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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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miles to the source for the country. that's gaming to launch the flying taxi's as early as a year. 2025. the holding the powerful to account was we examined the us seats role in the world. on alger 0. the . the bulk of this has been use our license though, coming up in the next 60 minutes visa, and stopped for days by is ready for us. is palestinians in casa, describe that torture hospitals under his way. the siege and southern gauze o wouldn't. medical supplies were running low within $27000.00 palestinians have been killed since the status of the war. as well as from bob betts has displaced thousands of palestinian families and gone so but the place of shelter is turning
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into was a and paid for war to and ukraine. european leaders agree to an additional $54000000000.00 package. java nash with the sports and the shock switch in formula one a 7 time while champion newest hamilton is reportedly leaving the site is heading to ferrari for the 2025 season. the thanks for joining us has just gone 1300 g m t and we begin in gaza were a number of positive news, detained fines where the forces say they were beaten, tortured and humidity. really aged. they not return to rafa. and this the latest in increasing accusations of growth miss treatment of prisoners and violation of international law. i was just, it was spoke to, to ben about what they went through. uh, uh, some guys that i was at home in the army storms. my house. i told them i'm sick and i can't move. they took me out of my house and put me in an armored vehicle. i
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thought at the beginning they would take me to the hospital, but instead they took me to israel. i spent 10 days in israel, where they hit me, insulted me, and humiliated me every day. i feel pain everywhere on my body. before supposed to bend on our knees for hours. they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by him us. i told them i'm 70 years old, but i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions. i swear to god that he didn't have a single drop of water for days. it was the worst 10 days of my life. no food was football. when we got an evacuation warning we left the place and headed towards the sea. the moment we arrived at the security checkpoint is really so just kidnapped us. we weren't even given a chance to ask any questions. we spent the 1st 3 days without food was that we were not allowed to go to the toilet and we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3
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days. after that, they moved us to another place for some new methods of torture. after a 3 day stop base and they gave us a meal, but it's not even enough for a child. in the prison you're allowed to sleep in the yard with the weather is very cold and where you have only a very thin mattress and very with blankets. these riley soldiers didn't stop beating us, insulting us and swearing at us all the time. the shock a $400.00 my maid is in rafa in southern gaza with more or less. so had a more evidence and claims of torture. what more do you know? yes. well, i'm more a heroine. good. that's the amount is coming in from the destinies. who were released earlier hours by these really military into the gaza strip. now that vast majority of those relieves they don't have any connection to family members. they
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don't know whether they have family members were also detained. they don't know the evacuated do rough or other parts of the, the southern part of the gaza strip. they are mainly in hospitals without their family members with. 2 relatives with that, their loved one, and that's the 1st tragedy the in the known don search entity about the fate of their families. and they were detained in from either evacuation zones or sensors in the northern part of the guys or from their residential homes as the israeli monetary storm these areas. but that, that some of the stories that we end up testimonies that we've heard of from them are very gruesome. they're talking about being in a constant late headed by either wrightfeld the back of the rifles or the value of the beaten by a baton as well. and denied medicine or water food and the sleepless for the vast majority of the time to we're not allowed to sleep under the where you are allowed only to sleep on a very rob, the rug,
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the areas that there were kept in there. the numbers of people who are released to the day are a little over a 100 about a 140 c and or 50. and that the needs so far, but there are hundreds more are still inside these detention centers. it's important to point out that the vast majority of people, the paying it from dollars, though they were kidnapped from their homes or from these evacuation centers are that there is what these really monitor is only administrative, the tension, which means they don't stand a child there they're no charges or press against them whatsoever, but they, they can be there as long as 6 months or a year. sometimes the case that is happening in the west bank with most of the administrative detention. but the fact that they, they look free or they look tired, exhausted, as they were denied, very basic elements to keep them surviving. honey, the bank dropped toward physical assistance, continued conflict more overnight. is there any raising guys or what was the
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situation on the ground, particularly in around hospitals? which of being on the siege as well so far within the past couple hours, the majority of the attacks are concentrated in fine. you and is very consistent with the statement made by there's been a military that the, the, the war or the battle is concentrated in some in major areas of the city of honda. and it's mainly around vicinity of the hospital where they're more allegations bite is really military that these hospitals are use as a headquarters for a ford resistance or for a fighting groups on the ground and further to the western parts. not only around the vicinity of hospital, but also valuation zones that are constantly and it consistently discharge invite is really monetary up earlier our there was a hospital of the storms and the reports about at least 10 critically injured
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inside the facility and reports about the palace the new preston dealing with the police of 12 of those were being killed the throughout the night. however, the emergent reports of, from the northern parts and gauze of city, where there are major withdrawal of these really military. what is described large as a tactic. underwood drawer to search and access of those cities in another part on golf at the me. and we were talking about pulling through the areas that were presented an entry point to the cities in the know the part and the eastern part of governance to be as well as in the central area, mainly from the res refugee camp. as well as my, as the in which at the earlier hours they were under heavy artillery, showing an error strike that destroy more of the residential homes in the area. a tiny money sign. so the update had my mood in russell and southern guns of the wood joint anesthesia, a biologist there, a senior political analyst smile in the show. i'm and i think we need to pause and
