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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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as far as the u. s. though is claiming they won't say revitalized ph take a vengeful control and goes off the wall. anything other than a week p a is not something is wrong with one's currently view. far as he is this week. as it as the past, it's getting weaker the dozens of bodies discovered dumped in a gauze of sco young witnesses, say the civilians execute defies ready for the carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from the host coming out st bottles and is really on sort of the strikes make it hot. it's sweet and wounded and con eunice. you in that refugee agency research has been forced to leave the 6 new and humanitarian chief appeals to western countries to restore funding, to one saying it's a large, safe,
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over 3 quarters causes people, bosses offense and ask some questions. us senate on the efforts to come back online child sexual exploitation, the, the composing bodies of palestinians have been found dumped in the school yard in northern casa, i would say the victims were blindfolded, tortured and killed before being placed in plastic bags. so some of which has moved under warning this report contains distressing images. this man is recovering the bodies of palestinians who had been looking. they were taken away by his really forces. and now some of their remains are being discovered. how much schools the gaza or as both those are sift through the
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debris, sense of the k fills the air, the dozens of bodies have been done. got to look that up. definitely the thing. it's a gen, we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the good yard shop to find the dead bodies. there's a palestinian civilians blindfolded in from coast of the box. the dead bodies were kept inside black box without the stimulatory. these are calling for an investigation in a statement, the minister of foreign affairs and experience said it demands the formation of any international field investigation, team domestic or is committed by these really occupation forces. the discovery of this mass, great in such a brutal manner, is expressive of the magnitude of the tragedy faced by palestinian civilians. this constitutes a blatant and gross violation of all international laws. the discovery comes just
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a day after israel returned the one, hundreds, ballasting and bodies for burial in a rough uh, just like an order and gaza. the condition of these bodies ranges from severely decomposed to me. there's colored remains making it hard to identify them. but people still come to the side search, you foreclosure in this place of tragedy, axles i'm reach out to 0, sorry, assume joins us live now from the rough. uh, kind of a kind of what more do we know about the circumstances in which these people died? yes, carrie, absolutely. palestinians today have been completely terrified of the scenes that have been circulating and social media platforms regarding the discovery of mass grave of some of the palestinians who have been a executed in uh the, another part of calls as the trip. as the bodies have been completely decomposed
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according to eye witness on the ground who have been reporting that they have been founding today, a mass grave for the policy is being a have cost on like full that in a big lot yet. town as this is completely a very shocking and terrifying i seems. we have been seeing today as the it's not yet clear who are the victims. the identity is still an identified fil. now, as the family is a couldn't do not know anything about them and from the signs being resting on the plastic backs that have been pushed inside there, it was hip really hip roads text was written on the bottom of the box, the showing different sizes that they use very forces at the rest of them as different palestinian officials have been accusing israel, appearing the responsibility of executing them. officer being arrested, specially that there are different signs of to, to have been seen on the bodies. and this is completely a new breach of the old nodes of international lows,
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especially in times of was isabel till now did not commence in the incident. but generally this area had been surrounded by these very forces and the ongoing expansion of military operations that by these very ami um they have a media completely launched a mouth, a rest complaint for the majority of palestinians who are over 15 years in the mother part of gauze as the trip um its the ration the 8 since october, the 7th. i meanwhile, across the board in gauze to continue use. what's the latest you can tell us about the flight to of that same song. so as we have been hearing the right now, the sound of these valley surveillance, a drones hole bring all of this car, roughly district. but i've been seeing a very short increase of is really military strikes, of course, cause a strip any particular and rough words, 2 separate strikes that have attacked a civil call. and i agree with the sound of studies and now in the civil cause that
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had been attacked full kind of scenes have been killed, including one child alongside with a 2 others in a new strike into another it part of roughly district. in addition, the situation in con, you sounds to be very critical of that use where the forces had with the drug and from the, from the hospital by the happy opening. the fire against anybody's in moving in the vicinity of the medical facility were hundreds of palestinians are still receiving good treatments at the as i own, going back to some of the ground, especially in con eunice, along side with the key. the central neighborhoods of gauze, a city where we have been seeing more videos, imagine by the mentoring from us, showing the bottles that are raging in gauze, a city between the policy and fight. isn't it used to be to sewage just by the middle school. renee says, well, have been the center for the ministry attack square and the one of the latest strikes. one of those that rocked refuge account has claimed the lives of the 3 palestinians, which and totally today had contributed to revise the desk to,
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to more than 150 policy has been killed alongside with more than 300 others being wounded till now life for us and going to that topic. thank you. as a senior un official has told the security council is vital that was what continues and gaza. the warning comes off to the united nations agency for palestine had its funding suspended by several western nations, but not the photos. israel's accusations that a dozen stuff took part in the attacks on october the 7th. austin griffith said the amount of tyrants situation is very challenging. and also the ability of the monitoring community to reach the people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. then to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that. when you and the secretary genuine,
