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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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so my thoughts could you just possibly slip release for work and, and get you hope some were gonna how someone live with us to keep this for you. but yeah, it was the 1st time anybody had ever told me that it was not my fault. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is and use our on out just 0 for the back. people live in. don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. grief and despair in a rough i is really yes. right page palestinian homes getting at least 14 people in 7 guys. the us secretary of state wraps up his middle east tool without securing
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a ceasefire deal full gaza. but he says there is still room for an agreement. also this, our phones are closing across pakistan. he's a general election that's been marked by violence and vladimir food teams, main challenger in next month's presidential election says, you know, the decision that brought in from taking part 7 actually with sport as far as kind of i'll reach back to back asian cup finals. but defending champions beat around 3 to and when i was a student on saturday, the, it's 13 g m t 3 pm in the gaza strip, where these really ami is intensifying is from bob meant of rasa in the soft. it's supposed to be the last remaining, save. so and after the military audit palestinians to leave other areas of the strip. at least 14 people have been killed in some of the latest attacks on homes.
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that guy's as health when his recess, twin, the 7840 pounds of seniors have now been killed since the war began. the army has once again opened fire on palestinians who were waiting to receive humanitarian supplies in gaza. and they have been multiple reports of similar attacks in the past week. meanwhile, these really prime minister has dismissed the ceasefire proposal by him off. but despite that talks are still expected to get underway shortly in cairo or some a been job. it begins coverage with him and i didn't hear your voice for so many days. she says, but he's among the 10s of thousands of palestinians. you can sign in for the body's gift coming as to more residential areas, but targeted by it's reinforcing the money. yeah, i swear to god,
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there is no safety. i said hon units to offer. and here they bumped us and refresh the body bags keep binding up. because israel is intensifying its plumbing up against the populated southern gauze, in fennel, it's on leslie, 40 gun battlefield. we instructed this really army to prepare to operate in the fall, and the 2 sent comes the last, the remaining strong homes of home us. yes ma'am. the, we're not the we're not on the have these really prime minister delivers claims back by new evidence. his army has killed more than 27000 and forcibly displaced any 2000000. rougher is now home to hundreds of thousands of people who are forced out by that is really military. a
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motor tax on tax neighborhoods mean more civilian debts. despite the international court of justice as order to stop acts, which would amount to genocide, loss of her suddenly in the blink of a night, rockets fell on children, women, and the elderly. what full? why? because of the upcoming season, if i can. and usually before any ceasefire, this happens. this is not offered. oh, we have lived through many was going from 2008 until today. not to mention the one is before i what is the result before any deals or bases fire, the destruction becomes worse. there is not much hope here that is really will stop it's offensive. although there is a ceasefire idea being negotiated by the egypt and the united states, the us administration has continued to provide military assistance to israel while using words like this. any a military campaign military operation that israel undertakes,
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needs to put civilians. first and foremost in mind, but that message is clearly being ignored by israel, which is indiscriminately bombing and chatting, palestinians in gaza every day. some of the javi other, their nets now get an update on the situation on the ground and speak to i'll just hear is honey. my mode was in the roster for us and 7 guys, honey. as we heard the great deal of concern over a potential is really military assault on rasa. how worried people there? what's the current situation on the ground? the yes father were quite different, golden and challenging circumstances for a then vast majority of displace palestinian were done about drop out with the vast majority of its population and the displays too as lead the war from the northern
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part and golf. a city of more reasons from the central area of the city of han unit here in very desperate situations and to make the matter worse for them is the, it's the multiple, the statements and the threats by these rate and monitor of expanding the operations of the city just making it very bad for them as a state of how to an overly worried about the faith of their family members, remaining family members who lived with them here and do it off by the city i there's we're talking about with the possibility of any expansion of the, the operations in the ground and vision of that more atrocities are going to be committed. and it's a continuation of the genocide, the last and the northern part and gaza city. just as the day progresses, there are more tragedies being gone, folded on top of the really mounting of pressure of what people are supposed to do when we talk to people. so there's a sense of a frustration and disappointment. they're disappointed by the fact that nobody is
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taking their feelings in their agony in a serious way that they need an end to this map. it's an end to the mass killing of people here until we're asked. but at the same time, they are hopeful that there will be an agreement 3, it's very, very soon it, which will put an end to all the misery to be going this route. now there are the, there are helpful of this. they're more intense bombing campaign taking place not only and rather city, densely, the over crowded area, but also the central part. then you guys have the city just within the past 45 minutes a crowd wasn't all i had then just near a toy drowned about once again to waiting for the delivery of a dozen people. they are stranded in awards on experiencing an actual spam in going on, but there were sharp shot at and fired up by these really military and by tank shows that several of the people were in gathering were taken to a ship,
