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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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you are reporting on the line, i just re new wave with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the role of gaza on al jazeera or the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sam is a them, this has been use live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the secretary of state, anthony blaine, can needs palestinian and israeli leaders to discuss the c's. 5 plan for gaza, proposed by him us the is right intensifies as science and southern garza,
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including near accounts with displaced people, offices, grove, ground invasion, and it off. i mean, especially a lot of body parts that these really mean setting tends to focus next on dropbox, when hundreds of thousands of photos, bunions ending to squeeze in a desperate search for sights. the un secretary general warms of i'm told humanitarian consequences if israel launch is a new ground defensive of southern guns also i had at least $27.00 people are killed in 2 separate bloss and southwest pockets on the eve of parliamentary elections and 10 thousands of adeline work as will cost a job in germany. round the hundreds of flights, the wisconsin garza and israel, where
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a high level diplomatic efforts are on the way in the hope of bringing in to the devastating rule out 0 has obtained a draft proposed by how am i suggesting a 3 stage fees via plan in response to mediation efforts $5.00, called sort of egypt includes the withdrawal of israeli forces and phase the exchange of policy in, in prison as far as riley caps is. those terms of being discussed in his route or the secretary of state has been holding talks with prime minister ben. you mean nothing? yeah. when the palestinian president and i'm a law anthony blinking says he wants to broker and extended pools in the war on garza for us as the hostages are most on our minds. and in our hearts. and you know, we now have a response to the put on the table for, we're looking at it intentionally as,
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as i know the government of israel. and there's a lot of work to be done. but we are very much focused on hopefully be able to resume interrupted so many months ago. despite these talks is rather, is kept up, is relentless attacks across the strip. so multiple injuries often strikes, talk through the southern city, over off by more than 1300000 displace palestinians, a sheltering the we are very, very, very tired of this situation. it's really difficult. a 120 days, no food, no water. we are very tired waiting for solve the problem was let's quiet last night because of i mean the size wherever you go midsize on the board, there's before the board, there's east and west. everywhere you go, misfire. where's the truce? where's the end ca, to how can there be
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a truce when people are being slow turned here? let us go now to roll the challenge in occupied a stewardess then. so already do we know exactly what is the message from antony blinking to a very much it the prime minister of israel on the pressure at this point? well we understand that sir, blinking has come here with the intention. any of trying to persuade netanyahu trying to persuade the is ready kotis in government to sign up in some way, at least to the deal that was thrashed outside in paris a week or so ago. and the one that's, that how mass has responded to now ships the is right, these sign up to exactly what, how mass has proposed in response to that paris agreement that framework welts
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blinking is not going to say exactly vast to netanyahu. hasn't said exactly that, but what he will have just him to do is to come to some sort of accommodations that kind of allow for the exchange of captives and prisoners to agree to some sort of a cease fire arrangement that can dial down at least the intensity of this will fit for sometimes that com. now that has been a day of me things high level of me, things that have lincoln has been engaged in a mess with the benjamin netanyahu. the then had of me things that was expanded from just mentioned the yahoo. net to the off his office said that meeting one on one with lincoln was long at in depth. then there was a meeting with clinton's delegation and, and that's in the all who brought in at the defense minister, you of caroline's, it be levy the that the ministry's chief of staff that to the director of most,
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etc. and then blinked and went on to romano to go to meet with the palestinian president mac move past. we are expecting that to be a netanyahu press briefings in about an hour and a half time. and then following that. so we expect that to be a blinking press conference netanyahu is going to be be, be speaking from jerusalem and blink. and we'll be speaking from tennessee, so not at the press conference, but that's 2 of them to get us that's being offered to them. i think from certain courses, optimism certainly from the categories that we might be on the threshold of some sort of significant breakthrough. i don't think the americans have been that optimistic. and certainly if you read the new music here in, in israel, there is no such optimism here, much one that could save and the next place, an expectation here is that the deal as provides what, how much is a non starter or i will leave it there thanks so much raleigh challenge. so let's take a closer look at the seas 5 plan put forward by how much as we mentioned the pot,
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assuming group is demanding an end to these right. the sold on garza of the proposals include the release of is rarely caps is including women and minus they, they exchange for palestinian prisoners and these right. the jails arrested on the day of the agreement signing from us once 1500 palestinian prisoners released, including 500 serving life and all the long term sentences. so also pushing for the entry of no fuel than 500 trucks a day, caring humanitarian aid, few and although essentials and to revive at least 60000 temporary homes, as well as 200000 shelters and tense from us is also calling for the return of palestinians has been forced from their homes all across casa, and ensuring freedom of movement for everyone. and as i'll, is a member of how much is political bureau, he explains why the group structured the draft proposal in 3 detailed stages. as it was on the sandy,
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we put it this way in order to test the waters in order to test that out. we have certain concessions. we have even feel that there is a it is, will not be committed to the agreement. we also believe that the entire agreement may be under mine. that's why we put the code that on permanency spot in the 2nd phase where more agreements with bds throughout the state. we know that we raise our ultimate demand, which is feminine ceasefire without the ceasefire. no other agreements can be materialized on the ground. elio, i'm a clue what the furnace demand is to put 10 and to and there is a war to bring. there's a cleaning machine for a whole. do you think that we will accept the order to continue again,