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turning the terrace has also been speaking about when he was important. he was talking to the committee on an exercise of the in any animals, right? so the palestinian people and the is the backbone of all the many, 10 and response even casa. i appeal to all member states to get into the continued t, as owned was life saving. work. excellence is the meditating the system and you guys like collapsing. i'm extremely concerned by the new main conditions. faced by guys was 2200000 people as they struggled with survive without any of the basics. everybody not in godaddy's hungry, while also a 1000000 grapple with catastrophic levels of food insecurity. c. i called for the rep, it's safe. that means that it expanded and sustained the manufactured and excess throughout the gaza. autism advocate at the times bays has been following the meeting at the un headquarters in new york, the oldest top officials, the u. n. from the sector general down was a now calling for a see saw what was interesting is that we've had the 1st meeting of the security
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council to discuss the situation since that ruling of the international court of justice that happened in the hague. on friday, was that going to help push things towards a seesaw. push things of the security council has been divided in the us to be prepared to use its retail on this issue to block is the spa wasn't going to change things on the, the, the, the, the having watch the whole security council meeting. what has happened to me is yes, you have a ruling from the international court of justice that says that israel must stop doing things that could amount to breaches of the genocide convention. and yet the different members of the security council of old views of the international court of justice is rulings. it's entering meshes provisional measures in different ways . and the us certainly is saying that it doesn't feel that the rulings of the international cause of justice, amount to a call for an agency spa, all the countries sorted very differently. russia and particularly china said,
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know if you're going to follow what the international court of justice has ruled, then it's a prerequisites for those things to be put in place to have a c spa. so we have a situation where again, this division on the security council, this time division on what the international court of justice means. and it's rulings which i'm afraid means with no closer to a sea salt regarding the un process. so that's a kind of foreign minister and the lady, pandora says, all states have an obligation to stop funding and facilitating israel's minutes reactions and gaza. it follows that provisional runing by the international court of justice last week. and the genocide case followed by south africa against israel, the court ordered the as well to take all steps. it can to prevent its troops and committing genocide against the palestinians in concept from in a minute reports from to how does back. so that's what this foreign minister now lady bundle, reiterated south africa stones on the genocide in gaza saying that's how the africa
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could not be a partner to atrocities and is now looking at the international community to play. it's well, she says, the global community is facing a di lemme, and that it's up to the international community to compel states like as well. and especially following the ruling by the international court of justice to compel is well to abide by that order to stop the killing to provide humanitarian aid so to the not prevented. so she has said that the south africa has done everything it can . and as also remained in that stones, but now it's up to bodies like the united nations, essentially for reform saying that this can't be about simply monitoring such incidents or monitoring such rulings. but also enforcing that these readings are abided by. she is also drawing attention to, to the genocide convention,
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saying that the convention was designed specifically to protect the vulnerable and she spoke specifically about the holocaust saying people who were affected by the holocaust. she says held africa believes a no perpetrating genocide themselves. she's also updated so that we can specifically around what south africa will do next. in terms of its opposition to the genocide in gaza. it will provide additional submissions to the i c, j. she says in line with israel and having to submit its own report within 30 days, so that vehicle will provide additional submissions. and she says that would include a new evidence from the time that the i c. j gave its ruling in the months since the warrant gone. so began infrastructure including schools regularly been targeted across the street and foundry reports from this direct refugee camp and central guns. that since october school is in the cause of surgery,
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cape house in charge of to thousands of hundreds of prep teaching from different areas of process because i'm screen time thing on the rubber over i do bus here in the site surrounding this school is a mosque other owner of a schools, a clinic and a lot of houses. this cool became flat into the grounds. it's completely flat into the ground nothings left. we see some chairs, some desks, some books, but this is the only thing we see left more the than 625 policy means students have been prevented from education since the beginning of the war according to own or what thousands of educational universities and schools have been also born in different areas across of the cost of we're talking about $2.00 of the main and
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biggest universities in the cause of shape which are of had and that is logic university in gaza. as you see the, the school is sticking to another owner was school where the school has a refugees and people that shows our shirt sheltering in this hospital yesterday night at 9 p. m. this school was targeted. we're talking about at least 10 injuries from the people surrounding this school were transferred to a hospital, people who took shelter in this school, evacuated after that is where the forces ask them to do that weeks. so it a couple of weeks ago. this is not the only school that has been targeted by the is where the forces were talking about thousands of other schools that were also
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bombed by that is where the forces schools in the gaza strip are not on the schools . there shelters and graveyards. this is in the pull the data and the say dropped refuge account. what's the head on that i'll just say are the u. k. government on sales the deal that could and then make between how it sion out is not in the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the sphere of a single jail term, informed opinions when the us, since it's well shifted to the right, see it's not receive task protection etc. that's complication inside story. on al jazeera. then they'll kind of stay just underway. yeah. the agent of being played
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here and to tell for a record the time when people say you started the tournaments, but only one will be crown champions. right across the action on the the, or
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the fucking about 4 months on top stores. and these people, these have been found dumped inside of school. we are in the indonesian hospice in northern causes. witnesses say the bodies of those of palestinian civilians executed by these ready for the when released agency in gaza, such as being forced to leave. the southern city on eunice is very strikes, has its facilities and costs a few things possible. $58.00, based on the rent amount of terry and chief as total secuity counts 5 in the us with seniors at casa, wanting comes up to several western nation. suspended funding for reviewing agency had been more confrontations between these very place than for testers. at the crown was on the border crossing the protest as tried to prevent
