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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am AST

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he goes to them, he makes the effort. we tear the beaten unsolved. today's palestinians and garza described the torch. they enjoyed of the hands of his riley soldiers, the island. so robin knew what geologist ever launch my headquarters here in the also coming up the us impose this sanctions on for is riley sap lives. so what time kind of sims we occupied westbank, presenting farmers in several european countries demand a few regulations in lower costs. the french government isn't on small concessions approaches outside dollars in teen as congress, as it proposed to both hold economic reforms that have divided the nation.
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the welcome to the fact that we'd be getting goals. so what palestinians say they were beaten, tortured and humiliated while detained. by his way, be forces that were going on. his actions of christmas, treatment of prisoners in violation of international law by is riley soldiers. target capitalism. reports from rafa in southern casa, a beaten to church, and team elated accusation of palestinians detained by his very forces during the war and gaza, now released. and in rough night, most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body before it just depends on our needs. for hours they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much of the i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these
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matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my another say he's he was taken off to being taught, evacuated to so oh, with the moist spent the 1st 3 days without food and was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet, so we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place, some new methods of talk show, but after a 3 day stop patient, they gave us a meal. that's not even enough for child. these are not the 1st claims of talk to the hands of the is very soldiers. on wednesday, the buddies of police 30 palestinians were found down to the school yard. another and cause of witnesses said to have been tilted by his very forces been killed on the corpses, both in plastic bags. this is precisely why israel was taken to the international court of justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide. and the fact
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that we see that the i c j ruled in favor of south africa and said that there is a plausible risk of gender side is simply this, this evidence just simply bolsters that opinion of israel's been committing war crimes against palestinians since 1948, and nobody has ever held israel to account. disappointments comes off to you on top . court said israel must do more to prevent the genocide of palestinians for us of ordering it to investigate or accusation of it. hughes and palestinians arrests are treated in line with international humanitarian. low allegations of toyota has increased during, as well as will in garza from beating to withholding medication. testimonies point to an increase of violations of palestinian rights since october. the 7th. that's prompted contamination from rights groups who say such evidence needs to be present during a ceasefire. such accusations would undermine as well as credibility around the
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world. it's supported by evidence. it's full on garza, has been conducted without just points, has lift little time for relief and craving, accusation of tool to adding to see it at once. the tennessee force involved in palestinians. sorry about zoom out 0 roof off in sacrament garza on the policy and read presence as this really falls as a storm. the compound developmental hospital in calling us for the 3rd time is very strong as a whole. so hit central goal is that just throwing a school in this refugee camp comes in the home and reports the lights to collect the body so full of scenes. the bikes really started in the southern city of things, more than a dozen, nothing else. but i've received full team bodies so far. we received this number before 9 o'clock this morning without bringing the bodies
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to the people. so they can very, it's really force is continuing to bump central. how does that flattening dispute in the say a rock, but the g comes on wednesday night when the lounge, the get? no, haven't cause i missed my school. i came to see what happened. i found the level of the bombard the entire place. my classroom was, you know, is it always was the task force, 85 percent of the strips, 2300000 population from their homes. the un save the situation, just got this traffic many spend the day trying to find anything. they come to each dc, the situation is beyond desperate upon the grind grain for people during the difficult sage with facing people or facility to grinding animal feed. do we just us? is it right? continues to be taught. and because the palestinians wondering how many of them have to die and how long they have to suffer before the bombardment. and i'm just
