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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 4, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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the government challenges here with the the us and you can launch more strong sonnus booth the targets in humans capital part of an operation against a rainy and linked targets. the control mccrae, this is all just there. a line from our hot also coming up a region on edge around and condemns fridays. us as strikes and iraq and syria, as a mistake, is ready as strikes, pound profit, and southern because we have hundreds of thousands of displays. palestinians seeking shelter corresponds raged through central chile killing thousands. the
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present declines the state of emergency to try and bring the process under control . the american and british strikes have again targeted hootie with insights and gym, and the operations follow a series of similar strikes recently of the attacks on shipping in the red sea us they've, coalitions has 36 sites, were attacked, including anti ship cruise missiles, product routine, medius, is the capital of santa and the ports of the, of her data. with his early on friday, the us loans dozens of the strikes and iraq and syria targeting groups linked to around civilians were among at least 16 people killed in a rock. now latest and baghdad, formerly protested to the white house, damascus to enter on have also condemned the strikes. a more we can,
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can any move against the resistance we reject and condemn these attacks that will ignite the resistance. they must act wisely, which is very unlikely. we can't see that what the americans. but if they do choose to act wisely, they should stop supporting design histories. email valona would us forces including be one long range bombers had id 5 targets in rock and syria. and the pen to go on site, they would use by around the revolution regard. and as proxies was invitation for the killing of 3 american soldiers and a drone attack on an army, bison. jordan, last weekend, russia has requested an urgent you in security council meeting to discuss the american strikes while at the military spokesman for the who these say is the strong sound human will not dissuade them from quote, supporting the palestinian people. mohammed laptop has more from humans, capital, so on the us british, uh, uh, were please have carried out a series of areas twice symbol, boston's in different the many cities. uh,
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we under the control of the unsettled off of these, the new i rice a read. so we're on the miles are on and also on that day, which places the yeah. oh the say that they have already be targeted in eli. it'd be, it'd be war. so we are talking about an increasing air strikes by the us and prison in order to. busy limits what the say be as healthy as an ability on came a loyalty to, to head us and british marine, and they're up to us or to, to an operations to, to stop the matter. we try move these ready money time along the route. see another see the say this is a pressure on his realtor to put an end to it's a question on people and guns and also to and it's located there with us is that who sees full size for the consequences if they don't stop attacking ships and the rid, say a white house correspondent kimberly held kids in washington dc with more the
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following a 2nd wave of attacks this time on who the targets by the united states, along with its allies, the united kingdom, the us central command or sent. com, as it's known, did confirm that there were 36 who the targets that were struck. there were 13 locations in total. what we know is that the goal was to disable, as well as degrade the a ron back. malicious ability to strike us interest in the region. well, we understand is that weapons facilities were targeted along with missile systems and launchers as well. air defense systems and radar. now we know the strikes were large from both ships as well as fighter jets and these targets were selected because we are told they were responsible for unrelenting attacks against the us interest as well as international interest in the region. now,
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the defense secretary lloyd austin did issue a statement following this 2nd day of strikes by the united states in it. he says this collective action sends a message to the who sees they will bear further consequences if they don't. and illegal attacks on international shipping. and naval vessels. we should point how the united states it, whether it be the bible administration, or whether it be through the us military or other various folks. people has repeatedly said time and time again. the target that strikes are not meant to expand this conflict in any way. just the opposite. in fact, what the united states says this is designed to do is to not escalate but de escalate. in fact, the us saying it is not looking for direct confrontation with the ron kimberly
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health it, elda 0. washington to israel is continuing its attacks and south and gaza. at least 26 palestinians have been killed in 2 is drugs. terracon blizzard has more now from rough. today where you have been clearly a c dot to the user, the forces had been widely attacking the eastern areas of rough life, especially in a cell i'm neighborhood. that is one of the areas that is also a jason to the city of han, eunice till now the ongoing, the bottom. it did not stop in the city or rough uh, has the sound of these really surveillance of drugs and 5 digits could be clearly overhead a midnight where a ton of citizens are completely right now, taking shelter in the max, the mass filters in the mice and the mass makes shift areas that they have been living inside and bomb it also have calling you to city had been going on within the past few hours where they have targeted. the facility of the european hospital were an impulse, palestinians being injured and killed in that strike and different departments of
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the rookie and hospital had been partially inflected with the scrub. and those that had been hitting the buildings that is due to the destruction of one of the fuel station that is a close to the european hospital in the city of hon. you to send. this is a part of the genocide, the military campaign that had been lost by east bed on the southern part of gauze as straight as well boiling concerns about the next step that the usability forces might take. especially if they wanted to transfer the bottles into start the practically ground inclusion into route to reflect the district as one well as what we have been seeing within the past 24 hours, they have been intensifying. the military attacks are rough. i especially in the eastern part, which gets it to be the main stop point for any possible ground evasion. in order to take full control over a $516.00 in the united arab immer, it says it will allocate $5000000.00 to funds the u insights and see for
