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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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just a terrible natural disaster and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important over time. the it is rarely forces keep up their heavy bombardments in southern gaza targeting the last operating medical facilities in han units were thousands are seeking shelter, the pennsylvania. it's good to have you with us. this is alice's. you're a life from the also coming up. they were dismissed upon allegations, preemptively total says there is no clear establishment of wrong doing bites dismissal stuff. accused of involvement in the october 7th. the tax,
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the classrooms abandons shut down, will tell you how the war and god destroying the rights education to palestinian children in the occupied with the schools, the self and use of fritz and intimidation. by integrating checklist, living in legal is really secular. behind that me only reaches the what the hand fighting the scores of war ukraine take steps to help children deal with the trauma of the war with russian news we started gaza where he is really military is carrying out more airstrikes in the northern and central areas of the strip fighting on the ground is largely concentrated in the south, whereas really strikes have targeted areas around hospitals. the master and medical
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complex, which is filtering. thousands of displaced, palestinians has been under siege for several days. i'm a home and begins are coverage. the area around us and medical complex in fun unit has become a battle ground medical stuff on the patients as well as the space palistine is woke up to the sound of gunfire the inside the hospitals. doctors describe how desperate situation is no other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them is really forced. it's been bombarding to everyone from the hospital for the dates. most of the health stuff i've left been team saw about it. half of my daughter has been wounded for
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a while now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available and other times it's not. i'm not sure where to go or what to do is right intensify seats bombardment of hon units. palestinians continued to flee south towards the roof. is really strikes not the only word he many also faced a vacation hold on a 2nd while the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food, whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice have vanished. is it as well and cause the sofa has to be the $27000.00 palestinians? us prime minister benjamin the thing out, who's out the sci fi proposal posting and civilians i left with no way to go. have them come back and just see the houses here as honeywell, who it is in
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a rough and southern gaza. honey, i want to focus on what's happening and got the 2nd largest city with you in one unit specifically on the hospitals. there is continued fighting around there, whether it's nicer or the amount of hospital. my question is, are the people who are still in those hospitals? and those medical facilities able to leave of the not at this particular moment as more reports, the nursing, the from san eunice of a lot mental hospital is under military is these are, and this is probably a, the 10 days under this ongoing military is these were people have been sold during inside, hundreds of feet of families. it slipped the world from the basement part of the city and other parts of golf. this trip and been shouldering inside the facility of the hospital there not only times and their armed vehicles surrounding day, but also the quiet cops are. these are a talk and drones that are shooting at every moving offices at dep. courtyard of
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the hospital so far reported an employee security guard employed by the policy request and was shot and killed. there are several injuries inside the facility. there also louder speakers. this were these at taca drones calling and people to leave the buildings. and this is exactly the scenario was seen in the past and other houses where people are told to leave building and then separate them in a new woman and lead into an arrest. there are packed in the western side of the city where, how much the residential compound, this is not the 1st time. it's probably the 3rd time is being attacked in the password for of the residential. it's how it's been completed, just trying to date more of it is under bombardment for people to be reported killed in other areas of the gaza strip. more attacks, more this and destruction it from north to south. honey. a couple hours ago, you told me that the attack by the is really security forces on the gaza strip have not relented since the ruling by the international court of justice. the is real
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a have to prevent acts of genocide and had to stop killing palestinians. what i want to check with you this hour is the i c. j also said there needed to be an immediate increase in humanitarian aid. reach and guidance. is that the case? is that happening? it was sadly enough. it's not happening at all. no, not only was, you know, shows india talks across the gauze is more intense bombing campaign continues to destroy the vast majority of all means of life and saving institutions, including hospitals and schools, but also providing safeguards for humanitarian, a little more hunting free in the amount of human to terry and aid into the gaza strip to that display of these hundreds of thousands of policy. and it is not happening at all in fox for the past few days. none of the track that i've made has made its way to gauze as ongoing approach tests by is really something large,
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blocking the injury of a trucks through the carmel. besides the crossing that they use from part of robots to be sold for more than a week, now, no human attorney on a been allowed into the gust of just increasing the difficulty of living condition as over crowded rubber heads funding got of basic supplies, food, water, and medical supply and other survival items, not only causing great deal of, of, of bad living conditions, but also tripling the price. and at the time, people don't have the cash flow, no payrolls, whatsoever. it just aggravating the living conditions and making it difficult for people to combat the difficulties of life as a result of the ongoing genocide mode reporting from roughly and southern gaza. thank you very much, honey or the united nation. the secretary general has met major donors of the un agencies of palestinian refugees. antonio gutierrez was seeking to reassure member