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now us presenter a button assigned to the executive order. imposing sanctions on full is riley settlers for talking palestinians the occupied westbank. violence against palestinians buys ready soldiers and supp lives in the west bank because increased sharply since the will and gauze that began on october. the 7th. a wise has caused by giving how good has will on blocked executive order. this feeling built on the actions taken by the, by the ministration about one month ago that would block for nationals from coming into the united states. those involved in violence against palestinians in the west bank, namely settlers. so this is an additive on top of that it would ban a settlers who have committed violent acts from doing business in the united states, borrowed from the us financial system from receiving money from us citizens and
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even own property in the united states. now what this is is really to address what the us government believes is a lack of action by the is really government from the uptake. and what they see as an targeting a palestinian since the october 7th. how most attacks in israel. so this is something that divided ministration feels is one of the strongest measures taken really by any administration in a number of years. and the salute joyce is not from occupied east jury slot. and so i'm the, the by the administration has spoken what reaction from what you are. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing his statement, essentially down playing settler violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. calling the measures by the united states both drastic and unnecessary,
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going on to say that i'm majority of the population who live in the legal settlements are quotes, law abiding citizens, some of them even serving and israel's war on gone. so he also said that israel quote prosecutes any violators of the law. however, we do need to note that that is simply not true. just given how many attacks on palestinians there have been. in the last nearly 4 months, the united nation says that there has been at least $464.00 settler attacks on palestinians between the dates of october, 7th, and january 28th. but that's not the only reaction we're getting. we're also hearing from israel's far right, who are settlers themselves, both known, ultra national as the national security minister, each of our vend beer hailing settlers as quote for rolling and bits and a small rips. the countries finance ministers saying that this is just a smear campaign against israel against the quote settler and pioneer movement
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across the occupied west bank. so the is really is in their coalition the seemingly downplaying just how many attacks on palestinians there have been. they report these attacks on a near daily basis. they range from bodily harm to attacks on property to all of trees success, like we've seen, and just recent days. yeah. how does it stay with this? isn't gonna pivot slightly to another subject that we need to inform of you as bob, because fall right, members of these, why the cabinets are threatening to bring the government down if what they call a reckless sci fi data is reached between homos and israel as well as main opposition policy says it's ready to join the governments if that's what it takes to secure the release of captives. so i'm the suppose the question here is no matter which way the prime minister looks with bits towards own cabinet, whether it's to the war on gaza or even to the public at law. if he's under a great deal of pressure,
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a pressure continuing to mount from all sides on nets and yahoo, the families of the captives has been staying for months now. but the government is not doing enough to secure the release of their loved ones. and in fact, protest happening just to night in tell a bees outside israel's defense ministry, known as the katie. uh, but you also a pressure coming from within minutes and yahoo, who's coalition himself, these are supposed to be members of his government, his allies. they're saying that it's nothing yahoo enters the deal that they see as on favorable or bad to israel as a whole. they're threatening to leave the government. we're talking about the right wing, the national security minister and his party. and the finance minister, bachelor smelt, rich and his party, then you have the opposition, your lupita and his party saying that they will provide essentially a safety net for benjamin netanyahu to join a unity government for an unknown amount of time. should the right wing block,
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leave the government in order to secure a deal for the captives? it is also worth noting that ben, beer and small rich in the previous cease fire deal back in november, were threatening to vote no because they didn't want to see the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners and now they're threatening the same thing better. this won't, rich ended up voting for the deal words, it's in our bank beer and his party voted no. so a continuing complex situation across these really political while i'm to select that. ok by these truths, then thank you. you know us present. dr. barton is visiting the election battleground states of michigan. it's tomorrow because endorsement by the united auto workers union, which is hot, it's headquartered in detroit for many years, but he will be meeting out of american leaders despite michigan. i think one of the largest error of american communities in the us, but a lot of americans in warren, the detroit's, of been holding a protest rally advisors visit that angry. as his administrator and support for his