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it's our civilian population. this is month acceptable. another issue we wish to see there's a lead occupation forces withdrawing from guys this 3 by the entire entirely. we don't think that there's a, it is a, are willing to remain and does a strip. that's why the demands raised by have as broad or low phones. and these levels of united nations secretary general and tony. with that, i says he's alarmed by reports these right imagery intends to concentrate operations on rough off in southern garza. well, that's where at least 1300000 displaced palestinians are sheltering. is the situation guys, this is a festering wound on our collect. these functions that so that sends the entire outage and nothing just defies the already see that are a tax loan by how miles the games these will on 7 october not is that any justification for the collective? finally,
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some of the policy mean people. yep. you certainly mean federal protections have resolved to the destruction investing guys with if the scaling speed we don't spend a little seems i became 2nd said to general and they may especially a lot of body parts that these really means that he intends to focus next on dropbox, when hundreds of thousands of palestinians, it'd been squeeze in the best, but it said for safety such an action would explode naturally. employees walk is already a humanitarian night. smith. we untold regional consequences. it's time for an immediate too many said in the ceasefire. and the median, so then conditional release of almost that's these most rapidly lead to reversible x and squads. the 2 state solution based on united nations resolutions, international law and previous agreements, that's crossover. now talk diplomatic edits
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a james base who's at the un headquarters. and james, as we heard that the un secretary general raising the alarm about what might be about to unfold and drop off. take the un diplomatic pulse for us. i think that deeply concerned the 2nd general, again, using the phrase, also collective punishment, which is many would see as a war crime of what these right, these are doing in casa that concerned, of course, because people have fled to rough us a place of safety and because rafa is one of the main entry points for humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. and now it looks like, and it's being very well telegraphed by these riley's and these right. the military is going to be the next target. the next focus of ministry escalation. so i think this is very wiring for the set country general, and he's made it clear that this could make the situation much, much was he was speaking in
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a briefing to the un general assembly laying out these priorities for the year. ahead is also was saying this, although the un security council, which is the other major organ of the united nations, has been divided in the us as books. any chance of guessing the seas father, the secretary general. and these key officials would like at, at this stage stage that have been to security council resolutions that have been paused resolution 27122720. both of those said that they have to be a scaling up of the humanitarian aid in garza and nearly 2 weeks ago. now, the international court of justice, when it came out with its provisional measures, it's rooting on the situation and get all of that. one of those readings was a getting the same israel had to do everything to get more humanitarian aid aid into garza. and yet the aid is still restricted. the u. n's, humanitarian elements, the u. n. c. a military and agencies including unrest save. it's very, very difficult to get the they need in into gaza. so there is
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a big question i think of whether it's route is actually now in contravention of those to the security council resolutions and all of that ruling by the international court of justice. all right, thanks so much james. bye. is that the the view and estimates 1900000 people, 85 percent of gauze as population of been forced from the homes. most residents of northern garza have fled southwards towards con eunice, where these riley army said they would be safe. then soldiers expanded their offensive into central and southern gaza. lots forced palestinians even further south cut off on the egyptian border. the population that has quadrupled with hundreds of thousands of people crammed into an area of just a 150 square kilometers. i've been going on with it. we don't have
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a single to monitor where there is no water, no electricity, no food, nothing to drink. no bathrooms, we use the tents and we drowned. a women drowned our children drowned and we are humiliated by the name of the guest. the. it's enough, it's enough. we do not want was a 100. we've been displaced from gonzo for a 115 days today. we've been a band and we have children and that way infected with diseases. it really is truly enough. funerals have been held in rafa. officer a number of his riley strikes. thousands were also injured in the attacks, including several children, at least $27500.00 palestinians have been killed since israel's war on gauze that began on october the 7th. and i'll just say that has obtained such as showing the moment and is riley strikes. targeted a car close to an end to payment event for displace children in or off off
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the strike clothes panic among the children and the space people. the death toll from these writing strikes has not yet been confirmed. 2 of thought, a couple assume is in that office. so let's start with those dramatic pictures of kids. close to a scene with these riley's launch, the minutes we strike any indication yet of the casualties from that. well of course, the assessing images that may have been released today from the whole teaching area of rough word that talked to the just all cad where these really forces have targeted uh civil call in an area that is so close a next to account for display stops engines where there was a entertainment activity being organized just to help the children who are
