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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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constantly administer because she may have one of the most militarized loans in the world. a region disputed both by india and focused on to nuclear powers, but it's not the ministry's road and defending the board. is that under the spotlight? it's the influence and politics. c especially now as focused on get somebody to hold the skin with elections, all right, for you and it's bound to be hung fatherland, a book, date of thoughts, as ousted the pregnancy and grandson, seems to have run out of establishment. we would win as a sub splendor does a minute boost at this point that i'm talking about all the pockets on me, which is the know, delivering no prime minister in the country. 7060, a history has finished a full time and office all the main political parties of felt the rest of the military current frontier. and in the last 3 weeks was asked to join the minute you tube. and he tried to 2nd ministry chief, but advanced, most cetera. so it's a cup with the grandfather of the context on people's party had beloved, but those authority was asked in a to and then executed at home
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a prime minister in runcle and has came to the ministry that is behind his removal . he's now in jail on corruption charges you've seen on a number of occasions in the past that the, in the months and we can leading up to the election, the party that the, the military happens to not be comfortable with the tends to suffer before the election on the same run cons peachy, i'd have to separate the data is in prison. the symbol of a cricket best removed from the by the paper and the activists. talkative to the fast magic who took place in 1958 since then focused on has spent several decades on the me that you wrote me. the 3 is big business to build roads. housing projects becoming a general wealth status, influence of a housing nation. with him on con, refused to back ukraine of the russians invasion, trying to call the prophet and try to keep the books. don heseman washington, unfortunately objected, as was refusing the documents come up cuz i'm the guy. what do you think of us that we are your slaves and that will do whatever you ask of us. we
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are friends of russia, and we're also friends of united states. we are friends of china and europe. we are not part of any alliance. he was moved in a vote of no confidence. and since then, boxed on foreign policy is shifted to line and get self once again with the us. the outcome of these elections have not yet been decided, but one thing the results will not change the size road an instance of the ministry step. as i said vague i just eat off the whole bunch of stuff and that's it from me . several then. yeah, if it today, the read a game that will be here at the top of the hour with more of the days news next on else 0 is upfront. just the it's another day of struggle for palestinians living in the north shelves,
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refugee care, just hours earlier. israel's army once again storms the camp. it's farmer, bulldozers digging up roads, its forces, destroying infrastructure. a short walk of a narrow alley. we find that out. whose family home was severely damaged during another intrusion 2 weeks ago. did that and her family haven't been able to stay here since palestinians believe by utilizing these tactics over and over again. israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance. but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy works more than a dozen countries have announced that they are cutting funds to enroll you into a agency for palestinians. so what impact will that have on the people in god's last question? to the you in special rep, a tour on the occupied palestinian territories. francesca ebony the 1st on january 26th united nations highest judicial body. the international court of justice rode on provisional measures in south africa's landmark genocide case against is while
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the ruling was hailed as a legal wind for palestinians. many are questioning what practical implications this will have on the war. and what does this mean for israel will discuss it all with this with headliner, stop advertising bastards of united states to be so entering the bass and entering the thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thank you. thank you. since october 7, countries all around the world have been critical of israel's campaign in gaza. but it was self africa that brought the case to the i c j, the international court of justice. why? i think you most of remember that to we come from there as a similar situation as the of the palistine, as we come from a past the where we went with class to a denial i basic lives in oral data. so the applied of, of paula students, we, we,
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we, we can relate to and that we are not able to be in different to sites flight because it's just like i was, it's identical to, to, to apply to me via a good me. we can lead to, we came to the conclusion that our struggles with similar and then we also came to conclusions that to the people who are placed us with quite flimsy to i'm, i'm in the updates of africa through very large extent. really probably and or, and so on. what was maintained by it was right. so so so, so, so we had all of those covered 92 and we thought that would contact seed and doing that and watch them get them from bed to worse. and that to let us do something, something just to stop the, the every day,
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the sufferings last friday, the, i think j issued a provisional ruling on your case up africans case against israel. and the court said that it was quote, plausible, that is real, had committed genocidal acts in palestine. the court called on israel to take quote all measures to prevent genocide and also to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide. however, despite those rules or decisions, the world court stop short of calling for a ceasefire, and that's what the south african governor was actually asking for. oh, was that uh, surprising to it was surprising because we had hoped that we're going to get that this is fine because we still believe that to the, to the best. and that this a comes through and says, you know, of a, to get to satisfy as a way of starting the, the, the become each, you know, but that's why it would be better. but having said that,
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if you look at this pro vision, that of measures they will try to be amounting to this is fine because it to be very difficult to get it out to this provision that makes sense and be able to report and in a month's time without doing things differently. you see this so to let me push on that little bit because israel's position is we're happy to take all measures to prevent and civilian deaths to prevent you know, violence or death and cetera. because that's what we've always been doing. so they're going to make the case that whatever the court is asking them to do, they're going to carry out because they've always been carrying it out and that the deaths that we're seeing. the 26000 deaths in 3 months are not because they want to kill people, because a mazda is let them know choice by hiding in hospitals in refugee camps and all of this stuff. what would you say to that? you see the, those providers not measure of the website. if you're, if you're talking about the people access to head, to,
