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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the, the, the, the that i'm or a kyle, this is the news our life from though ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. a proposal for another safe spot and also how mouse is political leader says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions. as well. hands over the bodies of 8 to palestinians who have been taken from gaza and held in israel. video images of palestinian detainees blindfolded and hancock. the in gauze applies. ready soldiers plus us price company announces us successful brain chip implants says it gives us to people who are paralyzed at
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on piece of same as with the schools. it was becky stone, have reached the asian cup coastal finals and hoping to join them all saudi arabia and south korea, as the fans gather to education so that he can go home in about an hour's time, the, the political leader of hamas as well. he says his group has received a ceasefire proposal for the war on garza. that'd been torques this week in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. this was prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in 5th, he will not end the war without achieving all his goals. honey, i mean, well says he'll try to travel to cairo for further discussions. and the statement hunter extended his thanks to egypt and cast off the barrel and trying to reach a sustainable ceasefire agreement. and also, he said,
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how mazda is open to discussing any serious ad practical initiatives, provided they lead to association of is riley aggression. the primary rule for accepting any proposal is to stop the brutal aggression against garza. i'm the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the strip mohammed us out as a member of hamas has political bureau and he explains the conditions of last considered as non negotiable. we thought, does that mean i'm say i'm is oh cool. we come to exit eh, ceasefire for 40 years. healey, darian reasons, we want it been on these for you is going to be we want it was a girl is like really with the girl. was it from guys? this thread was out. is that i easy?
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was it the one we've done also accept it this in you d o you propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to taylor. it's the to the does a great because a lot of people, the stuff money we've done to it shipped to any kind of the stages. is there any reason us detectives who of, with the is this sense that movement and got the state. so we are located there to really use oh yeah, because it's on both sides. we are looking for a been in the ceasefire, but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state,
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the very important one for us 3. so this printer is fair. otherwise, it means the 2nd of the war between us and these are the tools. what do we want? see say i've been on c spy out. it does your for, for both sides, for i'm for the people, but it's time. but we'll have all the reaction from the us and just a moment for the white house correspondent. kimberly how can but fast let speak to him, how to judge it. he's long for us and has to lower the prime minister. it was speaking at a gathering at a religious preparatory school at a settlement and a legal settlement in the occupied west bank. and he said very clearly that israel will not leave the gaza strip, that they will continue with the war until have masses eliminated. and that he has
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no intention of releasing thousands of palestinian prisoners. let's take a listen to more of what and that's the yahoo! i have to say just a few hours ago to the so i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear, we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the illumination of how much the return of all of hostages and a promise that goes on when you no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. so all right, it's interesting that we're hearing this now at a time when there had been so many reports throughout the as really media landscape in which anonymous is really government officials are saying that essentially the government has signed off, at least in principle to the being exchanged for thousands of pallets any prisoners,
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but we should contextualize the prime minister's remark somewhat because as i said before, he was speaking at a religious preparatory school in the occupied westbank in m illegal settlement. that's a very right wing audience. also his remarks coming just a couple of hours after the far right wing national security ministry. it's more been to be, are posted on twitter that a bad deal would equal the collapse of government. and we've heard more and more from right wing members of the government, the past few days, saying that they are in opposition to a deal that they would be perceived at that would be perceived as bad. and that, that might mean they would walk away from the government and leaving that some yahoo in a lot of political peril. beyond that, we also heard from the main opposition leader. yeah. your la pete who posted on social media. but essentially he was willing to do whatever it took to support the government if it meant backing a deal that would bring capt is really capt is helping gaza back to their home. so it's a very complicated political picture at a time when you've heard from how much they keep saying that they want to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces from the gaza strip. and also we are the
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statement from power sending assignments are hot in which they said that they're not willing to engage in negotiations about the potential release of captive unless and until israel fully withdraws its military from the gaza strip. a morbid on top of all of this. we all hearing reports of the us extra estate on me, blink, and is expected to be returning to the region of the end of this week. what do we know about that? so not a lot of details yet, but the is really media is reporting that secretary blinking will be making his 6th trip to israel since the start of the war on gaza that he is expected to arrive on saturday. that he is expected to meet with the prime minister, that he is also expected to be involved in meetings with the is really wor, cabinets, and to be discussing with them. potential scenarios that the us supports for what would happen in a day after scenario, after the end of the war in guys. and now these really media also essentially saying that blinking is going to have