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take stock of what we just said from honey that because obviously there's a conflict in which we've all seen her upon hara. but what we've been reporting in the past 24 hours appears to be out again. so of systematic torture, extrajudicial, extra executions about bodies wrapped in plastic, thrown in in shadow graves. i mean, what does this say about the kind of war that's being wage by is around and goes i think we've got to have that the about a moment in gaza where the actual physical torture and humiliation of physical violence and so on so forth is fine and exposed so there's, there's relations now more and more of them accumulating after months of war the dozens, the palestinians and guys have been subjective to a number of different types of violence, right? so for a long time it was the siege. and the over the, over the past 4 months,
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the siege meant starvation. it's meant denial of basic human rights, especially with the children and to mothers and fathers and so on. and that's a very particular silent, implicit kind of violence. then there was the bombing, the bombing from their artillery by me from the sea. but that was the kind of bombing that you do from a distance. but it's very, very hurtful, very destructive, very bloody. but it's from far your pilot to your mining and artillery shallow water. and then there is a psychological violence, right? the psychological vitamins, but that are the drones scanning people and what have you. and then there's this bytes, the fremont geo violence, the primitive violence, the physical violence, the torture double or a pipe violence that's been exposed where it is right. the soldiers are physically personally,
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psychologically invested in for shutting palestinians in the skin. that kind of saved isn't that kind of hurtful humiliating satanism against. the 1st thing is as if it goes beyond the revenge of a more jo times, if it goes beyond defense beyond offense, beyond, beyond racism, it goes to something very, very basic. instinctive, i would say any menace dick approach to another human being has been described by some as a conflict of annihilation, a war of annihilation. i wonder where this evidence that we've seen accumulated over the past 24 or 48 hours, where that sits in the context of what has been decided at the international court of justice. just uh, just under a week ago today. you know, i think these right is apparently i've lost in translation, right? as if they have not understood. and the american backers as if they have not
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understood what came out from the international court of justice. i mean my own interpretation. i would say this one has been invited the right, there's no, as i find those are decked, but it'd be accepted the case is or is basically for, for sure the indicted for genocide. and you would think that they cannot innocent because there is no cease fire involved as if all the charges that were made then then all the, the permission and that shows there instead of orders that i send you order is right in the interim to do a number of things, because it's such a victim of chips. i what, when you look up from something what they're doing in the hospitals around the hospitals or in the hospitals like engineering. what does this kinds of doctors where they can be folded in hospitals, where they turn the hospitals into the back of the fields or into targets? there's something about, you know, turning boxes into any means. i mean,
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i think for the, for the city is probably the, the saints, the present day, saints hard, the doctors and nurses, and the medical staff because they're the only ones opted at the forefront trying to you know, make the her go away or try to listen to hurt of book better sinews. and as of that is i'm getting these areas the most an inch. there's the kind of a criminal act, you know, a violation of on legality and mortality by using the hospitals as part of fee of, or by funding the hospitalization, if they are thought guy of course, meant to be places of healing mo and stay with us. because there was an one to reflect upon some diplomatic movement that we've seen in recent days as well. because console is prime minister told national public radio in the us. so the framework for a cease fire with these valve is now being presented to a mouse. he says in direct negotiations will take place in the coming days. we
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cannot predict that is it's going to have a break. so, and we move forward very fast or how fast this would go to it always depends on both parties. our m is to finish and this as soon as possible, then to bring the hostages back. but to put the closure for that was what i okay, well i'm joined to of course, still by my line discharge i see on the pseudo with the so the message, i think the takeaway message that was there is a degree of movement. we cannot promise anything right now, but tentatively discussions are happening. these in direct talks all along the way is fine. and the, the obviously permanent mass figure is in egypt being briefed. what does all of this mean? if we try and connect adults? well, there's 2 ways to look at them and just to make it really simple. one way is that this is all an attempt at creating the impression that something is happening and that america and not the thought of y'all government the by then administration and, and
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a junction and everyone else trying to do their best. in order to bring about an end to this and, and to get the captives out and, and so on, so forth. because that buys is there as time. i mean, is right now, is benefiting from this whole movement. to carry out this general set that we were just talking about the culture. right. and then there is the other one that says, look, everyone is for the including the is ready. these are the public by the war. and the protestant can certainly want to have an end to the suffering that might have comes out an eviction. you would like to wind it down. so this interpretation says, there's a good reason why the whole point is, might be interested in that piece. some kind of a deal, but the gap between how much that is what is huge, right? the only way to bridge the gap is for the americans to get in. what is that when the support or what the hell of cuts out on egypt and others ends and given guarantees to both parties, that if you sign on, we, the americans will get into
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a number of things. this, the park is quite into the guarantees we could have a deal. my only fear. i need my only fear it is that they couldn't reach a deal like it could break at no time. well, i'm many sites. i figured that was just as always, mine was showing that moving on an explosion is being reported. they were ship west of the many port city of the day of the british maritime security agency, u. k. m t. o said the vessel had been, quote, attacked, it added that the ship and its crew was safe and proceeding to its next for the cool. it was not immediate claim of his sponsibility for the bloss us, for say, say they prevented more attacks on shipping off the coast of you having several drone sites in areas control by who 2 fighters were attacked. a ballistic missile being prepared for launch was also destroyed. us says 3 iranian drains were shot down in the gulf of age.
