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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states. it's likely to be a bitter battle. the defendant spinning and red crescent is or q is this is radius selves of storming. one of the few hospitals still functioning in garza, the other ones are in georgia. is there a license coming on? a new proposal for cx 5 and goes on a master's politically. the says he's reviewing it. israel's prime minister says the war mountain until all his goals are chief. israel's thoughts, flooding tunnels and gaza with see was raising say is that groundwater because the fed contaminants on the united nations security council says is concerned about the
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rest of the worst things human. a tier one situation investing news. we're beginning garza where the palestinian red crescent says is ready for us as a rated one of the last operating medical facilities. our model hospital in the southern city of han. eunice is also sheltering just based palestinians. i'll just say let's talk about zoom, has moved from rough. they has been talking medical facilities where the has been a storming the most possible to the one of the last 2 remaining hospitals that are still rating right now on the ongoing offensive territory. now, within the past few hours, they have to as soon as possible to destroy, you can dictate the rules of the hospitals opening fire against the building and sort of in different smoking grenades that has completely terry font. the majority
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of the factories were taking shelter inside the onto of the hospital, and this is one of the main hospitals that belong to that belongs to the palestinian really present society which have been multiply targeted since the expansion of the military operation in the city or con eunice box. this is also a terrifying scenario that reminds us gladly with the situation earlier. and she felt me to come conflicts alongside with the engineers. she and one in the, in the northern part of the cause of where they have stormed previously. that route the majority of its compartment make it continually become out of service due to the destruction that had been closed, can inflict it to the maturity of devices, equipment that had been used to provide treatment for the injured and patients of course, the territory. and this is what the international organizations have been warning against not there must be a kind of protection for this hospital, especially that the usability forces are ordering the patients medical teams. i'm curious to get out of the hospital. i'm to head to move to the south, and it's
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a very clear absence of safe cory doors to rough. uh, especially with the uh, she destruction and the staggering confrontations the interruption on the ground with the policy and finances. and these were the soldiers. israel has returned the bodies of 18 palestinians killed in gauze that in recent weeks they was sent in a truck through the cut on both of them. crossing the burial in the city of rafa and southern gaza. the bodies had been taken and held in israel. i'll just say it was honey, my mood has gone out from rough, the dear to my last that this particular location is defined, a resting place. so 80 palestinian bodies that were held by these really military. they were released the earlier hours of this morning through the coordination with the red cross and the health authorities in the gaza strip. they were held for quite long time, largely decomposed in and on identify. it's important to point out that there are
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no family members of these bodies. it presents heres to pay them respect or to offer final prayers. these are the bodies of palestinians who were killed and then taken by it is really military or either taken from the graveyards uh from cemetery . is that where does it crated by the is really military, as it's the ground forces as porn some 12 cemeteries across the gaza strip in the northern pod and in the city of han unison, the central area is the bodies were brought in a cargo truck here and for quite some time, the cargo truck was closed off as the emergency and health committee told us, the bodies are badly decomposed. then the bad orders of the deacon bows bodies are everywhere. is it for the to do to administer should comes with much fuel the my
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son was killed on december 5th and he was killed in the, on school and i was injured. so he was buried in the cemetery and con eunice budget for that. and i have actuated to also allow me neighborhood and rough i so these rarely met a tree, destroyed the symmetry, into bodies from them. when i heard about these bodies being returned to gauze, well, i rushed to to see if my son's body is width of inducement, and so with another mass, a grave, yet more palestinians whose names may never be known. their identity is lost in a war with unimpressive dented, dis tall honey. my lords outages, he had a rough behind southern gauze. the united nations secretary general has met major donors of the un agency for palestinian refugees. antonio gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended that funding for the agency. that's off the is where, like use 12 of unrest, approximately $30000.00 employees, of taking part in october 7. the tax. the u. n. has filed those when named odds
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investigating the allegations obviously is custom. somebody has more in that meeting from you and headquarters in new york system. just to give you the un security council is reiterating it's demand to scale up commodity or in a to gaza. even though some of the members are withholding funding to garza's largest agency and run amber behind closed doors, they met with the woman task with making it happen. sigrid cog u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials and is real, gaza, egypt and jordan cock told the counsel more aid route, sent a gauze as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure
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donors secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the u. n. has taken since israel accuse 12 henri employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest don't or praise the organizations work, even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to unwritten as you know. so we should left that all of the great work that i'm or does. andrea has provided the central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry,
