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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready of the rock warns of disastrous consequences for the region after a series of us twice on a rainy and link tockets. so i'm putting back to boy, you're watching l g 0. live from to ha. also a head does in scale. denise really attacks on raphael, 7 guys that way. hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians or sheltering
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the 10s of thousands take part in protest. seeing central london calling for an immediate cease fire in garza and an historic shift northern island guest, his 1st national fest, 1st ministers, the government return to work after to the thank you for joining us. russia has call for an agents meeting of the un security council after the us bombs targets in iraq in syria, killing, and enjoying dozens of people, iraq's ford ministry. as for many protested to washington, at least 16 people, including civilians were killed in iraq. find that damascus and t, ron has condemned the tax accusing washington of destabilizing the reach of the us says it has at least $85.00 a ron league targets in iraq and syria using long range promise flowing from its
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soil. washington says that is in response to our drone attack on an army base in jordan. nice weekend that killed 3 us soldiers. michael apple begins coverage. this is the aftermath of us say, strikes on all time in iraq, cause and ben dot buildings mark bear with tex took place about 350 kilometers north west of baghdad. getting on the groups linked, we run across both the dock and serious long range bomb is flu directly from the us to carry out the operation. u. s. military forces struck more than $85.00 targets at 7 facilities utilized by a wrong islamic revolutionary article. and another thing is that they sponsor 3 of the facilities under rec, for them are in syria. in a statement, the rocky government says it condemns the strikes as new aggression against the
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rocks sovereignty. a serious ministry of foreign affairs says the attacks full within a series of violations that the us has continued to commit in the country. we went to visit us by lots and what was the, how the there were us strikes on the residential compound that have buildings occupied by iraq's popular mobilization forces. and then it grew up equipment and rockets stored in these buildings, causing damage to properties and killing people. before the in condemning via text runs, interior minister has also warned washington to stop supporting israel. we cannot in any move against the resistance, we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that with the americans, but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design is tricky model. washington described the bombings as a response to a drone attack on american forces. nearly
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a week ago. 3 soldiers were killed and dozens injured at the military base and jordan, they bodies wherever 10 to the us on friday, us president joe biden promised the response. and now that's been delivered. presumably the goal of the campaign is to reestablish the terrace, which is at the end of the day, a political and a psychological condition. so the question is, can the, these actions inflict enough damage on a rainy, an interest that the uranium swell? uh, you know, basically step back from doing this sort of thing. you're getting the future ah, some on groups in iraq, all pledging more attacks on us targets in the region. the, the white house says it's not seeking, brought a conflict, especially not with the run bus and carrying out these strikes us is juggling,
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detouring further attacks on its forces with trying to contain regional spillover mike level, which is their us and that sounds alive to i'll just here is how do you, ashen, who's in a bank that for a so tell us about the rocky reaction to the strikes and what steps they might take and response what tomorrow in the morning that would be a funeral for the people that killed in the american strikes or no time and dr. a shot to the west. i'll try it all for the iraq. you government has come done. the american attacks at the i recognize as strikes and the said that the claims it has a lot of the natives with the united states of, of these attacks is us attempt to deceive people. however, this government team, but that is the number in this situation where it has to deal with the the a strategic part to hitting parts of its body,
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which is the popular mobilization forces. who said that 6 of its old positions on the board, that's where i talked with the american mid size after midnight. now, the government is issuing statements. what are the same thoughts? the all the statements being issued by the islamic, this is the assistance of the rock who said that it has a thought to american positions one close to be and how do you race? i don't know of us inside syria and this reflects the situation with this. a good situation in iraq with this tension is taking. i don't know if that they mention they after they, i know everyone is anticipating where the are going to be. i know the strikes tonight or the especially, that'd be back to the state stress that the strikes of yesterday. all the all are out in the only ones. how do you thank you very much for have allie hashim lives there in bank that that said to washington dc, now and speak to ross jordan?
