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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, it is really snipers to medical stuff with northside hospital and southern dogs are killing at least 17 people. the, this is all to 0, not from headquarters, and del fine getting navigates. i also had the u. s. warrens against and is really offensive and rough after the prime minister orders troops to target the area. we're more than
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a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. the election results start trickling in in august on and mid claims of victory and vote rigging, by rifle parties who very frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself was either the business us presidents and says his memory is fine after a special council report describes it as a z and for the hello we beginning, garza with the health industry says is really snipers of chills. at least 17 people in the south of district medical staff with loss at hospital and con eunice were among those targeted barbara and go for reports. your less medics to treat sick and injured palestinians did severely short staffed messa hospital in con eunice. this nurse has been shot in the chest while on duty. the his colleagues say he
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was deliberately targeted by is really forces this doctor being treated on an operating table was also shot to walk. while dr. new side was on duty in the operation room at elm, that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shop by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now is tends to medical to us now while they are performing the jew things, it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitalized demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work. cuz us president joe biden describe this rails warren cause us over the top and says, trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we could get the delay for that, the initial delay,
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i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can increase the prospect that despite the union guys are changes. meanwhile, israel has intensified strikes and rough uh, with palestinians were told to relocate for that safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st day. is rouse, located on food, fuel and medicine. entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and this really is not the file and protestant in medical work, cuz it's put in the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa out of sarah is really were planes also target? is it a and southern gaza on thursday night an air strike on a house killed at least 8 palestinians, several children, or at least one woman or longer. that was, is there a time or from just joining us from the, from southern gaza. so tiny,
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talk to us about the is really strikes overnight in the aftermath. this will overnight. a tax not only happened in dropbox city, but also in the sense from the area these 2 particular areas in the gospel brought behind the central, there were at least the vast majority of dated velocity, where people were told to evacuate to an order by that is really military because it's a safe area similar to what happened to people who were evacuating to know the part gauze on how new and as they were told to come to the hospital because it's a safe zone for them they were bombed any way within it. so we just short periods of time of their arrivals overnight, a task caused the death of a people to front to different families displays. families were shouldering inside their flats. here very close to the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital. we're talking about at least the maximum couple 100 meters away from the point where we are
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reporting a front. it's literally behind a the back of the of the hospital. but also it, this has been an significant increase in the, in the talk to the driver. and since the, the statement made by these very, the defense minister who is stated there is really military intention of expanding the military operation and the ground invasion in rough. i city we're talking about, i know, very crowded area with people literally everywhere. set it up there tends to try and to a shoulder from the ongoing horror of the war across the gaza strip in the central area. just within the past half an hour. more reports are emerging about the numbers of casualties or from over night attacks on the residential compound for one family, one of the extended families in the central area. and as the defense of civil crew on the ground are able to remove people from under drop,
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as we're looking at 15 people have been killed and overnight a tax. and in hon. units of snipers continued to shoot at a remote moving objects around the vicinity of lots are hospitalized. they are taking position around the. 1 for the day of the buildings around the vicinity of the hospital, including shooting at a uh, a medical to staff, a doctor at the nearest who was shot and over and over night that but within the past, just one hour more people who are trying to cross the from or to leave the evacuation centers around the vicinity of the hosp. but the most of the, the schools there are at manage and operated by honor what, that's the united nations for palestinian refugees. people were trying to leave those evacuation isn't there, get to the hospital to get some water. 2 fewer shut out by this diverse and guilt, but leads 5 people so far. i've been shut out and killed very close at the gates of nonsense hospital. the situations are getting very critical in each passing hour.
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and on top of that, people are still experiencing very difficult thought, if president of human interior and catastrophe, as famine is going on in the northern parts. an over crowded lot the here people are struggling to find the drinking water or food here. thank you so much, honey. my phone was reporting from what i found in the gaza strip. so go to roy, challenge is running some occupied is there were some so we, we know that the is really prime minister, has ordered his troops to try to get stuff off earlier this week. but there has been pushed back from the us administration on that fine. what more do we know? yeah, this is off the has to be blinking, fruitless trip to the region, trying to get some sort of silent sign up to cease by deals saying spend the white house is criticism of israel's war has stepped top noticeably. it's still not excoriating by any means, but by the white house is usual standards of common traits on israel is policies.
