tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera February 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the civilians under fire is rarely forced as a target crowds in the city with scrambling for desperately needed dates. the carry, johnston, this is i'll just hear a lot from the also coming up. you ends up kind of steering the refugee agency says this very minute tree is open spot or it's
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a trucks as they enter the concept. so the goal is parliament votes to delay the presidential election until december. buckingham palace announces that king charles has been diagnosed with cancer, is ongoing treatment news begin in gaza, city ways, ready for us. it's a fine. it was a crowd of palestinians, so 18 to collect much needed to monetary aid. it's the 9th day in the road. they've been report solve this way. the troops firing at crowds in gaza, city palestinians had been gathering at the 2 a 2 round about the desperate to pick up food to feed. their families of posting and red crescent society says top officials, that amount of hospitality in the con units have been released from is really
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custody. the general manager and director of the facility had been detained and taken to an online location. meanwhile, the red crescent has released the video showing crowds of displaced palestinians leaving the hospital, palestinians taking shelter at the hospital, having on the siege. fight is very of tax for more than 2 weeks. today marks the 15th day for the continuous decision to add a tax after i'm in the hospital and boom, bored ments and gunfire didn't stop at the facility and i'm at home because there was also direct attacks. and um, is there any con prayers at the hospital and the team? we have loved 3 cliques when they were conducting their humanitarian mission inside the hospital. and the for this plan at headquarters every day, there's injuries and people who are killed inside our facility's because of these continuous is really
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a taps the house speaker has turned out every day with reading did the bodies inside of the yards of the hospital because of the continuous besieged and not being able to send the people who are killed to be buried at the symmetry is now we are witnessing, disaster humanitarian disaster asked. and hospital. there's no food left for that is place people very basic. medical supplies have been run out. we only have, if you, that did left for 6 days more antibiotics run out of medications for people with the chronic diseases, all sort on out and all the efforts to coordinate a safe access to get into the entry of medical supplies and oxygen as well. because also we have run out of oxygen for the 2nd time. and now we have to feed at conducting any surgeries because of the oxygen deflection as well. all right,
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as do has more now from reference. southern garza, of the main focus was on the city of han, you and it's where it has been widely attacked, especially during the facility of a nicer hospital where a number of residential buildings that have been targeted and ongoing, often to reboot bottom until the eastern part of the city now it has been reported according to i wouldn't stay on the ground that been saying that israel is destroying and demolishing a residential neighborhood. one off to the java, especially in the central areas of hon. units that are so close to a nice or hot master hospital where medical teams and if activities are completely unable to being afforded safe, cory to, to get to rough off. but today, uh, people who have been trapped in the uh, i'm a hospice on, had been given a safe cory door to sleep 2 uh, 2 rough uh, a number of, of them had managed to sleep by the opposite still truck inside the medical facility. especially the elderly people and
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a people who are suffering from critical injuries alongside with the medical team square still operating inside this partially operating hospital. the situation in terms of as strikes in the middle areas have caused us to continue, but we have been seeing a gradual increase of violence classes that we in the policy and fight is in the east very so we'll just in gaza city and in every mountain neighborhoods and in a suburb of neighborhood as well in the central areas of kansas city. best in sweats throughout the day to pull the bodies from the robin and gauze, the central city of the all by the up. and it's really striped down sunday, killed and injured thousands of protestants. many of them children sullivan traffic reports. now other warning, some of the images in this report all distressing the is the reading becomes louder,
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it's daybreak and not. or would this be months of suffering an immense district like every of the morning, the bodies are then piled on trucks. these are victims of it's really bombing and data that are in sent to you guys. another mother carries her child the last kiss from the system. the one the children's defeated, defaulting, loved one went off to the other. the dead gathered on the ground. the god is sufficient for us to describe mother and he's really drawn muffins the morning of these mothers, father's husband's brothers and sisters and the join is louder than the funeral repair on day 1. 22. there's no let up in the budman of density populated palestinian areas is really forces withdrew from some parts. this is what remains
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of much of cause. more than 2 thirds of the population is displaced. many of the $1700000.00 displaced people have been pushed out multiple times at the places where they took refuge are also being attacked by is really forces without another attack and data blocking heavy under the family, buried under their home. and by the way, we managed to recover some dead bodies from the rubble. this residential building had 4 floors. a dozen families were inside. these really planes leveled it to the ground. more than a 100 persons, not one or 2 more than a 100, mostly women and children were killed. this is a crime. the more wounded are brought to the end, a good intuitive supplies. alexa hospitals, doctors come to tragic since many of the critically going to die because they cannot provide the request care it's too dangerous to operate incentive
