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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] so the, the bodies of dozens of palestinians, i've found that i must graven a schoolyard in northern gauze. these ran is accused of torturing civilians before coming to the front of them down. jordan, this is obviously, or a life and also coming the largest health facility and southern guns that comes on the is rarely have time 1000. and the
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sheltering the lines for you and humanitarian chief appeals to wisdom, countries from a store funding to unrest saying it's a live site. but to more than 3 quarters of glasses for information on the buses of 5 major tech companies on the question that a us senate hearing about protecting children from online sexual exploitation. the but the composing bodies of dozens of palestinians have been found dumped in a school the out in northern gaza. witness to say the victims were blindfolded and tortured by his ready forces before they were killed. the bodies were then placed in plastic bags tonic i was doing reports on the roof or a warning is report contains distressing images. a little of this man searching bags containing the bodies of palestinians who have been missing. what was the, what taken away by his very forces,
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and now some of the remains of the discovery knew how much in another way can cause no, that's just as built. those assessed through the different sense of decade chose the doses of the parties have been done. you got to look that up. definitely. with that, i think we were shocked to find a mass grave inside the school yard. were shocked to find the dead bodies. it was a palestinian civilians blindfolded in handcuff to the box. the dead bodies were kept inside black plastic bag with a deep without a palestinian authority. is our calling for an investigation in our statements, the ministry or for an offense and expect what you said. the monster formation of an international field investigation team into the mastic has committed by the use of the occupation and the conditions of the missing and detained from the goal is to strip. the discovery of this mass of gray reflect the magnitude of the tragedy.
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faced by palestinian civilians and serious violation of 4 international loves. the discovery comes of just a day off that is read returned. 100 kind of thing in buddies for burial is roughly just like and offering calls on the condition of these parties. ranges of from severely decomposed to me skills are, remains making, gets hot item to find them. people still come to the sites, searching for clothes and displace of the tragedy. the tar. so by soon i will just the rough, rough off in southern guns. i mean all these very strikes or targeted areas around hospitals and southern, gaza. the nice and medical complex, which of sheltering thousands of just based alice demands has been on the siege for several days. i'll just say it was honey masked, move reports on the roof and southern gaza in
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the area around not submitted a complex and fun. unice has become a bodily ground medical staff and their patients as well as displace palestinians, woke up to the sound of gunfire. the inside the hospital. the doctors describe how desperate the situation is. no other than a couple of the, you know, football, we're no more than 5 or 6 doctors here at the emergency. each one of us is handling 10 cases at the same time. unfortunately, some patients died before we can help them. really forces have been bombarding the area around the hospital for days. most of the health of staff have less been team . salva, in half of my daughter has been wounded for a while now. and when we come asking for treatment, sometimes they tell us it's available on other times. it's not. i'm not sure where
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to go or what to do. as it is rather intensive 5, it's been bartman of hon. eunice palestinians continue to fleet south towards russell really strikes or not. they are only worried. rain is making living conditions in the cans for this place, the increasingly dangerous some of the cans have been flooded and there is a major risk of a spread of diseases taking more palestinian life. many also phases tar vacation, hold on one second, while the subject is really difficult. there is no water, no food. whatever that is available in the market is insanely expensive. many basic food items like flour and rice vanished, is rose. warren garza so far has go nearly 27000 palestinians as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu rose out of ceasefire proposal. palestinian civilians are left with nowhere to go anywhere more. just as he had
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a rough. this is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's working to free the captives held in gaza, but that he won't end the war to secure their freedom. there's a lot of, there's a lot of media hype without if it's to secure the release of more that these. so i would like to clarify who we're working to find another way to release our hostages . but i stories not at any cost. i have read lines including we will not in the will. we will not remove the army from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. we're working all the time to release our duct, these and to achieve the goals of the goals, eliminating him off and ensuring that guys and no longer poses a threat. we're working to achieve all 3 goals together and we will not give off on any of them. well, i'm definitely with joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem honda. so benjamin netanyahu, the remaining defiant over his will, goes just as is spite chief, has been briefing the war cabinet on
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a possible deal. that's right, david barney, addressing the country's war cabinet this evening, presenting them with what is really media is saying is a 9 point outline for the phases of this deal. it would be throughout multiple phases. and in the 1st course, we could see a 35 day pause in the fighting and exchange for 35 captives. this would include women, children, elderly, as well as those who are in need of medical care. now, after the $35.00 day pause, there would be about a weeks worth of re assessment on how they are going to proceed with the remainder of the captives and bringing them out of dogs. that that's the 2nd phase would include combatants. now he doesn't really mention in terms of palestinian prisoners just how many would be released. but these really prime minister has said repeatedly that there are red lines for him like ending the war. that's not going
