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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the mal is the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the the, you're watching the news on our life from the headquarters and del i'm getting another gauge are coming up in the next 60 minutes, israel targets more journalists in dollars off to man are critically injured in hospital. one of them in algebra 0 correspondence is really tanks on snipers attack areas in and around and last set of medical complex, the largest hospital in southern gaza, one palestinian is killed in 22,
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arrested. it is really raised in the occupied west bank. in other news, senegal suspends mobile internet access and vans applying protests against the rough delays and the presidential elections. as far as small with the sports and the big upsets at the cuts are open. bringing us open champion cocoa golf has been knocked out in the 2nd round, the return in don't the and is really drones. drake has severely injured to journalist and southern gaza elders 0 correspondent as my level on our and camera mind. as far as most of the work fits just north of for the fast, that's where one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering from is really a tax. both have been transfer it to the european hospital for treatment. bernard smith begins our coverage to meet the death of most to shut off at par,
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splendid smile of omar and the cameraman off. but my thoughts were reporting some con eunice in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss oz. from annie's rady drove, they've been reporting on the palestinians displaced between rough and con, you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come to the store to drone strikes is less than with catastrophic injuries. the last, the altitude was corresponding to the smell of o, a roof to make shift hospital up to suffering severe injury who was targeted by drone. we saw that the mirage area upon examination, his right leg was already set in addition to shrapnel, who would across his chest and his head as well as his left leg. we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse would not readable. this means he is in critical condition. of
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my task, myself, a trump moves to his head. those men are in a serious condition. according to the doctor's government, media office in gauze assess, is the 5th time in this will that journalist working for alger 0. i've been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th. according to the government that was made of omar. but nothing did you notice, but, and it's smith, alger 0, all the 0 has released the statement following the attack of the 2 journalist by is really forces and it's call and get the latest. and a series of deliberate targeting of al jazeera journalists, and correspondents and palestine. the networks dresses that this is intimidation of games. journalists to prevent them from reporting the heinous crimes committed by the occupation army against innocent civilians and gaza. alda 0 renews. it's calls on the international community and media freedom groups to take immediate action to
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protect journalists in gaza and hold israel's occupation army accountable. alta 0 is gabriel elizondo asked the un secretary general and told her the tires about what she thought of israel's repeated targeting of journalists and gaza. here's what he had to say, or 2 more journalists were targeted this morning to more journalists were targeted this morning and, and critical insured by the number of general is that that being kills in discomfort. freedom of press is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere. so that's what's being said at the u. n. let's cross over 2000 and speak to our
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correspondence. i've also imply that what are you hearing about the condition of the 2 journalists? yes, nadine, as we have been told by medical sources and then the repeat hospital, we have been completely hearing from them that the managed to carry out a surgical operation for our correspondence. and our clique is made up of them, or as he was completely suffering from injury that had been resulting from the is very surveillance of drone attacks that had been carried out today earlier when the have mt painted his one of his legs as with please sign of attacks and from those that have been hitting his putting his legs and also in his hands alongside with the camera man. his working with him. but not that i specifically that he's suffering from critical injuries on his face. has medical teams to this very moment working to completely provide them with a sufficient medic as a, is a lot of them or has been transferred to the intensive care unit for medical
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treatments. and in fact, this is a, this is, this is a part of the ongoing genocides of attack against june of this, or on daily basis for font 50, for 5 months till now are complete, completely exposed to unrelenting bombardment as well. so the are face to do with the grades mental districts as they are losing their friends, please. and right now the are being the next august for the is very admitted to me to have cute, since the beginning of this conflict. he's more than $120.00 pounds a city and joining us till now. some of them had been killed as they were doing that to you to others have been killed along side with the family members. absolutely terrifying. are the or with the excessive baiting situation for the majority of journalists who are risky, their lives in order to, to the truth and what is happening on the ground to you and your territory, and thought it, i mean, you'll keep us updated under conditions throughout the evening, but let me ask you about the latest air strikes, not only enough where you are, but elsewhere in the gaza strip. yes,
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the read there's was a very cli, is do these very minute tree attacks on roughly districts and also in different areas. of course the gaza strip within the past a few hours. these very forces have targets as a vehicle at this time in the northern parts of the gaza strip, where a number of palestinians have been killed, including young uh, babies as these valley forces are trying to completely destroy the no direct parts of the territory. now we see clearly hearing loud explosions rising from the city of con, units as these body forces continue to boom, box complete residential neighborhoods that i'm at, their ongoing, systematic destruction of old means of life in the 2nd largest city in the gaza strip. and in terms of the middle school renee to admit central part of the territory, we're, we're palestinians right now from roof. i have been a if leading to it to this area. it had been one of the attacks, especially in the most iraq refugee camp, where
