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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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unless the falls on ashes the shore off its economy. counting the cost on al jazeera, the journalists under attack, and gaza, a cameraman engine, algio correspondents have been critically wounded and is ready to go on strike. the homeowners were put on them and this is out of your live hum to ha, also coming up, southern causes largest health center. i'm to see people trying to flee nasir hospital. so they being fired at by his races, who told them to evacuate pounds to the end of the occupied westbank tell lounges 0 about living under the scratch of a tax buys rainy settlers and the selection day in indonesia and millions. a cost of a balance. well, the next president of the was the largest democracy for
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$130.00 days palestinian johnson gaza, having just documented israel's will, but have paid the highest price for their work. and on tuesday, our colleagues onto the a correspondent as mine, of omar and cameraman, when martha will hit fine is really drawn and it happens just north of golfer is live, has lost a leg. both men are in critical condition. then smith begins coverage to meet the decimals. this one also to postpone the smile of omar and come on off. but my thoughts were reporting some con, units in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss austin from in his rate he drove. they've been reporting on the palestinians displaced between rough and con, you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come to the store. the drone structure is less than
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with catastrophic injuries. out to do is corresponding east male, a real life to, to make shift hospital off to suffering severe injuries. who's targeted by drone. we saw at the mirage area upon examination. his right leg was already said that in addition to shrapnel, who would across his chest and his head as well as his left leg, we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point, a blood pressure and pulse with not readable. this means he is in critical condition. of a tough a self, a truck moves to his head. those men are in a serious condition, according to the doctors become a media office in gauze. i says it's the 5th time in this will that june list working filed your 0 a been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th,
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according to the government, the state of walmart. but that's what gives you notice. but, and it's smith, alger 0 and all 0 has released a release. the statement following the attack, it is cooling at the latest and a series of deliberate target angles the allergy. it was journalist, i'm correspondence in palace time. the network stresses that this is intimidation against jenna this to prevent them from proportion on the heinous crimes, commissioned by the occupation army against innocent civilians and gaza. all just the ever news at school on the international community and media freedom groups to take immediate action to protect the journalist in gaza and hold israel's occupation accountable. and corresponding to gabriel. and he's on the off the un secretary general, but he, for just as rails repeated targeting of journalists and gaza is what annoying quoterush had to say. the 2 more journalists were targeted this morning to more
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journalists were targeted this morning and, and critical insured by the number of general is that they've been killed in this conflict for them. but this is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere. and i'm calling you this is riley sliders. have co 3 people in engine 10 inside nasir hospital. the biggest hospital in the southern gaza has been besieged for weeks. is there any forces have told displace palestinians children that to evacuate, but they've come on the file when they've tried to do so. 500 patients and medical stuff. i still believe to be inside that a couple of them has moved from alpha and southern gaza. the absolutely who rustic scenes have been uh, completely uh,
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circulating on social media platforms for the most submitted come complex, which is right now surrounded by is very military troops who are grouping, who are trying to force evacuees and also medical teams along with the patients to flee from the inside of the departments of the hospital, the have been sending different palestinian detainees being can cost to the hospital itself, informing people to flee from the hospital as they have been at their rates in their her rustic testimony is what the, regarding what they have what was happening for them in the detention and also the usability forces had been using different military cope to drones with loud speakers, with different information and instructions for the palestinians to fleet from the place as soon as possible. because the situation might completely change in any time. and this is absolutely terrifying for the majority of people. but it's important to say that people inside the vicinity of the hospice and cannot no
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longer move on to have a kind of full ability that because the is where the forces have destroyed the another engaged alongside with the rules of the hospital which imposed please significant threats for the, for the lives video has the most of a crowd in northern garza trying to save a young boy's life off to he and his cousin was shocked by is ready soldiers. i was a 0, spoke to the victims pounds to find out what happened on that day. at the end of december, michael, apple has more. this was a mind. smiley, happy lives. the last good memories, his parents have of a son who was 3 and a half years old, as he was in the arms of his 20 year old cousin. how deal a medical student did university when they were gunned they lost moments or captured in this video. but there was
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a 3rd person within that day. can see that yeah, been on the 17th. i went to buy some treatment times with her deal and a month and we came under fire. we hit our neighbors house and stay there for an hour. once the shooting stopped, we left the house. how do you all handed me the bag of human times and she carried imagine her arms. then we came on to fly again. i managed to run away, but had your shots and killed immediately emerge was still alive. neighbors using the buildings as cover from sniper fire. do what they can the desk being kicked up as the bullets continued to fly the most just people noticed who was still alive and tried to rescue the hell that was stick for him to grab onto. but he did not respond, who was looking at his cousin and refused to leave her alone. he then started moving a reach for the stake, so they shot,