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completely suffering from because concepts of the ongoing is really miniature offensive, and goza to release their antigens onto lease and mitigates the psychological brush of that had been exposed to since the beginning of this conflict box, they were completely terrified at the moment when the attack had been carried out. one palestinian has been killed in the s drive alongside with a number of residents. others being king, judge um its own gunning is very rarely been bought and then some launched kayla tax being conducted. busy today and within the past few days on the roof district, we have been seeing how children is taught to, to wanting in order to take kava from the bombardment as are no, i'd as they are not you right now. so you see an area that is supposed to be a zone work more than one point. 9000000 palestinians are seeking rescued and then situation an hourly basis and rough i sounds to be clearly critical, especially with announcements by these when the defense minister about the
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attention to saw submitted to ground inclusion to reflect the district which is absolutely will lead to a wide scale of, of life and a very notable increase of casualties amongst civilians. those who have knew any of the place to go and potter, there's a lot of tool going round about a deal being negotiated, how the palestinians feel about that just generally signed the palestinians right now have a please send so optimism in terms of the ongoing negotiations 2 days clearly the tension on the ground. i'm to reach a clear understanding. i'm a see spa that might bring an end for the fighting on the ground. but the palestinian demands are so clear as those people are completely seeking for. i see supply that might completely guarantee the return to the north of the gaza strip with a job one of these very ami from areas. in fact, it was that operations in garza,
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and also at least to find it makes shift areas on tens for them to live and that return to the homeless. and then another part of the couch where you put the question for them as the are also wondering at nights and especially that you are getting closer to the announcements on the conference of these very prime minister . benjamin netanyahu, about the response that will be provided. busy in retaliation to how much but if occasions for the framework of the agreement, people here ask about the possibility of isabel's agreements. and if they won't accept the modifications being provided by how much for deceased by a 4 is, might be extended to move, hopes and negotiations. later, at least to reach to a very key concrete point. we're to parks, we'll have a kind of clear understanding they're waiting right now. they are optimistic. clearly, they are afraid of the collapse of types and negotiations. specifically that the completely understand that any collapse of these folks means that there's going to
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be a new mandatory in coolage and i'm fighting will be transferred to rough a who wouldn't be coming days. or i thought a couple assume that live for us from gaza as well. join now here in the studio bio to 0, senior political analyst model one to shot a model on. first of all, let's put in context what exactly all we talk about when we say a deal because you listen to these, right? the officials, they talk about very temporary pools. you listen to anthony blinking, he talks about an extended pulse and how much of course the saying a complete hold. so minute treat, strikes and activities. i think you are right about the gaps. there's a huge gap between the is ready to position on the posting and how much is position on the way forward. so this is not a given that we're talking about at the end of the will to say no, no, no, no where we're, we're, i'm not sure how long it's going to take. i'm not sure there's going to be an end to the water, but clearly the united states is
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a project thing. a 2nd kind of optimism that's kind of contagious, if you will, but that's part of its diplomatic leverage on his right. you see if the united states projects this this, this, this, i can see here that we are definitely there. everyone is on board and then the whole government comes up and says, no, no, no, absolutely not. then it's going to send you all government that looks like it's the party pool, but if you will, right? so i think it's very important. the point of united says, 1st of all, to project an image of confidence that it is moving forward. that is leading the mediation process or the diplomatic process that it is interested in, the humanitarian and diplomatic solution to the conflict that it is pushing the nathaniel government. and that's what we've heard from blinked. and when he was into how it's kind of tricky when it comes to the blink. and there's diplomacy on the one hand, they are supporting unconditional exams, genocide and gaza militarily, financially diplomatically. and on the other hand,
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they are playing honey. i found out that they are the ones that along the humanitarian age, that they are the ones who are pushing for diplomatic solution. switching an important for the american diplomatic to speak from there, from both sides with what is his message then right now to nothing. yeah, my, my and that was his right. i have no. i have no enrolled into what he's actually saying. my address is, is that for the by the administration for minus is enough? yes. if you think how much is important, it's even indispensable. but you cannot continue with the war as is because it's really turning into our slaughter. and it would be basically an extermination. and drop off is that it continues with more of the same where almost 2000000 people are stuck on the border with agent. so i think for the united states, the message is clear, time has run out the war. the logic for the war has run out. and in so many ways is
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what it needs to start. one thing down on finding alternative means to reach us the objectives. it could be by special operations. it could be next, the next time, shutting. it doesn't matter. and as far as the united states concerned, this is an election year. boy, over 4 months has served this purpose. it destroyed garza for god's sake. but now at least the wind down, the region is ready for that. the fed, a spinning is, are certainly ready and a need for an audi horribly. these really isn't terms of that tough davis. and in terms of their, uh, uh, short term interest, if you will. they're also interested in winding down the winding down, but that's not what we're hearing. what on the streets is winding things off when it comes to a ground defensive and also how do we put those 2 together? that's exactly how diplomacy work. try to present that back some of this position, you put back someone pressure in order to get the most part of that different about the process. i think for that anyhow, governments now putting maxima pressure on that, that
