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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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last 10 years, and you know, quite frankly let's just follow the lead of the rest of the world here and get rid of fair quite once a problem. the heavy bombardment in southern gaza is really forces and targeting the last operating medical facilities and assign unit square thousands are seeking shelter, the time serial of any a good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 lives from don't also coming up. they were dismissed upon allegations pre emptive leads the you and agencies for palestinian refugees on the wall says that there is no clear establishment of wrong
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doing bites and dismissal stuff. accused of involvement in the october 7th attack. we report on how is really similar attacks and military rates or depriving palestinian children of their right to education in the occupied westbank. and to be in morris military leaders, relax selection rules for political parties. ours before state of emergency is due to the begin in gaza, where the is really military is carrying out more airstrikes and it's northern and central areas. while fighting on the ground is largely concentrated in southern gaza. artillery shilling and explosions have been heard around the necessary medical complex in hon. you this is really forces have besieged at the hospital for days. there's no electricity and stuff and patients remain trapped. got says health ministry says 26751. people have
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been killed string, israel's war on gaza so far. and what the weather is, the worst thing the humanitarian crisis. their reign in the past few days as flooded makes shift caps. tens of thousands of displaced palestinians already lack basic shelter to protect them from the winter of cold. many face star vision with no food or water. they are no blankets or clouds. the rain has drowned us and we are unable to hang out clouds out to dry. they are no beds, no rooms, and not even food for the children to eat. there is no milk for this child. this is a will of extermination, which has destroyed us in the history of palestine. such a will has never happened. oh says there is honey mountain with going just from rough and southern guys as the honey. bring us up to date on the latest developments across the gaza strip the the
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this? well, the latest we are, uh we're getting it from the city of ton unit center around the vicinity of i'm in the hospital where it was this form of the early our hours of room last night is really time sun would have the machine guns and our to and tank till the storm, the external fence and buildings of the facilities of the hospital and the injured at least 10 people. but right now we're getting a confirmed report of that. a quad captors that shooting at people inside the facility. it's important to point out that this facility has been a main shoulder for 100, the palestinian displays and from eastern part of hon. units on the central part of some of those who were filtering and not the parts, but the within the past few weeks then. and since the beginning of the expansion of the, of the military operations in hon units, the security guard was shot and killed inside the facility, the more reports about acquired cap through his art shooting heavily at people who
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are inside the facility. what seems to be an attend vida is really mandatory to evaluate the hospital completely by forcing people leaving the buildings under heavy machine guns. and the attacks by these drawn attacks the quite a captors in other parts of hon. you and is that around the vicinity of mazda of the hospital and the southern part of the city. not only were seeing an intense bombing campaign by this very military, but also reports about, for years confrontation and battle is going on between policy and finding groups. as well as these really military, similar situations right now are taking place around the vicinity of chiva hospital work since early hours of this morning is really times pushed around the vicinity of a ship at hospital complex and shooting at people are being sold during inside the facility of the hospital, the husband is largely non functional, non operate to now doesn't provide any sufficient medical services whatsoever since
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it has been pushed out of service. and since the. 1 the it was the store invite is really military that destroyed the vast majority of its properties and facilities that on the medical equipment, but also as the is ready, tigers shooting at the hospitals, the reports about it kind of glasses and confrontation between them and the palestinian finding groups and then just to point out in context, these are the very areas that these really military have been operating there since the beginning of the war. and often time declared, it had full control over the areas, but we keep hearing about it, see a hearing about either rockets fired from jobs or the northern part or clashes and confrontation going on inside the city. honey, this is going to seem very obvious to you, but i think it's worth pointing out for of yours. we are 5 days removed from the international court of justice, ordering israel to refrain and to prevent acts of genocide, including the killing of palestinians and causing mental and bodily harm. to
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palestinians. have you seen anything change in the way it is rarely use are conducting their operation, their military operation and gaza over the last 5 days of the well, sir, are quite the contrary. what was seen on the ground every, every action so far by it is really military just fits within the characterization of a genocide, the ruling explicitly on it on equivocal. you request that i have from these really military and those ready governments to stop and seize all acts of genocide. but we're seeing on the ground is the quite the opposite. more displacement, more destruction, more people are being killed in the northern parts and in gaza. city in the central air and here in the over crowded southern parts of the city. just one thing that caught my attention that by the report by alter about the level of destruction
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caused by this genocide, the war is the devastation and the destruction caused by the ongoing bombings. it's estimated by about 8000000 metric tons of debris is that is likely take years to be removed before any efforts of reconstruction. rebuilding parts of, of life across the gaza strip. that fits app lane, the characterisation of destroying every means of life. a k, a genocide, committed atrocities committed by it is really a military, honeywell who would reporting from rafa and southern gaza. thank you very much. the united nations secretary general has met, major donors of owner, was a un agency for palestinian refugees. antonio gutierrez was seeking to reassure a member states that temporarily suspended their funding for the agency that is after israel accused 12 or otherwise approximately $30000.00 employees of taking
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part in the october 7th attacks. the u. n. has fired, those were named and is investigating the allegations, kristen salumi reports system to civilians. the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up the amount of tearing a to gaza, even though some of its members are withholding funding to causes largest agency and run amber behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen, sigrid cog u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the and the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials in israel, gaza. egypt and jordan cock told the counsel more aid route, sent a garza as well as a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure
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donor secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the un has taken since is real accuse 12 unreal employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest donor praise the organizations work, even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to henri. and as you know, we should left that file. the great work that i'm or does, andrea has provided a central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds.
