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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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for the us, secretary of state says there is space for the agreement on concepts these rails prime minister insists of tax on the not stop the okay, it's on the semester, so i'll just hear a lot from toe. so coming up, the israel continues as strikes on the southern cause, the summit close to attempt to displace people in rough or the 3 people are killed in a drone. striking back to the us as it was targeting an army link to a rock and 2 blocks and southwest pocket stone on the eve of parliamentary
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elections. these 28 people. okay. the it is very prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says, fighting in gauze, i won't end until as well as cheese what he calls an absolute victory. his comments come off to him, asked put forward it's times for see spot of to meet significant, yahoo, the us secretary of state one that the civilian desktop remains too high. but said that is to room for an agreement to be reached to end the fighting. i'm in charge of the ports from tennessee, less than a day after how much submitted its response to a potential cause a cease fire plan. us secretary of state and to me blinking arrived in israel, hoping to build on that moment. but hours after meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu is real, all but rejected the current framework for association of hostilities the gum con
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guzman. so any further feel hope now is the time for the is riley defense forces to allow safe car doors for the residence of rough, or we shall continue destroying the capabilities of hamas until we achieve that. and i emphasize we have no other option but decisive victory. how much for its part said that unlike is real, they have taken a positive approach to the cease fire proposal and then it then. yeah, oh, well, how cool mid to no end of government. a system to continue to mislead the public opinion in israel and to prolong it's a christian despite the loss as the sustaining and personnel and equipment. with the attempts to hold the war seemingly at a standstill. one significant point of contention continues to be whether any agreed to cease fire would be permanent. despite the diplomatic setbacks at a press conference in tel aviv lincoln insisted a ceasefire. deal between israel and how much was still a possibility. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the
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israeli government, the response that from us sent last night as to the proposal that the united states cutter in egypt had put together to bring the remaining officers home and extend the monitoring pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non starters in monsters response, we do think it create space for agreement to be reached. and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. it was an intense day of talks for america's top diplomat. at the end of it, anthony blinking did offer a positive outlook on ultimately finding a path to peace. but he also gave few details about how american now and visions finding a way to end the war, how much i'm doing, but just need to love it. please. 14 people have been killed and is really strikes and reference southern garza residence,
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say 2 houses in the area of town. also town where a hit is red is expanding its bombings into rapid tries to destroy him as the infrastructure, almost half of the strips residence. so now in the city of to think fighting for the no but any on wednesday. and it's very strike talk through the call close to the detainment event for displace children in rafa. the elders here obtained footage of the strike which caused panic among the children and other displays. people. the desktop from that is readily strike has been consign, sorry, assume has more on that of this attack had been carried dots and one of the most densely populated area and one of the hot beating areas inside drop off that is next to account for displace people as we had been seeing,
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the children were singing and we're celebrating some moments of comb and try and quality on the ground and rough our district. but it was completely interrupted with loud explosion of in his relief, dro messiah that targeted one of the civil costs that were one. palestinian has been killed in that military strike alongside with an empower residents. have been also in good where there was a children have been completely terrified then too much all i simply because they did the sound and the lot at the sound of the talk was extremely loud. they just rushed to the cover to take cover from the east, very ongoing bum button, and that's only go goes on a despite the sound of the is very surveillance of drugs that keep buzzing daily basis in rough. our district also adding much more psychological pressure on those children and old palestinians right now who have been displaced in rough. i bought it's both mentioning that's not the only 1st attack that had been carried out today . you bought for that tax had been carried out earlier, were a non purpose,