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states, which temporarily suspended their funding to the agency. that is after israel accused 12 of an was approximately $30000.00 employees of taking part in the october 7th, the tax that you and has fired those were named and is investigating the allegations. kristen salumi reports system just to begin, the un security council is reiterating its demand to scale up came out of terry and aid to gaza. even though some of its members are withholding funding to garza's largest agency and raw numbers behind closed doors. they met with the woman task with making it happen. sigrid cob u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. there is no way that any organization can replace or substitute tremendous capacity. the fabric of monroe, the ability, the knowledge of the population in gaza. cod barely a month into her job has already met with officials and is real, gaza, egypt and jordan cock told the counsel more aid route, sent a gauze as well as
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a resumption of commercial deliveries are needed to meet the staggering needs of the people. but she offered no alternative to honora. in an effort to reassure donors secretary general antonio gutierrez, called a meeting with member states detailing actions the u. n. has taken since israel accuse 12 henri employees of taking part in the october 7th attacks. those names have been sacked, a comprehensive investigation, launched the united states and was largest don't or praise the organizations work, even as it called for changes. we need to see fundamental changes before we can resume providing uh, funding directly to unwritten as you know. so we should left that file, the great work that i'm or does, andrea has provided the central humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. and unwrapped is the only organization on the ground that has the capacity to
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continue to provide that assistance. this is not the time to withhold funds or suspend funds. we need to have your money, terry, and assistance up to the 11th over the needs of the people of the, of the guys as 3 without funding resuming un is warning. unrest, live saving work could be severely impacted in a matter of weeks. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations, the political leader of hamas is male. any a says he's received the ceasefire proposal for the war on gaza that follows talks in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting. and he says he will travel to the egyptian capital cairo for further discussions. however, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu insist that he will not end the war without a shooting all his goals. i'm sure i use statements about
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all kinds of deals. so i want to make it clear. we will not end this war without achieving all our goals, and that means the elimination of how much the return of all hostages and a promise that garza will no longer pose a threat to israel. we will not to take the idea out of the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? absolute victory. also 0 is rory challenge isn't occupied east jerusalem. so worry, there's intense debates and israel on the next steps in this war, who wants what what he's basically got plenty of cynical voice is skeptical. voice is looking at the deal that is being proposed at the moment. i'm saying this does not look good for israel, they uh, essentially examining whether it's something that on paper would be acceptable or how much and then say what it is acceptable to how about us. and of course it's not
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going to be acceptable for us. they don't trust how much the tools i think that's how much is not going to release all of the captives. because why would, how much do that? it would be giving up its position of bargaining power. and therefore, why should israel offer how much a ceasefire? why that is still a relatively capable of fighting for savvy? there are members of benjamin netanyahu as a governing coalition pots, all of that coalition on the far right. some who even say that they will to will pay the bank of and said that he will tell pete of the government if it comes and accepts a deal. that's the fall right. policies don't think is in the right interests of, of israel sites. a problem for and that's, and yahoo trouble bring him also trouble brewing in the form of a new opinion polls that's being released by channel 12. then these ready tv channels, which says that if there was an election,
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some more of then the governing combination of policies, the, the next and yahoo block would be reduced from 60 full connected seats in a moment just to just 47. so essentially it will be out of power. you would most likely get company guns, legs, governments coming in the fall, right? policies that are being part of mess them, yahoo is block. would be in real trouble. another interesting story in the media of the might even a is being run by 2 newspapers. business matter if news type of the same story is being pushed by the jerusalem post gauze. a plan is what the headline says here. and essentially they be leaks a proposal that they say is being drafted by a group of businessmen with connections to nothing yahoo and it's being taken to the americans. now this proposal for the cost of the war, the proposal for cause of would have a phase $1.00 which is essentially military rule full,
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gaza that these raise would go in and is ready ministry. what are the c o aspects of gauze and the life that would then transition into a phase 2 whenever that might be, which is a new product city north or it's a uh, with banking from an international coalition of our nations. this near pe would not involve how much they would not involve concepts off to that, if about will go smoothly. you would get a promise to the instate. now should we accept any of this as being realistic as being honest, being genuine? well, there's a lot of devil in that detail about transitional care and how long would it last of ministry rules could last indefinitely full? so we know that netanyahu has told the americans things in the past and told the is ready public something very different. and we also know that for many years he's been moving against a 2 state solution to a fax to all of that. and when you were assessing the merits of this plan,
