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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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to have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is clear as you to the the carry johnston. this is a news lot from the coming up. and the next step for this of palestinians found in a mass grave in a schoolyard is route, is accused of torturing the civilians before cutting them. israel seeds of con eunice is making it hard to treat the wounded hospitals that are set to run out of food. the boss is a 5 major tech companies are questioned us, a us senate hearing about protecting shows and some online sexual explanation.
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and the fights against drug abuse in liberia communities come together. the absence of government's actions, the decomposing bodies of palestinians have been found dumped in a school. the northern gauze witnesses say the victims were blindfolded and tortured by is really forces before they were killed. their bodies within the placed in plastic bags park a zoo reports from rough or under warning. his report contains distressing images. a slow no middle of this man, searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the, what taken away by his very sources, and now some of the remains of being discovered near how much in another way can cause no bishop has built those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the
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doses of the parties have been, don't you got to look that up definitely with the thing. we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yard. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuff to the buck. the dead bodies were kept inside blocks, spastic about with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry of foreign affairs and expect her. you said the monster formation of an international field investigation team into the massacres. committed by the is the very occupation of the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal of this trip. the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international lose. the discovery comes of just the day off to is read,
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return 100 kind of thing and buddies for very little drop off dislike and offering cars on the condition of these parties ranges or from severely decomposed to me. skills are, remains making, gets hot to identify them. people still come to the sites, searching for clothes in display of tragedy. the tar so by soon i will just the rough, rough and southern gauze is ready strikes or targeted areas around hospitals and southern guns are nice. the medical complex, which is sheltering. thousands of displaced palestinians has been on the seats for several days. hunting monthly reports from alaska in the southern gauze. the area around northland medical, complex and fun, unice has become a bottle of ground medical staff and their patients as well as displaced palestinians woke up to the sound of gunfire
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the inside the hospital. the doctors describe how desperate the situation is. there's no other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them. really forces have been bombarding the area around the hospital for days. most of the health of staff have less been seems all about it. half of my daughter has been wounded for a while now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us available on other times, it's not. i'm not sure where to go or what to do as it is rather intensive 5, it's been environment of hon. eunice palestinians continue to fleet south towards russell really strikes or not. they are only worried. rain is
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making living conditions in the cans for this place increasingly dangerous. some of the cans have been flooded and there is a major risk of a spread of diseases. taking more palestinian life to many also phases tar visa hold on a 2nd while the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food. whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice have vanished. is rose war and garza so far has go nearly 27000 palestinians as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu rose out of ceasefire proposal. palestinian civilians are left with nowhere to go any more. i just as easy to cut off in a month since the war and gauze have begun. infrastructure including schools regularly been targeted across the street. in country reports from this are
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a refugee camp in central garza since october is cool, as in because we keep house in charge of to thousands of hundreds of prep teaching from different areas across is the cause of truth. i'm crazy. standing on the rubber over i do bus here in the site surrounding this school is a mosque, other owner of a schools, a clinic, and a lot of houses. this school became flat into the grounds. it's completely flat into the ground nothings left. we see some chairs, some desks, some books, but this is the only thing we see left more than 625 policy means students have been prevented from education since the beginning of the war, according to under what thousands of educational universities and schools have been
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also born in different areas across of the cost of we're talking about $2.00 of the main and biggest universities in the cause of strip which are us had and that is logic university in gaza. as you see the, the school, this is sticking to another owner was schools where the school has a refugees and people that shows our shirt sheltering in this hospital yesterday night at 9 p. m. this school was a targeted we're talking about at least 10 injuries from the people surrounding this school were transferred to a hospital, people who took shelter in this school, evacuated after that is where the forces ask them to do that. uh we do it a couple of weeks ago. this is not the only school that has been targeted by the is
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there any forces we're talking about thousands of other schools that were also bombed by that is where the forces schools in the gaza strip are not on the schools . there shelters and graveyards. this is in the pull the data and the say dropped refuge account the protestant in ministry of education. so it's increased is very 2nd, nevada and since on the rates across the occupied westbank, all destroying the rights to education of protestant in children. many schools have been forced to close down from stratford reports from the village of a to a high illegal is ready, settlement runs alone. we only wrote debate or school in the okey point with bank, but no ton of stadium students come here anymore. the pano cindy and all sorts, he insisted the school clothes when the one goal is to begin because of these rating secular attacks. the school was built in 1953. these way. the settlements
