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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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on the june list under attack and gaza intelligence era correspondence and the palestinian cameraman, had been critically wounded in n as riley tron striking. the hotel mccrae, this is hell. just hear a live from dow ha. also coming up because of the largest functioning health center is under a sage people trying to clean us the hospital side. that being funded by is ready for us as we told them to evacuate in northern garza and is really strong on a civilian vehicle, kills 6 people, including children and in the nation is a costing me a balance to the next president of the world's largest democracy. the
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for $130.00 days palestinian journalists and gals, i have not just documented israel's for that have paid the highest price for their work. on tuesday. i'll call you going to 0 correspondent as well. i'm a cameraman, i'm a tomato. a hit spine is really drawn, it happens just north of rafa. his mom has lost a leg and both men are in critical condition. been in smith begins coverage to meet the death and was this one off at the hospital, smile of omar and cameraman off. but my thoughts were reporting some con eunice in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss oz. from annie's ready drove. they've been reporting on the palestinians displaced between rough and con, you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come to the store and strikes is less than
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with catastrophic injuries. the, the last night to do is corresponding a smell of o roy, just to make sure to spill off the suffering severe injuries who's targeted by drone. we saw that the mirage area upon examination. his right leg was already said that in addition to shrapnel, who would across his chest and his head as well as his left leg, we suspect he's femoral, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse were not readable. this means he is in critical condition. of a tough a self, a truck moves to his head. those men are in a serious condition, according to doctor's, become a media office in gauze. i says it's the 5th time in this world journalist working founder 0. i've been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th,
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according to the government that it's made over on the, the 100 us but, and it's smith. alger 0 health is here is gabriella alexander. i'll see you in secretary general, was he thought of israel's for patients targeting of journalists and gaza. here's what antonia gutierrez, had to say. 2 more journalists were targeted this morning to more journalists were targeted this morning. and critical injury. troubled by the number of general is that they have been killed in discomfort free. the press is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere in the world. in con, eunice is really smart. this have killed 3 people in engine tinmore inside nessa
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hospital. it's the biggest hospital in southern gaza and has been besieged for weeks. there's really forces of told this place, people sheltering there to evacuate the premises, but they have come under fire when they try to do so. 500 patients and medical staff, a still believe to be inside teracon who is the room has moved from rossa and southern gaza. absolutely who roof exceeds have been uh, completely uh, circulating on social media platforms for the most submitted come complex, which is right now surrounded by is very military troops who are grouping who are trying to force evac, theresa and also medical teams along with the patients to flee from the inside of the departments of the hospitals. they have been sending different palestinian detainees being can cost to the hospital itself, informing people to flee from the hospital as they have been at their rates in their her rustic testimonies. what the, regarding what they have,
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what was happening for them in the detention and also the usability forces had been using different ability, but hope to drones with loud speakers with different information and instructions for the palestinians to fleet from place as soon as possible. because the situation might completely change in any time, and this is absolutely terrifying for the majority of people. but it's important to say that people inside the vicinity of the hospital cannot no longer move on to have a kind of form ability that because the is where the forces have destroyed, then no other engaged alongside with the walls of the hospital which imposed please significant threats for the, for the lights, a, this rattle has carried out a wave of the strikes on ross or in southern guys or in recent days, resulting in many casualties. and the fee is a could get with a solid binge of i'd reports motor tax on $1.00 of the few medically facilities in north because it after being besieged for months. and that's their
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house. but he was damaged by his really forces and some pods caught fire with each means generators at the hospital and have run out of fuel. as a result, those this everybody's ready attacks are also dying. there is little cutting, putting the advancing is really soldiers. instead of go hospitals, stop those seeking shelter and snipers get everyone who enters out the eventually they read the building and risk medical stuff. and doctors, those are being released to the torture health care like much else and garza has been decimated overnight. ambulance is the one speed israel fade of wounded liquid, short stuff, medical facilities that are overwhelmed, the patient and survivors down hard to find the details of the children. so i just talked to them, you'll be shot, my son, he's only 14 years old. he got
