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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 4:30am-5:00am AST

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on the hunger strike on that sort of directly with palestinians, we will hold our stripe until these demands our match and fall with the group, including protest in unit jewish indigenous and that students, they don't strike a since friday that they're mounting. the university break toys with the companies that profit from human rights abuses and how to start signing to gauze and now in the pro hills. that mohammed sharma used to make kites and fly them outside his home. but a tax body is very all me forced his family to move to refugee camp these trying to continue. he's hoping this is his story. that is not the not the, i guess i should be on the bottom of. yeah, i'm as much of this. michelle, my little marshall. i don't know that the what is to our mission that that is to shop with my but i yeah,
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the last lab the i'm going to go up the money. i put it into my decision the subsequently because then again i gotten the value on the general. i wouldn't let you know much like i got enough good. my name is shad. i'm really better, man, responded and all that it shows wish that i'm a cup because of the lead you if i you, we so when are you i, i try, i think these are the children that i don't want a pleasant mean shannon also i don't want the one and you want to be given a to sign the lease to or the the split and then that's gonna play out of our model. you have
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a minute. okay. us with that show. i'm right. and i'm just gonna provide just the, just a give them an i need to know when the toilet, when that condition was fine. and that the function of the phone on the bottom of a butter budget. that's good. i feel i'm going to get that issue that she'll get off sugar land, but the general ledger bottom i like you can find more news features and analysis on our website. i'll just say what the news continues off to the bottom line is things the the demand for mental health support is quite to know then at any time in history, that's the biggest problem that we face to mental health enough. oh use that is what drives me. mindset travels to denmark, what technology is being used to create innovative treatment. i'm here to help
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guide you through exploring and expressing your emotion. i'm ready, and in jamaica, we'll skip magic mushrooms. everything is effective and safe on a single usage, depending on the door. same person doing well and stay with i know a lot of products and all of psychiatric mining since episode full. oh no jersey of the a. hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question. will biden's uncompromising support for israel cost him the votes of anti war americans this november? let's get to the bottom line. the total after pay indicate that the majority of americans are dissatisfied with abiding administration is handling a view is really scorched earth campaign and gaza. the international court of justice is found that israel is possibly committing a genocide in gaza, but more than a 1000 palestinians had been killed since that ruling. and the shortage of food of
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water shelter caused by israel siege of gaza is getting worse every day. many americans are protesting administration as it not only starts the supports the war, but it supplying the weapons and providing the diplomatic cover for israel to pursue a plan. now there's talk of a temporary pause mediated by the white house, but no permanent ceasefire. so with the elections 9 months away will bind be punished at the ballot box for his support of israel's. for today we're talking with independent presidential candidate, corneo, west, one of america's most prominent philosophers, an activist for racial, social and economic justice. let me just start out, dr. west, you're running for president of united states. you have launched a new political party. i like to just start out and say, if you were president, you're in the white house. how would you approach the israel palestine crisis right now? what you see, i'm deeply concerned about trying to find a space for morality and spirituality and political courage in the world over whelming both parity and beach geology. and so i'm running to be head of the
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american empire in order to dismantle the american empire. america should be a dignified and decent nation among nations and not an em part of the nation deferred to. so what we have in the middle east right now, and especially in gosh with my precious palestinian brothers and sisters where you go level of psychic spiritual military, physical violence. that is just beyond description. and that's usually the sign of an empire in deep decay and decline and dissolution in this integration. because when you get a shift from one imperial sensor at once, the americans being the center, you usually get certain forms of intense, intense file, of like the genocide gives us brothers and sisters. the 1st of june 1940 in the early forty's, that was a sign of the decline in the case of the european empires and
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a new euro was in the making. in that new year, it produced the soviet empire and the united states and power right now. because in many ways is a pivotal moment because there's a sign of the lack of credibility. the lack of legitimacy of the world has been dominated by the us. in part and i speaking as one who comes out of the files of the american imperial beast. that is to say black people like indigenous people, have been the under side of the american empire. deeply committed to morality and spirituality telling the truth about the american empire. and so i like satellite countries like user it. keep me track of the crimes against humanity, keeping track of the war crimes keeping track of the crime of justice. and so to be in a campaign, which is nothing but a moment and