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it is still significant that shark bite and say that so he thinks that the boy in gaza is he puts it as the in the top accusing israel that are big over the top. and then more significantly passer we comes of what they've been saying about rough us and the state department's adams, the white house, national security spike, spend john coffee every morning is well known to go into a rafa without upfront costs. humanitarian plans, the 1500000 people who are squeezing that it says how strong heavy but an area trap, ration and rasa at this time. under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration for their safety would be a disaster. and we would not support it. so with the kirby comments,
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we also heard from the us presidential by and who said that what's happening in gaza right now is close over this fall. i mean, what do we to read into those comments and how was that received in israel? the, well, we've had no official response to that yet from politicians my expectation would like me to hit outrage from the far right president smart trench and it's about the inconvenience. i'd like you to be very angry disappointments, i expect from benjamin netanyahu. but in setting the far right people to 5 down and he can do with the relationship with united states himself, the questions remains. will this have any effect on his route will, is around listening to this kind of criticism. and what does the united states actually going to do anyway? i'll deal with the fast make fast. were on like and see the united states uh getting give up on a support for, for his routes bought yesterday. type items white house did issue a memorandum which basically tightens up the obligations off the white house and
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the congress to ensure that recipient's international recipient. so of us mandatory age and he a to international loss. and there are mechanisms in that. so make sure that the precedence packs, if he is being told by the state departments the recipients and not to comply with international adults, will as well listen to this. well, we understand that the raffle operation has been delays. now is that because that still tati ops in front of us is that because they were given space uh for. ready see spot negotiations to play out or is it because they are listening to the united states? we thought yeah, no, yes. box. there are also reports and is ready media citing on names. the officials basically saying that when they do go into the raft, but it's unlike needs to be a wide scale sold, as they have done in previous parts of the gaza strip. more likely to be talked at
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. right. but we'll have to wait and see as to whether that plays out or not. okay. all right. challenge report from occupied is through some. thank you. the other world news now and results are coming in after pockets on the general election and what now looks to become a tight to force race. independent candidates back by the former prime minister in mont cons party are currently neck and neck, with the center left pockets on people's party. both have 24 seats. the center, right, processed on muslim league, led by the former prime minister and it was to rufus trailing behind with and seats . there is still another, a $195.00 seats to be a now and let's go to as a big is joining us from the horse. so a says help us make sense of these results. they, they seem to be changing by the hour. well, i can try to make sense help you make sense of these results. people here trying to
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make sense of them because they went to sleep last night. the state up to the hours of the morning watching some of those results coming from those funding stations for independence. kaylee had in many areas of costs across focused on the mentor page. they woke up to find in some cases a set of very different results. and i've, you've seen some of those forms from those holding stations. once the vote has been counted, all the representative of those candidates signed up for the returning opposite sides. and it goes up to the election commission. now we're seeing those phones in some cases. there's some big discrepancies in one case, the peck's, then we'll send the, puts it up on his official trip to catch a form from one of those pointing stations here in the heart. and the number of valid votes experiencing the invalid votes is higher than the total number of both costs, which makes no sense whatsoever. in some cases, it shows independent candidates, leading independent candidates, a link to mount costs, tga, leading the most of them the uh, by a considerable margin, only for people to wake up and find that that margin had been closed. even though
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70 percent of the vote had been counted and given victory to the most am needing that people are asking what's happened? what's changed in a number of us? and it is the actual rigging both for getting going gotten and those are the questions that people here to austin. people have spoken to this morning, have been angry and frustrated. there's been a protest last night and people gather that type polling stations. and one months that to me immediately after breakfast that they are unashamedly reading this election, those are these words not mine. so we are trying to make sense of what's taking place there. but the results are changing, even on the official election commission website. they have the system on the system, they have no one set to vote for them to have the form on the other on the completely different for the exact same posting station that made the person that lost according to the full on the, from the police station. to make the decision, the window and people are saying what's going on? wow. okay, a sides. i mean, they're up until this point. they're also had been
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a delay in answering these, these partial results. is there's still a delay going on. and what, when do we expect to get the final results, or when everything is up in the air at the moment, the election commission, i said that they were kind of the votes. immediately we were expecting the results by now, as it has been to today and that that could be because the internet and phone lines will cut off up until the hours of this morning. so that could be effective, but they are slowly coming in. so we don't know exactly when those results would be and that is, but they'll unofficial results because what the parties have done is from those polling stations they, i've taken those phones, looked at the results, and then they're putting together the unofficial results. and it puts the independence, clean the heads at this point in time. so we just don't know what's going to happen next. and that's the frustration with many people here in focused on that. we're told one thing by the authority of the shows that, that it would be a free and fair election. and then suddenly we had the internet contact. then we had