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the all, i tell the world news now and you leaders have a great on a package for you crate worth $54000000000.00. the announcement was made as a whole 27 member states. matthew and brussels agreement was finally reached off the hungry veto the deal last year. well then amendments will get reaction from rog mcbride. he's in the training and capital kid, but 1st let's go to them. tasha butler and brussels and natasha so $54000000000.00 is no small sum. it has been a bumpy road though to reach this point. natasha. yes indeed that you need this cleaning. delighted as a manage to sign off on this deal, a move and 50 a $1000000000.00 package for ukraine, the financial aid package. now we understand that the money would be paid as
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a repaired a full year. busy as a to be discussed each year, and then it will be up for review every 2 years. it is so a win for the latest because back in december that as somebody said that they were hoping to sign off on that financial aid package, then thought it was detained by hungry by the on gary in 5 minutes to victoria about who was a close allies of russian president. busy flat demand to say, well, we have now is will 27 member states on which is from the point of view of the you feel to execute. because the message that they wanted to send out to russia to most folks is that the you continues to stand united when it comes to ukraine, st key. and again, that is challenging. when there's so much i'm search and see particularly please go to us selections coming up later this year. and the us position on ukraine will become less clear and such as you mention, the hungry has been vehemently against this package for ukraine, at least initially why the victor or by and being taking his seals. and this
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one is, this is something that takes a little by the hung, gary and prime minister tends to do when it comes to you and particularly with ukrainian fractions in the past. uses b type. he's used it in the past. he is a close ally of the russian presidents and there are many within the u. many you need is become increasingly fed off of hungry trying to blog. what they want to do with that process is and what we've seen over the last 3 months, ever since old man, veto this financial aid package in december. as we've seen that you need to scramble to try and find a way to get that on board. not many of the fed up with the fact that they even have to do that. but they also know the reality is that they do because decisions have to be made by will 27 member states in the european union. so they have been talking about things like, you know, should we try and scrap hungry voting brian,
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should we try to disrupt its economy by freezing you funds? the sorts of things that are being talked about, the sort of things that victor opened would obviously not want to happen. so perhaps that helps persuade him come on board. but also he did in a way you might say, when a concession, because he had said that you crane shouldn't get this money because it had fulfilled the criteria that it needed for the field in order to get these funds. he said that he wanted this money to be reviewed. i forget. well it will be reviewed every 2 years. it's no quite every year. but it is still a concession to the hon, garron prime minister who has wants to gain disruptive the process in the natasha many things that it talks about not in brussels. where, of course, this money goes a very long way for the people of ukraine standing by and you creating capital, give rob mcbride's rope. what's the response? the from the for any leadership towards this confirmation to the money, let's say we all this way. yeah. real sense, a sense of relief here in cuba is palpable of a lot of them is
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a lensky. the ukranian president says that in a statement that this guarantees the long terms, financial stability, a full ukraine, that had been fee is had the money was going to be starting to run short come the spring for things like paying of a salaries and so on. and it is expected that the 1st crunch of this much needed money will come as early as much as the government here administrations expecting at 5000000000 euros is the 1st part of this payment. so it is coming just in time for the government. there's also hopes that this you money willing coverage of the money to fall away from the private sector for the years ahead, which will be needed for the reconstruction of that ukraine's back to the cities and infrastructure. but this whole episode is big once again to remind you for your grade as if you probably needed to be reminded of just how dependence and relied to days on overseas follow native less stuff. the guy that goes to $60000000000.00 us
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dollars of a military a that's being held up by domestic politics in the us congress. so the ukraine will continue to have this hand to mouth the existence of fairly precarious financial position until it achieves at which the long term goals of long term securities, such as becoming a fully fledged member of the european union. robert brian kiff, thank you. but while you leaders in brussels focused on the one you create, hundreds of farm is demonstrated outside your pin palm leaves whose down fires in protest is who we approach security code in a more than a 1000 trenches book roads in the belgian capital process for the latest and weeks of outraged by farmers against rising cost, you trade rules and shape food enforce. kathrina sharpsburg is the vice president of the c e. j. the european young farm is organization. she joins task from
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vienna. so how per page you think the you was to see outrage on this scale rippling across the west and you are as well. thank you. it is a long time that the farmers are working under for a living and working conditions. and i think it was quiet and expectable that at some point the tipping point and the trigger would be reached and leading to this protest. so we saw several triggers in some members, states, such as germany cutting of pensions, but also protest are unfolding in front of portico. romania left him. a belgian, mississippi, germany, italy, spain, many european countries um, being on the streets to fight for better living and working conditions. and yeah, it's an expression of a very long term frustration of farmers, the felt of not being hurt. and additionally comes to that,