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a tough time of it. because whenever he's come in the past with a laundry list of requests from the us, basically, and that's in yahoo has been intransigent in his position. the us, of course, would like to see more a getting into a guy that likes the more humanitarian relief. they'd like to see these really armies shifted to what it calls a different phase of the war on gaza. but again, as of there, as of what we're seeing so far and these really media, most commentators do not expect that netanyahu will change his tac any time soon. okay. like challenging bringing us to view that from tele v. thanks very much mohammed. let's go even out to washington dc, bring in. kimberly how it gets to a little bit more about blinking. not too many details, that for me is really side to anything much moles that you are hearing from dc. though this includes will be his 6th trip to as well since october, the 7th us that's right. and the reason we understand is not only because the united states is still pushing for that to state solution,
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something that they have had pushed back from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but also there is this renewed urgency of the fact that there is a fear of a broader mid east conflict in the region. and that has stepped up the need for a visit to the region. given the fact that there was that attack on an outpost that was being operated by the united states in jordan, the fact that there were 3 us soldiers killed. 40 wounded uh now the united states, as it moles a response, one that it has promised the u. s. president joe biden spent much of monday working with his national security team out of site here at the white house, preparing a response which the united states says will be careful and deliberate. and at the time and place of the united states is choosing has also said very carefully, but it was not seeking a broader conflict in the region and is also not planning or looking for
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a conflict with a ron. so it is with all of these considerations that the united states and also anthony blinking is being dispatched to discuss all of these options with the is really government. now in the midst of all of this, we should also point out that the secretary of state on monday acknowledge that this is one of the most volatile times he believes in the last half century. and so this is why he is visiting. he is hoping to tap down some of this escalation and we know from the past that the us president joe biden has sent the secretary of state in order to try and achieve that goal. and that can be a question that you often the white house press briefing room on it today at sparked a bit of a test. the exchange tell us more about vast. yeah, that's right. o d u s. president joe biden has been as he's been visiting various political events. this is an election year. the general election in the united
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states has some 10 months away, has been repeatedly interrupted by protesters. they have been calling him genocide joe, for his support of israel's war on gaza. well, i asked the us spokes person, john kirby is the national security council. whether as the us president is weighing his options on just how to respond to that attack on the outpost in jordan, whether or not he is also taking into account political considerations. and the fact that he currently the joe biden is sitting at less than 40 percent approval and whether or not be a polling but shows in the us. but the support for israel's war and gaza in just a broader movie is conflict is very unpopular in the united states. here's what john kirby had to say. he's not looking at political calculations or the polling or the elect or calendar as he works to protect our troops ashore in our ships at sea
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. and a suggestion to the contrary is offensive. looking at the following, with respect to the american public waterfront or middle east conflict, when he waves his political decision, making me my the answer, the question is the way he is not concerning himself with the political calendar for to to wait on with why am i i have to have the ball, man, i've it or even as the national security council spokesperson, john kirby denies the product. so that is making those political considerations. we do know he is getting pressure internally from members of his own democratic party . he even from members of the progressive wing, which is the further left of the democratic party, they are pushing for the president to call for a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. and also because not only it
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threatens us live, but also they fear a broader mid east conflict. okay. can be how it gets funny, is that from washington dc. thanks very much. kimberly now as well, has returned the bodies of 18 palestinians killed and gaza in recent weeks and it was sent in a truck through the come up to sell them crossing and will be buried in the city of rafa in southern gauze, them the bodies have been taken and held in israel, honey mackwood has moved from rafa in southern garza here to my left that this particular location is defined a resting place. so 80 palestinian bodies that were held by these really military. they were released that earlier hours of this morning through the coordination with the red cross and the health authorities in the gaza strip. they were held for quite long time,
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largely decomposed in and on identify. it's important to point out that there are no family members of these bodies. it presents here to pay them respect or to offer final prayers. these are the bodies of palestinians who were killed and then taken by it is really military or either it taking it from the graveyards uh from cemetery. is that where does it crated by uh, the is really military as its the ground forces as formed some 12 cemeteries across the gaza strip in the northern pod and in the city of han unison, the central area is the bodies were brought in a cargo truck here and for quite some time, the cargo truck was closed off as the emergency and health committee told us the bodies are badly decomposed. then the bad orders of the deacon bows bodies are
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everywhere. is it for the good not to administer? should the sums of mush team with my son was killed on december 5th and he was killed in the, on school and i was injured. so he was buried in the cemetery and con eunice budget for that. i've actuated to also allow me neighborhood and rough or so these really mid a tree, destroyed the symmetry and to bodies from that, when i heard about these bodies being returned to gaza, i rushed to to see if my sons party is with them. so with another mass grave, yet more palestinians whose names may never be known, their identity is lost in a war with unimpressive dented, dis tall honey. my lords outages, he had a rough by hand southern gaza, a spring now to talk i will assume he joins us live from the rough. uh type so many pretty horrible scenes that have a people reacting to these bodies being were tons to gaza.
