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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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the out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. the under fire and under siege of southern gas as largest medical facility. people try to free and also hospitals say, is rarely snipers or targeting up the plumber about this. and this is all just a live from dell hom, also coming off a camera mine and. and obviously the correspondents are in critical condition and hospital officer. they were injured and it is really drawn, strikes me, a rasa is ready for us, is get ready to demolish the home of a palestinian active as to an occupied east. jerusalem and vote counting has started in indonesia, where millions costs are balance for the next. present the the
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we're going to beginning, garza was the largest medical facility and the southern city of con eunice is under siege is rarely snipers have killed at least 3 people and injured 10 inside naso hospital after this telling displaced palestinians sheltering in the complex to leave but when people try to flee, they came under fire 500 people, including patients and medical stuff i still believe to be inside palestinian journalists are continuing to pay the highest price simply for doing their job. i'll just eat a correspondent, a smell of walmart, and cameron, i'm on, i'm on the bottom of the critical condition in hospital. they were injured and is really drunk strike on tuesday. meanwhile, some palestinians are trying to leave off i, in southern guns or after is really air strikes. at least 1500000 people are crammed into the city on the border with egypt. they say,
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there's nowhere left to run on corresponding honey mach more. just joining us live from rough in the southern guys, i think there's more international pressure being brought as the concern, particularly about the incidents going on at nasa hospital. the yes, well nozzler hospital at this point is experiencing get. ringback very, very difficult situations. the not only were we're seeing people trapped inside the hospital, particularly those of been wounded since the beginning of the door being raised to receiving treatment in the hospital, but also the uh, the civilians and the uh, the displays. families have been sold during inside the facilities of the hospital since the beginning of the war. in addition to about a 300 medical staff, along with their family members, simply because they have no elsewhere to go. this craft huge at the silver and then
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other than the facility of the hospital, the entire city of tanya and is turned into a dangerous combat zone with dense and presence of attack of drawings and snipers surrounding the vicinity of the hospitals of within the past few days this is particularly de tnc. 1 the hospital under military c, z is really military with it. those are an or tell or and times just for those days surrounding of the hospital destroying all roads leading to the main gets of the hospital blocking the northern gate with height of revels. insensitive point is not possible for people if they want to leave or they ask if they are asked, evacuated to, to take the northern gate. the other gates is controlled by these really a military as they are the presence of times near these 3 gates of the hospital. the snipers, a shooting, get people inside a. the whole facility is either whether the, the medical, a sap or evacuated inside the hospital. within the past few days, medical staff,
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a doctor and a nurse were shot dead as well as they were doing their jobs. they're also a evacuated were shot dead inside the courtyard. of the hospital by the attack of drones and by the sniper, there's so far the 3 bodies in the courtyard of the hospital with 10 more injuries as was now those are being killed, a been identified as being killed by the sniper. but those are bidding critically injured by the sniper inside the hospital. there's a risk of losing their life. as i see you is not operational, as well as the operation rooms are not a function of right now due to a power outage and the lack of fuel do get to power to run the generators do in generate electricity. there's also the flood, the sewage of flood, as the drainage system is completely a out of service, just the flooding parts of the of the hospital. now, despite all the pressure uh, by international organization, man, by the united nations,
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do it save the hospitalization. really, military is still continuing the military disease and demanding days back away. should've everybody in the hospital under heavy coverage of the machine guns as well as a target drones. i mean, i mentioned that you run rough. i'm, as we've been talking about before the, about a one and a half 1000000 people who are crammed into that phase, which is white, up against the border with egypt just took us through the conditions in rough at the moment. as well as of this bowman, there is a growing sense of desperation and depression across the city with more than half of the population squeezed into a small part of the gaza strip of struggling daily to find drinking water and food supplies. that on top of that, the complete a completely shattered sense of safety and security as the intense bombing campaign
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. good. continue within the past 2 days. it but just i must say, it has been relatively a quiet since midnight were talking about within the past 810 hours a. there hasn't been any major incident going on other than the sound of the explosion of the eastern part of the city within the earlier hours of today. but for a lot of people, and this is the call before the storm as the still hear about the negotiations going on in cairo for a possible d as a, a, a ceasefire and release of hostages. and in, due to all acts of war, people are still hopeful, but at the same time, they are desperate. they are depressed because we are very close to the 5th month of the, of this war going on. and it has seeking in. it's telling them at all levels, the vast majority of people who survived the horrors in the northern part in gauze and more recently from han, eunice,