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and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys as through without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations. what i'm right is a cricket, a lifeline for millions of palestinians, has to meet them at vanco reports. for many of them before that it could shut down and gaza is frightening. every morning they line up for food given out by the human agency that looks up the palestinian refugees. it's the only place these desperate people can get anything to eat. but uncertainty who wants to now? who knows how long the handouts will loves? unfortunately, i will show you show that same in the z. we came to collect daily from a russian for a family of 10 data threatening to suspend over services. the only thing we have
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left is a bag of flour we're receiving. what should we eat? trees of israel has alleged that $121.00 right employees took bonds in the october 7th attack on southern israel was says it would investigate. but nations including the united states, britain and germany, immediately suspended the funding contributions with more than 1000000000 dollars last year. i thought i didn't know it down and what color i believes that all like his actions against henri of enforcement and the october 7th incident folks, these accusations are part of the brutal attack that's meant to drive out people out of the council struck because sofa unreal services of the only thing that supporting our resilience and now to retrieve who, what supports millions of palestinians daily. it's a lifeline operating shelters. health centers and delivering much needed a. yeah, i mean the, if the palestinian people use one rugs,
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assistance were as good as the as good as data. we have nothing but one run little really living in the street, the malnourishment disease and a lack of shelter. many have cold life and gaza. hel without honora, that hell could be much, much worse. to meet him and we didn't go out to 0. now israel has confirmed it's been flooding underground. tunnel was in gauze that the ministry says it's using a series of pumps. to tremble, launch volumes of water into the tunnels. israel has repeatedly said it believes the captives being held in gaza. an underground facility is honda, civic, joins us live now from occupied east roost and honda. so what more do we know about the flooding of the tunnels? in regards to that, an incredibly interesting development, nearly 2 months ago and american newspaper had published these really army was considering flooding the tunnels inside of garza with sea water. these rarely army
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now confirming that they have been doing this for several weeks now. they say that not every tunnel is being flooded with sea water and what they're using our machines and tools that have been developed by these rarely army, along with israel's defense ministry. remember back in december on december 4th, actually when it was initially leak that these really as were interested in this type of mechanism for dismantling tunnels and gaza just one day later, these really army chief of staff hurts the however you called it a good idea saying that anything that gives the army advantage is something they are considering doing. but these really aren't. we have said repeatedly, they believe that all $136.00 captives are being held in tunnels inside of gaza. and after it was reported that they were thinking and considering this idea one week later, and it's really official confirming to and is really media outlets that there had
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been a successful trial run of this operation. these really are me says they have other mechanisms for dealing with tunnels as well. it's not just flooding them with sea water, but there has been a lot of criticism since this information surface on how it is going to destroy the land, the soil, and all the other types of infrastructure in gaza. remember, a lot of that has already been destroyed by israel's relentless bombardment, but this is something that which is destroyed the irrigation system destroy the soil. these really army denies that it is doing any of this. they say they are doing it with precision. but again, there's been fierce criticisms of this type of mechanism flooding the tunnels and gaza with sea water. but these really army has been doing this now for several weeks. yeah, i'm done. meanwhile, back in israel, a, a, a recent tv polls suggest the public support for 5 minutes and then yahoos slipping even further as a new survey shows that
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if elections were held today, benjamin netanyahu would not be the prime minister gaming just 23 percent support. meanwhile, benny gans at 41 percent a similar survey conducted by the same is really channel just earlier in the month found that these really prime minister had 29 percent. so you're looking at a 6 percent false for benjamin netanyahu. it comes as there has been more and more criticism from these really public, more pressure for elections, even for members of his own war cabinet. the survey also found but the recruit and their allies, the nothing yahoo camp would have only $47.00 seats in these really government, while the nc and that's in yahoo block. the opposition would have $68.00 seats. these really prime minister has been adamant though the no elections will be held during war time. all right, to have that sort of lifestyle and occupied easter wisdom hemmed up. thank you. now
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the plan is going to be the of how much the smell of honey. i says his group has received a c spot proposal for the warrant gauze that they've been told to this week in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. but his way, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and says he will not end the war without achieving all his goals, need. meanwhile, as, as he will travel to cairo for further discussions from amazon was a member of how much his political bureau explained which conditions, how much considers as non negotiable. we to mediate, does that mean? then you say i'm, is, i'll go, we come to exit. eh, ceasefire for the, for the reasons we want it been on these for you, it is going to be, we want it was the girl is really with the girl. was it from guys?
