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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the doing the sports, like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally being of limits to women. when i, when a mix, the female athletes flashed into that place and the ring on out to xerox. the the hello, this is the news on the fall of her life though. ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. 1.4000000 palestinians of rough uh, fear and imminent is ready. ground defensive about sports and assaults on the southern gaza says he will sabotage any future deal. the ship warms of serious consequences of a possible as ready incursion into rough or warmer could throw a decades long peace treaty disarray,
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pictures of manage of palestinians being shots, and killed outside the knots, the hospital and called you this would just be another is ready siege for weeks and starvation and disease in northern gossip, palestinian speaker of hung up on desperation, business rail continues to block a deliveries. and i'm far as small with the latest sports are small, keep their primary link titled challenge on track. the gunner slashing west, have 6 now the now switches to points behind lift leaders, liver pull. the thanks for joining us. key regional media to egypt as well. and all of the consequences of a potential is really military assault. rafa in southern gaza, despite warnings, all of a humanitarian catastrophe is ready for seats have continued to pile the city with strikes. thousands of people have been killed. a senior, a mass official has said that in this way, the ground assault
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a rock so will undermine any negotiations on the release of captives around 1400000 displays promising. and so sheltering rafa, bracing for the is really in cash, and it's not become one of the most densely populated areas and the wells with nowhere else safe to go. well, the $600000.00 children are among many of them often buy as well as a tax hosting insight. they feel trapped. yeah. the whole thing and every day we're on the run being displaced as tough because i have 2 daughters with disabilities. i con, carry them around, i don't have a call or cox. there's no gas or diesel or any fuel, if that will be more displacement, i'm not moving on the i have 2 daughters with disabilities and we can't be displaced. we will live at die here. we go back and die in our houses. we have been displaced to hon. eunice on comes the streets and we have spent tough nights and we came to the egyptian borders. i'm economy displaced anymore. we will live at die. here we go back and diana houses,
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nowhere is safe in the entire cause of strength. we're going from north to south. israel's war and gaza has now killed at least 28176 palestinians lodge policy renewal than in central gauze have been reduced to rubble, topic habit, resume as life for us in rafa and southern gaza, sorry, not live for us. this is recording he sent the wrong way. he gave us more details about the impending ground assault by israel. some more deadly attacks will be carried out to a more disastrous catastrophe in terms of the humanitarian loss that will result from the thomas stands off. completely afraid of that, that step and it's absolutely accepts pressure on the medical sector. you would have to be operated specifically that you are talking about the only 3 hospitals are still now rates and come to know about that more we are joined right now by a we do through demand in the home. see is one of the palestinian doctors in
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a great the hospital dr. janelle, thank you so much for joining us today. i would like to know from you more about the medical situation right now in rough. i am. is that possible ground invasion actually know we are suffering much during these this because of the huge number of the people who have been integrated for the certain areas and meeting of the goes to the 2 of the sort of this is number one. number 2 is a huge number of things on people who have vehicle listed as of if we all got sort of vehicle listed then little this is was the view, these visuals was completed. cool, cool and of disease. okay. well, this is just people who have been on the amount of integrated from all of the tools at all. so we are complaining much and suffering much of the shortage of the musical dispos. that was a way of showing this of the drugs which are low. i'll show you most of the
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antibiotics of the available most of the 6 i'm not available. most of the drugs are not available. no, this is was actually, we are asking you to store room because the showroom get is continuing with someone, especially with some of the old people. and so i don't know what is coming, but i am sure that if the water is going to go on, we wouldn't suffer much. and what's the majority of causes and rough a hospitals are preparing for that, put potentially ground to include into the city to actually know whether you, as i told you that because of the huge number of people that use a lot of patients who are viewing those pretend and we have short digital drugs because of the glory of the gets. it is open just above the city. this is why the really, for, we were just one. the other it loose fuel drugs are coming to us.