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a residential building that had been hit with a fight to just strike with the, with the ongoing total destruction that had contributed twice the death to today to more than $150.00 pounds, a city is being killed to now. okay, thank you. thought of i zoomed reporting from what i saw in the gaza strip as well . the committee to protect journalist has released the statement following the incident, sayings, but this is another example of the high price during the listen. guys are paying to cover the war so that the world can witness what is happening is calling for an independent investigation to determine if a war crime has been committed. we can now speak to cities months. so what was the mean? a program coordinator at the committee to protect journalists. he's joining us in washington. d. c should each month sort of thanks for your time with us 1st. what is your reaction to the way these journalists were targeted using a drone strike? and also, i mean they were clearly wearing their flak jackets, their mark press and they were in an area that was reported the not a combat area but it's
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a. busy good incident then it shows that the prize flood zone that has continued to be implemented in order to do is wrong. that has been work. got news about what's happening for those to see that it start the 1st or the 2nd. it's the 3rd time which is either something that is specifically being targeted with this precise goal at fedex. in december, i did send that to doctor last month of january. oh, goodness comes of the door. and today this thankfully did not lead to any of those owners being killed, but we're hoping and praying for their recovery. so they can receive the good to going to the media and, and the need. we are of course, very alone. and we are calling for an independent rapids. i'm trying to speed on the investigation because that's based on
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a part of get that fixed the odd constituting cold war crime. i hear what you're saying about calling for an independent investigation. but um, you know, how likely is that to happen because we've seen this happen before, and there's been no independent investigation into the killing of journalists, a sold separately before this war. we have to commit to have documented at least 20 joined that is killed, including under the, at a total history, nevada, which we classified as murder 2 years ago. and then all of the cases the 20 cases, nor let us have been taught to have or no, uh, pillars on those have been chartered, hold accountable. and this is why we called before this more for the right go to do for the unity. and that is probably the army getting a, showing that it's best standing on the long standing records to face public
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scrutiny. and we called on international investigations and information and media to be allowed immediately into gas. and these are the things that i think will have uncovered about tools, uninsured, is that all you cannot find any evidence of its violations. and then from that sort of justice or the and when you make such calls, what is the response that you get? a little one big those days. busy old internationally and also us allies including a was government including your pay and our lars. we have gold and then to ask for rapid investigation and they have done so in the case of by some of the law, the secretary blinking has gold for the results of the investigation in his case to come as soon as possible. but it also asked for the review of arms fox sports to add 3 to ensure that the use of these arms are happening according to
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international law. and us slow including levy low that make sure that those odds are let use in the order as our processing fees, including attacks. again, join us, we've also called for them to pressure and call out. is there any army on the rules of engagement to reform them? so that they can stop this regarding things like breast insignia and make sure that the investigation that they have done our phones failed and rapid. but also if. busy not done properly, internationally prosecuted, including that i must have put them on a quote. right. so let me just uh, i finally asked to, um, uh on uh about another call that you've made now, cpg called for an independent investigation into the killing of another. i'll just say we're a journalist, you mentioned him a moment ago, comes at the door and come or mine was stuff. i said,
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i yeah. can you let us know what the latest is on that? or when we, we have a demo spot of at least as a homes case among the 85 zone that is, that we have counted unconfirmed and been killed on deal deal really enjoying their lives. and some of them we have the strong evidence that there is, it is really the ottoman comfortability and that includes the study abroad. i faxed that up and i get a sense of 0, but also, but as far as on target, the, that that's including shooting those on his cars, their homes, even their families are still receiving serves. and that has happened with another homeless and others last families and is available, but we bought it for the both of these to be investigated. but part of the 1st thing though is that we see this comparability to make sure that the troopers are
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held accountable. okay, we'll leave it there, said it's not sort. thank you for speaking to us from dc now and con university is really army has destroyed the northern gates on wall of the last sort of medical complex. it's besieged the buildings for weeks, and also it is the biggest hospital in con eunice is really forces have told displays, people sheltering there to evacuate the premises. but 500 patients and medical staff believes to be trapped inside have been told to stay medical supply and equipment stores at the complex have been partially destroyed. as israel has carried out, a wave of air strikes, sort of outside southern gaza in recent days resulting in many casualties. there are fears that could get worse. last week they is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced that he had ordered troops to prepare for a ground defensive into the city. some have been job aid reports, motor tax, and one of the few medically facilities in milton because it,