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because it, because of is really forced, has been cited as make things more women and children who make up 75 percent of the killed and wounded colorado pain. the northeast, by the way, into the college, just in the winter, the due date and got the some of the job each other there just published a new release agency when the size is very forces of open fire and it's trucks that carring humanitarian aid into gaza. was released pictures showing trucks that it says was damaged by is really naval gunfire. early on monday, it's on clear exactly where the con, by was when it was attacked by the don't have a low set that wouldn't matter this morning. it was not the 1st time when you're a convoy with a united nations,
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wasn't talking it this the 3rd time it couldn't void belonging to enter well has been exposed to ox docs on its way to the north, or when it's coming back from the north and this is not acceptable, you many to didn't couldn't boys, according to international humanitarian know, must be protected from all parties to the conflict. also during combined to pull off and view and is putting together a group of senior officials to order to other not just amount it's heavy and provided in gaza. they will check whether the you and agency has done enough in response to is very allegations that 12 of its stuff were involved in october. the 7th, the tax investigation will be led by catherine colona, the former french foreign minister. the review group will begin what later this month is expected to publish its findings in april. donors have taken clear notice of the swift action taken by the secretary jones taken by the commission in
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general to address head on issues that may exist a week will continue to communicate with donors. the secretary general has been very forthcoming with them. the commissioner general, i have no doubt, we'll continue to do that as well. we also encourage other member states, you may not have given to unwind the past or had given in the past, but have not given recently and have the ability to do so to show generosity and to show solidarity. even in the security council has been discussing the situation in the middle east, following us strikes on the rock and see we have russia had called the emergency meeting. christmas leave me has more now from you and headquarters in you, of russia called a meeting under the agenda items, threats to international peace and security. they are accusing the united states of
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escalating the war in the middle east with its attacks over the weekend on a rock and syria attacks in retaliation for the killing of 3 military personnel in georgia in the united states. blaming a ron bout groups for those attacks launched attacks on some 85 sites, reportedly killing dozens of individuals. there. russia says that this is in violation of international law and had some very strong words at the meeting. if you take a listen frustrating. so we can prepare the recent events, confirm that the us is not looking for, for has never sold a solution to the problems in the region of the logic of directions is found only in the efforts at any price to preserve the dominant position in the world. and therefore, washington has tried and will continue to try to fight fire with fire and compelling . the chronic disagreements within the middle east to such an extent where it is
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a benefit for that is rarely allied. united states push back against those allegation, same russia called the meeting under false pretenses that the united states has a right under international law to defend itself, to defend its troops and points out that the troops were in jordan as part of an international coalition to fight i sold now and its troops in a rock in order to support that international coalition. and the united states got some support from the united kingdom and others who backed up the united states. right to defend itself. but clearly everyone on the council express concern about the escal atory nature of these attacks. and the possibility that the war in the middle east could be whitening are us 2nd to the states has arrived in saudi arabia . on the 1st leg of the middle east toll on sleep, lincoln is meeting officials in re add more on gallons. are expected to talk the agenda,
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also visit cattle. egypt occupied westbank and israel washington says it's trying to prevent further escalation of age and respond to carrying out s strikes against von linked groups and human rock and syria. i'm gonna jump to you has moved from tennessee when you look across these really media landscape where there are lots of leaks from officials and also anonymously sourced government officials speaking to these different publications. well, they're essentially saying that it's not going to be an easy time for blinking and that the prospect for, and that's in yahoo signing onto some kind of a cease fire deal not quite as optimistic about that as the american counterparts are at this stage. so there's lots of reasons for that, but primarily the biggest one is the kind of pressure that benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister is under right now, both politically and societally. so nothing yahoo right now is facing growing
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pressure from his right wing flank. you have those far right wing ministers, like it's more been give you are the national security minister like both of those monitors. the finance minister who have openly said on multiple occasions over the course of the past week that they essentially would be willing to leave the coalition collapse the government rather than see nets and yahoo enter into some kind of a cease fire deal that would not be advantageous for israel, more and more members of the right are saying that it's unacceptable for them to see thousands of palestinian prisoners released in exchange for the remaining is really capt isn't gaza. also, they're saying it's unacceptable for them to see and into the war without israel having achieved this ultimate goal and objective of completely eliminating how much that so the head don't know, just yeah, we report from should it us bob cruz on the bathroom to contain wild fires spreading through the central coast to reach
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the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa, since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera, being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks.