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a city is one. how much spend rough i know that to, um, inflicted on them the maximum human cost. when eventually as far as is, are concerned, push from us to compromise more, to make more concessions moving forward. fortunately for the seniors, how much has proven to be rather stubborn. when it comes to these negotiations, that's why it's sticking in time. and it's saying, we're not in the rush if you don't want fine because we would continue to resist because you are losing, we are winning. that's as far as how much is for what are the sticking points now at this point then other than the gap between whether this is a temporary or pulls or an end. oh, there's so many issues actually. when you go into the details and you start, you know, looking uh, you know, if you went into what's happening, for example, i'll give you an example. what's gonna happen the 1st phase of the 2nd 1st on the 3rd 1st, because how much wants to make sure that these things are not? the faces are not burnt. that whatever you do for that 1st sir, is it has to be completed,
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then you move to the 2nd page. so it's not the least most captives on this more person. those are at least in the 1st place to 2nd. what do you do 1st? you ask for the person of release, or you ask for the end of the aggression. you ask for the end of the bombardment, or if you ask for the, for the pick up person has the ability to release 1st. do you ask for certain guarantees on jerusalem, who's going to provide those guarantees? you're going to ask for certain guarantees for. is there any withdrawal from gaza? who's gonna offer these going to these? what is right, accept the dash show many details moving forward. that's why we keep saying we are not at the cost of a did. we have reached apparently a framework to fill in the framework with details on phases and stages. i think that's going to take time and a lot of on posting. oh, it's good to have you on set. thanks so much model on the shots. now the humanitarian situation and gaza is causing concern of
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a crowding and on the huge hygiene it conditions and makes shift kinds of created hot spots for viruses and diseases. the flourish, the reason the spike and hepatitis cases has left many palestinians fighting an invisible enemy as war rages around them and run the la han reports. it's hard to keep one self isolated in overcrowded place like this camp in 0, butler in central causes for much of a well he recently diagnosed with hepatitis the condition that spreads from close contact with this. it's an added layer of challenge model. and then your most of the yes in any way we can. yeah. and is it, my son has been feeling for t losing appetite and has a fever. there's an outbreak of various diseases, children and the change. next jobs are suffering hepatitis. and i fear for him, especially since his eyes are turning yellow as well as this year. and i'm pretty much, but i could see what he might have to do that much to faces,
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the daunting task of isolating to prevent spreading the disease. amongst his 40 relatives, nothing has been displaced from northern garza, the sold oregon. one of his mom is doing her best to keep things clean, but she says it's far from easy. this is attains housing for 2 people, including my family and in those, and they are for helping children living in this town. and the doctor suggest isolate for 6 months, for god's sake, how can we do this? you tell me how my husband, 4 children i sleep in this tiny spot. how can we separate this? the support is not even protected from rainbow water or sewage. this camp in bureau by law has become the last refuge for thousands from across the kaiser. but with sewage leaking between 10 in garbage piling up everywhere. the situation only seems to be worse and the local health officials recently reported an outbreak of hepatitis a. it's been made worse by the constant over crowning, and people being unable to shower or keep proper hygiene. those low rates and stuff
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. the other is those type of tied to say it's caused by a virus. it spreads through place contact mode on the same way as a corona virus, is the virus is concentrated in saliva, you'll have that is why it is easily contract through spoons, towels, and even pillows must have caused a symptom similar to the flu shots like stomach ache, and diarrhea, even fi button is really forces move deeper into con eunice. pulse daneen families are facing constant over crowding unless wait for food, water. in whatever medical aid is still available, lice, basic necessities have become rare. commodities here. ronald han elders here a spill. i had an al jazeera, we talking to the un special russell tour and the occupied palestinian territories . francesca and benet's, a gnostic, enough for her views and the situation in garza,
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the the, brought to you by visit capital for the funding from big friends jobs is quite likely to end an easier to still the rainy season. but things have improved to some degree in the southern philippines and a good passive tyler and his drawing. i approve coaches to a halt at 37 near record heat values this. whereas in contrast, we've has a huge amount of snow falling in central china. that's going out of the way. now. this showing itself now is writing of a woman was from hong kong through taiwan announcements, the open pacific. following it in the sunshine gets to work the time she has been right down the freezing. obviously, ryan wilheim and his general area. so there be some snow about going all night, which might itself cause some problems, some flooding out of salt. fine weather for the tree and producer and forward your pilot stuff is code in northern china are there. and some improvement in the
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weather been noticed in northern india and northern pakistan rather persistent folk has been moved about getting an idea to choose the latter. oh so yeah, that's the strength of when the wind just picked up. so the full cost on the actual weather is back to the sun. forward in the morning, sheller fault, lifting during the afternoon. in fact to the whole of india or bangladesh and packaged on the weather is pretty fine. they're barely a shower in the sky. badly acquired in the sky, but why don't you maybe down the east coast and possibly in for like in the quote to you by visit in depth analysis of today's headlines. how does south africa? it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that this is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without that fear of facing, of jail term informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea,
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it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story. on al jazeera, a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year, we source that change. it became clear at that point that we really were in a kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower it's maria dresser and professor michael wooldridge explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the while come back, you're watching out. is there a time to recap on headlines now?