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after being besieged for months, nothing hospitably was damaged by his really forces and some pods called fight. with each means generate his at the hospital and have run out of fuel. as a result, those are probably these rating attacks are also dying. there is little cutting, putting the advancing is really soldiers the inside of the hospitals. stop those seeking shelter and snipers get everyone who enters out the eventually they read the building and risk medical stuff and doctors. those will be released to the tortured health care, like much else, and garza has been decimated overnight. ambulance is the one speed, israel fade of wounded liquid, short stuff, medical facilities that are overwhelmed. the patients and survivors still hard to find the details of the children. so i just talked to them, you'll be shot, my son, he's only 14 years old. he got
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a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my daughter's brain was blown out. i tried to comfort her before she died. israel says it's targeting how much spite is enough or a city previously designated as a safe. so had a standing women and children say that's a lie on the since don is really tanks have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got ourselves together. and k mart waiving a white flag is rarely sold. yours arrested my son into all the young men. they stripped off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave. the area of bullets and destruction is all that's left and every day brings more emotional testimonies . another one is and then in the middle of the night, i heard the sounds of helicopters, fund digits, drones and miss all around. everyone was picture fine at that moment. as i had no idea where to hide, we know who to place close to my uncle's residence. was had
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a rush, the chicken found remains of human bodies all over the place. i could vaguely discern the bodies of children and women. those women and children make up most of the 100000 palestinians, killed or wounded in his veins. one end of the vipers have been displaced multiple times to multiple states, the ones only to be attacked multiple times. the mailbox software do not allow homes were bombed. we went to our homes and found that it was completely destroyed . the whole block was blocked and we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school. there was no place we wrecked it, attend and settled in it. each tent has at least 15 people in it. i know got, as i said, just the military operation, the roof of the major military operation route. but even the us president who provides unequivocal support, billions and aid, and many of the bombs being dropped and gaza, as admitted israel is getting civilians to many to many of the over 27000 policies
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killed in this conflict, haven't isn't civilians, children, biden's words don't match his actions, something allies within the a you have pointed out. well if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms as israel's water and got the drugs on. there seems to be noise, insight to the salvation, bombing and kidding of palestinians, and no consequences for the perpetrators a, some of the job aids. how does there is really strikes narrow that's a has central dogs. i'll kill dozens of palestinians on monday nights. explosions could be seen from the informal tens caps and dropped off. were thousands of displaced families or sheltering conditions. there are desperate with shortages of food, water, and medicine. at least one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering their, their crammed up against the egyptian border. living and make shift shelters on
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tens, then about 300 kilometers away in cairo officials from egypt. israel cats are in the us, are meeting for negotiations. they're expected to focus on a ceasefire and the exchange of captives held in gaza for palestinian prisoners and is really jails. let's speak to him this i'm truth was joining us from occupied is through response to tell us about the delegation. there is really delegation that, that made their way to cairo and we're hearing from your ends about any progress when it comes to negotiations as well. it's still a little too early to know exactly what kind of progress is being made, but those negotiations are well underway. with these really delegation along with the head of the c i, a one was brought on as prime minister and in gyptian officials as well on these really side, you have the head of israel's most side. that's the x journal security services and the sion but the internal intelligence and security services. so there is still
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a lot up in the air as to what kind of concessions these relays are willing to give up. but remember, they said that there will not be an end to the war and that they will not be releasing thousands of policy and prisoners from is really jail as well. there is no word from is really politicians. there has been comments from these really army chief of staff, hurts the hell levy. who said that even if there is a pause in the fighting and a deal is achieved by all parties, these really are quote, going to know how to fight after words. meaning that even if there is based pause in the war, they are adamant that the on going a self on guns that will continue after. and then remember, one of thomas's red lines was that they wanted to see the war. and so it's interesting, but these really are saying they are already planning for this pause in the fighting, but also how to return to the war after that. and all this comes on the heels of
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the plan ground invasion instead of law were nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians are seeking refuge. what sorts of pressure as is nothing? yeah. who under a handout not only international lead to accept some sort of pause or a cease fire agreement. but also domestically within his own coalition government, there are some who simply don't want him to enter negotiations at all. this pressure just continuing to mount on nothing. yahoo! not only internationally from the americans, but on the homefront you have pressure from families of captives who want to see deals. who say these really governments should be willing to give up anything in exchange to bring back the captives. but this sent from the coalition to you have members from the far right who were urging the prime minister now to even send this delegation to cairo, saying it's quote,