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and whether it would run rory challenge reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you, rory. the palestinian ministry of education says increased is really settler violence, and army raids across the occupied west bank or destroying the right to education of palestinian children. many schools have been forced to close down. charles stratford reports on this from the village of bates or before illegal is ready. settlement runs along. we own the road to bait or school in the occupied westbank. but no palestinian students come here anymore. the problem is sending all sorts. he insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because of these rating secular attacks. the school was built in 1953. these way the settlers began arriving 25 years later. the children's all work still hands in in 2 car doors. and men today at the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before, is really subtle,
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is come to the nearby military check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes confiscate them in the past, the sub list of fro starting out the students during sports classes, whatever it was play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and the property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the homeless attacks. on october, the 7th, nearly full 100 palestinians have been killed in these way the military rates hunting suspected members, the palestinian resistance. the school, the suffrage is a fritz and intimidation bite is really sick, lives living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinians will soar to say, have been forced to close because of increased the 2nd level islands. since the war
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began. many have reopened, but 11 being forced to close in the last 2 weeks of many of the students from bait or be moved to school across the valley practice into overcrowded classrooms within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. teachers and students comped into the classrooms. we can't use the lot to do science because we need to use that to teach or the subject that it's a huge challenge for the children. and for us, i love you, did the ultimate in july, i've had no choice but to take online lessons. since the school was closed off, my struggles to focus on these arabic cloths this. now here is the good. our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer there,
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but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography lesson in another room? that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home. a palestinian children have had their education disrupted by as well as of the patient but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow is on district like never before. it's almost not for the late good in the occupied westbank. still a head on alpha 0 russians only opposition candidates attempts to enter the presidential race with the help of his supporters. but we live in moscow. the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to its
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accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that this is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us, since it's well shifted to the right seat, it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant
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to so that there's more that unites us then divide the, the, the, the one thing else is 0. reminder of our headlines this our, the is really military is carrying out more airstrikes and northern and central gas . fighting on the ground is largely concentrated in southern gaza. artillery showing and explosions have been heard around the necessary medical complex in the un agencies of palestinian refugees says the sacking of 12 employees and got the accused of involvement in the october 7th attack was a pre emptive measured spokes person to the agency told elsie or the step was
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necessary to ensure the continuation of services and the political leader of hamas says that they are reviewing a ceasefire proposal for the war on gaza. that follows thoughts in paris and in washington on a possible deal to stop the fighting, but is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu insist that he will not end the war without achieving all his goals, the or in other world news. now, a russian politician with anti war views has begun. the process needed to enter the race for president. boris. dashed in head says he has submitted more than a 105000 signatures of support to the central election commission. he has already publicly stated that he would end russia's war and ukraine, if elected officials will know, check the authenticity of the signatures before announcing the final candidates. the challenge vladimir putin in march. your, your shovel of oliver joins us live for moscow on this. you'll, you'll tell us about mr. the dish that
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yes, absolutely. right. now i'm standing at the central election commission on board the destiny just a while ago submitted the signatures to that central election committee. a commission, he is a candidate from the known pelham in truth single initiative policy. so if it happens, who collects 100000 signatures? that's in accordance with the russian electric blue uh ends at the base at mid afternoon and his team they, they had brought 10500000. that's the maximum amount that the central election commission, except just in case some of these signatures might be at the defects it, of course, in addition has been running unimpressed against campaign. and he's the only opposition, tons of, as he said, is willing to receive presidential nomination. i'm to actually stop running for president of the whole country and the whole. 1 world, so long queues on across russia as well as a know that as well as in, in, in,
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in other countries where people were eager to leave the signatures and support of that evidence, noble nation, braving the code at the end of it. since people can't express that and to boost on send a protest or loud in russia at these days either collecting the signatures to nominate and on to vote for social concepts have become the only legal way for people to express that and see vote position. so that, so far as the distance campaign is so significant and important. so basically the central election commission is going to take one week to check all those signatures, the very find them. and if everything is good, everything is okay boris, and it doesn't, will become the presidential know many. and he actually, while he was, he was speaking to his voters that to, to the, to the people of russia, to the john this, he's think all those who actually both the left best signatures for him. and he