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the secretary of state has met the policy in president and ramallah. i'm the is why the prime minister in west jerusalem on to me bidding can, is discussing terms of a potential israel, i'm us v o. in a method to pro can extend the cost of a war and guns. funerals have been held in the alpha off through a series of his really strikes. thousands were also interested in the attacks including several children. un secretary general and tony protector says he's a long drive reports, he's ready for his needs and to focus the tax on or off and by the guy so told the general assembly, each time for an immediate humanitarian sees 5 in johnson. and for the release of all captives or oh joins now by francesca and benet z. she's the u. n. special rapids her on the occupied, palestinian tell the truth, joins us live here in the studio. a pleasure to have you in. so francesca, we're talking the big news, today's about this deal. that's apparently being negotiated between the 2 sides.
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how important is it that a deal comes through soon to end this conflict? it's critical that to deal comes through soon, but what's even more critical are the terms of this deal. it's fundamental. it's critical to have a ceasefire as soon as possible. it's already nate. and the way the media started with variation is intensifying against forcibly displaced the population, which is amassed in desperate conditions with the timing already happening in the spreading of disease de repairable trauma. as the i c j, a said a ceasefire is needed. i just fired that allows the military operation to stop the hostages to be released. and most of the 9000 palestinians who have been detained, rested in detained scenes, the 7th of october, and go through 5 policy in territory. these are the basic conditions and then of course there is the need to deliver a to
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a to the palestinian so which is which is critical and it's not happening. you mentioned the need to deliver a but at the same time. and of course, that was a point we've heard from many international organizations, but at the same time we've heard from powerful countries a costs and suspension of a real well from your perspective, when you look at things from a legal basis, how does that sit with you? with the concepts of international when you caught a based on allegations that a yet to be even fully investigated, left alone, fully verified. absolutely. in dozens say, well adults with me, from an international low point of view. but i've said what, what this countries who are spending 82, and a to 2 on ry are, are doing, is a form of collective punishment against the agency and against the palestinians. not
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only in gaza who have in desperate need for the a that the only on what has the capacity to deliver, but also for the students in the region. because there are so over 6 medium policy and so are going to be affected. and also again, even assuming the allegations where, where to, what's the point of punishing the entire agency, especially when the agency has already, without due process detonated this, this people. so i said it's suit. it's illegal. especially because of the, the in the lie to all the nice c j order that creates an obligation to ensure immediate and other ways to money tell you on aid, but also it's immoral. and it's irresponsible because as many have said, including senior senior officials of the us. and this is going to bring to the collapse of the you money targeting for us tractor. that's still a, it's weak but still exist saying to on rocks in digging guys off tomorrow.
