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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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with the the cult and so around the watching the how does it renews our lives in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, beaten, and stops the days, palestinians in gauze to describe the torch they enjoyed at the hands of his riley soldiers, medical supplies running low and hospitals and the siege and the south of gauze at mold and $27000.00 palestinians have been killed since the status of a whole host of the us president, size and executive, all the imposing sanctions on full is really centralized. there were times palestinians an occupied westbank and protesting farmers in several european
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countries demand fuel regulations in lower costs. the french government has announced more concessions. the welcome to the program is $1900.00 gmc, about 9 o'clock in the evening in gaza. some palestinians detains bias, right? the forces say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. they not return to the rafa in the south. this is the latest and an increasing number of accusations of gross mistreatment and prisoners of prisoners. and violation of international law by is riley soldiers. topic of assume begins on coverage from russell was beaten, to turn it on to related the accusation of palestinians detained by his very forces during the war and gaza. now released and in rough that most of the minute i feel
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pain everywhere on my body before us just depend on our knees for hours. they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much of them i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my another phase, he was taken off to being taught to evacuate his whole. oh, with the moist spent the 1st 3 days without food and was that was we were not allowed to go to the toilet. we would beat and harshly over this the 3 days. after that, they moved us to another place as a new method to talk show, but after a 3 day stop patient, they gave us a meal, but it's not even enough for a child. these are not the 1st claims of talk to the hands of the is very soldiers. on wednesday, the buddies of probably 30 palestinians were found down in a school young with another and cause a witness to say if you have been tilted by his very forces been killed on the
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corpses, both in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact that we see that the i c. j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there is a plausible risk of gender side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948. and nobody has ever held israel to account . disappointments comes off to the you and the top court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians ordering it, investing these or actually so you should have it. hughes and the palestinians arrests are treated in line with international humanitarian. low allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in gaza from beating to withholding medication system on his point
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to an increase of violations of palestinian rights since october. the 7th that's prompted contamination from right to groups who say such evidence needs to be present during a ceasefire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza has been conducted without just points, has lift little time for relief and craving, accusation of tool to adding to feed at once. the tenancy force evolving, palestinians talked about su out 0 roof off in sacrament garza and tara joins as know. again, live from rough. uh, a more harrowing testimonies continue to surface of torture. i mean, what more do we know about these new stories? yes, absolutely. the signs of torture on the bodies of the balance to be in touch. and
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these would be released today completely a rustic as we have been seeing different signs of beating guns. we'd be seeing designees with it broke into the hands and legs with also an impulse indications of the hits that they have been critically, bates, and by these very a forces um, at the period they have been spending these valley detentions, some of those have been taken from the homes, others have been taken and arrested from the evacuation centers that they have been taking refuge insides on those people who had been arrested since at the moment, none of the family members knew anything about them and officer even their release in the 1st few hours, no one has contacted them simply because the majority of causes right now being displaced in separate areas and they have facing the difficulty to contact the family members just at least to check on them. and this is not only the 1st incident that they use where the forces of the rest to them, those kind of thing is from different locations in gauze. and previously,
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some of the detainees have been released from biggest very jails and from different locations in psych garza, there were a handcuff mike folded with beating signs on the bodies as they had been going through completely in human conditions as they have no access to prep the food water or at least to have access to toilet send that's completely contradictory to the principles of the international lows in terms of the position on the conditions of palestinian debt. to me is that remind us with thomas denny as being the rest of also the west part of the gulf of the palestinian territories. and this is actually a part of the i'm going to do besides the military campaign that is been had started since october, the 7th to the close uh, topic. one thing that's evident and continues to be evidence is that the bombing continues from the rates continue from the ground. that continues to be a lot of focus on the siege of medical facilities because those medical facilities
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are becoming fewer. oh they yes, that's completely right. so there is a very clear search of miniature ration in gaza within the past 24 hours, and especially in the southern part of the territory. as of these ready minutes, we had a bound to drop our district. in the past, our full palestinians have been killed alongside also with on going bombardment of the city of con. you is as we have been hearing the sound of these very buzzing of loud explosions being rising from a hon. you to city where the use very forces us around think the last 2 remaining hospitals, the and we need to early remember that the number of hospital star still rating partially in goals are still limited right now with the possibility that those 2 hospitals might become out of service, it is recommended 3 hats to them or roots. any departments of do with spite of hospitals, the situation in terms of the medical conditions of boost patients. and indeed
