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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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line hopes and fears, shape our existence, the utility of the information that you're receiving becomes smaller and smaller. oh my god, you mean my faith is dependent on the health of the planet? yes. okay, do more on that, does the is right, a full says fire a displace civilians in gaza off the ordering them to leads besieged and also the hospital is also in tennis shilling near the hospital in the region. the savvy, say them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up, is there a launch? is a series of asked strikes deep inside solvent 11 and getting at least 4 people, including has the law man, but the strikes follow
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a rocket attack on known as well that killed the woman in the city of suffolk months accused of human rights abuses, easiest form of defense minister is crime victory. the presidential election news we begin in gall, so it hundreds of palestinians will see and leaving the besieged and also the hospital in the southern city of con. eunice is right. the forces issued the evacuation order on tuesday. it's believed up to 3000 display spe, 4 in the medical complex. when is all began that siege? 3 weeks ago, hundreds of patients and stuff for main inside is right. the snipers have killed at least 3 people in the past. 48 hours. all the world health organization has released this video from inside the hospital. it says it was filmed on site today.
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as you can see is full of patients, a correspondence say around 300 patients with that within the seeds began displaced, palestinians of sleeping on the flows and putting up tenants in colorado. the w, i chose that it tried several times to get into the hospital, will send in supplies was refused, access, led a face in the highest. we are scared that at any moment we might lose our lives. and we have no clue about our families. we are not able to communicate with them at all, to make sure that doing okay. each and every one of us is scared for their families . and the same goes for all families. they ask it to lose us early at one of the doctors and also the hospital recorded this message as evacuation or this one of these, right? the ami came in. so what's happening today is a completely to the, completely to these in the hostage with gulf hands to dallas speed, then i'll seeing him to the last that we should evacuate. and when people have
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started really evacuating the, they opened fire on the shooting at the people and the kids, the host is also that order gets in by the idea that they get those to be that i know i'm completely tapped at this music. i've been doing all which good, myself building this building. i actually, it is all way from the, the, the, the mean get those to be done about 60 me to the only. so we always from the things only 50 meters. and this is very dangerous. another con eunice hospital on the is riley siege is currently being shelled. like no said i am of the hospital has been under a tank, buys ready for this for several weeks. the palestinian red crossman society has said this showing in the vicinity of the hospital and has around a 100 patients and 18 medical stuff inside. right now. let's go to a thought
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a couple. i assume he's live for us in that off city in southern gaza and thought the reports talk about sniping going on at people trying to leave northside hospital. what does this mean for the the choices people have to make is they face evacuation or this well, in fact, somebody that sounds really critical down the ground and also hospice. so this place has been one of the main central areas that provides medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of people in con, you, in a city and within the day is a boy we'll have time to be a mouse show tough for a fact to resound. right? now what type do surrounded by these very minute tree forces are completely those things actually military seats. and that area as the natalia vicinity had been white, the attacks of bomb by the use where the author, the unit. so i'm also flights just as a part of the about so it's coming on the recently we have been seeing
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a fleet side of military operations by these what the snipers shooting. everyone is moving on the ground in the past day. as we've been hearing from medical sources on the ground, these body forces have to send an opportunity to inform the people inside the medical facility to flee. i'm up to sending the message. they have shown this past them and to him as we have been also hearing from what this is the that these body forces have this helpless to flip military chick points in the roads that leading to this medical facility as a part of their security control over the region as they are investigating people as they are fleeing from that part, that's how being any safe mechanisms in order to get safe to the next destination. and the situation is absolutely critical. and the by day is getting much more complicated, especially that the medical facility has been running extremely low in terms of food, in terms of water and medical supplies, where people asked to talk the way you things were getting safe, cordial, but also the eye witnesses have been saying that the entire area, witness key,
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she damaged old buildings and also the cemeteries that are at the backyard of the hospital. and it's not just and also the reports of shelling now going on around the m on the hospital. what kind of faith of people facing that or well, we'll know that to the most of the level of hospital has been i'm the is very military sees for long weeks before the starting the practical ministry suit open us are hospital now we've been seeing that how the is where the forces, how targets it installed the i'm of hospice. so before as they have investigates, it's almost it's medical teams. the i'm is actually ongoing military violations the on the ground. they have been forcing people, giving the military orders to flee from the city, from the, from the medical complex, the as also they are telling them to take certain routes to get to real fi
