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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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to connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out just the or the, the floor is where the air strikes its southern guys as rough as city about a 1400000 palestinian is a sheltering the the enrollment center. this is obviously of a life and they'll have also coming up no lights up and it's very exciting and other parts of guys, a 133 people are killed in the last 24 hours. the largest hospital in garza's con unit loses power overnight. a 10 year old girl dies in intensive care. and
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sizes of indian farmers of tier gosh, there's a box towards new jelly demanding stable prices. there across the we're going to begin in southern gaza, whether it be more is where the air strikes in the city of rafa. area is meant to be the last toner of relatively safety in the strip. more than 1400000 palestinians are packed around the city. was it all fears that these various could soon launch a growing defensive as it was war on? gaza has killed at least 28473 palestinians. just north of rough off the largest hospital in calling us without power for repeated over nights . the attitudes lead to the death of a 10 year old girl, holla, met dad, who was receiving treatment and also hospitals intensive care unit generator has stopped working because of
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a lack of fuel that are being baffled around the hospital in recent days with is really snipers preventing anyone from leaving and is really time stone, the place at about 6 a and then it destroyed everything in its way. but despite the roof list in boardman and the choking seat is ready, so just continued to shoot to to us. they were firing indiscriminately. they shot my son. he's only 14 years old. the go to like this one of y'all's right into his chest. i don't believe those devices either. my daughter was also killed on the since don is really tanks had been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got together and came out waving white flag. these really soldiers arrested my son and 2 other young men. they stripped them off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave the area. in the middle of the situation, we're going to go to our correspondent highmark movies, joins live from rough in the sides. so the most strikes and rough a honey, but also strikes elsewhere, and guys are what's been happening. yes,
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we keep getting more confirmed reports of ongoing galler tillery sitting on air strikes across the gaza strip, including the relative land, the northern part of the strep. that includes the eastern part of gaza city as they tune neighborhoods to die. i never heard that the eastern part of the northern city, including bit layout and base handle and ongoing active artillery sitting what seems to be ongoing work raising of more agriculture, land and destruction. of, of remaining residential building for the purpose of establishing a buffer zone at plan that is it already, i play a ta declared by these really military within the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the war here in rough i city, we're seeing not only a residential buildings are being targeted and destroyed just within the past 2 hours. the r as the tank show fired at the head crossing external whole. this is the area where passengers normally gets in larger groups for the registration of
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process before it transferred to the gyptian se gibson side also the police, the station of the show cabinet area. that's that eastern part of the cities came under mazda of air strikes, that this is completely destroyed. the building no reports of injuries other than the injuries reported or from the area in. busy the heck processing policy videos and the 5 digit a live in the aftermath of what happened within the past. the 24 hours, the mass of attacks in the shoulder area where more people are due to lack of medical supplies and is insufficient. medical interventions are a lot more people are losing their life, just increasing the number of casualties of both as a direct result of the tax on a share boot off and within the past the 24 hours here in northern parts over viceti and han eunice and not only will looking at a situation where the health facility has been under the military sees for the past
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17 hours, but the fact now it's running out of the fuel k complete power outage causing the failure off of the sewage system. that is not the dryness system is not working sufficiently in flooding the part of the, for the health facilities and not that are hospitalized. but also the i c u and the operation rooms are not functioning right now and already people and not all the rest in their life. the been the inside the hospital really. there is a report of a child who lost their life while inside the intensive care care unit. the lack of a fuel is, is making the situation is increasingly difficult. i don't really, craig, a crumbled health facility due to the ongoing bombing and the military. and these at the it's important to point out the honor. 2 just they should have reported a warning of a prospect of a ground invasion here. and roughly city will not only will, it will hinder its operations that will, will not allow the agency to continue effectively or continue operations and serve