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a hospital bed again, the mount dig a tragedy is here and the multiple layers of misery that the hospitals are not operationalized in gaza in the center of ours. and here they are really over was with the number of injuries. honey. thank you very much for the updates that challenges here is honey. my moods reporting that live from a rough not in the past 4 months is rouse, relentless bombing campaign has forced the people of guys to flee for the south and south in type started in october, when hundreds of thousands of people fed the north after these really ami announced a 6 hour window for civilians to move past swati garza. the following month is ready air force drop leaflets in villages. east of con eunice, ordering residency, evacuate immediately westwards to what is called known shelters. in december, these really ami gave instructions to residents in the north and center of the gaza strip, to move immediately to shelters in there all by law. january. so is red order,
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hundreds of thousands of people in con eunice to my wasi. many of them were targeted by tags artillery shells and small arms fire as they fled at the beginning of this month. israel's defence minutes are you off. kalonde announced at once the army had completed what he called is mission and con eunice. they would turn their attention to rough guys. 7 most city is sheltering more than 1300000 people as more than half of the strips entire population. well, joining us now on the challenges here and use our is thomas wide, who is the director of odom the roughest in guys? that why is the un agency for policy and refugees? of course thomas white is joining us from ross. i thank you very much for being with us on algebra as we heard bad. so no way for people to go to for safety right now in rafa. just how concerned all you about and expanding is really military operation into rafa and how you preparing for it. there's a sense of
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a numerous concern fee. uh, in wrap it up in the last 48 hours, but it's a, it's a very have tvs strikes into rafa. so people, he, uh, very concerned about what the future might bring. and what it means if it is i lodge offensive g or in rafa essentially we could see hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people on the move they can try to flee the fall. i think the 2nd big issue for us is the, the humanitarian operation is biased. in rafa, that's where we're supporting the rest of the gas strip from right now. and it will become very difficult for us to continue the humanitarian operation to see if there is an offensive in wrap up. what sort of communications are you having at the moment with these really is, what are they telling you about their next move? and so we have daily hourly contact with the is riley army,
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probably to coordinate a safe access through jobs for i'd tone, voice and etc. but i signal to us what their intentions are. but what we are watching very closely is this pattern of increased. it strikes into civilian areas and then these lea foot drops or announcements to the population to stop moving. so that's what we're watching very closely right now. and so how are you preparing for all of this? i mean, where would you move your operations to in case of a military offense, the ground offensive and rough reality is it's going to be very difficult us to, to manage a, uh, an idol peroration if we have to move from rafa. we are struggling to make the demands to the people right now. if there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people on the move again, we just do not have the resources to support them. but also operationally,
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we will not be able to effectively or safely ronald operations from a cc that is under results from news riley army thomas white's own right has been working under the most difficult circumstances and conditions in gaza for the past 4 months has come under attack it's personnel has been killed, is also face some very, very serious allegations recently. and some countries have suspended the funding funding to. and i mean these accusations by israel that some of your employees were involved in the october 7th attacks. and just today we've had israel finance minister say that he plans to cancel taxes, tax exemption for or you are saying that the state of israel will not give tax benefits to what he called terrorist aids. what do you respond to that? my response is we've got a job to do here in gaza. there is an enormous humanitarian data,
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and owner is central and in which the secretary general of united nations owner is the best find for the humanitarian response right now. so i g, a with the teams from wonder, what are the you and agencies and, and you guys were focused on making the immediate needs of people here. ally agency wondering why has taken very decisive action in terms of these allegations. are they being investigated right now and we continue to have a dialogue with our funding partners to keep that in the confidence that they can restore funding to the agency. but most importantly, restore funding to the agency to of an absolute crisis. yeah. yeah, we've got 40 percent of the population who are risk of famine, the funding wonder what, now we're precipitate that 7. yeah, i was going to ask you about this. you know what, a cancellation of the tax exemption for on route would mean for your operations and what does a suspension of, of some, some of this funding mean for you today, not just in gaza,
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but in other countries where is helping palestinian refugees like lebanon? just to give you a sense of the last couple of months, we've provided one point. 9000000 health consultations were supporting over a 1000000 people who are living in order with shelton's 20000000 liters of war for his by distributed with fading 350000 people. uh, we are providing logistics support for the rest of the you and offer. i should, yeah, you'd assess, can bring and vaccines to gaza, but ultimately as a owner to a nurse that puts that into an off of a child. and so all of that is at risk. yeah, it's a, this the, the humanitarian situation. uh, she is the worst. i've seen you speak to experience 2 minutes, arians. uh yes, such as mountain griffith. you know, it is the worst. he said, you know, the 50 is a few minutes here and work your wrists. but coming
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a lot worse if there's funding is not restored. why do you think own riley is really, is that targeting one right in this way they keep saying that one was part of the problem and that it must be replaced once the war is over. one was paid under a check on the political attack for, for quite a while. and as you know, what i am focused on and what out. so you 0 focused on is, you know, making sure that children get an education that people have access to health care. now, we were enormously proud that a child, you know, the school and gaza performs better than a child in the public or the private sector. that a woman here in jobs up because of owners work has been it has a health outcomes that are similar to you know, that's the value of wonder. what because it is the value of working on the human development of the people of gaza. and of course in times across us, yeah,