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that the young farmers feel like they have been hit with the targets for environmental sustainability without actually practical means and financial means on how to reach them. how does this, what is the old mean story? is it sorry to interrupt? what does this old mean? let's say for a diary farm and friends, for instance, how much risk of small industries, larger industries within the farming sector? what do these changes meaning for their lives and livelihoods? as well as i'm or has to achieve more and more sustainability targets. there are in the new financing period. 9 sustainability targets that has to be reached to actually be subsidized. where is um yeah, one example is the, the, um, keeping for present of agricultural land of non productive area which significantly
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decreases the income of the farmer. and if the error is kept from unproductive, it's not a risk to think of the spreading to potentially other sectors to modify entering, for instance, uh with it of course then on to can stream is back in the brunt of potential price hikes. well, this is a problem that definitely has to be taken within along the whole value chain. so we're open for dialogue to really tickled us from a holistic point of view to, to improve the situation for farmers who are actually the backbone of the foot security in europe. we're talking about fluid security because they can use in a very tight spot here, because on the one hand it wants to reduce the inflation we pressure that's placed upon the can see him is making goods more expensive. but at the same time, it wants to sign deals with the likes of origin, tino brazil, to important beat to keep prices down low. but of course it doesn't want to under your pay and produces as well. how should it then strike a balance?
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this is definitely something that we are not very happy with because it will have quite a great impact in our production as well, where european has quite high standards and where the prices are accordingly higher than for cheaper products. and we fear that with this deals with argentina that this might destroy. yeah, our price isn't all markets. okay, catalina, sure. best buy. got. it's great to hear your thoughts. and this vice president of the european young farm is organization. thank you for having me. ok. it's time for the weather. now here's rob on the pineapple express effects in california. that much of the winter on the west side of the u. s. and less than canada has been remarkable. we've just had a real change that where the type we've now got a pilot afl express,
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so from hawaii to the west coast, the us the root of pineapple delivery. there's not been to effectively an awful lot of rain in the residence of san diego having seen already about a week ago. excessive funding, maybe taking correct precautions. this is not always a kill because the reading that's coming in has already caused a fair amount of annoyance. northern california star coming to the south through l . a. in san diego. this is so is a full across the already sending suggest a heavy reading going through. now it's not going to be persistent necessarily. but this isn't the only storm is another one on the right overnight tonight, the right no go inland is clearly a fair amount of snow in the mountains is to this is good. of course. this is the caution for where you get the summer rain from the metal to the of the snow that falls in the winter. and then this ray, nothing disappearing. if you like, by the time we get to friday, you might think it's all over, but isn't the case. a bigger picture shows you that we've got to raise to look at. then for the weekend, for example, the southern states see significant rain developing. whereas the pacific coast,
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we'll see it was still coming in, which may be sunday or monday before hits l a. will san diego again, the still ahead on that, which is a storm brewing in india warnings. so one of his best night exports is on the thrust. also it had a shocking diagnosis on cancer. the world health organization predicts a 77 percent increase in the number of new cases by 2050. a little boy was sold at 5 point leads at the top of the premier league action from the weight of a chelsea. the unsettled tongue upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0. the investigating the use
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and abuse of power across the globe on that, which is era. economic crises, dorming the globe. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflicts and wars destroying production. factors aggravating the global food crisis. and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response, the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, your technologist era is a reminder of the top stories this out on palestinians detained by his ready forces . say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. they have now returns to rough up. it is the latest in increasing accusations of gross missus treatment of prisoners and violation of international laws. fema is right. the forces of storm hospitals in southern guns that many of them are off racing with basic facilities and running out of supplies within $27000.00 policy and use have been killed since the trails on god and started internally displaced. palestinians have made long journeys to find refuge in southern gauze, but the latest place of shelter has now been tended to rules. and with these right, the ministry intensifying its attacks. the family say they have nowhere else to go well, milk, as soon as sharif reports uprooted,
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i'm constantly going to move him on to the men. have somebody have survived this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer disappointing cause are bordering egypt for safety. no matter where the go, the is running for me has called and hey, you're most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians on life. and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded accounts. well, some 8 comes through their alpha crossing palestinians here, see they have no supplies. no problem with that. that's my biggest hand the month. like, i mean, even here at the border, no relief, 8 is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatment and was more than a 1000000 palestinians of sheltering in southern gaza. also,