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yes. uh, great sentiments of frustration and the person was also today you due to the fact that the user, the military had time to over the empty pallets, sitting in the bodies that have been taken from the territories. and it's not yet clear is taken during the october the 7th attack, or they had been taken from kansas cemeteries as the isabel, the forces did not completely tell of the names ages or need of indication of the talk. it seems that they have been taking it from inside, bought an effect on the ground that this is not the 1st time that this very side had delivered the bodies of palestinians being taken by this is the 1st at the 5th time since the will began on august since october, the 7th and completely the majority of do his buddies are still on identifying that means that the family members do not know anything about as a little status and your families has lost just family members and different types of course the territory until now they have no single information about them till now because when the site did not to mention this incident bought from the
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palestinian slide, the government's media office one by how much here in the territory had been saying that they have been taking some calls of symmetries. has different old bits of the bodies have been stolen by these very forces. since the have been handed over to the palace, me all the other side. i'm tired. if you could bring this up to date with the latest by taking that was saying because of course, on his own going, the across the goal is a strip the yes. so if you only thing on the grounds and minute you start thinking you 1st of the different areas of $16.16, the question who is is going to be shooting dope, jabante or if you can continue to renewing different stations and find the classes that we did kind of city influences and because very ministry, sewage is the key thing for the nature of the city to the mountain
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neighborhoods where a place by late eclip protection have been made. it's going to come into the western side and it goes to city despite the fact that this happened despite the fact that these very minutes we had just stated that the, with a drawing from the central varies of the closest city. but right now it seems that the confrontation renewed again in these areas um its ongoing issue boxes and the switching on units were uh, during the past, the 24 hours more than $102.00 things out of city of having to move them $200.00 speed would it to now in different areas territory. okay. turn a zoom. joining is that from rough as the sunset. cool to from a case across the gaza strip. many thanks. are video his image showing thousands on palestinian detainees blindfold. it's the hands tied behind the box. and falls to fit in the, to the man with
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a change in hon units as they were attempting to leave the area. it's not clear when the video was recorded homes of a home a couple years ago, you had ordered them to leave han eunice as it intensified it's bombardment of the causes a strip. but as the what trying to do, just that is really forces detained in the what then blank, folded, their hands tied behind their backs. unfortunately into that, the exec data of this video is not clear, but it's recent. visit us setup check things across fun unit, resting palestinians trying to hit by the cell to us roughly. this is not the 1st time that palestinian detainees have been subjected to mediation in december, a video and magical doesn't support a student entities strip and forced to sit in the middle of the road. was surrounded by throw you. so just some of those individual included you n y a joiner this and those of the young, those 15,
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they wouldn't be painful more than a month with some released wedding only diapers. the u. n. accused is the right of mistreating palistine in detainees in regards to the families of the tenants believed the number in thousands have not been provided with information on the faith or the occasion of their loved ones. is reading mistake urgent steps to ensure that all those i'm asked him or detained are treated in line with international human rights and international humanitarian law. norms and standards . is there a face only to things fight as belonging to police, pinion on groups that claim with only in rate palistine and activities and human rights comes him him with a just data. so let's bring it out. is there a senior political analyst, now mo, and michelle and mo, and what do you make of the ship brutality of these actions that was saying the way these bodies have been treated by israel?