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people, especially for the new phone babies. and these hospitals will become new, critical, and will excessive page, as is where the forces earlier just in the past 2 days had stormed out of hospital, opened the fire on this facility. and preventing any medical teams to move or to completely get out of from these areas and on getting back to us and confrontations that continued on the ground and in the, in the past. how exactly, and to be more precise, what strikes have been conducted in the middle coordinates of garza, which completely contributed twice the death to, to more than $100.00. 15000, you said they've been killed that a couple of the 4 same process. thank you. as well as a topic mentioned, the palestinian red crescent says it is right. the forces of storm, the compound of animal hospital in county. it is full. the 3rd time. is there any strikes of also hit central guns destroying a school in this with refugee con. i'm how much are the lights to
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collect the body so full of scenes. the bikes really started in the southern city of funny things, more than a dozen. nothing else. but i've received full team bodies so far. we receive this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies to the people. so they can very, it's really force is continuing to bump central. how does that flattening dispute in the say a rock, but the g comes on wednesday night in the lounge again, because i missed my school. i came to see what happened. i found that level the been bought the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it always was the task force 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes. the un save the situation, just got the stuff many spend the day trying to find anything. they come to each
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the see the situation is be on desperate. upon a will the, the grind grain for people during the difficult sage with facing people, the facility to grinding animal feed. do we just us? is it right? continues to be swell. i'm because the palestinians a wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment. and i'm having to deal with the political leader of homos as bohemia is in the egyptian capital, colorado. to review, i see solid proposal for forwarding power is over the weekend because i was prime minister told national public radio in the us a framework for us these 5 with as well is not being presented to homeless. the he says in direct negotiations will take place in the coming days that we cannot predict, that is it's going to have a break. so, and we'll move forward very fast or how fast this will go through. it all depends on both parties. o r m is to finish this as soon as possible,
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then to bring the hostages back. but to put the closure for that was what the us president joe biden has signed. an executive order, imposing sanctions on full is really sacrilege for talking palestinians. they all get paid westbank, violence, games, palestinians, mines ready soldiers on such as in the west bank has increased sharply since the stones of the war on garza, on october the 7th, and has corresponded kimberly helped get joins us now from washington, dc. and kimberly, that's just ask you to explain very what this executive order is all about. a yeah, this feeling bills on the actions taken by the, by the ministration about one month ago that would block for nationals from coming into the united states. those involves in the violence against palestinians in the west back, namely settlers. so this is an additive on top of that it would ban a settlers who have committed violent acts from doing business in the united states,
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borrowed from the us financial system from receiving money from us citizens and even own property in the united states. now what this is is really to address what the us government believes is a lack of action by the is really government from the uptake. and what they see as a targeting a palestinian since the october 7th. how most attacks in israel. so this is something that the, by the ministration feels is one of the strongest measures taken really by any administration in a number of years. because it might seem like strong measures doesn't to kimberly. but we're talking about 4 individuals in a secular population of 750000, as a drop in the ocean is exactly it is a very small number of individuals, and it may have
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a lot to do with the fact that joe biden is heading to michigan, a battle ground state in an election year where his policies in terms of the war on gaza, is a relatively and popular and particularly in that state. he has just landed in that state where he is being met by protests. and in addition, where there isn't a very sizable error, american population, the top air of american leaders in that state have refused to meet with him. now reporters on board air force one asked the president about the curious timing of this executive order. and why, given the fact that there has been a history of settler violence in the west bank, why the president was only now and bailing this order in advance of this trip. and whether this was really political in nature, the white house denied it said this is something that have been in the works for a while. still many are speculating that this really given the fact that it effects
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just for individuals is more about having something to talk about when he lands on the ground in front of the air of american population in michigan, a battleground state, that he will need it pa, quite possibly in order to win re election in november because i filled out a paper so it's can be how it now. whitehouse correspondence. let's go say it would seem to have been jung, j no correspondent in israel in tel aviv and interesting moves by the bytes and ministration. what reaction has that being some televi sale we've now seen a statement from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which i think many here can see is a review call be a mild one to president vitamin, which he says, that's an yeah. who says israel acts against all those who break the law everywhere . and therefore there is no room for exceptional measures in this regard. he's talking force about the sanctions statement goes on to say the absolute majority of the settlers in today and scenario which is how he refers to the occupied westbank