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negotiating with the enemy. these really army chief of staff hurts the however, as also said that while there have been these achievements made in the war, they have in no way accomplish all of their goals. and they're still what he calls a long ways to go. and that seems to be the spot as well of these right wing ministers who said there should not be any sort of pause in the fighting. and this with the same school of thought back in november. or there were these negotiations and ultimately a deal. and one of those ministers each of our vend beer and his party event ended up voting against the cease fire deal. but ended up saying the release of around a $110.00 is really captive. so there is a wide variety of opinions across these really political aisles, but it's going to be interesting to see what kind of concessions these really is give up and what kind of descent will come out of nothing. y'all who's coalition. okay, thank you. hum. this one hurts for 40 from occupied east jerusalem in south africa
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says it's lots in an urgent request with the international court of justice about israel's military operations and rough. it's asked the us top court to consider if and is really ground operation in the city. would require a judges to use their powers to prevent further breaches of palestinians writes last month, south africa, late charges of genocide against israel for its were on gauze on the court order, israel to take all measures to prevent possible acts of genocide. pharmacy miller is joining us now from your highness verse. so any clarity on what these new measures are of me though. well, so don't forget as an indicated exactly what additional measures the i c j should take, but ultimately it's up to the quote to use this description to decide what should happen next, especially based on the old is it made about 3 weeks ago in terms of preventing genocide, minimizing the loss of civilian lives and providing humanitarian aid. so that's
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like a, based on this rule of the i, c, j doesn't have to make the representation. so any oral arguments because of the way in which that works and it would wait for a response from the i c j. but it has also said that he believes as well is in breach of the old a given a few weeks ago in terms of not preventing a genocide. and as you pointed out, that it is concerned about the number of people killed the home that could be caused. and ultimately, it's put forth this request based on the urgency of the matter, in terms of the large scale keeping the home to people and destruction that could occur if he's real continues on this pause and, and if it goes ahead with his ground defense of okay, thank you. farm is another reporting from johannesburg. as the german foreign minister says that she wants the safe cord or is established for civilians. enough . uh, kind of lena bear bulk met the palestinian for administer in berlin. ahead of her 5th trip to israel. since october,
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dominic came reports and then use conference with the foreign ministry here in berlin. we had another key and under the bell book spoke about the situation in gaza and wanda, middle east with the german foreign minister reiterating the german government's belief that the site of israel has the right to self defense. but saying that that does not include the rights to displace people while they exercise that right. it's also worth making the points that i'm going to babble reiterated also the german government's belief that the is really government's sacrament. building policy is illegal, but this is the other issue she wanted to raise when she spoke about the situation . these are the rough guns was announced is our issue. i am deeply concerned about the announcements by the is really government of a large ground operation and russell, of course, it is clear that also in rough authors and unbelievably large number of how much tighter. and we just talked about that as well. it is like at the beginning of this terrible war where facing an incredible dilemma travel or for his pulse. we had
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another key, wanted to prioritize the situation for people physically in gaza on the ground right now and emphasized that plight. slave to speak with officer field, the developments in gaza all terribly dangerous. it's day $130.00 since the beginning of the war against cause a tens of thousands of palestinians. most of them innocent women and children have been killed or injured. there was nothing less than gaza that could be described as a safe place for the $2400000.00 palestinians. nothing worth mentioning still exists. the german government has made clear its position that the only palestinian or far a t with which it wants to build a state to state solution is indeed the palestinian authority, not home us. and that's something that other governments to have been reiterating over the course of the last days the last weeks that's clearly unattainable box points of view. and remember, she will be in israel on wednesday, missing permit,
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and send us an yahoo and other officials where she says she will raise the situation in alpha. the one that came al jazeera fairly well, the us senate has passed a $95000000000.00 a package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. it's not been sent to the republican controlled house of representatives where it has long faced offices and the bill had stalled for months . so the republicans demanding for an a be tied to enhanced border security measures. $14000000000.00 off that military aid is included for israel. let's go live to our white house correspondent, kimberly how can and we do expect the president to be speaking about this bill. any moment now, what do we expect them to say and talk to us about the off position this bill is get a phase in the house or that we're expected to hear from the president about why he feels. it's important that the house of representatives pass this