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violin, the will on cause. how's it going to correspond to joins not for more and in michigan by the rise. patsy was to very different messages really full. his audiences he did and he was here to told his endorsement from united auto workers. that's a pretty big union and he did just speak just about a mile from where i am. and he did not mention anything at all about. all of the protesters that were outside focused, mostly on support for the union, is going to show you where i'm at. the protest is going to get smaller and they're starting to disperse. didn't go to, they didn't get in front of the motorcade, so it's not clear that president joe biden saw them, but i have to say that was really probably by design. this was a very unusual schedule. usually the price, the white house puts out, this is where the president's going to be. this is what he's going to be doing this time around. it was just, he's going to be in detroit for 6 hours. he's going to have an event at this time
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somewhere in detroit with the, at a u, a facility. there are lots and lots of you have a facilities here. and the purchaser's i talked to, you said they think that was on purpose because the white house is well aware they sent in a top 8 out here last week to try meet with the muslim leaders. they all refused to meet with her. and so they felt is if the president was hiding from them, they were able to find them under intense, secure, this is much more intense security than i'm used to see what i travel with the president. but it did get a little he, it is right then between the protesters, the police, they brought it a whole lot, a ride police, dozens and dozens of them. but then they both sort of stepped away. walked away. there were no confrontations, and still they wanted to send the message these active as i, they've started to move in a bad invite and, and it's getting traction. and parts of you've covered the number of presidential elections and we all are in that election. yeah. now, so how important really is michigan to that those are and how,
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how important ready to bite and as well in michigan could really be the entire election because it is such an important critical sort of state as our viewers know, of presidents are elected on the popular vote, they're elected by the electoral college. there's a handful of states that will determine who the next president is. perhaps, unfortunately for joe biden. many of those states have very large air american and muslim communities. as you mentioned, 300000 air americans and muslims in michigan, which job item one, michigan, again, sell trump by a 154000 pounds. i have spoken to several active as to say at this point. there's literally no way they will ever vote for joe biden again, and the bite immunizations argument as well. if you don't vote for us, you're going to get trump possibly get former president donald trump, and he instituted the muslim band. he's been saying anyone in protest against
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israel should be reported. he's move the embassy to jerusalem, but they're saying this is a long term play. they say they feel abandoned by joe biden. they want to send the message that just buying the bit. all of their politicians that they are a powerful voting block. and in fact, they get ignored. and all of these costs are cease fires to simply dismiss and the president says false. so it's about babies and god, and israel being headed. if he's going to continue to act that way, well then they're going to send a message, they're gonna kick them out of the white house, possibly deal with 4 years of trump. but then, and so they say on the long term the politicians might start paying attention to them. well, let's see what happens if they're coming out so that maybe winter time because i never in warren, in michigan. thank a still head here all out. is there a deal is done to end the deadlock and those islands will have molten belfast on the return to the tow sharing government the
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the they look it out to us so the se, in everything is good, even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding poor. we've been occupied and imprisoned out. is there a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year? we source that change. it became clear at that point, but we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace. slower. it's maria ressa and professor michael wooldridge explore the pedals and possibilities of austin fishermen, cabbages. it changes the way we think. and then the way we all can protect ourselves studio b, b a. i series on
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a jersey to the colleges when the the like you want to, i'll just bear with me. so he'll raman in doha, reminder of all the top stories, palestinians detains buys very full to say that they were beaten, tortured and humiliated. there are increasing number of accusations of christmas treatments of prisoners and a violation of international law. he's very close that storm the alamo hospital.