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this thread without is that i easy was it the one we've done to also accept it this in u. d. o. knew it, propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to taylor. it's add to the state because a lot of people, the stuff i, we've done to it shipped to any kind of but. ready stages but we want it from both size threes on a couple of kids in italy, but isn't us because it is the who of with the it is this sense that movement and got this thing. so we are located there to release oh, tablet there is on both sides. we are looking for
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a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it is the 2nd stage. and does he have to state the very important point for us? 3, so this printer is fair. otherwise it means the 2nd of the war between us and these are the tools. what do we want? see? say i've been on c spy out. it does your for, for both sides, for i'm for the people, but it's time as a permanent submitting yahoo insist israel will take an uncompromising approach. speaking at legal sacrament and the occupied westbank. he said, israel will keep finding unto the cheese what he called absolute victory of how much i use statements about all kinds of deals.
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so i want to make it clear, we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that goes on. we no longer poses a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. funeral has been held for 3 palestinian men killed by his right. his special forces were in disguise during a raid on the hospital in janine, i'll just say what the child stratford reports now from ramallah and the outside westbank. so these are not the medics but destroys these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination and a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank, according to the hospital stall,
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one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. he suffered during these writing. how let me write 2 months ago. i mean, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeals, the international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the jeanine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members of islamic just had one that come on to the sud was a come on drink from us. from i said it was a fully fledged waterline and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and his radio on the statement said what it cooled from us terrorist. so hiding inside the hospital that'd be neutralized. busy it's it how much come out of them a homage 11. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th. how much attacks and had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the finances.
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here's where the army opens surrounds and at times that actually attacked the 3 hospitals in jeanine during the nightly military rage on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility. and what seems to be a target to assassination. and one, the policy and, you know, sort use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child strap it down to 0. ramallah and the occupied was fine. as president jeff bottom says he has decided how the us to respond to a drug test drive that killed 3 american troops in jordan that the weekend, the rocket group to the pentagon believes carried out that trend striking jordan as announced that suspending attacks on us troops but washington is responding with skepticism over the claim by contain his beloved particle hanging reports from washington. use president joe biden is boeing, retaliation after a drone attack killed 3 us soldiers and injured dozens of others. he's blaming
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a rainy and proxy hole. we need a wider war the strength was claimed by an umbrella group, but this logic resistance interact at the pentagon. tuesday official said they haven't pinpointed which faction within the group launch the attack. but one of the most prominent could todd, has the law reportedly said it will no longer target us forces in the region of respect to the rocky government. us officials were skeptical of that claim actions speak louder than words. you know, there has been 3 attacks to my knowledge since the 28th of january and i'll just leave it there. so i definitely make it a practice not to respond to statements from terrace organizations, from the podium here. we will hold accountable any organization that we find to be
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responsible for attacks on us personnel in the region. president joe biden is coming under increasing pressure to strike back. now some republicans have even called for him to strike inside of around that said, for months, this is ministration has been saying, the biggest concern they have is that this will lead to a wider war. and it seems fairly clear that struck inside of a ran, would make that more likely present been less, pa declined, elda 0 at the state department. so i thought she'll probably care and i'll just say right, when we talk back will tell you why a new board of deals and oven on and means i'm not sure. it looks like the top just the very 1st on the it's still cold in east and russia so that it all sorts of minus to the snow here
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in the code that goes across the water. we expect some snow to full dashboard. how kind of not we strong winds this time in some snow showers on the 19th of know the home she otherwise this woman a for rain, significant rain may be for a time. and so did you find which links to a system this. so here in central shot it's no magic is also cold enough for snowing chance, for example. but southern half is not much warm and it was only a week ago and that substantial rain. so flat a foot potential that just south of shanghai. i suspect the next day or so, and there was an increase in the breeze across hawkeye date, but i still don't get a cold visit or deputy warnings as a sub potential in some philippines. and you can see that continues during wednesday to borneo through java inside of the boxes, same as possible. otherwise it's a dry looking picture. should be dry for the most part in india, pakistan, and backlash, the pa, for few shouts. it is a bit of a focus is for lack of a, this is probably useful stuff where it's been for the for most of pradesh, brought up to northern pakistan. this change in the top generating snow up in the