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legislation, but we expect that the house of representatives not only won't pass this legislation, they're probably not even going to debated or even vote on it. and that's because the speaker of the house speaker johnson says that this is really something that doesn't address the priorities that his members, mainly the republicans in the house of representatives to control that lower chamber feel is important right now. and that is domestic priorities. and as so what we expect to hear from the us presidents is that he believes that the republicans are playing politics with this legislation because he will argue that of the white house has tried to work with these republicans in for a time. there was exactly what they were looking for in this legislation and now they're saying it is it? so this is a lot of washington dysfunction. that's a being a sort of bandied about. but the point is, and all of this is that what has been passed and the us senate is
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a $95000000000.00 package. it's about 60000000000 and ukraine's fight for russia. it's got 14000000000 for israel, 9000000000 for israel, and there's even money in there for taiwan. and what we should point out is that it is bi partisan legislation and that it was passed in the senate with the support of $22.00 republican senators. but when you go to the house of representatives, a lot of those house members are supporters of the former president, donald trump, and his president's looms very large there. he believes that this should really be when it comes to foreign assistance, more of a loan. it shouldn't just be kind of a handout if you will, and a lot of them are running for re election in november and they're listening to him as well. that's why this is stalling, essentially. so we're going to hear the president current president joe biden of making the case. this is not the time for politics. this is the time to show american leadership. this is the time to restore american credibility in the world
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. and this legislation needs to be passed to expect the president to make that argument. but in terms of this legislation, once again, it appears right now at least to be dead on arrival. so kimberly, why is it that this legislation in this bill is so important provided? well, it's important for the reasons i've outlined, but he believes this is a time to send a message to the world. but this is about american leadership. this is about showing that this is really important to send a signal to the american allies, but not only is the united states putting up money, but the american allies need to do the same. but republicans in the house of representative say, now is the time to focus on domestic priorities. the southern border of the united states and mexico. wherever i should point out, there have been millions and millions of people flooding the border into the united states somewhat
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r u e legally from central america. and the argument is that right now that the united states cannot afford that. and so they want to type in strengthen border security, but the us presidents occurring you as part of who says that there is the ability to do both. okay, thank you. kimberly, how is that reporting from the white house are still has on the houses. there are news, our hospitals are overwhelmed and the democratic republic of congo is fighting intensifies in the east plus the as hello, that was not in the middle east. and a valid reason is a very unsettled whether move across the gulf,
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bringing some heavy rain to the likes of guitar, as well as the u. a and or money. the cost of flooding in oman, that heavy rain, we have got some bits and pieces of rain remaining around this region, but it is looking a little bit dry on wednesday. instead, we're going to see the unsettled conditions pickup across the move of the region. space is like a turkey pulling down into the live and it's gonna get a lot colder here over the next few days, with the development of some very blustery winds, moving across iraq, very heavy rain forwarding to the north of baghdad. we could see flooding from that and remains the laundry on several flat northeast corner of africa with mountain way of strong the winds, blowing down libya, pushing into egypt as well, with rain here and there. and it'll get cooler for the north west. as a weather system stop to move it's way into egypt. we'll see temperatures coming down here. and when is the story across the moving parts of africa? it's about dry us. so we all seen that's a hard dust being kicked out to west water heat around southern parts of africa.
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still west stretching from angola through to madagascar. lots of heat which it has but, but a cool a feel to cape town on thursday. the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power that finds out while we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around on out does their expo 2023. the the fascination to
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join us and let's discover a better world expo, 2023. the top stories on the altos, it renews our and is really drone strikes, has severely injured to journalists and southern gaza out 0 correspondence is my level armada and camera mine f. my boss out of were hit just north of philadelphia where one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering from is really a tax. both have been transferred to the european hospital for treatments. and
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northside hospital is still under is really seats. the army has destroyed the hospitals, northwell and gates displaced. people have been told to evacuate for their around 500 patients on staff who are still trapped inside south africa as, as it's logs to an urgent request through the international court of justice about israel's military operations. ended up off. it's asked to you and the top court to consider if it is really ground operation in the city would be a further breach of palestinians rights. is really forces have destroyed most of northern gaza. the u. n says in some areas, people are on the verge of famine. israel has blocks most of the age from reaching north. this is how palestinians are living and what use to be guys as largest refugee camp giovanni, a dozens of families or sheltering in a bombed out united nations run school. they are living in damaged classrooms with little power, water, or food the knoxville. so do not all have homes were bombed,
