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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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while we're doing it from space design to inform, most of us on the spot, you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on our address here, the is really more planes, target homes and vessel and southern gaza. nearly 28000 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war. the you're watching, i'll do 0 live for my headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you, navigate is also coming up the u. s. warrens against and is really offensive and dropped off after the prime minister orders troops to target the area where more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. is really snipers have killed at least 21
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people outside a hospital in southern garza, in 2 days. medical stuff are also being targeted votes are accounted after election day and practiced on early results suggest the closely contested race with claims of victory fraud. the hello, we begin in southern gaza where is really where plains have again, bond homes. 5 members of the same family were killed in a strike on their house and rough several children under women are among the dead. the health ministry says at least a 107 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. nearly 28 thousands had been killed and 67000 injured since the war began. it is mostly on, especially since we are sleeping at home. when these riley's time to get into our house. i only found my sister, but i didn't find the rest of my family. my sister,
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there's a live in the hospital, but i lost my mother. my father and my little brother, every child in the world got up happy, but we got up terrified to the sound of shannon and explosions. we did nothing to these right, and these were not members of him us. why did these riley's kill my 3 year old brother? he's not a fighter. what did he do to you? my family did not do anything back to you. why did you kill them? i asked her name and i am the man. i'm 10 years old. we were woken up by problems. we kept crying me and my sister, we didn't find my mother and my father and my younger brother, me out of the store. he's messy on them and i still go to paradise. all to 0 is what i'm gonna have to shut off. the reports from the fact that they did the the, the side, the la la la la, la da is really overnight. rates have taken place for a sad successive day in various parts of rough on this time
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a residential apartment was talking to it, leading to the killing and wounding of several people, including children. as you can see, some of the wounded on the bodies of the dead. what taken to the coates hospital? what are some of the initial had that be the for the but the extent of the destruction is clear. these people are trying to recover the body of the bombing is closed and lots of damage a fire. we're still binding in the apartment. as you can see, more people are trying to recover the dead with a piece of what women and children are among the victims. of last nights is ready rate against innocent, defenceless people. there's a sense of kind of amongst the people here, every residential building and rough, a host displaced palestinians who have come from the north cause of 16 and other parts of the district. and this is what, as well as described as a safe area for palestinians of the civil defense personnel are still trying to extinguish the fire in the building. there is significant material damage to neighboring homes and nearby costs that everyone is trying to help in the civil
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defense to meet on the cycle. so big that body parts of one of the victims, wisconsin in the streets, the civil defense. why? because they using basic equipment and tools to protect the fire and rescue victims all of the you can see the result of these really bumming of this residential apartment hire well roughly around 1300000 displaced people. and any rate will definitely need to depth and injuries on some more material. damage to prophecies and infrastructure minister are also joining us from that of a hasn't use it as a honey my mood. so honey, we see in men's package, what happens overnight and people that are out for her, particularly worried about a possible is really ground incursion, of talk to us about that and what conditions are like enough of the yes they're, you know, just the growing the state of we're right now and more of its been piling up within
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the past few days. and since the, the statement by these really defense minister of, in this really military intention of expanding the military operation on a ground invasion here in dropbox, it is just important to point out our viewers the roof. i hasn't been largely save . and for this place, how affinity is it being repeatedly attacked by either artillery showing here we are delegating to the eastern side. already parts of the agriculture land are completely raised, the base and part of the city, the vast majority of the residential homes being targeted and destroyed. whether in dates in part, the central or the western part of the city where there are 1000 of palestinian been. so doing inside the tents, but the over not a tax. just a reminder what these really monitor is doing it through these a civil repeated attacks. just a rough idea of having to be very intense within the, the positive view to just
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a reminder and confirming what they have been talking about, that there is no single safer place in robust city. what's different this time is just the cities over crowded. they have more than half of the population been pushed here and run it since the beginning of the we're not only experiencing on a president the difficult human and trans situations, but also the ongoing, cleared the comes then worry about their livelihood, the safety of their family, that the seats ongoing intense bombing campaign, just the aftermath of what happened last night is it's not only the destruction and the death of civilians, but also for saying it more civilians, more people into a more internal displacement, every targeted homes in europe. i cause a great deal of damage to the surrounding homes, to the point these residential homes are not livable or not safe to stay in. just forcing people once inside their homes, under a roof now into an evacuation is on the western part of reference to the intent.
