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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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mainstream, it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the is there any thoughts? it's currently $67.00 palestinians in rough. the overnight before an impending ground offensive on gauze as most southern city can. well, i know where in the trend to me and my family and the bullet school came across, my father went to see what's happening and said that was strikes. strike happened while he was talking. we all set. my father was mounted the village. so, rodney, what, you know,
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just every line headquarters here in the also coming up jordan's king, abdullah meets the u. s. president joe biden to the white house as part of his diplomatic tool to push for an immediate cease firing. garza, he's very settlers attacked palestinian villages and torch the homes and calls and the occupied westbank. the dutch government appeals a cold, sold it to help the expos best 35 all planes pods to israel site to the risk of international move being violated. the . it was meant to be the last quarter of relative safety and the land ravaged by israel, unrelenting role. but for 1400000 palestinian sheltering in ross or in southern gaza. it's been a night that's been described as hell. is there any strikes in the tax appeal? 67 people sometimes will sleeping in the tends. most of the women and children,
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those the time came even before as well as anticipating ground defensive, if to some consult, begins on coverage or the youth another sleepless night. thomaston, using the alpha with ambulance crews going to be a to move when did children nurses at the equate hospital that stuff? this child's headwind, this? oh, my gosh. you know, the mrs. so the latest is really a tax cube and injured dozens of palestinians. but alpha and southern gaza isn't a relentless bombardment before a potential ground defensive. but also who was previously considered a so called safe zone. with the type of israel figures for its captives kill our
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children, not to be their lights and their future and takes away our freedom that no one on earth with a clear conscience compared to scenes of murder children today. israel announced the rescue of 2 captives and the rate in the off of these rarely army says both rescued men are in good health. they've been identified a 60 year old, hernando mama, and 70 year old louis har. prime minister. netanyahu his past army commanders to focus on the delta when more than 1400000 displaced palestinians, or sheltering elsewhere in gaza. at least 15 people were killed in the bombing of a house in the law. the management team, we were bombed in gauze, a cd and were displaced. it is a way to area and then to there as well. we are civilians and we say to israel, we have that fast here. and the air of countries must look up and have mercy on us . across the gaza strip,
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palestinians are looking for signs of life under the rubble after the latest is rarely a sold. if to some good food, ultra 0 as well as the symbol now from palestinians. you've survived the strides to see another day warning that some of the following images are distressing. putting the order in the tent, ma'am, over my family and the bullet school came across, my father went to see what's happening and said that was strikes. the strike happened while he was talking. we all said, my father was mounted. the we were home when the strikes where i'm going. i told my mother that i wanted to use the bathrooms, she was awake, suddenly, all those of the bathrooms and all the containers above it collapsed on me. the. she was born one month and a half ago and today he went back to god. she's fathers intensive care at the european hospital and his mother is wounded in her leg and,
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and i am subbing for her so much. tyra, something you've never seen. milton hollywood on the us, milton livia milton syria did something like this happened early and rough. uh, they kept saying, due to rough on boats, a rough time, and people came here. then you talk it them really? yes. well, corresponding topic others enjoys us on the phone line. uh, from a rafa city in southern gaza and time. it will be another difficult night ahead of those that have survived what has been 24 hours of death and may have in southern garza. yes, that's right. so it's, it's completely not that difficult day. the policy is, i've been experiencing a very tough mind as the have been under wind, military attacked by these very forces the advantage to you secretly situate to roof district and to carry out administrative ration to free to use for any caps to from the city that i'm a very clique see to find out,
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and the crown has been carried up by these are defined subject, killing that piece, a 60000 years within a 24 hours vitro. not that type of thing is have been completely exposed to or within the past few hours till now finally studying some of these have made different decision in order to see from roof or head into the central part of the gaza strip in order to be away from areas of a ration you're very prime minister benjamin, you know, has been saying that there's going to be a possible ministry encourage into the city which triggered the wides. taylor allow them to forwarding the money to you and also among the international community organizations and the neighboring state to warning from serious and deadly consequences will be resulting from such possible invasion for the last remaining area, which is right now, very densely populated with the factory let's close