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irresponsible does it also open up legal liability and exposure to some of the countries that are engaging in this account often a and the reason i'm asking this, it's been reported widely in the cut. i have one price that nicaragua has sent alexa, a warning, the u. k. germany, the netherlands in canada, of action against them for what they see is complicity in genocide. and one of the reasons cited was big was because of this i, i see that there is up sort of married to look into this semester and against the obligations that means from the genocide convention because of the countries you mention and biased western countries. as of the, as qualified to the south africans allegations of genocide to the claims of genocide being committed by, by, as well as baseless but now that we have an entering order of the i c j. seeing
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that, that sort of nice. the possibility that with you shortly is doing a cost to, to, to genocide. there is a noble addition upon every member state to take all possible measures to prevent and genocide. instead of taking measures against the stroke, what do they do to take measures against the money guardian agency which deliver the verse a critical aid to the probably seen is it makes no sense. and yes, in my old so i uh give the, give the front a give the rise to obe legation in big trouble. big issues under the genocide convention. do you see any sign that either israel or is powerful back cuz have moved to try and comply with the in through a ruling by the i c j. since it came out? not at all, not at all because easterel has intensified. it's um, the opposite that should have ceased to compete because the order to the,
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the order of the original measures that the i, c, j ordered at a very clear a, there is a, a request to, to, to seize the, keeping the distributed indiscriminate king of civilian to create the conditions that would make life impossible, including the destruction of infrastructure and the 1st symbol displacement of all policy. and so this is no mention per se, but this is again, it's creating a normal and enormous distress, and also sees a to create, to harm and mental and physical harm before the police students in gaza. not only does us not seize the body does intensified, and they do understand and guide. we called the concern of the secretary general on tanya with their sweetness, things that's for the massacre. so going to be complete that because it's, it's a physical it's, it's a lot of physics. i mean, more people are going to get crammed to in a small area. of course,
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if israel bones the, those don't mean bacteria, well, you know, into the, into the reports about another is where the ground defensive now targeting rough, rough with people have been even further crammed south into that area. absolutely, absolutely. what i mean, what is, is what i'm doing is unconscionable. so it has to be stopped. and instead again, i want to stress the fact that states have an obligation to make, to, to make easy will seize those ox that michael c to genocide and nothing has been done in this sense. arms and bar go a sufficient or they cannot make relations assumptions. no one is really taking seriously the necessity to impose this measures. right. and we did here of course, from the president of the icing. so i c, j. since we're talking about quoting for these for 80 hostages and captive to be released. and that's something you've you've spoken also balance on the full. absolutely, absolutely. i this,
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these people need to be returned to safely to their, to their homes. and there is, but again, the duties with this intense bone being i also, i also fear for the faith of the, of the hostages because they need, wherever they are, they share what's happening to the palestinians. right now. we know that you all to deliver reports from the 26th of march to the un human rights council. and you're probably not going to tell me everything. but can you give us an idea of where that report is going? i can tell you that uh, and upset it before as well. when i wrote my last city bought the children, but they were, this is the most difficult report i've ever written because it's about what has happened. also if the 7th of october and youtube pipe publishing and territory and then go to qualifications of it. so yeah, science the how this one you've written as,
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as many united nations figures like yourself have themselves been the target of campaigns for speaking out and standing out for international law. how do you process that? how do you deal with that constant pressure? i don't feel the pressure, i don't even take the time to process it because what i'm really struggling is to process the fact that almost 50000 people that's being killed. 11000 childrens have been killed. this is something that as a, as a lawyer and as a human being, i can not precise. the test happens to everyone. i mean the criticism and the announcement is against every one who dares to bring scrutiny. tweeze was policies in the book, and you mean when you write reports like the ones we've seen november 16th and so on, you know that you'll challenging very powerful quotas in this world to stand up for . a people that we have to remember are an occupied people, right?
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yes, yes, it, it shouldn't be sold over the fetus. what else? i mean, again, there is a, you know, there is one, there is a huge misunderstanding about my work because it's so fed projected as i'm t is right. and is there's nothing against these really people who might have ports . in fact, i always advocate for that inclusive language that brings the easiest 80 and what they're suffering on in the, in the india question. but it's clear that those without the rights between that even and the see out of the palestinians. and, and it happens because of a new legal occupation. because the last and almost 57 years and which has imposed upon the size of over the policy and people in the settler colonial scheme as i've argued the since my very 1st report, this is to and i'm just galvanizing, thank you so much for coming on by chevy. let's look at some of the new some around the world. now at least 27 people have been killed, the more than 50 injured in
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a bumble austin focused on south west and province apologise, stein. but it comes just a day ahead of general elections. the nation has a month, so political on rest, some of the candidates and political policies face violence. so bank for falls now from the whole desk and destruction after a bump. the last of the candidates office introduced on products. these are the conditions focused on selections that being held into. no one has yet to claim responsibility in the past, but it just on has seen the tax code that by site protest, the un commission of human rights at the express consent of, of one to incidents ahead of this vote. they have been attacked, some political parties and candidates during commission that has cold and authorities to ensure a free and say a vote. just the election make you think you john the here to present an election when no one's life is under threat. you can cost you about to anyone, you are free to do so. beyond forces and police will be present for you safety
