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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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of the the, the palestinian red preston dick uses these really soldiers us. so mean one of the few hospitals still functioning in gas on the play you watching l g 0 live from to high with me for you back. people also coming up a new proposal for a cease fire in gaza. massis political leader says he's reviewing it as well as prime minister says the world won't end until all he's cold. so cheap. the united nations security council says it's concerned by the rapid lead voice being somebody's heavy and situation in gaza. and is rarely commandos disguise as medics to get 3 palestinian men in the hospital in the occupied westbank alleging the
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plans to carry out of the thank you for joining as we begin in gaza, where the palestinian read creston says he's ready forces of rated one of the last operating medical facilities out of mom hospital in the southern city of con, eunice is also sheltering. the space ballast and it's, i'll just, there is topic up was on has more from rough. they have been talking medical facilities where the uh, has been a storming via and i'm on fox sports, one of the last 2 remaining hospitals that are still rating right now. on the ongoing sunset on the territory. now within the past few hours, they have to storm as hospital destroying the case. the the rules of the process of opening fire against the building and sort of being different. smoking coordinates that has completely terry font,
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the majority of the factories were taking shelter inside the onto of the hospital. and this is one of the main hospitals that belong to that belongs to the power spending. really present society, which i've been multiply targeted since the expansion of the military ration in the city or con unit spots. this is also a terrifying scenario that reminds us clearly with the situation earlier. and it's just not me to come conflicts alongside with the end. do nation once in the, in the northern part of causal where they have stormed previously, that route the majority of its department make it completely become out of service due to the destruction that had been inflicted to the majority of devices, equipment that had been used to provide treatment for the injured and patients of course, the territory. and this is what the international organizations have been warning against not there must be a kind of protection for reduce hospital, especially that the usability forces or during the patient's medical teams and feedback. curious to get out of the hospital and to help move to the south. it's
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a very clear absence of safe corey doors to rough. uh, especially with the uh, she destruction and the staggering confrontations the wrong thing on the ground when the policy in points is. and these very sort is the political need to have him on his mind. he says his group has received a sci fi proposal for the war on gaza. if he talks this week in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. but he's really prime minister benjamin. it's now in says he will not end the war without a cheating all his goals. and it meanwhile says he'll travel to cairo for further discussions. mamma design is a member of her classes political bureau. he explained which condition tomas considered as, as non negotiable. as we thought does that. ready really then sees is, oh well cool. we come to exit eh, display uh for the, for the reasons. we want
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a 10 minute seas for you. is that gonna be we want the girl is the girl? was it from guys? this thread. without is that easy? was it the one we sent also accept it this in u. d. o. knew it, propose it seriously. we want to allow the human to tell you it's the to the state because a lot of people, we are somebody we don't to it shipped to any kind of for stages. but we want it from both size threes on a kept the kids in. it isn't us
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detectives who of, with the is this sense that movement and got this thing. so we are located there to really use. oh yeah, because it's on both sides. we are looking for a bin and then the ceasefire. but we can do it is the 2nd stage in this state, the very important point for us. 3. so this printer is slow. yeah. otherwise it means the 2nd of the war between us and these are the tools. what do, and we will see slay, i've been on c, c, r, i is yours for, for both sides. what is yours? and for the people by this time, a prime minister next, how in says says rail will take and uncompromising approach. speaking at any legal
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settlement in the occupied westbank, he said he's, well, we'll keep fighting and tell you the cheese, what he called absolute victory over him. us i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear. we will not end this war without achieving all our goals, and that means the illumination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that because uh, when you no longer poses a threat to israel, we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip, and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory has to be 2 ounces. here is how this, how about this 3 joints this line from occupied these tools. and so how me to tell us more about what prime minister netanyahu has been saying about the ceasefire proposal. it is really prime minister benjamin as
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in y'all's office, releasing a statement saying that his position is clear that there will be any if any sort of deal were to happen. these relays are not going to give up large concessions as reported by is really media. but additionally, they said that the war is going to continue until an absolute victory. the statement goes on to say that these really military will not be withdrawing from gaza and the thousands of palestinian detainees. and as really jails will not be released, it comes after these really prime ministers. defiance remarks asked this religious institution a no legal settlement in the occupied west bank, some of the attendees there a crowd of conservatives and members of the far right. it comes after each more been here, the country's national security minister had released the statement saying that if the is really government enters a deal, but he considers bad or not favorable to israel. he said that it would be the dissolution of the coalition, essentially threatening to topple these really government if some sort of deal. but
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he says was sad or to be in place, but just a little while later of the opposition later. yet you're in the p. probably the fiercest critic of benjamin netanyahu released the statement of his own saying that if there is a deal that brings back the captives, there will be some sort of safety net for the government that the opposition will support in attend yahoo in that way. so there's a lot of pressure on the is really prime minister from all directions, from the very top, from the war cabinet internationally, from the americans, and also from his own coalition. great. in a recent poll tv pole in israel, him to suggest that public support for that now is slipping even further. so that's exactly right. this poll is saying, but if elections were held today, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu would not be the prime minister. this survey showed that only 23 percent of respondents would support that 10. yahoo!
