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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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facing a jail term, informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on out because the era the at least 30 people are killed and it is really strength on homes. in darrow by and central does the time serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 lives from don't also coming up today . got to disagree with others that are these comes to let them know and i, oh my god be shut these. what's that? 45 days of hard. a palestinian doctor tells the story of the torture that endured
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and is really the attention and the us carries out a 2nd day of strikes on the target. plus the worst wildfires and chillies history killed at least $112.00 people 45 years or still burning the we started in gaza where the is really army has bombed heavily populated areas with devastating consequences. an air strike has level homes in the city of darrow, by the, in the central part of district killing at least 30 palestinians, and injuring dozens of others. the injured are streaming into hospitals that are already overwhelmed. also hospital and darrow bella has received the most patients and has been struggling with shortages a few well in medicine. meanwhile,
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some of the heaviest assaults have been on the rasa in the south. that's where israel ordered palestinians to move to for their own safety. and now the israeli army says that it plans to expand ground operations there anymore. mood is in rasa . and southern gaza. honey, tell us what you know about the strikes and central gods on darrow above the yes will good morning to you 1st. let's start by into sizing that intense bombing campaign hasn't to stop at all within the past few days, but has been more concentrated into central area as these really a monetary within the past few days, withdrew from the area. it has become a major size of relentless airs, thrice and artist hillary, setting it from the eastern border or face eastern side of the central area. but we're talking about there is velocity, an area that has been largely designated as
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a safety area at the initial weeks of the war on gaza, where 1000 of people were ordered to leave from the northern part of jobs and cities, and nearly resided in the center of the area has become a major side of those relentless areas, price where it caused a great deal of damage and destruction to multiple homes, including public facility, particularly the west print part of data by city. we're talking about a close to 30 people being killed on those massive relentless over night air stripes. so there is but i city multiple injuries as well by the 10s were rushed to i last saw hospitalized or really overs, world health facilities and just suffer from not only the short visual medical supplies, but also in sufficient number of medical the staff inside the hospital those who are not getting the immediate medical attention, having the risk of dying on the floor of the hospital as they have to wait for long
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hours for a doctor or a nurse to check on them. honey, are you still seeing people arrive from other parts of gaza to the south? so rough uh where you are the yes indeed more people are still is leading the central area and the city of han. you and it's mainly the city of han units. we don't see many people coming in from that part of the guys. it's been because of the intensity of the bombing and the heavy presence of these rated military let alone via taca, drones that are at the hovering at a very low level at the, the cause upon units shooting and removing optic. but particularly as people are trying to lead the targeted areas in the city of hon units and mainly there is intense fighting going on. and it just makes it very difficult for people to leave the area on top of that. there's really another, there has failed to provide
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a safe career door for people. part of trying to leave the city of finance, mainly the western part of it, where it had set up a previously, a check points for people in which it conducted math arrest for young people. those who managed to get to rough cities are really experiencing very difficult living conditions. we're talking about ovary crowd that a space is here, including evacuation centers managed and operated by on or what that's the not in nations for palestinian refugees. talking about evacuation zone, a mossy that's a large new up in san bay area. blacks the facilities, the infrastructure, overall very difficult, top living conditions for people. now the growing concerned as the statements made by it is very defense minister of expanding a military operation here in dropbox. if people don't know what to do it, you don't have any other options. you don't have any, let's say the place to go to a further southern part of the city is. egypt does a border and crossing to egypt will just speed into their permanent displays. been
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but a stay in a roof. i has a high risk of genocide that lacks might come to drop by 60 a tiny motor reporting from ross on the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. a palace thing and dr and gaza says that he was tortured by his really forces during nearly 7 weeks of detention side of the home. on our roof was a pediatrician at all of the hospital in gaza city. and he says he was blindfolded with his hands and legs shackled. here's his story. of the, the, for the most model. so can be the be upfront money, the more stuff, more just the dr. wash it or, and the, and the applause. something that the problem mean definitely specify to disagree with that. is that at least some sort of the on the deep a chevy. what do we have? somebody for john love. so i'm unable to miss tasha.
