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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the heavy bombardment in southern gaza is really forces or targeting the last operating medical facilities in time units worth thousands of cd shelves. the single venue it's good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 life center. also coming up, they were dismissed upon allegations, preemptively,
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from the law says there is no clear establishment of wrong doing on the arguments dismissed employees accused of october 7th attacks a report on how is really settler attacks and military rates, or depriving palestinian children of their right to education in the occupied west and man mars military rulers relax selection registration rules for political parties hours before a state of emergency is due to the beginning, gaza where the is really military is carrying out more airstrikes in the northern and central parts of the strip fighting on the ground, however, as concentrated in southern garza, the artillery showing and explosions have been heard around the nicer medical complex in hon. eunice is really forces have besieged the hospital for days. there's no electricity and stuff,
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and patients remain trapped. causes health when it 3 says 26751 people have now been killed during israel's war on god. what weather is worsening, the humanitarian crisis reign over the past few days as flooded makes shift kents, tens of thousands of displaced palestinians already lack basic shelter to protect them from the winter cold and many face starvation with no food or water. but they are no blankets. or clothes, the rain has drowned us and we are unable to hang out clothes out to dry. they are no beds, no rooms, and not even food for the children to eat. there is no milk for this child. this is a will of extermination, which has destroyed us in the history of palestine. such a will, has never happened. houses here is honey who joins us from russia in the southern part of the gaza strip. honey, what can you tell us about the latest is really strikes on the strip of
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the israel ongoing, the bombing campaign across the gauze to causing further civilian casualties, more destruction and more displacement for hundreds of hollow citizens. and the northern part, then gauls on and here in the southern part in the mainland, the city of han units. but we're looking at over night attacks here in rough city where a, a lot had being gay. that's of the southern part of the city near the gaza. adoption border was targeted and destroyed no injuries were reported, but it caused a great deal of damage to the surrounding homes and infrastructure. we're talking about 2 massive, it's 16 bombs were dropped on the gate. that's completely destroyed it on and turn it into a pile of ruins in the, in hon units were more of the artillery shilling concentrated in the southern part of the, of the, the city that's at the age of a rough i, a city and for the,
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the to the western part around and i'm out of hospitals and i lock stock university . very people who work it killed in an overnight attacks and the early nights of yesterday's a. where be where removed from under drop those as civil defense. the crew were able to get the targeted sites as just really mandatory pulled out of from these areas into other parts of han you into. so do we're able to get to those targeted site. we're talking about people who been killed for the past 24 hours. finally were pulled from under of those 5 and another shot area. and 11 in a day to but i went there, holly residential home was targeted old belong to one family, were reported to an already over one hospital in the center of the area. honey, tell us more about the hospital situation in han, eunice, which is guys the 2nd largest city i understand and your references that israel has
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targeted the amount of hospital yes. well, i'm a hospital is val, are these are why don't the, the, the facilities manage and operated by the palestine brit precedence that chargeable health organization facilities. it has been providing vital support to public health facilities across the goal is to be including nicer hospital. and since the beginning of this for provided with medical supplies and other survival items, not to say for proper and sufficient medical interventions since the beginning of the ground invasion and expansion of that the military operations in western part of new and is the compound came under heavy artillery setting and a mass of air strikes, including the headquarters of the palestine, vic precedence society, the headquarter of the ambulance, and emergency department and the hospital itself. the building where hundreds of palestinians entire families been shouldering inside the facility for weeks. now the,
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the came under to the time chosen heavy machine guns were reports of at least 10 people were critically injured as the very military, a storm the compound and forcing people to leave it to leave the building. the hospital is already out of service as it had and had not received any of the medical supplies within the past a few weeks already run out of a fuel. so there is a complete, complete outage of power, a going on in the, in the hospital at nozzler hospital is, is experiencing the same different, the same exact difficult situation, including the, the running out of essential medical supplies as well as the fuse it. but the honor, what despite the the, the campaign designation campaign against honorable by it is very military and is really a government. it matters to deliver to drugs who refused to help the hospitals sustain itself for at least another week. when, when the fuel runs out, we will have the house,
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but it will have to face other difficult uh do the same exact difficult conditions to sustain itself. honey, my mood reporting from rough uh, in southern gaza. thank you very much, honey. the united nations secretary general has met major donors of the you in the agencies of palestinian refugees. all. antonio gutierrez was seeking to reassure member states that temporarily suspended their funding for the agency. that is after israel excuse 12 of on was approximately $30000.00 employees of taking parts in how mazda is october 7th attacks the un, his fire, those were named and is investigating the allegations. houses here as christian salumi has more on that meeting from the united nations, h q in new york system to civilians. the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up came out of tearing a to gaza even though some of its members are withholding funding to gauze as largest agency and running behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen. sigrid colleague,