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. are law abiding citizens, many of whom are currently fighting in the regular and reserved army for the defense of israel. now, this statement is clearly the prime minister playing to his base, especially members of the right wing in israel, especially those illegal settlers in the occupied westbank in those illegal settlements. this is the prime minister, reacting in a way that m t english is a mild rebuke to the president of the united states of america. but to his face is essentially saying that he is angry because this is certainly being seen here as a pressure tactic by the, by the administration. a clear sign to the, by the ministration is growing increasingly frustrated with the government upfront minister. and that's in yahoo. when it comes to essentially not taking their advice uh, becoming intransigent when it comes to what america wants to see, the government have nothing. yeah. who do with regards to the settlers in the occupied with bank and with regards to the policies when it comes to the war on gaza. now we're expecting that in the days ahead. we'll be hearing more angry
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rhetoric, clearly angry rhetoric from further right wing members of the government to that end. we've already heard from far right wing national security minister. if more been clear, who issued a statement, the said it's time for americans to refit gets policy into that and some area, again referring to the occupied west bank. and he goes on to say, president biden is wrong about the citizens of the state of israel and her ro wake settlers. so just stay that for a moment. i'm having a couple of questions to ask you about the regions wanna bring our view is up to speed on somebody else because as you just mention and far right, then dissolve these riley tablets all threatening to bring the government down if what they call a reckless cease 5 deal is reached between homos and is right. israel's middle position policy says it is ready to join the government if that's what it takes to secure the release of captive. so let's bring it home, it again, and obviously lots of moving parts to what's going on. you've got the bite and statement here about the, the settlers, you've got the right wing,
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members of the cabinets, mentioning what they think of the secular and also the ongoing potential release of the cap does. if, if it's a ceasefire or negotiated scenario can be sold, nothing y'all who is facing pressure no matter where he looks right now. but he's ready to go to try and keep the government intact. of the riser hail, you could say that it's really an untenable political reality for it, and that's in yahoo right now here in israel, he is facing pressure from across the political spectrum and from across the societal spectrum here as well. now we mentioned just a moment ago at the far right wing national security minister. it's more been chavira when he was reacting to president biden's decisions to impose those sanctions. if more been give your also has been very vocal the last few days with regards to this potential deal being reached between israel and how much which would see the release of perhaps thousands of is really kept as health and gaza for
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the exchange of potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners, if my bank is here, i said on numerous occasions that if he perceives that this deal, that israel might be entering into is a bad deal that he would walk away from the government and us cause its collapse beyond that. we've also heard from far right wing finance minister visit law. smart rich, who has essentially said very similar things publicly as well. so you have nothing . yeah. facing pressure from the right. they don't want to see any kind of deal that would release thousands of pounds and the prisoners or as they call them in their words terrorist all. so you have these right wing, a members of the government who have said repeatedly that they don't want to see a cease fire that would lead to an end to a war that they believe could potentially eliminate how much so that 1st are on one end. now you have something interesting happening when it comes to the opposition. your le pete, who is the opposition leader here in israel. he gave an interview yesterday in which he said he'd be willing to join the government if that meant that they could try to get this deal, which was the the release of captives. but if he were to join the government,
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he would place potentially conditions on that. and he would want to see the end of those right wingers in the government as well. so it's a very complicated political reality for an ethan yahoo right now. he's also having to contend with pressure from relatives of captives who want to see him do more to try to secure their release. and this is why right now g right now is essentially in a very difficult position about how to move forward at a time when he's facing so much pressure. so help. thanks, i'm doing that for us and telling me thank you. well, so head here all the i'll just have a new so why more than a 1000 flies to being grounded in germany? it's actually more pain home. europe's largest economy also deal is done to and the deadlock in northern islands will have moved from belfast on the return of a power sharing government to stay with the the us defense that country says on the groups behind the times on american basis in the middle east will be held accountable. this was lloyd austin's 1st press
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conference of to undergoing surgery for prostate cancer. and he apologized for concealing his hospitalization. austin says this was a dangerous moment in the middle east of the united states would work to avoid why the conflict. 3 american soldiers were killed in a drawing attack on a us base in jordan on sunday. this particular attack was egregious, and that it was, you know, the attack was on at the sleeping area of one of, of, of our base. and and again, uh we have uh, we've kotob hezbollah and in other uh, elements. uh, continue to, um, attack our troops. uh and uh, and again, i think at this point uh we, we should, uh, it's time to, to take away even more capability. and then we taking in the past and in terms of
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the use of term escalation, we've not described what are what our response is going to be. but we look to hold the people that are responsible for this accountable. and we also look to make sure that we continue to wait and take away capability from them as we go for. most of the children has moved from the pentagon. thursday's press briefing at the public home was the 1st for the us defense secretary lloyd austin. since his diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer, at the end of last year, the defense secretary came under fire for not telling the president or other members of his own staff about his condition. a situation which austin said on thursday, he has apologized to the president for and said that he would do better going forward. boston wanted to underscore that he still is very much on top of the many security challenges facing the united states and its allies. he talked about the ongoing attacks by who these on commercial vessels in particular,