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began arriving 25 years later. the children's all work still hands in in 2 carlos classrooms, abandoned a basketball court where they used to play the settlement will is only meet is a way and he's ready flag flies over nearby military base. and then today the lead, when i know we have never seen anything like this before, is really subtle, is come to the nearby military check point. they throw stones, they stop cause and sometimes confiscate them in the past, the sub list of fraud stones out the students during sports classes, whatever it was, play time, we faced a potential emergency situation. this is destroying the right to an education is really set low balance against palestinians and their property across the occupied west bank is dramatically increased since the homeless attacks. on october, the 7th, nearly 400 promised indians have been killed in his way the military rates hunting
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suspect 2 members, the palestinian resistance. the school, the suffrage is afraid, send it to me. they should bite is raining settlers. living in an illegal is rarely settlement behind. that rule only meets is a way it is one of moving funds with schools that the palestinian also or to say be forced to close because of increased secular violence since the war began. many have reopened, but 11 being forced to close and the last 2 weeks. many of the students from bait or have be moved to school across the valley, practice into overcrowded classrooms within the suspicion facilities to accommodate even the basic needs. to have the teachers and students comped into the classrooms, we can't use the lab to the science because we need to use that to teach other subject. that is a huge challenge for the children. and for us,
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you can see the is where the settlement and the school would still love and estimate used to go to clearly from the office at hill to see a playground used by these rarely settlers, children over the soldiers gall nearby base. and these were 80 minutes, each of the flies above us has been filled. and levia did the ultimate in july have had no choice, but to take online lessons. since the school was closed off, my struggles to focus on these arabic cloths. and it is not here at the good our school has great facilities. it has a big playground for sports. there's really good education there. the school we were moved to had no space for us at the beginning of the war, the soldiers used to come in front of our school gate. yes, it's safer there, but i hope we can go back to our main school one day jamal, how much sits with his nephew taking a geography? listen in another room. that was online learning is nothing compared to appropriate
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school education. there are so many distractions when they're studying at home. a palestinian children have had their education disrupted by israel's occupation, but decades. the universal right of children like ultimate to learn and grow his own district. like never before. tell us not for the late good in the occupied westbank is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he is working to free the captives health and gaza for that he went and wants to secure the freedom. there's a lot of, there's a lot of media hype without if it's to secure the release of more days. so i would like to clarify who we're working to find another way to release our hostages. but i stories not at any cost. i have read lines including we will not in the war. we will not remove the army from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. we're working all the time to release our duct,
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these and to achieve the goals of the goals, eliminating him off, and ensuring that goslin no longer poses a threat. so we're working to achieve all 3 goals together and we will not give up on any of them a honda so who joins us laws not from all the parties through some. so what mode benjamin netanyahu say at the meeting was found as of captives. well before we get into these really prime minister meeting with the families of the captives, we do know that israel spine chief was briefing the war cabinet on this potential deal, a 9 point outline to be exact. and in the 1st phase of this deal, it is seeming like it will be a $35.00 day pause in exchange for 13th, 5 captives. after that, there will be around a week, or there will be other discussions about the 2nd phase of the release of captives which would be combatants. now it's not yet known how many palestinian detainees
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from is really jails would be released as part of the deal. but these really prime minister has said the thousands, we will not be part of that deal. and he has reiterated that israel has several red lines. and that is one of them at this meeting with the families of these captives in west jerusalem, the prime minister stressed that there are concrete steps. these really government is taking to secure their release. and the less that these details are made public, the more discrete it is, the more likely it will have a success rate of working. the families have been increasing the pressure on the prime minister saying that the government is simply not doing enough were nearly 4 months into this war. and they have no updates on their loved ones saying that the government is not prioritizing their release. what about the amount of pressure that benjamin netanyahu is on that there and a sort of popularity rating a mess and you, all those numbers have actually never been low or
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a new full in is really media conducted just around 24 hours ago. found that if elections were held today, nathaniel, who would not be the premier, garnering only 23 percent support wellbeing against gander on 41 percent. these really prime ministers under immense pressure from all sides, from within his own coalition, internationally. the families of the captives and from these really opposition from within his own government, you have members of the far right, like you to me are bend. we're the country's national security minister who was threatening to topple the government to leave the coalition. if israel enters the deal, but he says is bad. that is on favorable to the state of israel, he says. but then you have the opposition who have been fierce critics of nuts and yahoo throughout the entirety of this war. specifically opposition leader your air lupita, who said that he would provide a safety net for ness and yahoo on his government. if the far right were to leave
