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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the just unbelievable because the situation had never got more than just kind of a whatever to what's your problem, you know, and then his dad and it just didn't make any sense how it escalated that quickly. the forest famine involved. so how israel is using deliberate starvation as a webinar for a games palestinian civilians, the you're watching, all to 0, live from a headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up the chaos and panic and glasses largest functioning hospital officer is really forces storm the facilities, the strips,
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health ministry, says patients a loss that are in extreme danger. nearly 3 quarters of the journalist killed worldwide last year have to have died at the hands of is really forces that's according to the committee to protect journalists. other news and donald trump is back in court. we looked at how a judge's decision in his criminal case could affect the upcoming us presidential election news. hello. in gaza, almost all of it's 2300000 people are suffering a deliberate fireman and posed by israel's blocking of crucial aids. israel controls the movement of goods into the strip and it's preventive food and medical supplies from entering since the start of the war, palestinians were facing for starvation, say that every garzon is a needs, and the basic necessities slice are totally absence. writes groups,
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a israel is using hunger as a weapon, a for the deliberate starvation of civilians is a war crime under international humanitarian law. is really border checks are causing severe delays to the small amount of food that's getting into gaza. what does get in is nowhere near enough. palestinians are struggling to find any clean food or water. people have started eating grass and grains meant for animals because nothing less, nothing else is left to you and has been saying for several weeks that there are pockets of famine and gaza. hunger has become common place and searching for food. a daily ritual for many imaging. kimber reports hungry and displaced. these children are receiving food. hundreds. 02.3000000 people in garza, a suffering, a deliberate funding due to israel's use. it's still invasion. is a weapon, a full roughly a face of
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a trucks. the getting through to goes to the used to receive over 500 truckloads every day because more and more of being stopped at the border crossings. but as well as most of the basic necessities of life are totally absent in our camp, as well as all other refugee camp causes from water to food, let alone baby know we hear about aid being delivered, good quantities are scanned and their whereabouts are unknown. charge you say they say you're running active food. small people are really been rough uh, on top of the more than 1300000 people who already the on the prices of food volta already increases as it becomes less available in the us. i wish it could be on and what we're living in the crisis a catastrophic situation with bombardment. and now starvation, it is exasperating. our after hours in northern goes to the people are collecting
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what they can from the grind, essentially hubs and weeds, but marsh where you gotcha. which way it will be the ones that i share and that's the apply to that. i'm trying to collect some of these wild plants to feed my children. i didn't have nothing else, rice flour or brand. this is what we have been leaving on for months. i'm risking my life. but being in the un says the children on to 5 or higher risk of severe amount nutrition, this can cause long term damage to that price. i know that is all right for she. and if we had children of streaming out of starvation, we never would have done such a thing in the past. we never imagined it to come to the all the people are resorting to eating growth, an animal fetus of all i, me. but that's running out to the un says the by not allowing food into goals a salvation is being used as a weapon of flu. and the only way to stop the ongoing stove ation and garza is to a lot eating disciplinary happen with the seas for imaging kimber out a 0. let's last week to try to abrazzo who's joining us from the city in the south
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of the gaza strip. so i thought it what, what, what are people doing to, to get food of the well, in fact, the rain, people completely grappling on a daily basis to get the basic necessities and the lights of the ongoing, deep food shortages in the territory. and with the invite, also with the very limited amount of humanitarian talks being allowed to get into goals that we are talking about more than one point. 9000000 policy is a big trucks in the southern sector of the gaza strip. they are receiving a very limited amount of humanitarian assistance that could be early enough for one day. the others in the north are facing completely catastrophic families that has reached unprecedented levels since the beginning of this conflict. because there was not much a humanitarian supplies and the items being delivered to the most vulnerable area and which is the largely affected since the beginning of this conflict. now people
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that have been depending on grinding unable seeds that old out to get a food as to are using different possible of tentative of a season brush just to feed the children. this is absolutely in a human, and this is a part of the largest families that have been about recruiting globally across the world. because thompson used to have been not receiving any kind of assistance. they have been shot as they were waiting for humanitarian a troops to get to gauze a strip. the fact on the ground gives a clear indication that with the ongoing amounts of humanitarian supplies being allowed to get into goals. that without any fleet change an increase in terms of the capacity numbers, the situation wouldn't be coming days will get much more difficult and was especially with the please calling high prices and the products the new market. so thought it look, i mean, give us an a more for an idea of just how much aids has gotten into the gaza strip recently. and if any of the aides has actually made it to the northern part of the
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gaza strip. now let's illustrate that point for the audience. like within the past few weeks, may have been seeing like how post crossing we're in the gaza strip are it does are designed for allowing for a delivery into the charts where you have roughly heck listing, which did not shut down since the beginning of this conflict. where it looked approximately between 70 up to 100 humanitarian trucks would have been allowed to get into the goal is that when daily basis bought. com i was selling pushing boulder has been shut down within the past week that there is no age had been allowed to get into the territory due to the is very phone getting fruit tests that had been organized by his many settlers holding food, not allowing for aids delivery into garza to the return of it is very time says and this is absolutely terrifying because we have been seeing like that these have been allowed to get into the goals are only have been delivered to the self with
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a very limited amount of human charity supplies being delivered to the north, we have been declining, remembering that a number of the humanitarian troops being targeted as they were heading to the north of the people. just they are trying to fight in order to get a very limited amount of slower or at least both of the voices that have been allowed to be sent to the north of the gaza strip. okay, thank you thought about some reporting from the any dollars on an earlier we spoke to a palestinian in gaza about how difficult it is to find enough to eat and how much not having described how food prices are soaring. due to the food shortages, i bought a bunch of problems that are with this bombardments and the, the occupations. the sage, well now was starving. was starving to death. we as adults can and do, but i did turn that in, can log in. now it is $150.00 days old war and what's the savings we have for how they are they want a bible right to be moving along. so we used to even to live on what they want.