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know if you know of i didn't visit drop off it's, i mean, a tough to of we would actually, we would come when they bring con eunice footage has the most of several bodies next to the besieged nasa hospital. these people were reportedly shot by is riley forces before just suggests they couldn't be removed for some time. you know, talk to us without borders said at least 2 people were killed by gun fight in the hospital. so organization says medical staff are afraid to move out or around a hospital and that's being fighting around nasa for weeks. hundreds of trump inside now unable to leave because it's empty too dangerous to world health organization. so this way, the forces have counted up more than $350.00 attacks on hospitals and gaza since october, the 7th, nasa and a mile of hospitals and con units have been under authorities seized over the past
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3 weeks. hundreds of stuff patients and the space palestinians with reduced mobility, a trapped in alamo hospital, unable to leave. is there any problem at all? so benjamin netanyahu has told us talk shows that the ground defensive a rougher will go ahead. he says civilians will be given what he calls safe passage and move northwood spots, the timeline about operation or indeed the details remain unclear. rafa is at the southern most tip of the gaza strip rights on the egyptian border or an estimated 1400000 palestinians sheltering from his ready effects. we're going to do it, we're going to get the remaining. how mos terrace battalions and rough rock, which is the last bastion. but we're going to do it and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so they can leap. we are working out a detailed plan to do so, and that's what we've done up to now, we're not, we're not cavalier about this. this is part of our war effort to get some feelings
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out of harm's way. it's part of commodities effort to keep them in harm's way, but we've so far succeeded and we're going to succeed again. those will say that under no circumstances should we enter off or are basically saying lose the war. quite a bit of it will speak to him to solve it and occupied easter eastern, but 1st flight schedule, she have a tendency in washington dc. so she had a bunch of anatomy are appearing on folks and abc news. also this phone call between that and yahoo and bite it and we started to get a few lines out of that bite. and finally we have funding. we have funding his view . that's a salesman. that your confirmation and rafa should not proceed without a plan. how much confidence does the white house have in these are these having upon the tool, the sides of the gauge without rhetorically, the white house has let it be known that at once israel to have a cloud, but there is no indication yet. so the white house position is changed
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substantially from what it was when it has been over the last several months. that is, israel can do whatever at once until the heat of the presidential election campaign were not in that presidential or the huge or that presidential election campaign. yep. so right now, certainly we can any assume that's the best option remains the same, the same position of the white as well. we all single, more more leaks from the white house to the american press of the bike and is getting frustrated with mountain yahoo. and it's close to a rupture with yahoo, but then that's almost immediately we'll back and by koreans on care, for example, these are the buildings funding, monthly change that was actually off the button and said this is rose responsive. and over the top of the story about genocide, he said it was over the top. and as far as the white house was concerned, that's a sign of how angry and how publicly critical button is guessing. with that and yahoo and perhaps that will help ease the concerns of a base to the increasingly concerned about bite and support unconditional support for his role. 50 percent of self declared bite and support as say that was
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happening. and garza is a genocide. but even that was will back in each they also is by greenville appear the white house press briefing, has nothing substantial be changed? there's nothing reason to believe that korean jump. yeah. isn't right. and she of us, we slumber towards the us selection. how wide is the gulf between us foreign policy and public opinion that when it comes to goes, i suppose of inconsistency the majorities of americans from whatever political belief structure they come from, one disease, 5 democratic base, a majority or at least 50 percent. and then starting up would say that it's a cx 5 depends on which demographic you're looking at. young people, in particular, very critical or disgusted by by these uncritical supports off, off is rarely, is rarely, military action. but there is still that sense in the white house and then the bite and campaign that in the end, fear of trump will prevail once it gets to the election that, that any,
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any angered by them will have subsided by them. but i think that's all the reason why the bite in ministration, once israel to a wrapped top with a tree opperation was by the time of the heat of the election campaign, it will be a memory they think. and then the fear of trump will, will overtake the base. meanwhile, biden is relying on his super donors in the election campaign. it's all about money here in the us when it comes to politics and all of his mega donors, it would appear. and there was a rep, so called quite a detailed arrest analysis last week, actually says that most of it for the whole thing is mega done is the largest done, is to divide and campaigns are all very praise on this. i will look askance of bites and if he were to actually split with, but with, with method yahoo fundamentally in a, in any way. and that would be a real risk for it, for the bible, for losing that money. and, and perhaps losing there's been done is to em all perhaps more um, more acceptable. donald trump, when it comes kendra is real. she how many things she ever time see there in washington dc? let's bring it home to sell her. now. she's live for us in occupied east jerusalem
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. so when it comes to the us, we're supposed to whatever plan is israel has for rough uh, degree of hesitancy. the whole launch has nothing yahoo gone about restoring a confidence in the country as to what he's actually planning for rough, or it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking at a base in the south along the is really army cheap stuff and other politicians and is really, soldiers saying that they're close to a total victory, something he reiterated in those interviews in american media earlier today. and he also said something that i want to point out, he said, but after this war is over, these really military is going to control everything west of georgia. and that includes the gaza strip. and prior to this, we've been hearing plans from these really political and security apparatus that
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say that there will be a security control in gone. so for a period of time, but essentially what these really prime minister is saying here is that they're going to have total control over gone. so once the war is over, when it comes to the operation in dropbox, even though there's all this international pushed back, there seems to be a lot of confusion with what the army is supposed to do. what kind of plan they're supposed to provide the government for the evacuation of more than 1400000 palestinians who are currently ended up last because they have been forced to flee their homes multiple times. so there's a lot of confusion within these really governments on that, but for our prime minister, netanyahu has been saying that dropbox is where, how massive strong this battalions are. it is the final stretch of the ground defensive. but remember, she said that about northern gods and got the city about and ship a hospital. and about con eunice when they started the military offensive on the
