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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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there's a no one protects her. so how do you get a young person to have faith in anything? when the courts and the church are climbing the fact that her abuse is all over the world on the internet? that's not a secret, but whatever the church says about it is a secret. and what they did about it as a secret, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is in use our own algae, 040 back to go live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. beaten and stopped for days spotted simians in guys that describe the torture they enjoyed at the hands of these really soldiers. medical supplies, one know in hospital was under siege in the south of the gaza strip. within 27000
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palestinians have been killed since the start of the war. also this our age for we're talking ukraine. european leaders agree on an additional 50 for the $1000000000.00 package. after hungry backs down from evito, rates, and protesting farmers in several european countries demand 2 or regulations and know across the french government has announced a concession and on piece of standards with us for the shock switching formula. one, a 7 time will check in louis hamilton. supposedly leading mercedes and heading to ferrari for the 2025 seconds of news. thank you for joining us. it's 15 g m t. and we begin in the gaza strip. where somebody has to indians, detained by, is really forced to say they were beaten, tortured and too many aged does not return to ra, find the soft of gaza. this is the latest and an increasing number of accusations
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of gross ms treatment of prisoners. and violation of international laws by is really soldiers. i'll just 0. i spoke to 2 men about what they went to. and uh, the guys that i was at home in the army storm my house. i told them i'm sick and i can't move. they took me out of my house and put me in an armored vehicle. i thought at the beginning they would take me to the hospital, but instead they took me to israel. i spent 10 days in israel where they hit me, insulted me, and humiliated me every day. i feel pain everywhere on my body before it just depend on our needs for hours. they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by home us. i told them i'm 70 years old, but i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions. i swear to god that didn't have a single drop of water for days. it was the worst 10 days of my life. it does not
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pull the photo. when we go to an evacuation warning, we lift the place and hit it towards the sea. the moment we arrived at the security checkpoint, the is rarely so just kidnapped us. we weren't even given a chance to ask any questions. we spent the 1st 3 days without food. it was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet and we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that, they moved us to another place for some new methods of torture. after a 3 day stop vase and they gave us a meal that is not even enough for a child. in the prison, you're allowed to sleep in the yard with a width is very cold, and where you have only a very thin mattress and very with blankets. these riley soldiers didn't stop beating us, insulting us and swearing at us all the time. that spring in, i'll just here as terry cup was on. who's in a rafa for us in 7 guys. i take more harrowing testimonies as we've heard that and
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claims of torture. what more do you know about these case? yes uh completely uh, rustic evidence today have been shown palestinian destinies who have been released from the east valley captivity. they have been completely returned back again to gaza strip being actually treatment ties psychologically due to the link for it to collab enough to to that have been subjected to and is very detention rotating about those people had been completely beats in the human rights of the daily basis in the detention the, i'm at this very drastic weather conditions that have been running extremely live in terms of to the didn't have any access to proper suits or sufficient amounts of water to be a drunk, as they have seen. also aust, about different questions regarding the palestinian met a tree he's inside if out of seem of that you find has insight dollars asking about tunnels hosted about the no eighty's nation about the study hostages. and this is
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absolutely a part of what happens to the majority of the city. and that to me is, will have been arrested from the gaza strip as a own of the people who have been arrested inside the territory. he's that they have been arrested inside the house that they have being taken, beaten out of the houses, being delivered for military vehicles to the east, very side or on displaced location is st gauze, a strip for investigation. others being arrested from inside the united nation from shelters or evacuation census that are present in different areas of detail to hurry and absolutely those people have been getting through to him. i tell you stationed that completely has been seen over at the psychology where they have been a different signs of beating their heads and with the broken homes as well. yeah. hiring stories day for, for these people who enjoy this torture from is really a forces. meanwhile, type has been more res moines. really,
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rates on the got the strip. tell us about the situation on the ground right now, particularly at the hospitals, which have been under siege a s o. in fact that there was there any way something fights in gaza strip as well is expanding. it's been a troop race since day by day. just only in the past 24 hours. at least 118 palestinians being killed alongside with more than 100. others up in june to it. and this is a part of the ongoing, a string of attacks that had been carries out against the besieged enclave on domain. since up for the military attacks, what conduct was conducted towards the city or find you in a square. they have been besieging to be 2 last remaining costs to the ratings. partially in calling you to succeed. where medical teams are on april to leave it from the medical complex that being trapped the um, its ongoing k b fi exchange between the palestinian fighters and these really so just call the
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question on the ground. she's the face of the majority of it. people who are receiving treatment inside those 2 hospitals. they have been a truck for long days right now. as they have been running glove in terms of fluid moves on without any medical supplies being rescind, please delivered to these areas are due to the ongoing compartment of the as valley of forces of the buildings inside con. you in a sense. yeah, this is absolutely will. it brings the medical conditions of the patients and begin to people that to unprecedented critical points, right. we are afraid also that the scenario of a she thought medical complex would be repeated unless we're hospitals with c s full body has recommended to as what happens to i'm a hospice and within the past few days. okay, terry, thank you very much for the updates that sound just the or sorry, god bless them, reporting their life from rough in southern gaza at a palestinian red crest and says he's really forces that storm the compound of all of my hospital in con eunice for the 3rd time is really strikes. i've also hate