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to happen. releasing thousands of palestinian prisoners also not going to happen. and remember the prime minister's office releasing a statement just around 24 hours ago saying that as part of this deal, these really are not offering up major concessions. so while the most sod chief has been briefing the war cabinet on the updates from the meetings with mediators in europe, these really prime minister remaining defiant, i'd have the yahoo seems to be under pressure from 2 different directions. how's the responding to this as well? you could argue that it's actually for different directions. you have family is of these really captives continuously putting pressure on these really governments, specifically nets and yahoo, you have the americans and the international community. also putting that pressure on these really governments and you have his own coalition and the opposition. so the pressure continuing to mount the families of the captives actually meeting with nathan yahoo earlier today in west jerusalem,
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where he assured them the concrete steps were being taken towards a deal. but that he didn't want to disclose too much saying that if the deal remains discreet, the likelihood of its success rate would go up. additionally, you have pressure from the united states who are calling for or less or intensity type of fighting, calling for more humanitarian a to go into gaza. we do know these relatives have been defiant on that front. then you have pressure from these really government itself from the right way income says that is missing. yahoo enters into a deal that they think is bad for israel. they are looking at leaving the government, destroying the coalition altogether. these are members of the far right. you some more bend beer spencer and it smelt rich. then you of the opposition who been critics have nothing you all who this entire time but offering a safety net for the government. if nothing, yahoo does want to enter a deal that gives up concessions but also sees but the captives coming back. so there are a lot of complexities right now within these really government. a lot of details
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for these really prime minister to work out if he does indeed want to secure a deal. all right, so i'm definitely live 1st there and occupied east jerusalem honda. thank you. so african foreign minister melody. pandora says, all states have an obligation to stop funding and facilitating israel's military actions and goes up. it follows a provision of routing by the international court of justice last week, in the genocide case file by south africa against israel. the court ordered israel to take all steps it can to prevent its troops from committing acts of genocide against palestinians in gaza to meet amelia has more from john his wife. so that's what is foreign minister now lady bundle reiterated south africa stones on the genocide in gaza saying that's all that africa could not be a partner to atrocities and is now looking at the international community to play. it's well, she says, the global community is facing a di lemme, and that it's up to the international community to compel states like is relevant,
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especially following the ruling by the international court of justice. to compel is well to abide by that order to stop the killing to provide humanitarian aid so to the not prevented. so she has said to this other free guys, done everything it can and as also remained fun in that stones. but now it's up to bodies like the united nations, essentially for reform, saying that this can't be about simply monitoring such incidents or monitoring such rulings. but also enforcing that these readings are abided by. she is also drawing attention to, to the genocide convention, saying that the convention was designed specifically to protect the vulnerable and she spoke specifically about the holocaust saying people who were affected by the holocaust. she says how the africa believes are now perpetrating genocide
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themselves. she's also updated so that we can specifically around what south africa will do next. in terms of its opposition to the genocide in gaza. it will provide additional submissions to the i c, j. she says in line with israel and having to submit its own reports within 30 days so that africa will provide additional submissions. and she says that would include a new evidence from the time that the i, c. j gave its ruling. so you and a humanitarian chief has told the security council, the aides of guns that is still being blocked. mountain griffith says it's vital that unreal continues. it's what the ability of the monitoring community to reach the people of guys or with relief remains grossly inadequate. then to say it's grossly inadequate. as it says here, is grossly inadequate. it's much, much more difficult than that's the un security council also conveying to discuss
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last week's international court of justice ruling that israel must prevent acts of genocide this war on cancer. diplomatic, it is. james base has moved from the united nations. for the 1st time, the security council convene to discuss last week's interim ruling by the international court of justice is on its own garza, this meeting requested by the arab nation on the council, algeria. lock amount, it is crucial to achieve a ceasefire immediately to those that oppose that cease fire must ask questions of their conscience efforts to get a resolution calling for an immediate c spa had repeatedly been blocked by one of the security council's permanent members. the u. s. h some past so that made it clear that the c j decision to won't change that position. we must be honest about what the court did, not order. specifically, it has not ordered an immediate cease fire. it has not made any finding that this
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preliminary phase of the proceedings that israel committed genocide or otherwise violated the genocide convention. and indeed the united states continues to believe that such allegations are unfounded. israel's deputy ambassador when further claiming the case against his country, which was brought by south africa, the ice c, j was outrageous and false. but all the country sort very differently. the chinese and bass of the told me the court's rulings were clear, but could only be put in place if there was the spot with the a i to reach those goes a ceasefire is a precondition. if some aust, that's watch, we also believe district credit console should do among the provisional load is made by the international court of justice. a call to scale up humanitarian aid for garza, but that's not happening. the u. n's top humanitarian official told the security