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we have fundamental to ensuring that people can get enough food or for health care . thank you for talking to us thomas white's director of glen ross as in guys, i thank you for your time. thanks to all of us, secretary of state has left the middle east wrapping up another round of diplomatic task without achieving a pause in his rouse war on gaza before he left on to the blink and said, he believes there is still room for an agreement. as to spite israel's foreign minister, benjamin netanyahu following the war, will continue until israel has reached total victory. akiva alda is a political listen column. is that how irish newspaper in israel he says, despite dismissing a mazda cx 5 proposal, these really prime minister is under pressure to secure the release of capt. i think the neo is trying to eat the cake and the have a he doesn't want to be portrayed as someone who
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actually s or you were supposed to mention before who has executed 100 is why he's who is government is actually a bad to some people even say beach re full months ago, so he doesn't actually leave the door open when he completely refuses to put a deadline to this floor. but on the other hand, i think that he doesn't want to say no to the president of the united states who is personally involved in the efforts to release the prisoners as well. i want to remind you that there are several american citizens in longer than that. he doesn't want to say no to egypt and the to cut up it's, i know is interested in the go see ations. but i'm not sure if, as was mentioned before, that,
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that the majority of the captives will be alive. 2 ways. and then they can't wait until uh, you know, and you know, and come us where to find the officer to the ultimate common ground. so where are we with the negotiations, that's bringing the colleges here as hash and i have are in to have with us. so next, you know, so far as a know, do right now dismissed this proposal by him off, but negotiations are still continuing in egypt. and now, so foreign ministers of our countries meeting in saudi arabia very so and that's, that's a positive sign. is it not very and both into a connected as by brushing asides the uh, the, the, the d that does not this is that a means of the it is going to collapse because the writers are saying now is delusional. but how much has or this sent? it's cynthia, a delegation to to,
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to kyle. and often times i've seen that passing in the past. the top lead as with the go to to is always about the verifying of aspects of the agreement. because when you go to the practical aspects of the agreement, it's mostly centered on, on the crossing when it comes to humanitarian aid. but also when it comes to the release of the company is producing the cost is an extremely complex security operation which made some arrangements. and all the arrangements is mostly the egyptians, along with the top commands of how much, which is not what it presented by how do you that, how yahoo is now entitle. okay, so what about these strategies ave sending anyone to cairo? what sort of level are they sending to cairo if anyone and what do we know about what they're looking for in this proposal? what changes they want to see in this proposal? what so? so far, the no delegation yet we, we don't know of any senior is very official. now in kyra,
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what we expect that the indirect talks with, with how may i send it and as well through the mediators, we'd have to continue because the, see at the moment when they would go back to every box you about the amendments. now what is it, what are the issues i'd say k for both parties. how much the insisting going a 135 days as a chose in exchange for give you the go ahead for the agreement and the release of the competence these valleys. i've never been in favor of a long course. this explains why they are saying that, how must, how to understand that even with a deal, we would continue to go off to have us and destroy the group in, in cause a me, what is interesting also is that when the, as we do understand that the ministers or funding of fast from some of countries meeting today is sound to radio against the backdrop of the diplomatic push. yeah. to have an agreement, but also to implement the new security arrangements in the region. and when we say
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that, it's mostly about what's next for gaza. who's going to take over? we do understand that the representative of the policy will follow these guys to take upon seeing that meetings inside your ravia. a strong indications that the out assume a father to best buy t regional players is a demant on the need for a new chapter. yeah, when it comes to as interesting that all these things are happening simultaneously, especially when you hit a blink and say that the saudis are still considering normalization with israel. but of course we know that sound, you rate it has certain conditions, right? mm hm. and all this seems to fit into, you know, a bigger scenario here of what could happen next, fish true. yeah. and you know, the ultimate surprise for the americans is and for the bite in administration before that goes to the elections is to secure the bit when is right and, and the saudis. if you do that, you can guarantee that most of the sunni muslim nations wait for us because of the
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huge finance and political leverage that sounded ravia has and the gcc won't be the same again. if that happens, you would be sounding ravia, normalizing with the with, with is right. therefore it has to become a new political life or that happened in the you guys or has so they say what it does, it has to stop. and also we need a roadmap for this type of sense of, of policy and state based, which explains why what we're seeing a strong indication that we're moving towards a deal to be analysed once they agree on all of the final aspects of it. passion. thank you. very much is always good to get your thoughts and analysis on this hashim. i have about the restaurant to out of world news now, and the polls are closing and pakistan's general election. they spend a day march by violence, 9 police officers were killed in attacks and kind of packed to go and below just on