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we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys us 3 without funding resuming un is warning. unrest, live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations. tamara l reply is the spokes person for the united nations relief and works agency on the law. and she says the agency staff accused of participating in the october 7th attacks were dismissed preemptively and are still being investigated to establish any wrong doing. she says the needs of civilians in gaza should be prioritized as we are leading to our biggest owners who are also our partners, our partners, and ensuring that there is an adequate humanitarian operation in gaza. we're pleasing with them, not to it to allow the humanitarian operation towards 2000000 people to collapse
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under what has the largest footprint in gaza? we run the shelters where more than 1000000 people have sought refuge. we run the food and wheat flour, distribution towards the entire population. there is no one, no agency, no humanitarian actor, that can replace toner well, especially on child such short notice. so our position is please help us continue saving lives in gaza and continue providing that level of relief, food, medical supplies, and medical services to an entire population that is now dependent on humanitarian assistance. of course, based our applications from the is really government. i'm a commissioner in general of honora dean that it's in the interest of the 2000000 people were serving in gaza. and in the interest of the continuation of our light
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saving an irreplaceable work in garza, he deemed it necessary to preemptively dismiss these the staff members for the sake of everything else. but also for the sake of due diligence, the commissioner general asked that you went the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, to restore the situation to the highest investigation authority and that you went in new york. so we worked on several tracks together with the primary goal being the continuation of our replaceable and light saving work in gaza. we have 13000 staff in gaza. it takes a very, very complex review to be able to match names that we received from the government of israel with names of our employees. but if i may hear reminder that the owner was shares the full list of names of the staff in the west bank including east
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jerusalem with israel every year or so. the list is known. the list of our staff is known to the government of israel. every year the political leader of hamas is my and the a says he's received the ceasefire proposals for the war on gaza. and that follows talks in power, standing washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. and the a says that he will travel to the egyptian capital cairo for further discussions, but is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist that he will not end the war without achieving all his goals. i use statements about all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear, we will not end this war without achieving all our goals. and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen?