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then she'll build things have been talking one of the latest in which 3 palestinians have her report killed in the eastern part of our district. well then 27700 palestinians have been killed in as well as war on gaza, survive as a struggling to find closure. somebody who is refusing to move from their bubble using their pets in the desperately to find missing bodies. so on the topic reports, how many of his name doesn't want to leave his beloved home is now the most grave of his entire family and makes your tent on the trouble is home. now, vice will let him add the highest i live in distance and it is really hard for me of this age. all 5 members of my family would killed by my son friday, his wife and daughter, my son, and my grand with the summer. i am still recovering parts of their bodies. we used to keep costs at home and feed them badly. those caps helped me a lot in looking for pieces of my children's dismembered bodies,
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et cetera. i am assisted by pet. they sniff here and there. once led me to lift a concrete blocks where i found pots of my children's ponies we looked over 17 and is really as frank targeted their home and rougher some were pulled up from the rebel and taken to the great, the hosp, the old world members of how much somebody were killed, including women and children, is really forces insist that targeting quote terrace and the whole, the math to put of these radio occupation forces bombarding us without goodness and that. but this will not fit. i wish i can join my children and grandchildren even having soon maybe old wisdom teeth i to god we shall all retarded with that. in the last $124.00 days of the war and gaza,
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those left behind have frantically searched for the comedy of each is read the strike. he says she's the soul of my soul. another grandfather whose toys, patients went vital across the bill. the grandparents they call it insist they only carry the memory of the grandchildren in the days of happiness. how much is among the grandparents of garza who refused to leave or let their grief to find them. so set up who lived with him to have the uh, what's it? the reason i'm staying in this tent is that i want to be around not only to try to recover pieces of my children and grandchildren's bodies. but also i want to hoist a big banner here say, you know, standing our ground told that we're not leaving our home loans. i am the only survivor of my family and i pray god almighty to take me to his message soon. i want to join them in, haven't mishandled, most likely be dire,
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but the cold shortage of food and water and no security the palestinians say then remain until they can live on their land with dignity and job aid aus. are there any of my colleagues? somebody said that in the spoke to the un special wrapper to all the occupied palestinian territories. she says the decision by several countries to cut funding to view and refugee agency for palestine is illegal, immoral and irresponsible of what this countries who are spending $82.00, and a to 2 on ry are, are doing is a form of collective punishment against the agency. and against the palestinians, not only in gaza who have in desperate need for the aid that is only on what has the capacity to deliver, but also for the students in the region. because there are so over 6 medium policy . and so are going to be affected. and also again,
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even assuming the allegations where, where to, what's the point of punishing the entire agency, especially when the agency has already, without new process detonated this, this people. so i said it's suit it's illegal, especially because of the, the, in the allow you to over nice c j order that creates an obligation to ensure immediate and either way through money tell you on aid, but also it's immoral. and it's irresponsible because as many have said, including the senior senior officials of the us, this is going to bring to the collapse of the you money. target infrastructure. that's still a, it's weak but still exist saying to on rocks in, do you guys off tomorrow, irresponsible? does it also open up legal liability and exposure to some of the countries that are engaging in this content and a, and the reason analysing this has been reported widely in the come,
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i've one price that nicaragua has sent a lacto warning, the u. k. germany, the netherlands in canada, of action against them for what they see is complicity and genocide. and one of the reasons cited was big was because of this i, i see that there is up sort of married to look into this semester and against the obligations that means from the genocide convention. because the countries you mentioned and biased western countries of the as qualified to the south, possibly cons allegations of genocide, the claims of genocide being committed, bye bye, as well as baseless. but now that we have an interview or under all of the i, c j. c. the custody cook nice, the possibility that for each one of these doing a cost to, to, to genocide that there is a noble edition upon every member state to take all possible measures to prevent
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a general side instead of taking measures against this rule. what do they do to take measures against the money guardian agency which deliver beaver's a critical aid to the police students and make no sense? and yes, in my old so, um the give the give the front a give the rise to old legation in big trouble. big issues under the genocide convention. nothing use us as it was behind the missed saw, struck, used to iraq's capital. these 3 people are killed in a car, was a, it was a 0, it has that senior commodities of iran. think on the group of targeted, please say for the last won't give yourself a district of that, that following a drug strike. alhashan said this update from back that this is the slide, the