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provinces. thousands of people were killed in both places on wednesday. in separate incidents, the government temporarily suspended mobile phone and internet services citing security reasons. this international says to shut down on election day was an attack on freedom of expression and is calling for communication services to be urgently reinstated. that's go live to entre 0 is come out, hydra is from abide. so the pose of coals, in some areas i understand, come all but not everywhere, costs by to where they have actually closed. and most of august on that time was supposed to be traded j m d 5 a be and by gets done standard time. and of course the accounting has already begun . but the most important thing here is that 4 months, they were done certain day extra red. uh, they would be in election at all. and now it does happen some relief of gods as far
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as people that grudge plug it done their concern. they will of course, be anxiously watching to see how fred and free this election was and read the paper as mine days will be restricted in the end. but one thing for certain that because of the suspension of internet services, there was a lot of apprehension that perhaps this was not the thing to do because people communicate with each other. people who deliver for people who do add ins. everything is on cellular phones. and on internet services, the windows are different update. not only does it have a negative impact on the election, but it goes to it has a negative effect in a society which is very much digit died, an ad digital majority, or do they use these instruments? and the social media is another way of also being able to spread free information to be able to express yourself. so from that point of view and of course,
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sporadic cases with bullying agents, whether they stayed there, they were not allowed to go in. and of course, some support are dig incidents like that, but now everybody really be hoping that that is clear and they're focused on and able to move ahead because of the challenge. and that faces and guard record high inflation record high ball were d, which of course the country had not seen and the buck, 75 year senses independence. so many challenges now or waiting for whoever becomes the new gulf comments. and of course, people are going to be watching to see whether this was in the face of free election or whether this was an election once again manipulated. thank you. come off for that. come, i'll hide our lives there in islamabad. let's head over to lahore now. and outside bagels, therefore, as internet and phone service is suspended for most of the election day in lahore. what has been the impact on that, on the voltage?
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so for what we've seen in the people that we've spoken to the fact that the hub is that people were trying to find out which opposing station was the day with the big the big thank you to the responding station they're going to come to both sides that was made very difficult by not having internet access, being able to communicate to other people that sometimes when you travel together in the public facing the front to access website, an application that i'm supposed to be here to, to find i need that kind of data is between different, different types of between dependent type of data is sunday. i also want symbols that candidates tires on the by the payback that's been enlarged me, the problems that people have faced, the dose of frustration. many people who are struggling, garage in the morning. lots of appearing up, looking at their phones, wondering why there was low into now why they couldn't make any calls. and there's also jordan in the holding the question have 3 and fed these elections on many people in terms of non con sports as the guy support this thing. this is just
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another way to kind of make it very difficult for he supports his to vote for pci. thank you for that. that's a big live in lahore. pakistan as a voting comes to a close across the country. this thursday is in a rush. are the only anti war candidate in the upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president the electoral commission. this allowed 15 percent of the signature is required on boys negations. application edition says he will challenge the voting at the supreme court. you'll see a shuffle of on about has moved from moscow. the version of destiny is bought. so running for president who's kind of the state has been rejected. and he's what the election commission. he said that the commission had actually rejected the will of tens of millions of russians. he also mentioned that hundreds of thousands of people had donated the millions of approvals just to make suggestions, campaign possible. back in january. this has the 1st and the day after and on his
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team submitted the required 100000 signatures and his support. and a few days later, the election commission informed that they have found moments 15 percent of mistakes in the signature as well, only for us to send her mistakes were acceptable. and also the reception said that his team i was working hard to defend. so to, to speak, the signatures rejected by the commission to prove that they were real. but according to him, it was unrealistic to defend them. all. in addition, is the only it onto presidential hopeful, who openly declasse his position without fear to be detained. because nowadays, in russia, any and 2 whole sentiments can be considered discrimination of the russian army, and those are sure it can find themselves in jail. but it's sad to say that lately boris edition has gained huge support of people who are games because that can you crane was sold without ro, nice sizes. and thousands of people will literally you for days to sign and fables
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in the distance candidacy. and that became the only chance for them to legally express the anti war sentiments. and despite the fun but no vote to believe that not destined could when he could become the seconds after that jimmy page. and had he been allowed to run something to chrome, that would not particularly like the crumbling scroll. it seems to show the country that lets me pretend and the special men shop ration and you, craig, have overwhelming support. so once again, it's been proven that and t, now any and see who rhetoric should know they had in russia these days time now for a check on the world, whether he is rob heading for the caribbean. so you'll know that a way of the pineapple express that develops a storm system that goes studying california. well, the system keeps going. so the southern rock is on the plane states and then through the gulf of mexico. and it tends to produce thunder storms as far as far the or cuba and for example, that is a picture cube for a couple of days ago. it costs funding in the streets as well. not reading,
