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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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the, the devastation inside southern guns as large as hospital is really forces at the top. not so medical, complex, hundreds of palestinians of trumped inside the hello. i'm down in jordan, this is down to 0 life and death also coming up. and it's really s try come in to say around refugee camp in central gaza, kills at least 14 palestinians. one persons killed in a shooting and a parade center making. the kansas city chiefs super bowl with 8 children and carmen the injured and provide was to be on 10 times victory in indonesia is presidential election with unofficial results. giving him really 60 percent of
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the we begin the in southern gaza where is ready forces of shells, national hospital, wounding those inside these. the themes from the health facility in hong eunice moments off to the attack. stop and patients who are unable to move a set to be trapped inside earlier crowds of public demands were forced out of the hospital by the way, the army. it's been under seats for weeks and is really snipers have been firing on people that elsewhere in central garza. and his way the strike flattened, the building in the, in the set up refugee camp, getting at least 14 people, including children. but obviously it was kind of assumed reports on the roof in southern garza as if there was a key intensification of that use while the military strikes in the past few hours across different areas in the garza strickland, in particular, in the central and also in the southern part where and roughly district the eastern areas of this city had been widely bombarded by the east very off to the re that
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type destroyed and targeted a number of agriculture lands. the adults are adjacent to the voters with egypt to long side. that's the city of con eunice witnessed a clear bombardment, especially the demolishing of complete neighborhoods. the and the dumpster culpable tax and clash as being corrupted the that we in the palestinian fighters in the east very soon. we just bought the most critical situation and voting. the strikes were directed and targeting the central parts of the gaza strip, where 14 palestinians have reported killed in an attack that had targeted residential building. and i'm also a rock refuge account. it's a series of strikes that targeted as much as the and they're really by a city. and now we need a clearly to understand that these areas recently, palestinians, happy moving and fleeing to from roof as they are trying to be away from potential men to treat encourage. and part of the attacks from the is really fine to just continue to about the city alongside with the north of the territory worth st.
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thomas the as happy report of cute in goals. a city off to a residential slots being targeted quite a northern gauze of patients that come out loud one hospitalized facing desperate conditions. many medical staff have left the facility and there's a severe shortage of food and medicines. and that's not sure what your customer a national intelligent, doesn't live with a job. we are currently inside the surgery department at the come all at one the hospital. how did it pop in the houses? hundreds of people who were injured during the war on the cause of the wounded all suffering from food and medicine shortages del uh, as a result of these writings, prohibiting the entry of a basic necessity to n. s c. and even medicine about into the gaza strip. understood at the hotel. so the limited capabilities of medical crowds and behind me the hold on you can see these children have a look for the injured east, the jamalia camp. let the know all looking for food for themselves and they found
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that they yeah. now, and they were accompanied by the father and wounded while looking for fruit in the body. i can a bit of talk to him. they've been left to without, without serious injuries. i think the upfront of it has, you know, get the children need food mates and water and electricity. if we cannot get food, what are we going to do? the entire world is watching out children with foot without lifting a finger. no one is doing anything. no one is responding, no one is helping us. one of these children are dying. if they don't die of hunger, they will die of disease. they are children, just like any other child in the world. there's no child or free man in this world who would be okay with children dying of hunger or disease. i. e, up there injuries and suffering is made worse by the lack of food or made. so yeah, this is the situation of these children. they were targeted by it's really a cross because i was say, family east to jamalia campbell. the situation is di on they are unable to obtain