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the east really ministry owed them to move south toward. it's called a se, so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a gun, no matter who has a good visual relative go with these rarely troops storm their homes and forced us out. they took our money, mobile phones, and our odds. they stripped us, making up, forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place i resort to cover the oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. the scam from the junction border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians fear they will be order to move once again. i'm so i'm
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sure these aren't you see the or is there any military is being condemned? so dropping a bomb on accommodation for doctors treating patients in gauze and the british organization, medical aid for palestine and the us based international rescue committee denounced the targeting of medical stuff or united nations investigation said was for 2 of being a 1000 firm farm was dropped on the compound housing british don't does last month . that was one of many of tax on health care workers causes health ministry says $337.00 of them has been killed so far in the will. so the hospitals across casa, currently, out of service. and so $53.00 health care centers more than a $150.00, if involved, also damaged or destroyed. well then, a 100 ambulances policy and the health officials say, is ready for us, is if detained, nearly 100 dumped has nurses and other hospital staff, including the director of gauze as largest health facility. how ship
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a hospital which is in ruins, were earlier. i spoke with a doctor, doctor chris cook, he's emergency don't say we spent a month in guns at last year with doctors without borders. thought the hook told us about his experiences is quite here in this and when you in the emergency department didn't, that's the hospital even even when i was that the number of badly injured children and women that came in was it was just horrible to say. and knowing that these, these kids who is not fortunate enough, lucky enough to survive, i have these terrible injury, huge bones covering 506070 percent of the body. massively broken limbs really badly damaged. that is really military has really around top it's activities specifically around hospitals, particularly around the nasa hospital as well, with our as rarely trips and times what are your prime we concerns knowing that
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example is the possible for people to safely access and that's the hospital i mean the south is one of the last remaining hospitals with that, with the genuine surgical capacity. so now if you buy the engine anywhere in the south, there's almost no way to go for the operations for emergency care. so that's people who are injured outside. i'm trying to get in, and then obviously you've got the stuff and displays people who all we didn't last of itself to run out, potentially trapped and unable to escape and who are struggling for food and running very short to supplies that to, to keep those people going who are still in the hospital, the patients that us them back and say from both sides of it really i think and it's, it is, is it actually does all stuff and we know that this shouldn't be happening is also to help give soon as he should be protected, it should be able to feel safe if you by the interest in going to hospital, we should be able to feel safe. and it's just,
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it's just not the case. the a 2nd to some of the world news. our and agreements being reason know that on and which is expected to restore a power sharing government is being political deadlock, they have for 2 years of to pro. but as you need this politicians walked out and protest breaks it. trade rules were born. this, let's go to our fullest hit, who's live in bell fast. so a 2 year painful process to reach this point to harry took us through how we see the agreement to follow through text. well, what's happening right now in the british parliament in westminster, in the house of commons. that is, as to be said, a sally sparsely attended debates on the deal that was officially unveiled on wednesday. this essentially is a very procedural embodying through of the agreement. as far as the u. k. government is concerned, there was some voices raising some queries and opposing points,
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largely those on the more hard line fringes of unionism, some of them even within the democratic union. this policy that has made this deal with the british government, there was something within that the ruling conservative policy at the national level as well, who are worried about the implications of a deal on how britain might be able to diverge from the you trading laws and make the most as i see it all breaks it freedoms in the future. but essentially, the real agreement that was reached was that by the democratic unionist party earlier in the week, they have now agreed to go back into power sharing government at the devolved level here in northern ireland and really stopped this long john fits being affecting so many people here in terms of budgets, in terms of just having a functioning governments and that is not likely to take place the assembly due to states here in belfast on saturday. once the final i's dotted and
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t's, crossed in one split in westminster on thursday. but how, why is it so important for the people of know the 9 to finally see a function in gilbert? but i mean, why is it vital to see this issue solved as well . there is the, the long term issue of northern island status within the united kingdom. of course, those on the unionist side of the argument wants to preserve it. status in the united kingdom, those on the nationalist, the republican side, wants to see a united ireland and the, the good friday agreement, the belfast agreement. that was signed more than 25 years ago. now is one that stipulated a power sharing arrangement to end all those decades of violence and to give both communities voices representation here at a devolved level in government. and so that is one key to the overarching political go a little bit more crucially. i think a lot of people here has been that the stoppage of the usual functioning of
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government, the public service. is that a so required, notably in health, no allowance health search system is on many metrics the worst in the united kingdom, especially when it comes to waiting times and education. all sorts of elements of education have been stopped in terms of new investments. and we heard that point being made to us by the head of the national head teaches union here in northern ireland just yesterday as the lock of something into the system has had a huge effect on a special educational needs. an overall investment within our schools. our school to students is following the pars and that there's been a lot of direction and from government in order to and make sure that we have the highest standards within. northern ireland are teaching workforce have ensured that that house and be maintained, but we are to stage that without is a freaking point. and so that's what people here were
