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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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to take the day is that the another thing is taking place? augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permits, and nothing leaves us out with that, as well as permissions allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what algebra is rattles. thrusting a deliveries to gaza view and says policy is that out on the brink of salvation. that's even also the international social justice, older as well to allow humanitarian assistance into this trip. so who can force it to confine? this is inside story. the hello welcome to the program. i am hushing a bottle of the united nations is warning that the guys that is on the brink of
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famine is right. is that use of preventing humanitarian aid from reaching palestinians. and under was the main you an agency operating in this trip? maybe forced to stop or is operations are less though no nation is about suspend the funding. was you back into the oceans? all this comes just weeks off to the international court of justice, or that is why have to a law. and i quote, oh, jesse needed basic services and humanitarian assistance into the strip. so what if anything can be done to force as well to comply with the routing the best plan to, to discuss with august. but 1st, this report lots of the situation on the ground and gaza. palestinians in gulf a living in desperate conditions of the laws of all of us the most. when we do all the children of the guns are dying of hunger, there is no milk for them. there is no sugar for them. there is no rice for them. there is no flower for them. hunger is giving us a only little pieces of bread to
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a. we're reduced agent, grassy austin's. on january the 26th, the international court of justice ordered israel to take immediate steps to enabled the provision of urgently needed basic services. and humanitarian assistance into glosser. but those living inside the territory say the ruling is little ball than empty woods are still there. are you guys have learned more? there's nothing except showing ample environment and hunger. my children cry because they're hungry. we did not receive any humanitarian 8 on a day off to the court's decision. israel accused 12 employees at the you and agency for palestinian refugees under what of taking part in her mouth attacks on southern israel in october. the stuff will fly up and an investigation was opened, but there wasn't enough to reassure some donations about 20 countries have suspended funding to underway or said that they would reassess future pledges the un agency as well, and it may not be able to continue its work off to the end of february,
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which would cover the only lifeline to millions of palestinians. the if the palestinian people use on rugs, assistance were as good as dates as good as dates. we have nothing but one run little really living in the street. there was 3 border crossings into casa, 2 with israel, and one with egypt. although israel inspect old people and goods coming in or out of the territory through egypt. both countries are accused of holding up a deliveries to see did not want to open up the gate to allow you mandatory material to get in. i talked to, i can just open the gate. the chip should government vehemently denies it. as the war drags on you and leaders have described the value of a entering garza as a trickle in comparison to the sea of humanitarian need for all to come patrols out
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to 0 to inside story i will talk to i will guess in a moment, but 1st, let's listen to fidel, all those who i spoke to earlier to the gender justice and production officer of a child of the ox fund fee that joined to be from blah, blah and southern gaza. what is what is happening last gave ground offensive. i began by asking, heard about the humanitarian situation, that he monetary and situation. and rafa is we're sitting find a minute. uh, we are talking about a very limited district. there actually can area. i've seen more than 101000000 and a half. i to use most of which are seek and tens of there is a very severe lack of access to water drinking water, domestic water, severe uh, inability to access fluids. uh, this old comes into
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a very cold winter where the living conditions are really deteriorated. we have a very huge needs for particular kids on his or him secure facilities which are over through it. and it just starts with the burden on these facilities is increasing, especially after last night's attacks. that took tens of lies and let's uh, hundreds, injuries and even more degrees situation regarding dish, the dish of the 3rd month. many people better out there to be care centers. last night on the we unfortunately, we expect that to, to worsted even more in the coming days and weeks. if this is, it is not stuff. these riley armies preparing for this ground offensive in roughly give us a sense of the best for the civilian population is about operations, thoughts we're feeding uh for our lives. basically. then there is the prospect of
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having to relocate to again a to seek a safer place. and as i said before, address is very limited geographically. so there is barely any place to go to that would be waived from that, from the ground encouraging the way, if it's happened, that's why they probably wouldn't have been given us any. a whole offered to promise to offer about a city is a lot by the safe passage to move in areas wouldn't make any difference. given the fact that in the past, those safe passages will been bothered by these bodies relentlessly is really where you walk in the roof off. you, you feel you have the feeling that 10 to spring from the ground and at the evicted as you walk. this is how crowded it is, so i would really like to see what's uh, what's the safe passage, eh, what would look like? where would this lead us? i don't think it's possible at all is well,