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yesterday, the, the party of your air lupita would enter a unity government for a certain amount of time in order to assist nothing yahoo, in securing a deal to release the captive. so there's mounting pressure on that's in yahoo from all fronts, but again, well, there is widespread support for war efforts and for the army within is really society. the numbers for nets and yahoo continue to plummet every single week. life for us that have the thank you a senior you and official has told the security council as a to goes that continues to be not. boston griffith says it's vital that we lots continues. it's work. but when it comes off to united nations agency for palestine had its funding suspended by several western nations. that's part of these rose accusations of a small number when the stock to pots in the tax on october, the 7th of the ability of the management community to reach the people of guys or
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with relief remains grossly inadequate. and to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that. you end security council also conveying to discuss last week's international court of justice routing that israel must prevent the acts of genocide and it's one gossip on different method, get it to james base has more from united nations. for the 1st time, the security council convene to discuss last week's interim ruling by the international court of justice is on the on garza this meeting requested by the arab nation on the council. oh jerry. yeah, good luck or not. it is crucial to achieve a ceasefire. immediately to those that oppose that cease fire must ask questions of their conscience efforts to get a resolution calling for an immediate c spot had repeatedly been blocked by one of the security council's permanent members,
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the us except bass. so that made it clear that the decision to won't change that position. we must be honest about what the court did, not order. specifically, it has not ordered an immediate cease fire. it has not made any finding that this preliminary phase of the proceedings that israel committed genocide or otherwise violated the genocide convention. and indeed the united states continues to believe that such allegations are unfounded. israel's deputy ambassador when further claiming the case against his country, which was brought by south africa, the ice c, j was outrageous and false. but all the country sort very differently. the chinese and bass of the told me the court's rulings were clear, but could only be put in place if there was the spot. but there is a, uh, 2 uh, grease. uh, those goes a ceasefire. is a precondition is some aust,
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that's watch. we also believe this the credit concept should do among the provisional load is made by the international court of justice, a call to scale of humanitarian aid for gaza. but that's not happening. the u. n's top humanitarian official told the security council, the suffering is only getting worse with israel frequently blocking the entry of much needed items into casa, james bay's, which is 0 of the united nations. here we spoke to motley on goldberg, the editor in chief of you in dispatch of local itself is use an opinion about you . and in the 1st he says, the reason for this meeting was to compel israel to abide by the i c. j meeting. however, different interpretations of the really may make that difficult in the international court of justice. its rulings are intended to be binding, but it doesn't really have any way of enforcing its ruling so countries can simply
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opt to ignore it without much consequence. the idea behind this meeting that was caused by algeria was to provide some political momentum to in a way compel israel to abide by this ruling. but as the previous segment indicated, the ruling was interpreted in different ways by different member states, including the united states who explicitly noted that the ruling did not call for a cease fire. so it really didn't change much of the diplomatic dynamics that we've been seeing at the security council for the last several months now. south africa and the foreign minister and the lady, pandora says, all states have an obligation to stop funding and facilitating israel's military actions in gaza. it follows that provisional routing by the international court of justice last week. and the genocide case followed by south africa against israel. the quotes ordered this route to take all steps. it can to prevent its troops from committing acts of genocide against palestinians in the goes up from in a minute,
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reports now from each of his back. so that's what is foreign minister now lady bundle reiterated south africa stones on the genocide in gaza saying that's all that africa could not be a partner to atrocities and is now looking at the international community to play. it's well, she says, the global community is facing a di lemme, and that it's up to the international community to compel states like is relevant, especially following the ruling by the international court of justice. to compel is well to abide by that order to stop the killing to provide humanitarian aid so to the not prevented. so she has said to this other free guys, done everything it can and as also remained fun in that stones. but now it's up to bodies like the united nations, essentially for reform, saying that this can't be about simply monitoring such incidents or monitoring such
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rulings, but also enforcing that these rulings are abided by. she is also drawing attention to, to the genocide convention, saying that the convention was designed specifically to protect the vulnerable and she spoke specifically about the holocaust saying people who were affected by the holocaust. she says held africa believes now perpetrating genocide themselves. she's also updated so that we can specifically around what south africa will do next. in terms of its opposition to the genocide in gaza. it will provide additional submissions to the i c, j. she says in line with israel and having to submit its own reports within 30 days so that africa will provide additional submissions. and she says that would include a new evidence from the time that the i, c, j gave its ruling the