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urged people to participate in the election to come on march the 17th and actually vote for president if they want to that for that to change things for the best in this country now is his candidacy were to be accepted. are you able to gauge, assess at this early stage? how much of a threat if any, you might actually be to the re election of vladimir put the well right now his team actually reports. hang that boris in addition, is that number to come to the office of lights in the future. and obviously a people understand that lighting the fusion is the most popular kansas in this country. and he's running as an independent candidates. but as far as the dungeon is running as and that's not as confident as it normally need from this simple initiative policy. uh so basically he said that he is not scared of and if the ink
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is ready for everything and that basically is going to break no mass of or students brave all the obstacles and the questions you might face. so he says that, so he says that to us, he's going to, it's a, he's no afraid to be a political prisoner. he's no, he's not afraid of any of sanctions against him or any restrictions against him because what he's going to do as soon as he becomes present, he wants to release all the political prisoners in this country and basically still be a special military operation. vouchers that is going on in ukraine right now. and withdrawal the troops from the crate. okay. he says he's impervious to any kind of pressure. you'll get a shuffle, oliver reporting from moscow. thank you very much. i. it's been nearly 2 years since russia invaded ukraine, and there are concerns about its long term effects on children and the special camps are being organized to help youngsters cope with the war trauma houses. here as rob mcbride reports from the region of zachary of pot, you activities designed to help young mines come to terms with
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children, with very different experiences, but also suffering some degree of trauma. like 17 year old valeria forcibly relocated to russia by her father, then brought back to ukraine by her mother, or unusual sheath. a mother, everyone would say that these are one nation, one people that that's not true. it's another country. and when i come back to grant, i realized of us from the one part of the country that's about the least touched by war, the co pay to the mountains, all the perfect place for recovery. but many of the stuff are themselves from the cities ravaged by war, such as psychologist julia from mary paul. some of the trauma is multi dimensional, and it's not just the few they experience from the bombing. it's the feel of occupation diffusion using loved ones. separation relate many especially younger
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children, such as 12 year old carrillo struggled to talk about their experiences. last time, we would take it into buses. he tells us to a camp in russia where we stayed for a bit over a month, but that's about who he can. we can't. 17 year old you have him was in the same group and remembers the joy of returning home. the home when we got home, i 1st emotions were meeting my friends and family again. there was join more. the ukraine estimates about 20000 children have been forcibly relocated to russia since the start of the full scale invasion nearly 2 years ago. despite repeated efforts and international mediation, only about 400 children have been returned. the 1st removal has led to will crimes charges against moscow allegations the key hopes will one day reach an international court. for now the focus is on reclaiming ukrainian children and helping them recover mcbride, i'll just say era sucker,
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patsy or region ukraine. all right, that's it for me. several then. yeah. if it today, whether it's next analysis, the or then sammy say den hosts inside story, he'll be looking at what caused the latest spades of violence. and so sedan and he'll have a full round up of world news at the top of our distinguish the . so that's still very cold rece inside period when that code it comes also landed across the apron, moultrie, produces scenarios. it is more of that to come for hawkeye day with increasing winds. i think for a brief period late wednesday or thursday, i won't use the the would visit the other search as likely on the mountains of an older home. she black, cold air, which comes up against this line. hey, we didn't have the right in southern japan. and southern china across jump temperatures and many cities in central and northern china as well. so the picture
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on the front of it has potential sto, coming in slowly cross gem rather max is any 0 and then rein returning to shanghai with a max of any 80 but feel particularly good. now we have seen snow, we'll see some more in the high ground of northern parts down and or from india here. and i think that's been welcomed because it's been a rough, dry winter otherwise. but the persistence of falls in the north indian play right. the way down to about an actually and beyond has been debilitating. puerto ecology delayed travel by train and there is a continuing fact to hear new data. these doesn't show change very much. i thought it might. i thought with the incoming rain, we might see that fog disperse, but it seems not about 3 day full cost. certainly doesn't suggested most of pakistan. otherwise, sir, is fine. the, the asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding
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the reality reporting from the action, the to the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been and back to h isn't in depth coverage, tying on stakes. it's future on fossil fuels, know renewable. i'll just use teams on the spring. you closer to the heart of the story. more than 50 people killed and 5 thing on south sedans. border rabble group is blamed for the attacks and an oil rich area also claimed by so that so was the, the violence way. is it leaving? this is inside story the .


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