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sometimes in southern dogs have many operating with basic facilities, and they're running on supplies. more than 27000 palestinians have been killed since, as well as war on vaults assaulted in early october. because present j barton assigned to the executive order imposing sanctions on for his riley settlers for attacking palestinians any occupied westbank for any 5 minutes to bend even this. and y'all who was said to the executive order is trusted. springs somebody of any stuff from across the world. another. any you lead us in finance have agreed on a 50 full $1000000000.00. a package for ukraine hungry dropped its veto threat during a meeting of memphis states of brussels. as a somebody was taking place. tom is what blocking roads around the capital. they want to draw attention to that protests against rising cost and cheap food impulse . natasha buckler. how's the story from brussels? hungry is prime minister. the old man was under pressure as he arrived at an east summit in brussels, having the to,
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to more than $50000000000.00 financial aid package for ukraine in december. or the e lead is would determined not to allow him to stop at the deal. again. i come from distance icons accept this is strange and so it goes to the game of the victim of them. and there is no room for compromise on our principles like rule of law, and for sure, there's no room for compromise on ukraine course in no mood to make any more concessions to old man. he's a close ally of russian president vladimir putin. a select group of the leaders took the home, gary, and prime minister aside before the summit. some of the politicians had previously suggested to budapest, the voting rights could be taken away, or you funds frozen unless hungry back the deal. no, no off to the meeting. the package, which includes military assistance, was approved. these 50000000000 euros for 4 years, also send
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a very strong message to putting just the head of the secondary verse 3 of his brutal invasion to, to, with ukraine's president who'd attended the summit to the key. welcome to use, this is a clear signal that your brain will with sense, and that your a will with sense. well, you leaders that results one problem. another one was brewing on the doorstep. hundreds of fall most from european countries, including from it's lee and belgium. angry over you, environmental rules and phone competition, what they say is destroying livelihoods. despite the recent demonstration forming wasn't even on the official e u. summit agenda, which is why these pharmacies are bringing the tractors and protests. the brussels is the only way to be heard. this european union for 70 years pushed us into becoming very big fonts and all this oversized farms. today, their budgeting,
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i know they're criminalizing other than saying that this is our fault. the message we have for you are being union is that they cost if this officer and that they have to bring us the solutions impossible to acknowledge you need to set the discuss. palm is concerns. they will say. so they talked about the situation in the middle east, but came to know conclusions. it was clear that on the day when the blow could manage to come together, there was little appetite for all the crises to as a shadow, the display of unity. tasha butler, i'll just sarah brussels. meanwhile, 2 major pharmacy units in front of it as the list countrywide, located shortly after the prime minister offered more concessions and they include more financial aid tax breaks. the problem is not to button pesticides and phones that are allowed elsewhere in your the politicians in argentine is congress all due to the controversial economic reform package because of how the malays bill was being backed by the international monetary fund. but it has to say the reforms will
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make life even harder. so let's get more of this intrigues about who join us not from. the point is always, i mean the president isn't making any political friends or domestic friends. it seems. and it was in the electricity, the road ahead was going to be real key. that's correct. and that's what we're starting to see on the street from one side of them just right outside of congress. and it's a very chaotic situation here with hundreds and hundreds of people that have come outside of congress. i know this bill is being debated inside of congress or hundreds of people here. and there's thousands of security forces on this to start preventing them from getting close to the building. you can see them here and you can see and right behind the camera. and there are the hundreds of people that have gathered here and are trying to come to protest against the government. now argentina's in the middle of a deep economic crisis with decembers inflation wait was 25 percent. the dollar
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amount is moving ahead. we will still retain measures that he promise, says it will help argentina jumpstart this country's economy. however, people are really concerned about the bill that is currently being debated in congress. they believe it's going to open up argentina's economy, for example, for that more experimentation. of course, to fuel they believe the environment is at risk among many other things and that's why they're showing up to date. now, the government for the bill to get to be debated in congress. somebody say you have to make lots of concessions initially. the bill has $600.00 loss. now it has to be less than $300.00. it includes ways of privatizing over 40 states companies is it also includes giving the president ex, routing or powers for one year, among many other issues at the law. you know, that debate has been ongoing for 4 hours. it is suspected the last between 40 and 50 hours and nobody knows whether the vote will happen this evening on thursday