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a bullet like this one right into his chest. i don't believe he'll survive. my daughter's brain was blown out. i tried to comfort her before she died. israel says it's targeting homeless spite is enough or a city previously designated as a safe. so had a standing women and children say that's a lie on the sand. stone is really tongues have been showing us the front door and windows were destroyed and we were forced to take shelter in the staircase. we got ourselves together and came out waving a white flag is rarely sold. yours arrested my son into all the young men. they stripped off their clothes. we were given 2 minutes to leave the area. bullets and destruction is all that's left. and every day brings more emotional testimonies on the he is. and then in the middle of the night, i hear the sounds of helicopters fine digits, drones and miss all around. everyone was picture fine at that moment as they had no idea where to hide. when i heard a place close to my uncle's residence was head,
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i rushed there to check and found remains of human bodies all over the place. i could vaguely discern the bodies of children and one of those women and children make up. most of the 100000 palestinians, killed or wounded in his fields one, gaza survivors have been displaced multiple times to multiple sites. the ones will need to be attacked multiple times. the mailbox also do not allow a homes were bombed. we went to our homes and found that it was completely destroyed. the whole block was flat and we came to the school here and found that it was fun to try to find a place in the school. there was no place. we rested a tent and settled in it. each tent has at least 15 people in it got, as i said, just the military operation, the roof of the major military operation. but even the us president who provides unequivocal support, billions and aid, and many of the bombs being dropped and gaza, as admitted israel is getting civilians to many to many of the over 27000 policies
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killed in this conflict. having isn't civilians, children, biden's words don't match his actions, something allies within the a you have pointed out. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. as is where is water and gaza drugs on. there seems to be noise insight to the salvation bombing and kidding of palestinians, and no consequences for the perpetrators. some and javi other there. in the north of the strip 6 people including children were killed, find this riley s trying on a car in kansas city. and also al sharif visit besides, you know, moving some of the footage in his reports is distressing from the 4th and connected between the for so young i'm checking is when the forces talk it at a vehicle here at the out july into change north of gauze a city killing several people,
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most of them women and children. simon says this blood here is from the bombing that the, just the alexis i was in my call, which you can see over that loud explosion. then check the area. and we also got some in different directions. when we came back, we found a civilian call had been talking to this 5 or 6 bodies inside. we've managed to pull the mouth and pieces, including 2 babies. we found multiple offers on the ground. it is obvious throughout shopping dining. we found mill, currents and potatoes here. we pulled those babies all to pieces to babies. absolutely unfathomable. nobody imagined something like this could happen. and we pulled them off to pieces. and it's all happened without any warning who's of them? but i don't know about what actually does that have them. i'm still looking for body parts. we've already collected several pieces of the baby's bodies. they had biscuits, not weapons or anything of that sort. there. my god,
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i think about this is another massacre committed by the is released against the palestinian family. that was out looking for basic necessities is really war. planes targeted them and killed them on the spot on us to show you how does he all middle as well. video has image of a crowd, a northern guy. so trying to save a young boy's life off the he and his cousin was shot by his rarely soldiers. he'll just hear a has spoken to the victims, parents to find out what happened on that day. at the end of december, michael, apple has more. this was a mind. smiley, happy lives. the last good memories, his parents have of a son who was 3 and a half years old. as he was in the arms of his 20 year old cousin, how deal a medical student did university when they were gunned they lost moments or captured in this video. but there was
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a 3rd person within that day. can see they had been on the 10th team. i went to buy some treatment times with her deal and a month and we came under fire. we hit our neighbors house and stay there for an hour. once the shooting stopped, we left the house. how do you all handed me the bag of payment times and she carried him out into um, then we came on to fly again. i managed to run away, but had your shots and killed immediately emerge were still alive. neighbors using the buildings as cover from sniper fire. do what they can the desk being kicked up as the bullets continue to fly the most just people noticed he was still alive and tried to risk. the hell that was stick for him to grab onto. but he did not respond, who was looking at his cousin and refused to leave her alone. he then started