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kept going through his band near the 2 parts of rico, and here's the line as it sits as the last time stuart, how's it into the li with the house of the caribbean? now this is actually fairly an affinity unusual situation, and i'll show you why for exam problems will of this on martha. 62 minutes of the writing for the 24 hours that you'd expect. maybe that wouldn't rain fairly often in these kind of being ons. because that is more than february's average by 11. i'm going to use this, that's a lot of rain and it still going multiply here. we got this right. and heading certainly was out of the last of the next day or so. but notice there on no trade winds, you should get a pretty good decent breeze this time you see right, the end, the would trade. but there's nothing there. so we're relying some volts coming to the smaller lines. we've seen record high temperatures as a result. so this is unusual break from the know and those channels will tend to fade as it goes south through the when we dials, then things return to normal. a. rob,
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thank you very much to go ahead and use our snow stones, an icy weather conditions to disrupt learning, the travel plans for millions of people in china and of ok know in iceland these are opting for the 3rd time in 2 months. in 4th, late drama. yes. a couple of nation send the final send. i'll have more that coming to the the latest news as it breaks, people are here from the facts that are also a target. it's happening in 2024 with detailed coverage is really forces continue. their intense bombing around lost their husbands, all in pon unit. from the hall to the story. dozens has been arrested interrogation and put into the presence of data. information on family members. the. this
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is the 1st genocide that we see in the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out a 0, a reminder of our top stories on this news. our at least 14 people have been killed
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in these really strikes on homes in a roster. in 7 guys is around is expanding its offensive into the area way more than a 1000000 displays. palestinians are seeking refuge. is there any soldiers that again, open fi on palestinians waiting to receive humanitarian supplies. the shooting and gaza city follows re force of similar attacks in the past week. and the us secretary of states has left them at least we've outs itchiness to fire in gaza after ending his latest regional tor onto the blinking staging. st. very still room for an agreement, as well as diplomatic efforts where a ceasefire falters. thousands of just based policy names are trying to care for young children under unimaginable conditions and hundreds of pregnant women at trying to bring babies to time. one of those women is in us, come out, she tells us how hopeless and scary feels
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less. and that's coming to watch. so as i was at the, my name is and i was come out on and the mother of 4 children with the 5th to do this month with the i few aches and pains all the time. is it from my home was shelled and destroyed my children and i are living in this tent suffering from fierce, cold and hunger. i can't afford to buy any clothes for my baby, which is due soon and my home was new, but we didn't have time to enjoy it. on the part for my pregnancy, i'm diabetic and also have high blood pressure since the worst started. i'm not able to get my medications by the grace of god. my baby is alive and kicking and i hope he comes safe to this world. have i? well, i'm not able to follow up with any doctor like other pregnant women. you know the with the vitamins and listen, i don't have any source of income. i can't afford to get anything for the baby but can be born any time. i rest my case with god and generous people,
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one of the 5 to one. how do i know i'm pregnant and not supposed to be exposed to smoke? but as you can see and living in this plastic tent during this use, the cold weather. it is war and i am helpless. smoke is harmful to me and the feed is too, but it's nothing compared to this for roaches. cold weather or someone motiv. eliza for my funding. you know we have bridge service. this is how i prepare food for my children and myself. i don't have anything just one pan and one pot. otherwise the cook, there is no food. just some sugar. i can wait, but children can't. uh well actually get on those channels. so show he's a year and 7 months old. he's not eaten anything since morning was just one piece of bread. 5 in the 5. how to get but what was the fall? he's starving. he wants to eat anything showing the can't sleep out of hunger lama foam son,
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and we don't have anything to offer. our children were left to god's mercy. and most of the united states says an s like in iraq has killed at least one high ranking member of an onto plane to yvonne for explosions were reported in need was tossed a district of baghdad. at least 3 people were killed when a con exploded. us forces of recently carried out a series of strikes, targeting a type as for law, beyond group is blamed for the killing of 3 us soldiers in a jo and striking jordan. last month's teenagers, coast guard has recovered the bodies of 13 sudanese nationals. the recovery operation followed the sinking of a boat with 42 people on board, which let's fax on wednesday. the town on tanisha is east coast has seen a wave of migraines trying to cross to missouri and to reach europe. in the democratic republic of congo, thousands of people are fleeing heavy fighting in the east government forced the battling rebels from the m 23 group. army commanders said if we gain control of the
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strategic an important town of saki civilians are escaping to the city of goma. the capital of north cable prominence by bronco bye has more. as a south african peace keeping comfortably close and right between south. okay, and the eastern democratic republic of congress is part of a south african regional mission, supporting companies soldiers to protect the north keys with capital guidelines from advancing. am 23 rebels. thousands of people have been forced to leave villages around saki during heavy fighting. we saw soldiers running away from the positions as find interrupted between deem and the rebels. that's why we left the find him was too intense in the setting the most of the situation in socket. it's very bad. a be fighting between soldiers and 23 levels. they have a talk with heavy guns and bones, fell in the city. this is why we're leaving forgo my government soldiers. and you