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so what is the biden administration saying was about the impact of, of the strikes and not any indications that more could be on the way. a well defined administration has already said that there will be more error strikes. we just don't know whether it's going to be today in a few days in a few weeks. they are trying to reserve, they say the element of surprise even though they are saying quite frequently, that there will be follow on air strikes. now we're also still waiting for the damage assessment from friday's air strikes. more than $85.00 targets were hit at 7 locations in a rock and in syria, according to us officials. and they say that while they waited for the weather to be optimal so that the pilots could carry out these air strikes while i'm making certain that they weren't straying into areas where civilians would be, they are saying that they were targeting not just military installations,
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but the members of the i, r g c codes force and local affiliate type groups, supported by a ron that might be stationed at those 7 locations. so there they are putting out the very strong possibility that there will be casualties among those who work out those 7 locations on friday when the b one bombers and other members of the air strike component carried out these attacks. now one other thing that the us is trying to underscore is that it's not trying to ratchet up tensions across the middle east, even though other countries have criticized it for carrying out these airstrikes. in fact, the question was raised during that conference call on friday evening. and john kirby who speaks for the national security council at the white house, basically said that by targeting command and control centers, intelligence centers, weapons warehouses,
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and other facilities that are run by the codes force and local affiliate groups in both countries. factor us in the absence was the f, the leading because the groups that were using all of that equipment and working out of those buildings can't carry out any more attacks because they don't have access to the things that they would have needed. so certainly there is a war of words, but the us is stressing it does not want of regional war ross. thank you very much . was named jordan i there in washington, dc and resources that is in taylor on. when more on a ron's reaction to the strikes, the tone is much softer than expected. so at 1st the scene of these attacks. busy a clear way nation or iraq sincerely as 70 antenna atoria, the integrity. and these are mistakes being repeated by the usa, and it will not does that tests will not produce any positive results,
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but just further escalate the tension. then to say that zip x are sort of mean 3 is read. i don't see that i can do as a more and more in the region which is increasing the possibility of a, of a y, the war which both countries you run and just say repeatedly, have say that this is something that they do not want. then also, the iranian statements or fishes stevens are seeing that the root cause of the cries is, is not this resistance groups you run outlined to groups that goes to region by design is regina and is occupation of palestine. so, but when it comes to whether there has been any damage inflicted on you running infrastructure admitted to the infrastructure in the last night to attack, there is no mention there's nowhere nor reference to them. and if there has been any running nationals or military personnel that they're being killed, there is no reference to that as well. they're completely ignoring that part. so,
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and if you're on is going to be tell you it or not, no mention of that as well. and people familiar to the issue or seeing that the reason for these kinds of tone is that run is trying to distance yourself sort of this is resistance groups. and also trying to diffuse a passion and to de escalate the situation. the war on guys and now in these rallies, intensifying these attacks. and 7 guys, at least 26 protest needs have been killed in 2 as strikes katya lopez or the on has more and a warning. their distressing scenes in her report for the morning. the dead has become a part of the daily life. osmond bits farewell to his 8 year old son. one of several palestinians killed by his really airstrikes and bravo in southern gauze, up here,
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benches outside hospital grounds become make shift marks where families prepare. loved ones for period of the border. the my son, this with dog. now he left me here alone. all these ranges are killing our children and that women were not wanted people to tool. we just want to go to work and come back home nearly 4 months into israel's world garza families stay there. desperate and exhausted. this is the 1st step on those in jamalia. so we move to con eunice. we've a targeted again and losey. we then came here to rasa, but the attacks continue when the bombing started. i couldn't breathe, i was screaming. so how this has become routine for civil defense and rescue cruise taking the injured to barely functioning hospitals,
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hoping they'll be treated and survived inside conditions are dire. the floor often replaces hospital. that's the age shortage, crippling guns that is evidence and the fuse healthcare facilities still able to offer services and this is what's left of their neighborhood. much of it now destroyed. israel has intensified. it's a tax on for offline to south, near the border with egypt. it's the city where is really forces order posted is to go the city where israel said they'd be safe. now, hundreds of thousands of people who are forcibly displays some of them repeatedly, have nowhere to go. nowhere to find refuge of the month is that i'm a i'm still in shock. we were told raska was safe, but it's not my mother was killed in these attacks. enough please. i just can't talk anymore. let me just go to the those who survive. the bombings grieving,
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loved ones who didn't, and wonder what more israel's were wrong cause of will take from them. capielo physical again, how does there? and let's get an update on the situation in guideline speak to onto their attire. god was women rough. i've been more strikes on ross, i tie, tell us about what's been happening. stay of the yes. fully. indeed we have been seeing a very good notable increase of military strikes. so rough i district within the past 24 hours especially that these have been targeted overnights where at least $26.00 palestinians have their reports. it kills them in the past few hours, more strikes in the eastern part of a rough law where it had been widely attacked, a net residential building that had been a able bought it by the use ready men to treat one palace. same child had been killed in the strike,