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mountains only if some of us will generate shares of rain in new deputy, which means the quality is improving here. and in those impact the stuff the and then what to do was to solve e c. and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable today with this, with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor revenge, occupied and imprisoned. the
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the welcome back. you're watching all just the record. come out of our top story is the ballasting and requesting size is ready for us as a rated one of the last operating medical facilities of hosp for living in southern city upon us. the sheltering despite tell us how much is politically that you smell honey, or says the brutes reviewing a sci fi proposed on the warren goss? i just want us to cut off unintelligence choose from us is when an agent the israel's one list as, as the 1001 lot of goals. i mean not to mention the secular journal as many major donors of reviewing agency for palestinian refugees. tony battalions was seeking to reassure member states of temporarily suspended the funding agents of the policy and what questions has released an audio recording of the palestinian girl who was shot by is ready for us, is by on monday,
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contacted paramedics to help while i call her family was travelling and was the around advised way the forces. she died as our youngest sister here and remain trapped inside the vehicle in kansas city under warning the contents of this old river. quoting a distressing what had happened in the caribbean, the level and did you will see all the little i know. i know. i know.
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hello. hello. i would like to for the warrant, garza was a very difficult the palestinians with disabilities, but israel's bumming campaign enforced evictions. as made it even the hottest 5, i'll be washes as a prosthetic leg. and the shell bring up the european hospital in con eunice. she explained how she escaped when at home with shell. it's the law that is a uh, in the a a what legitimate law the the but when the oh the yeah . i don't have the business i had is that it just it was 16 band dish with
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a live. when did i? i'm the last of it in the machine and then you um i show to my last study a lot of the live a and i said i'll accept the home a has used a number of semi a lot of the of the name of the the subset of others that are one of the bed with a full that see my job a problem. so let me put it on the i'm a i'm, it's a low. i'm in good. the be most of the well well
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i had the yeah been, is your best and then you apply your loved your love about the slips. got yada. there is uh, what is the, what is the have the best the so you have, can you, um, what the fee is. that's the one to display yada. what is what we've done? dish uh the good to catch up on some of the news now and firefighters in kenya, i have been battling a mess of blaze in the capital. nairobi it broke out near the city stadium on tuesday evening. local media is reporting the fire destroyed a market. hundreds of civilians have been trying to help firefighters on the scene . now malaysia is counting a new king selves, and abraham is condo, is ascending to the throne for a 5 year term. the nation has a unique system of rotational monica with the countries 9 have
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a did result on this type tons to became the can you typically acts on the advice of the prime minister and his cabinet. but malaysia's new king has expressed a desire to be a more active monarchs. the french government is to implement more controls on foreign foods and a further set of concessions to the countries farm is solved by protesting. farmers intensified the week long demonstrations as a lack of support from a government is humming the industry. also unhappy about rising costs that allow for 2 years develop government could return to northern ireland leaders of the main union as part of the d u. p. and approve rejoining the power sharing arrangement with the republicans of tion. fame, who want a united ireland. but the u. p says it's conditional on the british government, committing to new measures on post br exit trade routes are a full set report us. so nearly 2 years, northern irish politics has been stuck, run a ground on post breaks it, trading rules. the created an effective trade board in the irish c,
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requiring checks on goods entering from great britain, even on some destined to remain within northern ireland. but you need us to want to preserve northern and state is within the united kingdom that was a red line, causing them to pull out and stay out of the power sharing dival government. now the main union is, lita says he has a deal with the british government that would all but it raised that c bought a pockets of measures into follow the dos provide a basis for our party to nobody as members to the executive lack of a function and government has restricted spending on public services and infrastructure. public sector workers frustrated by the lack of pay rises during a period of high inflation. i repeatedly walked out on strike. the return of the developed executive would release nearly $4200000000.00 worth of funding pledge by the british government. it would also for the 1st time the northern ireland.


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