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they need a deliver. it is very scant. it is not sufficient, and we are living on the hand how it's what i'm benevolent people. we are with things i now was an hour, even if we can, but it's a good whatever a deliver on or what doing their best for them. but some of this is not sufficient . the garza health ministry says the is where the army have forced hundreds of people into harsh and frightening conditions in an old building of the law sort, hospitable complex. those that have less describe being shot at bones and having to leave without ambulances to transport. the wounded is really force, has claimed the bodies of captives were being kept there without providing any evidence. honey. my food reports from what i found in the gaza strip, a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and most of the hospital as is really soldiers, the storm,
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the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians from relentless is really a top medical staff attempted to move big bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest after selling parts of the building. doctors describe conditions as catastrophic and disaster. yes. a lot of stuff special say about 1130 last night. these ready soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex of 2 that they want us to speak is that the host is who must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilians started to leave the hospital, but then i me saw was fired on the orthopedics department. and one person was killed in 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one river actuated by force. kidney, dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital. authorities in
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gonna say is really snipers go to 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is rated forces go the prisoner in hand. cox who was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders and the visual office i left with my husband. hughes blind i was undergoing kidney dialysis, so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to laugh and fired booms and rockets at us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to see which is re lease, then took him away. and the dorothy, this is your nozzler hospital and the tax on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place across the gaza strip. anymore more i was just the rock behind southern gaza.
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let's find out what's being said about this and speak to him. the some who are joining us will occupied east jerusalem. so these claims that the is really, is, are making that how much had previously health captives at the hospital have. they supported these claims with any credible evidence ahead of the raid and the siege of the north side hospital is no proof to back up those claims by the is really our, me. but remember, this is not the 1st time they have made quite large claims about medical facilities, schools, cemeteries, and other types of facilities that they say are used by him as to pronounce that hospital. specifically. they said that they had to quote, credible intelligence so that they launched this targeted for size and limited operation on most that hospital. they say that there were captives being held there . there were the bodies of deceased captives. and additionally, the chemist was using the medical complex for military means now we do know this
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has happened previously where these really army has made quite large claims with no evidence to back them up. we've seen them previously on the i'm at the hospital as on tc hospital and most notably a ship a hospital when there was a huge raid on the largest medical complex in gaza because these really army had said that they had proved that hems was using it as a military command center proof, nearly 2 months later that they still have not provided evidence for these really armies spokesperson daniel, have got you releasing a statement saying that whenever they have intelligence like this, they're going to act on it and that they want to do what they can to protect civilians and keep them out of harm's way. but the image is on the ground speak for themselves. you have more than 10000 displace palestinians sheltering at the and also at medical complex who have flooded their homes. because of relentless is really a tax only to be met with more attacks in the form of showings and sniper fire at
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the medical complex for still these really army has not provided any concrete evidence for and have that. let me ask you about the ca, chief william burns, who of course, earlier this week was in egypt as these seas for negotiation. those were reported in taking place there. but now we understand he's in israel, who is the meeting and why is he there? and this was quite a surprise visit on announced by this c i a director bill burns after he was in cairo, actually meeting with these really delegation, the parts of the prime minister, egyptian mediators, and others to try and come up with a deal to secure the release of captives and a pause, and a pause in the fighting in the war. but these really delegation had come back early . these really prime minister said that he had sent them there merely to listen and that they did not have the intention of making a deal of the prime minister said had masses demands were, quote,
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delusional. and he actually denied the delegation. going back to the negotiations for a 2nd day in cairo. this is something that upset a lot of members of israel's war cabinet because they were not consulted by this. so bill burns will meet with these really prime minister tonight. it's not really clear what's going to come out of that meeting or who else might be involved, but it is going to be on the topic of the captives and a pause in the finding these really is, are seemingly resisted to give up any sort of concessions on making a deal more than 4 months into the war, the families of the captives have put out a statement saying that this is quote, a death sentence and that nothing yahoo is not putting their plight in mind and that he's not interested in securing the release of the captive, so a lot to keep an eye out for as that meeting happens tonight until a visa. okay. thank you. 100 us on has reported from occupied east jerusalem and is really striking. garza city has killed at least 3 palestinians. 5 were injured in