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alongside with the at least full policy and others being injured. and in fact, this is a part of the series of air strikes that had been carried out today on the gaza strip. were at least during the past 24 hours more than $107.00 palestinians were opposed to killed. and more than 140 others ended till this very moment, especially the desktop, increases it to the ongoing statements released by the it's very defensive about to start you off kalonde about the possibility of extending the fire and the fighting to reach a roof for hans especially that people here are completely tear following from the option simply because they do not have any other place to. busy go to, in order to succeed, they have been following these very orders since october. the 7th says right now they have new choices just to live inside this very densely populated area. and we have been all sorts of being docked because strike had been the strikes that they've been carried out to ruffle, had been the majority of them had been carried out on the eastern side of the
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district. these areas were any possible military grounds. conclusion will be started from that point or from that side in order to take full control over rough i district, till now. people not terrified or wondering about the possibility of the next se, if they're up there will be fighting, has corrupted in a rough as they are no longer will be able to cope with the humanitarian situation . if they be given for tennessee to return back again to the nose or to con, you to succeed on the move going on growing talks about the possibility of doing this. so literally right now, there strikes continues as another day has been recorded at where these body forces are launching wide military offensive on the gaza strip. thank you very much for the update tire capitalism lives in rafa. southern gaza still ahead on algae 0. we'll be taking a look at some of the days i've been using the election on certain team synagogue president,
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mikey saw him definitely postponed an upcoming vote to name his success the what constitutes exempt. so we generally try to see, i want you to start with just the facts rose to what happened as independent. we want fees we want, i want to we don't have to leave them in the policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services the claimant reports. would that i should just trust the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of
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the of the pots and back and recap of our top stories on which is yeah, a rocky. ron and syria accusing washington of destabilizing the middle east. this is up to view a city from 85 yvonne link targets in iraq in syria,
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killing at least 16 people. washington says it is in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in jordan last sunday in gaza. is there any forces that killed at least $26.00 minus 2 ends in as strikes in the center and southern parts of this trip? more than a 100 people have been killed in the past 24 hours at the united app and it says it will allocate $5000000.00 to the fund to fund the u. n. 's agency for palestinian refugees is the latest in a group of countries that have increased donations of to major donors, including the us and britain, suspended funding is comes out to israel a q several, and right employees of taking part in the october the 7th of tax on the side of news route, early airport, your goal in spain pledge to continue financing the agency, which is a lifeline for millions of palestinians. a tens of thousands of protesters have been rallying in london calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza.
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the. it's the latest in a series of sony divers. he demonstrations in various capital, cities to condemn israel's war, and to a she's really government to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. organizers expected 300000 people to join the march in britain's capital during the whole has more from the protest in london or the, this is a result of pressure to deposit as it is a to get to try through. indeed. so we'd like to go through the crowd very, consist of the possibility of spillover worried about something you see today. this particular supposed to be you guys, since states has to go to just to see the hey,
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preliminary judgment last month holding on is right to end any actions that could lead to genocide. so that as well as bottles of transport into the war a ceasefire. to the genocide she contains me. shallow name has become the 1st republican and 1st catholic, 1st minister of northern ireland. i am honored to stand here as the 1st minister on a was so name as leader of northern islands, developed administration as power sharing the power sharing government has returned for the 1st time in 2 years. the government and the assembly had dissolved when unionists withdrew over post brakes of trade agreements. harry foss, it has more from still months on michelle, on is opening address. so she put a lot of the energy of a speak to no real speech into what is needed to be done here in the, in terms of normal governance. that's something that they haven't seen here for
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nearly 2 years. and that was an echoing of that from the new deputy 1st minister as well. the d u. p deputy 1st minister and my little 10 gary who said that we show is a committed republican. i'm a unionist will never agree on those issues, but cancer does, doesn't discriminate. and the health service needs to be fixed, i think, is that really doesn't calculate how a lot of people here feel that this is a major milestone. but what they really want to see is the kind of everyday issues that would be neglected over the last couple of years. finally being addressed. it is largely trying to get those public services back into a fittest state. they have been running, they've been run by civil servants in the interim, but in terms of profit budget, treat planning, proper reforms. we've seen them slip behind the sorts of levels that they are in the rest of the united kingdom, particularly the health services. that is something almost everyone you speak to here, talks about. and so as part of the nudging towards this, that we've seen from the british government,