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i killed him about 2 months since the shooting and the makeshift market. and you say fred, one in northern garza, is busy children no older than he might walk the streets. there's even hassle. people don't know what, what makes us worse and more painful for us as the deals parents any mugs mother is the son folded before our eyes without us being able to say good bye to our children. deals mother was unable to give her one last kiss. the neighbors took their bodies and buried them while the shooting was still ongoing. we couldn't say good bye towards children. haroun walks to the cemetery where they were hastily buried. it used to be the neighborhoods, football, cuz there's no tombstone for them. but he's determined that the names will be known. i never forgot the mike level,
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which is 0 is rarely false. us have killed a 20 year old man and called kenya and the occupied westbank. well, how much of these? how soon was shaw from the head chest and shoulders? the palestinian by present said the is rarely ami stopped him from treating him. as one has robbed office res, across the occupied westbank since the long gauze of again, maybe 400 palestinians have been killed there since october the 7th. as follows, as the license country to impose sanctions against is riley settlers accused of attacking palestinians in the occupied westbank 28 people are being banned from entering funds. settler tax often take place with as rarely security forces standing by joining in child stratford reports from my job in the occupied westbank . she had it nice guards. he's heard the goats, so he's families main source of income and he's worried these really settlers will
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come back and take them away. she had lives in this policy and even better when community, which has been here for 50 years. it's surrounded by illegal and expanding his rarity settlements. the began appearing in the 1980s. he says the settlers recently forced him to pay a fine of 850000 shekels about $40000.00 because they said his goats, it's straight on to the land land that according to international law, is not. this is as a bonus, it was about 7 30 in the morning. i took my sheep degrades, and a nearby area that i always go to. suddenly, settlers with protection of israeli soldiers attacked us and confiscated the animals. they threatened us and said, either we paid or they would take the cheaper way. since the 7th of october, settlers are trying to kick us out more than ever before. we go to speak to the
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settlement counsel. we are not allowed in an officer repeated phone calls, a told to email the councils lawyer at detailing the case to the betterment of the occupied westbank have lived here for centuries. members of one community tell us some of the attacks in stock saft, being laid by this man is all sub lives in the legal, secular outposts close by. the pulse is in his cause. we woke, accompanied by his way, the human rights activists to what we have told is another set of with gods. many of the better we living in this area has either that gods killed, or in some instances, their entire herds confiscated. we come down to speak to it. it is right in the settler who has a herd of gods in the valley. behind me. many of the settlers all the better and tell us that many of them have either the implicit or the actual practical support
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of these really all me in this area. the young on, on set to looks nervous and refuses to answer all questions about. so home, what uses from inside each call, which is pump from a nearby hill. excuse me, a few minutes later he knows us as we try to fly came down slowly, slowly they closing on them and the air for the sound that few familiar already left. so it's quiet terror, but it's been fair. the settlement councils light reply to i. e mail, said you had broken the law by allowing his goats to stray. thought there was no mention of the fact the animals had roamed on to land occupied illegally by israel . according to international charles stuff, without your 0 motto shot. and he goes to pipe westbank on the heads of the
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american and his writing intelligence agencies of measuring cairo's adults broken by egyptian and country officials, the discussions and that reaching a deal to end the war on gossip. but the meeting ended without a clear breakthrough. is there any media is reporting that serious disagreements remain home the salt reports from occupied east jerusalem? there is no progress made on this deal. and in fact is really media is reporting that even before the delegation went to cairo, the deal they had presented to these really prime minister that was made by his own security establishment, was rejected by him. and that he merely sent them to cairo to listen and not to respond to whatever deal hand this has put on the table. it's very interesting because these really is had severe red lines before going into these negotiations. these really prime minister reiterating for weeks that they will not be a release of thousands of palestinian prisoners from is really jails. and that
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there will not be an end to the war. and in fact, how may i ask, what they want is to see and, and to the war, a multi phase deal that would see the end of the salt on gaza at the end of it with these negotiations, were not fruitful at all when it comes on the heels of an expected invasion into the alpha for more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge there. so they're also disagreements within the is really government itself. those who do want to see a deal to bring back the captives and those who are saying that nothing yahoo shouldn't have sent this delegation to cairo in the 1st place. so there are a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to getting a deal. but these really army has spoken tonight saying that even if there was a deal in place and there was a pause in the fighting, they would know how to resume fighting after that. so they would not only be planning for whatever time there would be
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a ceasefire. for but they would be planning for military operations after the fact, and they're saying that they haven't accomplished their military goals. and until that happens, the war on gaza will continue to the head on our 0, the turkish president, to set to visit agents for the 1st time since the country's 7th ties ruling and decorated the the hello that was not in the middle east and a valid reason is a very unsettled weather. move across the gulf, bringing some heavy rain to the likes of katasha as well as the u. a and or money that cost flooding in oman, that heavy rain. we have got some bits and pieces of rain remaining around this region, but it is looking a little bit dry on wednesday. instead, we're going to see the unsettled conditions pickup across the move of the region.