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palestinian refugees is the licensed and the group of countries that have increased donations, optimize your doing this including the us and person suspended funding. this comes up is where i like you 6 out of of, of $15000.00 over what employees of allegedly taking pos in the october 7th attack on southern israel. elliot portugal in spain pledge to continue financing the agency, which is a lifeline for millions of palestinians and gals that ends the region. but since the beginning all of it's for israel has besieged and detach kansas hospitals, the impact on the 2nd engine palestinians has been given starting. now that some is ready, forces have withdrawn from the north, the she a scale of the result on cost us health care system is being revealed. here's what one journalist documented at the helm of hospital for rehabilitation and artificial limbs. in northern garza the
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of hundreds of is riley's have health protest in tel aviv demanding that the
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government does more to ensure the return of all remaining captives, health and goals. and there are currently $136.00 campus housing causes, including live in foreign nationals, a brief truce, and nothing but allowed for the release of $105.00 captives. and jim june was at the demonstration organized by the families of the captain at a time when there is more and more speculation is real about the potential for a cease fire that would see the release of is really capital engaged in exchange for perhaps thousands of palestinian prisoners being released. this is the protest that happens every week, every saturday, outside of the ministry of defense, which is over here. these, this protests organized by relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. now, when this protest started, shortly after october 7th,
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it was more of assignments, protest, this area behind us, this is now known as hostage square. and this is where the relatives come. sometimes they grieve nowadays they call on the government to do more to ensure the release of their relatives, those campuses that are being held in gaza. what we're hearing tonight, even though it's a smaller crowd than it has been in the last few weeks overhearing tonight, is people being more vocal being a bit more critical of the government say, this is the time the time is now to make sure those captains are released, we also worked in some speakers. it said that while they know that there are 2 objectives to the war, one is to eliminate to how, how much the other one is to get those captive release. and they say that that is what's the most important goal of all i mentioned to them under the calories. tens of thousands of protesters have late in london cooling for an immediate cease
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fire and gaza installations in a series of demonstrations in various capital cities to condemn as rails one is the is really government to allow more humanitarian aid into cancer. joined a how has more from alonzo it is very smart of it's kind through central london calling for an end to the war on guys up for testers. now, feeling white whole this week to screeches on the edge apartments where right the seats of government here. and in fact the message clearly and as much as the government is rel to pressure at the end. it's more on gaza as it is aimed at the british government to raise to get support israel. and this war on god. very important to feel the pressure talk there on the government because they're one of the supports the side results buquet. you
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as the support is one cannot do anything. i didn't quite sick mix group. so the organization is represented here, calling for a cease fire now, but also people are supposed to do expressing their concern and alarm at the possible implications in the region of this war, the potential for it spilling out and affecting other countries. and remember, this is the 1st march, since the international court of justice in the hague last month issued its preliminary judgment pulling on his route to take any actions that could lead to genocide that's represented here as well. i just watch the elevators as the when i load the police presence around a 1000 offices policing based march, but warning that over signs of mt very sentiments or indeed pro hamas sentiment
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may be faced with arrests the crowd. now. so overwhelmingly, please don't know how i'll just london to some other news now and the president of namibia how guy and golf has died. he was 82 years old. this statement from the presidency said he had passed away just after midnight on sunday, at a hospital in the capital where he was being treated for cancer. he had been diagnosed just last month. golf had been president of new movies since 2015 was sent. a goal as president has postponed the presidential election, which was due to be held later this month. and an address to the nation. mackey sold the size of a dispute involving the constitutional court of the rejection of susan candidates about the indefinite postponement has prompted resignations, angel, and go from opposition groups. nicholas hawk reports from the capital. the com hours before the start of the much anticipated presidential campaign. president
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lucky sel makes an unexpected announcement from the presidential palace. the cancellation of the election scheduled for february 25th. junk resident, a jello not sure not over. after they will initiate and open national dialogue to bring together the conditions for a free, transparent and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconciled sending gun policy. the announcement surprised may voters who hopes to have a sale of their country's future liberties. all microsoft that i use has betrayed the spirit of dialogue about you has betrayed the senegalese people. the base of the social contract is our country's constitution and they've got it. yeah, about the phrase, a price of $40.00 to the prices and who knows? maybe um, if there be a position, a decided during the approvals, maybe we're going to face via there's a fight inside parliament on thursday sparked selves. decision allies of opposition