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we went to our home and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was flattened. we came to the school here and found that it was bomb to try to find a place in the school, but there was nothing we built attend and settled in it. each tent has at least 15 people in it that let's turn to the occupied westbank. that's where it is really forces have killed at least one palestinian man in jeanine soldiers destroyed a house and infrastructure. the army also storm the cities of country. yeah. and that i'm a law as well as bethlehem a near occupied east jerusalem. at least $22.00 palestinians were arrested, is really forces have increased the frequency and intensity of raids and they occupied westbank since october, the 7th. and that, but he is joining us from what i'm allowed to tell us about how extensive these raids were on the occupied westbank and, and the impact on palestinians of the, you know, let's take jeanine for an example. it has been rated twice just today after these
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really forces came at midnight, stayed for 6 hours, then the last day to turn the again, this time in an undercover unit in a car that had pictures of palestinians will have been killed by israeli forces to give the illusion that it is a palestinian car when the palestinians then discovered that this was a car with special is really forces, wedding posted in clothes and then we've seen more and more is really at forces coming into the refugee camp. now, in the 1st rate, they have to monitor the infrastructure, but we've been going to jeanine for the past months, if not years and seeing how these really forces every time they go there, there is a new destruction to a certain streets, to the system water system for the electricity, and this example is not only in janine, but in different areas and be occupied with bank of this is just to mention the
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infrastructure that has usually suffered a lot when it comes to these really rates not to mention intimidation, not to mention the math, the tensions of palestinians were just sitting in their homes when these really forces come, you know, looking from one door to another, going to one home after the other taking palestinians, defending them interrogating them. and then later deciding to lease some of them. we're talking about the situation with productivity is do not have any control over their time, their space and their lives. when you know, we've seen many palestinians going about their daily lives when they get shots injured or killed during these intensive is really race and is the hold on for just a moment because palestinians aren't just bearing the brunt of as really raids, but also subtler attacks so on monday, a group is really similar, is, has attacked palestinian south of the city of nablus, and the occupied westbank. at least 2 palestinians were injured. when settlers open fire in a village and witness to say, the attackers also said at least one home on fire and according to the is really
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human rights organization. yes, then is really officials have routinely faith routinely failed to hold is really settlers accountable for their actions in the past 18 years. the is really police failed to investigate 81 percent of the cases that were opened. 93.7 percent of them ended up without any charges being filed. a total of 6.6 percent of cases were actually indicted at only 3 percent of attacks and violence against palestinians actually resulted in a conviction. the, when such as the number of subtler attacks has gone up since october, the 7th. there were at least 516 such cases recorded so that when you speak to palestinians, they'll tell you is the impunity that the settlers enjoy. that's a big part of the problem. yes, this is why it's being, it's allowed to happen. that's why it's happening more and more often because when you see subtler is wearing
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a or carrying arms entering palestinian homes that are videos of them stealing burning or even a beating of palestinians, if not shooting them and nothing would happen to them. and the maximum they would get is a house arrest by these really a system. that's why many palestinians, you know, you mentioned there, the numbers of how many cases it result in a conviction eventually. and it's very little to be present if so, but you have to remember that there are so many people who do not even seek that is really pretty nice to complain about. those is really settlers because they believe that there is no use. there is no point in really telling these when the system that these really saw is a, is really suck. there's where that indic and it's under international law causing them harm. on the contrary, palestinians believe that the main reason of those subtler attacks is to deter palestinians a way is to make their logic really complicated, really miserable, that they move away. and we've seen so many bethel and communities who have been
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rebuilt. the residing in areas around jericho. i don't but i'm a law, i don't bethlehem for decades. housing to pick up their stuff, leave and go somewhere else for safety. because they say that the reason why israel is allow, and those is really sucking us to continue with those attacks, is that they would have push people away and replace them with more settlers. and more intriguing is really something. all right, thank you so much. some time, but i am reporting from around the the other news pockets ponds to main political parties have agreed to form a coalition. after last week's election failed to produce a decisive winner pocket signs. muslim league and focused on peoples parties, said they would join with smaller parties to form the next government. the former prime minister chavez sharif will be to kansas to had the government. the un secretary general has urged, sent
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a goal to respect the right to protest. the government, they're suspended mobile internet and band a march against the delay to this month's presidential election. nicholas hawk reports from the car. enough is a sending of these hip hop collective denouncing in their latest clip with the press in their country, count to lucky cell, crushing the poor complicit with the justice system, repressing democracy favoring a talk receive lyrics from rapper foot team. she says she's giving a voice to the voiceless. my fight is not to bring my key solved down. i'm on the side of the people to carry their voices. the people are on wells, the people are suffering. this is a revolt or a music is a weapon to shake the government, a student, a street vendor, and a 16 year old boy all killed during nationwide demonstrations. on friday, after solid announced a 9 months delay to the presidential elections meant to take place of this month.