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u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability to and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials and is real, gaza, egypt and jordan cock told the counsel more aid route, sent a gauze as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donors secretary general antonio gutierrez, called the meeting with member states detailing actions the un has taken since is real accuse 12 unreal employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation,
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launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work, even as a called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to and right. and as you know, we should left that file. the great work that i'm or does under a, has provided essential humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys without funding resuming un is warning. unrest live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera,
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the united nations. well earlier we spoke to tamara l. refine the spokes person for the united nations relief and works agency on the law. she says their staff accused of participating in the october 7th attacks were dismissed preemptively, and are still being investigated to establish any wrong doing. she says the needs of civilians and gaza should be prioritized. we are leading to our biggest owners who are also our partners, our partners, and ensuring that there is an adequate humanitarian operation in gaza. were pleasing with them, not to it to allow the humanitarian operation towards 2000000 people to collapse. but no one has the largest footprint in gaza. we run the shelters where more than 1000000 people have sought refuge. we run the food and wheat flour, distribution towards the entire population. there is no one, no agency, no humanitarian actor, that can replace toner well,
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especially on child such short notice. so our position is please help us continue saving lives in gaza and continue providing that level of relief, food, medical supplies, and medical services to an entire population that is now dependent on humanitarian assistance. of course, based our applications from the is really government. i'm a commissioner in general of honora dean that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our light saving an irreplaceable work in garza, he deemed it necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the sake of everything else. but also for the sake of due diligence, the commissioner general asked that you went the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, to restore the situation to the highest investigation authority and that you went
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in new york. so we worked on several tracks together with the primary goal being the continuation of our replaceable and light saving work in gaza. we have 13000 staff in gaza. it takes a very, very complex review to be able to match names that we received from the government of israel with names of our employees. but if i may hear reminder that the owner was shares the full list of names of the staff in the west bank including east jerusalem with israel every year. so the list is known, the list of our staff is known to the government of israel. every year. the palestinian ministry of education says increased the settler violence and is really army res, across the occupied westbank or destroying the right of palestinian children to an education. many schools have been forced to close down. charles stratford reports from the village of bay tor. before i illegal is ready,
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settlement runs along. we only road to bait or school in the occupied westbank, but no palestinian students come here anymore. the palestinian authority assisted the school closed when the one goal is to begin because of these rating secular tax . the school was built in 1953 these way. the settlements began arriving 25 years later. the children's outlook still hangs in in 2 car doors and men today the lead. when i know we have never seen anything like this before is really subtle, is come to the nearby ministry check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes come to escape them. in the past, the sub list of phones turns out the students during sports classes, whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and the property across the occupied
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west bank is dramatically increased since the hamas attacks on october the 7th, nearly $400.00 promised indians have been killed in his way the military rates hunting suspected members, the palestinian resistance of the school, the self abuse of scripts and intimidation. by is raining checklist. living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinian also or to say have been forced to close because of the increased the 2nd level islands since the war began. many of reopened but 11, being forced to close in the last 2 weeks of many of the students from bait or be moved to school across the valley practice into overcrowded classrooms within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. teachers and students
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comped into the classrooms. we can't use the lot to do science because we need to use that to teach or the subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us, i love you, did the ultimate in july, i've had no choice but to take online lessons. since the school was closed off, my struggles to focus on these arabic cloths this. now here is the good. our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography? listen in another room. that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home. a palestinian children have had their education disrupted by as well as of the
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patient but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow his own district like never before. it's almost not for the late good in the occupied westbank. still a head on l 0. former pakistani prime minister and run con is sentenced to another 14 years in prison. this is off to being handed a 10 year jail term on tuesday. the ukraine take steps to help children come to terms with the trauma, the war with russia, the on the spot to get very wet and windy once again for northwest. if you're ever done focusing really on scuffling the property, no way mostly to be ready and coming in with a strong,