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food and medication, which is not available at all. yeah. in the northern gauze and what they suffering is worsening by the 2nd hand. they are now in grave danger due to food and medicine short which is one has to be the $100.00 smells as well as the stock of israel's war on the gauze that there's been a pattern of attacks on the hospitals by the is right. the military and the 1st 36 hours of the war. is there any forces targeted multiple locations which included the indonesian hospital now. so hospital outputs hospital getting dozens of health care workers by the end of november. 3rd to you guys us 36 hospitals had been hit by is ready rockets including all ship, the largest in the strip. only 6 remain functional in gauze operating under difficult conditions. israel claims how much has minutes arising medical facilities, but it hasn't provided much evidence. international lobo protects hospitals. what topic just sort of it shows the spokesman for the world health organization. he
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explained the difficulties faced by medical teams and patients. and that's the hospital. oh, understanding is that's the sort of medical complex as being under the seizure for now more than a week last either were able to reach the service on the 29th of january. it seems that we tried several times to go there, but uh, our request have been denied. uh, we heard reports uh about some 400 patients still being there. but said that the 10 people have been queued on that to a warehouse cuz the warehouse has been destroyed, does not engage because also be destroyed. and it's really impossible to get there because of the destruction of the, of the roads nearby. so obviously all of this is a is alarming, and we keep calling for every month to protect a health facilities to protect patients of health workers of the palestinian red
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crescent has released a video showing the optim off of an attack on an ambulance buys, ready for us is, it says troops find directly at the ambulance last week, targeting the crew while they were trying to transport oxygen, sending those to the amount of hospital in con eunice department. it says of canada, australia, and new zealand have at least a joint statement in reaction to israel. plant ground and evasion of rough or the 3 countries are calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, saying i am an entry operation to interrupt that would be catastrophic. we urge these really government not to go down this path. there's simply nowhere else for civilians to go. it goes on to say that there was granting international consensus . israel must listen to its friends and it must listen to the international community. the statement also references the genocide case as well as spacing of the international court of justice thing the i c j has been clear as well. must ensure the delivery of basic services essential humanitarian assistance. and the protection of security is really national security minutes. the interim i've been
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to this as promised and in prison, the model one about duty has been transferred to solar tree confinement and a social media post. been because they said the decision had been taken fully information about a planned uprising duty a formally to effect has ongoing, has been serving a life sentence since 2002. i'm asking the other parents to be in the functions. the mom is released. there's already been a treat, has conducted overnight grades in several parts of the occupied westbank in the city of nablus troops. during the island refugee camp. unblocked ambulances in the area rights groups have long documented the deliberative structure of ambulances in the occupied. westbank 5 is ready forces to palestinians have been injured during confrontations with his ready soldiers in central romera, ahmed miniature vehicles have been seen streaming entered associates, or at least 12 people have been killed and several injured in his right. he strikes on several towns in southern 11 on it's the west single day. civilian death told
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him the country since the war on guns and began the rates follow rocket attack, which killed one his very soul. jeff, i'll just say it was in a hot a report from a capital favorite, had drug rehab. it's the biggest escalation and the ongoing confrontation between the is really military and has the law is really war. planes targeted multiple locations across the southern lebanon in retaliation for the killing of one of its soldiers. the strikes were far from the battle ground along the border. they damaged homes and killed civilians. children among them. it is an escalation, and i think triple of respond by the same and then the safety of the one bob man. but the result in dog to match the role and what i mean without the laundry, it means respecting more or less the limits of being gauge man, but not going into a know not cool. and which is not also in the interest of these really,
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isabel is more cabinet met to the side on a response after what is called the violence hezbollah bombing. the targeted northern israel rockets attacks blamed on the lebanese armed group hit with the army, said was its northern command headquarters and suffered about 15 kilometers from the border itself. the 1st time rockets have been launched at military positions deeper inside israel, but the ferocity of the attack and the precision guided missiles used were different by that of the said. the setup is bla is showing its strength and capability. it is in response to these really threats is bullet wants to show what it has and it is ready to use it. it is also a message to decision makers in the world to stop the crimes against the people of gauze. hezbollah, open the front of south lebanon to support its ally, how mass in garza, and it says it will only stand down once aggression on the strip. and that may not be enough for israel,
