but the in the easterly calculation, maybe the hostages is not the same for some us that the, the saw this will be a fighting in a, in the war a and to some extent they would accept some kind of sacrifice of some of the hostages, if they are not able to release them in a short time so far, we said that almost 4 months of work. how long this office it would be kept if
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they're unable to use us. i'm not progressive. and we've seen the capt. his relatives protest time and time again. last night overnight they blocked the highway. also to call on the government to do more to secure the release of the captives. if the is really offensive progresses as honey minded, as that they said they would do, right, they do the north and they do the center of guys and then they would keep moving further south. now if they move further south from han, eunice, then they get the rougher. it's not like there hasn't been any fighting and rough with there has been, there's been some, some airstrikes, specifically. um, but the majority of the policy and population is now in rossa. that becomes a very, very different proposition. of course, there is no escape from that. i mean the people has been pushed to the south. i mean, more medium people accumulated in that. and the reason, as i said, if the northwest was empty, meeting the bus and the self. if the people, it's no time for again or he smells with them, then they get into it to their homes. what is the point of going to the south,
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vital you have, i mean, millions of people there and there is no way that they can achieve that goal without creating another massacre. and let me know, it's difficult to think that these are going to finish with minimal amount of cultural difficulty, another way or almost which is $50000.00. so it's, it's nobody in question to, to, to, to see the end of this, of this. but the motion is a car, associate professor of gulf politics and control universities go study center. thank you for joining us in the studio. i think as we were just discussing there with the channel guitar as prime minister says the good progress has been made towards the deal that could lead to a pause in israel's attacks on gaza. shake mohammed bin abdul romano thought he met us secretary of state and blinking in washington that follow talks in paris with intelligence chief from the us. israel and egypt like had a report on this from washington dc as the guitar, a foreign minister and the us secretary of state, appeared briefly for the cameras,
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but made no comment. it's understood that the guitar of foreign ministers is also the prime minister. rece the secretary of state on recent intelligence, folks in paris at which it was discussed how to the forward, the release of those captives still being held in gaza. had come to a meeting along with the intelligence chief some other parties such as egypt and israel. this a crucial part of getting some form of deal to get those captives out of gaza and the guitar e for administer cautiously optimistic saying that progress has been made. but he refused to be drawing any further at a discussion meeting that he held later on in the course of the day. at the meeting, he outline caught his role. this in response to reported criticism by the israeli prime minister that casa, was not doing enough to impose its will on him, us. but the foreign minister making very clear his belief that cuts as. busy low is
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that of the media to we try to bring the thoughts used to bridge the gap between them. frustrating them frustrating. both of them a by the by awards by, by made things by commitment by. ready addressing the issue is with, with some solutions that's, that's the pressure and benefits beyond this leverage. we don't see that, but that is a sofa part of that can impose something on the spot too, or the other party to bring them to that place. the foreign minister of the ref, my now tawny, also responded to criticism of cutoff for hosting groups like come us. he said this was done in consultation and cooperation with united states to provide a forum for it to have communication with its opposing groups such as a mass, or indeed us in the past. tell up on my kinda, i'll just sierra washington as the un has asked 13 countries to reconsider their
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decision to suspend funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees. it says the organization which provides a life saving aiden garza will be forced to stop operations at the end of next month. the us and 12 other countries made the decision after israel alleged the 12 of our staff members had taken part in the october 7th attacks. the critical humanitarian work that the u. n. does not only in, in, in, in gaza, all over the region needs to be supported people's lives. depend on it. we are doing in parallel taking very seriously all the allegations that have been made. we are, we are being forward leaning. it was underwater to announce this, right? they took the 1st step of a brief critical donors. they'd be certain parties before that happened. they were given information. they took the steps. so we have
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a process of accountability that's, that's going on while that's going on. people need to survive and we need to continued the support for on what all humanitarian work. let's take a closer look at on the wall and where it's funding usually comes from the us is the agencies biggest donor in 2023. it's contributed. $422000000.00 to all. several other nations including germany, austria, the u. k. canada and japan are also suspending their support. they, along with the u. s. provided more than a 1000000000 dollars last year. you an agency supports nearly 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east. it runs 706 schools, 140 primary health care facilities. it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians, most of them in gaza. it has a staff of about 13000 bats in gaza alone and at least 150 to have been killed. it is really a tax,