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central guys destroying a school in the say, a lot refugee camp. i'm home. it has to do to the he likes to collect the bodies of policies. he buys really strength in the cells and c p, a fun things more than a dozen. nothing else. but i've received full team bodies sofa. we received this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the body to the people so that they can very, it's really false is continuing to bump central. how does that flattening difficult initially? a rock but the g comp on wednesday night when the last again, because i missed my school, i came to see what happened. i found a level the been bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is right as well. and because the us post 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes, the u. n. c,
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the situation just got this traffic many spend the day trying to find anything they come to eat. the see, the situation is be on desperate. upon a will the, the grind grain for people during the difficult, sage we're facing people, the facility to grinding animal feed. do we just us is right, continues to get swore on because the palestinians, a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment. and how does that, how much does it now the political leader of how much is mind? n e a is expected in egypt, capital cairo to review a ceasefire proposal put forward in paris over the weekend cutoffs prime minister has so national public radio in the us that a framework for a sci fi with this route is now being presented to him. us, he says in direct negotiations will take place in the coming days that we cannot predict, that is it's going to have a break. so,
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and we'll move forward very fast or how fast this will go to it all depends on both parties. our m is to finish this as soon as possible, then to bring the hostages back. but to put the closure for that was what at the far right, members of these really cabinet tests threatening to bring down the government if what they call a reckless sci fi deal is reached between hamas and israel is arouse main opposition. party says it's ready to join the government if that's what it takes to secure the release of captives live to i'll just here is mohammed john joining tennessee for us. so want to tell us what kind of pressure the prime minister netanyahu is facing right now from, from, from the far right, right. we, members of these governments of the so fully, benjamin as in yahoo is facing a huge amount of pressure from the far right wing, members of his cabinet. now, 2 of those biggest pressure points are the far right wing national security
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minister. it's more been beer who continues to publicly state that if a bad deal is reached when it comes to gaza, that he will walk away from the government, which would cause the collapse of the government. we're also hearing similar rhetoric from the far right wing finance minister, a best allows smotts rich, and this is key for not to the yahoo right now because he is trying to effect this deal. that would see some kind of a suspicion of hostilities. the release of dozens of captives in gaza is really captives for potentially the exchange of what we're seeing. and the reports here up to potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners the far right wing, members of the government are saying they do not want to see an end to the military campaign in gaza. and they do not want to see in their words, the release of thousands of terrorists as they call them. so this is why and that's and you know, who is in such a hard political situation right now. so i'm call it
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a politically untenable situation because if he continues down this road right now, the space with the very real possibility that these right wing members of his government will walk away. and if they do, that means the government collapses and it's going to collapse as new elections right now. he is very low in the polling in this country. and that would mean that he would be out of a job for me in the midst of all this mohammed, what is the opposition saying and what kind of impact is that having on farm is missing? yeah. some interesting things have been happening. the last couple of days there was an interview that was done by your le pete who is the opposition leader in israel. he spoke to his really channel television channel 12 yesterday. and he basically said that he would be willing to join a government at least on a limited basis if that would mean coming to some kind of a deal that would see the release of these is really captive in gaza and bringing them back home. now, we've looked further into this today, there are more remarks by other members of his party that say that this would be
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conditional, but if he were to join, they would like to see those far right wing members of the government be thrown out of the government so essentially he would come in, yeah, your la pete and his party save nothing, yahoo just long enough to get this deal done. and what is believe that would happen after that is they would probably leave the government, which again would cause the collapse of the government. so nothing yahoo, if he were to accept that something like this, he would like to see these opposition members stay for an extended period of time, perhaps 6 months perhaps a year because nothing. yeah. who does not want to see new elections any time soon? because again, he is pulling so low here, right now there is still a little faith. when you look at poll after poll in israel, in his leadership right now, but he knows that if a government were to collapse again, he would no longer be prime minister. his political life would essentially come to an end point. thank you very much mohammed for that mom and jump into and reporting their life from tennessee. sophomore hit on his challenges there and use our
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including tony chang on the time in boulder by 3 is off to the, to the military. a struggling more than ever to maintain control the has take a look at some of the days having use now. and european union leaders have agreed on an age package for ukraine worth $54000000000.00. the announcement was made as old 27 member states mets in brussels. the agreement was re shot, the hungary dropped his veto a threat. in a moment, we'll get reaction from rob mcbride and ukraine's capital key. but 1st we go to natasha butler, who's in brussels force. so natasha just how significant is this for you create the for a significant for you crane. i need so very significant for the european union. they had wanted to approve this more than $50000000000.00 financial aid package for