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the attack which targeted a vehicle on engine da streets because of health officials say nearly $29000.00 palestinians had been killed since the war started on october. the 7th. as the death toll and gauze arises, so does the toll on palestinian journalists and its annual report. the committee to protect journalist said $9.00 to $9.00 journalists on media workers worldwide were killed while doing their job last year. they include $72.00, palestinian journalists killed by is really forces fairly 75 percent of the worldwide total. last year it was the highest number of recorded jacks of journalist since 2015 and the period with most fatalities since the organization began documenting them in 1992. even when they're not on the job, palestinian journalists living and gaza faced the risk of is really bombardment because of media office as a police to a 126 palestinian medial workers have been killed since israel's were begun.
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journalists working in conflicts, areas are protected under international humanitarian law, palestinian journalists accused israel of repeatedly violating that law of killing colleagues, or telling the world what's happening in gaza. we're investigating at least a dozen cases where we think that journalists have been deliberately targeted. we've seen the case, for example, of some of the, the voices done, and that's who was killed on the lebanese border, has been a number of independent reports indicating that he was clearly wearing a he was a wearing pressed insignia. his other job invest in an area known to be an area where john this operates and yet i was talking to is by is really why in is where the strike and, and there were a number of other cases that we're looking into. israel has long been one of the most divisive a divisive countries to come. i've been to join us for 25 years,
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and that's loan been the country the, the, the issue that has divided international media, international politicians more than anything. so it's so surprising, i think that we've seen hesitancy to come out publicly in support of our journalist colleagues in goals that who are doing what the international journalistic community is and tardy, reliant on to bring it the information to bring the public information about the people inside gaza, still a heads on alpha 0 and we solve strike on the russian city of bel garage near the ukrainian border. both sides are increasing aerial attack, the, the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the
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current government knows not being to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, in examining the impact of today's headlines, this is not a war between us and israel. this is a war against palestinians explore the world class program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform,
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most events and exposure. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well from a different perspective. on elders here. the, [000:00:00;00] the reminder for top stories on how to 0 this hour, almost all of those, those 2300000 people are suffering deliberate from an, imposed by israel's blocking of crucial aids rights groups. a israel is using hunger as a weapon for israel controls the movement of goods into the strip and has prevented . suffice from entering is really forces a storm,
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the largest functioning hospital in the us, us patients in intensive care, as well as thousands of people sheltering from is really attacks were ordered to leave and they weren't arrested no sort of hospital and trying unice has been under as really seeds for weeks has been lost as fire and dozens of rockets at a northern town. and israel, the 11 on based groups of the rockets were in response to the killing of 10 civilians and is really strikes on wednesday. that's the highest number of lebanese civilians killed since the start of the war on gaza. meanwhile, is really warplanes carried out at least 12 airstrikes and south east lebanon. they targeted why this new keep the air raids, follow the killing of an is really soldier in a rocket attack. wednesday saw the worst single day civilians are totally loving on since the war on gaza. accord in new york has ruled a donald trump hush money trial will become will begin on march the 25th with jury
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selection. the former us president attended a court hearing earlier over allegations of payments to an adult film. actress trump is accused of falsifying business records by saying payment to stormy daniels was for legal fees. the actress says that she was paid a $130000.00 in 2016 to stay quiet after an affair with trump, which he denies. in south carolina, this is a binding to be doing this a this is your coordinated with
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district attorney tomorrow is driving you its a rick said its a re cities issue and take care of the the only 6 people have been killed in miss ald strike on the russian city of belgrade, near the ukrainian border reports suggest 17 people were also injured during the attacks on thursday. if you'll yet some of our little has more for moscow. a full month sold, baby was killed during the shutting belgrade. the child was lying in a prime near a school when a fragment to one of the shells from nearby. so the latest information is that 6