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thanks. is like a turkey pulling down into the event. it's going to get a lot colder here over the next few days, with the development of some very blustery winds, moving across iraq, some very heavy rain floating to the north of baghdad. we could see flooding from that and remains largely on several flat north east corner of africa with mountain the way of strong the winds, blowing down libya, pushing into egypt as well with rain here in this. and it'll get cooler for the north west. as a weather system stops to move its way into egypt, we'll see temperatures coming down here. and when is the story across the moving parts of africa? it's about dry us. so we all seen that's a hard dust being kicked out to west water heat around southern parts of africa. still west stretching from angola through to madagascar. lots of heat which it has but, but a cool a feel to take town on thursday. the
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. this is the 1st genocide this we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what challenges the over me, it is a put on and does a reminder of,
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on top stories to sell. and it's really drawn strong because severely injured to journalists and southern gaza hours a 0 correspondent as mine. i'm a whole lot and cameron that was not that was it just smells and stuff. but when 81500000 palestinians of sheltering is riley slices, have killed 3 people, them into 10 and 5 gods is nasir hospital is very full. since i've told this place, people shall twin beds infatuated, but they've come on the fire when they've tried to do so. and the heads of the american and as really intelligence agencies have met in cairo as adults broken by country and egypt and officials. but the amazing ended without succeed at breaks for the republican lead house of representatives has voted to impeach the us homeland security. secretary of what they say is his failure to enforce border protection that the resolution is adopted. alejandro my own past as the 1st
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cabinet member to be impeached and needing 150 years. republicans were choosing him of mishandling the search of unauthorized life in crossings at the us mexico border arrest. they have reached an all time high in december. president joe biden has called the impeachment unconstitutional, and says, the issue has become a political quick game create. what we're saying is underway and indonesia is presidential election, and that is one of the largest votes and the world with more than 200000000 people able to take part opinion polls have shown defense minister proposal. biando is the favorite to replace the outgoing president of georgia over dodo. well, let's go to uh, entities, a correspondent, jessica washington. she's joining us live from the capital to casa made of the launch a number of eligible voters. but how's the tune up being jessica? that's exactly right, lives more than 204000000 invasions eligible to vote at this stage. it is too early to assess. a ton of voting is, of course still underway in most of the country. we understand that an eastern
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anesthesia holes have already closed, but to take a look at some of the issues behind the selection, the candidates who could be the next president of each of these. or i'd like to bring in my guess the vote tobias and about a suitcase, but thank you for, for joining us today. this is the 3rd time that president, that troubles to be unfair is running for the presidency. what has changed this time that has. ringback him as the front runner of the selection. uh, the biggest factor is of course the incumbent president job, but we don't support for a tentative trouble because this are the 2 main rivals in the past 2 elections. so that's a big factor that technically doubles actually uh, trouble with chances in winning this election. how confident comfortable is to be on to be that he will be the next president of entities. because of course, there is still the possibility that there might be a run off in june. there is a small potential chance for a run off, but i think the default is probably when is quite
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a given at this stage. because of course, the support from presidential good we do, and the issue is the debates that has been going on so far has been fired to conceptual the problems that a lot of civil society critique. so again, against how the 10 digit pebbles camp is, has managed to get a this far is way to conceptual and the, some popularity reading of the current president and a feeling of the public of a convenient situation within the country. i think creates a much more strong inertia in a moment, them to go with the status school and to continue governance as it is. we know that, of course, the running mates also play a huge role in this, and for those to be on those running made is don't go with those eldest son. how much does that contribute to, to the success that he appears to be having with this campaign? of course uh it would be uh there is us a criticism of lack of experience from
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a couple of mean uh the presidents, uh, eldest son. but the fact that he is a 5 presidents in the trouble with tickets automatically defaults. triple wasteful support flow. oh wait on trouble. so it has, i think, although the president has never formally endorse trouble, is that an extra can do that. but that has a, by default also made a voice full endorsement and fluid political capital behind trouble. can you explain some of the contexts to our audience? because of course, you know, 10 years ago the situation would, would seem unbelievable to most indonesians, that to call we appears to be backing the man who was his political rival. how. how does this come about? yeah, that's where it's quite a turn of somebody fayetteville would say. and now it's uh like their times a charm for trouble. and this are running, which i think is a matter of something that happened to the due to the problem within the political
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party system within indonesia to hawaii, who has been a popular president and his current incumbent party. the ip, which is the largest party in parliament, but he does not have a much c and it was within the party pens. that's why we see a joke. are we wanting to establish this legacy? and he wants to uh, continue to have to car out his own legacy within, within both the government and with this to the future. and that's why we see now in the alliance between these 2 bits are rifles from the previous election. thank you so much device to buy a special key political analyst. they have breaking down some of the issues here. of course, the key factor in this selection is the decoy effect. will it be enough for, for those to be on to, to be associated with the current very popular president to be running alongside his son will that popularity boost that he gets from that association with the very popular president be enough to get him across the 50 percent threshold to avoid a potential runnels engine. jessica,