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a 6 times our population. in dropbox, that the reputation that one to from 250000, all the way to now one more than 1500000 people here, old. depending on, on or what services and the food coupons and the food parcels are being delivered by on our way. it's also, if they pour it all the statement pointed out that the honor was largest evacuation a shoulder system and hind units have been destroyed, done, and severely damaged to the point is unable to provide a continuous service to those would be instilled during inside these buildings finally, thank you very much indeed. that's honey mario talking to us from rough or, or the central guys of israel's cabinet. audio strikes and residential buildings killing at least 17 people on a set of refugee camps. also being targeted tens of thousands of palestinians or sheltering their, the number of bodies at the nearby all locks the hospital is set to be growing. and
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many of the victims are children. and already spoken to some of the families who have headed to del bala hoping it will be safe. a lot of policy me is cranky, displaced in the, are currently using this road address. you drove, connecting drops off with can you does that. and but as the middle area together, this is the road they can take to evacuate from place to another. we have been talking to people and they're telling us that they do not have any place to go to. some people have been searching for a place since the morning and didn't back in 10 units, but they did not find any place. people saying that they have this place for more than 5 to 6 times now. and every time they're trying to search the area that may be considered safe. but they also believe that even if they are evacuated to their is bella, or $200.00 units or any place, it's going to come
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a time where they are going to evacuate. another time has tennessee, and my name's smoking this way. we felt it might be slightly safer here in 0 bhalla . we're not completely safe anywhere of course, but it's better to be in a group. there's also access to some fresh water here. so things are slightly better. i'm currently in an m c area in that in this area was completely empty. this morning. all of these people that are building up their tents came in the early hours of the morning to the left until this area, because it's one of the areas that have a close swats are because it's very close to the sea. as you see, people have been displaced more than one time. this family was the space for more than 7 times. and now they came to that and back because they think that it is safe and as the today and not as much as
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a handle and. and so we're kind of on this level 5, we 1st flipped to and more causing them, found who owners and then off last night we had to leave the school where we were shocked. during that time, we decided to flee to the newest area vacated by the somebody, at least, which is different. but all of the people are frustrated or despair. they're saying that the quotes, cafeterias came into the schools and where they were seeking refuge in their tents and started shooting lava munition. people say that they're stuck between death, starvation and displacement. this is in the put the address either that has been dozens upon the sending of families or sheltering and a bomb dodge u. n. one school. and there's a body of refugee camp in northern gaza. they're living in damaged classrooms where many of the walls have been blown out. the schools got little power or water volley . i've seen some of the most intense bombardment and fighting during the war sofa do not know how homes were bombed. we went to our home and found that it was
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completely destroyed. the whole block was flattened. we came to the school here and found that it was bomb to try to find a place in the school, but there was nothing were billed to attend and settled in at each tent has at least 15 people in it. that is there. any forces are killed at least one palestinian non during raids in the occupied westbank overnight based on the cities of coffee and ramallah as well as bethlehem. and we're occupied east jerusalem on the vehicles and bulldozers destroyed roads. and janine is very forces have increased the frequency and intensity of rates in the occupied westbank since october the 7th. at least 394 palestinians have been killed. meanwhile, a group of it's very settlers has a tax palestinians, south of novelist and the occupied west bank. at least 2 palestinians were injured . when settlers open 5 and the village of a sea of the what does it say the attackers offices that home on fire just drop 1st . joining us now from ramallah in the occupied was find some more res overnight
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motor attacks might, is very centralized. what's being happening? size right robot. another night of is really minutes. we may just talk about those 1st. um, the largest of which seems to have concentrated on the city and its refugee. can janine in the noise be occupied? westbank, we're seeing video of the refrigerator, the almond bulldozers yet to gain destroying vital infrastructure, digging up roads, journeying that right, we understand that we're all impressions that we've members of the palestinian but position jeanine long considered to be a sensor for those groups. a similar sort of right happening on the town of co kalia as well also in the news of the occupied west bank. and as you alluded to one palestinian man dying of his injuries during that. right. certainly according to medics in the town that we've spoken to. so they said that he's like, could have been saved. have these ready made a tree allowed inhabitants to get to him?