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council. the suffering is only getting worse with israel frequently blocking the entry of much needed items into casa james bays, which is 0 of the united nations. for many displays, families across the guys are struggling to survive with mid to late coming in. so the roof of border crossing charging groups are trying to help with basic food items. muhammad ahmed reports now from northern garza. i know nothing i have done is really wrong cause it continues. the north of god says under seed no release. it has been delivered to the people here hold on even one some 8 is handed out. these really forces to target and kill innocent civilians lining up for food. we have all witness what happened in alco await square. here comes a role for the charity and relief agency to play, including the algerian l. brock of society. must have been that magazine. we are trying to lend to helping hands to more than 4000 families trapped in the north of the gaza strip. we have partnered with other child to agencies to prepare those
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food packages. so this is the walk of challenging organizations and evelyn individuals. we've been doing this since the beginning of the war, and one of the do i, i let me just hear bad enough about the zone. the treasury besieged northern parts of the gospel strip is on the verge of funding. this is a real polite, real, suffering real pain. despite these various relentless bon bonded wheels bearing no efforts hunting out hot meals, buying and distributing basic food items. as you can see, i repeat, aside from israel's massless selling the northern part of the gulf, this trip is hunger stricken the city and said, i mean this is the message of charity workers here in the north of gaza strip, which has been reeling under rootless shelling and a tight siege as israel's worn gauze, it continues the north is on the verge of a family and with no hope of any relief, a being delivered to the hungry, stricken part of the strip. and the talk for so break here and i'll just say around
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when we come back there's hundreds of people right here outside of the work, like many believe that the bill with only words we report from when, as iris, where controversial economic reforms are being debated, more and that's kind of the, i think that's the analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings cop concerning his face is a text book, genocide, frank assessments. politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term, informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that see that convocation inside story on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians. exploring
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a 112 cloths programming. we are basically a digital crime scene. investigators, but we're doing it from space design to inform most events and exposure. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective on our jesse or. and this is the 1st genocide that we see. and there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have in use is called the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just
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a real quick reminder about top stories here. this i'll at least 30 bodies have been found dumped inside of school yard, the engine nation, the hospital in northern gauze, or witness to say the bodies others a contest. them and civilians were executed cars ready for 25 minutes to bring him in this. and he always says he's making every effort to free the captive settled in johnson, but that he wants and the war to secure their freedom. how did you want to move beyond me from causal release? thousands of on the human security council has meant to discuss last week's routing by the international court of justice on south africa's request to protect us domains in joseph. so intense fighting between his ready forces. i'm palestinian fighters in southern gauze as making it difficult for paramedics to their jobs. ambulance is apt, across the battle grounds to reach dead and injured palestinians. and i'll see him how son is the head of the emergency given to it. and that's the hospital in hong
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eunice. explain the risk of schools take to try and save lives as to how we got them so far. yeah, we, i mean, definitely image. i'm not well that they've been most of being well sure. i mean, how about the timing is to be checking government the i'm a little, it's all here. all saw but you've done that. and those have been in the main ideas . so you're on a you will see that the sun shore michigan. yeah. looks like it should be enough in manufacturing, especially a specialist and some of the things, you know, some hasn't been of funding the front end of them. i mean let me see what, what has over 9. how do you see, how should i that i need to initialize? yeah. when, when it's off the phone, i know how it's called the desk and i didn't see all because of the stuff out when i came in as of it. so she didn't, i didn't mean i sure the, i don't know if i'll be the one on the buddy, you know,
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special yes. the mid up in with such a i to do better my size and i, i do we what do minutes? yeah, i mean, i didn't see all up in this off was to shoot and i didn't the buffer this off. the membership fee says yeah, for the final piece it got to look like a higher than the measuring just a bumps study in the mix. i oh, the, the there was somebody who can you in the, in the as humans who sees of attacked the merchant ship and the gulf of a vessel was supposedly targeted with a missile south west of a group saved the attacks on ships and the red sea and the gulf in response to israel submitted reparations and concept. well, the many of the many armed forces continue to provide support. i'm sort of darcy
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with that brothers in because of stripping by looking is really navigation. all those heading to occupied palestinian pools in the red under agencies, not until food and medicine are allowed to hold. the many armed forces would confront the american british escalation with escalation and will not hesitate to carry out the comprehensive and effective miniature operations in retaliation to any british american foolishness, against the beloved to them in the spring of some other world news. now, in the russia and ukraine of each swept around $200.00 prisoners of war, it was the 1st swap. as soon as the russian miniature plain was shut down last week, which moscow says was carrying 65 ukrainian prisoners around 50. some of the exchanges have been broken since the war began. step in protest, south side of congress and argentina as politicians debate to