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to medical and health care facilities. all right? yeah. then it means that they must be secured. they must be able to go there. they must not be a fleet that they will be ball if we are terrible about people having access to medicaid to them that toward the end, the 2 safety and all of that. it must be available. if you're talking about to the, to many, 10, and 8 to be able to reach way into is most into me that then that must not be any founding that is going on. it must be able to go. so it will be very difficult for each level to tell why the should up. i mean, why the switch to school? why the, the palm, the school of the company on being that, that one of these web and seeing what kind of city you use, cup and funding because of how much is hiding behind if you live, then all that test didn't work that way. what you'd say is, is that track ink is cumulate in new in the okay, me,
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and i don't think we are saying they should not change the i am is and all of that, we're not saying that. but what do i say? leave the civilians out of these and what one says most, it's been a number of young people to but i mean to that that, that, that, that they seem to be in the majority of women and children are the majority of collectively it have the 20 more than $26000.00 people have died, $10000.00 of them are deals and it's uh, were somewhere around one percent of the overall child population free as it has been killed, that that's a, that's a stunning number. cut this lot. you have confidence that israel will do anything different in the aftermath of the ruling. and if so, what we've done to know we've done to know really we don't know, we don't know, but i think that will really depend on build resolve, offering traditional community because i think the judges have done their best. and i think they've given us the best decisions that have that to be put under the circumstances and that it's up to the international community because it's going to
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the un though. yeah. so it's of the international community to make up in his mind whether it wants to protect the palestinians. you're talking about the will of the, of the international community. what can the international community to of israel says we're not going to change or the good there? a lot of people who were, i'm in the, as international come i have to can do a lot of things, but what will the leg photos? and so the complete solution of user mm right. complete type of percent. that's what it is. you know, future flushing is i'm a to do to behave innocent in my mouth and that tool that, that to them in the, and that seems like a, a denying them my pets in a, sanctioning them to the extreme and bump going them. so to say and all of that, we have that those measures they've been used before. it can still be used. so hands, i'm saying it's not as different and there's no community doesn't have ways of
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dealing with the international community. we do listen to this know, community have meetings and level inches and all of that. it is up to us to decide that we are going to hold for the what the charges they have said. and the judges have told us what we own is being suspected. there are people who say there are lots of places they did something wrong. but only the jewish state is getting isolated it's. it's marvin to very israel's national security minister. in addition to just dismissing the ruling in and of it, so he said haig, she may go on his x account. he also said that was that i submitted a, do you have a concern or how do you respond to the concern that the specific choice to bring israel to the international court is an anti semitic. you see that the but i find also very, very said, you know, that you do horrible things and then you hide behind says things of,
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i've the same it in order to model i live like maybe people and to play me less than to stop me sheets and keeping quiet that has been used it as, as, as i speak. and i will tell you how all that is that to say that this is some of the most prominent palace being in support. as in south africa, jews who are in the forefront of pushing that something has to be done. yes. well, definitely good jews who will be involved in the ip struggle and are still alive at the pushing for this because they say very confident about paid was a, let's was wrong. but to be quiet, i'm going to be what you pacing of, of quite last night. so now we then going to say what these people are, the type of people you're talking about. they then call them, they say it'd be a set of 18,
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a base of 18 because they've got to got to spend up that what you're doing is wrong . and that's what i'm saying, it becomes so sad to that so so long. they have managed to do a motor play made on machines on people and saying that once you could use fires, what be a doing in, in file size. they are all plastering of a policy me is and this lot of pilots, females, they call that on the 17th. so i don't know what is i'm just images the minimal like germany. i had previously said that it would intervene on behalf of israel. but at the world court saying, there was no basis what so ever. for the accusation of genocide, they argued that the interpretation of genocidal intent has to be more restricted. yeah. um, however, in announcement uh came after the i c j's decision where a german foreign minister angelina a bareback said the israel's still must adhere to the icy g ruling. uh,
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based on what we see now. do you believe that germany will be intervening on israel's behalf? and the next stage of this, we've really done to no end up cause that's why we went to do we stay out. i let me look, let them do it. but we still insisting on what we think is happening impulse. what. what i think about germany and i just think about the why, you know, you talked about more blackmail. i mean, is there a, is there a hyphen guilt from european nations given their own role in the nazi holocaust? i don't know for but well, if there's some good to vision show, it's moving towards us that deal with the opposite. that's the platform at the end that they produce color, now lives in the free as good as the men. they put you people and they're about to go to work basically as they both do things that will be, what would it be? would it be colored thing that is 3 and a what do they stolen from, from the code to the end. you see?