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this is not unusual. we've spoken over the last 3 or 4 months, numerous occasions to ambulance crews, medical stuff operating in these types of this. i reckon the right rated by the is ready ministry. and they tell us these kind of stories all the time. indeed, often, members of these crews will actually do change themselves with respects to the op sectors those axis, right. the secular tax again on palestinian property and palestinians get up a couple of places close to nap list. the 1st of which i suppose, the largest of which is the, the village of how water lower is interesting, because it's been close by the use riley ministry since the beginning of the war. just because of the settlers that live so close to that town and who regularly it's accurate, at least one person, one palestinian is being killed in a similar sort of raid earlier on a shows a couple of months ago. but so certainly according to the journalist and people in that town that we've been speaking to, they say that so the settlers attacked palestinian prophecy fund vehicles and homes
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belonging to palestinians. um, and it was a similar kind of story in the village of a sierra. also we're understanding that jewelry not settle it. right on the sierra, at least to palestinians were in good reporters in that area. were telling us that the is ready, the ministry would very much involved in that. right? that's according to them we calling independently confirm that the soon as you saying to us that to be use ready. all me alone with the settlers were firing at palestinians as this village was being attacked. and as i was in the meantime, the button dropped to this. the ongoing talks in colorado, the latest in the series of diplomatic efforts to try to find some sort of timeline towards a ceasefire and garza. that's right. we understand that the head of most side, that's the form or external security service for as well. and the chief option,
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but which is internal intelligence. they are both traveling to colorado and in another diplomatic effort to try it and forge some sort of agreement with respect to a prisoner palestinian prisoner and is ready the captive swore we understand that the head of the c i a bill burns is going to be there a long ways, as you can imagine, egyptian officials and we also understand the culture. a foreign minister this cools comes in the wake of the outright rejection of a harmless proposal that was given to the is right. it is, i suppose about a week ago now that proposal was, came within the framework of discussions held in january in paris. quite similar players. so it shows you the kind of pressure that these riley, certainly on, certainly from, from, from the us and another big international place to try and forge somewhat so of
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holes in the fighting. whether it be to get a pressure exchange going, or at least to guarantee some sort of safety for what he's believed to be a potentially eminent attack by the is rarely all, all i mean on that small pockets. rough uh, on the chip symbol. that way we know that there are over a 1000000 palestinians sheltering there has been some comment from each lady, politicians with respect to this latest meeting in cairo. i politicians named kinetic members. sorry. they've danny dental and who's considered to be very close to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's saying that it's certainly a full c spy, should not be considered to be part of any potential prisoner captive swapped. deal being discussed, we understand in colorado charged $500.00 and romano charles, thanks very much. indeed. c, u. s. presidential biden's web jordan's king abdullah, the white house, the 2 leaders have been discussing how to end the war and garza. but as our state
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department correspondent was on jordan reports, they have 2 very different versions of how to make that happen. a warm embrace at the white house before the hard talk. president joe button and king of dell of jordan spent at least an hour discussing how to end the war and garza, the leaders disagreed on the best way to do that. we need a lasting cease far now. united states is working on a hostage deal between israel and loss of which would bring median and sustain period of common with you guys for at least 6 weeks buying and up. dollar met just hours after is really forces launched a rate in rafa to rescue 2 captives gauze. the official say dozens of people were killed in the attack. some of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he wants to launch a full scale military campaign against tomas and rob up,
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even though there's growing international agreement such an invasion would be catastrophic for the more than a 1000000 palestinians traps there. the major military operation rather off or should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support more than 1000000 people sheller and many people there have been displaced, displaced multiple times, playing the violence to the north. and now they're packed in the rough, exposed is gone and they need to be protect button did not talk about funding for on wrong, which he suspended after israel accused a few of its employees of helping him most plan the october 7th, the time adult called on button to change his mind. restrictions on vital relief, aid and medical items, all leading to in human conditions. no other human agency can do what underway is doing and helping the people because through this humanitarian catastrophe,