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and find themselves right now in line of fires. as more threats are growing within the really military and its political leadership of expanding the ground invasion and throughout the city, just speak and everyone at a state of panic and mounting feet are right now. how do you thank you very much indeed, honey mama talking to us from rough in the home of a published any amount unoccupied east jerusalem is expected to be demolished by is really forces on why the state in still one district is there any soldiers are currently at the home and almost on neighborhood fokker o job is a public standing and active as twos campaigned against illegal jewish settlements . and the occupied was by rory challenges in the occupied east jerusalem. the last time we spoke to rory, um you, in the teams were being moved away from the entrance to, to the whole, the house, which is going to be tomorrow as to what's been happening. yeah, this is a probably, since we're able to get now. so if i for you, i've been to your apps house, as you can see behind me still
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a very heavy military presence, a police presence here, i should say we a being kept away from that because that i want us to see what is going on. right now, if i can tell you exactly what is going on right now and can maybe here, but there is a sound of a jack hammer that jack come or is attached to a digger. and i'll just manage to get a peek goes down in the hallway behind me. of the house as it is right now, being demolished brick by brick. now, this house, as he mentioned there, up in the annual introduction that belongs to a free of the who is a campaign. and what does he campaign against? he campaigns against exactly what is happening now. the demolition of the palestinian homes in an area that's the is righty. municipalities designates as being knots full construction that for any house that was built to be on. and i think 1976 is pretty much a legal doesn't have the permissions to be here. but you can see how heavily built
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up this place is display. so the is ready all sorts. he's wants to turn into a st. paul, a biblical theme parks, the city of david theme parks. and that is the reason why they say that the house is a bang to monitor really just give us a little bit of background if you can, because we've seen obviously how is it being demolished in situations like you have described where the is really authorities deem them to be illegal, but also we have seen in the past how homes which are demolished and as a punishment exercise as well. just tell us a little bit about how this goes on as me. yeah, i mean there are, there are myriad reasons why some policy heightens end up being knocked down. they can be knocked down because they are in securities items that are being set out by these ready ministry. now those security tightens might be surrounding settler homeless. that is ready to move into pot assuming areas and build that homes,
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which are any good ones. renters names national low, but so the honda is right and you know, they are more legal than the palestinian homes that they replace the old you know, you might have a situation where as i've just described foot, what's going on here? the is right. the government wants to build something municipal like a theme park or an expanded national park. that kind of thing. yeah, there are organizations is ready, organizations and joe is that uh uh, they championing the palestinians cause trying to prevent these international keeping rights violations like them up there up the campaign and say, hey, do it. you're trying to do exactly that. so they've been competing against the demolition of the feel free up or do you have the house since 2005? clearly they have run out of right. you don't home that one. but they say that the boy in the gaza has seen rapid optic in the uh, the number of developments and plans for secular homes
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on products in the land that are being fast tracked. so that might even foss tracked by the governments. because i think that it's politically expedient for them to do so right now. we're all really thank you very much. and these roaring challenges, talking to us from multi by the services for the 130 days palestinian journalists and guys, i have documented israel's war. some have paid the highest price for their work on tuesday, our colleague, i'll just need a correspondent is available on them as well as coming up on the bottom and hit fine is really drawn strike may have happened just north of rafa. israel has lost a leg done in smith's reports, payments on the decimals, this one off at the par, splendid smile of omar, and come on off with my job. we're reporting some con eunice in the southern gaza strip before they were hit by miss austin from and he's really drove, they've been reporting on the palestinians, displaced between rough and calling. you know, i mean, it's like to say we could come the story around strikes is less than
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with catastrophic injuries out to do is corresponding, a smile at, oh, really does. it makes you feel spill of to suffering severe injury who's targeted by drone. we saw that the mirage area upon examination, his right leg was already said that in addition to shrapnel who would across his chest and his head as well as his left leg. we suspect his memo, all 3 was cut off at the bottom of his leg. he was given 1st aid and then transferred here to the european hospital. he was bleeding heavily to the point that his blood pressure and pulse would not readable. this means he is in critical condition. of a toss a stuff, a truck moves to his head. those men are in a serious condition, according to the doctors. the government media office in gaza says is the 5th time in this world journalist working for alger 0. i've been singled out. it says they will deliberately targeted in violation of international law. at least