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really looking for some kind of real investment going back into the wages which have been so hit by the very high inflation that we've seen, the economy is being hit on public services. and so part of the, the deal that's being offered by the risk government is to, on the stop some 3300000000 pounds worth. that's $4200000000.00 us dollars with a funding which itself isn't a long term fixed, but at least begins to uninstall a lot of these problems that people have been facing. and so what we're expecting is the speaker to be nominated, the assembly to sit and the various ministries start to be allocated so that no the ends on the, for the 1st time i shouldn't say nationalist 1st minister as part of the power sharing arrangements. we'll have the government again as of saturday evening and the whales of politics starts again our force of life as in belfast may. thanks. a major increase in new cases of cancer is being predicted within the next 25 years. and the survey of
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a $115.00 countries worldwide shows that the majority of them failed to spend enough on comes to treatment now. well, head of world cons to day on sunday, the w h shows agency surveys status. there were an estimated 20000000 new kinds of cases in 2022, and close to a 1000000 related dest, around one, and 5, as well as population. the diagnosed with cancer in that lifetime, approximately one in 9, a man and one and 12. a women die from the disease. data collected by the global cancer observer tree says a long breath and color restful. kansas are the 3 most common types by 2050 is predict states that will be 35000000 new kinds of cases. that's a 77 percent increase. some recent estimates. let us begin freddie bray, who is the head of the kansas of agents branch, the international agency for research on council. he joins us from paris to many thanks for your time. for joining us. i wonder looking at these uh figures and these statistics,
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what they say about where in the world cancer rates most prevalent is that a distinguishable difference between rich and poor countries or does it not discriminate? thank you very much for having me on. so show me the due estimates highlight the scale of cancer today and date that you had mentioned that the growing burden of cancel this project to the next years and, and decades. so we protect funny, we estimate 20000000 new kinds of cases today, and that's as you say, we take 35000000 cases by, by around 2015. and you know that it's, it's a complex disease or over a 100 different kind of so types. but nevertheless, the top 5, kansas explaining around 50 percent of the disease so long kansas, the most common tons of worldwide. this is common in many, many countries, particularly in mind. whereas breast cancer is certainly the most common cancer in women. and also the leading cause of mortality. so then there are many different
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types of cancer that i explain this a, this very large and growing burden. so it is, you say, essentially a worldwide phenomenon. and i want to talk to extend this down to life style as well as the availability of cancer treatment. yeah, i mean the thing that's right, so i mean things like tobacco, alcohol abuse, the, these are key factors that are driving the, the increasing incidence of cancer, certainly. and we, we do see differences in the, in relation to, to where companies are in terms of social and economic transition. it tends to be that highest the i countries this as human development index, which is a marker of uh, of um, social society to an economic development. we tend to see higher incidents and those countries and, and certainly they, of the, of the kansas are uptake permanent in many ways to nice countries such as lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. so we are seeing these cancer starting much emerging and lower
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income countries in the lower of human development settings. but one of the biggest challenge experiencing is a proportional increase in the canister purge. and that's going to be most striking in the, in the lower income, the lower human development countries, they are going to see a projected increase of well over doubling of the burden by 2015 nissan. very much the countries that currently uh it would quick to to, to really sort of deal with the cancer pencil problem and it's only going to get bigger. and that's going to be more patients in castle hospitals in the future, as you suggested it is those countries that are already under huge economic financial strain that may well find themselves on the even more pressure is the situation worse. and certainly the findings also seem to suggest that a lot of this is down to things like kansas screening. there was some pretty, not investing enough in caching that disease when it's potentially still treatable . and i think that's true. i think this should be a lot more investment in fairly de la diagnosis and screening. as you suggest, i think it should be
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a lot more investment in preventing the disease. be concerned with long kansas, a leading cause of cancer in terms of number of new cases and number of tests where we have tobacco control, we can actually do quite a lot by increasing tax sci excise on on tobacco and many other measures to protect the citizens around the world, this is a new virtual global survey of the shedding light on, on many of the inequalities and the lack of financial protection for cancer around the world. and indeed many, many countries i'm not investing in cancer care at the moment that investment really needs to be done as, as with pallets of care on the, on the, in terms of people who are suffering with kind of. so there needs to be a big investment in there. so across the spectrum of the, of tensile control, we need to know a lot more. i'm sure of a friday. there isn't a single person watching this, but hasn't. and some point in our lives met somebody or being touched by the experience of, of come. so i want to the end of this conversation whether when it comes to