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to some other well of useful. you know, russia and ukraine have each swept around $200.00 prisoners of war. it was the 1st swaps since the russian minute trip thing was shot down last week, which most coast was carrying $65.00 ukrainian prisoners around 50 sooner exchanges have been broken since the war began to international closer justice has ruled that russ nevada and anti terrorism treaty they stopped short of awarding compensation to ukraine and you had brought the case. well, mcbride has more from case that's been mixed responses here in key to what seen as a mixed rulings from the international court of justice to a series of the complaints brought by ukraine. against russia for the way it has acted in the territories it's occupied, including of course, try me. since 2014, there was a partial waiting for ukraine with the i. c. j. a finding that russia did not
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properly investigate the funding of a separatist in the east of the country as it was supposed to have done with its obligations on the various international laws governing the financing of terrorism . but the i, c. j stopped short of demanding a compensation for that action, which is a disappointment here in ukraine of the i. c. j also refusing to a blame russia for the downing of m. 817. the malaysian outlines jet over ukraine if which ukraine had brought saying that they was clear evidence from international investigators and from ukraine itself that russian back separate as well to blame using they say a russian supplied miss south the i c. j also rejected other claims of discrimination against s, nick tacos, and ukrainians in the occupied crime in peninsula with ukraine. of course, claiming that russia has sits systematically conducted
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a policy of discrimination in the annex cry may have since it took cobra in 2014 rub, mcbride. i'll just say era keith, as an anti war russian politician has begun the process to enter the race for president or his not destined says he has submitted to more than 105000 signatures of support. so essential election commission is already publicly stated. he would end russia's war and ukraine if elected officials went out. check the authenticity of the signatures before announcing the final candidates to challenge that he met pollutant in march. your pen need is a whole thing, an emergency meeting in brussels on thursday. it will be dominated by attempts to unlock 54000000000 dollars of minute you 8 for ukraine hungry vetoed to deal in december. the this was also discussed as well as were on gaza. your pin council president charles michelle called for a 2 state solution and a to the strip. the belgian prime minister has said he'll raise the you applied
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protest by farm is also at the meeting. officials for sue last, the secretary general of the european movement international. he says, leaders and policy makers need to ensure a funding survivors in your there is really discussing about how the farming set to kind of is awarded to, you know, lee, you has adopted some revolutionary environmental policies and legislation in a visual video. this time was obviously, i think it's much more a society and the sectors, especially the foreigners, wasn't no easy to say that was very sensitive to buy those changes like these combined with a warning re, uh there is a crisis that the, the, one of the glass has been phasing in other times as our photos from different very bad customer sectors. has indeed been under pressure origin to forget about the b u
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by the goal, storage and supporting the finally said in the in utah and many measures. are there sure that the finance or vice you're but it's great. one said, well just i'm, i'm farmers, but i think, i mean it's easy generally for these types of climate change in the measures that we are in desperate need of adopting. we might have an adverse effect on the sort. there's some ways to make it by some diabetes. we will try to brothers environment at the same time seating seasons. and in this case, farmers in particular for the cost, the point is it's so it's a come here off to the bank. there's hundreds of people right here, outside of congress. many believe that the president would only work in going as far as the debates on controversial economic reforms. the,
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there are multiple thunder storms in the nose and stood all the strategies and see them as a former optimistic ox is also a circulation of these developing particular around the gulf, a carpenter, or anywhere in tropical queens. and which could see funding or from this very persistent this is possible remains of the last tropical psych payments and other pop over here have tell where they went, but still in the system. however, if you're not there, it's very dry will still bit of a heat right in the back of both queens in the new south wales has been boom, outside melvin. and i'm actually really in what i've helped in west australia, red model boss up to 46. again, not quite the full season, passive adult. 57. know the saving the whole sunshine in new zealand friday looks interesting day. those are right in the south island, which means consequently, cross church feels a little bit, boom, fat to human,
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to and that range on its way up to no problem as well. there's still a risk of flooding in mindanao. so the southern philippines, possible in the air, java and see march, we'll see particularly heavy rain i think in the next day or so. and this and enhancement in the stove for her cargo loading homes, you've kicked to the mountains, maybe the eastern sides, the trading plants, and around the yangtze valley. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's called type question, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit with offers. world permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this byron upfront. without the
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latest news, as it breaks the will from gauze, has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo to the destruction will lead to our last generation among the young people here with detailed coverage, the gaza strip has been witnessing us a v or shortage of medicine for more than 3 months now from the heart of the story . many people here say that in order for as well to remain united to nothing. yeah . we'll have to go the the do without just have a reminder about top storage. this. at least the table these have been found dumped