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courses by those boxes and by that papers sealed them into high security. with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote, this is a huge task. more than 90000 imposing stations have been set up across focused on national and professional seats will be decided in this vote. but with the security threats in some areas, it's the ministry that's providing the security. but it's also the middle street that's been accused of interference. 650000 military police and firemen actually have been deployed for this selection. 100 bucks dining those days. no campaigning and the 24 hours before the vote. and on election days, the limits around pulling stations for canvassing is manage level. uh, this is the bag with the ballot papers. they will not be opened. the sealed inside will only be open to the presence of pauline agents. the elections will be fit, but the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition and run calling in jail. this has been viewed by many as the most sensitive election and recent focused on the history international observers, as well as international media present to take a closer look at have free, free and transparent voting will be
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a sort of vague or does it all the hold of buckets done, the sean so long the dean is the director of the center for regional and global connectivity. they that i've loved the think tank. they says some groups will target the election. it's not going to have a tremendous impact on the elections. remember that this is not a particular moment in time in which these attacks and this, this kind of binds, has been witness, particularly in the northern parts of both just on and the southern part of the boston crowd. that's the other problems neighboring. but i just thought that has seen in the past a range of attacks and direct duties that have disrupted everything from the video campaign to security. personal guarding be much of a cd be of course their stated objective is to demoralize the lawn for agencies in august, but they have made it very clear that they have no intention of targeting. like all staff, political rallies or parties. their targets will remain uh,
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the law enforcement agencies, power, military administrators, personnel boxed on. the bigger problem though is the highest key. you know, these lobby state is no longer really in the, in the side guys of western media. but that's part of the world. it's still very much the present problem and they are principally responsible for targeting j y s political party rallies. 3rd thing that we should be paying attention to is the july the lead up will stand and objective is in fact try and disrupt the elections because they consider that democratic process to be anti islamic. it was that germany's major airports have threatened to extend the strong keeps the moms and not met operations came to a halt when more than $25000.00 ground stops. walks off the jump for $27.00, alice hundreds of flights across the country. it's been canceled affecting more than a 100000 passages. so many cane has more from both and so far as disruption
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is concerned, 90 percent of all of tons of flights around the world cancelled here in berlin. brandon book, apple, which is not a massive international hub full of times or flights to cancel. so those desks behind me, those checking desks which would ordinarily be doing a relatively brisk trade in the middle of a weekday. not much going on there until some scar alliance flights going, hence the presence of the stuff, the but know, love tons of flights with this app or it is not the eye of the storm full of times, the eye of the storm in a metaphorical sense and a geographical sense is in western germany at munich and frank for those 2 important have apples or flights. the counsel and the reality for many passages is delayed disturbance. and that sort of thing. what's driving this? well, it is a disputes between unions and management is a pay and conditions. specifically, the union says that there must be an immediate pay rise. 12 a half percent rise this. yeah,
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the management of lift times. this is no that is not possible. so team percent but staggered over 3 years. the point to make quite clearly is this kind of strike action. this is not unique. all sorts of different transport and other sectors are experiencing industrial action right now and have been for the cost of the last few months here in germany. it is to a certain extent, a winter of discontent, of russia has launched the number of missiles strikes across ukraine. at least 3 people in k of were killed and a 4th is died in the southern city. make life fonts of the capital have been left without power off the falling debris. damaged power lines from mcbride has multiple kids that strikes being reported a gun. cities across the ukraine early wednesday morning involving a number of different weapons, different types of missiles and also drones here in the comfortable key. but 1st lights are, there were around
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a 3 or 4 loud explosions with several locations. have being hit with a, an apartment complex in the south of the city that a probably bold the brunt of the tax here when sold the most amount of damage into casualties around 7 flows of this apartment blocks. that's a blaze by folding debris, with a number of people from this complex being killed and others being hospitalized. but that wherever attacks as far away as half key in the north east, they were a tax there which is called the city. that is come on the consistent tech for a number of weeks now. but also as far west as would be way over in the west of ukraine. 3 a number of the weapons being used was sophisticated cruise missile was able to take longer meandering groups to try to confuse and confound the defences. in fact, a couple of those cruise missiles said to have been very close to the polish folder before they turned around landing in the v region and other attacks taking place down in the south of the ukraine, around the city of nikolai f, with
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a number of sha hey drones being used again. the coding to deal with are these targeting residential areas with a number of homes damaged and again, more casualties. that still ahead on al jazeera, the kale cindy's been democratic republic of congo as thousands flea from advancing rebels. we have a report from the scene the coveted beyond wells, taken without hesitation in fulton, died for power that finds out while we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate,
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expose this and questions they use them to be just of our around now to sierra the fall come back in the democratic republic of congo. thousands of fleeting to go morrow's violence intensifies between the army and the n 23. i'm group finances ever pulled, at least around the town of soc a and the east crucial step before reaching goma, the capital of north q through the congolese army and un peacekeepers have been struggling to contain the groups and funds from the city of the situation in soc is