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is under obligation to comply with the international court of justice as well does, particularly when it comes to allowing immediate and quick age into the strip as a work of the could you give us a sense of the aid which is dr to into gaza. is it enough? actually it's nowhere near enough. it's um, it's hardly a door open to ocean of all of that. it's on, i've been working as a humanitarian for the past 18 years and just starts with because a has been under seas for 16 years. and it's always been a challenge to get supplies to gaza. but what we're witnessing now, what we're living now is unprecedented. a we barely gets anything, we could get a b up trucks of a say the, as you said, you've been working as a worker for many, many years in goes, i would like to ask you a,
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a personal question. you have your own assignment, you have your children, what's next for you. if the ground invasions thoughts and rough actually, it's not a very easy question to answer it. since i've been asking it to myself for the past month or so, i've been thinking i, my mother 5 kids, and of course i feel responsible for their live further safety. but i can freely can decide what to do. i try to plan to 5 said for place or it list diddly place they say because say for is very exaggerated word. i don't know, actually, to be honest, if i will find such a place and if i find such a place, how will i manage your sins or what would i do the button uh, how will i move there? uh will i be able to move, for example, last night we felt it was an antique carriage and,
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and i was faced with my children waking up at 3 am. and they were just too bad making like let's, let's move. and i honestly gro was, i didn't know how to move, where did that with that the districts would come in if from doing, take the risk to go and district spend more or do i stay at the weights and the risk being hit. so it's a very, very difficult question that we keep asking ourselves every day. every day. we just told that we, that they wouldn't mind is someone will manage to store all of this before advert. actually grab did vision because it's really up. it seems like the end of the line for everyone here to drop off the best to bring in august from new haven, connecticut with joined by audiences, a professor of international queens university and ofa of united nations. and the
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question of palestine and in london is chris goodness, for most books, person for under uh, who's speaking to us in an independent capacity. welcome to the program of the easy way and has until february 25th to report to the i. c. j way has done to comply with the 6 or does it issue today we're putting more emphasis on the humanitarian prospect. do you believe that is right, is doing what it takes to ensure that a consistent delivery of age into this trip. thanks for having the nation. uh, insurance. you know, uh, since the provisional measures order of the i, c. j was issued on the 26th of january. there been 17 massacres committed in the gaza strip. 2000 killed, 2000 palestinians killed, of course. had obviously a, some severe intensification of the situation in sales. we now have 1400000
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palestinians pushed towards the south on the border with the egyptian sinai and the prospect of a permanent forcible transfer of this community into egypt, either through direct bombardment and the nurse or the true real page that compels that result. or overtime through starvation used as a method of war uh, and the cutting off if she monitoring aid and assistance this community looms large . the situation on the ground is, is tremendously difficult. on the order of a neck of the sort that we saw in 1948 and beyond. to chris, you would expect that under the old as issues by the i c j. the focus would be pretty much on delivering aid. ensuring that the situation is contained, however, is why life has to be not preparing for its ground offensive. united nations like a general, i'm trying to go to reset and wound that the is riley evasion would
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exponentially. i'm quoting him, increase what he's already a humanitarian nightmare. what would be next for guys that if the operations thoughts, it will to be very clear, we all already see starvation on a mass scale mazda in griffith. the most seen as you might have terry, in, in the you, in the system such as a several weeks ago, the full 100000 people all actually starting to be clear. starvation is a slow motion. mexico all day has mentioned the number of massacres that we've seen . so it is this a professional measure? the mastercard is the stop ation and to be clear, those member states who are presently these funding unreal. all complicit in that slow motion mask where they complicit in violation of the genocide convention,
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which states that notification on the state policies to prevent the genocide the clue is in the name the the conventional prevention and punishment of genocide. so there were 3 off of 80 got to choose. first of all, that's all i think is quite right and said it's a violation provision measures. sadly, it is a violation of international humanitarian law, which is quite clear that some kind of the use of the width of the war. and there are many other, by the way, i know violations that we now see, including provisions for the protection of civilians in time of war. i'm sorry falsely, it is a violation of humanitarian principles, neutrality, and impartiality. which is why i say that the logical, illegal immoral de funding upon what needs to be introduced immediately. alyssa prevents me to go out of halls, way mountain. this is ready to give him a safe passage passage to the no,
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we know it's really save passage means it means the feelings on industrial scale. well needs to happen is that the negative as well as the 2 pine power needs to. but it's the population which is not just on the, he's the techy, it's on the, it's bones. it's convincing what we live. so jake has cool a plausible genocide. again, it's 2300000 people. what needs to happen is a israel needs to open up and give protections to these people immediately. audit octave is ta been saying about since the i c j is that to referee disputes between nations. because of the relentless bombardment, the targeting of health care facilities, ambulances, the access roads. this could be a strong case for the i. c. c to prosecute is riley, soldiers, officials for atrocities committed against the people of guys that are you value?
