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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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seals in the and the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states. it's likely to be a bitter babel. the or is riley sniper saw it kills 17 palestinians in southern gauze medical south. say a doctor. i know i have been shown the money by you. this is out. is there a life from that also coming? i'm come all the higher did and i really have the latest information about the election and focused on as the account. who there he raised.
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frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself was neither did business you as president in 5th, his memory is fine. office special council report described it as hazy and the u. s. supreme court consent as well. and donald trump should be kept on the presidential ballot in the state of colorado. the we begin in gaza where the health ministry says that is rarely snipers have killed at least 17 people in the south. the strip medical stuff. at naso hospital in con eunice square, among those talking to barbara and go for reports, the less medics to treat sick and injured palestinians. and it's a really short staffed messa hospital. in con eunice, this nurse has been shot in the chest while on duty, the his colleagues say he was deliberately targeted by his really forces
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this doctor being treated under an operating table, was also shot to walk. while dr. new side was on duty in the operation room at elm . that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shopped by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical to us. now while the performing the jew thinks it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitably demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work . cuz us president joe biden describe this rail score and cause us over the top and says, trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we could get the delay for that initial delay,
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i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can increase the prospect that despite the union guys are changes. meanwhile, israel has intensified strikes and rough uh, what palestinians were told to relocate for that safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st day. is rouse, located on food, fuel and medicine. entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and this really is not the file and protestant in medical work, cuz it's put in the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa, out of sarah. okay, let's speak tells you there is honey my mood. he's in rough sight in southern garza honey as we had there, the americans have one of these varieties that they're kidding, too many civilians in gaza, but it doesn't appear to have slowed down the attacks. the
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yes, well, the statement is the quite accurate because what we're seeing on the ground is that exactly what's going on a search in the tox and, and increase a significant increase in the number of casualties have re attack and they're causing further civilian casualties. and another is your level of destruction and the residential buildings across the gust of just over night attacks and 2, uh, the flats here in the roof has to be causing the death of 8 people. a half of them were children and women. and those people were inside sheltering inside those of flats when they were attacked at midnight by relentless ears. strikes here in the city, just adding to the pressure and the state of panic as people hear more and more about the israeli military intention of expanding the military operation in fox
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since the announcement of the intention to expand the military operation on the ground and vision hearing the fact that the we've been seeing a search and the attacks that a significant intensity in terms of a scale and the level of destruction that they are causing due the targeted sides here in a central area. we're seeing more residential homes as early hours of this morning . family, a residential compound for one extended family and there is but actually was targeted. the large number of people reported killed and injured. and there is a quite difficulty of removing people from under the russell's as we heard reports of from the lock saw hospital that civil defense. the crew did not reach the targeted sites at night as it was quite intense. a bombing campaign going on, a tiller, shilling and heavy machine guns fired at people at the medical staff were trying to get to the targeted areas. but as of the early hours of this morning,
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the civil defense corps are still doing their best to remove those are still under the rebels. that whole have might have survived the attacks around us or has to but we're looking at a new trend of target killings, which is a snipers who are surrounding the, the area around the hospital. so far, 17 people are being collected from the streets and the roads around dr. hospitality llc, but they were killed. they were shot and killed by biased either just at night or is that overnighted quite caught there? those are attack, it draws, targeted a group of young people to where the rooftop of the hospital and what they were trying to do because of the blackout. they're trying to get a signal to their phones or tried to connect it to the internet to be in touch with their family members. those who haven't seen them within the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the ground invasion, expanding, run of invasion. and in time you, in a city,
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it just things in the growth of just that we're seeing more uh more acts of, of, of violence and more active, a more atrocities are committed and only a surge of what's going on. thank you for that. honeymoon, who does that for us in rafa in southern garza. meanwhile, the un 6th street general says that the organization is having an extremely difficult time increasing a to gauze despite to resignations. cooling for jo stopped. christian salumi has more list from un headquarters in new. steven, as food and water, remain in short supply in gaza. un secretary general antonio gutierrez says, an aide convoy was struck by the israeli navy earlier this week and an all of january, only 10 out of 61 planned a convoys reached their destination. this, despite to recent security council resolutions demanding more aid in the preliminary rulings by the international court of justice, in