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and that's the level of the tragedy, not just being now the trauma of the top, but also the displacement for more palestinians. all right, thank you. so my tiny muscle is reporting from the of what was really, snipers have killed another for people and find you in us. the displace palestinians have been trying to reach and loss at hospital health ministry said snipers killed at least 21 people in the same area in the last a medical staff at the hospital were among those who are shots, barbara and go for reports. your less medics to treat sick and injured palestinians . adults a really short staffed messa hospital. in con eunice, this nurse has been shot in the chest while on duty. the his colleagues say he was deliberately targeted by his really forces about this
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doctor being treated and an operating table was also shot to walk. while dr. new site was on duty in the operation room at elm. that's the medical complex. he was deliberately shop by a sniper from the occupation forces. he sustained a gunshot wound to the chest that is currently in critical condition. the danger now extends to medical personnel while the performing, the jew thinks it's no longer just displaced individuals and patients being talking to the doctors that nasa hospitalized demanding for an intervention to ensure the safety of medical work. cuz us president joe biden describe this rail score and cause as over the top and says, trying to stop the fighting. because i think if we can get this delayed for that initial delay, i think that we would be able to extend that so that we can increase the prospect that this for the union guys are changes. meanwhile,
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israel has intensified strikes and rough with palestinians were told to relocate for the safety. 8 people, including children, have been killed in the bombing on the 1st day. is rouse, located on food, fuel and medicine. entering casa, has made it difficult for the strips on this top hospitals to operate effectively. and this really is not the file and protestant in medical workers is putting the treatment of the patients in jeopardy. barbara and grandpa out of sarah president joe biden has called israel's attack on gaza over the tall and says he continues to work tirelessly for an extended pause in the fighting spokesman for the us national security council. john kirby has warned israel against launching a major offensive invest off any major military operation. and roughly, at this time, under these circumstances, with more than a 1000000, probably more like a 1000000 and
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a half palestinians who are seeking refuge and have been seeking refuge in rough or without due consideration for their safety would be a disaster. and we would not support. okay, let's bring it to really challenge. joining us from occupied is through some what we're going to write into these comments by john kirby that they wouldn't support this major offensive. and so coming to is really is believe that the us will do something about this as well as notes. but isn't it a certain sense of the blinking return from his freed this trip? trying to secure that cease fire agreement that the white house and state department criticism of israel is conducting this will have step top. now, it's a long way, i think before the us pools, it's uh military and diplomatic to support to his route, but definitely it's firing. so boarding shots across the bows. and the big question, of course for the is right, easy is your, is this just words words, words,
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so all the deeds to back it up. and we don't know exactly what the us is going to do next. it obviously depends on what israel is, conduct a is what it finally goes into a rough uh, but that has been a memorandum issued in the last 24 hours by the white house. j. pardon is basically tightened up the obligations that the president and congress has to make sure that the us military aids to all the countries around the world is used responsibly. basically, there is an iron us on those countries to adhere to international law and that how it is impossible to change the date to the united states, to make sure that the countries off behaving as a think stay sure, it's now that could spell trouble down the road for it's around the country, is that to contravene international law and that yeah, it might be an issue for vanessa. you know, government, but we're
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a long way away from that happening. but the big question following that is he's, these are, are listening. right. and when a bite and also calls what's happening in garza over the top off. how is that being received in israel and has there been a reaction to these comes and that has them? yes, much. but we do know that blinking when he was here on a strip meeting with netanyahu. he's voice similar criticisms or similar are, as he might put it, friend the advice to, to israel. and this, we all to assess for try to assess whether that is being taken on both. we could look at things like, well, there is a assumption or a, or a narrative in israel that the rough uh, operations should have begun by now. it happens that could be various reasons for that. it could be because the operation in one unit assisted on to why they haven't
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finished that yet. it could be because the is ready is where giving space to those the spot negotiations which have now broken down the for the moment. or it could be because they are listening in some parts to the united states and the advice called the white house. there is also reporting in these ready media that's coming from on names is ready. so officials, that's when the rep for operation does begin, it is likely to be less or lowered and intensity to other operations fit in ga so that they are more likely to do targeted rates rather than a full scale assault. we will have to see whether it actually plays out so whether you know that the poor people of rafa have that humanitarian cargo or some way of guessing out so that that constructed area that car to you. all right, really challenge report from occupied is jerusalem. thank you. that is really a protest or is are attempting to block a distance for dogs through then it's on
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a crossing on israel's border with egypt. they say they will block trucks until the cap. the still being housing guys are released. some supplies must go from egypt, israel for security checks before they are allowed in 2000. similar protests have been held that the cut them i will send them crossing is really forces have shot and injured 6 palestinian men during early morning raids and they occupied westbank . the. the confrontations took place east of nablus, the palestine red crescent. society says the army initially blocked paramedics from reaching the wounded phrase were also reported in some g onto and cut him still a head on alger 0 on the hill there he raised frankly, when i was asked the question, i thought to myself was the damned business the us presidents and such as memory is
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fine after a special council report describes it as a z and for the injustice. for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where in just this isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent effectuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the war. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produced is the best fixes and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the export $2023.00. the fascination
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to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really we're playing stuff