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well, 41 percent supported pending against for the premier ship. it comes after a similar survey was held just earlier this month. that's our 29 percent support for nothing. yahoo! so was 6 point drop in less than a month just gives you an idea of how unpopular he is with this is really society because of how he's been conducting himself throughout this war. some say he's not prioritizing the issue of the captive. additionally, the same survey said that the n t and us in yahoo block. so the opposition would have $68.00 seats if elections were held today. and that's in yahoo. and his coalition partners would only have $47.00. these really prime minister has dismissed any sort of calls for elections during war time, saying that they simply won't happen to thank you very much for that time to south whose line for us today and occupied east jerusalem. meanwhile, israel has confirmed its, it's been flooding underground tunnels. in garza,
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the military says it's using a series of pumps to china, launch volumes of water into the tunnels. is there a is repeatedly said he believes the capt is being housing guys at an underground facilities. the united nations secretary general has met major donors of the un agency for palestinian refugees. antonia gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended their funding for the agency that softer israel accused 12 and was approximately $30000.00 employees of taking part in the october 7. his tax, the you and his side, those were named and is investigating the allegations i'll just here as christian salumi has more in that meeting from you and headquarters in new york system. just to give you, the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up to mandatory in a to gaza. even though some of the members are withholding funding to gauze as largest agency and run amber behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with
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making it happen. sigurd cod u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials and is real, gaza egypt and jordan cod told the counsel more aid route since a gaza as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donors secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the u. n. has taken since israel accuse 12 henri employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work,
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even as a called from changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to and right. and as you know, we shouldn't left that file. the great work that i'm or does, andrea has provided a central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the if one of the of the guys without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi algebra the united nations. well and right is
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a critical lifeline for millions of palestinians as dimitry med vanco reports for many of them. the thought that it could shut down in guys that is frightening every morning they line up for food given out by the human agency that looks up the palestinian refugees. it's the only place these desperate people can get anything to eat. but uncertainty, who wants them now? who knows how long the handouts will loves? no, unfortunately, i wish i wish i left him in the z. we came to collect our daily flour, russian for a family of 10 data threatening to suspend over services. the only thing we have left is a bag of flour we're receiving. well, should we trees? israel has a ledge that $121.00 right employees took part in the october 7th attack on southern israel. was says it would investigate. but nations including the united states, britain and germany, immediately suspended the funding contributions with more than 1000000000 dollars
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last year. i thought i didn't know it down and look at uh, i believe that all like is ations against conroe of enforcement and the october 7th incident folks, these accusations are part of the brutal attack that's meant to drive all people out of the council stripe. because sofa unreal services of the only thing that supporting our resilience. and now territory was the one was supports millions of palestinians daily. it's a lifeline operating shelters, health centers and delivering much needed a yeah. me the other if the palestinian people use one rugs, assistance where as good as data as good as data. we have nothing but when run little really living in the street, the mountain nourishment, disease and a lack of shelter. many have cold life and gaza. hel without honora, that how could be much, much worse to meet you met with in co,
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out to 0. to present joe biden says he has decided how the us will respond to a drone strength that killed 3 american troops in jordan at the weekend. the rocky group and the pentagon police carried out the drones striking jordan has announced it suspending attacks on us troops. but washington is skeptical about the claim biker tape has the law patio henry for some washington use president. joe biden is boeing, retaliation after a drone attack. killed 3 us soldiers, an injured dozens of others. he's blaming around in proxy. i do hope that we need a wider war the strength was claimed by an umbrella group, but the as lama resistance interact at the pentagon. tuesday official said they haven't pinpointed which faction within the group launch the attack. but one of the most prominent to todd has the law reportedly said it will no longer target us
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forces in the region of respect to the rocky government. us officials were skeptical of that claim actions speak louder than words. you know, there has been 3 attacks to my knowledge since the 28th of january and i'll just leave it there. so i definitely make it a practice not to respond to statements from terrace organizations, from the podium here. we will hold accountable any organization that we find to be responsible for attacks on us personnel in the region. president joe biden is coming under increasing pressure to strike back. now some republicans have even called for him to strike inside of around that said, for months, this is ministration has been saying. the biggest concern they have is that this will lead to a wider war. and it seems fairly clear that striking inside of around would make that more likely for us has been less particular haines. elda 0 at the state department,