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ground in the south. so he's been repeating, essentially the same terms about why they need to go into the flock, but really using the same to pearl, it is kind of rhetoric when it comes to drop off, as he did with god, the city. so these really prime minister is adamant that they're going to go into the fox valley links that the military offensive on the ground is going to happen. that the invasion is imminent. and it's just a matter of time. all right, i'm to stay with this because i want to take an developments of the occupied westbank as well as these reading newspaper har, ets is reporting. the government is pushing ahead with a large, legal set them into the, occupying the west, but all right, so $650.00 homes will be both just a few meters away from policy and houses south of occupied history so far. right. is there any active is reportedly involved in the development? israel has continued to build them posting yolanda, even though the settlements are legal under international law by hand and body
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streets. lemme more examples of the breaking of international law by this right. when government that's right, in fact it is really and geo called the year a mean who's been monitoring the legal settlements of human rights abuses across occupied east jerusalem are saying that there's an on forest indented number of legal settlements that are be expedited in the process of getting built since october, the 7th, you're looking at 17 new settlement plans that emerged within the government around a 1000 housing units would be part of that plan. but for those have already been approved and that's around $3700.00 housing units. this is across the occupied west bank and, and occupied east jerusalem. this and g o was saying that this right wing government is using the war as a distraction, trying to push through these illegal settlements. while the rest of the world is
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distracted by the war on gaza, this is a government that came into power with the hopes of the legal settlement expansion . many of the ministers within nathan, yahoo, his own government, are living in the legal settlements across the occupied west bank currently. so there is a lot to be said about how unprecedented this is. but it's not so much surprising, but it's happening at the same time since these ministers also want to build legal settlements and gone. so once the war is over. so again, unprecedented, but not really coming as a shock. right, so i'm having to sell their money. thanks for them. so okay, well as we mentioned earlier, egypt has one to against israel is plan to target ruffin gauze, the southern city as long egypt boredom and satellite photos of revealing how car row is now building more checkpoints in november, construction crews began working on
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a raised strip of land 200 meters from the fence, which device egypt from the gaza strip. a lot and battery has a ground to 14 kilometers in length. egyptian is also building a new concrete war along the old photo wall. is around adverse to the south of gauze. it was raising tension with egypt. the 2 countries signed a formal piece, tracy in 1979, based on what school become david accords. it lays out a complicated set of agreements about land and borders. importantly, the limits, the presence of egypt ministry, and the sign i put into a separate agreement was signed in 2005 off to raise right. the soldiers and suffers withdrew from the gaza strip. and those, the philadelphia quoted. covet how the roof of border crossing was to be run, as well as how egypt could deployed gods along the border, but is around is now talking about regular painting shoes, numbers of palestinians, away from roughly egypt test repeatedly ones. but any attempt to move people across the border could lead to the termination of the treaty and the other agreements
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between the 2 countries lodges. there is a while on, but charlotte is here in the studio and more wonder if the situation of rough uh, lessons does as well. israel seems to think it is still possible to be able to push thousands across the board, considering what we're seeing by way of egypt. reinforcements on that board. it seems like, you know, it seems like it. but basically the now governments or nathaniel himself, has been preaching for a good while now. is it every time you tell me i can do something i do with a nothing happens or something like, what's tompkins to say? you know, i recognize jewels, let him and you say something, what happened? nothing happens. i, i recognize the goal and heights as is ready to to right. nothing happens. but anyhow size, you warned me not to invade by land. i did nothing happens. you know the world to do some criticize some didn't most to those who i need. meaning western powers had
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been so hypocritical, had been so appeasing to these are the government. so basically the thing. yeah. i think tight has grown with marketing more expansion, more war crimes because he keeps doing good with infinity. no, he thinks now he's coming to the tip of the southern part of guys. all the egyptians are warning the americans are concerned of the french are wanted and he's probably the last thing. uh huh. you know, yeah. i've heard that before. what do i care? what do you keep saying? because you actually never walk your talk. yeah. there appears to be a lot of, uh, nervous, hadn't happened to ringing moments, particularly from a manual rec micron, who is a raised deep concerns about what all of this means. i mean, if you could put this into a historical context for us, what would it mean? what does it mean for us now to be talking about potentially the collapse of the
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camp david accords? i think for the time being, this is a, a warning. this is not a real threat that is going to be actionable anytime soon. among the, among the, among the other rewards for the camp david accords, egypt has gotten tens of billions of dollars from the united states and continues to get age from the united states. it's continues to be also dependent on the united states for various helps. so age of has been a bit of an assets for the united states as been dependent on the united states. and i bought, i personally don't foresee because there are walking away from that come through that course. but even if it does, that doesn't mean definitely going to go back to the state of war between egypt and is right. certainly not under cc, certainly under not this regime that's basically been even profiting from the war in gaza with, with all these, you know, corruption on the board. there's, you know, 521-0000 foot individual to leave the guys on, on all of that. so i think for the time being what the egyptian regime insist on is
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that he's been helpful. he's been quiet as genocide was unraveling in plain sight and garza so he just doesn't want any future resident use and all of that. but a student issue to be resolved at the expense of egypt and secured. that's what he's saying. he's basically begging base railways. just don't push the point as soon as my aware that i'm not my problem 30 your problem. right? and he's actually helping out with the united states sold yet a behind jordan. and the policy, you know, thought the, they're all coming together to have nothing else. imagine after nathaniel got his all his war crimes. now the irish and the americans want to help him out did with the day after. when nothing yahoo and we've oversee heard him but a lot today speaking on to us networks. well sir, recent days addressing members and government when he talks about quote oh, to victory in gaza, who is the speaking to what's the, his public opinion?