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it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support it needs to carry out its mandate. barton and abdullah agreed to work on getting more humanitarian aid into gaza, but they ignored reporters questions on how to make that happen. russell and jordan elders era washington the subhead and i'll just say the controversial form or type 5 minutes. so we'll send the freed from jail. we're going to look at the implications of the release effects and should've won the handler that we'll have a look at australia in a moment with us the se agent. and as you can see from the satellite image, we've got dense cloud continuing to sits across most southern areas, up in the north. the a very dry and clear picture, certainly for indo china, places like thailand, continuing to see the sunshine and heat. we have
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a look at the 3 day, however, we will see the return of some wet to weather. thankfully on friday. bits and pieces of rain will continue to pull across the philippines, but it's not as well as it has been particularly close the southern part. but the rain does pull into western pots of bone, you will see some under storms, pretty intense in places like single pool and west to whether continuing to affect indonesia over the next few days. some stronger winds as well will blow across moving parts of australia. we've got something of a circulation developing in the bay of a cop into era. you're going to see that whether it's not to slide its way for the south over the next few days. coming into northern parts of queensland, we could see some more flooding here. and the weather continues to look across the north as we go to the end of the week and rush down towards a new south wales to some wet width days ahead for places likes to me, but it is still a story of heat suddenly for places like past will be touching 40 degrees celsius on thursday of
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the laws, some big a survivor of the united states. victorious guantanamo on background detention centers. and it's so cold war on terror. no human rights activist campaign for the release of the last. i've gone health and one time will be retraces steps. revisit cuz that's it. that's by the echoes of background. a witness documentary on the jersey to the the
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you want to know to 0 reminder about health. so is this are, is there any mandatory is carried out most strikes on the city of an offer in southern jasmine, $1400000.00 palestinians are sheltering. they're also trying to escape the bombings elsewhere. some were killed was sleeping in their tents, most women and children. a 10 year old palestinian girl has died at naso hospital in con eunice, off to generate has stopped working for several hours because of a lack of fuel on them. not that was being treated in the intensive care. a group of israeli settlers has attacked palestinians sides of novelists and the occupied west by at least 2 palestinians were injured with such as open finding the village of a c. it. what does it say? the attackers also set fire to a house, but you in security council has held a closed door meeting that included discussions and a draft resolution calling for the cx, 5 and gaza capital. i was on the as more from the united nations, a few and passengers wanted to speak publicly as delicate negotiations continue on
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his algerian draft resolution that calls for among other things an immediate cease fire. but he, us official, says all sides are far apart and they are not ready to agree to that are engaging. and so we'll continue to engage and hopefully we can get into a text that everyone can support. but i don't know, we're not in a position right now for me to say that we're there. we're not. some is really officials have called on the you when to help relocate palestinians out of rafa had an anticipated ground defensive there. but on monday, that's something the un flatly rejected. what we want is to ensure that anything that happens is done in full respect of international law. in the full respect of the protection of, of civilians. we will not the party to force displacement of people. security council members met into the evening monday here at the un headquarters to discuss
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the situation in rafa, but were told that they were not able to reach any sort of consensus. meanwhile, diplomatic sources tell us that era group members met earlier in the day, privately with security council members, as well. all in an urgent attempt to try to reach a diplomatic pathway to an elusive ceasefire gabriel's onto how does either at the united nations in new york, the going to get some other world news. now indian police are far too guy said farmers marching and the capital in new delhi really? oh, really ways of divide? what they're calling maximum numbers of officers. authorities unblocked multiple entry points into new jelly. the farmers are demanding a minimum crop price of the tops with the government failed. the process comes just
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2 months before the general election, a former time 5 minutes to talk soon should've what is expected to be released from jail soon. the kingdoms justice minister announced the tax and was one of more than $900.00 inmates granted parole. the 74 year old had been sentenced to 8 years in prison for abusive power before the royal pardon reduced his jail time to one year . tony checking the force from the capital bank of this is the police hospital in downtown bank. hope that has been home for the last 6 months to form a tiny prime minister tax and shit, or was brought here on the night off the he returned to thailand, off the complaining of chest pains in high blood pressure. and his remained here ever since. on the day he was sentenced to 8 years in jail sentence. it was commuted by the king to a year. i don't. tuesday thailand. justin missed justice minister said that because of his age of 74 and his medical condition,
