tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera February 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST
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getting morris bound, you know, those in power are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used. how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to the is there any forces? fi at display civilians in gaza, ordering them to leave the besiege not so hospital is also intense shelving near the out amount of the i'm on insight, this is all and is there a life from doha also coming up? hundreds of engine people in northern garza struggling for cash as, as well, continues to blow critical aid as well. launch is a series of as strikes deep inside some 11 on kenning and the school people, including a, has been a member tech is president richard tape. i had the wrong visits,
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egypt for the 1st time in 12 years as he looks to the beginning ga, so in the situation in the largest hospital in the south is becoming more diet and more desperate. is there any forces of total displace palestinians to leave? but without giving them safe passage, the health ministry says $2600.00 people are still trapped inside, including almost $200.00 doctors. the hospital has only days with a few and is critically low on food rules and medical supplies. 3 people were killed by gunfire since monday. meanwhile, another hun units hospital on days rarely siege is currently being shelled like nasa alamo hospital has been on the attack by his really forces for several weeks. and palestinian red crescent society has reported showing in the vicinity of the
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hospital. alamo has around a 100 patients and 18 medical stuff inside. let's go to our correspondence, had a couple of assume whose life for us in rasa in southern gaza is clear. the situation in the hospital is pretty desperate. i mean manage to get an updated tool and the latest situation that yes, smelly. in fact, the situation, the sounds really pretty come from an hour to another specifically that they use very military forces have been using quite cool to drones as they are opening fire against the different departments of the hospital where a palestinian doctor has been ended because of that, that ongoing shooting that where they are preventing anyone from moving inside this medical facility and uh, within the last, oh, so few hours they use very forces had been completely surrounding the medical facilities as the they are also a avenue informing people to flee out from the hospital and are very intense
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compartment that is unfolding the city of hon. you and his spot people today. he managed to get out from the hospital and the uh, the happy reporting about completely difficult circumstances. they had been going through the are the workforce to not take anything with them as the have been to conflict for long distance to get out of from the, the nozzler medical facility along side to get their destination. a roof here, as they were saying that because very many, 2 forces have been establishing military chick points the way they are investigating people that i'm part of palestinians. a today have been arrested as they were trying to flee from the medical facility. but also they are still people alongside with me to come work as a still trapped in the facility and inside the medical complex as they are, keep taking care of patients and with in get people inside the not submit the facility. and tara can now the hospital we've been focusing on is all,
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i'm all hospital. what can you tell us about the situation that a yes i'm a hospital in fact has been most of the attacks by these very forces that use wait a minute. she before had to stormed the hospital, destroying gets gates, opening fire in its vicinity um, against its different departments. they have investigated the nonprofits, medical workers alongside that they have forced residents the who are taking refuge in at 2 fleet, 2 rough 5 districts. some of them had been arrested and been investigated the late to get released by these very forces. and to now, if you have been attacking of the, the buildings of the hospital causing a key material, damage for its department and routing. it's a medical equipment that's were absolutely necessary for a key provide to get treatments for hundreds of patients. they are still trapped inside the tool. this very moment that there is no full evacuation for the hospital itself, but the is very yeah. forces are surrounding the entire area as bottles that would
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palestinian fine to continue to red. um its ongoing cools by the palestinian but of course of society to protect its members inside the medical facility as they are completely unable to communicate with them. due to the is rarely a prevention of this fact as they are also have been controlling everything on the ground in terms of communication and also movements. okay, tara capitalism, reporting for us. i live in rock, the city in southern gaza, a, it's a simply desperate situation. that i will use a file not to our hospital in rough uh, the direct to it says deaths have risen significantly up to 16 people a day are dying as a hospital phase of severe shortages of stock medicine equipment. don't to say the high number of displays people in russia has made the situation was still behind the wheel. this morning we received news of the death of my cousin who fell ill. we
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went to the repeating hospital. we did not find a place for him that no examinations, no medicine. they was so many displays people in the hospital. we were forced to come to mohammed out in the jar hospital. and we found the same situation here. they would know bits. we tried to perform a simple procedure for him. he had a blockage in his arteries, not suffered from any diseases before, but we were not able to perform this operation due to a lack of bids and the lack of medicine. some of this with the, a lot of the fatality right in the city of ruffled has increased 5 to 6 times. this is primarily due to the rise in the population and the to will teach of medicines and equipment that there's an inability to provide comprehensive medical services the otherwise available to patients world wide and northern goals that patients come all at one hospital are facing desperate conditions many medical staff have left the facility and the severe shortage of life saving medicine and food, and also sharif hospital on the situation. the national intelligent doesn't left us
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and we are currently inside the surgery department at the come all at one the hospital. how did it pop in the houses? hundreds of people who were injured during the war on the cause of the wounded all suffering from food and medicine shortages del uh, as a result of these writings, prohibiting the entry of a basic necessity to tennessee and even medicine into the gaza strip. understood at the hotel, so the limited capabilities of medical crowds and behind me the hold on you can see these children had left florida injured, eastern village, jamalia camp, let the know all looking for food for themselves. and they found that they yeah. now and they were accompanied by the father and wounded while looking for fruit. if the jamalia can a bit of talk to him, they've been left without without serious injuries. i think the upfront of it has, you know, good the children need food mates and water and electricity. if we cannot get food,