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in the red sea. and he said that these attacks need to stop. it's not a us concern often said, but it is an international concern. and it's affecting people who have nothing to do with the ongoing war and gaza speaking of gaza. he's mode that he had spoken consistently and frequently with you. i've got a lot that is rarely defense minister. he said that he had stressed the need to protect the palestinian civilians. the death told, having now arisen to close to 30000 in recent weeks. and austin said that while things have changed in terms of these really military's focus as it fights the war in gaza, you said not enough as being done. and he included the united states in that calculation. finally, when it comes to this sunday attack that killed 3 us soldiers, a northeastern syria, austin said that there is a plan for retaliation. he did not say, however, when,
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where or how it would be carried out. but he did say that this will not go unanswered. as for sunday's deadly drone attack on a us military position in northeastern jordan, which killed 3 us soldiers, austin said the administration has come up with a plan to retaliate. however, he said that while it is multi layered, he says that he was not going to get into the details of how, where or when this response would take place. rosalyn jordan elder 0 at the pentagon. that's a goodman of taken at least 7 hostages. a factory, i invite us company pop to in gambling northwest in turkey. the texas media is reporting to the government of protesting against as well as well. wrong garza please, all right, the same. so the leaders have agreed on that. a package for ukraine with 50 full $1000000000.00. the announcement was made as old 27 member states back in brussels . the agreements was reached of the hungry dropped its veto threats. natasha butler
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has moved from brussels. is very significant for the leaders because they had hoped to approve this more than 50 a $1000000000.00 financial, a package for ukraine fucking to send. but when they last met for a summit for the time and grief, 5 minutes to fix, to hold on. i decided to veto it. she said that she felt that ukraine wasn't in a position to receive such funds because that had failed sense of pride tear. and i look fixed, opened as of right close allied off the russian president vladimir push it is said you don't the 1st time that he is used to be till threatened to use the veto when it comes to ukraine. so what has happened since december. busy that you need to be looking around, scrambling to try and find ways to pressure evict to bands, try to get him on board so that they can cause this financial aid package. and that is what they say. we know there was a special meeting just before the stomach began between the hungry department and
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stuff. we'll say some of the leaders, including the french president, the german chancellor and the head, the commission and the counsel to try and pressure opened. and for the you, this is a victoria to win because from that point to be there able now to show a unity that are able to say, well, 27 member states came together. we continue to support ukraine. we continue to show that west and the allies are on the side of keys, and they also get to send a message to russia that the you continues to be on your train side. but the funding should be welcomed using many ukrainian communities damaged by the war of mcbride to pull some from one of them in need of little help to repair and rebuild . the is acting matter of bar a junker mean gebrina's. dr. chang co presides over the most heavily damage town in the central key region. nearly 2 years into russia is full scale invasion, the streets and buildings still by the scots of when this community was briefly and
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devastatingly on the front line. more than 5000 people lost their homes. there was the much, the more than 2000 private buildings, a high rise buildings schools to kindergarten at the local government facilities. suddenly the town is being transformed. irina's office at least now has windows again. projects such as these schools built with lift you waiting in funding are replacing what was destroyed, but much more is needed. there's not much wasn't in this, but i'm on support from europe is essential for us doing this work. we understand that to build our community, the states cannot do it on its own. we need some money from europe and on our solid . b, u funding is especially significant as a similarly size, a package from the united states is being delayed because of a political dispute in washington. further, complicated by the upcoming presidential election, us funding to ukraine,
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the became a hostage or for domestic us politics. and this was very hard, fourty of trained to do and this, and was it the uh, in the, in the you are a presidential election seems united states ukraine's precarious existence looks set to continue until it can become fully integrated into the your opinion. this episode is worthy of just how vulnerable ukraine is to any delay in approving support of unreliability. so many here believe will only be overcome when it has the security of full human disease. just starting the legs, the process to join the block. ukraine's priority is getting sufficient funding to survive long enough to see it through public broad. i'll just say era, but again, ukraine a little while you read isn't brussels focused on the war, and you claim hundreds of sambas demonstrations outside the european parliament. please host down fires and protest as you approach security goldens pharmacies,
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mold that a 1000 charges to buck roads in the belgian capital of the protests, all the latest in weeks against rising cost. you trade rules and cheap food impulse . we moved to major pharmacy areas and phones have announced the list of countrywide located shortly after the prime minister with will concessions. incredible financial aid tax breaks and the probably is not to them. pesticides in funds that were allowed elsewhere in europe. but in the greek city of pennsylvania, key pharma surround to the venue of agricultural 5, the big government does offer to speed up financial aid. but families have been protesting across the country for a week by calling fully buffy bo spoke to all my to type. now, who is a union member involved in the protest? i asked, she asked him why french farm is a southern gray? as the main issue for farmers in europe in france, is this your income? we're working a lot and we don't get a fair income for work because,