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a $126.00 to at least have been killed in gaza since october the 7th, according to the government, the state of omar, but also gives you notice, but, and it's smith, alger 0. all the data has released the stipend, following the attack. it's calling this the latest in a series of deliberate targeting of all, just as journalists and correspondents in palestine. and that works try says that this is intimidation against journalist and prevent them from reporting the heinous crimes committed by the occupational army against innocent civilians. in garza, i'll just say it renews. it's called on the international community and media freedom groups to take immediate action to protect the journalists in gaza and hold israel's occupational army accountable correspondence. gabriel, alexander oscar un secretary general antonio could tell us what he thought of israel's repeated targeting of journalists in gaza. 2 more journalists were targeted this morning to more journalists were targeted this morning. and critical
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injury by the number of general is that they have been killed in discomfort free. the press is a fundamental condition for people to be able to know what's really happening everywhere in the world. is there any forces have killed a 20 year old mountain cal too yet and the occupied west bank? well, how much shelby, of course, on which shows in the head, the chest and shoulders, the palestinian red crescent says be, is really ami prevented medics from treating him. israel's intensified as ways across the occupied westbank since his water and gauze have begun. more than $7000.00 palestinians are being detained there since october. the 7th. this is really south of islands has also increased even though attacks on palestinians to
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be happening for decades. they're now sparking international condemnation and legal action funds has the latest country off to the us and the u. k. to sanction surfers have committed all conspired to commit acts of violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank at least $527.00 violent south of attack since october. the 7th often is ready. soldiers are present, protecting the settlers signed even joining in. charles dropped reports from the village of modul guys, lots me. i just had a cold in the occupied westbank. do you had a dice god's? he's heard the goat say he's families main source of income and he's worried these really settlers will come back and take them away. you had lives in this policy and even better when community, which has been here for 50 years. it's surrounded by illegal and expanding these ready settlements that began appearing in the 1980s. he says the settlers recently
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forced him to pay a fine of 850000 shekels about $40000.00 because they said his goats, it's straight onto the land land. that according to international law, is not. this is as a bonus, it was about 7 30 in the morning. i took my sheep degrades the nearby area that i always go to. suddenly, settlers with protection of israeli soldiers attacked us and confiscated the animals. they threatened us and said, either we paid or they would take the sheep away. since the 7th of october, settlers are trying to kick us out more than ever before. we go to speak to the settlement council. we are not allowed in an officer repeated phone calls, a told to email the councils lawyer at detailing the case to the betterment of the occupied westbank have lived here for centuries. members of one community tell us
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some of the attacks in stock saft, being led by this man is all sub lives in the legal, secular outposts close by all the pulses as in his cause. we woke, accompanied by his rate of human rights activists to what we are told is another set of with gods. many of the better we living in this area has either that gods killed, or in some instances, their entire herds confiscated. we come down to speak to him, and he's right in the settler who has a herd of gods in the valley, behind me. many of the settlers on and the better and tell us that many of them have either the implicit or the actual practical support of these, right. the army in this area, the young on, on set to looks nervous and refuses to answer all questions about. so home, what jesus from inside his call, which he's pump from a nearby hill. oh,
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excuse me. a few minutes later he knows us as we try to fly came down slowly, slowly they closing on them and the air for the sound. the few familiar already left, so it's quiet terror. but it's the terror. the settlement council's lawyer replied to i. e mail said you had broken the law by allowing his goats to stray, but there was no mention of the fact the animals had roamed onto the land, occupied illegally by israel, according to international cha. stuff of houses here, a lot of his shot. and he goes to the park, west bank, a sort of head, and i'll just say to the turkish president is sent to visit egypt for the 1st time since the country severed ties more than a decade ago. the