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moving a reach for the stake, so they shot, i killed him about 2 months since the shooting and the makeshift market. and you say fred, one in northern garza, is busy children no older than he might walk the streets. there's even has a lot of people don't know what. what makes us worse and more painful for us as the deals parents any mugs, mother is the son folded before our eyes without us being able to say good bye to our children. deals mother was unable to give her one last kiss. the neighbors took their bodies and buried them while the shooting was still ongoing. we couldn't say good bye towards children. harun waltz to the cemetery where they were hastily buried. it used to be the neighborhood football cuz there's no tombstone for them. but he's determined that the names will be known. i never forgot the mike level,
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which is 0. the director of the c i has met with the chief of most said in cairo if the tool is broken by both guitar, indigent officials, the discussions aimed at reaching a deal to release the captives. but the meeting ended without a clear breakthrough is riley media is reporting that serious disagreements remain on the salute reports from occupied east to jerusalem. so there is no progress made on this deal. and in fact is really media is reporting that even before the delegation went to cairo, the deal they had presented to these really prime minister that was made by his own security establishment, was rejected by him. and that he merely sent them to cairo to listen and not to respond to whatever deal hand this has put on the table. it's very interesting because these really is had severe red lines before going into these negotiations.
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these really prime minister reiterating for weeks that they will not be a release of thousands of palestinian prisoners from is really jails. and that there will not be an end to the war. and in fact, how mass, what they want is to see and, and to the war, a multi phase deal that would see the end of the salt on gaza at the end of it with these negotiations. we're not fruitful at all when it comes on the heels of unexpected invasion into the alpha for more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge there. so they're also disagreements within these really government itself. those who do want to see a deal to bring back the captives and those who are saying that nothing yahoo shouldn't have sent this delegation to cairo in the 1st place. so there are a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to getting a deal. but these really army has spoken tonight saying that even if there was
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a deal in place and there was a pause in the fighting, they would know how to resume fighting after that. so they would not only be planning for whatever time there would be a ceasefire. for but they would be planning for military operations after the fact, and they're saying that they haven't accomplished their military goals. and until that happens, the war on gaza will continue. but still a hit here on al jazeera, the turkish president just said to visit egypt for the 1st time since the country civil ties organs decade ago. the had a lie. there has been a very quiet story for south asia. it is a dry season, but we all seen the development of some cloud across northern parts of india. that's going to bring some fun, the storms to the likes of b hot and bin goal as well. we have got some watches out for those. some of that
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rain as well, edging across it's northern pots of bundle dish, and a bit of a wind to refill. continuing for parts of net port. and for time, you can see that rain starting to ease on thursday, dropping slightly further south before drawing up a legacy of cloud remains stretching across most central areas. but up in the north where we are seeing temperatures, where we expect them to be largely quiet picture, with lots of sunshine dominating across the southern areas of pockets done. and sunshine is the story for the south of india, was just some showers moving across for lanka into thursday as we move to east asia . the rain is set to develop a cross central pots of china once again. that's going to knock temperatures down dramatically. we have seen exceptional heat, so this time is yeah, because it, he's like beijing is what is shanghai. but you can see the development of that with the system and moving across the east china see it's bringing a winter. we mix to north korea some heavier rain in south korea is going to drop the temperature down in sold by thursday as the rain rolls in. that's your,
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with the ceiling. the sports like wrestling and boxing hit traditionally being of the limits to women. one on one a makes the female athletes wash them for the place and the ring on out to 0. in examining the impact of today's headlines, explore and abundance of well class program designed to inform. most of the things i despise. see the well, from a different perspective on al jazeera, the,