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thank you very much for that. that's indonesia correspondent, jessica washington live in chickasha pockets. funds that 2 main political parties have agreed to form a coalition off to last week. selection failed to produce a decisive when a bach hassan was the league and pockets on people's parties. so the for the alliance from a prime minister shaped by should a full be the candidate to head the next government. so he's president georgia, 5 edible on the scheduled to arrive in kyra on wednesday, his 1st trip to egypt and move in this decade. the 2 countries are looking to revive cooperation off to several different magic relations and 2013. so then we will see all the reports from assembled. a brief meeting, but a highly publicized handshake in 2022 in the hot and the one on the one on the sidelines. all these logic are up summit in very out a year later. we're the turning point. oh, the decade loan break in ties between to get an h it hip in,
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is it during his visit to cairo and turkish president george of safe hours on is scheduled to meet his egyptian counterpart of the foot of stacy topics. are expected to include the warm garza, the economy, and defense, a whistle hold up or leverage and they get all the shell symbols you. you can't ignore egypt. importance in the app world to turkish foreign policy has become more realistic in the past 3 years. balance and supports are highlighted, our current situation requires us to acknowledge and live with reality. but the money, how many relates to the total weight it after a coup in 2000 the military, over 3, muhammad mercy egypt for civilian presidents and an ally of turk. yet in libya, the 2 countries have supported rival government in 2019 to k, assigned a maritime deal with libya and going egypt,
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which shares alone. border normalization however, came with a condition. they gyptian opposition, specifically the muslim brotherhood and it's affiliated media based and took you have to be toned down, get our meaning here. what are the kind of a condition between the 2 countries and the impact of, of an organization between turkey and egypt eh, on the situation of looking for the existence ends and assembled. i think it is limited to that and use the activity of the connectivity that me appeared as something against the edge of sheehan him. but it didn't reach to the live in that with 3 can be of a safety, for example, or a to force of input of uh, a country slopes in 2021, played a major role in the normalization of ties. despite the political stand of trade
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between the 2 countries continued reaching 10000000 dollars last year from an annual average of 4 building after the military coup in 2013 on colorado has also like route to supply kind of withdraws a sign of mutual trust. first and so i don't visit the car or saying i was the culmination of the 2 countries. normalization things are expected to move quickly from here. what is not clear is whether the corporation to the level or whether the 2 leaders will go a step further and form a new regional alliance. to non custodial elders are assembled, us targeting and state. and to me blinking has very serious concerns about the political situation and set a goal and is urging president monkey solved to restore the electrical calendar. last week solve postponed, upcoming election, sparking widespread on rest and violent confrontations between police and protest is looking. this hawk has moved from the call with auctions of band to rally
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against the election today. were in the neighborhood where there was supposed to be a peaceful, solely demonstration against president and solve the decision to delay the presidential elections. but look at it now. what we see are dozens of right police battalions patrolling the streets. we've been asked twice to start filming, or to raise our portage. the organizers of the march, say the demonstrations against president mike himself will go ahead at a later date. meanwhile, the authorities have switched off mobile internet or rather suspended it say that the internet is being used to spread hateful or device of messages. of course, he's got in confidence kicked into something right of the people of choosing the president, mike the style that has led to the country to an impass. the united nations office
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for human rights has called for a full investigation over police violence that led to the death of 3 demonstrators . meanwhile, the regional body eco was, has sent a mediation team to set a goal, to bring an end to the political crisis key. to our declare, ition is that of asking for come on the screen to avoid using any form of this cause that will lead to violence. agreed patients in the country while the west african body echo all spears that the instability in what is normally known as the most stable democracies. the region could have a domino effect in the region. and present lucky cell says this is a political crisis that will be resolved domestically on wednesday. he is holding a cabinet meeting where there will be announcements made to appease this crisis.
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he's calling on a national dialogue. nicholas hawk, the elder 0, the car. north korea has fine multiple cruise missiles into the sea. this, according to the south korean military, the missiles were reportedly launched from the east coast base of one sullen and the 5th weapons test. this year, john young has taken a hospice. the ons, again, south korea wall fostering close to relations with moscow. and a group of russian tourists of the 1st visit has to venture into north korea since the pen demik. in this ken reports a smooth glide down a powdery slope at marching on ski resort. in north korea, people apparently new to the sports, giving alpine skiing a tri. among them our russian youngsters making up a part of the 1st known group of ford taurus inside the state. since it recently reopened its border on the chart itself, wording, we locked it right slots. each traveler paid $750.00 us dollars for


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