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local change to the see over the past few days. so a couple of strikes to the rock through the west of syria, the 16 people today. this is different as talking to june, starting a couple of besides costs in this crowded neighborhood. and a couple of to columbus from situation is very close and that's why there might go close to finding it yourself the to man just that i've now and it's a very little seeing us. so the members of the function and also trying to are also asking journalists to leave
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the area was you can see things on from about that. so you have a tendency has more and i one those strikes. i'm washington dc. we've been told by the administration that will be more text. these are all with tags directly. as far as the us is concerned, related to the attack in jordan killed, 3 u. s. service people are under the will be more to come. we have this statement from sent come a few hours ago that at 9 30 pm local. com conducted a unilateral striking iraq in response to the attacks on us service members killing a capacity because that has been a come on the responsible for directly planning on participating in tx on us forces in the region. the us continuing to ignore the complaints of the rocky government. these flemings are not sanctioned by the silver and state of iraq or violation of agree moves of us is made with the iraq and gilbert. and remember, the us began bombing back that certainly in early january before the attack,
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tackle and jordan. and since then as a result of domestic pressure and anger in iraq expedited towards around a way to get us troops out of iraq. and the us, as far as domestic legal authority, is concerned that using the f s the authorization delivery fullest posts in 2001 of to 90 level, which was meant to go off to al qaeda. and yet this particular ministry group actually is charged with fighting the assignment state and offshoot of outside is it's all very serial on the possible drug strike has been reported in the eastern part to see we have according to the cool major explosions have been heard that the base of our oil field, and that is all, it comes days off to drone and struck the largest us mitre base in syria in the same area. at least 6 fights. this was true and democratic forces were killed and that's attack. so somebody else's era were in democratic republic of congress by thousands of people have been forced from their homes, would explain why the
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the, the weather brought to you by visit. so that california is the big story. and the us has been studying ray, this is in the harvey deserts uses enough to wash roads away. that's been the case for the west on the coast as well. there's been a lot of snow up in the mountains, which is probably welcome. but i think 1st you'll see the end of it. there is more rain coming off as much, is going south over the mexican border, delivering a lot more snow in nevada, for example, bits of arizona as well. a foreclosure states, again, probably welcome style. eventually. ahead is that the last head of a storm is this one here. circulating the snow to north dakota and rain of thoughts to the great lakes. now carry on. moving, starting east was during friday, friday sees a fatty drive picture through california. as you'll notice, i'm sure it's a welcome relief. 2016 degrees in
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a day for this. asked very stormy weather recently in cuba. so have on their soul some funding enough to get the run the rustic draft that you'll notice the lot rate is move on. and the full cost is for to be of the small rugs, the caribbean, and what has happened. so trade winds complete to the wrong direction. so whether is completely different to what you might expect in the baggage in the caribbean, south america, we've had some big chiles recently. they could be repeats as file se, se, brazil on the heat, but it was more that's going to be an option to you. now. the weather brought to you by visit castle. this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves long because there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias,
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understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the . the don't you know, just a reminder of our main stories about us. i can just stay on to the been consist that is space for the agreement to be reached. but a ceasefire and concept speaking in terms of, is he one day proposal by him master as for people, clear non sconces because on these roads to insure the flow from other tiring 8 houses here hasn't changed tricks. it's showing the moment on this very strike talking to the comp place to account for displaced peoples payments, events for displace children. in the past,