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and peacekeepers have been struggling to contain and punted 3 rebels since late 2021 wednesday. um, group pre launched history fairly in the united nations facts, government accusations that wanda is supporting devices that run to denies this register. it says replace the survey or as you know, the situation on the ground is very warming and alarming. it raises the risk of a regional explosion, right? any rate of a very strong intensification with the regional characteristics or an increased regional component with the involvement of different countries in the region. to a great to extent president felix just a kathy promised to deal with the violence. it needs to contact you in his re election campaign, but barely a month since 1 december elections rebels. to define his authority for you and has us the government to send reinforcements to a tory north and south,
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keeping the provinces as peacekeepers prepared to withdraw from the d. i. c. by the end of the barbara and good past. i'll just say era. the members of a class, the economic community of west african states that meeting in nigeria as capital of buddha, in an effort to boost unity and support for the west african regional organization . the talks where it convened after booking a fossil new share, n molly announced plans last month to leave the organization. all 3 are ruled by military leaders who sees power in lease and cause. the postponement of elections in senegal is also on the agenda address here is armitage reese has the latest from nigeria as capital about you in this situation in the 2nd 1000000 countries of molly. uh, but it can if possible and is yeah, it's because of this particular meeting,
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which comprises foreign ministers of the countries and other senior officials of the cannot be committed to west african states. would be looking at the situation there, especially after the declaration by the 3 countries of be withdrawing their membership of the organization leaving mainly 12 members remaining. and that sets of alarm bells across the region. especially when you look at the, when you watch the body language of the office, just the, i'm a product of course member countries. you will realize that this is an institution that's, it's an, a crisis. and this because at the opening session of this particular meeting here, you know, foods are, all of them are talking about one thing that the member should withdrawn by these countries. spells doom for the organization as well as the thing just for not only the member states, but also uh uh, individuals of people living in those countries. especially in countries where people are struggling to feed people who are dependent on 8. so those are the concerns of the members. oh, officials for this particular meeting. there's a warning development there that was suppressed by the institutions president,
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mr. new to re, as well as a representative of the african union and the united nations. it was said that the crisis has sent a goal, means a lot of trouble lies ahead for member states in the region, not only assigned to go to somebody across the region. and they said democracy is risk. the prime minister of pop on your guinea has described neighboring australia as a primary plot. map is message was delivered in a unique address to the australian parliament following the siding of a security packed in december. since then, china has proposed a similar attack, has virginia increases its military and economic influence in the pacific region. how concrete points as it was the ceremonial, welcoming camera. so the leader of astride his nearest neighbor. james morabe is the 1st leader of the pacific nation to address a stride in members of parliament. it is a high privilege i do not take for granted. and my people,
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myself. well dressed at this moment as a moment to hold on for public any. it's a month since the state of emergency was declared in pop and you can use capital post mostly as a pay dispute, but the police and public servants turned into rights are off. i reassure to strive that he's country will strive for stability. the country side, the security practice december strategy was giving $130000000.00 to help boost pain . jeez, police force with training equipment and surveillance. but the prime minister says he's nation must also learn to stand on its own 2 feet. you'll just pop in and any must not continue to be an aide grant. we send you nation. so we to can help australia maintain democracy. we said piece, unsure of stability in a puddle planet. s. n o apostrophe. china 2 is buying to expand its security ties with pop and you're getting offering your security packed after the signing of
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a deal with a strategy a by using is already secured at the support of care of us now root and the solomon on it is old 3 silver and diplomatic ties which i want. we know that it's got offers in p and g on the table and has also been talking about security with other countries. so yes, i'm sure i'll scale you is keeping a careful eye on this. the brock is facing his own battles, the time in the wake of last month's rod, which 16 people were killed. he faces a potential motion of not confidence in his leadership when he returns home. it's a very difficult time and certainly, you know, there are plenty of people that are willing to lay all of the plants by the door. james morabe, not least because before we use prime minister, he was a finance minister and the for a few stuff. my, this is, it comes ahead of pop on you can east 50th anniversary since dining independence from australia. hi, mr. murat, i says it's the shed history that shapes the relationship. now is not the time to
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give up on his nation. sure o'clock. i'll just hear a heavy snow and freezing weather in china is disrupting this thought of celebrations for a new new year. many travelers have already been stranded on snow bronx roads and rail lines despite the challenges of getting home a record. 9000000000 trips are expected to be made during the 40 day travel rush on a be low re for somebody j. after days of a certainty. and just days before the lunar new year, trains are back on track at this station engaging post. passengers are heading south, but the chinese capital for towns and cities are cover. it's in 6 know as slippery ice. the. what's the use of boarding for that? i get home or not set up to meet i believe the government will be able to handle the problem. the end of the day i will be able to get home. okay, with more snow into forecast. however, clearing the backlog could take time, the blizzard subs spared badging,