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so it is to be connected, the lives that we lost and all that we are talking about genocide to now have you had it? the one who fell into the quote of these genocide of 10000000 people. 10000000 people to look to buy a king. do up one of those bells you have you ever heard of it? nobody talks about that. nobody talks up a little bit. so what, how is the sense of guilt not to buy loans? why is it like that side and not this side? so if there was any to show it was to investigate. thank you so much for joining the. i appreciate that. good. thank you. thank you. that is, it may be facing a collapse of humanitarian system as donor countries pull funding from the united nations relief and works agency or unreal. acosta provider of a both before and after october 7th. thus far at least 26000 guys have been killed
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. and another 1700000 have been displaced. so why during the time of crisis of countries pulled the funding and what will happen to civilians will depend on the agency for survival. here to speak with us about this is the united nation special rep, a tour on the situation of human rights in the palestinian territory occupied since 1967 francesca albany. same for jessica, thanks so much for joining me on upfront. uh, israel has accused 12 underwood employees of being involved in the october 7th attacks against israel. the u. n. has said that it's investigating these serious allegations, but since been at least a dozen countries including united states, germany, u. k. have already stop giving funding to the agency you in the officials of warned that the loss of the funding could lead to a collapse of the humanitarian system from your perspective. but what impact would this have on the people? oh, thank you for having me mark. um, 1st of all, i think that should impact is the spanish of times and to my
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knowledge, the number of countries will pass that down. so i've reached 18 right now, and this is absolutely shocking, and it's not justifiable apparently. i mean we, we have not seen the evidence that their obligations that time a 12 staff member, savannah. i have participated in the 7th of october attach. and while, without even ensuring your gross has terminated the contract. so these, all these people in the interest of the agency as the commissioner general said again the, the logic of the suspending funds given the fact that the united nations iraq has already taken measures taken very seriously. these are negations, it makes no sense whatsoever. and also because it's going to need to weigh your money targeting capacity worse than what we are see already with the risk
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profoundly news. it gets a straight and with the risk of all the diseases which are already spread the even worse and killing more people that you might even affair as an emergency release for the nature of the un marketing grace shit has hosted withdrawing funds for money. well, is found is and would resolve in the collapse of the mine or it's just, i mean, you gotta, we find ration you my guardian and human rights consequences know totally in gaza. youtube, i just want us to encourage rebuttal, soccer city, just because we shall not forget that i'm right ovary, and i enjoy doing cd 11 and it'd be putting that into as they finish jerusalem on the so bottom line is that a keystroke would have to take immediate responsibility for the $2.00 media and survivors in gaza. and this is not
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a reassuring prospect of getting their reported level violence against civilians but also in the rest of the policy and territory. so in light of the picture, you just painted the gross humanitarian consequences, the, the, the violence of displacement, the disease, the potential famine, if all of that is going to happen as a consequence of the alleged crimes of 12 people and under what would that, not, amount to collect the punishment as it does. this was my 1st assessment when i, when i birthdays. because 1st of all, as i just as i said, it makes no sense logic feet to palm the should the agency for something that has been allegedly done by a few members of the organization. you know, i has a very sorrow of groceries, but i mean, what is expected to do enough about policing tools. so i like no other agencies
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that has that. so it's very unrealistic choice. respected an armoire, who checked in an environment, austin's of the dental gases trades, which has been on the paid for 16 years. and we just offered 5 major worst before the 7th of october, where there is a lot of tension. and we're east this back to the really don't all righty. it's logical but also the people. so could you say little bit more about the embedding process though, because there are people in the global community who have accepted the logic in the narrative. that hon actually is very indiscriminate in the palestinians that they hired to work on the ground for unaware, particularly in the gaza strip. and that it's just a breeding ground for, for these types of things. how would you respond to that? what is, what is it like, what is the bidding process like? you know, i think that there is being and these uh,
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these on vacations against our, our, our bar to open and i've talked against the agency that dates back to the cage. and the dogma intensified as of the 7 jo looked over there as being incorrectly increasing and sneering on the agency associating it to her mouth. and including parliamentarians in the, in israel saying that the only way to ensure victory would imply destroying. i'm wrong, as i said in general, you, when you money garden agencies can not bet lucas personality for meetings and see. but i'm logged out of background checks when, when he does to, when he can record. so it stops and he has 813013000 staff members in gaza serving 1700000 of find a seat. and so 75 percent of the policy and seeing guys are on rough beneficiaries
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. of course i'm working on monitoring stuff. auctions outside the work at the same time, i mean, i'm ross has a stronger scrutiny of over the personality tires. and in fact, every 6 months at the needs of both staff members and beneficiaries and vendors are due to the judge to all most states, including israel. and so if you're going to use real, di didn't have information concerning any possible wrongdoings completed by iraq stock because i hadn't had to equal the to the agency. okay. and will be bleeding right now. switching to me an orchestrated campaign against up against iraq. so the allegations against unruh were made public on the same day that the i c j rolled on provisional measures in south africa's genocide case against israel's. is that a coincidence? hm. do you want me to be honest?