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districts. some of the people, as they are fleeting, they have been arrested by these many men at truthful investigation and then later being really spot in the past a few hours exactly used by the manager forces. i've talked to different areas on the, on the hospital itself, closing up please. material damage for different departments where the faith of the people inside the loans would medical team is still on. know right now because the situation is very complex on people that cannot leave the gates of the hospital because of the severe injuries that they are suffering from up to now the palestinian but because of society are cooling the is very mandatory to a for them protection to allow them for getting a safe, cordial, also of the hospital. all right, thanks so much on a couple i assume that is ready for us. as of right it garza hospitals, one off to the other. this is what remains of us. they are not in the hospital and northern gauze, it, it was attacked repeatedly with every being destroyed. and these pictures filmed at
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the indonesian hospital in giovanni a like and also it was surround advise where the tanks and snipers, dozens of bodies were recovered. and the siege ended a similar, a desperate situation as we use of a non john hospital in off the rank. so says deaths have risen significantly up to 60 people a day. a dying is the hospital faces survey shortages of stuff, medicine and equipment. dealt to say the high number of displaced people that are off by his making. the situation was just wondering, we received news of the death of my cousin who fell ill. we went to the or a p and hospital, we did not find a place for him. the no examinations, no medicine. they was so many displays people in the hospital. we were forced to come to mohammed out in the jar hospital and we found the same situation here. they would know bits. we tried to perform a simple procedure for him. he had a blockage and these are trees and that he had not suffered from any diseases
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before. but we were not able to perform this operation due to a lack of beds and a lack of medicine. some of this with the, a lot of the fatality right in the city of ruffled has increased 5 to 6 times. this is primarily due to the rise in the population and the shortage of medicines and equipment that there's an inability to provide comprehensive medical services. the otherwise available to patients weld y as in the what? the president of the palestinian authority is urging how may i ask to speed up an exchange of captives held in gallons of prison isn't. is riley, giles, not from without. bass said it would span palestinians from mould devastating attacks and the possible is ready to ground, defensive and off. well, child stratford is in ramallah. how these comments going down the as well. certainly, according to the analysts and the people that we've been speaking to since this statement was made this various different interpretations of it. but one underlying theme is the money, the analyst to saying this basically shows how,
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how little influence president a boss is having on these ongoing efforts to try and forge some sort of c spy and potentially an end to the war. many of the analyst saying that over the last 3 or 4 months, a boss is being, as you can imagine, highly critical of his rails behavior in the goal is a straight potty critical of his rails behavior here in the occupied westbank with these ongoing nightly rates. why these riley, military and secular tax and soul, but he has thus far been very reserved in any kind of implicit criticism. all from us, of course, have asked his main political arrival. so many analysts are saying that this is the 1st if you like, veiled criticism. busy how much one of the main reasons why i by says being so relatively speaking quite since this will solve it is the fact that he is so certainly amongst palestinian people seemingly so unpopular. a recent opinion poll
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here in the occupied west bank and the gaza strip put more than 90 percent of people lost here in the west bank and moving 80 percent of people in golf that they were cooling, full of buses, resignation. so that's a, that's very telling, and as far as just how much influence a boss has amongst the people here, or at least to trust. but i think it's also important to recognize that it's a by say, it could well be according to some analysts actually pondering to west and back because of, of, of some sort of eventual palestinian state. so cool to stay solution. of course, he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is already rejected that all idea is leaf. ready all the time big that is insane on pushing forward and taking high mass out completely destroying how much but the west and back as increase polluting will mainly the us a keen on the power steering and all sorts of you having
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a leading role in golf is political and economic future and certainly these role in the reconstruction of garza so many, alas to saying, well this is an indication, at least if you like, the 11th hour of a bus pandering to his west and back is just to show them, well, you know, i'm still relevant, i still want a role in this and the west have been pushing him to reform policy and that was sorts. and he's saying that it's willing, potentially to, to take that kind of pressure, that kind of advice from the americans and reform the policy. and you know, sort to show that there is potentially a candidate who can take up to that role at the end of the gaza will. but to some officials, suddenly some arab officials, a quietly saying that there seems to be an indication that president a boss is reluctant to reform the policy in the will. so it's a nice thing that would potentially didn't use his pal and his all sorts