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which is demanding security guarantees. so tens of thousands of his ladies can return to their homes near the border. in recent weeks, it has stepped up. it's attacks on hezbollah targets and carried out. targeted killings. the rocket fire isn't escalation on has wireless cards. it's seen as a message of the parents with up to same time. it's also within the rules of engagement which have been in place. this is sort of the latest around the fighting between the long time enemies is wrong and it's response has broken those rules. and while it appears the conflict has widened. many believe this around, the violence was all about the messages, and for now at least there is little interest in pushing for a full blown war. and they're anxious ita beta to yemen. now where the reports of new us and you can strikes on who the targets, the attacks happened on the district of beta alpha key in the who is the control district on the data. when it comes as a human security council,
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it has been meeting to discuss the political process and humanitarian crisis in human hands quinn, but the un special invoice i am and address the council rising regional attentions linked to the board goza, in particular, the military escalation and the red sea hudson during the face of a peace efforts as much as i have tried to insulate the peace process from why the region and dynamics. the reality is that mediation efforts in yemen cannot be need to be caught them off. but as happens, what happens regionally impact steven and what happens in yemen can impact the reach and i'll just say it was gabrielle elizondo. it has more now from you and a headquarters in new york security council held several meetings on yeah, man, last month. but they were behind closed doors. this is the 1st meeting in nearly 5 months to the security council has held that has been open, where we've got a chance to really green what's going on at least with the situation in terms of
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the un officials that are in charge of this piece of process there and certainly last year, the internationally recognized government and the who these were in gene closer to some piece agreement, but that well not being completely de railed according to the u. n's. us special envoy for yemen is saying it's certainly much more complicated now. and he cited of course, the tensions in the red sea with the, the who the attacks on the commercial shipping lines. and then also the u. s. and u. k. strikes on yemen, as well as he cited the us declaring the who these a terrorist organization added all up and that has made a peace process in young men become much more difficulties focusing right now and trying to keep the ceasefire in place or keeping the parameters of that in place, if you will, and resuming the political process. well,
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escalating regional tensions as best as the un can starts. i shop right here and i'll just say right, when we come back, i'm gonna see a newman and one side is argentina with the latest inflation figures. explain why so many people are having to rely on so the the hello that will have a look at africa in line that's left to the middle east and the spell of unsettled weather swept across the gulf, bringing some heavy rain to the likes of katasha, the u a and a lot. now we still got some showers in oman on thursday, but it is an improving picture. instead we're going to see the unsettled weather start to gain some speed across from northern areas. you can see some heavier rain coming into to keep moving across that event with some very heavy falls for west
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and pots of iran and rock, as well as putting down into saudi arabia. we could see some funding from this heavy rain in the days ahead, and it's not just here, but also in the north east of africa. we've got some glossary winds blowing across the mediterranean, the showers coming into libya as well as egypt cooler conditions as well. here and we'll see something of a cool down in the north west. thanks to another with the system effectively, i'd be a potential that's going to bring some range to the likes of morocco on 1st day rain as well coming into the ivory coast before the north of this a launch we live picture and it might be flying up in south africa, but for places like madagascar as well as mozambique. we work very heavy rain in the days ahead. we are expecting some flooding from that. so hot to india has books, but cooler and windier in cape town on friday. the hey jamie into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that
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is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a may just something book is a good exercise to hear the story on told to how does era the the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just say are a quick reminder about top stories here this hour. is there any forces of showed a medical facility in southern guns of truck and wounded people inside knots on hospital and con?