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a controversial economic reform bill. please use pepper spray as they try to clear hundreds of demonstrate just trade unions cold for the march against tough economic measures announced by new president. how do you mean that obviously it was 2 ways of i was following developments from the capital designers. a very long session in congress. would that be based on going back to the glass between 40 and 50? our system calls all nibble's bills by elected president. have you ever made was hoping to use it to transform argentina or that's what it said. political situation outside congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered near, surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's hundreds of security forces that deployed on around this area. they all naples been initially have 600 off meant to
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transform argentina's economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president has to make lots of concessions to other political parties to guarantee that this no, he's going to process meant, for example, to assess the presidency to privatize states companies to modernize the limitation of fulfilled fuels. however, many of the people that have gathered near today are saying that that is going to hurt the environment in going to hard workers, right? among the other things, argentina is in the middle of an economic crisis. december's inflation weight was over 25 percent. it's we negotiating a debt with the international monetary fund, the government, the saying that it was implemented security measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but people here are, we were really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is a few of the prices of electricity that everything is going up that big cannot make ends meet. however,
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the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic situation. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that i've closed. the thing behind this police officers are saying that that's not true . they do not believe in something like that. they believe the videos are going to hurt people like them, but it's, i will, as i said, i want to tell you this smell. a chief executive officer as of major tech company is a face tough questions from us senators about child expectation on that platforms. they're accused of not projecting mine is from abuse online. i'll just, there was my kind of reports now from washington dc. some families of victims of online abuse where we're at the hearing and can met us e o. mark zuckerberg was supposed to play center and would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people?
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inside the apology, youtube, as it was, was made earlier, each of the tech fee owes expressed concern for what they to abuse of the platforms together. but insisted they took stringent measures to prevent tom. to young uses, xavier, we make it very difficult for, for predators to find teams on snapchat. direct messaging is not available to any uses under the age of 16. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands, you have a product, you have a product to this, killing them as broad specific instances of online abuse 7, including the sale of drugs. a bridget lost her teenage son after he took a pen, always pill that he purchased on the internet. the tragedy shed by son chapman who's done send me was found dead at the age of 16. having taken fentanyl that was sold on the snap platform, a dealer reached out on snap jack to sammy with a colorful drug menu,
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offered him something for free in order to addict him and delivered a counterfeit drug to our home like a pizza, with a leaf. so those of fentanyl and sam schuchman had a meeting with a snap c. o. even spiegel, who only attended this hearing of the being subpoenaed. and i asked him to put on 3rd party safety software and he said that data privacy meant that they couldn't do it during the hearing, speak and apologize to parents whose kids overdosed private off the buying drugs on the snap platform for lack section to set up the communications access 10. busy cannot be held liable for what is posted by uses the people there is no legal comfortability for any home that may be a consequence. there is not one law in the book because you oppose everything we do . and you can't be sued them on to by committee members and by the grieving parents
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like sam chapman there must be accountability durbin, mike, hannah, oh, just the era washington as well as that set for me, diamond jordan. so now you can find much more information on websites out 0 dot com . the weather is up next to the inside story off of sanctions. really what after the, i'm a pretty good strong economic growth for russian station. that's what the the, it's a bite to snow again. lots justin hawkeye to own on the home issue. but there will be snow shots on the eastern side of the korean finishes. and we some snow in central china is work his way down to was the yang see. otherwise it's right into the south of that range. we'll just catch house of japan as well. but you'll notice the scenario start running out through western china up to was she down maybe even bathing setting, you know,
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young c value is going to feel rather cold rather impressed by the soul new honda and the 3 degrees as a sort of flood risk for the southern philippines, the pumps and john friends too much are made of sherry and single. but this both of flood risk here is just a daily shower and we have significant rainbows. and the full cost of the afternoon in pakistan and india will affect new daily. i don't think that it's going to do what you want to do. that is, improves the quality of get rid of the fog, or at least not for very long. so now if in the mountains has been welcome to been following for a couple of days, the 1st purpose there is a lot of it off the season. a few shall seem likely in bangladesh as well. that most of pakistan is looking fine and dry. that's true if it run, but there's rain coming across from the west of the most. just this on says the and then finds that reading becomes substantial snow over the high ground to the wrong and eventually crossing the border. it starts to renting something pakistan, the
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years from i'll just on the go and need tonight out is there is we move i last is that the, this is where we, the sex allies from out is there is move i last available in your favorite types to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the the international monetary fund products strong grows from the bushes economy this year. let's just find sanctions imposed for the invasion of ukraine. european nations trail. well, behind russia, in the i am at full cost. so what's behind these figures? do sanctions actually work? this is inside story. the


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