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or the importation of products from other countries actually competing directly with us on the local market. and obviously the working conditions and production. these are not the same and the discovery. so we actually have to compete, reeves, all the production and companies come through the top different production means, and that's not fair. so actually the management department is not that many policies. so we can have a standing come from or production, but that is how much of the french government a few days ago announce measure is to help pop the farm is such as emergency cache and also controls on important food. why is that not enough? that's the right direction of the problem is we don't want to get some money out of the society. we actually want us to get a fair. 2 pay for the production to food products that we, that we sell on the market. uh, and the problem is at the same time they are saying that we help us more and
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they're really trying to controlling petition. but at the same time, this, your leaders finally are shaking free trade agreements with a lot of different countries, including mac, restore, judy, kenny, ark cetera, cetera. so we actually see a double speech where they say they were reducing portions of the same time. they want to go shooting to import more, especially with the map for sure, a free trade documents that we need to 30 stream, the high rise engine ports of food, especially story being coin, etc, from south america, as well as to land here. all the news already shocking diagnosis on can so the world health organization predicts a 77 percent increase in the number of new cases by 2050. the,
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i think a winds back to blow through northern europe at the moment is a bit of a huge shape of co dash is being blowing behind this cold front through eastern europe. so for a time, temperatures would drop in many countries of eastern europe down towards the north and the june to be honest within the following year. so quite strong is bringing along double figure temperatures, obviously, where it's high ground, for example, in no lights, no, it will still be the result and stay for time will fall out of that cold front and key, for example. maybe as far as, as bucharest, though i think that's died for about the following, rather is a distinct change. for example, in vienna, we got steadily to around about 15 degrees. by monday the average is about 5. that costs it does go up and down. lot, 15 is quite extraordinary. well maybe still bit of code is still going to flood our through the southeast corner. so into north maybe or i don't need shipped on the coast to base it, feel cold and windy and the wind has been pushed up. enhanced in this see the hallmark and there is weakening during friday. i think it was still see dusty
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weather probably in chad. orange. yeah. now are in southern africa at this time the it should be madagascar knows i'm beat that gets the heavy weather. i'm indeed that's the case, but some big chairs also showing up in south africa the the, the, the tools to solve e. c. and everything is good. even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding poor ribbons, occupied and imprisoned out. is there a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year? we source that change. it became clear at that point,
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but we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower it's maria ressa and professor michael wooldridge explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to as the the welcome back to the office, the news with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories. some palestinians detained buys very full, so say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. they've attend to a rough things on the latest senate, increasing number of accusations of gross mister treatments of prisoners. and the
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violation of international law, he was present j pardon assigned to the executive order. imposing sanctions on board is very satisfied, talking palestinians, and the occupied wes thing financing as well as the needs in the west banks increase office assistance for and also us defense that could be load. austin says on the booths behind the tanks on us spaces in the middle east will be held accountable. 3 american soldiers were killed in a drone attack on a us base in jordan earlier this week. let's get more on that uh, executive order announced by the us president joe biden on full settlers in the occupied territories. joining me now is stephen's it as a professor of politics of the middle eastern studies program at the university of san francisco join us. i can go back in sweden could help you with this on the program at mr. soon as well. what do you guys having spoken to all white house correspondent, whether this is a token gesture or is it sending
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a message of more to come? to tel aviv because when you think about it, they're all 750000 settlers old. they're about i don't the full have been sanctions by press the button. it is certainly more than 4 have taken part in violence and attacks against the palestinian civilians in the west bank and indeed uh the 4 of of the didn't in fact the entire set their violence. so it has, it may be 88 to 10 fatalities in the past year. a compared to cost to $400.00 a by the israeli defense forces, including overnight each shoulder. and i had the same time as the 1st time the united states has ever specifically sanctioned, again as rarely use under uh, executive powers that are normally reserved for what the us considers terrorist. so it is an important president, even though i share your skepticism in terms of how much impact it will have at least in the short term. yeah. and data,
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i'm glad you mentioned that even the full 100 palestinians that are being killed or injured, certainly killed in the occupied territories just just to sure. i mean, well, 11 does really when it comes to the bike administration, this particular incident, how they have chosen these people. i mean, have they been prosecuted and it is really cold. the televi work with the washington to identify the individuals. what do you think is the methodology behind this this, these a, a desk? well, i think that's fair to say that it's called, i mean these are comparable to the irregular groups that we're sending and for us and latin america during the seventy's and eighty's, a targeting does it. and so with the of a regular security forces looking at the other way, some remarkable power allows here, but this is rarely settlers who do this kind of thing. they are, they're, they're not subtle about that. i mean, they often fulfilled themselves. they will send out messages on social media, it's bragging about their actions and asking people to join them. so it doesn't