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what are we going to do? the entire world is watching out children with one without lifting a finger. no one is doing anything, no one is responding, no one is helping us. one of these children are dying. if they don't die of hunger, they will die of disease. they are children, just like any other child in the world. there's no child or free man in this world who would be okay with children dying of hunger or disease. i. e, up there injuries and suffering is made worse by the lack of food or made so then. yeah, and this is the situation of these children. they were targeted by it's really a cross because i would say family east to jamalia campbell, the situation is di on they are unable to obtain food and medication, which is not available at all. yeah, in the northern garza and what they suffering is worsening by the 2nd hand. they are now in grave danger due to food and medicine short which is one has to be the home kind of to show you just the smells of the presidents of the
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palestinian authorities urging him us to speed up an exchange of captives housing cause or for prisoners in his or else jails, mahmoud abbas said it would spend palestinians for more devastating a tax and a possible is rarely ground offensive in rafa. meanwhile is rarely false as have demolished the home of apollo, staying activist in occupied east jerusalem fox, a amber. the has campaigned against illegal is there any supplements in the occupied westbank for a challenge? has all these of the sites and sounds of a family home being demolished? the jack, how much does it's work? well, this ready police stand and this was the house of factory at the palestinian campaigns against exactly this sort of thing in the house of stein neighborhood of occupied east jerusalem. it's this activism for which he says he's radio authorities are
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punishing him. need us of the dog. yes. unfortunately, the time came for them to restrain in silence and forbid people who would defend human rights. and the goal was to silence me. he's already police didn't want us to building the demolition before it started. we were in the factories house when the police arrive to throw everyone out. the thing moved again and then they pushed us far down the road. that's available. they're all demolition owed us for more than $100.00 houses in this area. his radio authorities say they've been built a legally, but they're all plans to turn this palestinian neighborhood into a religious theme park. cool city of david pay me cohen works for an is ready and g o campaigning for palestinian rights. justin to the start of the war. we've had 92 demolitions. $61.00 of them had been homes and this would be the 62nd home
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demolition to demolition. took place yesterday and i want to j. so basically was saying was the parent effort to not only increase more competition, more corporation of lands and territories. the reason for jewish is really but also pushing palestinians out, this is of a measure and process of displacement that has been played out in the form of demolitions and confiscation of land factories. home is going to, the activist says, he'll keep trying to save other people's very challenge. how does the era occupied east jerusalem in the us state department has condemned the demolition of abu dad's home. i would also like to reiterate that the impact of these demolitions is obviously not the 1st goes beyond just the impact on this individual family. these acts of struct efforts to advance a durable and lasting peace, peace and security that would benefit not just palestinians, but is really the damage is real standing in the world. and they make it ultimately
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more difficult for us to accomplish all of the things we're trying to accomplish. that would ultimately be in the interest of these really people. and so we condemn them in words and continue to urge that they not continue to at least 4 people have been killed and several injured in is really strikes on 3 towns in southern 11 on the rates folder of rock and 5 out of 11 on the killed one, is there any soldier that is the latest escalation in cross support attention since israel's wont golf and began last year and a hold of reports from beverage had it's the biggest escalation and the ongoing confrontation between the is ready military and has the law is really war planes targeted multiple locations across southern lebanon and retaliation for the killing of one of its soldiers. the strikes were far from the battle ground along the border. they damaged homes and killed civilians. children among them. it is an
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escalation, and i think triple of respond by the same and then safety of the room, bob man. but without a dog to match the role. and what i mean without logging it means respecting more or less the limits of being gauge man, but not going into a no not cool. and which is not also in the interest of these really, isabel is more cabinet met to the side on a response after what it's called. the violence has the bullet bombing, the targeted northern israel. rockets attacks blamed on the lebanese armed group hit with the army, said, was its northern command headquarters and stuff of about 15 kilometers from the border. it's off the 1st time rockets have been launched at military positions, deeper inside israel, but the ferocity of the attack and the precision guided massages used were different by that of the said. the setup is below is showing its strength and
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capability. it is in response to these really threats is bullet wants to show what it has and it is ready to use it. it is also a message to decision makers in the world. to stop the crime is against the people of gauze hezbollah. open the front of the south webinar to support its ally, how mass in garza. and it says it will only stand down once the aggression on the strip and that may not be enough for as well, which is demanding security guarantees. so tens of thousands of his raiders can return to their homes near the border. in recent weeks, it has stepped up. it's attacks on hezbollah targets and carried out. targeted killings. the rocket fire is an escalation on has wireless hearts. it's seen as a message of the parents. but at the same time, it's also within the rules of engagement which have been in place. this is sort of the latest round of pricing between the long time enemies as well. and it's response has broken those rules. and while it appears the conflict has widened.