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a case accusing israel of genocide, which also demanded more aid to the people of gaza. gutierrez, describe the situation as a violation of international humanitarian law. what we see today in the world is political excess, a, doing whatever they want, and the total infinity. and then the situation of the vision in which there is no respect, you interest even the super bowers. nobody respects them as we see every day in what's happening around the world. obviously, having an extreme difficulty in everything security because it as a lucian is being implemented. the secretary general also warned that any assault on roster, as has been suggested by the israeli authorities, would only exacerbate the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. as rafa is currently the only crossing point into guys for aid. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations south africa's president has reaffirmed his country's commitment
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to helping secure a spot in gossip in a state of the nation, addressed to parliaments who over i'm opposed to address the international court of justice case. it's so the protection of palestinians in the war on gossip. he also re offends south africa's commitment to an eventful 2 state solution. guided by the fundamental principle of human rights and freedom. we have taken up the palestinians cause to prevent further death and destruction in gaza. is there any forces? have schultz, an engine 6 palestinian men during early morning rates in the occupied westbank? the confrontations took place in bates for rick, east of nablus. the palestinian red crescent said the army initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded rates. what was the reports of in central and
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took care of them? of the is where the ministry has started taking control of palestinian land around illegal. is there any supplements in the occupied west bank? they say it's for security purposes off to be homeless attacks in october. the palestinian authority says it proves as well as far right government is using the war and garza to expand supplements across the occupied territory. charts, drafted reports from there is the talking about the security is on. these all is really military minds. they show legally is riley settlements and the occupied westbank just the red lines mark the borders of all the item you described as new secuity zones. these examples will you be expanding to many locations, and we spend the policy meals sort, uses the mountains of proof these where the government is using security since the october, the 7th, from us attacks, as an excuse to implemented long planned illegals settlement expansion before 7th
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of october, they were saying we are trying to sort of a demographic broken up on the 7th of october this i see that this is a security issue this i still have to go to the issue. so we have to quit to, to secure the 15 months bought above and what we now in the area, i think you just saw on those maps. there are illegal is riley settlers living just a few 100 meters from, hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have palmed this land for generations have now how to confiscate by these way, the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities are around illegal is right. the settlements you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement. recreation ground with children play. the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close
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mon looks out across he's only groves. so these radio army took control over just a few days ago, and that's about the high month, like, i mean, i'm north, after the 7th of october, they stopped us going to our land, even the land away from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago, they told me they had confiscated. the army does whatever the settlers want it. i was told when you suddenly is ready, soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. they detained us for more than 2 hours. he sees these rails minutes, the national security. it's a major thing to be in finance minister. there's a lot of smoke rich far right. members, israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference at the k to settlement expansion, smoked rich lakes opposed to the video of himself, one ex satler's great security soldiers do not guard settlers. the settlers or the
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security belt of the state of israel is really central. are attacks against palestinians and they have probity in the occupied. westbank have dramatically increased since the world goes up. again. the armies, confiscation of land around illegal is rarely settlements. palestinians say, is more proof of israel breaking international charles stuff. and i'll just here to did is the, in the occupied westbank the result. so slowly coming in of the pocket stones, general election, independent candidates, backed by former prime minister emma and con, have sofa 110 of the 25 seats in the national assembly from the prime minister, nor cerise policy has also won 10 states before the prime minister shabazz sharif and allow will boost to their diary have won their respective seats. the vote was
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mobbed by violence and accusations of irregularities. the suspension of mobile phone services on thursday also prompted accusations that the government was containing freedom of expression on election day. it also slowed the counting with results that to be announced later on friday. that's good to come. oh hi. susan is lemme bonds a so they, they was indeed quite a long delay in guessing these results out. but then now coming through a tool through what you're hearing about these results. but 1st of all, let me begin by telling you that protests have already started across about this don uh, the chief election commissioner of focused on has been compromised. and what the people are saying is that they have evidence uh that there is serious rigging going on in order to change the so the election,
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it is quite clear the right thing along the was that the focused on dedicating solve has one image georgia day. however, that is done brain going on. very serious allegations indeed. and that is why the delay is now causing even more suspicion, because these are not, as it does work to be announced in the early morning, all was off friday by the latest. it had been several hours since then, people who were winning the election and now being showing that they're losing the election. we talk to one of the buckets on derek and soft candidates who are leading by a wide margin. however, the late last night, the but federal work draining as number 6 was given the rick dates, he was denied that another candidate, the one from his summer bought by a clear margin right now is sitting outside the election commission and brought that show. now do you know, some responsibility will be on the shortage of the country supreme court because of