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take a lot of investigation to figure out who some of these people are. and these, these 4 are definitely the most notorious. there are some hope that they might have actually us might have actually included the, the, the, the, uh, the 2 uh there's the cabinet members that are closely tired of this group and, and would cast a wider net. and so there's some disappointment that it was limited to, to just before, but finding out who these 4 were were aware of was, was not, not that difficult. it was that lives have been assaulting control besides and palestinians in the occupied territories. well before october, the 7th, a cynic might say, why now is it because vitamins getting off to michigan needs the, our, the american vote. so we know that our, the americans are furious by what's going on in the middle east right now. and the cold for a cease fire and garza, i don't think that it was that the cynical, political calculation, especially since he knows darn well that. you know, this one act is not going to make up for the,
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the carnage and god. so for which he shares responsibility and has led to just such an outpouring of anger in the error of american community. i think more that it's a concern that these kinds of attacks are, are going to create perhaps a 3rd into products, or some major upsurge can violence from the palestinian side and reaction to these kinds of atrocities. and perhaps he's trying to say, hey, this is really cool. i don't get things to out of hand. i'm going to for now go after the more, uh, you know, uh, the freelance of extremist. but this is also something of a warning to nothing yahoo that he should try to rein in some of the excesses of the idea of in the occupied territory. interesting thoughts, it's really good to have your input, stevens, eunice, the professor of politics. at least in studies program at the university of san francisco. thank you for joining us, sir. my pleasure. all the set and the best way that the kids in,
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mima pro democracy groups have protested in neighboring thailand. demonstrate is outside of the un office and the couple of bangkok cold for n t military rule and return to civilian government. also, many of the 3, the military leadership extend to the state of emergency by 6 months, apologies by picture that the wrong ones that we run, the mazama is facing tough resistance from the rebel fights as an alliance of f and economies. laws and offensive against the government 4 months ago. and the military has lost control of several towns and cities since then. tony chang reports out from the border with thailand of the one on the hillside in east them in the, in late january. the far as crack let's with the sound of come, $53.00 is owned. mazda military has less control than the day at launch the crew.
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right now, the, it is already, military doesn't control. you know, most of the country at least 75 percent of the country, especially the border areas. but the presence is still built in kind of states ethnic 20 forces surround the government troops and that basis. but i'm challenged at power, not hillary to stop them from being over, run frivolous sizes and civilians, suffering a high number of casualties in shan state where the offensive began in late october alliances and coordination between the columns ma'am, of me is loss control of vital trade routes and border crossings with china. and the more the rebels find, the more they learn while our but a few experiences have made us into different. so just through what we are learning from fighting and fighting why learning, we know more about their forces and also we have better communication between our own. so just a moment, while many of the official voted,
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posts remain closed or controlled. less than supplies and personnel move freely through on check jungle crossings. there are still parts mazda border, which a heavily fence stuff like this. then the last 12 months in thailand, china, india, and bangladesh, strategic bull, the positions of poland to ethnic um, is, can now come and go as they please. the general ment online who led the to show no indication he might change direction. despite signs of consent within the ruling elite, coincides in has been dealing with me, a mazda military leadership, the decades on behalf of one of the largest ethnic companies. he's the kind old captain that when the 6 when the ship things, as you will see and then take all the passengers with him. that's what they say. i'm i, i hope it's not true. on the western coast,
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the military is under attacking this particularly important part of scituate. we're kind stages being on the muscle since the violence against the rank of muslim minority in 2016 even those hoss controls failed to hold back the resistance. tony chung out to 0 on the timing on my board and randomly is a football stadium politician, fellow left brain, investigate london. and also i'll be a mazda where he can go genocide, but he told me i call the volleyball team, who that china is very influential in the current conflict. the china is approaching me, and mine is incredibly pragmatic. they view is that they want to be able to communicate and have good relations with all costs, but the re credibly frustrated with the me a minute for it. they would not be the favorite. the coat, they had good relations with the previous government have own sense of shape. and they've been very unhappy with that me in mach dictatorships, i very slow approach to removing scam st is along the border with china side,
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the sanctions, the me and my have really have really been fighting hard against the june to the georgia is desperate for money and one of the ways, but it's making that is by enabling the scam centers which have been kidnapping chinese nationals taking them to me in law and forcing them to work to scam people within sean, it's been a major issue and chinese domestic politics and enjoying these domestic media and part of the reason that there's been such success by the resist, by ethnic gone groups against the me. and my joint task is that china has given them the, the, the time to take on the jump to in that, in that boat design. and of course, now that they've taken territory from the june to china's broad could a ceasefire because it's, it's primarily interested now in, in, in maintaining stability. do you think the pro, spoken by china will hold? the 1st isn't holding the, the truce is designed to make sure the chinese interest so maintained. the truth is a, by seeking an agreement between all parties,