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide the the deal with balances. here i look at the headlines now. these rarely forces have 5 on the crowd of palestinians. so waiting to pick up for me on a terry and
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a northern gauze crowd said gassett attempts to seize much needed assistance and food to feed their families. as to relieve it, just says is very forces of open fire and it's trucks caring, monitoring 8 into garza, the agency released these pictures showing its trucks damaged by gum, fine us secretary of state and seem lincoln is back in the middle east to discuss the war and gaza, he's been meeting officials in free ads that's expected to travel to israel, that occupies the west bank egypt and cancel the sound of goals parliament's has given its backing to the president's decision to delay the election till december. the presidential polis scheduled for this month, president lucky so cited dispute say, with a selection of candidates for delaying the vote. it was how it has more from the center of these capital. this is a historic moment for sending gold country that has never seen a crew has never seen
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a delay or cancellation of elections. what we've seen just moments ago inside the national parliament, we've seen opposition members leading members of the opposition chanting, the national anthem before being removed by the special forces, then shown down movie that took them out of the parliament. so that a vote to take place without their presence a vote that extends present like yourself stay until december 15th 2024, almost a year. a almost a year's time from now. so at this means that these presidential elections that were supposed to take place on february 25 are now going to take take place in december of this year. but the vote took place under extraordinary circumstances. i say opposition? figures were not in the room outside. there was firing of tear gas and the vote to
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place at the moment where mobile connectivity is down. some of the main media out works out, outlets were shut down. so few people in senegal are actually aware of what the decision has been taken. of the decisions that has been taken by the parliament pretends that king charles has been diagnosed with cancer looking pilots announced that he would not be fulfilling his public duties. last month, the king spent several days in hospital full on enlarged prostate tests then identify the separate type of cancer. so to get your reports from them, the king returned to london on monday to begin treatment. what has been described as a form of cancer. now just the last week, he had been in hospital for treatments to a benign, enlarged, prostate that treatment had been deem to success,
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which makes this news rather shocking. some o the treatment has begun rob a swiftly, the king will not be undertaking any public duties, but he will be still continuing with the state to choose which presumably means he will still be meeting with the prime minister for his weekly meetings. now his son, harry will be flying back to the u. k, from the united states in the coming days. but it is yet and not the set back of news for family, which has already been facing health concerns. the king's daughter in law, catherine has also been hospitalized recently for abdominal surgery as well. and of course, the policy itself is attempting to be as open as it possibly can be, with regards to what treatments and the health situation of members of the royal family. not just because they want to keep the public informed, but also judge the public to be aware of certain signs and to also
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look at their own health concerns as well. finally have done so they've got jago alj, a zebra london, cities, preston, gabrielle bar. it says, declared 2 days of national mourning for the victims of wild foss. sweeping through the it goes to about 4 days a week. strong winds and high temperatures of fusion flames. the death toll has risen to at least $122.00, possibly 100 still missing. there are fish. that number could vize significantly, you know, say it's after you that go 2nd. notice you know this. i think this is caused by a handful of miserable mung students who have come to destroy our city obama. we will hunt them down and put them in prison that you will be what? because these crimes on that is or that's in america, edits understanding reports from about what i so they've been the most devastating the most deadly that this country has ever ever witnessed. and you can see signs of that right, where i am,
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these people that you see here lining up are waiting to give information to the a prosecutor's office. this is part of a long and very painful process for the identification and the delivery of the bodies that are being found little by little. and this is right next to the morgue at the end of this street for us. they begin by saying they are missing their loved ones. they don't know where they are. in some cases they've been able to find their charged bodies. in many other cases, they have not been able to do so. from here, they have to go over to the medical institute, which is part of the, the health system. and of course, is where the mortgage is, where the bodies are non have yet been given back to their loved ones to their family members. the survivors to be buried yet because it's taking a very, very, very long time. and that's what people who are complaining about, but eventually the, the government is trying to, and the legal authorities are trying to match the bodies with the d
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n a of the people who are here. so that also takes time. we have seen absolutely devastating signs of grief pierre stories of, of a father that went to look for his son while the son went to look for him. and then the father died. i'm in trying to get to the one of their children. and a grandmother died with her grand daughter who went running to save her families was separated. 34 members of the family dying and the rest left destitute without anything. very, very, very sad stories. indeed we did here though, and we have seen some signs of generosity, for example, the, the owner of the largest funeral parlor in the country. and in fact, in south america, is offering free burials services, the indian, everything from the coffee until a psychological help for the family members whom they say have already lost everything and certainly can be paying for a funeral. the presence of some of these has demanded indian troops withdrawal from