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so as been barth. ida is the norwegian minister of foreign affairs. he says suspending on the law funding amounts to collective punishment. i know that the commission general, that's the reason the has said that there should be 0 tolerance, 0 tolerance to anything like this. but you know, if you have 30000 employees who are embedded inside it, so sites in because the overwhelming majority of these employees are local stuff at tennessee means in public opinion. there is to try to, you know, be absolutely certain that we have 0 risk. it's very difficult even if, if you're trying to have 0 tolerance, which is i talk to me why i want to continue our funding. i urge all the donors to do so. and then we will collectively work with en route to make sure that everything comes from the table to what actually happened. and what then level do to prevent something like this were happening again, but we can not collectively punish all the people who are refugees or internally
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displaced. the fortunately the past, many of them remembered because people did not choose a life as a refugee. i think everyone would prefer to live in the for you independent, continuing and normal life and having their own business or work. but circumstances over many, many years have the put these people in this place on the international community can not about them. them now displays palestinians and rough are struggling to protect their children from harsh winter conditions. tom and mohammed name had to flee his home and bade a noon and northern gauze the 2 months ago now lives in a tent with his son and 25 other family members. here's his story, in his own words about him, how much name is coming to the tunnel show, month of august. and then there's that and then that way to get you all have a degree. but in the last the me that yeah, you know that, that you know higher without them that way. well, i mean, yes i but, well,
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i guess i didn't get the name of the day. i mean, i'm not, i'm not, i'm sure i should be in the you know, but i didn't read. busy the book really know what it was now, what is the name of the study? i'm trying to educate the use the i the i was available. anyways. then what would it be? well hey, a sub and oh i showed me i'm doing well was let me, let me know, you know me. israel's use of white fos for us. munitions on border areas is costing the lebanese agricultural industry millions of dollars,
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and it's causing so much environmental damage that the impact will be felt for years. and we're on con reports from klaya in southern lebanon. under international human rights little, this should not be happening. the use of white fos for us, munitions will not find out right. is illegal when used in civilian areas like this town of him along the dispute. boat of it is ro, white force for us bones through anything. it comes into contact with clouds, skin, muscle, bone. it destroys livestock and makes land unfit for sewing crops, potentially for at least a generation as well. it's not unusual to use such weapons, always seen in lebanon, and lucas, uh, is that israel, in the case of it as a, we've documented the use of white phosphorus and populated areas which is a violation of vital human rights watch. also documents of these, of white phosphorus and 11 on and other right groups, including i'm gonna see international have noticed that israel has apparently use
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white phosphorus indiscriminately on civilian areas, which would not to a violation of instruction mentor in law. as well as the stock response when it comes to white, 1st for us, munitions saying it is a to international law for, for the man of the agricultural town of a room is currently living in the town of deed having been fullest from his home by flight. there is an agricultural expert and tells us they won't know exactly how much damage has been done until they survey it when they return, but he knows the damage is extensive and long term, but on the 1st floor redbud. it'll be at the beginning because the 1st for us has a significant impact on the soil, given that it can react and a slight amount of sleep into ground water, in addition to mainly to an end balance and the environmental ecological diversity is landon ground water rivers and rain, the direct damage is caused by rather binding, that can effect humans, plants, animals, etc. this is what the off them off of a light. fos for us attack looks like old vegetation across a fairly wide area,
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hit old black and, and burned. but this is just a tardy fraction of the damage. the closer you get to the boat. the most seems like this that you'll see $20000000.00 worth of damage according to the lebanese agricultural industry across that disputed buddha. but for the farm is the, is another problem. these white foss was the tax close. an enormous amounts of environmental damage. meaning the, these fields i'm feels like this may not be plausible for at least a generation. and we're on con, how does their color sort of live in a, a still a head on alpha 0 drought, then war has left the shipping industry and crisis will tell you what that could mean to the global economy. and we look at why south korea has decided to ban a, i generate a deep fakes ahead of upcoming elections. the
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the had a lot of the pleasant weather has kicked off the working week across europe. and it's going to stay that way, at least for the next few days. so lots of dry and warm conditions across the south and will central areas. it is going to get a little cooler across the north west. the temperature still sitting is very high in scandinavia. we'll see that trends continue in the north east, but not in the southeast. now we've seen something of a cool down here wintry weather coming in for greece and took here with the tons of some snow here in the and low temperatures not just increased but also for sub where we have got some issues with fog and some of the stories for the north of it's a much more settled with sunshine in the south and you can see slices of sunshine across the west. europe in the southern areas of england. it is looking for 2 miles here on choose day for the rain isn't very far away. you can see that rolling in some blustery winds as well, pushing across the sea, come going into denmark,