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and the ton to gauze of the treatment of detainees by is really soldiers. i mean, it all adds up to a sort of a blue water treatment of the palestinians. that seems to be acceptable. now, it is, well, unfortunately it's true. i think there's probably a good number of accumulated reasons the, the latest would be that they're not doing very well of destruction and death in guys. i have my sister, the intact, i still fighting i put into most of but those are still intact. and so i think that taking it out on the population of whatever they lack in success, they're making up for that an exemption or some of the sadistic 5. but unfortunately, quite sophistic, even those to images of, of, of, of pedestrians being held the way they have. they don't know if most, who they're symphony is or not, and, and so on, so forth. and then there is the,
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the question of the, the vengeful miss. a lot of these, uh, soldiers out of the service they come from uh, also uh, radical parts of the society that not necessarily as strange as the regular army. so would that affect more of is there in the society that have become more practically, is more extreme, more fanatical, those on. and then there's the 3rd one which we've seen that accumulates and go over the years. a just after 56 years of occupation, you have these generational accumulation of hatred of braces, animals, humor, the issue of sadism. and i think you see it come out now once upon a time. these drain is used to pride themselves of shooting and crying. the they would say your name for blame. sure thing. i'm crying because they really felt really bad for sure. thing. now you look at the images, everyone's shooting and laughing. mm. let's move on to the cx. 5 proposal we're
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hearing from a smell honey is saying that he is going to be traveling to cairo. do you think that a deal is close? i don't think so. but then you know, we could always be pleasantly surprised. right? so it varies more and more that numbers and there's more movement. um and there's a, there's a saying and out of that something about there's bliss in moving my thing down. so i guess there's lots of movement that must be some type. but if blinking this visit is in one way or another related to this issue. then we could probably be expecting american pressure on the government to deliver on the aspects of what happens after the 1st, 2nd or 3rd stage of the pauses, which the americans probably would expect it to be
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a ceasefire. because this deal for these, that is, it could be close to the captives deal or, or hostage deal for the, for the city as it's a society. it's in the end of the water. it's a withdrawal of the american. was there a to forces and also the gap is too big which would how much that is right? and unless guarantees are given by the united states, that after a number of pauses and exchanges, this will lead to a ceasefire after 90 days or something. then i don't see it happening, i think and is forced to be coming to the regions. you mentioned, you think a lot of that will be trying to calm these escalations in the strikes that we've been saying that of cause killed 3 uh, 3 us servicemen a couple of days ago. number of the strikes being seen here, there and everywhere across the region. how much of the visit is down to trying to come back and stop at escalating of other probably definitely has some of you know,
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some grounds in that and, and i watched our, uh, uh, correspondence kimberly that trying to pin down the spokesperson in the national security council and i think she was yeah, she was very right and just trying to get some kind of an answer because clearly by then isn't a bind by then is in a bind for sure. in the sense that he's an election year, there's pressure to internally. how do you sent a letter from the african american pastors such was particularly meaningful in the sense that we're not only see young democrats or have been mostly americans for progressives, or no, no, we're seeing mainstream. and that is very important segment of his, of his electra of his backers of his supporters in states that would count a lot,
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see african american pastors for i think, saying to buy, then we need to cease fire. and now we're seeing more or more american public saying what, what is happening? why are we being shot at, why are we being killed again in the middle east? didn't you promise me that we're going to end up forever worse. so i think this synergy between internal pressure and duration of pressure is certainly going to figure in blinking this visit. notably, i would hope putting pressure on nothing. he all and his government to end the war because in the end of the day without ending the war, this is going to continue as usual. ok, low on money. thanks indeed for coming in. so the paula sent me in red crescent, has released an audio recording of a palestinian go, who was shot by is riley forces, lay on hand, contacted paramedics for health walls the call. her family was traveling and was
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surrounded by israeli forces. lamb died as her youngest sister hens remain trapped inside the vehicle and gone to assist you. just to warn you that you may find the contents of this order your recording, disturbing. the move in the move on the other one might have been in the caribbean. the individual will see all the hello. hello. hello. hello.