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should that be a case to be prosecuted? i am, but we know that we know that the boss of the prosecutor has at the file opened. he is investigating the situation in palestine. sadly, he's been taking a horribly long time in oregon at least so. but all of the events that we've seen on folding in the occupied gather stripping, indeed, and occupied palestinian territory since 7 october and before or now increasingly before his team in, in hague. and so there's no reason to not to believe that the matter is more no more urgent for the office, the prosecutor, which, which you should be moving, that as soon as possible. i think i'd like to also offer the following. um, there are about 7 border crossings. with the guys a strip, generally one into egypt and 6 others into israel. and the point that was raised by chris is an extremely important one. that is to say, these roommates are so concerned about them, knowing the 1000000 and a half people,
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or more in the guise of strep, who may be subjected to bombard, right, and want to remove them somehow and provide them with safe passage. not only is the negative, the obvious place for them to go, but the viewers need to understand that upwards of about 80 percent of they are about the population of the gaza strip are themselves not from dallas, or they are palestine. refugees registered with audra. and they originate either the original refugees or their descendants. they originate from those refugees who were ethnically cleansed and 1948 from areas in what is now israel including the negative. and so wouldn't be out of the ordinary for these re lease to allow those people back to their homes. indeed, it's a requirement under international law for these release to allow those people to return to their homes. and in this case, under bombardment, the world is on its head, all the result of the complete disproportionate, unnecessary response to the october 2nd attack against israel. chris, the, i guess the back to what was the catalytic situations that you can see and fold in
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gaza. octave is obvious thing basically that you need more than 500 trucks to be crossing into guys on a daily basis to cope with a massive demands of the people. now, the us president by the took the world by surprise. one of his studies was him who convinced is there some presidency to open the roof. crossing venza is right. is us . thing of this is of the same time to have their own unit. the co got which the as is with united nations, when it comes to the delivery of aid. and which basically says that the reason why we are a big bit ticket is that we'd like to ensure the food delivers. don't end up being in the hands of how much product they were talking about people who have to wait weeks and weeks and months because then that kind of itself is not working. is it politically motivate to think it's hot questions addressed to me? how shall i would say, unequivocal yes of cool. this is a little politically motivated to be very clear. this is the political agenda of
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all the fall. fastest rights in israel. you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist. you can just google it. look at the things that are being said about the cleansing gossip about destroying life in gaza, preventing any kind of took off a sudden make no mistake. well, lies behind. this is the notion that if you destroy abra, if you destroy garza, then somehow you're guessing the weight of the palestinian refugees their right to for, to now to be clear on the guessing would have on. right. it's just the un general assembly, which hands down on was monday at 8 the subsidiary organ of the general assembly. and only the general assembly can change on was mandates. secondly, the policy for refugees, all people, they have a in a level rise of group individual and collective rights. and notice rights
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also includes the right political rights of self determination, of course is refugees that can make 3 choices, including the rights of a ton integration, where they all say pass. she was getting ready to go on wrong forcing these refugees to another possible. but just now getting rid of the big problems here, he is ready for actually sit, right? which is they all individuals. they don't people with a group and collect 2 products and getting rid of on ro, pushing them out, display some solve the problem. doesn't change the fact that they want people with the rights, the right to dignity, the right to justice, the right to counsel ability, the right to prosperity and the right to so. so i'm a nation that remains that human beings all. do you see the pictures of the people's suffering in gaza? and then the question, basically it's f once again who is to be held accountable for the uh the slow delivery of 8 into into a district. is it the, is riley on,
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is it that the neighbors is of the international community, or is it just simply bureaucratic hurdles? yeah, i mean, in the 1st instance hash i'm, it would be the is really as occupying power in the gaza strip. they have an obligation to this sounds rather all. i didn't know the circumstances, but their obligations under insure national are to protect the civilian palestinian population in the gaza strip. not bombard them indiscriminately, and you start patient against them as a tool of war. so in the 1st instance, that under international large, these rubies who have the obligation to protect that population, including through the provision of humanitarian aid, sufficient to scale and so on. as per not only the i c, j, provisional measures order of 26, january. but general public international law law, uh, belligerent occupation to fortunately the convention and so on. but in addition to that, you have a 3rd states who have an obligation to quote, ensure that israel respect the terms of humanitarian law. com and article one of
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the 4 geneva conventions, as well as under the provisional measures order of 26, january. they have an obligation, as chris said earlier to presents the commission of genocide. and that means providing means and ways to ensure greater humanitarian support to the cost of me and people in the gaza strip, not less. and therefore the funding of entre runs counter to their obligations under the genocide convention. i just wanted to offer the following baseline for suggest we have evidence 3 days after that, the provisional measures order was issued by the court. we have clear evidence in the public realm of a conference taking place of by the fees really far right injury, some called the quote unquote return to guys a conference at which at least i think $11.00 ministers of government appeared and 15 members of government. uh um, the cabinet forgive me,