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but that doesn't mean people here. unaffected. millions are traveling home for the lunar new or holidays. so anyone heading towards central and south west china, where there's been days of heavy snowfall and freezing rain could potentially get sprinted or delayed traffic on major highways across china. or to stand still as cars broke down and authorities race to remove snow runways at hans airport or forced to shut on tuesday and hundreds of trains delayed or suspended. but not only did passengers had to wait at stations, many were also stuck on trains that last power, at least 2 people died in snow related accidents. the central government has released $20000000.00 for isis know plowing operations in a step relief goods to hearted areas, but itself for local bo and tiers that's warm to hearts of stranded travelers. the reason they say to celebrate, even if they don't pick it in time to be with family,
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on new year's day barn to below l. g 0, aging volcano in iceland dizzy erupt. thing for the 3rd time in 2 months. eruption on the rake, eunice, an intellect could be seen from planes flying in to nearby camp lobby. the islands main airport. 4000 people in a nearby fishing town where evacuated in december when similar volcanic activity destroyed homes. so forties are now trying to build was to direct lava flows away. a little food production is enough to feed everyone around the world. but despite 5 millions of people still die of hunger each year, nearly a 3rd of all food is wasted. but climate change and coffee. so suppose significant challenges conference in ca, ties, exploring ways to meet people's basic needs, says image and king bed reports every it millions of people facing salvation. 45000000 to fame, children. well,
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billions of tons of food is going to waste globally be produce more than $3000000.00 grains. every more than 30 percent of the globally is waste is estimated to millions of people starve to death every year. here at this conference and don't delegate to discussing high policy makers need to prioritize people's rights to get food and how to store many unnecessary deaths from hunger. national and international trade policies tend to support large agricultural enterprises, incorporations, who dominate the global food market. it's a highly problematic situation when the corporate sector gets the policy direction to public decision makers. we have seen this in 2021 un foot systems summit, where a huge corporations also active in the pesticides on foot sect,
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or influencing heavily the decisions being made by the un normally states or to be an international which advocates for the right to adequate food and nutrition says 60 percent of agricultural land in the world is owned by the riches 10 percent of landowners. which along with the corporations ability to set prices, means it's tough for small scale farm is to survive. most skills, palmer and small scale and local communities. they're not able to actually access the market to sell this product. and so these people have the poor people that's really rely on, you know, the, the food services woods from this most can from us. i don't get more to accept. so even afford climate change is a close of food shortages and countries that are experiencing severe weather changes and will on their own food sources and things that are mostly the climate due to how to navigate. and this is, you know,
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it is happening since 1918 when we have really been thrown kenia over the last 5 years. they have severe throat because of climate acadia. most about 50 percent of their life is for the last person, but this is kenya. has the opposite problem. flooding across the rest of east africa. the story is the same. use of drugs then flooding the destroys crops. but the biggest cause of still evasion is conflict. something that is also affecting many countries in the region. lexi done plenty, c i p f, along so like climate change of those attending this conference say it's absolutely critical. the policies to change, to tackle climate change and conflicts and stopped protecting corporations ahead of individuals, basic rights and needs image and came back out to 0. stover supports
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is gemma. thank you. fully cut off and stop by at chrome of faith says the best is yet to come from the defending champions. also they made it back to back asian got finals, the high speed around 3 to i will now face of jordan on saturday for the title and the rich symbols, the in a 51 match tournaments, no sign wants to see that seem coming up, show a game number, 50 hosts and title holders capsule taking on 3 ton champions. iran for a place and the agent cups only know a room couldn't just hoped for a bunch of stones roma fluid sort of move, going head over heels with his country ahead in the 4 minutes cancel a christmas eve, then decided to make his mark on the game, the setting of his team's equalizer, and asked about adding another son. the moments i see is highlight reel capsule. let's see what else? thanks to his fit, the video, assistant referee,
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got the 2nd total function going around given a penalty for sun bull. how did rosa john bush getting home the sport kick? unless twist wouldn't touch on his way. almost alley screwing what proved to be the winning go 3 to define a school. the room have now lost them was 7 agent cubs, semi finals. it's cancel to play jordan incent. today's title this only to the, the copy on the how do you think
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the respect to the job after the spacing jerome account. so i was hoping to the will copy in 2023 when the last 3 of that group, james, this is redemption for corporate wellness tournaments in 20. 19 in front of that, hong crowns. they now have a chance to become the 1st country into decades to successfully defended the title on the richardson houses there. and for the house, i'm not mistaken. nigeria will face ivory coast in the final of the africa, a couple of nations that coach said his team that deserves to be the off to a dramatic when i have a south africa, the secret eagles looked like they filled a funeral victory late in the 2nd hall spots that goal was this allows and they all gave south africa of penalty for an audio file to the mcclain at school as for kick in the ninety's minutes to make it one no no goals and extra time. so it went down to penalties. south africa to waive that penalty safe and that left collect so you're not to the school, the winning and support kick for nigeria who we now pay for
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a 5th ask who i'm sorry. so in sundays, fine a most straightforward way and full hosts on tucson champions. i've read case 2 books best. we'll send the final one victory over the democratic republic of congo receive. don't mon strikeouts the best in the al overton from injury. somebody just best off of the tournaments and schools the any go in the 65th minutes. that was enough to see will that spot in the final assessed 1st concrete to do so. since egypt in 2006 at least beg chase votes on this to out of stuff. how us think of his african football and is in ivory coast full ask and he told us there isn't much between the sides going into the final it's a hard ones to call, i mean yeah, let's not forget nigeria. we're the 1st key to be click the button to turn it back in a group stage when drive or and as such as well of support and were, were favorites for this tournament. one of the favorites, at least been the super easy egos have kind of been the exact opposite of the host nation. they've been boring and often uninspiring, but they are defensively resolute. they're a good tournament team to show the real maturity of