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hello. hello. of the israel's use of white phosphorus. munitions is costing lebanese farm is near the pool, the millions of dollars as a long comm reports from $711.00 on the internationally found weapons and civilian areas will cause environmental damage for years to come or under international human rights law. this should not be happening. the use of white fos for us, munitions will not find out right. is illegal when used in civilian areas like this . town of him along the disputed boat over this ro, white fos, for us bones through anything. it comes into contact with clouds, skin, muscle, bone. it destroys livestock, and makes land unfit for sewing crops, potentially for at least
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a generation as well. it's not unusual to use such weapons, always seen in lebanon, and lucas is that israel, in the case of it as a, we've documented the use of white phosphorus and populated areas which is a violation of vital human rights watch. also documents of these, of white phosphorus and 11 on in other right groups, including i'm gonna see international have noted that israel has apparently use white phosphorus indiscriminately on civilian areas which would not to a violation of instruction material as well as a stock response when it comes to white 1st for us, munitions saying it is to international law for, for the man of the agricultural town of a room is currently living in the town of deed having been fullest from his home by flight. there is an agricultural expert and tells us they won't know exactly how much damage has been done until they survey it when they return. but he knows the damage is extensive and long term, but on the 1st floor ready to be at the beginning. because the 1st for us has
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a significant impact on the soil, given that it can react and a slim on a seat into the ground water. and in addition to mainly to an end balance and the environmental ecological diversity and, and ground water, rivers and rain. the direct damage is caused by rapid bonding that can affect humans, plants, animals, etc. this is what the off them off of the white, fos for us attack looks like all the vegetation across a fairly wide area, hit old black and, and burned. but this is just a tardy fraction of the damage the club. so you get to the boat. the most seems like this that you'll see $20000000.00 worth of damage, according to the lebanese agricultural industry across that disputed bowed up. but for the farm is the, is another problem. these white full square is the tax close and enormous amounts of environmental damage. meaning the, these fields and fields like this may not be plausible for at least a generation. and we're on con, how does their color sort of live in a still
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a has hair on alex's era moving islands, politicians look set to revive, to vote government opportunity to use of deadlock processing. again, some rising cost of living, your physician is taking to the streets of shore lanka. uninstall was a big chunk of the applicant, couple of nations as the defending champions of dumps out. i was coming up with pete's the well, the persistence of sunshine and the regime of warm weather has given effectively a quite alarm lost in key twice in argentina. but it spread across to pump the chimney as well. santiago's 35 doesn't reflect an absolute record, but there is
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a heat wave warning ad here as the u. v. index is extremely high, so that's dangerous, right? and some of the temperatures are rising again. after about $37.00 on wednesday and thursday publicly was being given free to people for the obviously any, anything you can do to relieve the sort of heat stress is being done and goes to an option to record. but you can see persistently, unpleasantly high. now there's some change further north where we've had because of high temperatures and dr. wild 5 and pumps of columbia is right in coming this way, dr. thomas, because of focus and he's got to stop the shower here fairly soon. so it's pretty warm throughout the caribbean. and further west, but i think this change in the regime are normally wind with the blue, representing rain will cool things down and bring some rain to you. the winter continues into us and canada, but the only cold enough weather for sparrows around the great lakes. otherwise, it's warm and sunny to feed the southern states,
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but increasing the west again and the pacific. the, the, the latest news as it breaks on and the savage highlands, if the president is going to face, is convincing member states to take a unified position with detailed coverage. the native forests on the other, half of this gigantic properties. the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners from around the world. what you see behind me is the ops really piloted personal air vehicles. south korea's answer to the air. it's hot. it's one of the was largest radio telescopes designed by soviet era, pioneer only to be left lying. i don't refusing to be silenced. his niece resuscitate the sleeping colossus. the witness met the 54 armenians for
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built in space, drive on the jersey to the the the other again, you're watching out there. i have to remind you of all top stories this uh, mazda is politically to asheville, honey, a says they have received a space for proposal on the will on saucer, as well as towards between cas, our intelligence chase from the us as well. and egypt. this was prime minister now says the will on golf and will not end until those goals are achieved. as well as what time the bodies of ac palestinians, kelton's author, and we see we've, we've
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a sense in a talk through the time i boost sullen crossing will be buried in the city of ruffled in something garza and dozens of palestinians have been arrested in something gall, so they've been detained for several days. i mean kept blindfolded on the knees and sweaty on me, so says arrested terrace. the funeral has taken place for the 3 palestinian men killed by his really special forces during a raid on a hospital in janine and it was supplied. westbank attack seems to be the 1st of its kind since the war on gauls have begun. tell stratford has this report from ramallah and these are not the medics but this going is this way. the soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination and a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank