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inside of school. we all indonesian hospice in northern garza witnessed to say the bodies of those of palestinian civilians who executed by his very forces un relief agency in garza, such as being forced to leave the southern city of con units is very stripes of hits its facilities in the past, due to a possible strike, 8 displaced is what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says. he's making every effort to feed the caps. it's held in garza pots and floats ends of just a tool that reads more confrontations between is very police and protests to set. the drum i was on and border crossing protest is trying to prevent a truck from entering gauze. it demonstrates is gathered there. again, despite to recent announcements, by is very forces out, the area is now closed, but it's residing with us to say no humanitarian aid should enter gaza into all the
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captives health that are released as well. many displaced families across gauze or a struggling to survive with middle age coming in that through the rafa border crossing childcare organizations are trying to help with basic food items for families with reports from northern cost. now if you had been this really war and gone to continue this, the north of golf has under seed. no release. it has been delivered to the people here hold on, even when some aid is handed out. these really forces target and kill innocent civilians lining up for food. we have all witness what happened in alco weight square. here comes a rule for the charity and relief agency to play, including the algerian alberto society. and as the most of the united states, we are trying to lend to helping hands to more than 4000 families trapped in the north of the gaza strip. we have partnered with other child to agencies to prepare those food packages. so this is the walk of child to organizations and evelyn individuals. we've been doing this since the beginning of the war. and one of the
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ones i remember the cheapest each northern part of the gaza strip is on the verge of funding. this is a real tight, real suffering real pain. despite these various relentless bon bonded wheels bearing no efforts hunting out hot meals, buying and distributing basic food items. as you can see, i repeat, aside from israel's massless selling the northern parts of the gulf. this trip is hunger stricken, defend the sydney instead of allow me. this is the message of charity workers here in the north of gaza strip, which has been reeling under rootless showing and a tight siege. as israel's war and gauze it continues. the north is on the verge of a family, with no hope of any relief, a being delivered to the hungry, stricken part of the strip, but not the a life before the war. and god was already difficult for palestinians with disabilities. but israel is bombing campaign enforced evictions has made it even harder to survive. a hush has it for septic leg and his sheltering you are p and
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hospital in con eunice. she explained how she escaped when her home was shelled. is the law that is a uh in the a what legitimate not in the the but when the old the yeah, i don't have the business. i had it just it was 16 bandesh with live. when did i, uh, i'm the last man in the machine and i still have not studied a lot of the live a and i said i'll accept a little bit of a has used a number of semi
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a lot of the of the own. if morning of the on the subset of others that are one of the bed with a full that be much of a problem. so let me put it on the, on the, on the low. i'm in the the be most of the, uh, i had the yeah been, is your best and then you apply youngblood. you have a lot about the slips. got that as uh, the other one is a 100. wow. so say you have 10 you on the display, yadda, or what is what we've done. dish uh the good us because with us as
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fighters of attacks, 3 is rarely minutes besides the 11 in southern border strikes, photo is ready planes launching 3 raids area on wednesday between the towns of honda in and out. terry in the southern revenue. the town of your ruin was also struck by me, saw us envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict between israel and evidence says there's still a window for diplomacy. israel has been threatening and without voice his but not doesn't pull back from the boulder because it's in a 100 reports from bay root lebanese i'm group has been sending messages over time showcasing its capabilities. hezbollah appears to be sending messages of to terence, as, as well, threatens all out for this video, beset to show a position guided miss. so striking what the lebanese arm group says was in his really surveillance don't at an army post on the border has ballasa also firing
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other explosive missiles as across the board are fighting triggered by as well as we're on garza escalates. it's been targeting military sites, a few kilometers inside as well. we won't you against turning you aggression toward lebanon? because what a way to our grades, if you only felt the partial power organization, then in or out will you lou taste of full power. we are well prepared for who is really army also says it is prepared for a full blown more recent war games in northern israel, also involved simulated facing in urban areas and in winter weather all the while this really army has been increasing the intensity of its attacks on hezbollah and its infrastructure in southern lebanon, a but a u. s. envoy involved in trying to prevent a bigger conflict, says there's still a window for diplomacy, aimless huston says he will likely head back soon to beta and tell him to work on
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1st association of possibilities that will allow people on both sides of the border to return home and then a more last spring solution be on a ceasefire that would involve a beast up presence of lebanese army troops in southern lebanon. and the d. mark cation of the land border has below, has tied this front to a permanent ceasefire in garza. and that's why diplomacy and military action have failed to push its forces away from the border. they actually have to use the expedition to pressure people his government as was beloved, less of that the last to capable away from, from the board as well as maintaining event. uh uh, the war of the slides because she announced before we move forward. so i think this is the prologic pressure pressure for both sides, but it doesn't seem that any of them is interested in a, in