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evening on friday. but there's been lots of tensions in the next few days. not only because it has been in a way attacking members of political parties who could be allies in the vote. however, he has called them and he has been criticizing them from i'm from shooting, giving the precedent extraordinary power. so there's lots of issues at stake, right. now what is evident is that there's thousands of people that are opposing whatever president be late wants to carry out in argentine, that he's going to be confronting, not totally with argentina, labor unions, but also with thousands of people that you can see a right behind this what do you feel officers here that are willing to take 2 to 3 in order to challenge? precedent have you had to be like, 3 is of a thank you. the u. k. problem into the proved a deal that pays the way for power sharing government to resume office in northern ireland. it's been 2 years since you need this. politicians withdrew from the
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devolve government. i have a prospect that trading arrangements crucial. spending decisions with delight and public services with badly affect is probably false. it reports that from belfast, like many schools in genitives in belfast has been doing all that kind of to re integrate people's onto the pandemic. but the some that's been a struggle. so this year the schools introduced a safe space haven, the students with special needs or social issues to find respite and to friendly. yeah. but such innovations, cost money and funding decisions and being on hold since the collapse in 2022 of norman islands developed government that we need improvements made to our building to make these adjustments. they don't toppling overnight if we don't have that funding. those children are of home waiting to come to a place that we have secured for free trade policy in london on thursday u. k. politicians approve the deal set to restore an overnight ins, power sharing executive, and release. more than $4000000000.00 of funding for its public services. but at
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the same time, another strike was on the way in belfast. this time, public transport workers trying to ensure the demands to pay rises and met. one told them the government release funds that give us our pay race, which were affiliated by not just us old public sector workers. then we'll continue on if you ask people about the real world impact to velocity 2 years without a function and government, almost all of them will say it's the health service. almost every metric, especially waiting times northern on cell service lags fall behind the rest of the u. k. adams, down to is a family doctor and a senior stick and the british medical association. here. he says his patients regularly and do agonizing weights, hospital treatment the most over a year, plus a certainty for routine or urgent red flags are slightly different and but you know, some of her elderly patients, for example, you need joint replacements. they could wait 56 years to see
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a surgeon long term problems within northern islands. public services have been worse and by this crippling balance of political deadlock, the politicians about to resume their duties. know that to a large extent, that will be judged by how quickly they can start to put them right. our equals it, i'll just, you know, fast a place and 2 kias of at least 7 people who are taking a whole state of fine, pre owned by us company. likely officials say they detain the government after 9 hours of a sudden death. the suspects have posted pictures on social media, something next to a drawing of the palestinian flag. and what appeared to be a protest against is really actions in gall. so you're going to follow those stories on our website as l g 0 dot com is updated throughout the day that close the top story. we continue to monitor what's going on in goals that we don't correspondence in my colleague dublin georgia to have the full half of news on the other side of the break. but until then from me on the news team here in the hall.
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thanks for your time. and company the weather and then after that the full reports continues here on out just to stay with the the now it should be western tropicals, queens this time the candidate has been in fact this color of funding on the ground . but as a result of the circulation here, which is nothing named sika in the, you have to think maybe it should be the amount of writing is going to drop in this part of queens and all northern territory over the next day or so. that is the effects of the heavy right now as far as pre drive picture fuel costs, which as a busily no, but up to $61.00 degrees, has a nice that will just have a for you. the real hot weather has been further west and it's still hot from marble bar in land. she leaves most of the desert here but is hauled, but the hops also shows itself who birds go and then down to the new site as well.
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so yeah, back at least it's cooling down in christ church. the still rain, they're not as heavy stretch. sorry. if i know if all it was 19 snow, which is maybe, you know, i kinda expect with the south west wind with the northeast wind. you'd think carrying big showers is a risk of the funding, despite the lack of warnings in the southern philippines, the same risk extends down to java and something to monitor more when to to come expectedly for how can i do a hot shoe box that our warnings active, unexpectedly heavy snow coming through this path of china in waves and just the size of the young c pretty heavy. right? to boot of the no cost agent on the way. yeah. the agent come being played here and to tell for a record the time when people say you go to the tournaments, but only one will be crowned champions. right across the action. on
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the us is always of interest to people, right? the world people pay attention to this one here and i'll just do this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the .


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