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uh. use it. i'm not john. well i'm not a 2nd, i'm getting it and sending to that how you who are kind of knew what the study was on the level that i didn't look at was added apology. definitely, especially the stress. 7 disagree with that list so that he can be, should be due then just then just the of the guy that was said by what the one that queued a brown look up to that comes to our to be in your up for them to come to actually do it on was because it is in that case, can you just says pin number lead time. so i mean they oh man. good. and i'm also
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being there. they got a lot of, you know, or what's the, what's the, what's saturday because they had the so you won't let me fussing happy in the 11 yards. and then us as carried up more strikes against who the targets in e. m. and in a new wave of attacks against the run back group, the bite and administration says it does not want the bombing campaign to set off a regional war, but it won't let attacks on us forces and commercial ships go unanswered. national security advisor jake sullivan says more americans strikes are expected. rosalyn jordan reports on this from washington dc. american b. one bombers flowing from texas to the middle east on thursday. part of the body and ministrations plan to retaliate for and a run back to groups. drones strike that killed 3 us soldiers in jordan. i don't
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think the uh, the adversaries are, have a one and done mindset. and so they have a lot of capabilities. i have a lot more to abide. how says the b one and the other were playing to bombs at least 85 targets in a rock and syria targets controlled by the islamic revolutionary guard corps codes force and its affiliates. on sunday, a mandatory notice from president joe biden to congress about the event of the strikes has been taken to deter the i, r g. c and affiliated militia groups from conducting or supporting further attacks on united states personnel and facilities, and have been conducted in a manner designed to limit the risk of escalation and to avoid civilian casualties . the us also watched air strikes on who's the targets in yemen on saturday. and on sunday, this in response to weeks of who the attacks on commercial shipping and
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u. s. navy warships in the red sea, congressional republicans accused biting of cowardice by targeting around proxies and not the country itself. we should not be appeasing or wrong. that's what the binding ministration has been doing for the last 3 years. we're projecting weakness on the world stage by kitchen buttons. national security adviser says that's not true. i would just say from the perspective of t ron, if they chose to respond directly to the united states, they would be met with a swift and forceful response from us. meanwhile, a new round of diplomacy, secretary of state antony blinking is heading to israel. the occupied west bank gutter egypt and saudi arabia for more talks on ending the war and garza and cooling, regional tensions. russell and jordan elgin 0 and the occupied west bank. the is
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really military is again conducting res, across several cities. incursions have taken place in till current in ramallah and novelist and hebron is really forces have arrested at least 30 palestinians and at least 382 have been killed since israel launched as war on gaza. on october. the 7th israel's war cabinet has met to discuss the military campaign in gaza as right wing ministers. put pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu about the next steps of the war on the cell, which reports from occupied east jerusalem. to this war, comedies meeting tonight took place on the hills of a wide or cabinet discussion in which several members of nothing. y'all, whose coalition, including his own ruling, la crude party, had expressed frustration on multiple different levels, saying that they wanted to be involved in negotiations when it came to the release of the captives. they wanted to be brief on everything that the war cabinet was being briefed on and that those discussions should be taking place in the wider
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cabinet since they are members of the coalition. now you have had pressure on these really prime minister over the last week or so from members of the right wing part of the government. we're talking about each more bend. we're the country's national security minister and betts and it's small rich, the country's finance minister, who essentially for the last 10 days have been threatening to leave the government . if nothing, yahoo enters the deal that they say is not in favor of this rule. and that would mean the release of thousands of how soon you detain these from is really jail. so you have that pressure. but then you also have pressure from the opposition benny gans who joined nathaniel whose emergency government, he and his party are not part of the wider coalition. he's saying, but if nothing younger continues to cave to the right and to come to pressure, he's going to leave the emergency government. then you have another member of the opposition. you're le pete, who in the last few days has said if the right wing we've the government,
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he and his party are ready to step into offer netanyahu a safety net. if it means getting a deal that would bring back these really captives from gaza, the pressure just continuing to mount on ness and yahoo also from an international standpoint from the americans. but also remember from the families of the captives who have been saying for around 4 months now that the government has failed them. they are not with them in their plight of bringing back their loved ones saying, but not enough. how has been done. and the prime minister himself has said repeatedly that israel has read lines when it comes to discussions about these deals like he's not going to end the war and he's not going to withdraw. is really troops from guns uh, all of this came as the war cabinet was expecting some sort of answer from us on this deal and negotiations. but that hasn't happened yet. so it is seeming like, well these negotiations and mediators and everyone is involved in these
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conversations. it seems like we are still a whiles away from a deal to us secretary of state anthony blinking has left for saudi arabia. it is his 5th trip to the middle east since, as well as we're on gas it again, and he is expected to make stops in egypt. the far israel and the occupied west. thank you will be in the region for most of the week. the turning to pakistan now were armed, men in the northwest have attacked the police station, at least 10 officers were killed. another 6 injured in the city of dera, smile. hon. pakistan has seen a series of attacks on security forces in recent days. general elections are scheduled, scheduled to take place on thursday after 0 has come. all hider has more on this from some of that. with this particular attack took place and the district of their life might have con, in more fully station,