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and to those detractors were basically warning him that you are far off. yeah. if you remember just a couple of days ago, as he was saying to his own, uh, you know, crowd is on media. your say, we've destroyed 2 thirds of how much this forces. the next day. american intelligence told congress that he only destroyed at best once the how much forces he was saying that we're going to continue with what i'm totally free the captives . the next day the by the administration came back and said, that's just humbug. it's not going to happen. the only way to free the captives is through the pharmacy, was going to kill them, right. he went on and said, we gotta maintain security over our guys up for the foreseeable future as well. of course the west bank and everything west of the jordan river, the bottom of the session said no, no, no, no. so is this been one human?
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the ation after another of the by the administration on the part of the whole government. what do we make off rough or as an entire strategy? because and how nothing you all who place this could have must have long term implications of what happens next to mass of said. if this assault is ground, evasion of a so happens, they'll be no account of exchange and negotiations. how seriously there's nothing yahoo taking that doesn't bother. oh, i think his pipe. i would think he's probably happy about it. you know, when someone has a certain megalomania and set and what did you and his according to him in his book b, b. s. he's ready, hypo realistic, and he only thinks in terms of power, he doesn't to think in terms of values. and he thinks that the value of you is rate is nothing. compare with israel's national security or the value of his or netscape
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. and he believes he is the guardian to is what a mattress a good, not doctor patient, not the genocide, not you know of all of that. now he thinks that he's defending israel's expansion and to the historic satisfied. and if 100 or so gap, there's going to be in the way we'll let them be killed because that will liberate him for, for from the pressures of the, by the administration from the pressures of the day after. and from the pressures of the public opinion or segments of the public and at home in order for him to do whatever he wants to do. and guys including the ethnic cleansing, we've just talked about and including the increase of documents that we just talked about in the us back and maybe to model in gaza, already much of his own fascist find that the government is talking about the stuff and got so believe it or not. well, many thanks is always more of a shorter. this was posting is living in rafa brace for wants to come. volunteers are trying to provide children with some rest spice. they've already
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enjoyed more than 4 months before she laid a good reports. a brief moment in the health side where the children is going to complain, just like others, the age of the headed. we fit the rules and taking shelter in the school building today was very happy that we had fun with crowns and choice in this school. in rougher as one of many sheltering palestinians forced from the homes, the food with children trying to escape the horrors israel's relentless attacks. as these ready ministry protests were ground offensive in the city where the seeking refuge to support the house was destroyed and we were forced to leave today we had the chance to have some fun. we played with our friends and had a wonderful time. is rosamond attribute on cause
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a is already having an unparalleled effect on children. not only do they come for the majority of civilians killed. many survivors severely traumatized. which symbol in case of trying to help them overcome any kind of feeling hated and how would it be we were to fall into is trying to listen to the suffering of our children. those who are displaced from the north. our charity has been active and drop off since 2017. yeah, this is our duty, especially of this dr. time of war. for hundreds of thousands of children across garza, the wish is simple. i hope the were and, and we continue to play like today, more joy and more happiness to come to the degas out. is there a the the
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so it's still unclear. he will full, the next complement of pocket stone, 3 days off to the general election. protests against the desired vote count as being held in a slum about other cities including karachi, the same, the election commission office while the official results have been announced, new policy is one outright majority. a total of a $169.00 seats required to full majority in pockets does national assembly independent candidates bank by the policy are full of prime minister and run con, who's in prison exceeded expectations. they want $9.00 to $5.00 of the $264.00 parliamentary seats. the policy of another full, the prime minister, now us to reach the pockets on was the really, again 75 seats. and the sense of left pockets on people's policy has 54, couple high debt reports. and it's all about in the progress on the election commission announced, or those 3 days later there was the sport, dig wildlands across the country. but today was relatively calm after the progress
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on teddy again solved gord that'd be but not to continue with the protests. they warned that the process should be completed smoothly. they already have contested the results of the elections on several constituencies. the election commission is also heading into that. the other courts will also be heading into that and the election commission of progress on has to notify the people who won that election. it will be after that notification which will have to wait because some of these um fits have gone into contention. and after that, once the nor divide the parliament section would it be guarded by the president of focused on the selected speaker deputies be a good leader of the house. so that is quite a few days away. in the meantime, the political parties are trying their best to sort out some sort of a political airlines like they did last time. and so it would be important to see
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where the, the plug is done that you can solve is going to get the numbers that it said it has already that this will be a coordination, government come out of how you the data. it's a lot more, but let's bring in a bit. her son who is a former advisor to well bank. he joins us from slide. we bought a one welcome to volunteer 0 ser pocket stones facing high unemployment, high inflation, major security issues, not to mention the librium lingering effects off major floods of the us quakes. who's to blame for the countries declining for change? i didn't get some clarity for the use of what a nomic management, a political instability and of course not, shortages are says, but i would for to bad economic management as the main reason soviet are focused on is today facing us list price. and then it says street, he mentioned 2030 years of politics,