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the mandate of the people is not respected. it's going to have serious consequences, football gift on. and we had already beginning to see the protest breaking out across the country. all right, thank you for that update. come all high to that for us in some the head on out. is there a lot of fusions, main challenge and next month, presidential election says you appeal a decision that falls in from taken off the the eastern met cannot keep corner. it's kind of what's the guys developing cloud and showers? mostly they like to effect on friday. so i'll talk to you and possibly cypress, and then run 30 east woods towards the syrian co sign for that as
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a hint of an on show breeze. but at this stage it looks fine, but shows may welcome a bit further south. nothing like you had a week ago, and there you go. i told you by this time looking as though the sun should be an enjoyable sea. now east of all this, it looks fairly quiet on friday. there's a breeze picking ups who, savvy, raving the lift, the dust, you might get a brief sounds to him, out of it with the difference about time to get to assess it. i because we're developing childs well, 1st of all, away from mecca. right up the back of this line, edging slowly eastwards, going up the top of re out of the same time casting off what has been of assistance shamal blowing down the go. so full costs. so re add suggest from the storms or cheryl's for a company that saturday and sunday before on monday seems dr. ticket not particularly long, but 90 degrees or the same light to shows maybe around like victoria a significant right still for him in the republic of the congo where we've seen funding earlier in the yeah, the heavier right madagascar is on the east coast and daily shouts of developing,
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again in south africa of the meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace. slower, it's maria dresser and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think. and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a i series on a jersey the, the,
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the watching out is there a mind to call top stories this hours? the goal is a health ministry says, is there any slices of killed 17 palestinians since thursday morning medical stop at nothing hospital and the some of the city of con eunice are among those who can talk is riley forces. have shelton engines, 6 palestinian men during early morning, raised in beats politic in the multi point west 9th avenue in red crescent, said the army initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded and any results coming in off the puck songs general election on thursday, independent candidates box platform apartments in rome, con of so saw 110 feet 25 seats in the national assembly to do as president joe biden has hit back at a special council report that makes diming sessions about his memory report concluded that by that would not face charges from this time link classified
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materials, but went on to say that his memory was hazy, bought in his, criticize the claims as well as the sessions that he couldn't remember when his son died. like kind of reports from washington. so as you know, the special comes release is fine, is the day, and i hate to be arranged news conference president biden address. the special prosecutor this report was previous a reached of firm conclusion that no charges should be brought against me in this case. correcting media claims that have been found to have wilfully retained classified documents. this, these assertions not only misleading or just plain wrong, refuting the special prosecutor's remarks about his memory and mental acuity and good in particular by the claim that he couldn't remember the date of the death of his son bo. how the hell there, he really said, frankly, when i was asked the question, i thought to myself was the damned business in his report, the special prosecute to robert to describe the president as and by quote,
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a well meaning elderly man with a pool of memory claiming that bite and could not remember the date, he was appointed vice president, fiber rock, obama white house lawyers described these comments as appropriate and in some cases, inaccurate. initially, the president biden himself focused on another part of the report. i was especially pleased to see special counsel make clear start distinction and difference between this case and mr. trump's case, donald trump, and we're talking about many more documents. that issue with mister trunk will fully obstructed and indisputably lied through his lawyer in a letter to the department of justice. donald trump posted on his social media about what he called a 2 tiered system of justice. the house republican district committee treated the following president biden couldn't even remember when he was the p. a taking
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a question on gaza. president biden inadvertently gave us opposition more munition . and you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. he was referring to the president of egypt, not mexico. the role because nature of the news conference, assign the debates about president biden's mental acuity will not go away. neither will the fact that the single case against him has concluded the several against donald trump all going on. my kind of o g 0, washington. the us supreme court has been hearing arguments in a case that could have major implications for the presidential election, colorado supreme court rules. and donald trump is not eligible canada because of his actions during the capital attack. in 2021. it is now up to the nation's
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highest court to decide if the ruling should stand. shepherd, tennessee, reports that the supreme court has a conservative majority. 6 conservative justices, the 3 liberals. but it wasn't just those appointed by republican presidents who question the colorado supreme court ruling for donald trump was eligible to run for president. using section 3 of the 14th amendment of the constitution, the balls those you've engaged an insurrection, the game for us from holding the 7 offices colorado's highest quote have ruled donald trump should be removed from the ballad, because its opinion of his actions on january the 6th did amount to insurrection, but this argument was greeted with skepticism. thursday's hearing, his liberal justice elena kagan, i think that's the question that you have to confront, is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. and chief justice robot suggested cale spike into, well, colorado is decision to be up held as republican officials and other states used