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instead of head on alger sierra. argentina zions is the latest to join protests against the new government will explain what they're demanding. the the last of the real cold air over the us and in canada, which is sitting of the great lakes is warming at night and taking any snow potential with it. and then there's no hold on a sunshine run, still, especially warm in the southern states, but it's still up to $21.00 in houston. there's a bit of rain revolving on the atlantic coast, but the west is weather is going to be on the pacific coast. where actually that some of the wind is getting record high values to vancouver example was january, not on record, but it will bring significant rain down through california. and it might again bring some flash flooding as fast as i like. or even beyond that,
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if you jump side of the west coast of mexico's being very hot and does nothing disappear, does it go, change very much, but most of mexico's doing what it should do with a few showers here. and then i think home jurors in nicaragua, maybe panama will see significant writing and it's welcoming and kind of all, but i don't know, cities temperatures to degrees. we have average doesn't the same much, but you don't get much variation in this part of the world. as in south america. welcome writers developing columbia where they are still fighting 5 buckets, policy showers on wednesday and thursday. and there's some nice right in the west and both of the amazon and some funding. right. not far away from rio for to the south. and that's an option. tina it's still helped me by our blanca, very out. the, the look it out to us
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solve the se, in everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding pure revenge, occupied and imprisoned out. is there the the welcome back and recap of our top stories on how to 0. the palestinian red crescent says these ready forces and freighted one. those guys has lost operating medical facilities out of my hospital in the southern city of con eunice, just sheltering this space, palestinians,
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the masses political leader is fine. he says, the roof is reviewing as the fire proposal on the wall and casa. it follows taunts between kata and intelligence. chief from the us is relative. egypt buddies are as 5 minutes just as the war will not end until all on his goal searching. and the united nations secretary general has met major donors of the u. n. agents as a palestinian refugees. antonia gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended that funding for the funeral has been held for 3 palestinian men killed by israel. the special forces would disguise during a raid on a hospital in janine in the occupied westbank. charles, trustworthy for some of these adult medics but destroys these ready soldiers inside a promise to be in hospital hunting, a patient to kill a targeted assassination in
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a civilian medical institution in the city. if you need any occupied westbank according to the hospital stall, one of the 3 men killed had been receiving treatment for injuries. he suffered during these righty. hold on me right. 2 months ago, the, this is a crime that can be added to a series of crimes violating hospitals and storming medical institutions assaulting medical teams and assassinating 3 young men. we want to reiterate our appeal to international institutions that they need to stand by us and take responsibility against these crimes statement by the jeanine brigades, which includes a number of policy and no longer existence group said 2 of the 3 main members, islamic just had one that come on to the sud was a commander from us. from us, it was a fully fledged war crime and a continuation of crimes against people from garza. so jeanine and he's ready. all of these statements said what it cooled from us terrorist, so hiding inside the hospitals and be neutralized. it's it how much come on them?
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a hama gilan. they had been planning an attack inspired by the october the 7th. how much attacks had been transferring weapons and ammunition to all the fighters. he's one of the army open surrounds and at times of actually attacked the 3 hospitals in janine, during the nightly military raids on the city. but this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war that they have actually ensued a civilian medical facility and what seems to be a targeted assassination. and one the policy and, you know, start to use a cooling gets a nova contravention of international child strap it down to 0. ramallah and the occupied was fine. and i'll just there is need to, abraham went to the hospital in janine where the attack happened. not one nurse who is trying to protect the area to look after the patients has been beaten up by the undercover is really units before she could even know what was happening. i'm not just inside the emergency in a hospital where the incident happened,
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but i'm inside the room where the 3 men have been when they were killed. let me just go around the room and show you. this is the bed with a bass and what was that we was he was receiving treatment after and his really drone strike took place in october, according to the medical stuff here. they say that he has been paralyzed from the waist down. no. here just if we pump this couch, this is with him, him mid july. i'm the was that he's a predicted, assumed and deemed as wanted by these really forces who said that he is a key member of how mass, according to the doctors here. they say that the use of fire, of course, with assignments or has been heavy leading to so many bullets in his body. you know, here was the brother of basses have methods that we and if you can see it's a very difficult scene here in the hospital of the blood stains are everywhere.