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a movement of the people that keep in mind, my dear brother, 1953 were black folks who brought the united states to the united nations and said, we charge genocide. that was a great paul ropes, that was a great william paterson. that was a great w. b. dubois, these are towering figures in the history of the american empire. the anti imperialist critical of the empire in is various forms of domination in the relation. so for me, it could not be a choice to be in solidarity with any people who have been victimized by the us empire. it could be over. so in guatemala, over throwing iran, or with roy panama. we've got a long history of us imperial interventions in the world, haiti, and so forth, and so on, killing alone, but in the congo. well, right now we have israel and the united states is
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a wind in what and it may blink of an execution of the crime of genocide. and so i run as a presidential candidate and being very honest and say, joe biden, you're criminal, you are a lady, blame the crime of genocide. comalla harris lloyd austin, blanket sullivan, kirby, i speak to you as american citizen to american citizen, but also as a jesus loving free black man who's trying to find moral and spiritual space or the world over well make beastie ality involved parenting. that's what i've seen in gaza. corneo, i want to play a quit for you of president biden, talking about the $100000000000.00 aid package that he's wanted to direct military support to ukraine to is real and to taiwan. let's listen for
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a moment. and when we see use the money allocated by congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stock files with new equipment, equipment that the faith that defends america and is made in america. patriot missiles for air defense batteries made in arizona, artillery shells manufactured and 12 states across the country in pennsylvania, ohio, texas. this is so much more. well here's talking about the economics of war and the jobs that are connected to the bombs that are going to israel to drop on gaza. i mean, your thoughts? well, you can just see how morally bankrupt that he is. he's trying to appeal to my fellow citizens in terms of their economic interest and not a moment. we're about more principal or ethical integrity or the damage done to precious human beings in those parts of the world. it's another,
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it's an example of trying to somehow hide and conceal the ugliness the under side of imperial policy by appealing to people's economic interest at home. we already know of it. if we really want to tell the whole story, at this point is $0.62 for every dollar that goes to the military. industrial complex united states is not be clear in a war based on its congress since world war 2. every military incursion has been proceeding out of the executive order without congressional approval. and that's been democrats, republicans across the board. but that's what empires do like the roman empire like the out i'm on and we can go on and on. the military overreach of broad corruption of the lead in america, that's the case of both parties. citizens feeling desperate citizens feeling. yeah . but that helpless, hopeless, and usually to come to some neo fascist by it. or in this case, the case of,
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of donald trump, but also feeling is that the only alternative that neo fascist 5 paper is a war criminals in the democratic party. who after this they want to save the soul of a nation. and yet enabled genocide to act as if they wanna defend democracy and are anti democratic within their own party, anti democratic in terms of those bombs that they failed that are dropped on children. what does it now? $13000.00 price was precious children, adults posted in children have exactly the same value as much exactly the same value as white children or chinese children you ronnie and children. and so for, that's the entity and a of
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a freedom biting project that tries to provide some moral and spiritual space where political courage can be enacted to raise our voices. and we keep track of the in describable barrett b and b c ality. and that's what we're seeing right on our screen every day. and i think that for this channel lives you will continue using america the court with media as turned away from the beach, the bulk barely, every once in a while, there's a story now on gaza as if you're not an ongoing genocide. what kind of a country is america that is worth and imperial project concern with nero? economic interest and concern with geo political expansion. what is america at his best? mamma is a king, june edwards, a rabbi abraham, joshua hatch dorothy day, martin luther king, malcolm x. we can go on and on,
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and i'm trying to make sure that america who tries to stay in contact with the best of itself. well, let me ask you something that may be happening in america right now. is it younger vote or as seem to be turned into the crisis in gaza? their support for the democratic party and for joe biden has declined. i don't know if they're going to rush to donald trump. they may run to a 3rd party. they may want to you, but i'm interested in the fact that they are paying attention and you feel that this is the moment where many of those people are going to read jets and both of the major parties and go elsewhere. oh, i think that's very true. my dear brother. i mean, we shall see, but i do feel that. and as you know, i do 4 or 5 events every day and it's done over 500, some interviews and i can pick up the guy. so i can so pick up the spirit of the empire and the spirit of the nation and young people are tired of the lives that hide the crimes in this is true
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a month or one before young jewish brothers and sisters look at is not now. do as voices for peace and even many us voices beyond those organizations, they're tired of the lives and primes that have been lives total and the crimes here. and they've been told to them by their parents and their grand parents. and so for, we're seeing is more and more a month every day. young black, brown, indigenous, asian young people. and so very much like $196.00 days were both in the american empire linked to crimes in vietnam. people are awakening. but as a waking, they go far beyond the narrow talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion, which is part of the right wing a tool kit to attack progresses in the united states. but we're not talking about diversity equity and included in any narrow since we're talking about troops. and