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he's now eligible for early pearl from this weekend. but what will be the terms of that of the release? we don't know yet, but the time media are talking about the possibility he may be banned from leaving the country and have to what i didn't include bracelets for the moment key and the military boom. boom. very acrimonious relationship with mister tex and may be very consent to him once again. take an active role in politics. but does he need to his prototype policy or in power, the prime minister to set out how he sent. his name's the date he returned. mister texan himself as of his own, the reason for wanting to come home defense is finally is close to his friends. tony chang, owl to 0. bank of nigeria is president who's also head of the west. african blocked a co, was, has cancel the trip to send a gold bulletin. but in general, has sent
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a delegation to meet the officials instead of goals. capital the car having attacks against the decision by present as much insults to postpone. and alexa is scheduled for later this month, producer, he's trying to stay in power which solved the noise. meanwhile, set a goal is government has binding opposition valley on tuesday, previous protests of turned violent rights. groups of accused security forces of brutality. nicholas knock reports from the car. enough is a single these hip hop collective denouncing their latest clip with the press in their country count to get the multi lucky cell of crushing the port complicit with the justice system. repressing democracy, favoring a talkers to lyrics from rapper foot team. she says she's giving a voice to the voiceless. my site is not to bring down mickey soul. i'm on the side of the people to carry the voice. the police unroll the police suffering. this is a revolt. music is a weapon to shake the government,
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a student, a street vendor, and a 16 year old boy all killed during nationwide demonstrations. on friday after solid announced a 9 months delay to the presidential elections. and to take place this month, violence on the street spread to parliament where the delay in the elections was voted into law after security forces booted out opposition and peace. who were staging a protest in the national assembly for the opposition to delaying the elections. is it constitutional to orchestrated by prison? so the country that has experienced only peaceful power transitions, the west african body echo was sent a delegation to mediate and then to an unprecedented political crisis in a region marked by military takeovers and at the thoughts of the thunder lumber. i hold up my hand to say to the political actors, be careful, be careful because we are not alone on the stage. and if politicians are not capable of getting along with the essentials,
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other organized forces will do it instead. and they'll lose everything in the country to all other us. several unions including transport teachers and the press unions are taking part in a nationwide strike on tuesday. several journalists have been beaten for filming police brutality. together they call on people to join a peaceful assignment, march as part of a nation wide civil disobedience movement. police are out in full force. we're keeping a safe distance because authorities say that the civil disobedience movement is an illegal gathering. but for the organizers, they say the security forces are not protecting the people, but rather the president and his decision to delay the election. and the face of police refreshing the movement has gone online. the pressure on the president is growing enough, a collective that supported microsoft to power in 2012 in the face of the then
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president trying to extend his time in power is back at 12 years on this time again . so a fight for democracy. they say they won't give up. nicholas hall county is the right . the car impact has tons of orders of jail. the former prime minister in the long con of blocks highways to protest about the results of last week's election. the sizes of demonstrators, and this on this is you've got to say the vote was rig independent candidates, backed by con, wasn't the most seats a know policy. one enough seems to form a government and their own focus on the 2 largest political parties are negotiating a possible alliance. but report say the talks to agree our candidate for the prime minister have not made progress. the leaders of germany, france, and poland, calling for stronger military ties in europe. it comes off to donald trump said he would not protect natal member states, but on and contributing enough money to the lines. dominic cane has more from
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balance as an homage polish unit to takes part in life for exercises. these tank survival elements of poland, military which is doubled in size in the last 10 years. poland prime minister says his country embraces its role on the world stage. so 2 days, but there is no alternative to trans atlantic cooperation or to nato with europe must become a safe consummate. this means the you, france, and poland must become strong states, ready to defend their own borders, to the task was speaking in the optim, off of comments by former us president donald trump, in which he said that while in office, he'd warmed a nato ally, he'd encourage russia to do what ever wanted to them if they didn't pay that way. the principle of collective defense as being the cornerstone of european securities for decades with the us supporting the bill through ne, so many governments have kept defense spending low,
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especially since the cold warranted.


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