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a topic normally at this time of the day, we would speak to you on camera. but i think the harsh reality for all view is that they have to understand is that you'll, safety is important. as is the lack of power, you have to conserve that so that you can actually talk to us. yes, that's right. we were forced to do that today because we are not yet getting a piece then face piece, especially that we have been widely. nothing of that progressing aspect of this time since i'm conditions that were unfolding in the past 24 hours. we have been terrified that been completely panic because of the study from apartment. that is what that was unfolding us in the district. the majority of the team of the team has been suffering within the par uh 24 hours as they have been completely unable. but because in order to succeed in a couple of from biggest city from boston that were scrapping to have been completely hitting the entire area. while we are absolutely charged to find that to
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kind of just keep the posting and forming worried about what is happening in the crown can find because the strip which has been widely attacked within the past days. but it's a clear buffer for palestinian right now. have most hoping everything that they have been calling ms. trust. say it $0.10 a month. what is they all been saying and sending them to photo to talk about using this or us a in process. thank you. so in calling you this just knows of rough of as being heavy fighting of the is there any forces facing resistance from palestinian fights? is the area has been bomb so weeks and hospitals besieged patients and displaced palestinians of trapped inside. and this was a scene around nicer hospital. is there any snipe of stations that are preventing anyone from leaving the medical facility? palestinians have been tracking bodies across the street using rights to try and
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avoid getting shots. the palestinian health industry says at least 7 people have been killed by sniper fire. know certain, alamo hospitals, income units have been under his readiness. each of the past 3 weeks. the hundreds and stuff, patients and displaced palestinians with reduced mobility of trump down able to leave the european hospital is the only functioning medical facility in county and is right now. and the only largest functioning hospital in the whole of the goal is to strip a group of israeli settlers as a times posted in south and the city of novelist, the occupied westbank that these 2 palestinians were injured. when sec, let's open fire in the village of a city, a witness to say the a tank is also set to at least one home on file. now there's been a significant surge of seth level islands, you know, in the occupied territories since a solid, simple, you know, table, spring and a cost of the home. the solutions live for us in occupied distribution. just bring us up to speed on what we know about this particular time in the occupied westbank
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. and this particular incident in the occupied west bank, just south of nablus. we're looking at a group of as really settlers who open fire on palestinians 2 of them sustaining injury. several cars also set a blaze as well as a home. and these witnesses speaking to us either about the incident because this is just the latest in a series of violent attacks by is rarely settlers on palestinians. the one says that since october the 7th, there have been at least $515.00 attacks on palestinians bias really settlers. and this is also something that's been driving the news. on the american side, you have the us president and joe biden, who would sanction for is really settlers for their roles and crimes against palestinians. and these really prime minister essentially downplay the issue of settler violence saying that the measures were unnecessary and even an appropriate
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. and his really media is reporting that in yesterday's call with the us president . nothing yahoo pushed double down rather on those remarks saying that she was not a fan of these measures, but the us had taken against these is really settlers. additionally, you had just today on monday, members from the far right, like bits of the small rich and he's the mark bend. we're both no, no to national is both live in the legal settlements themselves. responding to sanctions by the united kingdom, against the same force, rarely settlers for their rules in crimes and violence against palestinians. now these ministers are announced as downplaying, the violence, but rather denying that it even exist saying that the settlers are quotes, law abiding citizens, denying that there is violence against palestinians. but since october, the 7th, we have seen unprecedented numbers of attacks, vines,
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rarely settlers or on palestinians, some of them even resulting in the depths of palestinian several incidents. where as really settlers were dressed up as these really are man, have opened fire on palestinians who were just innocently in the way or on their land. so this is a situation that is continuous. it is a situation that has honestly spiraled out of control according to some human rights organizations who been monitoring this since the beginning of the war. and since october, the 7th, like i said, those numbers are $515.00. a tax on palestinians by is really settlers from the city that far as it okey bodies through. so thank you. so he was present. dr. barton is meeting with jordan's king abdullah of the white house and expected to top. the agenda is the thing attempt, isn't garza, or, and going concern of the leading is really offensive on the rough end of the king has be not spoken in calling for c 5 and causing his fights to press the button to