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they were there. and in this conference, they are open calls by multiple members of the company is really a body politic as well as governing structures, saying that basically we want to return that is returns read the settlers to the gaza strip after we ethnically cleanse the guys as strips lost in these 4 month period of coverage over the gaza strip is the simple truth. the israel is using the events of 7 october as a pretext to ethnically cleanse, 2200000 palestinians, or as many of them as possible out of the gas a strip. this is a strategic goal of israel. they've been open and public about their interest in doing so, and their actions on the ground, their military actions and so on. now the subject of a provisional measures order under the genocide convention of the i, c j the lot or demonstrate all of that. so the, the story really is about how to steve off to stop the ethnic cleansing of the guys
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a strip as even worse, the possible genocide of the people there. of course the, when you look as the oldest issues by the isaac a, there was, it was, i mean, all of us that 2 key components, what fact? so then when it comes to the decision making process, basically the they want to to make sure that there was no genocide the intent and that aid goes to the gaza. what's next? because the ends on this is why am i asked you about under why? how do you see the future full guys, a now that the humanitarian aid lifeline on your hands by a threat? well 1st of all, this question, oh the, i see, see the i c j i see accountability as a very broad campus. so yes, the i c j which is due to types disease between states that the licensee which can bring cases against individuals, but also the work being done in national geo sections just today we have,
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i was yesterday at a really in holland of on supplies. so it's clear that i can only precious chucky recently, downgrade is economic relationship with me as well. so there are many other things getting all across the board. i think as far as the people in gossip are concerned, i think the future is lee. i think the while you have a situation where they in some actual community colleges like maya good in the united states, canada offer pad a on the one hand to continue supplying weapons. as well as diplomatic and political support through the united states. as you seem as in the security council, so the same time the phone, the very thing can i say she established by the united nations to bring it to mount a time to release some assistance to these people though i think there was a real problem. but to be clear about us being here before these people with
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strong we was, it is, i hate to use that. what was it is in the face of a plausible genocide, a fire panel, role of people also taking it to you kind of a role of people, that identity and that destiny, frankly. okay. how do i do that by subject to the, to what's going on very well. i'll leave this terrible, terrible as it might seem at the my says, both of you mentioned the model legal obligations of a 3rd party is a go to audio fast on the south african lawyers hoping to return back to the end of this month the, to the i c j and say that basically a given the track records of the i said you referent disputes between nations. there is the potential for them to say, wait a 2nd. if the americans, the bates in the, the, the europeans, they are not able to use that leverage with these varieties in terms of telling
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them it's about time to stop the voice about time to deliver aid. that could be a case for them to prosecute those nations for that inaction. i'm not waiting to move forward. could that be a practical case so far? yes, in short, yes. as i said earlier, all signatories to the all parties to the genocide convention and have an obligation to prevent. and the moment that they were put on notice by the court on the 26th of january of the possibility of genocide taking place is the moment that based on the courts jurisprudence they, they are their obligation to prevent is triggered. now, to the extent that those 3rd states, canada, and, and others of the you, k, france and now there's kind of the united states, do not take effective measures to prevent they expose themselves to, to 2 possible cases brought by other states including south africa,
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but non exclusively to south africa, other parties to the convention and brittany claims against them before the court. basically saying that you failed in your duty to prevent the nicaraguans, for instance, hasn't had now attempted to join or rather to intervene in the south african matter with israel. that's just an example. so it is possible that you can have further litigation before the court. it, it, you know, it would depend on his 3rd state in question. some of these states have sort of objected to the jurisdiction of the court with declarations submitted before the court, the pre date of the, the south african matter. but there are some states who are exposed. that is, that is a possibility i take so we thank you. thanks. yeah, unfortunately we're running out of time. i really appreciate your time audit and says and grace goodness, thank you very much indeed. as thank you to for watching, you can see the program again. any time by visit our website and visit i dot com
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for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a giant sized story. you can also join the conversation with x, our honda. is that a j insights sort of let me ask a lot, a lot of the entire team here and they'll have life without the once every fourteen's, more than 200000000 institutions, will have the chance to vote one of the largest selection edit history from the 3 candidates, will they choose to be the next president's and how this impacts the future of the country? the race to lead into these special coverage on l g 0 on counseling, the called, the us economy is booming. so why is it more resilient than all the rich countries? farm is across europe has been processing. we take a look at the grievance. last, north korea left the default on ashes the shore off its economy. counting the cost
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on al jazeera, coveted beyond wells, taken without hesitation, fulton died from power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that and the people in power, investigate explosives and questions. they use them to be just of our around now to sierra this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holding small beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical,
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and cultural beauties the, [000:00:00;00] the color. this is the new use me for could live some dough. how coming up in the next 60 minutes and the lights of tara had a day of morning in rough up, is there any forces killed at least 67 policy meetings before an impending ground offensive? or in the trend, ma'am, over my family and the bullet school came across, my father went to see what's happening and said that was strikes. the strike happened while he was talking the old fence. my father was mastered the ducks


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