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into the low countries as well, some heavy rain to come for central and northern parts of england. but still lots of rooms with temperatures sitting out, particularly down in southern areas like spain. if we have a look at a 3 day full madrid, sunshine on warm for 3 is for thursday, 18 degrees celsius. stay with bright skies. the. the, the no cost agent underway. yeah. the agent come being played here and to tell for a record the time once the whole thing started the tournaments, but only one will be crown champions. right. across the action on every human mind issue and managing thoughts that the emotions be a challenge. if you're not helping meant to me,
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then it's sort of like you do not living. we travel to south africa to explore traditional healing techniques, being used to improve wellbeing on his ancestors today. for the 1st of all cleansing, and to south korea, we're bring swinging, is leading to a live big success. it's one of the most important factors to be able to stay calm, stay relaxed and be able to share your shot as you normally would. amongst episode . sweet. oh no, just the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching else, a 0. a reminder of our headlines this,
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our overnight is really attacks on gaza, has killed several palestinians. strikes targets at a home in rasa. it's the lead to everyone inside was killed, multiple palestinians, and also been detained after rate in gaza. city 3 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces in a hospital in geneva. it happened in one of the main buildings indeed been sent. a hospital troops infiltrated the city during the night. guitar says there is good progress being made towards a new deal between israel and homos. you've had talks with us secretary of state, asked me blinking in washington that followed discussions in paris with egyptian american and is really officials the us national security spokesman has condemned calls and israel for settlers to return to gaza when the war is over. the calls came at a conference in west jerusalem, attended by several right wing is really cabinet ministers and members appointment some of this rhetoric and the language and that,
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that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event. a irresponsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say in certainly isn't that isn't the port with our strong policy statement. what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory from the south who has more on this from occupied east jerusalem as the united states had reiterated their position that they on equivalent denouncing or against any talk of displacing palestinians or forcing palestinians out of gaza to go elsewhere. he also says that the united states position is clear about reducing palestinian land for the building of illegal settlements. this comes after members of these rarely government itself had slammed this conference, attended by settlers and members of the right wing, one 3rd of nathaniel, whose cabinet was in attendance there. benny down to a member of the countries war cabinet. speaking out saying that this with israel in
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an incredibly bad position internationally and it harms the country during more time. and it also hinders efforts to bring back captives guy the eyes in coat, a former military chief of staff and award cabinet observer who has spoken out against netanyahu. and right wing policies has said that these ministers have learned nothing over the events of the last few years. specifically during this war, these really prime minister reportedly had told the americans that this is not going to happen. there won't be a legal settlements and the americans are saying that they believe him, they're going to take him at his word. but when you have one 3rd of nathan, yahoo, who's cabinet members of his own party and going to this and saying they want to legal settlements to be rebuilt, they want palestinians to be displaced from gaza. they want to see a full occupation full control of the palestinian territory. it's difficult because nothing yahoo, while he is the prime minister, he's still in a coalition with these members of the right wing who are putting increasing
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pressure on him for these types of policies. but the prime minister has reiterated that this is not the official government stance the . let's get some other world news now. hong koans leader says that he wants to take national security legislation as soon as possible to include offences such as treason, insurrection, and espionage. john lee says the city cannot afford to wait any longer to build on bad things. national security law that was enacted after a wide spread crack down on mass protest. backfiling political act tax will continue. that is exactly why i want the government to be up and in full gear to explain what we're doing. the loud
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and clear confidence. and right to tell the world we're just protect now save some from your tax. patrick bulk as more from hong kong as well. it is going to make some difference out and then the government isn't wasting any time to set this in motion the legislature is going to be gathering. so take off this consultation process and john lee has pledged previously to enact article 23. by the end of this year, she reiterated that it needs to be done as soon as possible because the existing legislation that is in place, namely, the beijing, impose national security law. they said was like a call with pots and missing all to cool. 23 will know typically include laws against sedition, espionage and roles. so the foreign political organizations from conducting any sort of political activity here,