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leader carrying water cues, constitutional court judges who compiled the list of election candidates of taking bribes to par him from the race. judges deny any wrong. doing opposition and peace voted for a parliamentary inquiry and called for an election delay pending the outcome for wides supporters solves decision is a small victory. while there are celebrations at kareem large party headquarters. this is a moment of unprecedented instability in what is normally known as the most stable democracy in west africa that it go has experienced only peaceful transitions of power for the opposition. the announcement is seen as a constitutional cou, a ploy by the president to extend his 12 years in power 18 election candidates gathered to denounced the president's decision. then they gotta do more like you. as the hold of senegal must rise up old democratic political forces,
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old forces of civil society should unite to show that this project does not succeed on the eve of the stock for the electro campaign. it's unacceptable to stop a process of this nature as well. sol says he will run in the event of a new election. he has not given a date for when that will be made for many that springing anxiety and uncertainty to a nation and custom to peace and stability. nicholas hawk elgin's era? the car? well, still a hit here on the elders era mass protest across the gym and a 4 foot week in condemning growing right wing extremism. plus, i'm unaware that i follow in san salvador, where the country's president naval candidate is expecting a landslide victory. and this weekend's national election, this despite a constitutional ban on presidential re election that's coming up, the
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had low that unsettled weather has been a dominant feature across the middle east and live. and we've got hail in egypt, snow in some of the mountains in saudi arabia, and what, whether that continues to push into that event. and the shot was also the on sunday, moving into israel, the occupied palestinian territories 11 on and syria, and the much cold. the fuel comes into play for damascus on monday. the wintry and wet weather continues to advance its way east. over the next few days. for the south of this much dry, a bit of shamal wind kicks up across the golf with accrued a feel for places like re add and go over the next the next few days, particularly at nights. now for the north of africa, high pressure comes back into play across move in areas of algae area, pushing the temperature up there over the next few days. it dries up from northern libya and egypt,
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but still some cloud link is as we go into monday for the south of this a dry up, but when the west, so even further south of it's across that central band of africa, we're seeing the rain pump away from angola through to madagascar some very heavy rain here of the next few days. heavy rain for eastern areas of south africa and much try it in the west with an extreme fly, a danger for the western k of the phone. counting, the cost of china is economy face has a slew of setbacks. is it in serious trouble? tech giants, making big profit, skip by laying off thousands of workers plus poly employment, while employees increasingly working multiple jobs. counting the cost on that, which is 0. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as instead of going on. the way that you tell the story
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is what can make a difference. the you're watching else is there a reminder about top stores, the salad, the us, and that you kind of have launched? a new wave of the air strikes against vicky. fonts isn't human pro, who's the media, says the capital sauna, and the for the city of how data has been, has washington says, 6 n t ship cruise missiles, with a strong alia, russia requested an urgent you in security council meeting to discuss you with strikes and by the rock and syria, on friday, washington had 85 ron links targets in both countries, killing 16 people. and that was invitation for a drawing attack which killed 3 american soldiers in jordan last week. and his
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right forces have killed at least 26 palestinians and, and strikes and central and southern guns. so hold on. 100 people have been killed since friday. 55 is struggling to contain bald finds that splitting out of control in highly populated part of the coast so so per i serve region president gabriel birch has declared an tional state of emergency. so thought at least 51 people have been killed in the places that from the capital l. as in america, it said lucy in human reports and in for june, in what's known as to these garden city. strong winds of up to 60 kilometers an hour and scorching sheets had been feeding the flames, destroying everything in their path. especially holmes. the look, there is nothing left of my house. nothing is you can see. the neighbor across the street could not leave. he burned to death because he did not want to leave his house. i lived alone here, present company and bought each declared
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a state of emergency and divided, but a sole region and addressed the nation to say that so far, dozens have died. donna will be soon as another celia given the conditions of this tragedy. the number of faithful victims will surely increase in the coming of this . but the figures we are announcing of those that have been confirmed by the appropriate for states. the fires come in the middle of a heat wave and as tens of thousands of julian's have been heading to the coastal regional vend but a so for summer holidays, traffic jams on the main highway are handling the mobility of firefighters and ambulances. the government has declared a career few from 9 pm to 10 am in the region. but why don't you get a lot of stuff but to get your coffee will help to free up the rights for emergency vehicles also so that people who must be evacuated can do so as quickly as possible . and so that no one can be left wondering around pierre's stuff has been evacuated
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. the government is trying to prevent losing thousands of people have been forced to evacuate in just minutes. but some, especially elderly people with limited mobility could not escape in time. of the government says it will investigate arsonist the cause of these deadly fires. like 1st says the president, the priority is to save lives. the sea and human al jazeera santiago in the us state of south carolina. dr. biden's won the democratic primary nomination for the 2024 us selection is the 1st time south carolina has come 1st on the list of states. supposing in the democratic primaries about 26 percent of its residents are black and the volume seems of tends to be support the bye. i of hundreds of vehicles caring protests as opposed to illegal immigration. converged on the us mexico border on saturday and cooling themselves. the take i'll bore to back convoy the participants were mostly 5 rides. conservatives and critics have become very