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push on immediate pulls and the fighting the toll come of the back of the us presence phone call to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on sunday. june civilians to be protected. should that be that ground offensive? let's join rosalind jordan, who's a lot for us in washington. d. c. and ross, and there's always a lot of protocol when these visits happen. but how much of a sort of amending offense is, is this visit considering the king of jordan? didn't want to meet the president the beginning of this war when he arrived in tel aviv and, and trying to support his room as well. that's partly because of domestic political concerns. as i understand it, a large percentage of the jordanian population is palestinian. and so the king has to navigate the official relationship between jordan and israel with the concerns of many of the people who reside with in his country. the us and jordan have had
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a very long and warm relationship. the president and the king are expected to have very vigorous discussions about the ways of trying to end the war and gaza. certainly looking at the situation evolving captives. certainly looking at the situation involving the protection of more than a 1000000 the palestinians who are living in ra software. the is really say they want to watch out offensive in order to get rid of her mos in that part of gaza. this is something that we expect to hear more about later on monday when the president and the king are going to address reporters at the white house and was we'll come back to you for more analysis on that conversation, not press cool. when it does happen, we think within the next couple of hours, thanks very much. now, the dutch government says it'll appeal a court ruling to stop ex bolt, so full points by pots to his room, not softer. judges upheld and appeal by human rights organizations that vast and
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his will from the hague, as it was seen as a test case. rights organizations filed a civil suit against the dutch state saying, supplying israel would be a parts for f $35.00 fight. the jets makes the netherlands complicit impossible war crimes in gaza. the judge at a lower court had dismissed the case saying the court couldn't interfere and government policy decisions. the appeal court had a different view. my experience from the experts of the un have found that there is an incredible number of civilian casualties. thousands of children has been killed and so the violence is not proportional. that's why there is a clear risk of violations of the laws of war. since 2019, then that lens has house do you will be in this fusion center for f 35 spare parts . we are also supplies is were out in 2022 and exported spare parts for a $2400000.00 through the country with the escalation of the war and gas as this
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number is now predicted to be much higher its dependence on the f $35.00 without any, any doubts. so it's, it's a, it's not just a small bits in this whole story. it is reading a main elements and it will, it will definitely if i, for now it will definitely fix is really will. this is where our own dozens of these us made fight the planes. it is expected. they will now depend on the us to provide the necessary spare parts. while this verdict will not directly impact the war on gaza, it could be seen as a precedent for other organizations in europe to file similar cases against their governments. other and jose and other countries are already preparing some of the cases. and we've been in contact with them, but even more than that, i hope it's a turning point for how western governments look at their role and responsibility and realize that also before a judge, they are coal responsible for what's happening in gaza. for the 1st time,
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the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel, the fluid it is seen as a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping is gone for the ocean to the ex 35 program with jeff or dice it starts with us and as well, and with have a civilian economic impact. in his verdict, the judge argued that political and economic interests. com be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. the dutch states will now take the case to the supreme court, but that doesn't mean it can still export spear f 35 pods to israel. the court has given the state one week to formally execute the verdict. step fast and l just sierra say, hey, still a head, hey, all the 0, the threats of simon in sit on what 18000000 people are getting hungry because of months of financing with cookies and lemon biscuits sergeant teen, as the president means the leader of the roman catholic church for the 1st time,
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the man who p wants labels and the embassy the are brought to you by visit cutoff. hello. that was don don on the in australia and we go to west few days across the very north. thanks to a developing topic, a low around the gulf of coughing, tara, it's going to bring some very heavy rain to northern parts of queen's on as well as the northern territory. so storms and showers here on choose day, they trail down into queensland. we've also got a cold front coupled with that, and that's going to bring some very wet weather to the likes of sydney in the days ahead knock temperatures down for the southeast corner. you'll bring some thunder storms as well to coastal areas. gusty winds kicking in there, but the heat is still that cause a southern air is