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eunice was fired on off to israel's military order displaced palestinians to palestinians have been injured during confrontations with this very soldiers in central run. my law administrator vehicles have been seen streaming into the switch on his ready strikes on several towns and sell them 11 on of killed at least 12 people of the coming of on his ready soldiers in turkey as president has been welcomed in egypt for the 1st time since relations broke down 11 years ago, both leaders of code for an immediate cease fire and gaza. i'll just the rest of them because the only reports from his stumbled, the age of president up to set the l. c. c. hosts to key has the ridge of type are gone for the 1st time in more than a decade. relations broke down in 2013 when cc let and military coup against the country's 1st democratically elected president mohammed mercy, an ally of air drawn. but that appears to be behind them and the 2 leaders are
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starting a new chapter, aiming for $15000000000.00 a year and for a joint investments and deeply cooperation, starting with their insured opposition to is why as we're on gaza, a hi slugging donut, then slide even if i get to the list, we are proud of the level of cooperation between egypt and took here for rapid access to the largest amount of human and aid to our people in the gaza strip. taking into account the restrictions imposed by these really authorities on the entry of this 8th, which causes trucks to enter at a slow pace that is not come months rate with the needs of the residence. and the egypt has been hosting mediation efforts, along with guitar in the united states, to broker a ceasefire between israel and how much are due on an outspoken critic of his wiles war, pulled for unity and peace in the region? goes the con, cut them the most you to we will continue the corporation and sold their to we thought, rejection brothers calling for the black, chit,
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and gaza to stop in the medium term. we are ready to work with egypt towards the rebuilding kaiser. despite the political deadlock, economic conflicts between egypt and turkey have remain strong in the past decade. this month, encore, and now it would supply chiral with farm rooms due to the changing political and security environment in the middle east, the regions largest to military powers, egypt entered, to have compelling reasons to normalize relations. while kyra's priorities appear to focus on cooperation on colorado is looking for a geo political commitment. however, the most for us and expectation from any re engage meant is a resolution for israel's war. on godsa see non castillo elders. he may assemble, set a suitable victory parade in the us was interrupted by shooting that left one person dead and 22 wounded. 8 children were among the injured. as the kansas city chiefs found center by to the big when the weekend police in missouri say 3 suspects of
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being questioned. and a most of us that i'm clear is don't have a job yet. yeah, the center to begin is a celebration for the super bowl champion, kansas city chiefs, man, what are your so that'll do the adversity to continue to go of the goals without championship. but at the end of a parade is chief quarterback. patrick my homes tied in, travis, kelsey, and other players mingled with as many as a 1000000 fans. the shots rang out. all of the sudden people started crushing forward. everybody started running, there were screaming, we didn't know what was happening, but this teenage and people run. you run and so i put my arms around her and we tried to push through. so people wouldn't run on top of us, gunmen were taken into custody. one of them apparently tackled by bystanders. as
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shown in this fan, social media video as spokes person for the kansas city chiefs says, all the staff coaches and players are accounted for the quarterback of that team. patrick, my home says he's praying for kansas city. police scrambled toward the sound of gunfire. this tragedy occurred even in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers, who again ran towards them and took them into. the city's major says more americans joined a group of which no one wants to become a member, victims of gun violence. i wish we live in a world where they wouldn't have to sing incidents like that. but i'm as heart broken as anybody. we will do a full and thorough investigation. i hope that we bring to wherever this is to justice. as an investigator sifted through the scene, police looked for clues as to what turned yet another celebration in america into a mash shooting. john henry and l g 0. chicago is now
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a senior american politician is wanting of a serious threat to national security, but isn't saying what it is. the chairman of the us house intelligence committee, mike tennis, is urging president biden to declassify or related information. us media say the threats connected to russian missile technology, which could knock out satellites and space. and national security advisor says he's preparing a response to brief sentences. i personally reached out to the gang of a it is highly unusual. in fact for the national security adviser to do that. i did that, i just set up a meeting that was sent. it's not here. the for house members have agreed to that meeting this as well before congress been trying or came out today. we'll have that conversation tomorrow. i'm not going to say anything to them. roles and jordan has more now from washington, dc, or according to anonymous sources, talking to the new york times and to the washington post. apparently this emerging security threat would be
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a russian made anti satellite nuclear weapon. we haven't seen any designs, no one is making any designs available. certainly these anonymous sources are telling the newspapers that russia may not even started building it yet, but certainly no one in the administration. no one on capitol hill will actually confirm on the record that this is what they are concerned about. now. certainly going to one thing that checks old and did say interest by or is that the american public supplement could be worried, may not be worried. he didn't want to get people unduly worried about something, but he did say that the american public does understand that there are any number of national security threats facing the united states. and that it is the government's business to try to help mitigate some as much as possible. we heard that also from other members of congress, including the ranking member on the house, select intelligence committee,