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there was some concern expressed about the length of the consultation period, which will last until the end of february. that means as any one month compared to the 3 months people were given in 2002 when the government 1st tried to roll out to optical 23, but for was ultimately sho. remember all through the 23 is paul to pumpkins and many constitution which has been in place since the hand of in 1997. it is required to enact with legislation and john lee said that it's been waiting for 26 years to do so. today so andrew long is an independent china strategist and he's with us from hong kong. so let's get to the heart of the matter. pro democracy activists in hong kong will see this as a further tightening of basing control, beijing's control of hong kong, agree or disagree. as well, this is a total misunderstanding. one country to systems is all about it. so forget the
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formula begins with one country and then the home phone is constitution improves the arbitrary it's feed provision right from the start. it's 26 years ago. but then when the 10 was um, as i was made to introduce it in 2003, because for lack of sufficient explanation of, for, for lack of a sufficient atlas van is assigned to the attend, had to be abandoned. and it's all over 20. so actually c will years and then a lot of look close remained to be pluck engaging has loaded a bit of lesson as a result of the umbrella movement. and then more recently, the black kind of riots of selecting, not only law and order and phone calls, but also a basic sol frontier of a home called because part of the front desk, the mazda independence of a home. com. and then i'm lots of indications suggest that there all the forms for
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us as well, aiding and abetting all these protests. so being load because that's the whole goal in it, but the lesson and now's the time to the 2 o'clock loopholes. what would hong kong lead or be able to do with these proposed laws that he currently cannot do as well? um, because how many companies many territories have uh, national security legislation including the united states and the use of the are already within countries. um, but then of course the said gotten a phone call is phone calls robust fiduciary thinkers, them legal role has got a very fun, international reputation sitting on our court, all folders and judges in the even the, the hard, the hard quotes and the call to find to appeal and as in the case of dakota in case
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of each why would you be law i the process as being an extremely robust and. ringback because i mean is open trials so, so they're all saved gods. but of course the, and that one of the national security rule is not the cuter to hong kong. as i said, i mean is everywhere. well, so the, the uh, the legislation as it currently stands uh, creates a new sabotaged defense of unlawfully using a computer or electronic system to endanger national security unlawfully using a computer or electronic system you see and things like that that will fuel the argument of pro democracy activists that this is not just about national security, it's about political control as well. this will coal, both bulk as a active boost. in fact, if you look at the, the moans part of the, the monitor close is equity to unit was a suffrage. but the, i really was that you the most a saw for each one man, one vote was all for to them, but it was rejected because the one of the,
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the one bed, one more, all the have to comply with the home calls mean the constitution which is that the, the candidates have to be prescreen and then the, all the was initiated by of aging and uh on the agency initiative is never, never included in the dorm decoration with britain had the old. busy called it wasn't, it was changed initiative to all the one man manuel, but it was rejected them even though the conditions were ever asked about in compliance with the whole goal is to be in the constitution. so there was a lot of misunderstanding death, but be that as it may a base all i'm doing gravity, blue post keys and back into directions, separate halls and has been all, well these are the big thought of offenses which are that included in many that show the security rules around the well andrew lawn. thank you very much for joining us in
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a program this. our course in pakistan has sentenced former prime minister in run con to 10 years in jail for leaking state secrets. you know, we're going to bring in, i beg your pardon, let's let us reset. this is just crossed. let's bring and come. i'll hire for one the story he joins us live from. it's not a bad come out. we just got this information. what more can you tell us on this of the well amber on con, the former prime minister as regular shop man mode corporation. the form of foreign minister i've been sentenced are 10 years rigorous and press. busy menu, by a special card. no boats are already in jail. and not do y'all out. prison, but you're not very far from there. there's dr. what's going on inside the jail? and although the namo by the high guard had said that the media and the negative game should be allowed to come. busy to drive that good,
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not allowed board. now send dentist in the official secret acts case which a lawyer that more the traditional experts in the country say, the travesty of justice. saying that the media would not allow the legal to day board not allowed. the proceedings went on the late night last night and i go does so very unusual. the fact that describes uh and now just uh this morning, i also. busy uh show. busy the the haste and rest of decision were taken by the judge. uh they will of course be as right of a baby by the fall, my partner and then uh, 5 minutes still focused on uh, india style by the height, but no diesel i or lines were on the card. uh, the legal team of cardboard. not allowed to and uh, for defense. and that date, jim said for that point date or defense named isaac again, came on to credited them from a negative game. so indeed,