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a trucks from entering gauze that demonstrates, has gathered there again, despite the recent announcement by it's very forces of the area is now a close to minute residing for test to say no humanitarian aid should enter garza into all the captives health that are released is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was told the families of caps is held in gauze of every effort is being made to secure the release of hundreds of joins this live, not from occupied eastern eastern time. the what more expensive it's in. yahoo say at that meeting with families or captives, a lot of meeting in west jerusalem netanyahu meeting with 26 representatives from 18 different families who have loved ones who are still being held captive in gaza. he assure them that every effort is being made and that there is a conscious, real strong effort being made to secure a deal to bring them back. he said that the more public information becomes about
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this deal, the more likely it is to become compromised. whereas if the details are mitigated in the public and it is a little more private, then it will have a higher likely success rate. it comes as there has been intensified pressure on the is really prime minister by the families of these captives who have been protesting for months, calling on the government to do more. remember, some of them even stormed and is really parliament session, not too long ago demanding government action. it comes out of time where nothing. y'all, whose numbers have never been lower. and while there is confidence among these rarely public backing war efforts, they are not backing these really prime minister because they feel that their plight is not being heard. they feel that the issue of the account is, is not being prioritized, and that their loved ones are simply upon in this political game. additionally, you have had multiple meetings with these really prime minister. and the families
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of these captives were essentially the same type of rhetoric is being said, the prime minister says that they're doing everything they can. it is one of the main goals of this war. and the families have been saying that it is simply not enough. the government must to do more to secure their release. we ask you to touch on this then, but what does extend it towards the political pressure? nothing yahoo is on the rock now. the pressure is mounting on all political fronts against these rarely prime minister descent from within his own coalition. you have members of the far right, like you to more bend very a known ultra nationalist, a member of netanyahu's government, and part of the coalition. who says that if these rallies enter a deal, but he consider as bad toward the country or towards his view, that release has thousands of palestinian prisoners and exchange for the captives. he says that he will leave the government and take his parties with him. you've other members of the far right who are saying the same thing. but you also have
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members of the opposition who remember has been calling on nets and yahoo to resign has been fierce critics of him throughout the entirety of not only his political career, but specifically this war almost 4 months in. but you have here loopy the head of the opposition. who says that his party yes of faith would be willing to step in to some sort of unity government if it meant that the right wing would leave. and there is a deal on the table to bring back the captive. so a lot of pressure on these really prime minister as the political situation becomes more and more complex from there. thanks very much indeed for that update. well here's the says it's fine says of a tax. the 3 is really ministry sites and 11 in southern border. the strikes photo is many planes launching 3 rates ending on wednesday between the towns of hunting and out terry and southern revenue. the town of the road was also struck by mister buquet. government has published details of a deal that looks set to
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a store power shaving government in northern on and it goes away with many of the post breaks at trade checks. that union is who want to preserve no knowledge face any, not the kingdom opposed some longer time issues remain but the both the government could return those areas saturday, high for set reports as in belfast on wednesday, northern islands perspective, new 1st minister, the 1st to come from should feign which one. so united ireland said she was ready to get down to the business of government. i welcome the fact that we're going to have an executive up and running. and i am off to leslie up for the task of laden thought executive to work with all the executive parties. right. not terrible, and delivered on the things that really matter to pay for. the power sharing government is being dormant for nearly 2 years off to the democratic union, his policy pulled out the posts for exit trading rules. they said undermined moving islands place in the united kingdom by quick statement on the islands, executive formation in westminster. the details of the deal that brought them back on the side with being spelled out by the british government by releasing more than
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$4000000000.00 worth of public spending. as we move forward swiftly to give effect truck commitments. i now urge the policies to do the same thing, electrifying the speaker of to no longer assembly to recall stone. so much alexis, less than tech, to 1st minister, and a point new ministers to the executive. the deal will allow all good ship from great britain and designated to remain in northern ireland to enter without any checks addressing some union. this concerns the northern ireland was being treated differently from the rest of the case single market. the reception is brody being one of welcome release of to so long without a functioning government and with failing public services, that is looking for them to put money back and pay those products again and helping all of the services. the health services a joke. um, 1st of all, um there's like in the southern or hollands doing nothing. so i'm getting patrick for all the perennial divisions. here there is something approaching consensus on
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the restoration of devolve government as of a late last year suggested more than 70 percent of people across political divides were in favor of it. but now that rash thing and knows not as politics, optimism prevails. it may not exactly be a bright new don't moving on, just had it share a false ones in the past. but it is at least a return to propagation and spend the 2000000 people. i suppose it, i'll just 0 so fast speed seos of major social media companies have testified for the us senate about child exportation on their platforms. consensual grabbing that they have repeatedly failed to protect minus reports, tables at the hearing reveal the cases of children being tricked to send explicit photos sold in america last yeah, let's, let's see a mock circle but was put on the pressure to explain what measures the company had taken to protect the children. this is why we're building all. what did you firewalls center that's i don't think that that's who did you fired?