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economic mismanagement that never the less is precisely the old god of political parties, even some of the same faces. people like no, i sharif who are back on the ballot papers this, the slight feet of turning around the countries functions. i don't think so. i mean, look, i mean, many countries, political parties are deeply entrenched and, and then tend to be domestic in nature with one bus on calling the shots. so in that sense, it's not to defend is obviously not very decided. but the thing is that, uh, looking ahead, whichever government form uh, sort of comes into following the federal level really says you're just arrest one. the do this a very high. yeah, 5, your son right now needs an external financing of about $25000000000.00. and for that, they need the i mess with all the time is the risk of default is pretty high. and
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if i may have gums in, they're going to require the government to undertake some major structure of the phones. whether it's the energy sector related to specs are from whether to expand it to the form for that as prioritization. all these on been for what's necessary. this is a why or part is a problem is the modem is going to be a kind of what they dropped walking and tell you to cute, a tire as well look at high altitude as a, a very powerful image. and i much in the, given all of the concerns that i mentioned that the cell divides of you, including of course, the secuity concerns and places like baluchistan. how does the country even start beginning to introduce and forms introduced reforms. so they are mess may, that may require the country to, to release of tron should much needed money. yes. i mean, i think it will come into security concerns and security issues. do comment come to
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k, you one of the i m s weird. i'm sure. some of the main just hit or does was a lot more easy. there's a lot of security shows done by spent a lot. don't push them for the ones, but still, i mean, so that's kind of narrative has been in blame for no 2 decades. so even in the i m f, and so i'm a 5 years under major friends. i think one focus on to, you know, move the new d on some of these as long on extending issues and, and so um ideally one would need a cross bar the consent. so some one, some key, the core economic reforms. unless that happens, i think the instability. so we'll continue. i mean, any new government again, i mean using a better phase, they'd be reading the drone us. why is this phones as uh, you know, in a sense,
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are you, are you up? i mean the soon that it be a pollution government, as it is in the pollution governments, things become different thing to sort of push towards the forms. and here it is, a classic example where the people, sparky, has committed not to prioritize that data and day by requisition. the a man is committed to privatization that, right, so the, i'm referring to push me, but that isn't so i don't know how they can manage this kind of attention in the correlation. all right, so, so if, if the cartridge, if the country is hoping for a degree of political stability for different parties to work together, then a, a transfer of money from the i mass of financial lifeline might be one way of coming those divisions. i'll bid hoss on from advisor to the world bank. many thanks for joining us without a 0 f engines full not prime minister and sent the right
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candidate. alexander stop is leading in the presidential run a photo or the results show he's receive 52.7 percent of his arrival pack a harvest though. the winner is expected to be announced in the coming hours. so. okay. yeah, the reports it's been a tightly contested battle between 2 candidates, just seen as critical to shaping sentence role as a new member of nato. thank you very much. whether it's boom of foreign minister, pick a hobby, still the full center, right, full of prime, minnesota, alexandra stewart. you know, the differences are not that radical. i mean, i've always been a made to advocate pick a hasn't, but he was the one who negotiated us into nato. and again, that i think for me, exemplifies the fact that foreign policy for us, this is ex, essential. you know, we both want to see finland in the core of nato. one thing they do disagree on whether they would allow the child support taishan of nuclear arms
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through finland. a hypothetical question to spend when prohibits such weapons on his territory. yet stoop says he would be willing to do so. harvest a wouldn't. despite the recent nato membership that i think there has not been any need or for transporting no cloud backgrounds to feed alondo over finland and so forth. i, i as, as i've seen during the nato negotiations, so with the current, uh, nope, that policies of natal ave stablish them. they don't know, know, nice of changing their both the pro european strong supporters of ukraine and take a hot stones on rushes, actions the and the ukraine will isn't the only challenge rusher presents to helsinki on, usually large flows of migraines, to finland from russia, compounded that tension resulting and send the closing the boat to the kremlin denies finish accusations of causing a michael crisis. who becomes finland's new president in charge of security and
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foreign policy is a particular interest to its new nato allies following the decision to end decades of neutrality. making it a crucial player and the transatlantic security alliance and defining its place in the world. so nearby ego, i'll just say we're still ahead on that, which is 0. i'm turn richard, great in bangladesh, me and my father, i'll bring you more on a balding security situation in the region and will build up to the final. i'll see . i think a couple of nations as code of law. uh nigeria. go head to head for the trip the have that will have a look at the event and middle east and it doesn't often happen, but when it rains, it tends to pull across the gulf. we've seen some heavy rain from sky to child was