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a tuesday into wednesday. certainly for per, we'll see the temperature continuing to sit very high. so this time, if you're just increasing, that temperature will be on the up in new zealand. certainly for christ church. 22 degrees celsius. the on choose day going up to $27.00 by wednesday. the rain isn't very far away. settled few days before that starts to sweep in to the south of the south island by the mid week and it was moved to south east asia. it's looking very dry across the very north for endo china. lots of heat continuing to build for thailand, a few showers coming into coastal areas of vietnam, but the west off the weather continues to linger around indonesia. the weather brought to you by visit castle. unique perspective. i want to leave. i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really helpful. my things thoughtful this coverage and there's no reason to target the journal on her. it's voices that i'm of the
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patients. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or news news the photo back to watching on just bear with me. so robin in de la reminder of all the top stories. these are the military is ramping up as a tanks on russia, in southern gauze as it for pass for an anticipated ground defensive all the city. at least 67 people were killed in strikes in the past 24 hours. 1.4000000 displays palestinians sheltering in rough us president j board is meeting joseph king
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abdullah, the white house as well as one concert will take center stage. adults between the 2 leaders group is very subtle in some of the types of kind of city. and so the city of novelist and we'll find west bank at least 2 people in did when suckling opened, fine in the village of cedar with the society of tank is on sites that's at least one home on fire city, 10 months since the stallings of conflict ensued on civilians continues to pay a heavy price. the ongoing fine thing the united nations is watering that a humanitarian catastrophe has developed threatening millions of people with salvation had been moved with reports now from pulled. so don't a slot sala has brought to 9 months old to my luck to this nutrition center in the eastern city of ports for them to stop her from starving to death. the conflict between the army and the power military rapids, the port forces forced her to leave her home and heart to. she says repeated
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displacement has left her 2 week to nurse her daughter. some of this is that right? and i said, i don't eat enough to produce smoke for her. i don't have the money to buy food and we rely on the assistance we get at the displacement center. sometimes we have breakfast off the 12. i puts my la care when she started getting dinner and they told me she was malnourished. a hunger has increased since the conflicts began in april. 4th, the displacement as well as rising food prices in parts of sedan and shortages in others has led to more people struggling to find something to eat. i the doctor for those and display sometimes to tell us they either eat one or 2 meals for none at all. some comedy tell us that we should feed the younger child and leave the villagers, but that still causes hunger and mel nutrition in the us. food agency says at least 18000000 people are facing severe food insecurity up from 9000000 last year. some of those who need aid may be able to access it in parts of to them that are safe
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and way. there is no fighting, but in places that are active conflict areas is security has made getting relief, supplies, and difficult with a nice admissions describing the hunger levels there as catastrophic. both wearing sites are accused of hampering the delivery of age. the army is accused of losing the process of allowing 8 inches to them. while the parent been a treat group is accused of blocking access to be seized areas, dozens of deaths due to starvation have been reported. we need to be able to access those areas. and because we're either having to work across the line and negotiate access, we've all sides of the conflict with not being able to do it particularly of the sky. we can do more distribution, see a smooth distribution that what we want is almost an industrial size size operation so far says she's grateful,
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she can feed her daughter and metix life is no longer at the risk. she hopes that aid will continue, so she doesn't lose her child to hunger like so. many of the parents have people morgan onto their own board, sit down to sit on as well as experiencing a communications blackout which has been blamed on the power of military rapids support. full says, they are assess, begun shutting down the networks last week, leaving millions of people unable to make payments. so even contact the outside. well, the power military group controls most of the company call to where the headquarters and sit on telecom provide as a based schools of reopened. in some be in the cholera emergency begins to ease the virus is killed around $500.00 some bins and some type of last year savings involved ways also seeing and improvement, but access to a clean water supply remains a challenge in both countries. hollywood tanza has their support funds and bob who is comfortable health officials ends and they say the spread of color has