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you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of how top stories this how and just really try and strike has severely injured to gen, lives in the southern gaza. i'll just hear a correspondence and cameraman montague with hits just north of rafa. really 1500000 palestinians, a sheltering from is radiance, facts. and con, eunice is ready to knock. this of killed 3 people into 10 more inside nessa hospital. is there any forces of told despised people sheltering it to evacuate the premises, but they have come under fire when they try to do so. and the director of the c i has made with the chief of most said in colorado, the tax broken 5, both secretary and egyptian officials, the discussions i aimed at reaching a deal to release the captives to the meeting ended without a clear break through a to some other world news now and polls have opened and indonesia is presidential election. it's one of the largest votes in the world with more than 200000000
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people, able to take pos, opposed to show defense minister pro, so be on. so there's the favorites to replace the outgoing president ciocca with godaddy. but more on this, jessica washington is in the capital each account for us and just under the public sessions of uh, the recently opened to is there been any indication so far of what turn out might look like today of the? well, that's what i point stations only open to a short while ago, but certainly this is regarded as an historic moment for an agents democracy. more than 204000000 eligible voters, more than 800000 hauling centers around the country. more than $5000000.00 election workers and there is a sense of excitement around this period of time, full entities as democracy. certainly in the past, we've seen that turn out for elections is generally quite high. and there is a high degree of excitement from the indian asian population when it comes to choosing the next president. this is of course, the 1st time in more than
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a decade that indonesia will have a new president off as the presidency of ciocca window comes to an end. that has been some delays though, which may be hampering so to turn out in the early hours of the morning. there are some severe weather warnings in parts of the country. we did have a severe storm in chicago of nice and heavy rain continued into the morning that resulted in some delays in jakarta, also in central java and in pa, for some flooding in those areas as well, has affected the ability of election authorities to allow people to come and vote, they are working with authorities in those areas to ensure that people get to exercise their right to vote. but we do expect that turn out will be high. the population is generally quite excited about these selections. okay, thanks so much. just jessica washington for us there in chicago. but for more of this, we're going to go through a greek family who isn't mirrors as professor add us to our new national university and he specializes in institution politics. he joins us from camera now. thank you very much. for being here with us on l g 0. now as we who the pro is the front run
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that ends, it is more likely that it could go through a runoff between the top 2 candidates. is that how you see things playing out? the most of the reputable paul, when you're done in the last couple of weeks it's sean football, has about 52 percent. 60 want to see percent of above. if that's what trans buys to, guy will be able we find narrow. imagine, but he will. we do point out those polls have a arrow writing a $12.00 and a half percent roughly. so it's still possible to lose narrowly if it needs to narrow we, there will be, i suspect, a lot of scrutiny on the quality on the integrity of the election process. because people who feel a small number of vice large if i were contested on march, bring the validity, the election results in the question. so i'm sure which of officials are holding
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the ease a cli payment for holding these guys for most of the young. sorry. yeah, can you just explain some of the baggage that that he comes with and what sort of lead to he would likely be if he was to when he's a very complex the and we have elements he's background which shows that he is a very intellectually curious person, a very clever person, he can easily to shoot. and after the academic career when he was younger, but he chose to build the tray as a military commander. he was request um, extremely decisive, but also guilty of human rights abuses. he was the only general to ever be dishonorably discharged from univision, military and the haven't had a wrinkle, was as a military officer banking maverick since he's no trickery. yeah, he's trying disability in politics and all sort of business. and again,
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he's behavior has the exact times he used to be very autocratic. talk on the calendar leader and all the times he can be more measured and more thoughtful. well we, it has been the last so he strings the time that he's being the same to me, the stuff he's a much will now our version of football. he's really worked very hard to solve to music each. the question now tom use way of, uh that will be the proposal that we say easily. yeah. okay. so that's as, as you just mentioned to you, it's been a drug, overdose defense minister for the last several years. how much influence has what are head on this campaign? typically we use a single most important person not running. so office in these can pine cheese support for football and we must keep in mind, provo was last presidential but really nice. he's jacoby. he's only son. give brung