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the condition of truth is to allow stuff me to speak. we're talking about justice and justice is what love looks like in public in what can this feels like in fluoride? it is a human affair, much deeper than skin pigmentation, but deeply religious identity, much deeper than national affiliation. that's why my solidarity with my palestinian bonuses as in dog. i do then as a priest, just as a black man, as a citizen of the us into a republic. why? because the humanity always cuts a deeper it has said on many occasions that there were a palestinian occupation or palestinian prime of genocide against jews. would be this holiday with my jewish brothers and sisters. it is a moral and spiritual issue and that's crucial. they will have black people were treating white people the way white people have treated black
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b. i would be as solid daddy with my vanilla brothers and sisters. it's a moral and spiritual issue. well, right now, who was being subjugated? who is being degraded? who is humanity? it'd be thoroughly call into question who was being viewed as yesterday or less than human treat. it is not in the visit. the death of all those precious babies of children and women in man can be get tossed aside and you get some kind of reflection on narrow economic calculation of a job. i please please. i have no patience for that. i read and clicked the west and shallow about the church and the black panther party shake me as a teenager, and i will be true on to death. i'll be faithful on the death trying to tell the truth, it'd be a deep solidarity with any people who lo, press, let alone those undergoing such a vicious genocidal attack right now. you know, there is a movement right now, i think in terms of the upcoming election to frame this, that you,
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robert f. kennedy junior, jill stein, if you run, you could deliver the presidency to donald trump because joe biden does much worse if you're all in that. is that a fair assessment? the very notion of be cast as a spoiler is part and parcel of the ways in which we have such a truncated narrative in place of out american politics. you see no politician. i earns any sector of citizens result. he's got to earn it. when people vote for me, they're voting for me low for by and they vote for by they both the trump, they both the truck, neither one of us own that vote people of thinking and voting on their own. now i say this when it comes to my precious error, has been muslim brothers and sisters, that the democratic party looked upon them as if they're just an interest group. or it's just it, they're only concerned with the calculation of their own interest. and they don't
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understand that you got a democratic party going in to the muslim communities, say, well vote for us because of our because of our economic policy, it overlooked the fact that we as a democratic party have unable genocide and the killing of your mothers. and fathers in grandmother the grandfather and you can imagine most of them buttons us especially i've kind of thing it as a, do you the human eyes, us and that way that we become just a, a mom institute to be manipulated in regard to your man at mca valley in politics, we're talking about a mazda is we talking about our fathers. we talk about her uncle's, we're talking about a mouse, of hospitals. our health system would tell me what our schools with and what our civic instruction is. there's not somebody left your political issue,
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this cuts very, very deep. and that's the way it ought to be. cuz this is bobby, on politics. when you're talking about empires, dissolving, we're talking about crimes of humanity when you're talking about private genocide being and that, that right back again, the issues of morality and spirituality, narrow issues of michael valley politics and these have the calculations of what kind of interest we have in how does it connect to our interest? that's what the democratic party does not understand. that's what the republican party does not understand. that's what my candidacy i think tries to bring to my doctor west if you were speaking now. and you are speaking this time because we're watched are there to both palestinians in the middle of this crisis. and to is riley's watching, what advice and counsel would you give them about their future that they should here? and i would say 1st that we must never ever look at the palestinian community, or it is really community as moma list seeking homo genius that you're looking at
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human beings in both community. and there are human beings in both of those communities who do understand the viciousness and ugliness of the crime of genocide . and i'm not just talking about the loan trustees in america or getting and leaves in israel. there's a whole way is really understand what the crime of genocide is and they refuse to deny is not reflected in that government. it's not reflected even in their majority vote and of goodness it same is true with palestinians and people look at pallets and you want to see a whole left for a very rich, magnificently creative human beings. you shouldn't look and see pallets. and when you look at power, so you shouldn't see only one group people, but people come, it may as well, you must be pro her mouse. well, i'm pro humanity, i'm pro palestinian. i'm pro humanity. yes. i'm pro,
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is really in the sense that any of those persons in those communities who are choosing freedom for choosing a quality. i'm a solid directly with the gears war crimes. no matter who commits it, it could be the terrorism of the idea. it could be the war crimes of how much it could be to. it could be the terrorism of the u. s. army, but the russian army of ukrainian army. it's a moral issue, but it's very important that we understand that there's possible solidarity that cut across, paused in communities and is really community in jews and palestinians. not only must, but they will learn how to live together. and let's be very honest about this, but and the 2 state solution is the is really set. let colonial expansion msm has under cut the 2 state solution. it is