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a delay in the volkswagen as in some cases in posing stations. the media were told to meet the observe as a told to leave the candidates representatives were told to meet. and even though they had the rights to be that during the count. and that's why there's a mess of question mark currently over these elections. all right, so thank you for that update from laura. there has been widespread violence in a northern indian state after all, thirty's, demolished, a mosque and a religious school. at least 4 people were killed and more than 250 injured in the headed winey district. of which our cons authorities imposed an indefinite curfew and ordered police to shoot violators on sites. writes groups of coal for an end to the demolition of the muslim properties. still ahead on i'll just say wrong. and we take a look at how the is really military is legally taking control of palestinian lines and the occupied westbank. a subtler attacks increase
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the index analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing, of jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seen as complication inside story on out to 0 in depth investigations. the gift compelling in science, inter toes from asia and the pacific 101 east. on out to 0, here's from al jazeera. on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the,
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this is where we dissect allies from out is there is mobile app available in your favor taps to just set for it and tap download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the, [000:00:00;00] the again, this is audra 0 a, here's a reminder up the top stallings, this, our, the guys, the health industry says it's really cyprus of children at least 17 palestinians in southern dogs, us as thursday, a doctor and
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a nurse at northside hospital and are among those who are shot the us administration is warning israel against carrying out a major offensive and dropped off for most of the population has sought refuge. national security council spokesman john for recess. washington will not support plans for the risk the lives of about one point. 4000000 pounds is really forces have shot and injured 6 palestinian men during the early morning rates and they occupied westbank. the. the confrontations took place in bates. 40 is the fabulous the palestine red crescent. society says the army initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded. raids were also reported in sin g and, and to and cut him is really military has started taking control of palestinian land around illegal is really settlements in the occupied westbank. it says it's
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for security purposes after the how mass attacks in october. the palestinian authority says it proves israel's far right government is using the war in gaza to expand settlements across the occupied territory. charles stratford reports from date is still not talking about the security is on. these all is really military minds. they show legally is riley settlements in the occupied. west bank is the red lines mark the borders of the item you described as new secuity zones. these examples wouldn't be expanding to many locations, and we spent the policy meals sort, uses the mountains of proof. these ready to government is using security since the october, the 7th, from us attacks, as an excuse to implemented long planned illegals settlement expansion. for 7th of october, they were saying we are trying to sort of a demographic broken off of this event. if it go up, if i say that this is
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a security issue, this i still have to go to the issue. so we have to quit to, to secure the 2nd month for both. and what we now in the area, i think you just saw on those maps. there are illegal is riley, secular, living, just a few 100 meters from hey, in caravans, in that direction. the palestinians that have palmed this land for generations have now how to confiscate by these way, the military and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities are around illegal is right. the settlements you can see i'll post car vans on the perimeter of the settlement. a recreation ground which children play. the star of david on the nearby hill toll free close mon looks out across he's only groves. so these radio army took control over just a few days ago, and that's about a lot of high month, like, i mean, i'm north. after the 7th of october, they stopped us going to our land,
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even the land a way from the settlement. they kicked me out the 10 days ago, they told me they had carpet stated the, the army does whatever the settlers florida i was told when you suddenly is ready, soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. they detained us for more than 2 hours. this is these rails minutes different national security. it may have been reviewed and finance minister, bigelow smoked rich. far right. members, israel's governing coalition, attending a recent conference at the k to settlement expansion, smoked rich lights opposed to the video of himself, one ex satler's great security soldiers do not guard samplers. the settlers or the security belt of the state of israel is really central, are attacks against palestinians and they pull between the occupied westbank have
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dramatically increased since the world goes up again. of the armies, confiscation of land around illegal is really settlements. palestinians say is more proof of israel breaking international child stuff, and i'll just see what i did is the in the occupied westbank. your was president joe biden has hit back at a special council report that makes damning assertions about his memory. the report concluded biden would not face charges for mishandling classified materials, but went on to say that his memory was hazy. my kind of reports in washington. as you know, the special comes release is fine, is the day in a hasty arrange news conference president biden, to address the special prosecutor. this report was previous a reached of firm conclusion. the no charges should be brought against me in this case. correct immediate claims that the being found to have wilfully retained classified documents. this, these assertions not only misleading or just plain wrong,