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according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. he suffered during these righty. hold on me right. 2 months ago, the, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeal to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the jeanine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members, islamic just had one that come on to the sud was a commander from us. from us, it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready. all of these statements said what it cooled from us terrorist so hiding inside the hospitals that'd be neutralized. it's it. how much come out of them? a homage 11. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th from
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us attacks and had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the fighters. these are the army open surrounds and at times that actually attacked the 3 hospitals in jeanine during the night. the military raids on the city, but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility and what seems to be a target to assess the nation. and one, the pot assume you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child stuff without your 0 ramallah and the occupied was fine or the, let's bring you some other well use now and off to, to use the volt government code for ton to northern ireland because of the main union of this policy, the d u. p has approved rejoining the power sharing arrangement with the republicans ocean fame. who want a united ireland of
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a database as best as conditional on the bush as government committing to new measures on post breaks at trade rules. since i became a largest policy in northern ireland in may 2022, but the do you p at or where the collapse of old government power sharing agreement means unionist and republicans must each have one of the top 2 roles. the u. p. withdrew from government off the brakes. that's when you trade rules when needed. that's because the, you request strict checks on some goods from non e u. countries not meant a possible hard border between northern islands, possibly u. k. and the republic of ireland, an e u. country will say put at risk, the 1998 peace agreement that ended decades of violence in northern ireland. so the u. k. and the you signed a deal that effectively created a trade for the between northern ireland and the rest of the u. k. some goods arriving from breton for the, you know, try to know the irish ports. z u p said that tons of mind the regions place in the
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u. k. this package, i believe safeguards, northern islands, please in the union and we'll restore our place within the u. k internal market. it will remove checks for goods moving within the u. k. of remaining in northern ireland, as well as the automatically following future e u last a 5 or is there a place that we are asked this at juncture? we're conscious that there is a huge amount of work to be done and that's at society has really suffered from the absence of governments over the last 2 years. we're almost 2 years away from the last assembly election. i'd very much welcome to the fact that the have them moved to explicitly recognize and respect the outcome of the tasks assembly at election or off of or this that speak to how it follows that
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he joins us from stormwind and belfast and highest is a big streaming significant breakthrough, how does it come about? yes, it is a big breakthrough. it's not a done deal yet, but it is a major step back towards the power sherry executive here at store month. um, the fee was obviously unhappy with the original breaks it scenario with, with that de facto trade border in the i received. i was unhappy with the idea of even some goods that were due to be staying here and all the not going to the republic of ireland and that for the you also having checks on them and that's why they would, they withdrew from the power sharing arrangement the question is exactly what they've got from the british government in westminster. it seems that there is some sort of commitment that the, the british government what diverse too much from you trading roles which will
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allow fewer potentially, according to the leader jeffrey don't. so donaldson, no checks coming across between the british mainland and here in northern ireland, and that he says would allow his pod seats to rejoins the power sharing executive. here, there are some questions as to exactly whether that will be the case. there are also questions as to whether all whose key members in his party assigned up to this . so not everything arranged as yet. but as you heard from champagne, the main republican party, the result to isn't that they will be joined by the d u p. and that the 1st minister of northern on will be, i shouldn't say. and so as minister. so for a republican party that wants to see a united ireland being represented by the 1st minister here and all along that will be a line mark moment if and when it comes. a diary this a little island has been 2 years without its devolve government. what impacts is
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that has of what was had a major impact because they haven't been able to be any new arrangements, any new spending commitments to be imposed here. and so everything is being stock as it was 2 years ago during a very inflation re periods. so funding for schools for health care, the transport has been stuck, public sector pay has been stuck. and so we see a large number, especially in recent weeks of strikes. and that is part of the reason that this has now come about because the british government was holding out this $3300000000.00 pound cash dispersement that they said would come if power sharing was rejoined here at stone mountain. so that is as being a big cart so that the d p to, to come back on board in this way. but as i say, it's not done yet. there are more hod line parties getting this parties that seats any endorsements of a you trading regulations as to be similar to what happens in the republic m e a u,
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and therefore undermining u. k sovereignty here in north along there. those within the d, u. p. as you might disagree as well, and even for the how the line breakfast is within the british government at westminster and the conservative party. if there is a commitment by the british government to adhere more closely to e u trading regulations, they may feel that the sources of freedoms that they say they won through brakes. it could be under mine, so a lot still to be on. so we might get some of the answers to those questions on wednesday when the full details of this deal i've got to be published. okay, all right, bullshit for a moment. thanks very much for joining us. that from belfast, across in pakistan has sent has form a prime minister in ron com to 10 years in prison, has been found guilty of leaking official secrets. former prime minister was pushed out in a new confidence fight, and 2022. con is already serving a 3 year prison sentence and a corruption case sensitive and comes head of parliamentary elections next month.