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affecting places like a talk. and you can see that batch of heavy rain starts to pull its way across the united arab emirates on woods to a month. we're gonna see some drenching down pools behind that. a legacy of cloud remaining by tuesday we are expecting some heavy rain to start to push into the south west of saudi arabia, bringing a chance of flooding him. it's much dryer to the north of this across that event. lots of fine and dry weather to be found, with temperatures above the average worker. however, as we go into tuesday, for western areas of to kia and as good as on wet across the north of africa, we have seen some fine and settled weather here. but there's the wind blowing, no showers across algeria into northern parts of libya, and on would see egypt before the south of this. it is a very hot picture and it's certainly hot to close southern parts of africa, botswana tide, it's february temperature record in a gap or road on sunday. and the heat continues to dominate here despite the width of weather, which pushes out to me eastern areas. we are expecting that heat to continue to
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build as we go into the new week by wednesday. so to 7 degrees celsius in gather on the, this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on needs. think it is always an attempt to frame as the 2 sides of them. but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the latest news, as it breaks, they have actually came to the civilian medical facility in what seems to be a targeted assassination with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that
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has been targeted schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards. and phyllis journalism allegations of georgia has increased steering as wells will in gaza from be things to withholding medication the the, [000:00:00;00] the feel. what you know, just there is a reminder of our top story is this our is randy attacks and guys that have killed at least a 112 posting. and since saturday, many of them were rough. when did each one and a half 1000000 displays people live in fee of a possible is really offensive. i'm asked as
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a crown to solve with the rail talks on a captive release. hundreds of people, including patients, tramped into hospitals and con unit doctors without borders says at least 2 people were killed by gun find sign. that's the hospital us present. joe biden has code on the is there any prime minister to drop off a plan to protect want more than 1000000. i'm assuming a refugee sheltering and roughly a softer benjamin netanyahu toll the us media, the ground defense. if he is going ahead israel has reduced lodge, positive gauze it to rumble. and there are serious questions about where people from rockford will be evacuated to and what it is, israel is plan. most areas are uninhabitable, reese and stuff like footage shows extensive damage to the infrastructure in the strip since the start of israel's war. 79000 housing units are completely destroyed and another 290000 structures have been damaged. and the 6 out of 36 hospitals are still functioning in gauze, are under difficult conditions,
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making it hard for products to use to access basic healthcare. really north of goal is that people are living in desperate condition, so i'm running out of food on basic necessities and i saw sharif report. some guys are interested in who will see will negotiate a few people are getting hungry and gaza as food supplies run, shortens as little as conditions grow worse, many are struggling to survive and have a nice amanda saba, we are experiencing great suffering. our house was bombed, we now live in the shelters where 15 people living in 10th were drenched and rain and sewage. we have no food whatsoever. the children cry, day and night because they are hungry. there's, you'll know you guys of little more. there's nothing except showing and bombardment and hunger. my children cry because they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian 8 to for doing gas that don't get any humanitarian a. out was of all of us the most really your children, if no guns are dying of hunger,
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there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for them. there is no flower for them. hunger is giving us a only little pieces of bread. today we are reduced eating grass. my name is thomas, the, the water is polluted, this is not fair. this is injustice either kill us all or give us a proper chance to live. and that the, she said, the one that the shuttle hope all is the who the suffering increases here in north gaza is, is really forces prevent entry of the basic necessities. obtaining food has become a dream for hundreds of thousands of families and is to show you just the at all times as oh, does there as receive video or destroyed school in gaza? so you where displace palestinians say is there any soldiers carried out executions? the exterior of the building and the remo neighborhood, which is riddled with bullets displaced people say they would target and buy sniper 5 before he's ready for the storm. the school, the end of last month,
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the building was eventually formed and destroyed. as you can see, the black and was by witness to the attack on the facility at the end of january. a policy and present by the boss has arrived in castles capital. doha, abbas. his visit will include high level talks with customers leadership to try and reach us. he's 5 deal in gaza for months now across all the us and egypt have led negotiations between israel and thomas. supporters of palestinians have been demonstrating on the streets of the lebanese capital on sunday. i'm saw it directly with people in gaza. marching bands lead hundreds of lebanese protest as an palistine and refugee through downtown bay route participant saves, ready war planes could be seen above the city. this is one of many protests of taking place and 11 on since the start of israel's war on the gaza. and in the moroccan capital, the relative similar demonstrations took place and support of palestinians,
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the thousands joined the call to show their support for an end to the will. so protests as also carried placards criticising morocco's noble ization of ties with israel. 4 years ago. pension is high on the border between man mob bangladesh. on india. civilians have been killed and injured during a recent surge and fighting and rocking state. but some northern b. m. had also said many people fleeing across the border into bangladesh and india, among them around 300 security force personnel terms. the treasury has more from the border between bangladesh. ma, the quite bought of villages in bangladesh had been jolted by motor shows on gunfire. in recent weeks, mama they brought him describes upon exploding sho, killed an elderly running a man, and his mother was only the marsh. i could barely see because of a sick smoke. the old man died instantly and my mom's hands were shaking. she