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again. bond holes in southern gaza. 5 members of the same family were killed and a strike on their house in the health ministry says at least a 107 palm citizens have been killed in the us. the us administration is warning is really gains carrying out a major offensive. and jeff asked for most of the population has sought refuge. the national security council spokesman john kirby says, washington will not support funds, not further risk the lives. it's about 1400000 palestinians. the health industry says is really snipers have killed at least 21 child experience in southern dogs. us. it was thursday, a doctor and a nurse has been lost at hospital and find eunice are among those who are shots and injured will move to other world news now and results coming in after the general election impact this done on thursday. so just a closely contested race leading the race are independent candidates, supported by the party of the former prime minister in mon con,
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who's in jail. this center right, focused on muslim league, led by the former prime minister and a washer reef, has caught up with the pockets on people's party as in vegas, joining us from the horse. so thing seems to be changing rapidly up until this point said to bring us up to speeds with the latest partial results that we know of the so according to the election permission, the independence has the stones. people thought to have 35, they are changing rapidly. as you said, the independence linked to your mind cons bucks funds that he can solve with a peachy eyes. they believe that they should be way ahead at this point and not the initial results of preliminary results that were coming got lost by some of the, the i was of this morning was showing the independence way ahead of cost of sending us independence. because then the day non con is angelica corruption charges the
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symbol full of the cricket back removed from the by that paper. so the goal is to stand us independence, that they were way ahead. they went to sleep in the morning only to wake up to find that the, some of the leads had been cancelled out. some of the results that had been declared, those had changed. i just spoke to one candidate, they moved jag or a from k, but about 2 o'clock now he said he had this problem 45, but you get from the posting station one civil subbing cartridge 60 percent of the vote over 25000. and so he was the were not only for the election permission to say someone else had one that he's currently at the high court in for solver lodging. the complaint the saying that the election commission should be stopped from a nice thing, the official results because of these discrepancies. and this isn't happening just in type of a. what's happening here and put job is happening across the country and people are frustrated. the angry i smoke, i've been speaking to people all day across the heart of the very frustrated they believe that the nation is being rig. they believe that the candidates, the independent candidates think the pictures that they,
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they have voted for. those books have been taken away and someone else has been declared, the winner may need the books done. most of them need so says, how do we expect all of this to play out and what is going to happen next of the will? it's very difficult to say it officially. what's supposed to happen is the election commission announces the results. the part 2 is the largest number of seats goes for to the phone, the government and, and choose the prime minister. but what was the disputes are going on with the peachy? i'll saying that they are winning the selection that they have most seats. then we're expecting at least some companies to be launched in court and candidates to challenge those, finding that they are discrepancies, that you just call on to avoid. even the nature of the book's done was indeed no, all shape on. he's full 45. there's a discrepancy between the numbers, the amount of bolts bodies,
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both cost is higher than the total volts cost. that just doesn't make sense. and many of this is posted on the fax and receiving the official trip to a page. so people are just reaching the results, some have been pro, just taking sides of the people, have reduced videos of returning off is the things that they've been intimidated. so this really is a volatile situation regardless of how the election commission, the niceties results that are not stories of people across the focused on that believe they have supported april calling that they have support to the peachy eyes and the big candidates of one. the election, but they have not been to could the witness. okay, that's a big reporting from the horror. so thank you. as there has been widespread violence in the northern indian state after authorities demolished a mosque and the religious school please. 5 people were killed and at least a 150 injured in the head of the wiley district, of which our cons authorities imposed an indefinite curfew in order for these to shoot violators on sites. rights groups have called for an end to the demolition of muslim properties. the us presidential biden has hit back at
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a special council report that makes damning assertions about his memories. the report concluded biden would not face charges for mishandling classified materials, but went on to say that his memory was hazy bite and criticize the claims as well as assertions that he couldn't remember what his son died. my kind of reports in washington. as you know, the special comes release is fine, is the day, and i hate to be arranged news conference president biden address. the special prosecutor. this report was previous a reached of firm conclusion that no charges should be brought against me in this case. correct immediate claims if he'd been found to have wilfully retained classified documents. this, these assertions not only misleading or just plain wrong, refuting the special prosecutor's remarks about his memory and mental acuity and good in particular by the claim that he couldn't remember the date of the death of
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his son bo. how the hell there, he really said, frankly, when i was asked the question i thought to myself was the damn business in his report. the special prosecute to robert, to describe the president as and by quote, a well meaning elderly man with a pool of memory. claiming that bite and could not remember the date, he was appointed vice president by brock. obama whitehouse. lawyers describe these comments as inappropriate, and in some cases inaccurate. initially, the president biden himself focused on another part of the report. i was especially pleased to see special counsel make clear the start distinction and difference between this case and mr. trump's case, donald trump, and we're talking about many more documents. that issue with mister trunk will fully obstructed and indisputably lied through his lawyer in a letter to the department of justice. donald trump posted on his social media
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about what he called a 2 tiered system of justice. the house republican district committee treated the following president biden couldn't even remember when he was the p. a taking a question on gaza. president biden inadvertently gave us opposition more munition . and you know, initially present mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. he was referring to the president of egypt, not mexico. the real cause nature of the news conference assigned that debate about president biden's mental acuity will not go away. neither will the fact that the single case against him has concluded the several against donald trump all going on . my kind of o g 0 washington. the us supreme court has been hearing a case that could drastically effect the presidential election later this year.