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people done it as a result of the showing, including the baby and 17 people including 4 children were injured. and they have depression, ministry of defense reports, i bet 14 woke has were intercepted over the region. according to the stage one is the korea sign to use that i am 70 von pile rocket systems. and last night stay russian meant a treat. launched a must have missed a laptop on regions of ukraine as a result of which several people were injured and a lot of infrastructure was damaged. so many c based events in the background regional russia. as originally trach, hog, foreign ministry, sparks pass and re is a horrible cold incident yet, and not the acts of terrorism by the king of regime. and that it would be submitted by russia to a number of international organizations, including the u. on security council. the belgrade region serves as one of the supply lines for the russian army at the beginning of the armed conflict between washington's ukraine and february 22. 22. numerous convoys of tongues and vehicles
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will pick loan trans personnel were entering ukraine through the belgrade region. the result of military infrastructure that including repair bases and hospitals with every time when the shunting a cause we hear about civilian casualties and this time around is no exception. we hear about showing the peaceful sacraments that as well more than 300 people have been relocated from the belgrade region to other regions of russia, but ukrainian shirley remains the main problem in the border regions. and this content is growing. those people say that the rest of russia simply don't have all the countryman living close to the ministry conflicts the problems simply known as the rest of the country, continue to leave the everyday life as nothing is happening between russia and ukraine. you last above oliver odors, the route most current into a supreme court has struck down a controversial funding system for political parties ahead of general elections in 2 months. the court struck the scheme that allowed anonymous donations in the form
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of electoral bonds to parties. the opposition had pushed through the change, arguing the public, had a right to know who was behind the funding. prime minister in a remote, his party has been the top beneficiary if anonymous donations, colon gonzales is a senior advocate of the supreme court of india. he says the ruling is a huge set back for the government, a very significant routing. the supreme court has to be the quietest terms of the the, the wrong doings of the central government for the last one. yeah. and be most so so happy to hear the really delivered by a 5 judge based to the constitution page of the supreme court. i think it is a stunning, a defeat for the central government, the dog and the payment the that they bought a right to enact the elect or the bottle scheme which provided for and not
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empty for donors who contributed money to political parties. because if this ruling had not been delivered at this, a number got to new. so corporate houses and individuals could give money as much as they wanted to the central government. obviously as we think for the credit protocol, since the government didn't follow, has a lot of the we do gifts, corporate houses, that individual has all kinds of benefits in place as and so we expected that there would be a huge flow money from corporate causes and individuals to the central government and coming to months before the election. it's a huge success for the human rights movement. and to the right information moment. m p is in australia have voted to urge britain on the u. s. to allow australia to whistle blower enjoy, you know, songs to return home. the high court in london is due to rule next week on an
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appeal by the weekly expounds are against extradition to the us where he's wanted on s few and as charges or 0. the warrant is if it's off of the hour right here on al jazeera with massage, it's a uh that's it for me for the time being. but the weather is up next to an inside story, tackles the issue of how the starvation of civilians in gaza is being used by israel as a weapon. a 4 by the had low. they were watching a storm system developed to the east of madagascar. but before we get to africa, let's have a look at the middle east and live vantage. as you can see from the cloud, we've got some unsettled weather, dominating the northern half of the region. it's going to be heavy rain, so rather damp and dreary conditions across the events of brisk winds as well for eastern parts of the mediterranean, the west of the wet weather, affecting
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a rock and south west and pots of iran. you could see some flooding as a 118 millimeters of rain may fall in a very short period of time here. some of the shaw is touching down into saudi arabia. it's going to warm up full, some of the gulf states of the change in the wind. have a look at doha. if we haven't look at the full cost data for the next 3 days, we're going to see the sunshine on saturday. the temperature sitting right up we'll get knocked down on sunday is a shamal wind stops to blow its way down the golf. and when does the story across the north of africa, we're going to see some blustery conditions picking up some of the higher side remains a bit cooler, across the north west. the shot was tracking east across algeria, some west windy weather as well for the northeast, for egypt and libya, but the west to all the rain continuing to pull in to madagascar. and we've got that developing system. we will be keeping an eye on behind that lots of heat for what's one or of the
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aisle coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a clear and unbiased and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of, you know, hundreds of thousands of policies in gaza living funds or the never ending slash assignment because of the shortage of humanitarian aid is the foundation of civilian is being used by as well as a west end of war. this is inside story the


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