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ukraine, which includes a help with munition and with military equipment that wanted to approve this deal back in december when they had to somebody's in the home gary in 5 minutes to fix to find at that time scope with the deal by using his b text, he said that you cranes and people some necessarily a ready haven't fulfilled the criteria needed to fill in order to be given. those funds i know picked open is a very close allied of the washing presidents. a lot of them at food and, and in the policy has often use, for instance, use this be takes when it comes to the issues of ukraine. so what you need is to be doing for the last few months is really scrambling around trying to find a way to put pressure on pics old bonds to make sure that he would approve this deal. and what we know now is that some leaders, including those of fonts, and jim needs a head of the commission. i mean you can so so the hun, gary in 5 minutes is one side the soul. this suddenly began,
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they had to be seen. and soon after that, it was announced, this deal has been approved for the youth. pathetic allows them to say that this is another example of unity. they all say it is another example of the way in which they are united and continue to support ukraine, understands they say very strong message because a lot of them it through soon. so you create on the agenda of course. but what did that lead to say i talked about today? well, one thing to was on the agenda of some of the post test to be seen from european farm is in some countries in the u. a in recent days. but it was impossible to ignore because hundreds of a farm is decided to take some of those demonstrations to brussels. they were outside the youth council building with bad tractors, burning toys and demonstrating that very angry, particularly over new evils on environmental also isn't what they call on fed for
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and competition. they won't be used to help them because they said a lot to hooks up being destroyed by the stringent rules and all this red tape. but as i said, farmers were not on the official e u agenda. never. the less you leaders said that they couldn't ignore the protests outside and that they would look at some of these concerns as the coming days. they will say says that they talk about the situation in the middle east, about security in the region that stick. you can send fly the red sea and the humanitarian situation in garza, but they said that they didn't come to any conclusions. and of course those conversations would be on getting in the european union. natasha, thank you very much for that. natasha button a live day in brussels and we'll have more on the farm as protest in just a few minutes. but 1st let find out more about this ukraine package and speak to rob mcbride, who is in keys. so what does this huge tron shows you funding mean for you? crane rob? what's at stake back? so yeah, there's
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a huge sense of the relief here in key. the beloved them is the lensky, the cranium. president says this gives his country. he says, long term financial stability as well. it concerns that without this funding and it's been held up by it since last to send, but that will be short falls in a government spending as early as spring with may be at payrolls and salaries not being matched, but it's understood that the 1st crunch of his money will be coming as early as much of the fact that it is structured over this a full year time period. that does give you credit in this medium term stability. and also in coverage is it's hoped as the arrival of private sector investments, which you will hopefully follow this it, you, you money into you credit. this is a, the funds which are badly in need for the as long task that lies ahead now for you kind of rebuilding extracted cities and its infrastructure and also in places and towns close to a hearing,
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keep just north of key which was as close as russian full, she's got to taking the premium and capital joe and gets a full scale invasion of nearly 2 years ago. of the is acting matter of barbara jenco mean? irina zachary jenco presides over the most heavily damaged town in the central key region. nearly 2 years into russia's full scale invasion, the streets and buildings still by the scots of when this community was briefly un, devastatingly on the front line. more than 5000 people was their homes. there was the much, the more than 2000 private buildings. a high rise buildings schools to kindergarten of local government facilities. suddenly the town is being transformed. irina is office at least now has windows again projects such as this school built with lift the way the in funding are replacing what was destroyed but much more is needed. there's not much, wasn't in this, but the more support from europe is essential for us doing this work. we understand
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that to build our community, the states cannot do it on its own. we need some money from europe and on our solid . b u funding is especially significant as a similarly size, a package from the united states is being delayed because of a political dispute in washington. further, complicated by the upcoming presidential election, us funding to ukraine became a hostage or for domestic us politics. and this was very hard for the of train to do and this, and was it the uh, in the, in the, your presidential election seems united states, ukraine's precarious existence looks set to continue until it can become fully integrated into the european union. this episode does reveal just how vulnerable ukraine is to any delay in approving support. a vulnerability, so many here believe will only be overcome when it has the security of full human
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to ship. just starting the legs, the process to join the block. ukraine's priority is getting sufficient funding to survive long enough to see it through public broad. i'll just say era, but at the end of ukraine, this is natasha mentioned earlier while you leaders in brussels focused on the war and ukraine. hundreds of farm is demonstrated outside the european parliament, police holes down fires, and protesters who approach security holdings. thomas used more than a 1000 tractors to block those in the belgian capital. the protests saw the latest in weeks against rising cost. you travels and sheep food in ports and friends, tom is brawl, ty weighs for another day around paris, 5 minutes to gather data. tyler announced new measures to protect farmers thing to, to more financial aid and tax rates in greece, in the city of tests. and the nicky thomas surrounded the venue of an agricultural fact. the greek government has offered to speed up financial aid,