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justices are considering whether republican front runner, donald trump, can be disqualified from colorado's primary ballot. not state bound from accusing him of insurrection in an effort to stay in power after he lost the 2020 election. the supreme court's ruling could have national implications for the former president's thanks to conservation programs. you guns as wildlife population has boot over the past. 40 years with the threats of poaching. lots of habitats and conflict between humans and animals as worrying wardens conference or reports from queen elizabeth national park in western you got into the boat crews along a water channel that opens up to leaks out. but an edward is breathtaking, as you can see, and was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park. the easiest in uganda. this
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is the highlight of poor is visiting here. the number of elephants bath and lose and he paused, has increased in the last several decades. bodies are revising years of decline caused by portez and encroachment on wildlife areas. all these would be yeah, yeah, many officials actually bid this to you gun does protection efforts, but there's another challenge. climate change as well as a new invasive weed that he's killing healthy plants because climate change the speed at which is moving. i don't thing what i wish i said to catch up with this pete, because you try to money play to one plant here and how to pronounce the concept you. why do we have movie when you sort those big telephones? that is the area we try to remove the deck prospectus media in the back for us that just some media that by sending them kimmy ugandans leaving the other pock also
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say they're leaving a nightmare. a big problem here is human. why live conflicts? ellison's are increasingly going into villages in search of pastor and what, how much of a dustin come montgomery shows those? well, a heart of elephants destroyed. he's perhaps become here nearly every day. he says the back has been passion. defense of the side is still open. can walk some more to, we try to trace the animal. so using many means for example, fire and retailers. we often sleep at the farm to protect our yield, enables killed violence to on the other side, all the village. other families say he paused, have invaded the rice funds and killed several people. gain what is said they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected, but they also blame those who blow up the new more migration routes. catherine
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story alda 0 queen elizabeth national park. uganda. that's it for me. thanks for watching. more information as always on our website, out to 0 dot com. the weather is next. and then inside story we'll examine these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissal of a cease fire deal with her mouse and gaza. thanks for watching by the the, the attempt is origin rapidly in central try, which are only about 3 days ago had snow following, it was quite disruptive. so actually the weather looks quite pretty. and ma'am, so there is a sole going on is all the status on the dr. attempt down the teams. and one of the suggestions is flooding. the other one is this indicated brand new chevy, which is probably for persistent pharmacist. how does the process will matter of
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a co grind, but it wouldn't just it exists in japan that on shore braces? yes, no. on the 9 since and over the home shoot, i didn't. how carter, which kids are way to some degree on the breezy northwest we on sunday and beyond that, it's just more sunshine which reaches file size is hong kong. when they tried to clear the floors. now we've a close got dry conditions in india, burglar, some practice terms occasional shaft on the east coast and maybe is for like the, the system, the fault is no longer persistent. you are a new delhi and dental attire and i'll see about 9 to 12 on the most polluted city league, which i looked at everyday. you were at the top of that long ago, but the cost of winds pick top. it's not looking back. next. there is shallow fog every morning, of course it forms over night. but it does clear to give a relatively fine often to
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the latest news as it breaks we'd be to coverage ok now he's a rough day. again, you can see the stick gray smoke and we can also hear this rumbling from around the world. scalding wasn't even on the summit agenda. these follow me say that bringing that tract is brussels is the only way to be heard. a remote folks on the way for a possible safe spot in garza, israel is still forming much of a strip of the rejecting it from us on foot for a lengthy pause. so what's next? and when we were spike come from millions of palestinians suffering from months to form bond. this is inside story, the


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