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a i think the end of the day, certainly the line message. certainly, according to the analyst that we've spoken to is this is present in the past saying there's very little i can do now. it's over to you guys, it's all over to the americans. these riley's thomas, the jewish and officials. and of course, the countries in forging some sort of the spot and potentially an end to the war and goes up. all right, thanks so much child stressful. at least 4 people that being killed and several injured in this riley strikes on 3 towns in southern lebanon. the raids follow rocket fire out of lebanon that killed in his right, the soldier. it's the licensed escalation across the board, attention since as well as war on guns that began last year. so i know who the reports from beta had. this is the, it's the biggest escalation and the ongoing confrontation between the is ready military and has the law is really war. planes targeted multiple locations across the southern lebanon in retaliation for the killing of one of its soldiers. the
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strikes were far from the battle ground along the border. they damaged homes and killed civilians. children among them. it is an escalation, and i think that beloved respond by the same and then the safety of the one bob man . but the result in dog to match the role and what i mean without the laundry, it means respecting more or less the limits of being gauge man, but not going into a know not cool. and which is not also in the interest of these really, isabel is more cabinet met to the side on a response after what is called the violence has the bombing targeted northern israel rockets, attacks blamed on the lebanese armed group hit with the army said was its northern command headquarters and suffered about 15 kilometers from the border itself. the 1st time rockets have been launched at military positions deeper inside israel,
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but the ferocity of the attack and the precision guided massages used were different by that of the said. the setup is below is showing its strength and capability. it is in response to is randy. thread is below, wants to show what it has and it is ready to use it. it is also a message to decision makers in the world to stop the crimes against the people of gauze hezbollah. open the front of the south, living on to support its ally, how mass in garza. and it says it will only stand down once the aggression on the strip and that may not be enough for israel, which is demanding security guarantees. so tens of thousands of his ladies can return to their homes near the border. in recent weeks, it has stepped up. it's a tax on hezbollah targets and carried out. targeted killings, the office fire isn't escalation on has wireless hearts. it's seen as a message of the parents with up to same time. it's also within the rules of engagement which have been in place since the start of the latest from the fighting
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between the long time enemies is wrong and it's response has broken those rules. and while it appears that conflict has widened, many believe this around the violence was all about messages. and for now at least there is little interest in pushing for a full blown war. and they're anxious. eda better? okay, i'm and now where there are reports of new us and u. k. s. strikes on who's the targets via tax happens on the district of both of the fee and the who is the control districts of how data the security council is meeting at un headquarters in new york to discuss the political process and to monitoring crisis. and you haven't hundreds of ground book the you and special envoy for you. i'm and told council members the while the spotlights is on the right. c. gammon is not a foot notes or why the original story rising regional tensions linked to the board goza. and in particular, the military escalation and the red sea,
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how slowing down the pace of the peace efforts as much as i have tried to insulate the peace process from why the region and dynamics. the reality is that mediation efforts and government cannot be, need to be caught them off. but as happens, what happens regionally impact steven? and what happens in yemen can impact the reach of deborah that is on the joins us now from the un headquarters in new york. and gabriel, what is the security council hearing about the impacts of the war and guys on yelman's political piece process as well? that piece process was moving along and they were close last year to reaching some sort of potential agreement. but what the security council has been hearing here on wednesday is that now that has been not completely de rail because of the current situation, but certainly being made a lot more complicated hands on spartanburg,
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saying that there are multiple things complicating it. but really 2 things key and that's 1st the, the, who the attacks on the commercial vessels in the red sea, and then the u. s. and u. k strikes in response. but also the united states, designating the who sees a terrorist group certainly is not helping the situation either according to the un special envoy. so clearly his role has been trying to insulate the piece, talks from outside pressures, so to speak. but he said that is becoming nearly impossible at this stage. i was one of the briefings saying about the humanitarian outlook for yemen. this yeah. to yeah, it does not look good. another briefer from united nations said that uh uh, the humanitarian situation is looking even more grammar going into the year than it
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was $18000000.00 people. about half of the many population will need humanitarian assistance. this year alone, about 17000000, you having to use our food in secure and 2700000 women and 5000000 children often the most vulnerable will need treatment for acute mountain nutrition and getting a n t m. and this year seems like it's going to be particularly difficult and costly. the un saying that to a container ships that are able to get in the m and they're costing about a 100 percent more expensive. and some humanitarian groups are saying that the costs are rising by as much as 300 percent given the current situation in the red sea. all right, capitalize on the still a head on al jazeera douglas presently does it tell you about it. the one visits
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egypt for the 1st time in 12 years to improve times the examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel. this is a war against palestinians explorer and a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator, but we're doing it from space design to inform, most events and exposure. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on l jersey or president biden says, once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world?