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which doesn't last too long for us. but it be stuff crossing the sides of this attempt as a single fingers, but they not freezing system of extraordinary will. but it has been drying the sunday for the most part for the bulk of the european play that will change. i think in the next 24 hours, but in the immediate future. so wednesday, it's still warm and too dry. and spain and portugal, and rest of the world all the way until you get to greece, that greece is companies. nobody. when we've had snow outside athens as a result of that, just to the knolls. that's not extraordinary. we're still of course, in winter, but it was a bit harsh considering where it's been like up until this point. now, during says day much of mainland europe will see this profit system go across. it dropped some rain, coal, grain, street or even snow, particularly up in the mountains. it is followed by much the same weather as you have covered k to be quite honest. so the eastern that is still blowing as cold, as you asked libya and egypt will get the dropping temperature sherry rate and quite a strong wind. most off know if i forget this time the it should be dry with
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a hot mountain full of dust showing itself in chat. the many have seen the war on gaza through the lens of photo journalist mo tons of size the most terrifying pictures. i never thought i never saw or even was payable. i was charged so i couldn't even take the camera, the motives as high as a joins the stream on out to 0. examining the impact of today's headlines, explore and abundance of well cloths program. design to inform, motivates that expire. see the well, from a different perspective on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching alpha 0 reminder of our top story is this, our, the is really military is carrying out more airstrikes in northern and central gaza . fighting on the ground is concentrated in southern gaza. artillery, showing and explosions have been heard around the national medical complex in fine use. the un agency from palestinian refugees says sacking employees and gaza accused of taking part in the october 7th. the tax was a preemptive measurement, spokes person for the agency total balance is 0. the. the action was necessary to ensure the continuation of services to gaza. it also said the names of its employees were on with shared with israel. display families across guys are struggling to survive. there is little aid coming in through the roof of crossing chat with the organizations are pitching in with basic food items for families in northern garza. as muhammad ahmed reports from northern gosh, no,
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no. if you had been just really wor on guys that continues the north of god says under seed, no release. it has been delivered to the people here hold on, even when some 8 is handed out. these really forces target and kill innocent civilians lining up for food. we have all witness what happened in alco weight square. here comes a rule for the charity and relief agency to play, including the algerian alber. aka society. must have been that magazine. we are trying to lend a helping hand to more than 4000 families trapped in the north of the gulf strip. so i was so we have partnered with other child to agencies to provide those food packages. so this is the walk of child to organizations and benevolent individuals . we've been doing this since the beginning of the war, and one of the, one of the maternity proceeds northern part of the gulf of strip is on the verge of funding. this is a real tight, real suffering real pain. despite these various relentless bon bonded wheels bearing no effort, hunting out hot meals,
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buying and distributing basic food items. as you can see, i repeat, aside from israel's massless selling the northern parts of the gulf. this trip is hunger stricken, defend the sydney, and it said, allow me. this is the message of charity workers here in the north of gaza strip, which has been reeling under rootless showing and a tight siege. as israel's warren gauze continues the north is on the verge of a family, and with no hope of any relief, a being delivered to the hungry, stricken part of the street. in the, as president joe biden says that he has decided how the us will respond to a drone strike that killed 3 american troops. in jordan, the rocky arm group of the pentagon believes carried out. the attack has announced that it is suspending attacks on us troops, but washington is skeptical about the claim. bike type has below, had to go hand reports from washington, dc. use president joe biden, his boeing retaliation after drone attack,
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killed 3 us soldiers and injured dozens of others. he's blaming around in proxy. i do hope that we need a wider war. the strength was claimed by an umbrella group at this moment. resistance interact at the pentagon, tuesday official said they haven't pinpointed which faction within the group launch the attack. but what are the most prominent to todd has the law reportedly said it will no longer target us forces in the region of respect to the rocky government. us officials were skeptical of that claim actions speak louder than words. you know, there has been 3 attacks to my knowledge since the 28th of january. and i'll just leave it there. so i definitely make it a practice not to respond to statements from terrace organizations,
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from the podium here. we will hold accountable any organization that we find to be responsible for attacks on us personnel in the region. president joe biden is coming under increasing pressure to strike back. now some republicans have even called for him to strike inside of around that said, for months, this is ministration has been saying. the biggest concern they have is that this will lead to a wider war, and it seems fairly clear that striking inside of around would make that more likely, rather than less particular haynes elda 0 at the state department. it's been nearly 2 years since russia invaded ukraine. and there are concerns about his long term effects on the countries children. special camps are being organized to help youngsters cope with war trauma. rob mcbride has more from the region of zachary of pot you activities designed to help young mines come to terms with children, with very different experiences, but all suffering some degree of trauma. like 17 year old valeria forcibly