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are in toronto and the lines of opposition. policies on the suppose. those have been holding protests in the capital, colombo, i guess, recent tax increases faces was accountants this past them for just to say a value added tax wise is adding to every day costs of living sciences already passing a crippling economic crisis. and that's the unrest in twins 2 twins, 2 1st and then present because a bunch of packs up to step down. no fernandez without that protest in columbus. the vote of police you see behind me has been essentially muscle together to meet the protest called by the amino position that united people's power parties are the some luggage on the by the vega. now the party has basically issued this rolling called against the rising costs. now the value added tax was increased by 3 percent, taking it to a total of 18 percent of a ton of the. yeah. now adding to already sort of significant biting all instead of the measures which the government has said is the only way for,
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for long cost to club back to recovery off to that economic crisis that bankrupt the country, leaving it without foreign exchange to buy food medicine fuel now for people, for ordinary people that growth is that every single thing has gone up in price from gas, from food, from fuel to everything, leaving them really, really struggling to put the 3 square meals on the table. so people and not just from the laws last of society, but people at every single straw them have complained that they just having problems making in means. and what they say is that, yes, if they see a, you know, tax money and things like that put to is good use that for you better, but then not seeing that. and before they can actually pay, what they do is they have to survive and they say right now, that's interesting. you know, fernandez audra, 0 colombo on the spot as follows. unions say they will be joining your applied
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protests against the e u regulations. this comes as french farm is intensified that week long demonstrations as a lack of support from government is harming that industry. as best them to receive a brain chip implement from the us company, new or link is recovering. well, if feel pricing is successful, it will enable people with products as of old for limits to control devices with the thoughts the us food and drug administration gave the go ahead last. yeah. for the 1st trial on patients, am i click that clock. it's like them all cool, get bags, who's a professor of philosophy of media and technology at the university of vienna. he says, for successful critical questions needs to be answered on funding. and the data involved in this type of technology. it the sounding to me because it can help people with barely just so that that's important. it's important that this research is being done. the. ringback but the question is, 1st of all, who should do it?
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should be looking at a select must do it or should we should be done with public funding um, potentially in the future that could be used as well to too many collect people. so . so let me just come to the who that you mentioned, the fact that you know where the money should come from, should it be public funds or a private enterprises in this case? why do you say that? and why would public funds make a difference? i think the subject uh public setting means that there might be more guarantees that this kind of research, i'm just kind of experiments are model charged by um, ethical communities. and in the case of uh, of musk i run luther sufficient over the sides. um, for these experiments, the seller has had all knowledge. this era is becca stone, have reached the close of finals of the asian come late this forty's coming up. this is the
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business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the business agents to be sponsored by interlock stuck. he's real estate consultant
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the this time now for all of us both and his visa lower. thank you so much. who's betsy stone? are on my way to the asian cup, cause the final is off to defeating thailand. to one, the use of x took the lead in the 37 minutes. beautiful bit of play finished explicitly. but as these fits, it suits them via the times with the 10 to 5 back and in the 58 minutes, they managed to equalize super truck set of tests with a 25 yard. if this is becky is done, would retain the lead. the both spec fi zillow,
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you have 2. 1 is how it's finished. they face hosts concert in the cold, saudi arabia and south korea kickoff the natural key is beta to book a quote of final cash against australia. it brings together 2 of the 2 of them, its highest profile coaches for both i mention the saudi team, top they group. well, you can kinsmen is hoping to guide south korea, so they 1st title, emboldened 60 use. in all honesty, i don't see anybody know, no few but a lot of respect, lot of respect for every opponent the play, if it was before jordan to go as bahrain, if it was a malaysia, be respect him. all this is important. i think, you know, i'm about to is doing a fantastic job because he's money to okay. we play guys the many years ago and easily it was a very good that icon and now is a very good manage as a lot this being and so with many nationwide in many claps and you know, in those,
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if, what's the, what are they? well, this time we can go live now to education, said he staying with jim and nash who is covering the game for us. jimmy, tell us a bit about the excitement surrounding this match. well, pizza, i can tell you now that stadium behind me education city is going to be packed out for this one. you really get a sense of anticipation. this really is a huge game too heavy weights of asian football, 5 asian cup titles between them. 17 fif. well compet parent says, this is going to be a very good match. we heights, indeed, saudi arabia they have defended pretty well. so i saw in this tournament and they come up against a south korea's side who have sold a lot of goals. and this term, and so an interesting match up here, the saudis have conceded just one goal. so i saw that defense is going to be given its toughest tests yet again, to south korea's side, he's pulled 8 goals,