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many believe this round, the violence was all about the messages, and for now at least there is little interest in pushing for a full blown war center for their uh, shows you to be able to have a now with a all reports of new us and u. k as strong on who the targets the attacks happened on the district of bass, all saki in the who's a control district of her data. the un security council has held a meeting to discuss the political process and the 2 monitoring crisis in the evan . how's going by the you and special envoy for them and told council members that while the spotlight is on the red sea, human is not a foot note to a wider regional story. rising regional tensions linked to the board goza. and in particular, the military escalation in the red sea, how slowing down the pace of the peace efforts as much as i have tried to insulate the peace process from why the region of dynamics. the reality is that mediation
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efforts and government cannot be need to be caught them off. but as happens, what happens regionally impacts them in. and what happens in yemen can impact the reach and okay, let's get moving this. we can speak to gabriel at his own day, who is at un headquarters in new york. so tell us a little more about what the security council is being told is the impact of the will on gaza on yelman's piece process. you have a security council held several meetings on a young man last month, but they were behind closed doors. this is the 1st meeting in nearly 5 months that the security council has held that has been open, where we've got a chance to really green what's going on at least with the situation in terms of the un officials that are in charge of this piece of process there, and certainly last year, the internationally recognized government and the who these were in gene closer to
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some piece agreement. but that well not being completely de railed according to the us. us special envoy for yemen is saying it's certainly much more complicated now. and he cited of course, the tensions in the red sea with the who the attacks on the commercial shipping lines. and then also the us and u. k. strikes on yemen, as well as he cited the us declaring the who these a terrorist organization added all up and that has made a peace process in young men become much more difficulties focusing right now on trying to keep the ceasefire in place or keeping the parameters of that in place, if you will, and resuming the political process. well, the escalating regional tensions as best as the un can and gave, did we hear anything about the current humanitarian situation in human? we know it's been dia,
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but presumably the slate has crisis is not going to help things or yeah, top you and you, manager and official did brief the security council and said that this year it is looking very grim for the people of human. she cited 18000000 people are about half the year, many population are in need of or will be in need of humanitarian assistance and 7 teen 1000000. your money's are severely food in secure. those are incredible numbers there and not only that, but the u. n. is citing that the cost of getting into your many is going up because of this is the situation. the red see the world food program says a container, shipments into young men are increasing in price by over a 100 percent. and other humanitarian organizations are saying, there container shipments of
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a getting into yemen. the costs are going up by as much as 300 percent. so add it all up and it is a very, very difficult situation. thank you for that. gabriel. as on the there on the you, and for us, the still ahead on al jazeera, once the keys of human rights abuses, individuals form of defense minister has claim victory in the presidential election . the president biden says, $1.00 to $2.00 states solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line competed beyond wells, taken without hesitation, fulton died for power that finds out while we live here,
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we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate, explodes, this and questions they use them to be of our around on out to their asking questions. were you ever worn about the health effects of power? no understanding the reality reporting from the action, the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching out. as a reminder, if i told stories this hour, some people have been gone leaving the now so hospital complex in southern gaza is as positive and is there any evacuation orders and okay, how many people have left the hospital in the last few hours? hundreds of believe to be sheltering at the facility. okay. uh we, uh we have to bring you some breaking news. now. these are live shots in the city of, uh, kansas. live pictures. uh, with multiple people. we believe have been struck by gun fi in
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kansas city, missouri today, wednesday. this was a super bowl victory parade that was currently on going uh and uh, we don't know anything about to how many people have been injured or the condition of any of the people that have been shots. it's not clear at this point we do, we have been told though it is being reported at least this point that 2 people have been taken into custody. that's according to the police. so just to recap, that breaking news for you can see a you can see the police coatings that an ambulance is as well. it's often multiple people was struck by gunshots during a kansas city chiefs super bowl parade, where people with seller bracing off to the super bowl that took place a day ago. we,
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we understand that multiple people have been struck by gunfire. ah, during that victory parades. but as far as we know, at this point, we don't know the status of the, the injured we. and as soon as we get any more information, we will of course, bring it to you. we do know that to own people have been taken into custody of the time. and if the us house intelligence committee is warning of serious threat to the countries national security, according to mike ton of the house, permanent select committee on intelligence is made available to all members of congress information concerning what he calls a serious national security threat to the united states, as a result, he'll be requesting that president joe biden declassified all information related to this threats. white house correspondent kennedy hall kits has more on mike to