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relocated to russia by her father, then brought back to ukraine by her mother. i knew she's a mother. every one would say that these are one nation, one people that that's not true. it's another country. and when i come back to grand, i realized i was hong shuttle. the one part of the country that's about the least touched by will the co pay to the mountains, all the perfect place for recovery. but many of the stuff are themselves from the cities ravaged by war, such as psychologist julia from mary paul. some of the trauma is multi dimensional and it's not just the few they experience from the bombing. it's the feel of occupation diffusion using loved ones. separation relate many especially younger children, such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences. last time, we would take it into buses. he tells us to attempt in russia, where we stayed for a bit over a month,
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but that's about who will he can we can't. 17 year old you have him was in the same group and remembers the joy of returning home. the home when we got home, i 1st emotions were meeting my friends and family again. there was join more. the ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia since the start of the full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago. despite repeated efforts and international mediation, only about 400 children have been returned. the 4th removal has led to will crimes charges against moscow allegations. the key hopes will one day reach an international court. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover from mcbride . i'll just say era is that car, patsy or region? ukraine? a large military government says it is easing election, registration rules the political parties. the announcement comes just before the 3rd anniversary of the military, cool, and ours, before 6 months,
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the state of emergency is due to expire. its been repeatedly extended since the military takeover leaders of the june to have pledged to hold elections and returned to democratic rule. but they have not said when cody checking is following developments from chung right in northern thailand, near the border with me in the villages just reversing changes it made last year. when on january the 27th it insisted, the political parties have to have a membership of at least a $100000.00. they've now reduced that by hoff, by a to 50000. but as we found ourselves when we were in me on my last year speaking to political parties who'd be disqualified under those rules, all of the pos is the, the, the, me, i'm a military wanted to push as of the political system. they've already achieved that . so turning back the clock is really going to make no difference the total that i think the big picture here is that we've seen over the last couple of weeks in very
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small concessions from the military, talking about discipline democracy, a minimum like the senior general refer to the 2008 constitution going back to that in an address on the 26th of january. but at this stage, this is really a country in full blown civil world. we've got a most demand. mazda board is now heavily contested between ethnic armies, who are fighting the military in the military themselves. you've seen the military, using extreme force, with strikes artillery against indiscriminately, against ethnic homes and civilians all over the country. and i think making these small changes to the deal that it's trying to do with the people is going to make no difference at this stage. are the following. pakistani prime minister, a wrong con and his wife had been sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption related to the same state gifts. this comes just one day after con was convicted of leaking official secrets and separately, separately sentenced to 10 years in prison. he was pushed out of office in
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a no confidence both in 2022 con has also been disqualified from holding public office. he's already serving a 3 year prison sentence in another corruption case. come out hyde or has more on this from the capital, with some of that prime ministers and heads of the day to receive gifts can buy them back from the stage they, for the very read that get for the fraction of the cost. even the accused of buying these at undervalue, and then selling dogs ridge of cards, what not illegal impact could have been the job of the effect, great, board of revenue. however, this particular indent comes at a critical time or the country and just the days away from the election advise the name of board. now being accused in the tow truck, on our case, she had now, according to the report that under her satisfied read, i'm just getting a for getting your send. then just less than 20 for our doctor,
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you within 10 to 10 year, the regulars, imprisonment and deal. fisher and secret i attributed members that are the heads of said previously, i have also taken the re gift. sometimes without being anything, i'm the people are focused on one that the that is accountability than previous prime ministers. hedges of the military heads of the states that such as the president should also be held accountable. also, people are now asking as to whether this forthcoming election is going to be a real bad and 3 election. a new king of malaysia has been crowned assault on abraham is con, door is due to rain for the next 5 years. my laser has a unique system of rotational monica with 9 heritage. 3 sultan is taking turns on the throne and typically acts on the advice of the prime minister administers. but then you monarch says that he wants to be a more active oil ruler. the chief executives of majors, social media platforms are set to face questioning from us senators over the sexual
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exploitation of children. as rob rentals reports from los angeles, the companies are accused of failing to protect young people from abuse online. the amount of child sexual abuse, images, and videos online is vast and expanding rapidly. in 2022, we received over 32000000 reports to the cyber tip line just last year for 2023. that number increase to over 36000000. this is a global problem, it is international and scope. and because of the instantaneous nature of many of these internet based platforms that users use to traffic in this type of material, it is circulated across the globe. 24 by 7. some social media companies such as met the parent company of facebook and instagram, receive high marks from child protection advocates for screening out sexual abuse


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