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i'm not gonna answer that. is this is i or anybody. right? you didn't take any significant actors. it's appropriate to talk about it, but it's not a part of the decisions that impact, you know, sitting behind you. you've got families from across the nation whose children are either severely harmed or gone. and you don't think it's appropriate to take a talk about the steps that you took, the fact that you didn't fire a single person. let me ask you this. let me ask you this that we have you compensated any of the victims, sorry. have you compensated any of the victim's eyes, girls have you compensated them? i don't believe so. mike kind of has blown off in washington dc 0. it's concerning congress about the impact on use of the online a companies and say having this hearing. they want to formulate new legislation which would play stronger controls on these major online companies. they believe the members of the senate committee that these companies are not doing enough to
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themselves to protect youth, some teams and children online from suffering home theater through sexual exploitation or through the sale of drugs. for example, there were launch number of relatives of victims present as a hearing today, holding signs saying what happened to the children. and certainly the senate questioning was extremely hostile. now the tech ceo's defended themselves by saying yes they have put in safe guards. yes, they are deeply concerned about the abuse of the platforms, but the real problem behind this all is section one city of the communications act, which says that the online forms cannot be held responsible of what is posted on them. in other words, have these tech companies have no accountability whatsoever? this is what the senate wants to change. this is what the hearings all about to formulate new legislation that will start policing the internet because the owners, the senate committee believes do not pass and ukraine of swap,
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hundreds of soldiers rushes defense ministry said the countries each exchange 195 prison as a rule because the 1st swaps since a russian vitric train, tiring 65 ukrainian prisoners was down last week around 50 similar exchanges helping bro could since the war began. a place in paris has arrested at least 18 farm is when they attempted to put up the main wholesale market of vehicles was deployed in several locations of to several days of nationwide. protests farmers have been blocking roads to demonstrate against e regulations. rising costs and cheap imports. some of the protests have been held in germany, belgium, poland, and it's under large fund, it has destroyed the parts of the market. continues, capital nairobi, hundreds of civilians helped fire fighters,
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tackle the flames. no casualties have been reported so far. of what the weather is next to the inside story officers sanctions really works off the i am a strong economic for russia. stay with us here. the the, the weather brought to you by visit castle. there are multiple thunder storms in the knowles and stood all the strategies and see them as a form there. optimistic ox is also a circulation of these developing, particularly around the gulf and carpenter, or anywhere in the tropical queens in which could see funding or from this fact the system. this is possible remains of the last tropical psych time but it's another pop over here. have tell where they went, but still in the system. however,
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if you're not there, it's very dry will still bit of a heat white in the art bracket. both queens in the new south wales has been boom, outside mailed them. not really, really in the hall in western australia, red marble bottles, up to 46. again. not quite the full season in past. we've got 57 know the saving the whole sunshine in new zealand friday looks interesting day. those are right in the south island, which means concert crunch the cross church feels a little bit, boom, fed to him. it too. and that range on his way up to no problem as well. there's still a risk of flooding in men's and arrows at the southern philippines, possible near java and see march, or we'll see particularly heavy rain i think in the next day or so. and this an enhancement in the stove for her cargo load in the homes. you've take to the mountains, maybe the eastern side of the tree incidents and around the yangtze valley of the weather brought to you by visit castle. this is the 1st of june i saw that we
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see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have in use is the international monetary fund products strong goes from the bushes economy this year . let's just find sanctions imposed for the invasion of ukraine. european nations trail, well behind russia in the i am at full cost. so what's behind these figures? do sanctions actually work? this is inside story, the
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hello. welcome to the program. i'm adrian sending an rushes invasion of ukraine almost 2 years ago has been met with the harshest regime of sanctions ever in.


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