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a precedent to argue that it was in fact, joe biden, who was guilty of insurrection to games for us. what do you do with the, what i would seem to me to be plain consequences of your position. if colorado is a position is upheld shirley, there will be disqualification proceedings on the other side. and some of those will succeed over and over again. the question of whether one states officials can potentially disenfranchised tens of millions of voters across the country by deeming a presidential candidate. i'm fit to run with questions. they think it's easy doing this stuff right. this. the proceedings appeared to be a boost of donald trump's arguments, but it was up to congress not individual states to decide if a candidate was eligible to run for president under the insurrection. tools of the constitution. speaking off of a hearing from florida, the old trump seem confident cooling the proceedings,
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a very beautiful process. it's unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that, and i consider to be more election that appearance by the democrats. as what they're doing is we're leading virtually every goal. the quote is expected, the real swiftly, colorado is republican. priority is just weeks away. if the court rules and trumps favor he will be on the march 5th balance. she, everytime seattle does, 0 washington supporters of columbia and president, gustavo petro, have been in confrontations with ryan police in the capital booker to send these races at the judicial building where demanding that the election. if a new attorney general edging the constitutional court to replace francisco, but both his tenure edgewise accused, but both of attempting to either throw him results for the president, j. o. both scenario has rented his passport to police. pause for an investigation into an alleged crew attempt that followed his 2022 election defeats. authorities
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are also investigating senior aides of the former president's annual report of such as brazilian federal police at the home of former president, desirable so narrow on thursday. police confiscated both scenarios, passport and search warrants were carried out against several members of his inner circle boats. so nato and his former aides are accused of plotting a military coup to remain in power after his presidential defeat. in october of 2022. his supporters would later storm the congress and buildings, housing, the presidential palace and supreme court both so now to denied any wrong doing and called the investigation against him. a political persecution, brazil's current president received mass. you'll do that. the feedback has called for patients as the investigations move forward, but has also offered his own criticism of the former president. i'm going to go
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visit it wasn't governmental, but he wasn't prepared to when he wasn't prepared to lose. he wasn't prepared to leave so much stories that he doesn't even have the courage to say, congratulations. he went home crying and travelling to the united states because he must have participated in the construction of this co attempt. so let's wait for the investigations shortly before the storming of the congress and the an observation of luna, the cd, but also now to travel to the united states. returning 3 months later, from a self imposed exile, police said those being targeted or accused of participating in a criminal organizations that was aimed at keeping the former brazilian president in power. yes. of the vocals as well. so that doesn't know to them the cup, dora, this is the type of thing you see before an arrest warrant is issued. what's interesting here is that when a passport is requested from you, it implies there's concern over a flight risk, which means there couldn't be an upcoming trial ministries figured out last week. federal police rated properties belonging to both to now to son carlos as part of
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a separate pro link to the alleged spine of political opponents during both scenarios. time in office was not lois to 0. they off ukraine's president has removed the heads of the forces for laurie's deloney below the v, as in nancy said it was time for changes in the ministry leadership. but the ones that do need to remain on his team, rob mcbride reports from case the announcement by ukraine's president followed him . is a lensky ends. weeks of speculation about the apparent deepening rift with these top soldier general valera reese the illusion. me in an attempt to limit the damage . both man have been presenting this as an amicable separation and a long needed reset of military strategy. so in new york, while we were using approval on mobile and you could have a nice possible today, i decided to renew the leadership of the armed forces of the crime. it's not about certain names and even less about politics. this is about the system about ami in
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management in the armed forces. ok, you the heads of the armed forces credited with supporting rushes, full scale invasion. 2 years ago, the allusion, he established himself as a highly influential figure nationally and extremely popular with his soldiers. by st. also being blamed for recent setbacks, most notably the failed counter offensive that began last summer with talk of disagreements between himself and presidents, the landscape on how to conduct the war. there was also a widely room would full out between the 2 men of a legislation to mobilize hundreds of thousands of more troops needed on the front lines. so it's a bit of an expensive, but that's where the local dropped offices. as of now, frankly speaking, i am not country satisfied with the work of the draft offices. if i was such as 5 years, what would not discuss this blue right now? this rift at the very top of the government and military high rockies comes at
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a difficult time for ukraine with fighting, seemingly at a stalemate. billions of dollars a military aid held up in the us. and with the russian forces, pushing hard for a significant wind on the eastern front. ahead of the secondary reverse array of its full scale will robot, broad douches, era keys. the early anti will candidate in russia's upcoming elections will not be allowed to run for president. but far as the deck and says he will challenge the ruling out the supreme court. your leadership were below for reports, for most to rush as presidential election next month. just go to even more predictable virus and adaptions exclusion from the res removes of mind with significant support. even if he was unlikely to seriously challenge present patients for the top job job. what is the main thing is that there is no tens of millions who are going to vote for me. according to all pulse. i'm in 2nd place
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after putting already in double digits. souls is playing the crammed in feed, the destined would have gained more than 10 percent of the vote if you run. but some stuff stay the.


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