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a contract at this point. for now, as well as focus appears to be eliminating what is calls the threat. and so there is nothing on there as rosita, they wrote the you k government has published details of a deal that looks set to a store house showing government and or not. and it goes away with many of the post briggs at trade checks that union is to, onto preserve though not in place and not taking them opposed some longer time issues remain. but they, both the governments could return as early as that today. how do you suppose that? because as in belfast, on wednesday, northern islands prospective new 1st minister, the 1st to come from should feign which one. so united ireland said she was ready to get down to the business of government. i welcome the fact that we're going to have an executive up and running. and i am off to leslie up for the task of laden thought executive to work with all the executive parties. right. not terrible,
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and delivered on the things that really matter to people. the power sharing government is being dormant for nearly 2 years. also, the democratic unionist party pulled out the posts for exit trading rules. they said undermined moving islands place in the united kingdom by quick statement on the islands, executive formation in westminster. the details of the deal that brought them back on the side with being spelled out by the british government by releasing more than $4000000000.00 worth of public spending. as we move forward swiftly to give effect truck commitments. i now urge the policies to do the same thing in order to find the speaker of the long assembly to re post on so much alexis, less than deputy 1st minister, and a point new ministers to the executive. the deal will allow all good ship from great britain and designated to remain in northern ireland to enter without any checks addressing some union. this concerns the northern ireland was being treated differently from the rest of the u. k. single market. the reception is brody being one of welcome release of to so long without
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a functioning government and with failing public services. how does that go from the money back in people's products again and helping all of the services, the health services a joke. so 1st of all, there's again the southern their homes doing nothing. so i'm getting patrick doyle, the perennial divisions. here there is something approaching consensus on the restoration of devolve government as of a late last year suggested more than 70 percent of people across political divides were in favor of it. but now that red thing and know of not as politics, optimism prevails. it may not exactly be a brand new, don't moving on, just had it share a false ones in the past, but it is at least a return to public evidence for nearly 2000000 people. i suppose it, i'll just 0 so fast. i mean, most military government has extended the country state of emergency for another 6 months. it comes on the 3rd anniversary of the crew which built a ministry to power. meanwhile, neighboring china is trying to de escalate tensions between the army and the rebels
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. new, it's blowing up, controlling you reports from the town of really unit, china's south west and board with me in, in the streets of really in china, south, west or quiet. but the piece of the city has been routinely broken by conflict across the board. and me and my developer groups are to the ruling military june to stray artillery shells have ended chinese people here, prompting homes to be evacuated, and to shut down the schools and businesses senior man and also a deep worry about our safety. but i felt better obviously, industries, few with the petroleum chinese soldiers. they want to be a quick one year and i am very sorry about what is happening me and my now i've hired the by me, is with me these to work a mattress time the because i pay to them. because most military leaders have been shunned by many western countries since seizing pallet and february 2021. the china has acknowledged the doing to the official government, providing it with crucial economic support as me and my 2nd largest for an investor
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of the single pool. the 2 countries, yeah, a 2100 kilometer border and yeah, and what is strategically important for china? providing energy and transportation cordele is to the indian ocean. they don't want to disarrayed state, they don't want of refugees poring over from that side. they don't want fighting coming into china. the china is leadership does not exclusively deal with the military. the problem of criminal gags, operating online, scabs targeting chinese people, has pushed aging closer to rebel forces. gains were only removed off the rebel alliance known as the 3 brotherhood defeated the military and took control of me in most northern co kind region. in october. the gang leaders were handed over to chinese police on tuesday. i don't think the ma'am are raising sold coming. i don't think they understood how important this was for china and they were slow to react . so i'm, i think that due to noise china, the phasing must of none. the brotherhood was preparing to these facts. china
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recently brokered s the slab between the rebel alliance and the military regime. but sporadic fighting has continued. china is using it full force me on most of the 3 on the level 2. but i'm going to say it's in fluid is limited, staging may be doing what every time to protect its interest along the border, but it will not be able to achieve long term piece 3 out of 0 really 69 china. they've been mathis and there's an analyst on me and he says, but it you set back. so push the ginger towards what could be a tipping point. as this had a series of notes every so fast. you can say in the past 3 years, the most acutely of the past 3 months. so sources since that offensive up in northern johnson, but all around the country, the sufferings, quite significant military states are losing a lot of soldiers are losing a lot of faces. and lots of them around that. that 1st stage i, i think despite,
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um, so i, i do think that it'd be extending the state of emergency is just mainly sending me inevitable. and, and the default i think is almost guarantee by now that it just said somebody set that up. the past 3 years, but you know, i keep calling the and i might be a safe conclusion in the long run. it's a bit to say it's going to be 3 months or 6 months. and this is the taking points. you know, i really don't think that we, they yet, but i do think that they significantly weight and it's important to, to look at the battlefield losses and the fact that they have no political plan to actually get out of it. and whatever legitimacy they have, they completely lost it on the diabetes for years ago. and haven't been able to respect any credibility or any form of domestic and international legitimacy at all . so in the long run of the run out of, of ideas and they're running out of the military forces. so i, you know,