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research or other aspects of medicine is going whether there is anything that we can be hopeful about. the one thing that's less to be hopeful about, i mean the there is, uh, a lot of things we can do across the spectrum of kansas. so lung cancer have mentioned in terms of tobacco control, breast cancer. if we can check the, the disease lay freaking diagnosed with natalie with breast cancer, that it's, there's truth of treatment options, certainly available. and then w chose developed initiatives for breast cancer and for somebody to cancel this month to get somebody for kansas. so a leading cause of cancer incidence and mortality in cases impact, particularly in sub saharan africa. and it's still the leading cause of cancer and women in $25.00 countries in that region. and there is somebody to cancer screening . there is a vaccine for somebody for cancer called h p, v. so there are many things we can think of by optimistic as well. the, the numbers seem
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a little bit alarming and we should really be worrying about those. but with there are things we can do to reduce the cancer burden and future years for the very head of the accounts of savannah brown shut the international agency for such on can so many thanks for your time. and your thoughts spell to one of india is best known exports, dogs eating t is famed for his distinctive flavor. but the government is being, was that without urgent help production could die out without fernandez, explains why dug feeling all the land of this on the boat is home to india is find this t, but it may not be so for a loan, at least 10 of the regions, 807-0000 patients have shut down in recent years. i'm sure months canaria santa who heads the t exporters association, says climate change. politics depend demik, global developments and increasing costs are making it difficult to continue every automotive and acute financial crisis. we have scared to promote because one of us
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quite into budgeting be for us. this is not a business. you know, it's a passion. we are in love with us at all the things we are in love with the tv produce. and the people who worked with us, so for us, this was an extended family. and that's what's keeping getting gardens going so far . there are 2 main production periods, the dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year, up to 80 percent of revenue is generated. during this time, the drought rain and falling use of aging the bushes cut out, put by more than half to 6 1000 tons last year. new one for the distinctive flavor . 70 percent of this premium black p as usually be an exported the global economic problems and cheaper alternative. so many people have to keep on every your it's been the getting worse and worse and worse. you only have because i mean of this
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the, during the 1st 1st few months of the year after which it's been a completely whitewash and that's been our friend ever since. 2017. the 42 percent increase in daily wages. fertilizer cool and chemical cost coupled with folding demand as lift plant is unable to maintain that the plantations or reply and the closure is of also heat. thousands of workers and their families. the head of the indian t association of to last done a says urgent help is needed if we can get a package of him. so i'm kind of assistance for the next 2 years. i'm sure to income. and the government has to watch a big slab initiative to promote that is and then the that this is the, this, the best that is a maybe a good, but not as good as this think of compliant as i'm hoping some help will come that way. so they can go on producing india's famed and aromatic t,
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and that for the end is to 0. and so head on out just 0. i'm on the richardson and go home where a wrinkled number of athletes are getting ready to compete. the, well, the point 6 championship
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the part is time for support his demo. thank you. nice. we start with widespread reports. the 7 song formula, one champion new is hamilton could switch from this eighty's to,
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for robbery in 2025 for his dr. assigned a multi year contract with mercedes until 2025. but it appears that his 2nd season may be optional for our we recently announced a contract extension with one of that current drive in charlotte class. while that deal with carlos science expires at the end of the so if the deal does go ahead, it would end a huge be successful partnership between hamilton and the site is the full on the current drive at 16. if he's 7 well titles with the team between 201412020 hamilton how it's the record with 103 race wins. 82 of those have come with mercedes. it also helps the record from most po positions. the most podium finishes. but how soon is notes one erase with mercedes? saudi arabia, back in 2021. a. live a poll. have restored that 5 point lead at the top of the premier league offers thrashing. chelsea full. one of them failed. well, it's a nice, it was the little piece on abruptly recently set up. do you guys just to put the
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high side in front and thoughts of the best was yet to come from this 10. defend the northern ireland international who's making just a 2nd premier league parents to school his 1st goal for the class 2 and a lot at the break probably wasn't finished that his cross met by them that sort of fly as he thought his 2nd assist as a math chelsea to go back to the phone. number 4 out of the for the city is don't mind just as i think kept the pressure on level in the price will raise out in college. life is with tens of almost 2 months out for the fraction. but then we just start with the top, sage, 5 bucks a boy, he didn't alvarez. we are going to be in times 24 in style scoring twice in the 3 when, when a sunny city of 5 points behind the full in 2nd place. and so you have a gaming has something in the back in the primary type for us to come in from behind. so it could be rented 3 to renaissance, different entities, renewal may fail to 15 minutes. is dots driving just to in front of success. funds
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spent the time for 5 cent that encounter is tompkins, james madison, excusing and receiving his goal celebration, went on to score 3 goals in 8 minutes and the 2nd shot of some here with the with that and the same celebration is the search i'm supposed to complete, it wasn't pleased with this plan. you're not brovana pushing people around, you know, and i say that drive about things more applies only applies. get into your site guide and also you have right by, you know, side whatever they were out there to play for. and that's what i want to our goal is to focus on playing football. a spotlight in his head coach. chevy says he has no doubts. his plans remain committed to the club officer announcing he'll leave at the end of the season. shabby who will say is that he expects his team on the funds to fix together as they tried to reverse as something they started to do that by leasing office to no one knew before. ok. school is 1st of all for the class, also coming on as a substitute,