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jim himes, who is a democrat, as well as from the house speaker mike johnson, who is a republican. both men were staying on wednesday afternoon. look, we're aware of this, we are monitoring this, we're going to talk about it, but there isn't any need for panic. and really when there is no official confirmation of what exactly this is, it's little hard to be worried because you don't know what you're worried about. smell the f. b i is being sued by victims of sex offender jeffrey epstein, assigning him to protect them. 12 women of lawrence the lawsuit seeking and i'm specified amount of damages, the us crime agencies being accused of allowing epstein to traffic on section abuse young women, some of the 20 is whole finally taking action. ukraine says it's sunk a russian warship and it's the latest attack by naval trends. the crane and military released video said to show several partially submerged trends, approaching the vessel of the coast of crime in a plume of smoke. se not the impact. ukrainian forces have repeatedly talk
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a bit of warships and rushes black, safely stimulation as defense minister. but that was to be on to has promised to be a president for all of to unofficial election results. show the whole as a significant lead about looks to be on cost for an out $5.00 victory. i'll just say with jessica washington reports and the capital contract 2 weeks of campaigning to sabean too, and he's really made to keep it on jacqueline decker. it's now time deposit we will be the president to the vice president and the government for all indonesian people. think there's some code could take up to a month, but all signs point to a decisive victory for purple and coupon. suppose is a supposed to be on so, and i've already in celebration most while opinion polls have shown for weeks that
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they were the front runner, they were down to about whether they would be able to secure an outright victory in the classroom. but according to the quick count, the pay appear to be standing even better than expected. february ran for president in 2014 edge 2019. and the last to give, ron saw the president of joe, who would go to that the selection was different. this time he has something he didn't have before, which is an all but explicit endorsement from president joe, going to coolly as he's cold, is in the final months of his presidency. he still has high approval ratings, but couldn't run again, due to a constitutional time limit. some civil society groups and academics heavy cures to the president of midland and favoring the proposed coupon campaign of the presidential candidates have also raised concerns during the campaign season. we have its difficulties in the lansing our campaign due
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to and this is something that we never experience in the past as a split. those criticisms did not resonate with many of jacoby supposes since 201972. your trouble served as defense minister working closely with joker windows and transforming his image from the president's proposal to a close ally early this week and an exclusive interview without a 0 for both summarize, his vision for indonesia. my policy is a very rational, logical, common sense approach that is actually building up on all the work of our predecessors. now he's the closest he is, is, is even to we just talk to room. he has wanted to. he is just because we're shooting
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just ears to come to the study is paula evans has passed a motion calling for the return of we can leaks found a june and assigns to his home country comes to the court ruling and the u. k. is due next week on whether he'll be extradited to the us as knowledge has been in jail in the u. k. since 2019. 0 the i hit spend 70 is inside the ecuadorian embassy in london. as long as face of 17 charges of espionage on one of computer embassy was in the us of a we can explication of classified documents. it will send a very powerful political signal to the british government, enter the us government. but the british government should not, in a time the id or boosters saw as being extremely extra daunted to the years. it sends a very powerful signal to washington that australia stands at one as one side. but this meta has gone on long, long enough that regardless of what you might think of mr. hassan justice is not
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being said in this case. now, it's now hundreds of women in democratic republic of congo have much in the capital calling for peace in the eastern region. the protest as submitted a statement to the president's office in contrast to fighting between government forces and m. 23 rebels escalated in recent days. mainly around the town of saca in north keeper prevents the cesar choosing rolanda and supporting the rebels and allegation that gun denied rights groups in venezuela on demanding the release of a permanent activists from prison, rusty your son miguel was detained last week accused of profiting to assassinate president nicholas madura, a lawyer says she's being held in a tory as president for political detainees. son miguel is been critical of venezuela's forces for dickens. today is your lawyer. i cannot speak about the circumstances under which she was the team because we did not know the file. what i can see clearly is that there was a force disappearance and that for us, you saw miguel's right to defense and due process is being violated. that is
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obvious and clear. now, new government thank technology and t now says the annual inflation rate has sold about 250 percent. many are resulting to visiting soup kitchens to get something to eat. but they rely on donations and feeding the squeeze to latin america edits. let's see a new and reports now from the capital one as our children, and started arriving at this community center for lunch early in the morning. even though it won't be served till mid day, all the food, so here comes from go. nations send. okay. i thought i'm really and i know what it's like to go to bed hungry. so none of the i'm on my feet, a phone to hear. it feels good to help to see someone with a plea to food smile.


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