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violence on the street spread to parliament where the delay in the elections was voted into law after security forces, who did out opposition and peace, who were staging a protest in the national assembly where the opposition to delaying the elections. is it constitutional to orchestrated by prison? so the country has experienced only peaceful power transitions on the west, freaking body eco was sent a delegation to mediate. and then to a non president of political crisis and the regent marked by military takeovers, a lot. the thoughts of the thunder. lemme, i held out my hand to say to the political actors, be careful. be careful because we are almost alone on the stage. and the politicians are not capable of getting along with the essentials of organized forces will do it instead. and that they'll lose everything of the country to university lectures. and students are taking part in a nationwide to strike police are banning a silent,
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peaceful march. they say it would disrupt the free movement of people and goods. mobile internet has been suspended. authorities say they want to prevent the spread of hateful and divisive messages in the face of police repression. the movement has gone online, but pressure on the president is growing even along his supporters. enough, a collective that supported microsoft to power in 2012 in the face of the then president trying to extend his time in power is back at 12 years on this time again . so a fight for democracy. they say they won't give up because talk challenges the right, the car on citing between government forces and m. 23 rebels has intensified and the eastern democratic republic of congo bottles are taking place around the town of soccer in north key. bu province. most of those injured have been transferred to the provincial capital goma,
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but it's catherine solely reports health workers there say they're overwhelmed. doctors at a hospital in go my north keywords pro visual copy tools are operating on a man with gunshot wounds. this come from the town of 2nd battles between m 23 fighters and the army have intensified in reason these thousands of people have been displaced some more than once. it's worse now, because heavy and light weapons are being used near shelters. hosting fleeing families, health workers are overwhelmed by the number of injured. we are actually free, free of parents and children, well working every day. we are worried about their situation. because uh, we never known this kind of situation b for boy b and b arrived from socket. a few days ago, he said
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a bomb london near his home. and trump now, he teased lag in the front wheel colton between the fights and when the rebels attacked our village. and the 2nd was we were trying to save ourselves a bomb exploded. will pansy easy, tonda said he was shot in the back while running away from soldiers. he says, no one is safe. i'll do some nicely to the congress. the special forces accuse us of collaborating with the rebels. we tried to explain that we had been displaced from our homes and what they shot at us. empty 3 on on group operating the d. r. c . for several years launched a new offensive in 2022. a military intervention and mediation passes by east african leaders has had little effect. the government accuses neighboring wonder of funding devices, allegations to kindly denies. 1.2000000 qualities, and leaving rough in mic shift to shelters without food, water,
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or basic segmentation. they say that tired, frustrated and afraid afraid they may have to sleep again because of 5 to keep coming. catherine, sorry, i'll just hear the former tie prime minister attacks and shouldn't watch is expected to be released from jail. the king's him is just this minister, announced the tax and was one of more than $900.00 inmates granted parole. the 74 year old has been sentenced to 8 years in prison for abuse of power before a royal pardon reduced his jail time to one year. hundreds of families are being forced to flee their homes and made more gang violence and hate. see there is sheltering near a police station, his rifle games fight for territory in the capital of porto prince. the when says more than 800 people were killed, injured or kidnapped in haiti in january. they was heavy gunfire, so we decided not to stay. they burnt the houses. we don't know if our house was
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burnt. we've been in the streets since the morning. we don't know where we are going. the head on the al jazeera and who's our the sports is coming up and title holders, manchester city or back and champions league action. far as here with us story in more in a moment. the business latest is wrote to you believe i guess as i live slowly on, one of your arms makes modern pleads. the
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business leg just is free to you believe i guess is an ice supply on one of your makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the product update on the sports insurance for during thank you so much running us open champion, cocoa golf has separate of shocked feet and the 2nd round of the cuts are open. the
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well number 3 was knocked out by caterina seneca of the czech republic. the 19 year old american blue afore left, lead in the 2nd set and was beaten 6264 and just an hour and 20 minutes. next step 1st and a cobra is another american. she faces qualifier. daniel collins and the 3rd rounds former world number one victoria, as of right, k is into the round of 16, the to time of grand slam winter beach, wangs you of china to advance as rank of winning in straight sets. the battle russian is looking to clinch her 1st singles, title of 2024, title holders, manchester city or back and champions, week action pet for they always seem are taking on f. c. copenhagen in the last 16 1st flag of this, ty is in denmark. the good news for city is that early holland is scoring goals. we get an after 2 months with injury. holland was the top score and last season's champions league with 12 goals. copenhagen finished bob gal,
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a test right and matches united and the group stage. future respect when i feel so normally i have of you just depends on what it is. but what i saw was they have done this, this group of state chickens is often and say, well, so i said to offensive money. so have to perform until the game plan would be as always, i mean, but meant to have to be ready to software for me is the, is the best team in the, in the world right now and, and if you look back in then the last couple of the of season, so causes that is the biggest test and also the biggest test that we have have in this, in this season. so far around madrid are taking on our b live, say the spanish league leaders will be without jude bellingham for this game. belling, i'm a score 20 goals. a season inland player was injured during rouse for now. when against rhona on saturday. carlo enchilada side are bidding for record extending