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that has been this big figure that's been laid out. that's $3300000000.00 pounds, $4200000000.00 us dollars, which is supposed to be released now that we do have power sharing back in, in northern ireland. so practiced on so i'm a prime minister in mankind, has been sentenced for the 3rd time this week. the court ruled his marriage in 2018 was unlawful and sentenced a couple to 7 years in prison. khan was given a 14 year sentence for corruption earlier this week and 10 years the following day for making states decrease sconces all charges athletics. it could be politically motivated to stop him taking part in next week's elections. but he seemed to a key of arrested 17 suspected members of iso following a, shooting at a catholic church. one person was killed at the santa maria church at nissan bull last week. after reading apartments in the city, police said that prevented similar attacks. i saw fighters were finding not just sent a guy with president,
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microsoft has postponed the presidential election that was due on february, the 25th and a tv address to the nation. he announced that he canceled the relevant electro law fighting a dispute over the list of election candidates. his senior director, i've signed a degree of february, 3rd 2020 for repealing that of november 29. 2023. can reading the electoral body as for me, by some commitment not to run for the presidential election remains on change. and finally, i will initiate an open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent, and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciling sydney got it. and i'll just say or is making this high cost more from senegal, capital the car, a lemon central the car right now. just rear right behind me. you can see police in riot gear that had been deployed throughout the capital. there's been some call on social media to protest, but for the moment we're,
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we're waiting to hear from the candidates and sell bill, have a joint press conference at 17 gmc, where they will spell out how they feel about what the decision taken by present. like you said, we already get a sense of what's going on with i might do spa, he's the ruling party candidate, the prime minister of president lucky sales governments. and he's come out to say that words matter because present like you saw has said that he has counseling the elections, not delaying it, but cancelling these elections. so the words about her, and we'll see next what these candidates will say. they want to see the elections go ahead. police and find some arrested. a man suspected of stabbing several people at a train station. 3 people were injured at gander leo in paris. that ones weren't life threatening detectives. they're looking for a motive for the attack and have a traveler's to remain vigilance. tens of thousands of protesters
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a riling in germany's capital berlin to condemn what they say is a right wing extremist and so many protests of land. and now the german cities for a 3rd successive weekend demonstrations began following reports. at the far right alternative for germany party had discussed the deportation of foreigners and germans with immigrant backgrounds. domini kane has more from ballot. a demonstration is like this one in the center of the capital city has been happening on a regular basis ever since. the revelations of that meeting in pottstown in november, way days reported that the same a cut seal was discussed, the full, the full taishan, my girl. she came here. why has jennings, although the day has this association fell from a meeting. the people are convinced that crying, say aloud, they don't want that. yeah,
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the interesting thing is that the opinion polls appear to suggest that actually support for the if day is dwindling before the revelations of the pots. then me think the policy was getting as much as 24 percent of the vote that has not dropped to around 19 percent. but that's really sort of across the country. around 10000000 germans support the fall, hike f day. and it's jointly to says, wait till the elections in east germany in september to see how powerful the 10s, dominic came. alger 0, poland in russia at least 20 janice has been arrested at a protest against the war and ukraine. the reporters were covering the latest riley in moscow health by the lives of soldiers fighting in ukraine, had been protesting of the kremlin for several weeks to demand the safe return of the husbands and media reports in russia. c, a court has ordered the arrest of an activist accused of helping ukrainian refugees . a dead shotwell since kaya denies her social media channel,
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to appeal for donations to the ukrainian army. and that is a news for now on. ouch is here. i'm fully back to go on have another option here and use our for you in 30 minutes right after inside story, which looks at the impact of the latest us tried sony ring and makes codes in iraq and syria savings. the had low that unsettled weather has been a dominant feature across the middle east and live. and we've got hail in egypt, snow in some of the mountains in saudi arabia. and what, whether that continues to push into the event. and the shot was also the on sunday, moving into israel, the occupied palestinian territories 11 on and syria, and the much cold. the fuel comes into play for damascus. on monday,
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the wintry and wet weather continues to advance its way east. over the next few days. for the south of this much dry, a bit of shamal wind kicks up across the golf with accrued a feel for places like re add and go over the next the next few days, particularly at night. now for the north of africa, high pressure comes back into play across move in areas of out julia, pushing the temperature up there over the next few days. it dries up from northern libya and egypt, but still some cloud link is as we go into monday for the south of this a dry up, but when the west, so even further south of it's across that central band of africa, we're seeing the rain pump away from angola through to madagascar some very heavy rain here over the next few days. heavy rain for eastern areas of south africa and much try it in the west with an extreme fly, a danger for the west and take off
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the months of the bucket. gone as ordering a general election on february the 8th with its former later on, gone in prison, many focused on either asking if the boys will be free in their without the data for the latest development and deep end analysis. there is no title that covers world news like we do, we revisit places, the state houses are really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, how far will the us go? it looks like it, ron links targets, and then at least washington is counted on strikes against pro error on the groups in syria and iraq, the retaliation for drawing a tax last week in june. so could this spill over into a why the conflicts this is inside story, the


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