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absolute victory is ok. let's talk to rory, challenges unoccupied, east jerusalem for some wider context around this. really help us understand where the public debate currently stands right now on how it israel, on how the country should be handling the war. well of course there are, there's plenty of discussion about the will going on is rather than having plenty of discussion about this, i propose deal uh as well to give a ceasefire and return to the exchange of more concepts. and you know, uh, a multi stage process go your own, i have a month. the cynical voice is the skeptical voice is a saying, this is a bad deal that they don't trust how much one inch they don't think how much he's going to release for halls, the captives that would weaken that hands. therefore, why should israel offer a ceasefire for something that is not equitable? that's certainly the view in the fall of rights. all of the governing competition,
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the finance minister and smart the but it could be said that he will actually torpedo that the government. he'll bring it down to walk away from it. he's smith and the yahoo accepts the deal that he doesn't like. now that's me all i, he's going to have to commit to the deal one way or the other. uh, some points soon. um and discharges that the pressure is really a kind of mounting for him. troubles on the horizon. desert poles that was recently done for his ready tv tunnel 12, which suggests that if an election was held some more than the governing coalition, which currently has $64.00 seats and the can that's it would go down to $44.00 seats and that's uh, some figures within the government coalition, a life threatening of a little small church might actually lose the positions completely that that policies might be at house of the running out of excessive and tati. and there's
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another story this very interesting to you this or rather than my with this is in 2 of the newspapers today. this is my rear of the same story is in the jerusalem post . and this is about a plan supposedly fall off of the war for going. is that going as a plan is one of the headline says here. now this is appears to be a leak to the papers. they say it's the plan drafted by a group of businessmen with close ties and that's and yahoo! so the papers are interpreting it as a sort trial balloon from the net from yahoo government presented to the americans . and the plan, as the papers reported, is that split off to the will that will be a several stage process. full gauze. and the 1st stage with the military government run by the is right. and these are transitional period of that. then leading into a 13 you promised in, you know, thirty's or not how much uh, notifies a box by an international uh, arab coalition. and then if that went smoothly in 2 to 4 years, they might well be
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a palestinian state. now, how always to interpret this is a, conus, is it, since it is a genuine? well mentioned, y'all have often said some things to the americans, and then other things to the is riley's. and of course, we know that next me all here is a much of his political career, has worked against a 2 state solution. so i fax or was that when you're assessing this, but at least it gives you some idea of into the kind of political maneuvering and the thinking that might be going on in as well at the moment. no, absolutely. and no, no, we definitely will heed your advice, in fact, all that in, but it's all good information, good contacts. thank you very much. rory, challenge reporting from occupied east jerusalem. the still ahead on al jazeera, the ukraine take steps to help children deal with the trauma of experiencing war and displacements and sensors for the 2nd time in 24 hours. we will have the latest on pakistan's,
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former prime minister, him or on times, or case the that the areas of potentially flooding rain during the season tend to move around. but the southern philippines, i'll certainly still in that area of risk. so deaf are, will be a focus where you might well get street funding an outside that role and areas of the items to the size significant funding is possible on that line extends down through borneo again just to march and java expect some funding you stop by time of year, just drive to the north of the single pool. looks quite chevy. once again. the heavy rain has been arrived in some parts of northern australia, but queens and has been the focus of those thunderstorms still suggest as a potential for some significant funding. it does look drawing that through, but it's been a bit on thursdays, full cost there. so do you want me to be some wind from this?
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asked me is it will not be a human. knows i melvin's 25. doesn't look particularly well, but has to be and also right side of the panels the victorian up might continue, but the real heat is to the west of the west. australia is up into forty's, getting novel balls at 46. now we're not breaking records here, but we are very, very hot. and of course, dry as for new zealand, pretty standard fat during says day, but there is rain coming across the top and see as a result of that fitness, particularly with insight falling on friday. the cloud of nuclear war is ever present. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what is this is the beginning of the end of life because we know it from the hall roots of recent history to the wrong thing, card threat, the apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funds to vanity or
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failure to keep him out of the safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really military as carrying out more airstrikes in northern and central guys are fighting on the ground is concentrated in southern gaza, artillery shilling and explosions. have been heard around the nice and medical complex and fun, eunice from us as the group is reviewing a ceasefire proposal for the war on gaza. and that follows thoughts in paris and
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washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting, however, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist that he will not end the war without cheating all his goals. and are you an agency to palestinian refugees? says the seth, king of employees and gaza, accused of involvement and almost as october. the 7th attack was a pre emptive measure. spokes person for the agency told l 0. the step was necessary to ensure the continuation of services to gaza. israel accused 12 staff of taking part in the attacks for the why is a critical lifeline for millions of palestinians as dmitri medical reports, for many of them, the thought that it could shut down and gaza is frightening. every morning they line up for food given out by the human agency that looks up the palestinian refugees. it's the only place these desperate people can get anything to eat. but uncertainty haunts them now. who knows how long the handouts were loves? unfortunately,