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if this is the tipping point that, that actually dragged on for quite some time and actually got a whole lot of using it already. it's as part of distance and knowledge unseen. it has begun debates in a controversial economic reform bill for testers have gathered outside congress to oppose it through the bible has more from what is ours? i think when it goes past people are getting seen as far right. residents probably going to be ladies on going right now in the countries congress being debated. what is known as the labels has been a bill that the precedence has cleared from the original bill. had a wrong sick time with no precedent had to make lots of inspection. i mean, we broke down wrong. we 118. there's an issue concerning the prior pay station of state companies. modern nice thing x notation of the was among many other things . i didn't see anything that made me cry to be patient. right. we
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negotiating an agreement of $40000000000.00 with the international monetary fund on the end of the measures to bring down the deficit. there's hundreds of people right here outside of congress, with many believe that the president would only towards the one the one to sell out, not to resources, reduce labor rights to of existing knowledge and see for decades. so to salary increases on our right to strike completely around here to prevent us from getting the lead up to this 40 and 50 hours. if it is, it has been expected to head to the senate, probably had a mean the piece of b realty economic situation in the country. however,
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many of the people that i've gathered here today a but that their situation was only again, was the one of the chief executive. so major social media companies have testified before the us senate about the child's exportation on that platforms. concerns are growing that the companies have repeatedly failed to protect miners and reports table that the hearing shows cases of children being tripped, to send explicit photos sold in america's last. yeah, that's what c o mas look a bug was put on the pressure to explain what measures the company has taken to protect the children. this is why we're building all. what did you firewalls center that's. i don't think that that's who did you fired? i'm not gonna answer that is this is i or anybody. right? you didn't take any significant because it's appropriate to talk about it,
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but it's not a part of the decisions that didn't do you know, who was sitting behind you. as you've got families from across the nation, whose children are either severely harmed or gone and you don't think it's appropriate to take a talk about the steps that you took, the fact that you didn't fire a single person. let me ask you this, let me ask you this, that we have you compensated any of the victims? sorry. have you compensated any of the victim's eyes? girls have you compensated them? i don't believe so. mike kind of has mode off in washington dc. republican lindsey graham of the senate judiciary committee, set the tone for the proceedings. he told the c o something wilts major online companies. you have blood on your hands. this was a theme picked up by other members of the committee during some times of style. questioning off the c o's, they responded by saying that they had introduced safeguards into their platforms to prevent home to teams, and children who use those particular platforms. but at one stage marks look at the
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at the c o off meta was forced to confront some relatives of victims in the audience and apologize. let me ask you this. there's families of victims here today . have you apologize to the victims? i would you like to do so now? well, they're here. you're on national television. would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harm, but you're not showing the pictures. would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people? at issue is section to setting up the communication side, which says that the platforms cannot be held legally a comfortable for what is posted on then. this is something that the senate committee wants to change. my kind of, i'll just sarah washington. i'm a session who boston these professor at the you see they a school of education information studies. he says that social media companies are
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not doing enough to protect children in terms of taking concepts on what they do is, is higher what we call content moderators. these are often populations not in the united states. they're not paid living wages, they're not trained journalist, they're not necessarily people even representing, you know, the youth constituencies, if you will. they're not experts on these issues. there were often talking about exploited workers in places like the philippines and other parts of the world were being exposed all the constantly conflict, thousands and thousands upon pieces a day of contents, that's hateful, heinous, graphic, violence, and so on. so these people are contracting p t s d posttraumatic stress disorder in other parts of the world. and these tech companies are monetizing and exploiting other evaluation of all of this and the same time. so what these to companies can do instead is invest in really supporting constituencies that can help design these algorithms so that the most hateful content is not always what it goes. most viral pushed greater liability on those upon those of us who are posting hateful contents
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. there's a ton of things they can do, but what we hear from dr berg and others again and again. oh yeah, we'll just do better next time. we'll do better a i whatever that means. i don't like pushing the burden on all of us who are already over stress, overwhelms information only, and otherwise. instead, the liability must shift and more importantly, responsibility, and accountability and governance to these technology companies that are the wealthiest companies in the history of the world. they don't mean to do so well, wildly exploiting us around the planet. and this is even more true for a populations in the global south in africa, south america, south asia, and so on. focused on this that former prime minister in wrong con has been given a 2nd jail sentence. within 24 hours. connor and his wife was short, maybe received 14 years for corruption on change that he was given 10 years for the king state secrets. crickets attend politician is already serving a 3 year sentence off to another conviction for corruption. it's not