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a huge decision by the court. and that also happening just days before the congress due to ordered its elections on february, the commo. where does this actually leaving it? it may be too early to say, i appreciate that, but to the best of your ability and understanding where does this leave him run con, because he is pakistan's most popular political figure. but he has a new mobile accusations against him many court cases against him, and it's not the 1st time that he's been sentenced of the day. this is not the 1st time the last time he was in dentist or t. as in brendan main of the ridge or the state and the thought struck on our case, we did state gifts that did receive however, the card that then given in bell and that he was then of course uh, still kept in custody because of this refrigerate secret exact case,
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his popularity no doubt has gone up. people across the country supported him. however, as far did not being allowed to conduct the elections under his symbol. they are going to be fighting an independent gun today, instead of being accurate nations that they're being heavy handedness, the doors the party will graduate, coming out, even though the independent candidates that being grounded up the police and using heavy action against them. but there is now going to be a rail volpe also, because this is not going to stand in the south. i died board, which i earlier said that this has to be an open try. the media should be allowed none of the voice parts about it. because of the fact that the, the judge judge especially on guard judge did not allow that the government didn't fall or did not allow, that could be an open drive. so indeed that john said this really be struck down by this all by died guard. where did they get damaged? are going to find that it be come all high to reporting from some of that. thank
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you for the scramble as we just got this information. thanks for me. and china has reportedly orange deer on to help prevent host the attacks on ships and the red sea or risk warming business relations with badging the fighters. a bank like to run the attacks and a drought into panama canal have forced many commercial vessels to take longer. routes causing major delays and international trade for, as louis has more, as an industry in crisis. 2 of the wells main maritime routes disrupted, authorities have reduced the traffic and the panama canal, a major crossing between asia and to us by 36 percent. because of the drought, some companies had planned to reroute vibes of etsy, but that's become risky since who's the fighters from yemen stopped at targeting ships in response to israel's war on gaza. one trait analyst says the impact on the global economy is important,
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but not catastrophic. this is not the sort of 2nd coming of cobit where we have all of the shipping ports suddenly closed overnight. this is a localized problem for which there are alternatives. again, even if they cost more money and even if they take more time, they can be planned up before and planned around to avoid the red sea ships have to take along the route past the southern tip of africa, adding 10 to 12 days to the journey but that's not always feasible, especially if the goods a perishable, you talk about about the way the english have shorter shifts of the longer distance will definitely have, you know, some a fluid specialty event on a boat and stuff. it will be difficult for them to reach on time. so the, the, the for, which was, you know, expire in a particular time. the panama canal, and this was canal, or what's known as choke points or pinch points. narrow pots of waterways which are
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recognized as problem areas in global shipping boots. there are 7 of them that have a pinch points that have been identified for very long time. most firms have alternatives in place for what are we going to do? s. and i think all the again, disruptive, unpleasant costs up that can be managed because you can start to forecast ahead of time. however, the longer the who's the tax continue, the bigger the disruption to international trade, to florence dewey, which is 0. the us is reinstating sanctions on venezuela as a banning and the opposition leader from running for president maria carina kirk maria corrina machado says that the presidential election is scheduled to be held later this year will not happen without john home and reports of the candidate for venezuela's may know position coalition has a message for the countries president, nicola nicholas, my dear, isn't going to choose the people's candidate handy. but that seems to be exactly
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what the president's done. because maria corina machado, one type or a position primary by a landslide, has been disqualified from the countries 2024 elections. the decision was made by supreme court headed by ruling policy lawyer list. but it could cover the costs within his wife and candidates. in october, the united states lifted some of its sanctions, granted the country, they partly in exchange for the government, committing to let some bond opposition, take us back into politics. now the us says it's reviewing its function policy again. mr. medina. one is regina have decisions we have to make. we want to say and meet the commitments they made back in october to allow position parties and candidates to run appropriately and release political prisoners. we have decisions to make as well. if they don't do that, they've got till april. we'll see what they do. meanwhile, machado right wing politically bedframe, so she won't step aside for substitute kinds of that. bob will have a little bad and we are going to be nicholas my do in elections is. yeah. and we're
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going to do it to give that i don't see who a substitute would be. anyway, some of position figures have been found, others have flipped the country along with more than 7000000. other people definitely call that points towards another vote. which president nicholas, my daughter, comes out until his prize an 11 year in charge of a country and a long standing. some momentary and economic crisis on human houses in denmark has been named the least corrupt the country for the 6th time. transparency international released its annual corruption perceptions, index ranking, public sector corruption around the world. somalia, venezuela, syria, and south sedan make up the bottom 4 spots in despite russia's war, ukraine has improved its score. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has presented evidence to the united nations of war crimes,