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but farmers have been protesting across the country for a week now. italian farm is stage protests in milan with some saying that failed to trade by europe. they denounce government policies and are unhappy at the no prices they're receiving for their products a while. let's take a closer look at what's behind the farm as protests across the e u. blog. farmers in countries including friends, belgian and easily uh, worried about cheap imports, mostly from ukraine, protests as in belgium, lease wayne. yeah. and france want better pay for the properties. prices have been following since 2020 to the high cost of diesel and electricity has have profits in countries such as germany, france and italy. some countries have cut diesel subsidies, grievances in belgium, poland and friends also include strict e u environmental regulations. well, let speak some more about this now
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a to wish all my to to have know who joins us from friends in the basque region of friend. t is, is a member of one of the 3 unions involved in the protests in french, the french farm is confederation. thank you so much for being with us on august. the original much you, as we heard farming wasn't really on the agenda today at the summit in brussels, but the farm is were often for force. tell us more for us about why farm is in front your country angry today. and what you want to see from your pin latest shirts. so, and the main issue for farmers in europe and friends is that your income, we're working a lot and we don't get a fair income for work because of the importation of products from other countries are actually going to teaching directories us on the local market. and obviously the working conditions and production, these are not the same in every country. so we are pretty have to compete with other production and companies. countries that have different production names,
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and that's not fair. so the domain demand development is $230.00 policies. so we can have a fair incom from or production, but it's all my to the french government a few days ago announced measures to help pop the farm is such as emergency cache and also control zone important food. why is that? not enough? yes, so that's the right direction of the program is we don't want to get some money out of the society. we actually want us to get a fair and pay for the production, the food products that we, that we saw on the market. and the problem is on the same time they are saying that we can help us more and there we try to controlling protection. but at the same time, this d, u leaders are they were shaking free trade environments. there's a lot of different countries including macros, tour, judy, county like center, etc. so we have to receive a double speech where they say they were reducing ports, but at the same time, they want to go shooting to import more,
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especially with the medical sort of free trade documents that we need to do or to stream a high rise in the importance of food, especially story being coin, etc, from south america. yeah. i'll ask you a bit more about the mark of sort of agreement in just a moment of, but i just wanted to get a sense of, you know, where, where old european from is done today. we've seen the pro choice. of course it needs to be grease, as we've mentioned in belgium as well, how uniform are the grievances across europe today. so i think there is something quite common, which is a stock that's farmer as all around europe are strongly to jamaica leaving after because the cost, as you just said before, are rising a lot just on the door. all the costs actually rising. lots use convenient to start the warranty train and not the same time the prices of food are not driving the bar even sometimes going down. so if your costs are rising and your setting benefits are going down the street,
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at some point it becomes impossible to go on economy really. and that's exactly what's happening now. so that's the common point for all the farmers around europe at the moment. right now the difference is, is about what's to do the, to change the situation. and this is where maybe we have some differences between different groups of farmers and conference. okay? so differences about how to go forward and what to do. just coming back to them that goes to our agreement. we've heard president my crawl, say that b u farm policy overall is the only way really to keep your opinion agriculture alive today in a globalized economy, in the globalized world that we live in today. that without this common agriculture policy, farmers such as yourself wouldn't have revenue and wouldn't be able to survive. so what do you respond to that and what do you see yourself as a solutions? and to alleviate these hardships that you describe one of the same time making european, forming,
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competitive in this globalize well that we live in today. so i think that's exactly the point is actually we thing that's farming should not be competitive. ok of farming it is producing food and food is a basic right for human beings because we need food to life for disease. so we actually sing that farming should be excluded. a free trade agreement of the wordpress organization documents and any international training system. we thing that i pretty, each town for you should be able to protect is farmers and to protect the storage sector according to the reality of the country. and the demand of the people in the conference. so actually we don't think that's funding in europe to be competitive in a global markets. refreshing that we should have of the policies protecting farmers in europe from in ford, stand other petition from the international market. so this is where maybe there's a huge difference between bar vision and what's my coin all the interest on the year of the european union are proposing. now, we know these tools exist and they actually use, you know,
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the counters of companies across the planet possibly have public stocks, the regulation of prices, etc, etc. so a lot of different tools that permits to control the prices and the implications. so the price is inside of the country are wides fair for farmers. and so they can actually set up production on the national markets for referring. com. obviously, if you then put that in a global economy where production costs are really different in every country. that is where the program start saturday, our point of view in, but without somebody's on your campus, you know, networks is factored to defense, the customers or for boundaries to protect the farmers from global kitchen. okay, great to talk to you about this. thank you so much for, for sharing. your experience with us is all my to, to have no, from the french promise confederation, joining a staff from friends. thank you for your time. and still ahead on this challenge, is there a use our is ras, bombardments of guys that has the space thousands of policy and families. but the