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a 2 years since he was removed from office off to losing a parliamentary vote of confidence. come on high has more from the capital is not a bad. and another major developments, the former prime minister amber on han and his wife have both been sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment by an accountability card which was heading the tow truck on that case. this basically for games go stage gifts that he had received from heads up stage of other countries which is alleged to have stored and made a prospect on. however, legal team said that the case has no legal basis. and this is that can get a little card. i'm just also coming just the day before august on general elections accused of violating the state secrets act and said 10 to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment. now his party leaders has a wide basketball guy to remain calm and do not to take the law into their own
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hands, saying that it was imperative that they did take part in the upcoming election. despite the due measure of steak and by their country. lower court and the government didn't follow him or on con has always started guidelines. his disqualification in that group involved or lies now will be on the country video card as to whether they will be in a position to provide in renew at this particular juncture. like popularity has not had role days and people and focused on and now wondering whether that will indeed be a really bad and pre election. or yet another selection come, i like that as your data is slomo by police in paris have arrested at least 18 farm is when they attempted to block the main wholesale market. the vehicles was deployed in several locations of the several days of nationwide. protests. farmers
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have been blocking roads to demonstrate against the regulations, rising costs and cheap imports. some of the protests happen. housing, germany, belgium, potent and due to the a. hi barry is new president, joseph bullock hi has declared drug abuse. a public health emergency addiction to heroin into crack. okay. and is on the rise and the lack of treatment facilities means the majority of attics are left to fend for themselves. the address reports from the capital one right after 2 decades of addiction. that is done by seeking help to overcome hybrid. he says he cultivated during lot be of the civil war was not on the age of 14. he has little john and revolution. so that is supposed to be that that is moving team, they call oh my, the one on grass. you know, that is smoking the grounds of smoking drive and as,
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as no longer make you feel we a know you want to see the less. so i get according to united nation, so it goes an estimate of 13 percent of live business population is abusing drugs. it says 20 percent of young people also addicted to elicit substances with the absence of appropriate government program to tucker. the problem is individuals and then governmental organizations stepping in after the detox, which has to do with the medication. and all of that. after that, we'll get into more costly in, in trying to provide some vocational training skills for the highest solution can only help a few addict at a time. and they are mostly kept for a maximum of 35 or 40 percent of rehabilitated id says falls back into the habit because drugs are cheap and easily across the street a drug. gotcha. is that increasingly targeting west africa?
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because a weak law enforcement? what am i better security features, whole community engagement will help to curb the rise and smuggling and use of hard drugs. and we are going to skid that laptops here in wash. doug about warner media, not a drugs. we going to skid, adopt drugs door, the keys in court when the, when we lose aspect of a hot air, what is the cause? this them live here recently passed a new drug flow. but many here tell me is that corruption won't allow me to succeed . that he says he's no recovered, but that of science, he is still struggling but at least for now he's called a temporary job at the rehab center. how many degrees did you see that? what role? yeah. that's it for this new. so they are enjoying this hand next with more of the days, developments to stay with the
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this is the 1st genocide this we see in real time. it's the victims themselves long recorded. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians explorer and a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform, motivates, or the spot you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay,
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relax, see the well, from a different perspective on elders here the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employee in palestine is the public opinion for c, o, p a. the palestinian authority remains the key economic drive of the palestinians, employing a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel is rarely saved or released the money, but with deductions and no money for the employees and goals that they was present . joy gordon is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the funds from the palestinian authority. to us though, is clear. if once a revitalized pe to take a vengeful controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week, p a is not something is wrong with one's currently view,
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far as he is this week. as it, as the past, it's getting weaker of the dozens of bodies that palestinians are found in a mass grave and a schoolyard in northern gauze. israel is accused of torturing so many times before coming to the hello. i'm down, jordan, this is out. is there a life and also coming up the largest health facility in southern guns that comes on the is randy at the top 1000. the sheltering that the un humanitarian chief appeals to wisdom conference to restore funding, to unrest, saying it's a live site that's moving 3 quarters of gauze, there's population on the buses of 5 major tech companies on.


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