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not feasible, it is not working right now. they're the one state and is a state of apartheid and ethnic cleansing with the crime of genocide taking place. that's one state that's from the river to the sea in is, is really imperial full. and what's the alternative either one state which is secular. what is the quality there must be palo spinning and dignity and power has been in the quality just as there must be jewish security and your safety. there must never ever, ever be an now lation of genocide of either palestinians boys raises reyland or palestinian, which made what they either there's one state which is secular or there's one state was 2 nations, very much like switzerland also we can explore possibilities. but the notion of a to a state now is nothing, but a mirage is a sub dispute. it's a refusal to engage in the 700 of thousands us settlers who have under cut the
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possibility of a 2 state solution. so when you hear that reference from by then you are p and lead is you could arrest be a sure they still are looking for is, is really dominated situation. and they will never be precious. jewel, security and safety predicated on the domination of pressures, palestinians, it will not more to let me ask you finally, i'm interested in domestic blow back though. when you talk about the moral collapse inside, what is blow back look like? as you framed it domestically, most of my fellow citizens don't even look at america as an employer. i. when i use that language, they think that i'm, you know, flat and friendly skies on the crack pipe or something. i said no, no, no, no, no, we not just a democratic experiment, but some deficits ask our prices, indigenous peoples as latin american country as the rest of the were over $800.00
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military units around the world over a 100 countries and over spec, special operations in over a $142.00 country, the other $93.00, cuz the united nations. so the blow back internally as what denial lies. crimes hidden and concealed. that's why you let us other than jail, god bless his. so he revealed the crimes america. couldn't take it. so much what come up with a journalist, it for you to know those lies in front wheel, not live ever to brush the earth will arrive again precisely because people will struggle. people will tell the truth. people live, people will die, but sooner or later it, the truth will surface check is come home to roost, your re what? yes. so, and so internally, the internal d. k. the distrust the power lower the attempt to make america great.
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again, that's already a sign the d b k in decline is symptomatic of the disintegration. so america is not great. now what, when was it great when it was really in the driver seat of the world and we were the only contest it imperial power could do anything with no accountability and no answer ability like trump himself, say anything, do anything with no accountability. that's exactly what is real doing right now. say anything. doing anything with hardly any accountability, only with the exception. now of course it was around the world and south africa that i'm very, i'm in very deep solid there do with south african, the other country bringing this crime of genocide to the international court of justice. well, unfortunately we need to live, leave it there. presidential candidate and renown, american philosopher, doctor cornell, west, thank you so much for joining us. thank you,
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my brother who's a spell. so what's the bottom line? women and children are being killed in gaza at staggering scale. innocent men waving white flags and standing in and in the open and obviously on arm seeking to know the circumstances of their loved ones are murdered by his release neighbors. you're not going to see this on traditional tv, but it's on tick tock. it's on social media everywhere. no one can pretend anymore that israel's war is just about hunting down and killing him off commanders and participants in the october 7th attacked by him. austin, israel. the world has seen this before. many times. i can't breathe. george void, said americans exhausted from the systematic discrimination, harassment and killings. a black man had to go on a campaign saying, black lives matter. what is that even mean? it means that many felt as if one set of lives mattered more than others in palestine today, especially in gaza. we're seeing the dominant power behaviors. if the lies administering folks, men, women, and children simply don't matter. we hear is really leaders reference palestinians
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as animals. this is outrageous and my guest to day cornell west is shining, a light on the principle that humanity is. everyone's no one is less valuable than the other. i mean, just as we see past the stop, the palestinians can't read palestinian lives matter. and the bottom line, the as the, as well as go on guys, a continues, we bring you the late, we are on the grounding dollars a covering. the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering, the people's tools that we lost displacements and lack of resources as well. as district conditions here in and around the hospital and from the height is to refund the data rate from restrictions prevents freedom of rights to worship
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tyler, we will continue our coverage of his route, will cabinet decisions the kansas and all the political parties. westbank senior reporting on the wireless as rainy waves with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the war on garza, on al jazeera, the unsettled time upfront takes on the biggest pennies of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront on how to 0. the challenges with
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cats are says, how mass has responded positively to as opposed to the concept us secretary of state. and to me been concise. he will discuss it with his room the the carry johnston. this is i'll just say a lot from the also coming up the series of strikes kits wrestler and southern johnson.


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