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worried could fuel and t emigrant sentiment. how does it was? how does your castro has more from a boat of town in texas? a convoy of 200 vehicles carrying americans protesting against migrants entering the country, drove to the border. they called themselves gods army. we're definitely the army or god. i, we're my cross. every day. says get your bogged down to the border initially, self described by some participants as a christian militia. the convoy in reality, ended as a rally half kilometer from the board or near equal past texas. the epicenter of migrant arrivals, police searched for weapons. but while the rhetoric was charged with anger and some misinformation, the event itself was peaceful. it's the turn a part,
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all of our major cities, texas especially, i mean this is the front door. and um, there everywhere. the us recorded more than 300000 unauthorized border crossings in december, a record high. most people are fleeing violence and poverty in latin america. many bringing their children. a few pro migrant advocates a ride to counter the convoy. we see these border towns as our modern day ellis islands. these are the places where future generations of americans will tell their story about how their families came into the country. this riley is as much about puerto policy as it is about politics. most people here are supporters of donald trump, and they hope that immigration, the issue that elevated him to the white house in 2016 will help trump when again. so this isn't a political move in it is christ calvary, but most everybody here supports donald trump and we don't see any other way to
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make our country right. the protesters, blaine, president joe biden, for the border problem bite and says he's done all he can using executive powers and that congress must now act heidi joe castro. elder 0 came out of texas, and thousands of migrants had been rescued in the atlantic ocean near the canary islands. the spanish coast guard vessel towed to the boat towards the grand canal area. red cross volunteers looked to us in migrants from senegal and west africa. they joined within 7000 migrants, landed in the spanish territory in january and fried scripts estimate the 6000 drowns, trying to get there last year and making it the world's most dangerous migration versus of more than 150000. protesters have rarely to germany's parliament to contain what they say is right wing extremism. similar protests have taken place across the country for a 3rd success of weekends. some of the kind has this report from bill and these
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people believe they represent the majority view in this country, which they say is disgusted by the far right policies of the alternative. for germany. if day they accuse us of wanting to deport migrants who become naturalized as germans. the policy leadership denies that these demonstrators on not convinced it just became neutralized recently and the civil are trying to take hold from me. germany arabian, i came to germany or on 8 years ago, and i have already lost home to fascist. i don't want to lose the 2nd one. the ways of mice. protests was provoked by would have a meeting held at this building and puts them in the event where leading members of the if day and other permanent right wing is reported to have discussed. the d pull taishan policy known in german as was they me cut soon. a policy lawyers say is unconstitutional and which many people associate with not seems one, i'm always tells me why the protest is used. the phrase never again is now academic
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never again now is decisive for the people because 80 percent says, you don't want to have national social. and they, they feel that they are students here in the endeavor to correct this democracy to destroy this democracy, to make a racist state with all the problems and civil war they, they, they think they will have it. and this is the reason why they are so why this never again now associate, that phrase was also used in parliament against the if day last week. some things this angry response from its joint leader. maybe the gets there, giving him never again is now. must olson moment not having state to fund lead to houses being set up as a secret service to be used against us? the opposition would be a zip based that we're not never seeking the those who are bubble of
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a social democrats. because a mistake collections and eastern germany this summer, they just very well make them pay. yeah, hold on. looking forward to that line. jackson barton b i f day is particularly strong in the old east germany. but demonstrations like these do seem to be having an effect at the national level. in early january, the policy was holding around 2324 percent. now that's dropped to around 19 percent, but that still remains as many as 10000000 germans support the r f de dominant cane houses, era bullet. many south american nations seeing a spike in cases of den guy faith in paraguay homes and being fumey guy says hospitals in the capitalist and still seeing a large number of patients with think a symptoms of facility is staffing a vaccination campaign against the didn't get a virus that follows shop rise and infections, the number of cases in the 1st week of january double from the same period last
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year, as well verses and el salvador prepared for sunday's election. tens of thousands of salvadorans living outside the country have over the cost of ballots. parliament passed a little which allows citizens living a boat to vote from holland over the internet is roughly reports from the capital san salvador, salvador and president. now you book and it is on course to win a landslide re election on sunday. and a lot of that has to do with the support from salvadorans living abroad. thanks to a new building system that has made the 2024 election the 1st to allow internet voting from almost anywhere in the world. for a little bit more to for monday minus the reform law so they can exercise their right to vote. so this is a has story collection. once it will solve, we're going to continue the positive set for us ultimately utilizing yours online voting started on the 6th of january. more than 50000 salvadorans cast their ballots. just the 1st.


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