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stay late. he was this information to be made public. so, but the members of congress and the binding, but this ration can work with us allies to further discuss this threat. now again, we don't know what this thread is specifically, but multiple media outlets in the united states are reporting that this is regarding a destabilizing foreign military capability. possibly russia. now, alger 0 has been unable to independently confirmed this information. but as you heard there just moments ago, the national security advisor jake sullivan, would not talk about the nature of the intelligence. only that he is meeting with some members of congress on wednesday to discuss this matter further. because president richard, the type of the one on is the gyptian counts upon and those thought to l. c. c, have met in cairo and other ones. first visit off to a decade of tense ties by speed is
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a cold for an immediate cease fire in gaza. so then custodial has more egypt presidents up to set the l. c. c. hosts to catch the ridge up type are gone for the 1st time in more than a decade. relations broke down in 2013 when cc let and military coup against the country's 1st democratically elected president mohammed mercy, an ally of air drawn by that appears to be behind them. and the 2 leaders are starting a new chapter. aiming for $15000000000.00 a year and for a joint investment and deeper cooperation, starting with their shirts off position to is miles were on gaza. hi slugging nathan, loud. even if i get to mr. we are proud of the level of cooperation between egypt and took here for rapid access to the largest amount of humanity in a to our people in the gaza strip. taking into account the restrictions imposed by these really authorities on the entry of this 8th, which causes trucks to enter at a slow pace that is not come on the rate with the needs of the residents. and so
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the egypt has been hosting medication efforts along with guitar in the united states, to broker a ceasefire between israel and how much are due on an outspoken critic of his wiles war for the, for unity and peace in the region goes to the com cut them the most you to we will continue the cooperation and sold there to be taught rejection brothers calling for the black chit, and gods have to stop. in the medium term, we are ready to work with egypt towards the rebuilding causes. despite the political deadlock, economic conflicts between egypt and turkey have remain strong in the past decade. this month, encore, and now it looks up like cairo with farm rooms due to the changing political and secure with the environment in the middle east, the regions largest to military powers, egypt entered, to have compelling reasons to normalize relations. while kyra's priorities appear to focus on cooperation on colorado is looking for a g of political commitment. however,
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the most for us and expectation from annual re engage meant is a resolution for israel's war on godsa a cnn. because solo elders are assembled and ages defense, minnesota informa general provide was to be on to is claiming victory in the presidential election. but it's a still being counted. but unofficial results suggests that he holds a commanding lead a bow. a says, the victory should be a victory for full indonesians, for my pockets, don, prime minister, sh about shareef, could be about to return to his old jump off to inconclusive elections. last week, 2 of the biggest political policies have announced that they will form a coalition government as possibly agreement between the pockets don wisdom league, and focused on people's policy. sorry for being nominated as prime minister. okay, yeah, up to date. i'm much more on a website out there at adult com. whether is next and inside story we'll discuss,
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efforts to reach a cx, 5 deal between hum us and israel. as rafa races itself for a ground offensive to stay with us, the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. stadler, that we see is a very active, whether a close australia, and there's more of that to come in. today's a head cold fund moves out of the southeast, it's taking those promotions storms with it, but we bought some of those developing in the north, around the gulf of coppin terra. you can see that it's a tropical low that's trying to become a tropical fi clone. bringing heavy rain to northern parts of queensland, the northern territory as well. and powerful winds we are expecting flooding and possibly flash flooding from that very heavy rain. that's still there. on friday. that's of the west. almost right. it is
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a launch eclipse picture. lots of sunshine and settled conditions, passing the temperature come down to 30 degrees celsius. so not as hot as it has been. and we're going to see a temperature drop in christ church that says a cold front brings heavy rain of the western side of the salt salad. 28 down to 20 degrees celsius and maximum high there on friday. but i'm all settled, but shall re picture up north north island. now as we move to south east asia, we think sex of conditions affect remove of the region. a little bit of rain coming in to southern parts of thailand as we go into friday. winter weather for vietnam, but not as well as it is for the south of us. we're going to see more drenching down post. moving into indonesia on friday. the weather brought to you by visit castle a week to look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets? and economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection coming down
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and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is global food insecurity counting the cost? oh no, just the yeah. so nobody inconclusive, made things a way to deal with, with how much and fees, well, it comes as these rad admitted to a lessening a ground defensive of the southern tip of gaza. so does diplomacy still spend a chance in this war? and why does it matter? this is inside story, the
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