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eased. allow the schools to reopen for the 1st time this. yeah. parents are relieved. the cautious thing about the number of going down. i think these are a little comfortable moving, but also i think we're not doing is we can keep going. keeps around 5, hundreds of beans of died of the virus says this latest outbreak was reported last october. more than $15000.00 cases of sofa being reported, a neighbor and zimbabwe has also had a similar outbreak. this is an emergency colored treatment. the 10th. it's not as busy as it was a few weeks ago when a lot of people are fully sick. the government says the number of cases is declining, the people still need to be careful. access to clean water is a concern,
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especially in somebody's many overcrowded poor neighborhoods. so the item on the lot, number the on fridays, there's no what time to tips, saturdays and sundays and is we don't get what we can to flush toilets, what they get that brought me to a lot of people leaving this community to meet preventative measures, including mass that's a nation campaigns. healthy contain, operates elsewhere in southern africa. but access to jacob award to an adequate sanitation needs to be addressed. well dr. say this health crisis will keep repeating itself out on the task that i'll just kind of tell about. leaders of girl is still on her welcome home to men who spent 14 years in prison to in guantanamo bay, adult cream. and a booster here arrived back in cobbled after spending 7 years in the house, the rest in a month. they was sent that after spending more than 20 years in us custody, including in the us prison in cuba. they were amongst hundreds of suspects, arrested in america's circles. war. i'm tara next door in buckets. those photos of
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the channels full would probably be the same and kind of bolt highways to protest against last week's collection results protested. and the southern city of questions related to the bait was ranked independent candidates led by con, one, the may state. so they got 923 of the $265.00 national assembly states. but the political policy has a majority to form a government on their own, to thousands of ethnic sites and costs of protests to the band on the use of the serbian covered see in the areas that they live in. costa uses a year, right? whereas ethnic says in northern costs or use the serbian dean or the government in cost of the band buying since other financial institutions from east martina within its internationally recognized bold as enemies which design good by costs of a subs and serbia. ethic says in cost of this thing, abolishing the currency is discriminatory. publish prime minister double task is in
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front of a diplomatic mission to both to you a nature of relations between the 2 countries. i arrived in paris during what he called difficult on demanding times. in the size of widespread pates at protest by farmers across europe. many members also grappling with energy and security risk solving rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. so today's fighters are part of the as new stuff, particularly just mazda about david law. i want to emphasize here in parents very clearly, once again that there is no alternative the european union, and there is no tentative detrano to atlantic cooperation of almost there is no alternative to nature. it is difficult to find a more pro ukrainian politician than me. this difficult to find a more pro ukrainian nation in europe and then the polish one in euro budget on we must also take into account the interests of food and food security of poland and europe. and that is why i will also want to talk about our farm is and very safe to
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go. because this also means our security of a ton vessel has caused a large oil spill of trinidad and tobago in the caribbean. now the government has got to identify the calls and is declared that national emergency, at least 15 kilometers of tobago, south western coast is effected. the rest will run a ground today of a ton last week, as well as in team is present how the delay has met. pope funds. this of the vatican belie, sold to make up with the pontiff that he had previously insulted. he called the pope an embassy and accused him of promoting communism. lots in america, editor, lucy, and even reports a photo op that seemed impossible just 2 months ago. argentina's pub, francis greeting ultra conservative president. have you had me late in the vatican? followed by an emotional embrace such because few politicians anywhere have insulted the pope like me, late, who during his campaign called the positive defender of bloodthirsty dictators,
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and the communist, being for model impressionistic offend roma. that imbecile in rome, who defend social justice, should be informed that it goes against the 10 commandments. social justice is a capital seeing an admiration. yes. but now the president has changed his tune and has 70 minute meeting in the vatican. relay is reported to have apologized to the pope for his statements. the pope then brush them off as quote, errors of use. argentina is a put dominantly roman catholic country, is instead of the forgiveness despite of being coffee. and we know that when one repents for doing something wrong, one must forgive me. lady has no intention of remaining a catholic part from historic support for israel. what he has just been.


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