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place of shelter is turning into a war. so and little pool. they start with a 5 point lead at the top of the premier league action from there waiting over chelsea coming up is for speaking to save the and still it is $40.00 in tina. i'm in the middle of july. not much change here. a baby showers following the attempt is really high by a blank of 41. it's quite scroll all the way down to those and those impacts again . yeah. but the heat is actually moving north was pushing up into, for example, the power required us. once you have the full cost, we'll see temperature as rise. they could well be a new wrecked. well, the record stands just below 40 and we're full costing 41. even say if others are reco breakthrough a lot,
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it's going to be too hot. and also this sometimes too much right now. i love this rate is going to be welcomed because our areas are dryers and amazon, you live with us, that sort of full crosses and we seeing flash flooding in the cities north of rio, still a possibility and also this weather when does so light. now in the smaller onto the category and we could see more reco breaking high temperatures, we seen many in the last few months. the breezes bringing rain to costa rica in panama, hopefully is welcome right. at least mexico once again looks fairly drawing mexico city up to about 20 degrees. not exactly particularly warm. the picture in the us is really focused really on the pacific coast time. and this is not a pineapple express. pretty extensive ryan from north desire. it's huge. i mean, to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that
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is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all . the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito. in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on told to al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians. exploring a 112 clause programming, we're basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform multi based on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on elders here, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the plugin you're watching, these are on algae 0 with me for the bad people. a reminder of our top stories, somebody's simians, detained by is really forces say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. if not return to ra, fine, southern gaza. these are the latest in increasing number of occupations of pro smith's treatment of prisoners and violation of international law. is there any forces that stormed hospitals in southern guys are many operating with basic facilities and running out of suffice. more than 27000 college students have been killed since is rosabelle on guys. i started in early october and european union
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leaders have agreed on an age package for ukraine worth $54000000000.00. the agreement was reached at the hungary dropped is detail springs. well from on this and hung the res position that speak to a guy gave roy who's an analyst with a center for fed political analysis. i hung gary in face. think tank is joining us from beautiful. thank you so much for being with us on alger 0. so what was it that convinced hungry to find the end? it's vito of this deal for ukraine. how. how is the you able to bring from it is subject to old bonham board. this is so hungry has been in a dispute with the brussels for quite a while now. or you funds that have been withheld from hungary debt hungry is entitled to, under the regulations about the youtube, these agreements, the states over approval flow corruption and democracy. the you have not given it all the money that congress invited longer to budget to hunger yet. so every time
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the you only meet the rule is required in new york. being castillo hungry has been trying to use the best leverage. indeed, negotiations to release further, your pm funds, and this has been going on for years now. and this decision to be for a few grainy also requires you know, mean the in the, the truck don't. yeah. what made hungary drop this veto then? what, what did, at the apartment is to open, receive in exchange in the uh you are the leaders from is the to give a fair review process to this whole discussion on these views and just review all the longer it has been done in order to address the use concerns and the whole for the 100 and government these that these reviews will result in a favorable decision towards congress. it's not the 1st time that this has happened . you know, what is behind prime is the old bond brinkman ship or what some in the you would
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describe as his antagonist. and perhaps you're still, for example, dragging his feet on, on ratifying sweeties a session to nato. why? why his relations would be you commission. so complicated as a 100, the relatively small country, both economically and the size has not so much leverage in these uh, goals and uh the funds are big part of the 100 and budget. so during these negotiations, every time the government has some sort of leverage, and that is usually in the case of the united mis decisions. i'm getting frank to use that leverage to get every euro, the discount. so basically this is a negotiation technique, and this will go as long as the, all of the european funds. i'm not released the hungry, that's my prediction. that every time you're gonna get these require to make a decision on the scale, the 100 and government to be that through suppressing the veto or even the week though, these decisions outright in order to get some of the funds through these. as so far,
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this technique has yielded some of these all so that they're not victor. victor autobahn from this in the future. interesting. you say these are negotiating tactics, but again, the relationship with the commission has been complicated. what a prime minister or bonds intentions. ultimately, these are the, you're a piece friendly to moscow. he seems to be leading hungry away from the west. is that the intention is he trying to lead hungry away from the west and out of the you ultimately up for the last decade or so hungry. sporting boys suspected she has been to become some sort of a mediator between east and west because of the most east that country in the west and becoming the most best, our country. and these sort of being and negotiates are between these conference and this has the, you'll get some results and some failures. but ours is the warning. you said, uh, this has been a very difficult position. the domain name to congregate has tried to be also in a good relationship. we have to maintain
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a good relationship in moscow and the process. and that obviously has not such valid with the rest are leaders. so that has been the strategic issue, but this is not that big of a problem domestically because the, the position of the government, it likes to position itself as sort of a, we don't pointer against larger empires, besides long tradition hung in history. and this, these folders are expecting, basically the government defined for the defendants and storing the hungry. and the sort of my goal is to assure as these, these fuses can be for k, that's sort of this feed all 5. and this has been very good campaign tactic as well . and the last thing is, so there is so a negotiated tactic and a campaign tactic from, from bix open. thank you very much for talking to us. thank you very interesting to you. if thoughts about this gay of roy, anomalous joining us there from beautiful. thank you for your time. if you the