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very bad. the heavy fighting between the soldiers and 23 levels they have attacked was heavy guns and booms fell on the 16th. the supplies were leaving for going on. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between theme and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense in the city. were running from the fighting between rebels and soldiers. we don't know where we can go, but we can't survive in this situation. it's too much for us. and then or county has small from blank go yeah, yeah, it's will not to from the if you said, well, $100000.00 of people are running from such as, which is just the guy in the us here. because there is a fight in between the, between the 2 levels and also did the see, i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now. but this one and you're getting ripples. i've tried to take over the men to see through which is the last one before the toner, from wilma. this is why you have seen all these people and they've been in this
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data or socket for more done. one must right now we're on the from different areas on the default off labels this morning. we still don't know what to do. it goes all over the place. it goes up to now we can see the bottom from the place where we go . and i was on hundreds of people on the right now trying to go into the city of wilma, they've been already to the deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see another different places because they've been around here. there is this, it is, how does i go inside? and how does i say they need to go 1st thing to secure women because they don't trust whether they are new in between disclosure. so those are both of us and co otherwise, you know. like on it, we will go on the democratic republic of investors are keeping a close eye on china and stock market is to see whether the government's rescue plan will succeed. chinese state regulation is found to take steps to support the aging economy, but overall confidence remains low. katrina,
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you reports from badging. chinese stock prices are rebounding, but the countries blue chip company stating that the biggest rally since 2022 chinese technology company. alibaba was among the biggest gain is, becomes days of the chinese stock market valuation spelled to 5 year low as last week. behind the turnaround government intervention, china securities regulators, i'll just take steps to correct down on what it described as malicious, schultz selling an institutional investors to expand their investments. some hedge funds and brokerage is reported bends on selling and estate fund dubbed the national team also intervene, helping to stem a sell off. but apple is say, unless small is done to stimulate china stagnation, economic growth, government efforts could backfire. the expectation is so weak. and that, that means even if a, temporarily,
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maybe the state can do something to push the stock market up on, but that would cause more people to sell rather than to buy. so in the short term, actually we have this high risk that a chinese stock market will go down much by the a child is growth achieved at last is government target of 5 percent. but the international monetary fund predicts more problems to come to the world's 2nd largest economy. the property sector, a major driver of growth, is in decline with no sign of recovery. time is bullets out, stock market is just one symptom of a wide spread coincidence prices. the government has so far refused to implement any major effort to stimulate the economy. and many experts please adding to that happens, gains short lived and pessimism about the countries future. katrina, you all to 0 agent that can body and prime minister on much has arrived in thailand for his 1st official visit since taking the top job last summer. the relationship
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between the neighboring countries has been historically difficult. tony trying reports from bangkok one minute welcome to government house by the ty prime minister, set out how we said it's the cambodian prime ministers 1st visit since taking over from his father. and since last year, he was quick to thank his host for ensuring his visit was mod 5 protests. thanks for your re fi me of for your support that not allowing tight territory to be used for any activities for interference in cambodia and internal politics. the same thing, 2nd body of god forbid, is also give commitment. i'm not loving couple additional as, as a, the land for, for conducting up to activities to interfere with thailand. tile authorities have
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been working hard headphone minutes arrival. pictures posted on social media show plain clothes totally police outside the home of a permanent cambodian distant who was detained hours later on immigration charges. it's come about an entire thirty's working hand in hand to crack down to silence d sensing voices. you know, the to the part then back to come. would you all, you know, there to make them disappear. and it's not just happening and complex happening. 12 to me come reject in 2020 type pro democracy activist, one to them set success was abducted by all men in the cambodian capital he's assumed to have been killed. but neither cambodia no time, not that to disclose the results of investigations into his abduction. the political environments and cambodia remains deeply repressive under the new pm last week. opposition leader kim saca at his 1st appeal hearing against the 2070 a jail sentence. the treason,
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i would like to make it very clear through the international community the stop being delusion. uh by uh, one minute uh, that one minute can bring change. he will not, as far as long as his father is around his father has not gone away. for decades, thailand was a century for political dissidents. fling, oppression inside cambodia. but the warm welcome to prime minister home, and that indicates that has now changed that these enables very happy to work together to silence each other's critics. tony tongue out is there a bank of as ordered by johns president and holly ive is headed for a land slide election victory according to exit polls. ali of has been in power for 21 years in succeeding his father. the cold elections, the early soon oft as it by john re took the cut off region last year from the as an economy in full season. and we'll be getting another $78.00 to the 2 largest opposition policies,
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though boy cost is about the same. the election was not free or fast. that's it for this news out. i'm back in a couple of minutes is another for show. the bodenal's rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires. increasingly with through them. in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect or village fire beneath a witness documentary on that. just so you know who genuine to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by. well does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on
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my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities us veto in the security council. this is a may just don't think look is a problem to access to hear the story on told to al jazeera off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the patient reward because the women and my country deadlocks, we we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts,
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that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to the us secretary of state anthony, blinking needs palestinian. that is riley lee this to discuss these 5 plan for gaza, proposed by i'm on the on saturdays i them. this is out just a live from dell. so coming up the


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