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couldn't move or talk and we tried to rush her to the hospital, but she was gone within minutes of all the hundreds of me and my butter, police and military personnel across the butter. 26 century and bangladesh bought are gods, have sold their side while temporarily recreating villages and shutting down schools in border areas. more than 300 me on our security force personnel. a know in the custody of bangladesh, butler gods, as talks are underway for the return of the addition of the machine. we have issued a strongly beef to me in law. the entry of that people sell them gun file pulling inside our territory and killing an injured people. this is particularly concerning as we are actively working through the country at the ring. yeah. such incidents uncoiled for an unacceptable fit people. since last november, hundreds of me and my soldiers and civilians have fled to india and states of major
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arm and money put due to intense fighting with rebel groups, environment of action, india shared border with me on the market. and both countries are now having to deal with the fellow we're off it's conflict. they've all been security situation underscore the potential for a broader regional instability. groups involved in ethnic violence and india. money per state, blamed open, ponderous as the source of unrest. their indian government is planning defense, what it described as the troubled border with me on my and scrap it free movement agreement despite fears by some that will disrupt long standing culture. oh, i think nomic ties the do not worry for the children. the students won't be able to go to school in the education stop. there's no purpose schooling on the other side of the board to try more electronic signature. no financing alone. the devote defense is a rick dates, it will blow cold. presto, brothers and sisters and young mon, if freedom of movement described,
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when i told her the unity of the needs of the community. so i'm out of a string, right kind state and me and mark has become a defective battle ground for rival interest in a new, in the past to fig, strategic bathroom. but it's buying a dash, which is already hosting more than a 1000000 running a refugees. and now has to deal with the spillover off at conflict that is not of their own temperatures. radio does it all from bangladesh, me and mark butter don't use the teenagers, died in several other st. jude during confrontations and southern center goal. the 16 year old with shots in the hands of a southern city of sick or is the 3rd fatality and ongoing unrest. the began off to president mackie sell postpone this month's presidential election. so as decision has planned to set a goal into one of his worst crises since independence beyond group, i wish bob has claimed responsibility from an attack that killed 4 m. around the troops and a bar, 80 military officer and some of the of the tank took place to the military base of
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the capsule. mogadishu during a training mission on saturday, they'll call you to limit links groups as it target to the truth because they consider the you a, an enemy for supporting the symbolic government against that sort of thing. it's kind of scott, is accuse china of dangerous maneuvers. modest vessel patrol the south china sea footage, released by the coast guard, shows chinese ships blocking the philippines vessel and this scarborough show on the 1st day trying this territorial claims in the c overlaps the legally recognized maritime designs of various other countries. i france's opinions and change the constitution. so the people living on islands in the indian ocean can no longer automatically become citizens. and we've seen as a way to cub immigration, which is a contentious issue in france. present to my new my. com visited the islands of my old 5 years ago. children of immigrants born in the french territory will lose that
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birthright citizenship. now its holiday season and china in close to one and a half 1000000000 people celebrate luna new year. time those leaders are hoping that will be going on a spending spree to give a much needed boost. the world's 2nd largest economy. bottom line has moved from badging for the 1st time, so he's quoted 19 restrictions were lifting what the chinese called pimples fairs are back in their bustling in b j, sending everything to employees to land could box a search because it's especially on a patient that they can afford to spend like this or do that in the lab, but i would do 1000 my utah wait. i was only planning to buy one stick, but it 50 wants to. so i decided to buy to despite the 4 year height, is vendors of not raised prices. and some are even offering discounts. deflation, which could lead to higher unemployment and shrinking profits is
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a constant worry for the world's 2nd largest economy. stop price as last month, and there's the deepest decline. this is a 2019 national crisis. consumer spending gets a boost during the lunar new year holiday here in china. temple affairs like this with food stalls and souvenir shops, drug, big crowds. but the impact may be short lived as the economy struggles to recover. the one key indicator during the lunar new year is pork, a popular mew on dinner tables at family reunions, meat shops engaging say, sales had been slow in the lead up to the holidays. and consumption fails, but a 1000000 tons last year for on social media. chinese people have been vocal about their financial difficulties, you months with all those that you hold around your fortunately, i'm, you know, how pathetic people in data on it's the eve of the chinese new. yeah. and i'm here wondering on the streets. no way to go the long table boats without united court record showed that close to 9000000 chinese had been barred from mobile payment
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apps were missing installments on loans use. unemployment rose to a record 21.3 percent. last october. the government is stepping in with measures ain't that boosting the stock market and property sales, economic expansion did hit the government's target the 5 percent last year. but the international monetary fund predicts slower growth in the next 4 years. for now, many chinese are welcoming the year of the dragon with a spinning spring, or at least some affordable indulgence. part of below l g 0, b j put from so this is but origin. tina is new president for the 1st time since have a miller a took office. the 53 year old attends of the kind of nice ation mass. the vatican of origin. tina's 1st female st. the pope on me like both origin 10 instead of being that all this in the positive a how to lift the country from a deep economic crisis. mean i who calls himself in a norco capitalist on school,