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i wish i wish i loved him in the z. we came to collect our daily flour, russian for a family of 10 data threatening to suspend over services. the only thing we have left is a bag of flour we're receiving. well, should we trees of israel has the latch that $121.00 right employees took bonds in the october 7th attack on southern israel was says it would investigate but nations including the united states, britain and germany immediately suspended the funding contributions with more than 1000000000 dollars last year i thought i didn't know it down and look uh, i believe that all like his actions against henri of enforcement and the october 7th incident folks, these accusations are part of the brutal attack that's meant to drive out people out of the council struck because sofa and the services of the only thing that supporting our resilience. and now territory was one was supports millions of palestinians daily. it's a lifeline operating shelters,
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health centers and delivering much needed a. yeah. and the other, if the palestinian people use one rugs, assistance were as good as the as good as data. we have nothing but one run little really living in the street, the mountain nourishment disease, and a lack of shelter. many have cold life and gaza. hel without honora. that how could be much, much worse to meet you met with in co, out as they are. the palestinian ministry of education says increased settler violence and is really army raids across the occupied west bank or destroying the rights of palestinian children to an education. many schools have been forced to close down. charles stratford reports on this from the village of bay tor. before illegal is ready, settlement runs along. we own the road to bait or school in the occupied westbank,
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but no palestinian students come here anymore. the palestinian authority insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because of these rating secular attacks. the school was built in 1953. these way the settlers began arriving 25 years later. the children's all work still hands in in 2 car doors and men today at the lead. when i know we have never seen anything like this before is really subtle, is come to the nearby military check point. they throw stones, they stop, cause and sometimes confiscate them. in the past, the sub list of frogs turns out the students during sports classes, whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and the property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the homeless attacks. on october, the 7th,
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nearly full 100 palestinians have been killed in these way. the military rates hunting suspected members, the palestinian resistance. the school, the suffrage is afraid, send it to me. they should bite is really sick lives living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinians will sorry to say have been forced to close because of increased the 2nd level islands. since the war began. many have reopened, but 11, being forced to close in the last 2 weeks for many of the students when they will be moved to school across the valley, practice into overcrowded classrooms, within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. teachers and students come to enter the classrooms. we can't use the lot to do science because we need to use that to teach or the subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us, i love you, did the ultimate in july,
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i've had no choice but to take online lessons since the school was closed and off my struggles to focus on these arabic cloths this. now here is the good. our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography? listen in another room. that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home. a palestinian children have had their education disrupted by as well as of the patient but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and
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grow his own district like never before. it's almost not for the late good in the occupied westbank. the in other world news, it's been nearly 2 years since russia invaded ukraine, and there are concerns about it's long term effects on the countries children. especial camps are being organized to help youngsters cope with war trauma role. mcbride has more from the region of that crow pots you activities designed to help young mines come to terms with children, with very different experiences, but also offering some degree of trauma. like 17 year old valeria forcibly relocated to russia by her father, then brought back to ukraine by her mother a new so she's a mother. every one would say that these are one nation, one people that that's not true. it's another country. and when i come back to grand, i realized i was harsh. i don't. the one part of the country that's about the least
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touched by will the copier. mountains of the perfect place for recovery. but many of the stuff are themselves from the cities ravaged by war, such as psychologist julia from mary paul. some of the trauma is multi dimensional and it's not just the few they experience from the bombing. it's the fear of occupation, the fear of losing loved ones separation believe many, especially young children, such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences. last time, we would take it into buses. he tells us to attempt in russia, where we stayed for a bit over a month, but that's about who will he can we can't. 17 year old you have him was in the same group and remembers the joy of returning home. the home when we got home, i 1st emotions were meeting my friends and family again. there was join more
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ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia since the start of the full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago. despite repeated efforts and international mediation, only about 400 children have been returned. the 4th removal has led to will crimes charges against moscow allegations, the key hopes will one day reach an international court. for now, the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover from mcbride . i'll just say era is that capacity or region? ukraine as being mars military governments says it is easing election, registration, rules for political parties. the announcement comes just before the 3rd anniversary of the military clue and hours before 6 months. state of emergency is due to expire . it has been repeatedly extended since the military takeover leaders of the june to have pledge to hold elections and return to democratic rule. but they haven't said when tony chang is following developments from john ryan in northern thailand,
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near the border with me in the villages just reversing changes it made last year. when on january the 27th it insisted, the political parties have to have a membership of at least a $100000.00. they've now reduced that by hoff, by a to 50000. but as we found ourselves when we were in the last, is speaking to political parties, who would be disqualified under those rules, all of the pots is the, the, me, i'm a military, wanted to push as of the political system. they've already achieved that. so turning back the clock is really going to make no difference the tool that i think the bigger picture here is that we've seen over the last couple of weeks in very small concessions from the military, talking about discipline democracy, a minimum like the senior general referred to the 2000 and the constitution going back to that in an address on the 26th of january. but at this stage this is really


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