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also lane off base and i live at 8 points. so i need is to right now. the wild aquatics championships are in the middle east for the 1st time. events, dots and castles, capital doha, on friday. well the 2 and a half 1000 athlete cetacean pots, many of whom were going to compete for gold at this is a power. so then picks id, richardson reports some of speech bravest most for east championship. right. especially since we are we don't the will a quite 6 championships event is in the middle east for the 1st time and it's 50 years history bringing competitions here more and more and water cortex for the 1st time. and i think, you know, i mean at least can have the potential to. ready olympics at some point, russia and father reese would find from last year's world championships in japan jus to the crane will not work please. from those countries could compete is neutrals if they agree to follow the strict rules,
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including not talking to the media, but there are no russians in the hall and $95.00 since i've registered to take pounds. some big names including 21, so it will assuming champion k to a decade, a skipping doha to prepare for the issues pers, olympics away from the spotlights of competition. that's the only thing was a paula open will to swimming and autistic swimming the world championships. so as an olympic qualifying will be the 1st and then picks that has meant in the autistic swimming events during the gold medal has the was when you see people who get into this for they are say, oh yeah. are watching the games and i was inspired and i looked at that pool and i wanted to turn artists or something. so i think it's really important to have men in our just let me ask you a little bit because that inspires the young female athletes. male athletes just to see a sports that's all inclusive height. the only thing is yet to become an olympic
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schools, but it's the parents of these championships to move in a decade. australia is re on an airplane, will be leaking from a twin c meet the platform to defend who will try to indo huh. if i will talk to 20, made us and didn't feel scared. i would think there's something wrong dealing with it is, is something that, that also r drive to you as a, as a human being, you know, other coming those challenges and nice fees. um, well under pressure, ice is such a great feeling and cancel the only thing you sent to continue its trajectory towards olympic conclusion. on the richardson l g 0, the in cricket show up actually it will make england davy, in the 2nd test against india. the 20 year old spent a missed the 1st test off, the 2 ladies in securing a visa to the country, especially. it was initially left in abu dhabi when england travelled from that training come to 100, that he them or tons of it. okay. and eventually had his,
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these were approved, so he could join his teammates. no, there's no worries or no issues for me. the fact that he's been away from a great for, for a period of time, and coming back in macon state, he just takes small open thoughts for going to hot vote for the week of 800 a and b a. kevin durand has made a success for them to brooklyn for the 1st time since being traded to the phoenix suns nearly a year. okay. to round received the home, welcome to some funds on former teammates and his 1st game on his own course for the kids to be used once the game starts it there on scoring suzie, 3 points lead phoenix to 136 to 120. when i say denies and that's a sub straight victory, unimportance, it's amy and village. we've got a standing ovation from friends, village spent 11 and be a seasons as a blazer was playing in his 1st game. the since moving to the milwaukee bucks for their time wasn't a happy one. lillian sparks $119.00 for $160.00 that
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is what you'll support for me for now, but pizza will have another update later. thank you very much, 7. well, that's really pocket for this news. uh, but i'll be back in just a few moments time with much for the the latest news as it breaks the loop and garza has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo. the disruption will lead to a last generation among the young people here with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has been witnessing a severe shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. now, from the heart of the story, many people here say that in order for as well to remain united, nothing yet will have to go on counting the cost of tax by who facing the red sea, it disrupting global trade could then push out the price isn't pump fuel inflation,
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africa's mounting debt is crippling the confidence development. plus we look at how sleep has turned into a multi $1000000000.00 business, counting the cost on i'll just say around the cloud of nuclear war lulu save or press. what if this is the beginning of one of those ex dental is the worst? what is this is the beginning of the end of life, as we know from the horrors of recent history to the rising card threat apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have funds to vanity or failure to keep him out of the safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0. once somebody shoots somebody else dead, most people expect the police to arrive, which handcuffs on that person, and take them to jail. and then stand your ground. you can shoot somebody in
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getting your truck and drive away. is that unusual? that is very unusual because we're talking about the crime of murder. but it's a very clear in the statute. they don't want anybody arrested. that's why it's and get out of jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. why do you think the shooter wasn't arrested? because of the law? i feel like she's hiding behind the standard. round the basement and stuff for days by israeli forces pulse to newton's in gaza. describe that torture. the let me bulk of this i'll just say with life though. so coming up, hospitals under was very siege and southern guns with medical supplies were running


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