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the death toll from these written strikes has not been confirmed. the doctor states has confirmed that it's carried out to miss so striking a cause to at least 3 people east to the rocks capital. the fact that i'll just here has learned that senior come on to soften around holmes groups with targets. it is that makes stace has came responsibility for building and focused on south west and the province above. just on these 28 people were killed in more than 50 engine. the last happened on the eve of general elections which begin in the next few hours. as i said, big reports from the whole candidates and political parties have faced on the buttons and they run up to the right of death and destruction after a bump. the last of the candidates office introduced on providence. these are the conditions focused on selections that being held into in the past. but we've just done has seen this tax credit by separate just the un commission of human rights that express concerns of, of $110.00 students. the head of this vote. they have been
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a tax on political parties and candidates doing commission that has cooled and authorities to ensure a free and fair vote. your selection make you think you, john, i'm way here to present and election way and no one's life is under threat. you can cost you a vote to anyone you are free to do so. down forces and police will be present for you safety courses by those boxes and by that papers sealed and under high security . with more than 120000000 people are eligible to vote, this is a huge task. more than 90000 imposing stations have been set up across focused on national and professional seats would be decided in this vote. but with the security threats in some areas, it's the ministry that's providing the security. but it's also the middle street that's been accused of interference. 650000 military police and part of military have been deployed for this selection. $100.00 done, even though there is no campaigning in the 24 hours before the vote. and on the election day, the limits around pulling stations for canvassing is made. you'll have all of this is the bag with the ballot papers. they will not be opened. the sealed inside will
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only be out of into the presence of pauline agents. the elections will be fit. the run up to this election has been controversial with the leader of the main opposition in wrong calling in jail. this is being viewed by many of the most sensitive addiction and recent buckets. sonya history, international observers, as well as international media at present to take a closer look at have free, free and transparent voting would be a sort of vague. i'll just say it off the hold of buckets done. a democratic republic of congo, which such as all the forces of his stuart come to the city of san k, ultra counter offensive against them. 23. the fighting has forced thousands of people to flee to go by the arms groups fights as has reportedly surrounded the town of so, okay. and the east official step before reaching good by the capital of north cuba of the situation in stock. it is very bad, heavy fighting between soldiers and 23 by bills they have attacked with heavy guns and bones fell on the 16th. the supply when leaving for going on we saw soldiers
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running away from the positions as find interrupted between deem and the rebels. that's why we left the finding was too intense in the city were running from the fighting between rebels and soldiers. we don't know where we can go, but we can't survive in this situation. it's too much for us. oh, why connie has more dot from blank go nega we are. yeah, it will not be far from the if you said, well, $100000.00 people are running from such as, which is just us here. because there is a fighting between the, between the 2 levels and also did the see, i mean, they've been fighting for a week twice now. but this one, you're getting ripples. i will try to take over the ministry thing, which is the last one before the toner. from wilma, this is why you have seen all these people and they've been in this socket for more than one muscle. right now we're running from different areas on the 4th or off labels this morning. we still don't know what to do. it was already in the press,
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it goes up to now we can see the bottom from the place where we are. and i was on 100 of people on the right now trying to go in the city of wilma, they've been on where it is. it's a deep in this area and the right to know they're going to see another different places because they've been around here. there is, this is how does i go inside? and how does i say they need to go? first thing to secure it because they don't trust where the invitation disclosure. so those are both the busing towards the right. you know, like on it will go more the democratic republicans, prosecutors in sweden say they will end their investigation to explosions on that. no, to stream $1.00 and $2.00 gas pipelines, a vast amounts of mesa, you were released with pipelines, transporting russian guests. germany were ruptured and september 2022. the prosecutor say they don't have jurisdiction to pursue the case for race has more now from stock. this is something of
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a we can dig into what has been very strong swedish involvement. in this case. it was the swedish navy, the found 2 crates as on the sea, but in the swedish economic zone, under the baltic and international waters button the economic side, as well as the remains of explosive materials. and that led to this investigation being opened into what the sweets, 10 major sabotage. but the analysis in the swedish media this week is the, the swedish authorities simply want this to go away. that's what have a result they bring from this investigation is just not good at for swedish interests. you know, for example, there's been speculation that ukraine or ukrainian groups were involved in this, in this sabotage. but if it's sweet and come to that conclusion, then it could cause problems for european union support like you have in the defense against russia. russia, again, have been