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had a lot of the let's get to where the full cost for europe on valentine's day and beyond . and love may be in yet, but it also be quite a bit of rain and some gusty winds in places, but you being given the gift of loss. and he settled whether, certainly in the south, lots of rooms coming through an area of high pressure taking hold here some more in the way of sunshine coming in for places like southern fronts across indeed as well . some rain affecting southern pots of grease and wet and wednesday, wintery weather is the story full takia. we've also got that rain running across ukraine, heavy snow, affecting west in pots of russia and some blustery wins across the baltic states. it was a go into thursday. you can see the snow is starting to pile into southern parts of no way and the rounds of rain taking hold of versus the island of island, but a large, deep, mild feel here. some weather as well. stretching into the west of fronds pulling into spain and portugal started very wet to day here on thursday. but in terms of
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temperature, well the above average for this time, if you had lots of room sweeping and see if you're in potential or the temperature will come down here in the days ahead. but instead they'll be picking up across central parts of europe. have a look at germany, the berlin, seeing lots of rooms, but a cloudy situation till friday. the unique perspective on and the but don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on heard voices of the patients. please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable. the stream on out to 0 the
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what you know, just need a reminder about told stories this. so you people sheltering inside solving guys as big as medical center have been shot dead by snipers with another time when the doctor is ready for his jump, comforts ordering. hundreds to sleep. 500 patients and medical staff is still believe to be inside you in chief antonia vitalia is, has condemned and is really drawn to tack on to journalists and gaza. i'll just need a correspondent, a smell i move on. i'm coming up on. i'm on motto, we're critically injured, just north of ross, home of a palestinian activist, unoccupied east jerusalem is expected to be demolished by his really forces.
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soldiers are currently at the home. and so one district fox rate, i will be off campaigns against illegal jewish settlements. but kind of thing has started in indonesia as a country choose. it's next presidents more than 200000000 people have been eligible to vote in biden springs election. defense minister probably bianco, is the favorite to replace outgoing president joe for without the but he remains a controversial figure in the capital chicata severe flooding. his disrupted voting in some areas. election stuff carry bonnet boxes high above their heads, while wading through the waters to keep the ballad papers. dr. jessica washington's injured casa, actually spoke to seth, sort of a from s n. s analytic about voter turnout. and despite the severe weather that we experienced earlier this morning, it does seem that the tunnels has remained high and it agents generally are quite enthusiastic when it comes to elections. i've seen in the elections costs that turn out is, is generally quite high. but let's talk about the numbers,
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the data i'd like to bring in some sort of ug who, who joins me now from s and s analytics. seth, thank you for joining us today. so let's talk about some of the, the early numbers, the, some of the exit polls that we're seeing what, what are the early indications that you'll see? so the early indications are the turnout is very high coming into this race. the proposed team in particular, needed to get good turn out, and that's because most of their supporters are younger voters. and in fact they have overwhelming support among younger voters. so a win for them today looks like a situation where young people turn out ideally more than older people, but at least as much as older people. and that's because there are a lot more young people in this selection, then in any previous selection. so if turn out is even normal, that's a very good day for proposal. and signs are the turnout has in fact, been norm, obviously for both of you onto has run for president twice before. this is his 3rd time running. what appears to be going right for him this time around. this time
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around, he's built on strengths. he already had, he came in from the beginning with almost universal name recognition. thanks to running twice before. but this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsement from president job going a duplicate sounds. major political parties say they're going to form a coalition government's house or last week's, inconclusive election. progress on muslim league unpackaged on people's posit, you say they forged on a lines independent candidates affiliated with jail, former prime minister, immune on cons, p t i policy, one of the most seats, but not enough to form a majority in parliament is accused the other parties of quote, robbing people's monday parliament has to convene within $21.00 days of an election to swear in m p's and elect. i mean, prime minister, come on. how does good law for us from this one? but it's important to know that for any political box a to be able to form a government with a simple majority,
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they would need 134 seats out of the $266.00 feeds of the national assembly. also the fact that that is of faith that den read the feed for the minorities. and uh 60, if its uh for the, uh, the women said so doors and of course i located the proportionately through the party positions. but because you are on cons, party, we're running at the independence without december that they wouldn't be able to take advantage of that. so it appears right now that focused on is heading for another core and they shouldn't government. these are the same party that came together to out them run con, back in, uh, granted, rented due with the order of no confidence. and right now the position is that the focused on people's party restored number 3 as part of the numbers that concerned have thrown it right behind the progress done, which they believe now was one surprise of god earlier. good anticipated that. no.