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went out on the war on guys and displace palestinians have made long journeys to find refuge in southern gaza. but their last place of shelter has now been turned into a war zone, with these really military intensifying these attacks, their families say they have nowhere else to go. let me go so i'm sure he has a story uprooted. i'm constantly going to move him on to the man. hope somebody have survive this really strikes and from the operations in central and southern cause a they move to defer disappointing cause or baldwin, egypt for safety. the no matter where the goal is for any, for me, no matter what. yeah, most likely is to be at least kill us. so let them ethnically cleanse what remains of the palestinians of life and the temporary shelter has come with challenges. there is little food of water for hundreds of families living in overcrowded camps . while some 8 comes through the ralph of crossing palestinians here,
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see they have no supplies. no problem with that, that maybe just have the one thing, i mean even here at the border, no relief aid is delivered. we are forgotten. our children are falling sick and we cannot find treatments and was more than a me and palestinians of sheltering in southern gaza. also the is really ministry. owed them to move south toward it, called a se. so it's now a battery from the most intensive strikes and found raids is ready soldiers the surrounding hospitals and booming residential areas. are the ones who make it out safely, a settling in, in anything they can find. that's a gun, no matter who has a good business relative to go with these rarely troops storm their homes and forced this out. they took our money, mobile phones and our id. so they stripped us making a forced us out. we did not wish to leave our homes. this is the 10th place i
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resort to a covered oldest distance on foot in cold weather were left in the open house without any source of income. the scam from the gyptian border is a place of safety, but displace palestinians fear they will be order to move. once again, i'm a go some shareef. i'll just see it all. these really military's being condemned for dropping a bomb on the homes of doctors treating patients in gaza. the british organization, medical aid for palestine and the us base international rescue committee denounced the targeting of medical staff and united nations investigation said, what's thought to be have been rather a 1000 pound bomb was dropped on a compound housing british doctors last month. the attack was one of many on health care workers. guys, health ministry says $337.00 have been killed since october, the 7th. 30 hospitals across guys out of service. so our 53 health care centers,
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more than a 150, has been boned over 100 ambulances. i've also been destroyed or damaged out of seen in house official say is really forces obtain nearly a 100 doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. that includes the director of guys as largest health facility out chief, a hospital which is in des moines wholly and my colleague needs bach. i spoke to dr . chris folk who was an emergency doctor who spent a month in guys or last year with doctors without borders. doctor hook told us about his experience. this is quite here in this when you in the emergency department didn't that's the hospital even even when i was that the number of badly injured children and women that came in was it was just horrible to say um and knowing that these, these kids who is not fortunate enough lucky enough to survive. i have these terrible injury,
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shared bones covering 506070 percent of the body. massively broken limbs really badly damaged. so these are the military has really ramped up. it's activities specifically around hospitals, particularly around the nasa hospital as well, with our as rarely trips and times what are your prime, we concerns knowing that example is it possible for people to safely access and that's the hospital. i mean, the south is one of the last remaining hospitals with that, with the genuine surgical capacity. so now if you buy the engine anywhere in the south, there's almost no way to go for the operations for emergency care. so that's people who are injured outside. i'm trying to get in, and then obviously you've got the stuff and displays people who all we didn't last and itself who run out potentially trapped and unable to escape and who are struggling for food and running very short to supplies that to, to keep those people going who are still in the hospital,
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the patients that us the say from both sides of it really, i think and it's it is, is it actually does all stuff and we know that this shouldn't be happening possibly to help gifted as he should be protected. it should be able to feel safe if you by the interest in going into hospital, we should be able to feel safe there. and it's just, it's just not the case. all right, we want to show you some nice pictures out of washington dc right now where it is us defense secretary is holding a news conference hallway, his recent hospitalization, lloyd austin, apologizing for concealing whose hospitalization, say he should have told president biden to buy his cancer. diagnosis as well as his team and public and he takes full responsibility to us. defense secretary was hospitalized in january in washington for cancer treatment. and again, he's just now apologized for concealing his diagnosis to the white house and to the american. how many recommendations for that? and we knew that
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the moving on to how to use and on the 3rd anniversary of the cool in young ma, pro democracy groups have been processing and neighboring thailand. demonstrates as outside b, u and also seen timelines, capital bank call called for an end to military rule and a return to a civilian government. the military leadership has extended a state of emergency by 6 months as it faces an unprecedented challenge from a rebel alliance. the launch and offensive 4 months ago, the military has lost control of several towns and cities since then. to discuss this less bringing ronan lee who is a former australian politician, a fellow, also an officer of me on mars, running a genocide, he's joining us from london. thank you so much for being with us. so it's we is now