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a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. unique perspective on and the but don't want to call even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this and it was really a formatting thoughtful this coverage. there's no reason to target the journal on hers voices, and i'm of the communications on please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere means that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own hugs. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out just the or it's the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'll come back here watching out just say what time to recap the headlines. some
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people have begun leaving then also the hospital complex themselves and gaza responsive and this right evacuation order. it's not clear how many people have left the hospital in the last few hours, hundreds of believe to be sheltering at the facility value of is really snipers killed at least 3 people inside the facility out to 0. so let's just say a deliveries to gaza. have stopped about a week ago, food and supplied trunk stump, beds and violent off auto crossing egypt. planes is rarely procedural obstacles. israel denies the accusation. at least 4 civilians in southern lebanon have been killed in a wave of his riley strikes. these rarely minute 3 is launching retaliatory attacks off the one soldier killed was on soldier was killed by rocket, 5 from 11 and on wednesday, presidents of egypt and to it. okay. i have called for an immediate cease fire and garza project. i bought it the one of the set that has cc held talks in cairo is
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out of the ones 1st visit to egypt and 12 years off to more than a decade of tensions. the, to lead assign corporation deals to improve trade defense and tourism. so them call so low has more on the discussions from a stumble to kia. and there is a very big loss turn. uh, we can say that, especially since 2019 when tricky had decided to pursue. it's an older foreign policy which is not getting involved and the domestic issues of the in a neighboring countries and trying to have more stable relations with its neighbors in the region, the back door diploma started to facilitate at 1st that it was intelligence level and then on the technical level, it's where the foreign ministry is. there were tools. and finally, especially last year when to key it was a, was shaken by a very,
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in huge 1st quake. it last march or the turkish, a egyptian foreign minister paid a visit to, to, to, to uh, to show his condolences uh to the friendly country. and afterwards the engagement got stronger. and finally we so as it a, the 2 presidents shake hands during the world's cop in doha. and then during the, or obviously i make summit in v a in november. and finally, directors for administer. how come for them pay the visit to coyote or something. but of course, uh, this was a long work from both sides, from the diplomats and intelligence officers of both countries and seeing 2 presidents after accusing each other, calling each other names for 10 years. seeing those 2 leaders together. it seems that they are serious about normalizing relations, the for their national interest,
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but also for the benefits of the region. and the names who's defense minister a former general pro of so bianco is claiming victory and presidential elections. so it's still being counted, but unofficial results suggest the holes that come on. the lead pro says the victory should be a big referral in donations. jessica washington reports from chicago to take a look at the crowd all for those to be on to gather in the stadium. and the cost of celebrating their confidence that proposed to be on so will be the next president of indonesia, only hours off the phone to the quick challenge, which is taken from the boat around the country indicates that indeed is things of victory. he has a commanding lead over his private lead. the election took place where the both of you also and you would secure an outright round. now this would count gives us
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a reliable indicators that they have managed to do that. and that indeed is likely the next president's opened to an agent. the 0 phone will talk as don prime minister shabazz chevy could be about to return to his old job officer inconclusive elections. last week, 2 of the biggest political policies announced style form a coalition government. as part of the agreement between puck has done most in league and focused on people's policy. chevy for being nominated. this prime minister. come on either has more from us. so i'm about. it's important to know that for any political body to be able to form a government with a simple majority, they would need 134 states out of the 266 feeds of the national assembly. also the fact that that is of sage that den read the feed for
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the minorities. and uh 60, if its uh for the, uh, the women said so doors and of course allocated proportionally to the party positions. but because you are on cons, party, we're running at the end dependents without december that they wouldn't be able to take advantage of that. so it appears right now that focused on and heading for another core and they shouldn't government. these are the same party that came together to out them run con, back in granted, rented do with the order of no confidence. and right now the position is that the focused on people's bar date restored number 3, as part of the numbers that concerns out throwing it right behind the bug is done, which they believe now was one surprise of god earlier. good anticipated that. no. why should the board become prime minister for the 4th time, but his brother ship box jedi registered that'd be nominated to be the leader of
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the house candidates as well. that's it for me. on this show you can find more information on my website. i'll just 0, don't come by the results next. and then inside story we'll discuss if it's to reach cease 5 deals between us and israel as it off prices for a crown defense beyond the hello. that will have a look at africa in mind. that's left to the middle east and the spell of unsettled weather swept across the gulf, springing some heavy rain to the likes of katasha, the u. a and a lot. no, we still got some showers in oman on thursday, but it is an improving picture. instead, we're going to see the unsettled weather start to gain some speed across the northern areas. you can see some heavier rain coming into to keep moving across the
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event with some very heavy falls for weston pots of iran and rock, as well as putting down into saudi arabia. we could see some funding from this heavy rain in the days ahead. and it's not just here, but also in the north east of africa. we've got some glossary winds blowing across the mediterranean. the show is coming into libya as well as egypt cooler conditions as well. here we'll see something of a cool down in the north west. thanks to another with a system effect to me, i'd be a potential that's going to bring some range of the likes of morocco on 1st day rain as well coming into the ivory coast before the north of this a laundry wide picture. and it might be flying up in south africa, but for places like madagascar as well as mozambique. we work very heavy rain in the days ahead. we are expecting some flooding from that. so hot to in johanna spoke, but cooler and windier in cape town on friday of the
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coveted beyond well taken without hesitation, fulton died for pow wow. it finds out loud. we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scrub the people with that. and the people in power investigate, expose this and questions the use them to be the power around the one out there. yeah. so nobody inconclusive. me. things are way to deal with with how much and fees. well, it comes as these right admitted to a west named a ground defensive of the southern tip of gaza. so does diplomacy still spend a chance in this war? and why does it offer not to this is inside story, the


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