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why should he afford become prime minister for the 4th time? but his brother shut box jedi registered. that'd be nominated to be the leader of the house candidates. as there's been an explosion in weston iran, which local officials say it was caused by natural gas pipeline bursting videos, films near the city of waters and show a massive fire authoritative cup. the gas and firefighters are working to put out the flames. no casualties have been reported such as presidents reserve, ty about one is june. kyra, one wouldn't stay on his 1st trip to egypt in more than a decade. between countries are looking to revive cooperation off to southern diplomatic relations and 2013. top of the agenda is expected to be israel's war on garza this and of course the all the reports from the stumble, a brief meeting, but a highly publicized handshake in 2022 in doha and the one on one on the sidelines. all these logic are up summit in for y'all, a year later,
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we're the turning point of the decade. loan break in ties between took it an h. it flip in is it during his visit to cairo and turkish president george up safe hours on is scheduled to meet his egyptian counterpart. up to the foot of stacy topics are expected to include the warm garza, the economy, and defense. a whistle hold up or leverage and they get all the shell symbols you, you can't ignore it. keeps important in the app world to turkish foreign policy has become more realistic in the past 3 years. balance and supports are highlighted. our current situation requires us to acknowledge and live with reality. but the money, how many relates to the top, rated after a coup in 2013 the military over 3, muhammad mercy egypt for civilian presidents and an ally of turk. yet in libya, the 2 countries have supported rival government in 2019 to k, assigned
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a maritime deal with libya and going egypt, which shares alone. border normalization however, came with a condition. they gyptian opposition, specifically the muslim brotherhood and it's affiliated media based and took you have to be toned down. there are millions you would have to kind of a condition between the 2 countries and then back to off of, and or my vision between turkey and egypt eh, on the situation of looking for the existence as an assembly. i think it is limited to that. and reviews the activity, the, the connectivity that me appeared as something games to the education, eh, there's him. but it didn't reach to the live in that with 3 can be of a safety, for example, or a to push the thing for you. a country slopes in 2021, played
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a major role in the normalization of ties. despite the political stand of trade between the 2 countries continued reaching 10000000 dollars last year from an annual average of 4 building after the military. cooling 2013 on colorado has also like route to supply kyra with booms, a sign of mutual trust. for instance, are going to visit the car or saying i was the culmination of the 2 countries. normalization things are expected to move quickly from here. what it's not clear is whether the corporation to the level or whether the 2 leaders will go a step further and form a new regional alliance. the non custodial elders are assembled. north korea's filed multiple cruise missiles into the sea, according to the sized korean military massages will reportedly long as from the east coast base of one sun in the 5th weapons test this year. for those presidents
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being able to walk a has replaced some key members of a cabinet that are new ministers for the economy, energy, mining defense. some members of congress wants to the economy administered sykes for denying that the country would enter a recession last year. but through has been struggling with an economic and political crisis following an attempt to, to in 2020, to the republican lighthouse of representatives in the us as voted to impeach the homeland security secretary of, of what they say is failure to enforce border protection. the resolution is adopted . alejandro my office is the 1st cabinet member to be impeached in nearly a 150 years. republicans have accusing him of mishandling search of unauthorized migrant crossings of the us mexico border.


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