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15th european top title. this time. what are you don't say favorites. i don't know, but of course we are capable of winning this title. we've shown that many times. we have a good team that way. so you know, there are other good teams. we saw that last year as well. one off day is enough to get knocked out of the whole competition. and that's what so good about the champion, sleep the level is so high and it's difficult to wind, and that always motivates us. the asian champions league is also back up and running. japan's kawasaki frontal beat, shined on passion, 32 in china. in the 1st leg of their last 16 time shunned dog are in the knock at rounds. for the 1st time in 5 years. cat was saki stretching their and beaten run to 14 games. tens of thousands of fans of joined the ivory coast national team to celebrate becoming african champions. the host defeated nigeria to one on sunday to win the title for a 3rd time beside it and took the cup of nations trophy on
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a tour of the capital of the john. the victory was a combination of a huge turnaround for the team. ivory coast lost their opening to games of the tournament and sat there coach after the group, sage, to time for the one world champion. fernando alonzo. it says his team is in position to challenge redbull at the front of the grid. the season alonzo is asked to martin team have just launched their new car ahead of the 2024 campaign which starts in bahrain. next month. the spaniards finished forth in last seasons tied a race well behind the rightful pair of macs for stipends. and a, sergio, perhaps this is the photo one, how you kind of taken a team for granted and, you know, all the teams we are working very hard to do in that position to be in the position . and you know, i think we would have a more teams f, i think would be good initiators. we would try to put some pressure into ramble and
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maybe hopefully assist on some crap. so under pressure are now many of the athletes competing the ongoing world aquatic championships and don't have come through the united states college systems because there's probably co hain has been to one college where the program reflects the country's history of segregation rather than sporting excellence. last year, you know, college to it meets usually the loudest thing is the announcers not anymore. not here. this is how howard university in washington dc who's me, where the officials, where's earplugs and the d. j plays on to pakistan. but what makes them truly unique is not the music, but how rare this team is, this is the only historic black college and united states with the swimming and diving to the reason the country is long history of racism and segregation. and you
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have slavery actually occurring in the united states. and slave masters are keeping their slaves from learning to swim because they are afraid they might escape. so from the beginning of our existence in this country, that right has been stripped from you and you're not able to do that. it continued, well after slavery ended pools were segregated. and then 1964, when a group of white and black swimmers jumped into a motel pool and st. augustine, florida. the manager responded by for an asset into the pool. the picture of an off duty police on the images of the beginning, spread outrage throughout the country of 1964 civil rights act was passed just a couple of weeks after this incident down in saint augustine. and lyndon baines, johnson was able to, to, to basically harness the outrage to, to help push the bill through congress. now the irony over at all is that
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the acid that this will manager poured into the pool of pose no threat whatsoever to the swimmers pools. where do you segregated? but the discrimination continued as white people created private pools that could keep african americans out, leaving often neglected public pools. their only options that are serious, the reason why there is the the, which is why the team just so much outreach in the community. we stand as a representation and we're hoping that, you know, those will be inspired to number one, learn how to swim as a life skill, and then also pursue what this aquatic space can provide for their their goal, put in countless hours of work, perfect their form and when, and that is what they did, putting the men ne conference championship title in 2023. they became the 1st all
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black swim team on the cover of sports, illustrated, the pre eminent national sports magazine. although slowly changing this floor and dancing their way into the history books, pedagogy, l g 0, washington, victor, women, yamma is working in the season, is had a new hi. the san antonio spurs star became just the 5th player and league history with at least $25.00 points. henry bounce and tens locks. and again, the frenchman did it in this when over this final routers. the n b hasn't seen a triple double with locks a since 2018 when mc davis cheats the fee. and for the 3rd time in 5 years, patrick, my homes was in disneyland, so the traditional super bowl winters parade. he led his team to an overtime victory against the san francisco. 40 niners homes. so has a way to go if he's the equal or better. tom brady's all time record of 7 championship with okay,
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that is all you support for now during back to you. thank you so much for that up there it's and thanks for watching the news. our analogies 0 cerros with you in just a moment. you'll have much more of today's news and all the latest headlines out of gaza. thanks for watching by the the man was 71 year old curtis reeds, a retired swat commander and police captain who brought a gun within that day. we just went back to washington previous thinking that everything was over like okay, manager is going to come up, so keep your phone away. that would be a but that's not what happened. not at all. when the guy sat down, he kept same stuff to my husband about, oh so now you put the phone away and my husband, you know, turned around and stood up and just said, hey, what is your problem? maybe hasn't even started. and he was just nasty surveillance footage,
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just chattering popcorn, it reads mediately fired a pistol, and a trans chest just saw like a spark. aaron just saw him go down. and from there a i didn't even realize that my finger was shot as well. i was just so worried about him, the surface when it got shot, the computer irritated. i'm a nurse, here's the point. i'm just trying to make sure the size. i said with a child died less than an hour later. just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but the shining lights on the home of kings and bring danger. one on one east meets
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north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on algebra. all of latin america for most of my career, what no country is a like, and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the hello. this is the news our i'm several then a life from don't coming up in the program. this our trying to silence the messenger. it is really drone striking targets in the house. a 0 correspondence and a palestinian journalist and guys are leaving them critically wounded. the code red southern goes


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