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a been implicated. they perhaps have the strongest motive of to, i guess applies 3 north stream. what cuts off to germany before these explosions but sweet and have a delicate diplomatic situation with russia at the moment, especially given that application to join nato, and they don't want to to cause any more problems that without strong evidence rush it in turn have implicates it. the u. k. and the us suite of would certainly wouldn't want to come to that conclusion with those 2 countries being at that very strong allies. so perhaps the conclusion that they've come to the prosecutor from the office behind me saying that it's a matter of jurisdiction. that no sweetie citizens or suite is territory was involved, is a convenient way for them to close this without saying, we don't know who did it. it's been a hot potato. one that the hot topic to pass over to germany investigates is now of
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today's former president sebastian for the errors lying in states and the capital santiago, friends, family. i'm the recall paying their respects to the 74 year old who died in a helicopter crash on tuesday. is believe the area was 9 that hadn't called 2 or 3 passengers on board. but it went down in the southern parts of the country. then the government has declared 3 days of national more than they more protests and hates a. according to the prime minister to resign. the fed straight day of demonstrations and forcing our own. read to step down. any haitians accuse him of holding onto power? he took office in 2021 of the present driven em. moiz was killed, but he's failed to hold general elections as promised. monday has run out
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the work cuz germany's major airports have threatened to extend the strike if the demands and not met operations came to a hold on wednesday with more than 25000 granted stuff. walked off the job for at least a day. and $1.00 to $12.00 and a half percent pay increase and improved working conditions. hundreds of flights across the country having canceled, affecting more than 100000 passages. from that kate has more now from the so far as disruption is concerned, 90 percent of all of tons of flights around the world cancelled here in berlin. brandon book airport, which is not a massive international hub full of times or flights or cancelled. so those desks behind me, those check invests, which would fold an hourly be doing a relatively brisk trade in the middle of a weekday. not much going on there until some star alliance flights. going hence the presence of the stuff, the but no look tons of flights, but this app or it is not the i of the storm full of time. so the i have the storm
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in the metaphorical sense and a geographical sense is in western germany at munich. and frank, for those 2 important have apples or flights, the counsel and the reality for many passages is delayed disturbance. and that sort of thing. what's driving this? well, it is a disputes between unions and management is a pay and conditions. specifically, the union says that that must be an immediate pay rise $12.00 a half percent rise this. yeah, the management of lift times. this is no that is not possible. so team percent, but staggered over 3 is the points to make quite clearly is this kind of strike action. this is not unique. all sorts of different transport and other sectors are experiencing industrial action right now and have been for the cost of the last few months here in germany. it is to a certain extent, a winter of discontent. so millions of people die from hunger every year. enough
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food is being produced in the well for everyone, but almost a 3rd if it goes to waste a conference in categories, looking at ways to insure people's basic needs are being met, their affairs, that climate change and ongoing conflicts threatening to make the problem even worse. isn't kimberly reports now from the of every it. millions of people are facing stove ation. 45000000. if he children. well, billions of tons of food is going to waste. globally be produced more than 2000000000 grains. more than 30 percent of a globally is whiskey is estimated to millions of people starve to death every year. here at this conference and don't delegate to discussing high policy makers need to prioritize people's real life to get food and how to store many unnecessary
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deaths from hunger. national and international trade policies tend to support large agricultural enterprises and corporations to dominate the global food market. it's a highly problematic um situation when the corporate sector gets the policy direction to public decision made across. we have seen this and 2021 un foot systems summit, where a huge corporations also active in the testifies of food sect, or influencing heavily the decisions being made by the un normally states or to be an international which advocates for the right to adequate food and nutrition says 60 percent of agricultural land in the world is owned by the rich is 10 percent of all landowners. which along with the corporations ability to set prices means it's tough for small scale farm is to survive. most skills palmer and small scale um.


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