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indoor for korean. khan told security council members that there are grounds to believe both the cities army and the power military rapids support forces or committing atrocities. kristin salumi reports from un headquarters in new york. here along chad's border with sudan, where one and 3 people is a refugee stories of atrocities about fresh from a visit. the chief prosecutor, the international criminal court, corinne con, told the security council, he's gathered evidence of war crimes. and i can confirm the council that we are collecting a very significant body of material information and evidence that is relevant to those particular crimes. over $600000.00 sudanese fled west star for last year. as the fighting got worse. even as rapids support forces battled the sudanese armed forces for control and the capital human rights groups have a ledge. civilians were deliberately targeted and killed in classes with the
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reassessed and allied militias. the prosecutor says he's found evidence of atrocities on all sides of sudan civil war, but has received little cooperation from authorities. we have not received a scrap of paper from decision these offices. i met with general i will go to honda in september the promised cooperation with the i c t. but despite that promise to me face to face, we have received no information. what's the, i say say prosecutor has yet to formally charge any individuals, but he has the authority to do so under a 2005 security council resolution. and his most recent comments suggest those charges may be coming soon. kristin salumi, algebra the united nation. the new law is being enforced in south korea banning the
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use of deep faith videos created by artificial intelligence for election campaigning. as eunice camera reports from sol, anyone caught spreading video. this information faces a 7 year prison sentence of the south koreans are among the estimated 4000000000 people worldwide, who will cast ballots this year. at, unlike in the past, the national assembly has made it illegal for political campaigns to use the content. 90 days before the election to give us time to consider their authenticity, the term, the fake is a combination of deep learning and fake and refers to a generated content that's often designed to mislead in the lead up to the 2022 presidential pulse, the fix featured but mostly to generate humor or entry he, i use on getting the candidates used avatars to asterisk simple questions and health news conferences in the metaphors. since then, however,
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the technology has evolved and become more prevalent clips, such as these can be customized for a price or even produced by novices. as you'll see later in our report, dfcs are also impacting world leaders. in december, a student posed a question to russian president vladimir putin as his ai generated double interior . and last week, voters in new hampshire receive calls from a voice pretending to be us president joe biden. discouraging them from participating in the primaries. putting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump again. the white house moved quickly to confirmed by did did not make the recordings. it's prompted concerns about the impact the fix can have in the lead up to elections. this is just the 1st part in the apple, not only for south korea, for all other countries who take the 3 and fair elections,
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various is seriously for the longevity of the liberal democracy. the measures may not be perfect in their 1st attempts, but they have to be try so that the the deficiency is have to the discoveries in south korea. dfcs can be used in campaigning ahead of the 90 day window as long as they are clearly identified. but much work lies ahead to disturb the work of actors outside of the visual campaigning for seeking to confuse and deceive learning the lines between what is real and what is not. you know, skim. oh, does era. so the right unit, this point is well taken there, you can find much more on our website the address for that. as always, i was just the comic carries all our top stories. we're going to take a quick break reset and we'll be right back to the top, the hour with more today's news, including as well as continuing on, gosh, i guess i'll just stay with
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the job by mid donald trump head start. really opposed messages by officer trump would turn the us into a dictatorship or sure car is drugs cause is revenge for the 2020 election. we will root out tommy is lockson's fashions, and the radical left dogs that live like vermin within the confines of our country . many voters are fed up with high prices, and biting stands on these rails more ongoing, as well as cost a decline and support in his own party. trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal cones is elected. trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more fossil fuel. in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by
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a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states, it's likely to be a bitter babel. it's one of the was largest radio telescopes designed by soviet era, pioneer only to be left lying, idle refusing to be silenced, his niece, resuscitate the sleeping colossus. the witness knocked 50 full armenians for built in space drive on the jersey to of
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the the doctors and patients in gaza under attack is really airstrikes hit the hospital in the jamalia refugee the . i'm sort of the new, it's good to have you with us. this is l, just your life from the also coming up is really special troops dressed as doctors and nurses and for a hospital in the occupied westbank until 3 palestinians. former packet study prime
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