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since the cool in myanmar, how would you assess the dentist hold on power today? a what i don't think the truth is hold on power has ever been weak. that right. i think the me and my me look for is political control of the country. and in the 60 years that it's dominated that countries politics has a but then we got a resistance movement in may and not to dice. for years after the that the crew was launched. i will be feeling that it's morales is very high. but the situation for civilians and me and my is absolutely die out. there are 2500000 people displaced. the miller trees fighting hard to stay in power and its tactics as they have today is they have been from day one of the crew have been to target the civilian population and to punish them in an effort to carry them into submission. but resistance remains incredibly strong and as of today to me and my military controls be depending on who you believe between 20 and 25 percent of the country, that's the major urban centers yang, going unmanned to lie in the capital. nice little,
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but really that step last large amounts of, of territory to resistance groups. interesting. so the military, you say is fighting to stay in power. and we've seen an increase in increasing violence in the north, along the board with china. oh, so how concerned do you think badging is today about this growing on wisdom myanmar, which we seen already somewhat of a spill over into a chinese border, is in the past. china has been able to exert its influence over me on mars politics . the health recent, the broker si fi, we some of the alms goes, but are they as influential today? do they have as much leverage or china is incredibly influential in china is approaching me and marries incredibly pragmatic view is that they want to be able to communicate and have good relations with old costs, but the re credibly frustration with the me and my new entry they were not in favor
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of the code. they had good relations with the previous government of on the same situate. and they've been very unhappy with me in mach dictatorships. i've very slow approach to removing. scam st is along the border with china. so the sanctions, the me and my have really have really been fighting hard against the jump into the georgia is desperate for money. and one of the ways that it's making that is by enabling these scam centers which have been, which have been should not be in chinese nationals taking them to me in law and forcing them to work to scam people within sean, it's been a major issue and chinese domestic politics and enjoying these domestic media. and part of the reason that there's been such success by the resist, by ethnic gone groups against the me. and my joint task is that china has given them the think they are tied to take on the joint task in that, in that boat design. and of course, now that they've taken territory from the june to china's broad could to cease 5. because as it's primarily interested now in, in, in maintaining stability,
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do you think the pro, spoken by china will hold as well the, the 1st isn't holding that the truce is designed to make sure the chinese interest is the main tide. the truth is a, by seeking an agreement between all parties that china's infrastructure in that region and, and trying these nationals will be, will be in business interests. will be looked after groups that are parties of the trace have been fighting to be in my military from the day of the troops i, one of the, one of those groups has, has in fact taken. i lodge straight to the territory and reclined state. so what we're seeing is really trying to defending stability along its folder, but this is not, this is not a nationwide trace or anything of the kind. this is a very localized, i very localized agreement. it's designed solely to be, i helping chinese interest briefly. we seem as conflict the space, millions of people. what are the prospects, do you think of their return to that homeland? what?
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what is the status of negotiations for the repub creation of those have been forced to be displaced while it will only be safe for them to return home when the me and my me latrice removed from power and then these are war criminals. the genocidal, as we saw with the, with the white die for somebody to port at the risk and get it is not safe for civilians with the me and my and the solution for me in more and stability within me and not peace within me and has to involve the removal of the military from political power in that country. that's what the people want. and that's what the people are fighting for the solution to these problems. this is not going to be something that can be easily imposed by i've side powers. this is going to be something that will be, that will happen within me in law, and the me and my people and making sure that they remove the military. they have, they have been resisting the treat role since the coo and february 2021 continued to do so. and they are having quite some success with that not born in lee. thank you very much for talking to us on,
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i'll just share my pleasure as i turned off as far as his features. but we thank you very much. we'll start with wide spread reports at 7 time for me to one chap in lewis. hamilton could switch from the cities to ferrari in 2025. the british drive is assigned to a multi year contract with mercedes until 2025. but it appears, but the 2nd season may be optional for all the recent fee amounts. the contract extension with one of the current drive is charlie class. while they deal with carla science expires at the end of the year. if the deal goes ahead it would end the hugely successful partnership between hamilton and mercedes. the fulman metatron driver, one 6th of he's 7 will titles with the team between 201420. 20 hamilton holds directly with 103 race wins. 82 of those have come with mercedes. he also holds the record for most po positions and most the podium finishes. but hamilton has not won a race with mercedes and saudi arabia in 2021. full duncan,
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a is the formula one correspondence for the p. a news agency joins me now live from london. so thank you for your time. if louis does indeed move to for raleigh, how much of a big deal is it? did you still? i mean, this is probably the biggest transfer in former one history, which told me about the graces driver. insensitive to sophistic 7 world championships, a $103.00 res twins. moving to to the base, saving for our and the biggest, the biggest brand. bring his team on the only great, so this is a huge deal. the one that's cool, most of the this for by surprise today. i mean there's having some issues. you mentioned this on the to you to, to remain with mercedes for the season. and the next phillips is, he's going to do it for our in 2025. it's jewelry. some of the events. i'm one of the one ready still coming mercedes of not being able to give hamilton a competitive call in the last 2 years. how much of a factor is that in this decision? do you think of that? you have received faxes the little service, and this is a guy who, you know, he's used to winning,