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that shyness infrastructure in that region and, and trying these nationals will be, will be in business interests. will be looked after groups that are parties, victories, have been fighting the me in my military, from the day of the troops i, one of the, one of those groups has, has, in fact taken a large sway the territory and we're kind state. so what we're seeing is really china defending stability along its folder, but this is not, this is not a nationwide trace or anything of the kind. this is a very localized, i very localized agreement. it's designed solely to be, i helping chinese interest the agreements being reached in dolton island, which is expected to restore a power sharing government. that's been political deadlock, the 2 years after pro partition union is politicians well times in protest. it breaks it. trade rules are a full set has moved from belfast. what's happening right now in the british parliament in westminster and the house of commons,
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the is it has to be sort of fairly sparsely attended debates on the deal that was officially unveiled on wednesday. this essentially is a very procedural building through of the agreement. as far as the u. k. government is concerned there was some voices raising some queries and, and opposing points launch. leave those on the more hard line, fringes of unionism, some of them even within the democratic union, this policy that has made this deal with the british government. there was some within that the ruling conservative policy at the national level as well, who are worried about the implications of a deal on how britain might be able to diverge from the trading laws and make the most, as they see it all breaks it. freedoms in the future, but essentially the real agreement that was reached was that by the democratic unionist party earlier in the week, they have now agreed to go back into power sharing government at the devolved level here in northern ireland and really and stopped this long. john fits being
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suspecting so many people here in terms of budgets in terms of just having a functioning governments. and that is now likely to take place the assembly due to states here in belfast on saturday. once the final, i's dotted and t's, crossed and went to westminster on thursday. the goals still has held and these are a storm is bringing india and warnings that one of his best. the ex bolts is i'm just right the
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about know the stuff to perform screening examples became the latest gym and workers to strike on thursday. late button rest is becoming more frequent. and one of your largest economies, general pulse on how to estimate the 200000 passengers across the 11 major apples were effected they represent a fairly small sector of airport workers. but if you come across some security yukon slide, germany's latest industrial dispute to walk out by security screen is therefore crippling affected airports. some of the countries major ones, the lead handbook stood, got cancelled on the punches, grounding around 200000 passengers, many tourists and no toilet the board in advance for your city with my shared lines and flight members. but nobody can phone,
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they have no idea the information on the he may or little much the one day strike. he's part of a recent space of industrial action until now red in gemini workplace relationship tends to be more constructive than l squared. and you know, high inflation and the shortage of skilled workers have given unions the upper hand in demanding better wages and conditions. when the employee i don't to get, i'll a solution that re swipe again and again, again, it comes at a bad time for germany's stagnant economy. now we see that systematically the strikes become longer and more frequent and then the economic costs are going to rise significantly. in the this comes on the back of an economy that is already weak. the german economy has been shrinking last year is badly growing this year. so the strike comes at the wrong time for the german economy. it was some relief
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for travelers this week. this train drive is return to work on monday, but tuesday, so thousands of doctors on strike. and on friday it will be the to the end of public transport workers bringing tram subways and buses. to a halt. jo, know how l g 0. right, plays with cold into play, protest is outside argentina. is congress as politics since debate to the controversial economic before bill? please use pepper spray to break of hundreds of demonstrations. fade unions cold full, the monks gains tough economic measures announced by the recently elected president, threes of i was that those protests in born is always a very long session in congress. would that be based on going back to the last within 40 and 50? our system calls all nibble's be as by elect to president, have you had a really was hoping to use it to transform argentina or that's what it said. political situation outside congress is completely different. hundreds of people, especially from left when groups have gathered,
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you're surrounded congress and they're being pushed away by the police not being allowed close to the building. there's hundreds of security forces that deployed all around this area. all naples been initially have 600 off meant to transform argentina's economy. that's what the president says initially. also, the president had somebody lots of concessions to other political parties to guarantee that there's no, he's going to pass. it's meant for example, to assess the presidency to privatize state companies to modernize the expectation of both of you was however, many of the people that have gathered here today are saying that it's going to hurt the environment is going to hard workers, right? among the other things, argentina is in the middle of an economic crisis. december's installation weight was over 25 percent. it's we negotiating a debt with the international monetary fund. the government is saying that it was