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they try to take the bodies for burial, but yet the remains are still here. and you know, there was a lot of grief and a lot of shock that, you know, this is not new. these really forces in the past few years of done that indeed by targeting people inside the hospitals wearing under cover a fluids, it's a like acting like they are. patients coming into the hospital. bucks is the word. this is the 1st time we've seen this, and this signals is very dangerous. this condition, as far as pulsing, is here, are concerned. so i sent 2 out of world news now, and mars military government says this easing election registration roles for political parties. the announcement comes hours before a 6 months state of emergency is set to expire. it's been repeatedly extended since the military to power in a co 3 years ago. citing election irregularities that june to has vowed to hold an election and return to democratic rule. but without giving
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a timeframe and speak to tony chang, who joins us from chung right in northern thailand, near the border with me on march. so tony, tell us more about these new election goals at the military and then lies amounts and what do the amount of a little really amount and the thing in effect, the managers just reversing changes it made last year when on january the 27th it insisted the political parties have to have a membership of at least a $100000.00. they've now reduced that by hoff, by a to 50000. but as we found ourselves when we were in the last year speaking to political parties, who would be disqualified under those rules, all of the pots is the, the, the, me, i'm a military wanted to push out of the political system. they've already achieved that. so turning back the clock is really going to make no difference the total that i think the big picture here is that we've seen over the last couple of weeks in very small concessions from the military, talking about discipline democracy,
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a minimum like the senior general referred to the 2000 and a constitution going back to that in an address on the 26th of january. but at this stage, this is really a country in full blown civil war. we was speaking to an advisor to one of the shan state. um is yesterday a man who spent decades negotiating with the ministry. and he said that this stage, these little things are not going to make any difference. we've got the most demand mas bolt is now heavily contested between sd economies who have financing the military and the ministry themselves have seen the military using extreme force, with strikes artillery against indiscriminately, against ethnic homes and civilians all over the country. i don't think making these small changes to the deal of it's trying to do with the people is going to make no difference at this stage. that does seem to be pressure building on senior general
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and then on like within the ruling lease inside me. and at this stage he still seems to have the support of the senior generals who up behind him. but i think with the, with the, with the opposition that he's facing both in the door but, but took him the on the ground all over the country. it's going to be on tenable for much longer. tony, thank you very much for that. tony chang reporting there live from the thailand, myanmar border. malaysia is crowning a new king. so time abraham misconduct is ascending to the throne for a 5 year term. malaysia has a unique system of rotational monica where the country is 9 hereditary sol times take turns to be king that can typically acts on the advice of the prime minister in his cabinets. but malaysia's new king has expressed a desire to be a more active monarch firefighters. and can you have been battling a massive blaze in the capital? nairobi it broke out near the city stadium on tuesday evening. social media is
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reporting that the fi destroyed a popular market. hundreds of civilians have been trying to help 5 fighters on the sea. former back i saw the prime minister in ron con, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, has been found guilty of leaking official secrets. the former prime minister was pushed out in a no confident told in 2022 and is already serving a 3 year prison sentence on a incorruption in a correction case. frances government is to implement more controls on foreign foods in a further set of concessions to a countries farm is that soft protesting farm is intensified the week long demonstrations. they say a lack of support from government is harming the industry. they also unhappy about rising costs in belgium, tom is of bronx, the 2nd largest sport in the country protest is restrictive access to laurie's, but allowed cars to enter. the zeroes pharmacist has been disrupting traffic and
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blocking boats across the country in the process of also spread to it's lee west palm is blocked a road coast of rome. if in protesting for 3 days, then they also angry about the u. n. government policy, along with the impact of inflation and taxes on their products, not to argentina with a lower chamber is set to vote on a number of measures that are part of the present. how the malays push for sweeping economic reforms. but a series simple reports. the government will have to make concessions. these are members of argentina, scientific community, protesting outside the national science center. they are concerned about the radical changes argentina's new precedent. have you had any ladies trying to pass and congress, the reforms, and what is known the on those bills will have an enormous impact on the agency and the public sector. the government, once privatized state companies, in my sector,
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you want to privatize companies that are in charge of new to energy on uranium production, selling companies like that too far. and then it's just something that worries the far right president came to power with a promise to transform the country. since he took office less than 2 months ago, he proposed to bill to deregulate argentina struggling economy promote for while employment and attract forwarding investors. negotiations are still ongoing about what when is the the final version of the so called a bill with $38.00 of the $257.00. see thing may have made lots of concessions. he has completely removed the fiscal measures of the bill like a tax type and a pension reform in order to guarantee that below is past. the government is.


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