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he's always the one throughout his career. he 7 seasons. but when he gets a rice and he still believes that he can win this record as well as having shapes the size of it, he believes he was wrong. so then i will be back in 2021. i don't think this the, this is the suggestion, sorry that he's, he means for i always back to now this to this deal to beat speed increases is indicative of how he said it was like this guy who besides, i don't think he thinks that base you know for him a route a call back to so it's a full glories. and i think with rental office i used to so how does it say that since i could probably the not i'd say, and the 0 for i was was this was too great for him since the downstairs is a, it's a fantastic story for this. for one that it probably needed off to, to use if it's not, and dominance probably, and assessing organizational mercedes united states. so how was messed with that was the next 2 years, and now that looks, does anybody one year with him,
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we're expecting a confirmation of a deal with some, some say slice it today. it's worth mentioning that hamilton was 159 years old, full. so what's the natural for already? well, how much does rain twice with the, with the chairman, for our sam until now cannot as that he's being painted so in, in the studio and brain use house into for our house. and it is one of the any charts and really transitions is pulling is a huge name, is me a enough one and outside of s one and one is a way i feel nothing now is just a great opportunity to suffer for our it's it says so to sign here, you know, he's on the side of the driver with an amazing track record. yes, he's $39.00 to be full. what the, what he saw this dale response that much savvy ships for i have one a was telling me citizens 2007, and they believe and they expect the house and will be the man to limit the size of the they say cray. and what a story that would be full. buncombe, thank you so much for your time. thank you. a little pull have are still they 5
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point to eat at the top of the premium. you go off the thrashing. chelsea full one and enfield. what am i did was food level pools, kind of bradley, the setup diego, just to put the hand side in front. but the best is yet to come from the 20 role defended the international who was making just the 2nd premium that appears . splitting spheres go for the cup to put the level, you know up at the break. bradley wasn't finished. it is crossed with may 5 dominic silver sly as he but he's sick and for cisco for matching, chelsea pulled to go back before the full 2 movies. the as mentioned specific if the pressure on level and the type of race certainly holland made is between of, to almost 2 months out with affected foot up in a region store was upstaged by best if we put in other is they all just fine tune 20 full in style, we twice, you may 31 we never barely. so he will 5 points behind level food and sick and safe . but you have a game and
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a half hour days last 7 days the will, the classics championships are in the middle east for the 1st time. even starts in cost. those capital dough on friday, old and 2 and a half 1000 bath rates. so taking part, many of whom will go on to compete for gold at this use paris olympic games. and the richardson reports the sum of speech bravest. most employees, this is going to be a championship, right? especially since we are we don't the will a quite 6 championships event is in the middle east for the 1st time and it's 50 a history bringing competitions here more and more and water cortex for the 1st time. and i think, you know, i mean at least can have the potential to host olympics at some point, russia and by the race with them from last year's world championships in japan jus to the explain more. now, leslie's from those countries could compete,
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as neutrals agreed to follow the strict rules, including not soaking it to the media. but there are no russians in the hall and $95.00 since i've registered to take off some big names including $21.00 telling, well, assuming champion k to a decade escaping doha to propose that issues pers olympics away from the spotlights of competition. that's the only thing was to paula open water swimming and autistic swimming. the world championships. so as an island to qualify, it will be the 1st island picks that has been in the autistic swimming event during the gold medal. who is the, when you see people who get into this for they always say, oh yeah, watch the lovely caves and i was inspired and i looked at that pool and i wanted to turn artistic something. so i think it's really important to have many artists. let me ask you a little bit because that inspires the young, female athletes, male athletes. just to see
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a sport that's all inclusive height. the only thing is yet to become an olympic schools. but if the parents of these championships to move in a decade, australia is rheana eastland will be leaking from a twin c me to platform to defend who will try to indo huh. if i walked up to 20, made us and didn't feel scared, i would think there's something wrong dealing with it. is it something that that also drive to you as a, as a human being you know, other coming those challenges and nice fees? um, while under pressure ice is such a great feeling in capsule. i the only thing you sent to continue its trajectory towards olympic conclusion. on the richardson l g 0 the the role. so to print any games. laser mentioned, so united uh, one of the teams in action parameter envelopes would be an action thing. let me go ahead and i'll bring you updates on those later this evening. 20. that's what was
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full of things for the time being. thank you so much for that. pizza, and that is it for this news hour, but to stay with us, i'll be back in just a few minutes with more on today's top stories here on. i'll just get back to the
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of business latex, to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant, the business agents to be sponsored by intellect, tuck, he's real estate consultant. the demand for mental health support is going to know then at any time in the history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough. oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create individual treatments. i'm here to help guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready and in jamaica we ask you a bunch of mushrooms, everything is effective and safe on a single usage depending on the door. same person doing well. stay with i know and know i'm
7:00 pm
a product and all of psychiatry my you since episode full on on disease of the no cost agent underway. yeah. the agent come being played here and to tell or recollect the time. when people say you started the tournaments, but only one will be crowned champions. will keep you right across the action on the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the low this is in these, our own algae 0. i'm for the back to go live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. beaten and stopped for days, palestinians and guys that describe the torture they enjoyed at the hands of these


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