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implemented fairly to measures to reduce the deficit in this country. but the people here are, we were really concerned about the economic situation. they say that the price is a few of the prices of electricity that everything is going up so big cannot make ends meet. however, the president is saying that this set of loans that are being debated are necessary to improve the economic sit ration. he believes that in a few months, the situation in argentina is going to start to improve people on the streets that are close. the thing behind this police officers are saying that that's not true, they do not believe in something like that. they believe the videos are going to hurt people like them better. so we'll just see that windows height is a major increase in new cases of 10. so is being predicted within the next 25 years . at a survey of $115.00 countries worldwide shows that the main majority of them found suspended. the phone cancer treatment now had of will come today on sunday. they
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definitely chose agency survey said that was an estimated to 20000000 new cases in 2022 and close to 10000000 related debts around one in 5 of the wells population. the diagnosis of cancer in the lifetime. approximately one in 9 men die from the disease for women. it's one in 12 data collected by global cancer observatory, says long breast and color wrecked until kansas. the 3 most common types recently by 2050 is predicted that will be 35000000 new cancer cases. that's a 77 percent increase on recent estimates. for the bay is had all of the kinds of surveillance branch of the international agency for research on comes. he explained what could be behind the increase. i mean, things like tobacco, alcohol abuse, they. these are key factors that are driving the, the increasing incidence of cancer, certainly. and we, we do see differences in uh, in relation to,
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to where countries are in terms of social and economic transition. it tends to be that highest the i countries this as human development index, which is a marker of uh, of, of social society to an economic development. we tend to see higher incidents in those countries. and certainly they have the of the cancer sort of a home and many westernized countries such as lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. but we are seeing these kansas very much emerging and lower income countries and the lower of human development settings. but one of the biggest challenge experiencing is the proportional increases in the kinds of birds. and that's going to be most striking in the, in the lower income, the lower human development countries. they are going to see a projected increase of well over doubling of the burden by 2015 nissan, very much the countries that currently uh, equipped to, to, to really sort of deal with the cancer pencil problem. and it's only going to get
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bigger. and that's going to be more patients in castle hospitals in the future, to know to one of india's best known expos dogs eating tea while that same voice, distinctive flavor. but the government is being ruled that without the isn't health production could die out. but also then this explains why doug, dealing with the land of this on the boat, is home to india, is find this t, but it may not be so for a loan, at least 10 of the regions, 87 t foundations have shut down in recent years i'm sure bond canaria santa who heads the t exporters association says climate change. politics depend demik global development and increasing costs. i'm making it difficult to continue every on other than acute financial crisis. we have scared of flawed because on a false quad into dodging fee for us. this is not a business, the federal profession we are in love with us. what are the things we are in love with the tv produce and the people who worked with us. so for us,
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this was an extended family. and that's what keeping budgeting gardens going so far . as there are 2 main production periods, the dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year, up to 80 percent of revenue is generated. during this time, the drought rain and falling use of aging tv shows cut output by more than half to 6 1000 tons last year. new one for the distinctive flavor, 70 percent of this premium black p. as usually being exported with global economic problems and cheaper alternative. so many people have seen him on every your, it's been the getting worse and worse and worse, you only have because i mean of this the, during the 1st 1st few months of the year after which it's been a completely a whitewash. and that's been a fan ever since 2017 and 42 percent increase in daily
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wages, fertilizer pool, and chemical costs coupled with folding demand, as lift prompt is unable to maintain that the plantations or reply and the closure is of also heat. thousands of workers and their families, the head of the indian t association of to last done us is urgent help is needed if we can get a package of them. so i'm kind of assistance for the next 2 years. i'm sure the income and the government has towards a fix. i'm initiative to promote that is the, that this is the, these are the best that these and may be good, but not as good as this plant is. i'm hoping some help will come that way. so they can go on producing india's famed and aromatic t, and that fernandez, hodges 0. it will take me a short tea break and i'll be back for more news on the other side of the break until then. thanks very much for the time and your company.
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the unique perspective on indeed, i don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices, and i'm all the communications. i'm pleased to connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0 is an honest, settled, tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission
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allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the knowledge is the way you cannot make crises. dorming the glow. catastrophic effects caused by global warming and conflict and wars destroy production. factors aggravating the global food crisis and the substituting the development of a comprehensive and systematic response. the international conference on to justice from a human rights perspective. challenges of reality and future stakes. organized by the national human rights committee of the state of guitar and association with
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the is beaten and stops the days. palestinians in gaza, described the toilet to the in tools of the hands of his riley soldiers. the clubs, to whom robin you are watching. all does their life some day also coming up. medical supplies when live in the hospitals and the siege and the sounds have gone since more than 27000 palestinians have been killed since the stones of the will be with president signs of executive order imposing sanctions. on foreigners, right, exactly. so what types of palestinians the occupied west banks protesting farmers


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