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3 diploma. i think on it, i think the honest yeah, of course it was try again. it was striking the day after the um the i c. j, rudy. there was this new circulating and oh stop it or the stop it and other vendors page. the us 1st and foremost, is decided to suspend, just from the aid it to the agency. so it can be read as a way to shoot the pension away from the i, c j, a general side in 3 mortar. and again, it could be able so seen as far as to buy long spending expert to these ro, to, i mean, he made the agency. this is something that they expect, as i said to the post also agreement. this is also something new. but at the same time, what shocks me is the it's not necessarily the maneuvering or symbol maneuvering
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from israel. what they find is shocking is their response by member stage, because acting fast, one rock at the moment if he's big, substantial for medium, for honesty and seeing gaza, who are enjoying catastrophic leading companies. that helped me understand that those members things. because again, if it weren't even just in the united states, or if there's no just made the call and no one responded to, to the request the cutting or refunds, it would be less shocking. but again, we're talking about more than a dozen countries. suspending the funding before the investigation is completed. how do they, how does it justified, how do you make sense of it? and it makes it kind of be just decided. so it sort immoral, irresponsible, but also in my have seriously got indications for this, for the stage, the, and again on the one ahead of the, during the fox to death. some of these transactions have been originally founded by new r i, c, j. those are pretty close to georgine genocide,
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this implies and you get a responsibility for member states because basically the i, c j has a nurse to the international community. all the reason i'm kind of finding garza and he does order the media to ineffective action. so they have to take an action scene, their power to prevent these drugs from queen to continuing with my procedure general side. and the 2nd is to um, to ensure they, they do not to aiden the, but we the, we tend to go to the ox and they might be seen the high school police it without soap jo site. so instead of ensuring that you money tie a is the very to is that they even trenton. now what they do is they take action, castigating the agency that provides critical support to maintenance of the policy and seem to try, how do you make sense of that? i mean, your point out the paradox and it's jude contradiction. how do these powerful
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nations arrive at the conclusion that this makes sense? i seen and i'm the country, and i'm now seeing then they will, can see their restating 8. well, it's not sufficient. they shouldn't have done anything the 1st place. and now they should, the really defines the awesomeness possible. i don't know where they are telling themselves. i have no idea. but i hope that the civil society and the people, the peoples of this country, when we take action instead of as a single women, this is all the time to be signed. again, the international community has been unable, unable to be then gentle ties in, in other patients. it does happen in wrong guy. does that city mostly are single, be not, but this is unique as this data. so somehow be not as that has said before, the international court of justice, because this is a genocide that is being painted by and documented by the back,
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the very big teams. and the not cool that was the, the local then for the is the door. these people shown the by priority, but not only western countries is a be small, and these were present structure. this is sasha what there should moment tomorrow because these stuff is clear that there is a huge divide. that is not just a symbolic between the west and the wrist where there is also a gray area where in my, you, out of countries, i've not done enough either to protect the policies. but again, international law is being completely this month. so whatever it international and international based the system can do to protect the lives of, of people in danger and to ensure a peace and b for role is being completely of these models. and this is,
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and this is something of course, francesca, vanessa, thank you. so much for joining us, an upfront thank you. all right, everyone, that is our show. a 1st will be back, the in official reports of the deadly rate police indicated that they believed the protesters in the forest were dangerous and often referred to them as domestic terrorist. that's why i tortured you to was murdered because i believe that the police thought that they were being faced with dangerous criminals. and i think that they were hyped up to be ready to go. sarah was charged that day with domestic terrorism under georgia state law. a conviction could mean decades in
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prison that wouldn't burn my life just because i was sleeping in the woods, in a hammock. and like i have faith that that won't happen. but the hey could and it's very scary. in depth analysis of the things headlines. how does south africa from its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us, since it's well shifted to the right seat, it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on out. is there a unique perspective on the i don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a, for my things, thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on her. it's voices, and i'm all the communications. please connect with our community and tap into
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conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or the the, or want to lose our life from headquarters in del, for i'm telling you number of days are coming up in the next 60 minutes overnight is really are strikes, hit con eunice, and russell and southern gaza were nearly 2000000 and forcibly displaced palestinians are sheltering us sex. your site is an israel to broker what the state department calls in during and to the war. on garza,
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most of the us population is now facing an imminent threat of famine. after 4 months of is really bombardment.


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