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to cody support for that. peter and your candidates has begun. critical fact that you call ease extraordinarily popular and an age. i'm more highly to same approval writings, closing by paul's and football. he's my beneficiary of that support . we know the mini bar, which is the mark your colleagues have trends. so there's lots to football was. so if he winced the guy that a major factor managed to lose it looks like uh, we have a lost griggs, they had that connection was great. that was great cuz they the, the mirrors is proficient at these treasury national university in camera. perform a tie, prime minister talk soon. you should've what is expected to be released from jail, the kingdoms justice minutes to announce that tax and was one of more than $900.00 inmates granted parole. the 64 year old had been sentenced to 8 years in prison,
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full abuse of power before royal pardon. reduced his jail time to just one year. tony chang reports from the capital, bangkok of the this is the police hospital in downtown bank that has been home for the last 6 months. the former time prime minister tax and shit, or was brought here on the night off the he returned to thailand, off the complaining of chest pains in high blood pressure. and his remained here ever since. on the day he was sentenced to 8 years in jail sentence. it was commuted by the king to a year. i don't choose the thailand. justin missed. justice minister said that because of his age of 74 and his medical condition, he's now eligible for a referral from this weekend. but what will be the terms of that of the release? we don't know yet, but the time media we're talking about the possibility he may be banned from leaving the country and have to what i didn't include bracelets for the key and the
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military. boom. boom. very acrimonious relationship with mister tex and may be very consent to him once again. take an active role in politics. but does he need to his prototype policy or in power, the prime minister to set out how he sent. his name's the date he returned. mister texan himself as of his own, the reason for wanting to come home defense is finally is close to his friends. tony chang, owl to 0. the republican lid house of representatives has voted to impeach the us homeland security secretary over. what they say is this by you to enforce border protection that the resolution is adopted. alejandro and they will cause is the 1st cabinet member to face impeachment in nearly 150 years. republicans are accusing him of mishandling a surge of an authorized migrant crossings at the us mexico border risk. they've
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reached an old time high and defend that. the president showed, pardon, has cooled the impeachment unconstitutional, and says the border issue has become a political game. is being an explosion in west and around which local official site was caused by a natural gas pipeline. boosting the videos taken near the city of the board for using show a mess of file with are these have comp the gas and find find has a working to put out the flames. the casualties have been proposed as focus on the 2 main political parties have agreed to form a coalition of to last week selection style to produce a decisive when a focus tons muslim league and focused on people's party. so the forged and alliance full of prime minister chavez, sherry will be the candidates to hit the next government and it's late and people have been injured off to police clash with protesters and naples. demonstrations
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were held outside. one of the national board cost rise studios with a criticized support of israel violence and broke out when police dos. it isn't protested with fastens with turkish president richard. type at one is shields to arrive in colorado. on wednesday, it's his 1st trip to egypt in more than a decade. the 2 countries are looking to revive cooperation of to having civic diplomatic relations and 2013 top of the agenda is expected to be as well as for on gossip some co c o 2 reports from a sample for a brief meeting, but a highly publicized handshake in 2022 in the hot and the one on the one on the sidelines. all these logic are up summit in for y'all, a year later. we're the turning point. oh, the decade loan break in ties between took it an h. it flip in is it during his visit to cairo and turkish president george up safe hours on is scheduled to meet his egyptian counterpart of the foot of stacy topics. are expected to include the
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warm garza, the economy, and defense. what's the holdup or leverage and they are literally filled or they read the restaurants and those you you can't ignore it. keeps important in the ad world who took is foreign policy has become more realistic in the past 3 years. balance and supports are highlighted. our current situation requires us to acknowledge and live with reality. but on monday, i'm, it relates to the top rated after a coup in 2013 the military over through mohammed, mercy egypt for civilian president and the ally of turk. yet in libya, the 2 countries have supported rival government in 2000. 192 kids signed a maritime deal with libya and going egypt, which shares alone. border normalization however, came with a condition they junction off of.


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