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the coming leader of the catholic church and imbecile, who promotes communism. the still ahead on that, which is 0. been support also keep that type of challenge on track with the one of the most impressive performances office, the a snapshot of an ordinary day. most people go about the business, hardly paying any attention to the results, navigating the streets. these devices do they look documents, parcels, and food from companies and restaurants. people during process takes just a couple of minutes using an app up to which they read gold has this treat. a 3 d map installed in that brain prevents them from getting lost, and electronic ies help overcome obstacles. something that sometimes might prove to be quite challenging. russians why that lead use of people trying to help delivery
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robots out of a snow tripped have gone viral online since russian are interested the so called special ministry operation and ukraine. thousands of migrant laborers have left the country fronting innovators to fast track and extend the tree to partially supplement the human workforce the the time before now his far names. thank you so much. arsenal have kept their primary league title. challenge on track. they put in one of their best performances of the seasons, beat west town away. the gunners dominated their london rivals,
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bidding them 6 now because sancho stars the 2 goals. and there was also a memorable moment for jacqueline writes, england midfielder, finding the back of the nat against his former clubs, are still sit 3rd and are now just 2 points behind tables. harper's lives. the most common a was the hero from manchester, united the scottish metal there got a late winter to help the red double seed ask villa to want united states as 6 or 5 points behind villa. for instance, the thoughts were building up to the final, the african cup of nations. later on sunday, it was so fast go to the 3rd place, meeting d r, congo, and upheld to shoot out the front of the font as best finish. and i've called in 24 years, but the main prize will go to either host ivory coast or nigeria, as,
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as you're calling with the sharp reports. after months of police 10 times, the advocate cup of nations may do if they can host ivory coast in the final, at the start button, the big the events that the last game of the 34th edition of the f one will bring the captains down. what has been a remarkable tournament failed be surprises. the hosts are focused on winning the fed. continental trophy and blanket home in front of defense has been one of the key factors that has motivated and propel them. the sfa. you have a lot of people that's just pushing you support to every day. so it gives you the strength to suggest performance. so that's a so that's a beautiful thing. and i know that the so good pressure will bring my my country to the top for nigeria between that very cost 10 in the 2nd group game are there in the tournament,
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does not count for anything. the goal is simple. when the trophy is not easy, when the cool with these are pretty nice, catch this opportunity, you need to flight and that will sense for catch these. i'll put the use one opportunity. you know, one knows when comes the next opportunity. nigerian legend in 1996 and then based gold medalist small group i know is confidence that the super egos have what it takes to win the 4th ask when tied to the 1st always on the nature of support. it was because that's why we have support. it goes, we have 250000000 back home on all of them as i'm talking to you and they're not going to, it's going to wait for this much. every goal is play and we get this. um, so some books and i believe on sundays because what they have done sofa does was given me confidential. so when to when, because the last time they julia played an i figure a couple of nations final and i've been on the last 31 to come around this time
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when they take on the host ivory cause they hope to imagine victorious. i said, come get your, i'll just 0, be sure. i free cost. there's use hours to go until super bowl, $58.00 takes off in las vegas fans in the cities and getting into the spirits at one of the found sounds the kansas city chiefs or and coming back to back titles, standing in their way or the 5 time champion in san francisco 40 niners of 2022. when will the champion elena? rebec hiena has won the avi open. the one number 5 cruise has a rush, as daria caps aquinos 6164 to win her 2nd w t. a title of the year and the summit of her career, both players are now having to go have for the guitar open, which is already underway. really happy with this week and the, the way i played throughout the week. it's a, it's great then is i think i showed in the today in the final to was really focus from the beginning till then. so yeah, really proud. okay. that is all your support for now. okay, thank you very much for. well, that's it for me in the bucket for this news. uh,
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so rom, it will be back in a moment with much more of the day. so you can figure out our website, how does that don't come on one of our top stores. so watching the in the history of refugee camp south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees as my hon. mishaps husband set previously spent a year and administered to detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. connected, accepted the 90. we suffered a loss because of administrative detention, it would have been easier if you will sentence. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence. walk down any valley here, turn any corner, and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge,
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according to the palestinian prisoners society around $3300.00 promised indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. surrounded by walls, full of photos, to showcase happier times. these women try to lighten. but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found in the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire. demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 unique perspective on and the but don't want to even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a, for my things, thoughtful this coverage. and there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices,
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and i'm part of the patient. i'm pleased to connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0 or the, [000:00:00;00] the columns overall when you're watching of the service, these are life and how coming up in the next 60 minutes. 1.4000000 palestinians in rasa, save and imminent is really ground defensive. i'm us was the assault on the southern gauze. the city will sabotaged any future deal. egypt, bones of serious consequences of
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a possible is ready and cousin into rafa from the good for decades long piece street seats into disarray. he was president tells benjamin netanyahu thank send


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