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the country. during an address to parliament, i made visits emphasize the importance of sovereignty. the multi site is in. do you agree to pronounce it symmetric personnel before may but new teddy is yet to confirm the timeline? is it will say, promise to upgrade the defense force into what he called a modern ministry. oh, the gun. i believe the motives to strengthen its military capabilities to be able to defend the country by road c. and as we started to do that now the most deviant defense pulse will soon be able to conduct surveillance of the 900000 square kilometer area of the melodies, exclusive economics and 24 hours a day. the around the 100 border guards from the in laws crossed into neighboring bangs, a dash to flee, fighting between security forces and the reval. good alliance
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of 3 minority groups have been battling the minute regions that seized power in 2021. 1 of the groups is, or i can only which launched and offensive against government forces not tell you, but punch a dash share is a $270.00 columbia to avoid that with me and, and hosts more than a 1000000 refugees out of con on me is a buddhist community and they are worse than the me in more military. it's purely a lie that they will ever gone to this all rights. the british and irish prime ministers have met no, not it is new, the appointed lead is risky. so now i can, the over, i'd come visiting the new administration, l. foster storm and costs over the 1st time the appointments and 2 years of political crisis. that was the box when the main petition unionist party walked out . the party protested, post briggs, it's trading arrangements, and it said,
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undermined not in place in united kingdom. and now that we've got the executive back up and running, it's right that people have the local politicians focusing on that prior. she's the only thing with public services that hasn't been to the government up and running a full too long, but now we do have it. i'm a consult focusing on delivering for everyone. but for me, crucially, nothing in was to be negotiated, breaks any read lines. i remember when, right, that happens. we set out a number of objectives. one was to make sure there's no hard border between norton inside. the other was to make sure that the public violence position in new york in single market wasn't undermined in any way. and the 3rd was to make sure that the good friday agreement, institutions would function. and all of those things are the case today, and that makes it a very positive day. might space spanish coast guard has rescued 102 people who are trying to reach the canary islands by boat. the bodies of 2 people are also recovered from the vessel, rescue a certain more than 1000 migrants inside them seek us from subsaharan countries.
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the rich the orleans of the last few days. it's holly and police have arrested 14 people off to a violent spur account out of detention center for michael and snare room. some of the detainees forced the way out of the building, setting fire to mattresses and throwing objects funds for the add up hoff to a young man from guinea being held at the center. so he's a nice hungry is the governing for this policy. his boy called to the vote, that would have been the 1st step towards rossi find sweden's bits to join nato hungry is the only nighttime, but not to have approved the application, which requires unanimous approval from the rest of it. to orleans policy has repeatedly blocked it. demanding the swedish prime minister comfortably the pest in person 1st. well then it has close ties with the russian that price, and that in that amazing cortez sentence,
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australia in the right. so it was suspended this sentence and hung june who is born in china has been found guilty of espionage charges. it worked as an employee of china's state security department for a decade. we could find more information on our website. i'll just say what the. com, whether this next them inside story exemption political tension in senegal, savings the the, the hello, the west of the disturbance moving across the north of south asia, brought some welcome snow to the north of pakistan and india over the weekend. but it moved its way pretty swiftly out east. what remains is a legacy of showers and some wintery weather for baton and nicole much wyatt for the north west on choose a similar to weather, still creeping into central parts of pakistan. moving down to the south before the
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south of india, a lodge. the 2nd story, if you show, was here and there for sure lanka, but more in way of settled and sunny weather through to the mid week. not so the most settled across the north of china as we look to east asia, some call to conditions coming in for shanghai and move in the way of wet weather. moving across the south, we could see some ice the conditions across the southeast with some freezing rain tuesday into wednesday, but an improving picture for the korean peninsula, more in the way of sunshine for so over the next few days, still for wintry bits and pieces lingering in japan, the weather system has pushed its way further east took care of seeing 9 degrees celsius the this we have a look at the outlook for the next few days, some sleet and snow on tuesday, some improvement. however, by thursday, the, the,
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the latest news as it breaks, people are, from the facts that are also a target. it's happening is 2024 with detailed coverage is really forces continue their intense bombing around laughter. hospital in san eunice from the hall to the story doesn't who's being arrested interrogation and put into presence active information on family members, violence and synagogues also, the president postponed this month selection. lucky so cited control of the city is over the disqualification of some presidential candidate. your position that says it's a constitutional so could kind of go the headings even as far as inside the
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