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refuting the special prosecutor's remarks about his memory and mental acuity and good in particular by the claim that he couldn't remember the date of the death of his son bo. how the hell there, he really said, frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself was neither damn business in his report, the special prosecute to robert to describe the president as and i quote, a well meaning elderly man with a pool of memory claiming that bite and could not remember the date, he was appointed vice president, fiber rock, obama white house lawyers described these comments as inappropriate and in some cases, inaccurate. initially, the president biden himself focused on another part of the report. i was especially pleased to see special counsel make clear the start distinction and difference between this case and mr. trump's case, donald trump,
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and we're talking about many more documents that issue with mr. trump. we're. ready fully be obstructed and indisputably applied for his lawyer in a letter to the department of justice. donald trump posted on his social media about what he called a 2 tiered system of justice. the house republican judiciary committee treated the following president by didn't, couldn't even remember when he was the p. a taking a question on gaza. president biden inadvertently gave us opposition more munition and, you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. he was referring to the president of egypt, not mexico. the role because nature of the news conference assigned that debate about president biden's mental acuity will not go away. neither will the fact that the single case against him has concluded the several against donald trump all
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going on. my kind of, oh, you 0 washington. the u. s. supreme court has been hearing arguments in a case that could have major implications for the presidential election. colorado supreme court ruled donald trump is not an eligible candidate because of his actions during the capital attack in 2021. so it's now up to the nation's highest court to decide if the ruling should stands. she have returns to reports. the supreme court has a conservative majority, 6 conservative justices, the 3 liberals. but it wasn't just those appointed by republican presidents who question the colorado supreme court ruling for donald trump was eligible to run for president. using section 3 of the 14th amendment of the constitution, the balls those even gauged an insurrection the game for us from holding 7 offices color. others highest quote, have ruled of donald trump should be removed from the balance because its opinion is actions on january. the 6th did amount to insurrection,
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but this argument was greeted with skepticism of thursday's hearing, his liberal justice elena kagan, i think that's the question that you have to confront, is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states and chief justice robot suggested cale spike into, well colorado's decision to be up held as republican officials, an open states used the precedent to argue that it was in fact, joe biden, who was guilty of insurrection, of games for us. what do you do with the what i would seem to me to be plain consequences of your position. if colorado is a position is upheld, surely there will be disqualification proceedings on the other side. and some of those will succeed over and over again. the question of whether one states officials can potentially disenfranchised tens of millions of voters across the country by deeming a presidential candidate unfit to run with questions. they think it's easy doing
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this stuff right. the, the proceedings appeared to be a boost to donald trump's arguments that it was up to congress and not individual states to decide if a candidate was eligible to run for president under the insurrection. tools of the constitution. speaking off of a hearing from florida, the old trump seemed confident cooling the proceedings, a very beautiful process. it's unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that, and i consider to be more election disappearance by the democrats. as what they're doing is we're leading virtually every ball. the quote is expect to the roll. swiftly, colorado is republican. priority is just weeks away. if the court rules and trumps favor he will be on the march 5th balance. she ever time see, i will do 0 washington. the interruption volcano in iceland has left people living nearby without heating or hot water flows of molten lava have cut a pipelines, supplying communities on the right tennis peninsula. this is the 3rd
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a russian there in 2 months. the fishing town of grinda vega was evacuated in december. experts say this a russian has weakened and doesn't cause a new threat to the people that live in that town. that's it for me for the time being. we have more news coming up at the top of the hour, but up next we'll get a check on the weather and inside story we'll be examining the is really prime ministers dismissal of a ceasefire to the the still cold, every known europe in some places really really cold there, but up against it is this massive tired which has got within it the potential for huge measure, right? oh indeed, some snow where it comes up against that cold day, which is done on the line more or less for no linkedin across to the baltic studies this purple is the really cold stuff. look at helsinki at minus 15 bucks,
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10 dollars, even near 0, just about minus one. so that's just about right for lots of snow. helsinki doesn't get this matter because it is so cold and not much when you replace to the entity kept to sunday, then that minus 10 to her winchell the average by the right, as you can say, minus one. so that's where the really cold air is. now it stays where it is as well . the snow is light to move north and discussing during friday, following denmark and across in power, and as well less likely in the baltic states. a with the breeze is a fairly dry one that copenhagen is going to be right in the events about snow for a while last you until saturday, and then it stays clarity and not very warm for a couple of days off of that. comes side of says different story altogether, much wanted rain, which will probably cause some flooding in spain and portugal across italy as well . and it keeps going with some heavy right in southern france on saturday.
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the examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel, this is a war against palestinians exploring a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital crime scene investigators. but we're doing it from space design to inform . most events on the spot, you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here and several more folks on the way for a possible se spot in garza, israel is still forming much of a strip of the rejecting. i found myself up for a lengthy pause. so what's next? and when we were spike come for millions of palestinians suffering from months from bond. this is inside story


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