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which are situated outside the main city of the itemized con knowledge. and remember that data might have gone also borders what was formerly focused on the driver's day to day of how we're doing this done. this was one of the hard beds of the day to get the bon focused on focused on that accused of wellness done, of providing centuries on not doing enough to disrupt the infiltration of the dollar bond fight that they have been attacking the police at random over the past few months, there's been a spike in the number of a tag. dozens of police men have been carried in february police station, so they attacked coming. uh, as you mentioned just days before the election, the dd pay and it's affiliated group. there's a new group which is guard a movement for jihad and focused on the day. a good job focused on. this is a group that has been claiming responsibility for multiple diag,
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that'd been an attack and, but not just on as read and rich for p. d, i a uh, well casual cares. so this is not new. but given the fact that the security forces, the police are going to be deployed on election due date. because this is going to be a sensitive election to have to maintain law in order. so therefore, uh there is likelihood of more attacks against the police at the time when they're busy and election guarantee. but this is not something new and is likely to continue on to the issue is that a dog rid of one is done. and how focused on dues reduced to the still ahead on alpha 0, president and able kelly claims a landslide victory and el salvador is election in front of thousands of cheering supporters. beneficial results board out yet the asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no
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understanding the reality reporting from the action the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been back to h isn't in depth coverage, tying on stakes. it's future on fossil fuels, no renewable. i'll just use teams on the spring you closer to the heart of the story. the 1st when i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves . when i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. in the sports, like wrestling and boxing hip traditionally being of the limits to women,
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one on one age makes the female athletes wash them for the place. and the ring on out to 0 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else a 0, a reminder of our headlines. this our, the is really army is continuing to bomb, heavily populated civilian areas of gaza. and the air strikes has leveled homes in the city of darrow, by the central part of a strip killing at least 30 palestinians. and enjoying dozens of of the us has carried out strikes on who the targets in yemen for the 2nd day. in a row, american forces had multiple missiles,
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they say were prepared to launch against ships. and the red sea bipartisan group of us senators has published the text of a long awaited proposal for a bill that includes military aid to israel and ukraine. republicans have been insisting on allocating funding for us for the security in return for approving more military a to you grant. there have been months of negotiation to get the bill written, but it still needs to be approved in several votes before landing on president jo biden's desk. alan fisher reports on this from washington, dc of the public ins and democrats have been talking about this for months. finally, we've got the details in a $370.00 page bill. it covers both the security a to your credit, and also to issue a $118000000000.00 in total. now on board the security, they're aiming to try and reduce the record number of border crossings that we've seen in recent years is going to be more stringent immigration checks. there's also
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going to be strict are laws one asylum applications. now there's also going to be money for ukraine, $62000000000.00, and also for digital $14000000000.00 to replenish some of the weapons that the of used in the water and gas it. there's also $10000000000.00 for humanitarian aid for ukraine. and guys, which would cover things like food medicine, shelter. and there's also an additional $2400000000.00 for the operations currently under way in the right. so your operations that we're seeing over the last 3 or 4 days. but this bill is already decreasing real difficult. joe biden has said this makes the both the most secure it's being in use gives the present authorization to cause it died on his august republicans to start playing politics with support. but already a number of republican senators are said they're going to vote against the bill. but some of them said that before they knew the details,
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one of the reasons is they don't want to give joe biden, a bipartisan when on a key issue in an election year. not least because donald trump has said he's going to run on the issue of border security. here's another problem for joe biden, steve scully, who is the number one republican in the house. he also shuttles when boats go on the ice floor. he's already said that this is never going to get as far as a house vote, and mike johnson, who's the speaker of the house, or a public. and also i said that if it ever mixed it to the house, this bill is dated on arrival. so for all of job items, hopes that he can get this bill signed quickly. it's already in serious trouble for me hours after it's bill stuff. i'll look for sure. i'll just see the washington as a votes are being counted and el salvador is presidential election. official results are still not out. however, in a book, kelly has already declared himself the winner. his popularity is largely attributed to his crack down on criminal gang some more than 70000 suspected gang members have