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size box the joint most in the group stage. saudi arabia, the, the other end of the pitch, perhaps struggling little in front of go creating the chances. but if any, put 4 of them away. so perhaps something for about 3 months. and you might be a little concerned about what worries to day for young kids in the south. 3 o'clock . she said he was angry. off the side can see it's 3 against the laser. and that last match, he started less than in title 6 goals in the greek stage, which was the joint based out of all the sides that made it through the, into the last 6 the, the side spice of the saudi found the feeling very happy about the size of ice on beats and in the great stage. so i think this is very difficult to predict spring. so yeah, that's the point of telling the gentleman who do you think has the age make me put you on the spot that that really is putting me on the spot pizza. but i would have to say, perhaps south korea might just have the edge and this one i'm going to the stop power. see like they do have the highest profile play rock this tournament in the
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ranks, the captain saw on the human the captain as close as platinum hole. so in the primarily because while in those who watched the primarily we can, we counts have seen what he can do so quick on the counselor sack a brilliant finish. so i sat to meet somebody at south threat ways going and see, look, see bob, so this one of these sites, all he's been a deal out shown by his teammate, lead time in the p. s. u a talking with build a for 3 goals so far. he's having a great school events and not the back. they have fine music, defend kim and j, so close the lives of the park as full saudi arabia. well, i think that going to be looking into some of the dice 3 on the day that makes experience play a here. the mind he's supposed to win against argentina in the infamous well victory in 2022 hit in the castle. he hasn't sold yet out, this told him and say small, it would be a very good time to stop putting the bowl in the back of the net that is special. you mentioned some of the store names that we can see on the page, but some stall names in the dog out as well. jim, as well. absolutely. we obviously heard from them just a few minutes ago robust we,
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mancini incleanse when 1st have one the lots either that korea is dependent colors clansman, playing career. of course, the 1990 fee football cut, which he won with west germany as a while. then mancini also played out that told meant with actually. 2 good, and that sort of, it's as full inquiring. accolades, while clinton's when he has the one major try speed suit, his name guiding the usa to the 20. so i've seen comcast gold cops for about 2 months. you know, his coaching cv, a little more impressive in terms of tracy's, isn't it guided easily to the 2021 that europe and championship manchester city to the 1st of it primarily tied to it in 2012 and training titles with inter milan as well. so bodies of those manages with the continental titles already under that bouts and how they base. and he loved to have another one to those collections here in couple minutes. thank you so much. enjoy the game now it's a huge upset. the african cup of nations with the defending champion center,
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go knocked out by hosts, ivory coast set a goal. i had one old, a group games and went to hit in the 4th minutes through how big the hollow for the full minutes life the i've always won a penalty, which was schooled by from casey a would come on as a sub. and so it went to a penalty, she's health enough to send a go hit the post. it was k c again who school but winning support kicked to send these statements for the quarter finals where they will face side of molly or bettina fast. so that result sparks policies on the streets of i'll be zone. remember that ivory coast to bailey got out of a group as a base food phase finisher. and also sex a coach before the cups began. it's the 7th. i've come to them in a row at the defending champions, have failed to make it as far as the quotes or finals to rush. it says it will appeal the loss of a figure skating teams olympic gold medal for incremental event. the ava is doping, then the international skating union has given the wind to the us. and the most of
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the russians have problems of the quote of arbitration for sport handed to a full year suspension. that was just 15 and hope positive test was revealed hours off to the wind. last week, the old anti dumping agency released the report into typing among child athletes. it found the practice was more common than most national anti doping agencies had realized. withholding 1500 positive tastes among mine is in the last 10 years, russia, india and china had the most positive taste among child athletes. the youngest that needs to be sanctioned for doping violation was 12 years old. or it will leave it the if and that will be here again later with another update from the african type of nations as well as the asian cup taking place here in casa laura, it looks like it's going to make slicing night for the asian cops and said i'm going to absolutely raise great stuff. look forward to speaking to you later. i'm well that's it for this news. uh but i will be back in just
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a moment with more of the days news for you. so do stay with us. if you count the, the latest news as it breaks the word along over a 100 save, has left many feeling life. you will never end with in depth reports many saying that as long as like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price. even if that means an immediate and from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist phone counting, the cost of taxed by who facing the red c, a disrupting global trade, could then push off the prices on fuel inflation. africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus, we look at how sleep has turned into
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a multi $1000000000.00 business, counting the cost on out as a around the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready and in jamaica we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and safe on a single usage depending on the door. same person doing well. stay with i know and know i'm a product and all of psychiatry my you since episode full on on disease the examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians. exploring a $112.00 clause program, and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator,
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but we're doing it from space design to inform, motivates or the spot you want to compete at the big games they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective on our jesse or the the, [000:00:00;00] the other than or kyle, this is the news our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a proposal for another se, spot and goals a hamas is politically to says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions. it's real hands over the bodies of a time to sit in. so they've been taken from garza and health and as well as


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