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a few other nations. have and in victor altima and they have a massive as best player and he was the one who made the difference against code the why when he won the penalty that that is my jury, the when there he won the penalty against south africa and he has been violated? yes, this is a very different i've warranties of the one that lost earlier in the tournament, but i think we will be seeing a very similar match hides. taiji, you know, not a lot like the games at this tournament, but i can't see it being anything other than a very low score and game one nails or maybe and draw going. i don't see mike because as ludicrous as it is to say, given what they've been through, i think putting boss to view the slight difference despite you know, the absolute turmoil that they've gone through. they just showed showing an unbelievable amount of determination and, and a will to win that no other team has, has been able to show a power sasha. i have confirmed the look for a new stadium officer officials and the french capital told them the pump. the problem wasn't the so the park has been the home of 50 since 1974. the news came a day off the p. c. books, desktops and the french have both of finals with a win at hawk, getting them back that school does 20 full of calls the seasons his pump and that's
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$31.00 victory, a breast that extends the vs ti's on base and run it to 15 matches in competition for 3 days now until save of all 58 and 5 seems of held light training sessions in las vegas. the kansas city chiefs are looking to become the 1st team to retain this iso in 19 yes. the hopes rest on the shoulders, of course about patrick. my name's he's aiming for his that super bowl with injustice sick season. he and his teammates hoping to use that experience to cope with sunday's big game 1st year to be able to manage that long have time. right. that you have miserable. i'm doing that the right way and i know is the coach. that'd great plan for that. and then when you come back out, it's all about execution and energy. and so you can have that excuse and energy at the beginning of the game with everybody's intent. and the, and it's the, it's the gentleman's pop in. but being able to bring that again in the 2nd half will be super important, especially against a great defense. and so definitely something that we have to make sure that we're ready to do and us and that we have to actually to the high level standing in the
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teeth. why all the san francisco 49. 0, so we're looking to tie the record of 6 super bowls along side of the new england patriots in pittsburgh. steelers quotes back broke potty has come a long way since being picked last and the nfl dropped just 22 months lisa, and he's playing on the sports biggest stage earlier this year. no, there's not a lot of talk or bus really about, i guess myself and not that i listen to it and by and all of it. but it's almost like we're, i still have to go in and, and play with that chip on my shoulder and prove to my teammates that you're not gonna be the guy for this team. i feel like i have some stuff to prove. still. yeah, there wasn't a big, you know, spotlight on me or anything like that. so i feel like it has been sorta of an advantage for sure. and finally, athletes who finish on the podium of the power. so let me fix this. it will be taking, i'm a piece of the i full tower organizes revealed. the metals for this is games made
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out of scrap metal phone, the iconic monuments, the heck. so good shape to token. you can see that in the middle of the metal is made from ion from pos refurbishments of the tower. sophie is an a warehouse at a secret location that will be more than $5000.00 metals produced altogether fully olympics and power olympics of course having gold medals is already something fresh. but we wanted to have this french touch, and we thought that the full time would be this cherry on the top. so we have this idea, and of course it's something incredible having gold metal plus a piece of the history of france. because like, you know, i full towers known all over the world. so having a piece of it is a piece of history that everybody knows what a great idea that is. i like that. that is all you'll support from me finance
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summit. we'll have another updates. i looked at the lights of only sam, i thank you very much for that, and that is it for this news hour on how to 0, but to stay with us, i'll be back in just a few minutes with more on the days tops to sinks on the it has as well as for on guys a continues, we bring you the late we are on the rounding dollars a covering the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering. the people told us that we lost displacements and block of resources as well as district conditions here in and around the hospital and from the height is to return the call. the health data rate restrictions prevents freedom of rights to worship
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tyler, we will continue our coverage of his route, will cabinet decisions, the kansas and all the political parties west bank. we've seen you reporting on the line i just really raised with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the role of gaza on al jazeera doing the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally been off limits to women. when, when a meets, the female athletes flashed into that place and the ring on out to xerox coveted beyond well taken without hesitation. fulton died for power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that and people
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empower, investigate, expose this, and questions. the use them to be use of our around the on how does they're examining the impact of today's headlines. explore and abundance of well cloths program design to inform. most of the things that expire see the well from a different perspective on al jazeera, the green friend display in a rasa is really yes, right, sweet spot, assuming homes getting at least 14 people in 7, gosh, the company backs for you're watching how to 0 life from doing also coming up us secretary of state wraps up in the middle east or without securing


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