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been arrested since he declared a state of emergency 2 years ago. us and truly has declared 2 days of mornings. so the victims of wildfires at least $112.00 people have been killed as fires burned in central parts of the country. there are fears the death toll could rise as about 400 people are unaccounted for. strong winds and high temperatures, or fueling the flames in the coast of those ice or region, and more fires have started further to the south. as our latin america edits are lucy and newman reports began with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce winds in just minutes. they turn these homes into an infernal rook center. miss that tells us every one under her street is pitching in degrees of level, the only thing left of their possessions except for the clothes on their back, and we run for our lives helping our elderly neighbors. we all help for 3 naples,
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died. the heat and the flames were unbearable. the condo fees of the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile, a country already familiar with natural disasters. hundreds remain missing. presumed dead, firefighters continue working day and night to control the fires in the densely populated bottom. but a slow region. 14, a gauge chief with sweets high made has been fighting fires for 40 years, says is convinced they were started deliberately. what, what you're focusing on time. it sounds like they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places. when the winds were extremely strong, humidity, very low, and the temperature is high, but not enough to ignite a fire on its own. this was no accident. the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits which might have taken minutes to light. good,
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2 weeks to extinguish. this may look like a very small fly right now, but this is a pine tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree. they're very deep. they go all the way down here all the way up there. so when you seem to put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again to try to extinguish it. mr. muncie, i lost everything. his car, his home, and just livelihood in nor mrs. green house for growing and selling exotic plants. luckily he was away with it all went up in smoke, unlike his dog napoleon, who survived, but just barely. okay. yeah, yep. i felt that obviously they had been fired before up in the hills, but this time homes were lost and i've been living here 30 years. neighboring countries are offering help, which to me will lead. as reports emerge of new wild fires for this helps to see
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a newman algebra in the park, but i used to region to the the, maybe a has a new entering president, following the death of how game dog and then go and boom, but pledge to uphold the constitution until the new leader is elected at the end of the year. 82 year old gang gulf passed away and hospital on sunday after being treated for cancer. he had been precedent for 9 years after being the movie, as long as serving prime minister. in russia to presidential candidates are set to appear before the election commission on monday to find out if they will be allowed to run against president vladimir putin. orest the best. and, and so game i think of it. sure. both critics of put an end of the war and ukraine . recently election officials said that they would investigate irregularities in their election did paperwork. critics say to move as a way to keep anyone from challenging putin in the march election. coming back to our top story now and israel's war on guns a 15 year old palestinian boy has been named the newton of gaza. he successfully
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generated electricity using the most basic tools and what's left from israel's war . in his words, this is how he did it. and the then, then there's another location of a custom that i'll do them again. let us will. the will have to this elephant, the most likely will have to come in, but i wish they hadn't started. there is no one else in the city of atlanta. no, no, he was city it because you know, for part of the russian. yeah. he's going to the who is about 10 to the dentist.
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hopefully let me look back to me. so to see the finance issue with the you don't know most of the and the issue and then the, you know, measurements shipments that are listed as low as minutes. so the plan of the dispute is the end of the setup and then what it would come out of the had to be you can put a new can know, hey, the sign in phoenix. did they to pick up the side of the service? surely on the handle had to ship the middle and i'm calling to do a lot of these and the fed has not come in
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the nation fee or and that's it from me several than united today. whether it's next on alpha 0. then inside story looks at what's at stake and upcoming general elections, or re navigate. it will be with you at the top of the hours you're in great. the i had a lot of that well, have a look at the weather in africa, in environment with us, of the middle east and live bandwidth. unsettled weather has dominated the story, particularly across places like 11 on and syria, israel and occupied palestinian territories. it has been very cold with some heavy rain in places, but as we go monday into tuesday, the worst of that, which is this way, further east is looking very wintry across east in areas of took here the caucuses,
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but it lies up across the event we will see temperatures pick up here over the next few days. they will, however, be coming down across the gulf. shamal when will blow down keeping things cool for places like re add and grow up particularly at night. it has been rather chilly. not something very dry across the north of africa, but some cold winds have been keeping temperatures down across much of the region. they will be coming up however, in the north east, places like cairo of the next few days, fly up to the south of this west of the southern parts of africa, some active weather stretching all the way from angola through to madagascar. this is where we're going to see the west of the weather. over the next few days. it lies on full johannes, but monday in to choose a sunshine coming through here with just a little bit of rain for cape town that she went on. the
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boat neil's rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly rip through them. in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes old plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on it. just knock. hassan is about to hold another election. the opposition is complaining of unprecedented slits for right. well the outcome makes a difference this time. and just how much influence is the on me having on top of it on the inside story? the
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how are there and welcome to the program. i'm a spouse e. okay. how's pockets done for pass for general elections?


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