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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the other one, the saw these, hey, this is a new the life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes for starvation and garza how israel is using deliberate salvation as a weapon of war against palestinian civilians. the town atlantic and dogs is the
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largest functioning hospital off is ready for the store and the facility districts health ministry says patients, i don't know if the are an extreme danger to space patients and people who taken shelter at the facility forced to leave off the is read oldest and about 2 weeks and families as captives health in garza trying to storm israel. ministry of defense of politicians don't meet with them. piece of the same as the sports news power sandra. man install man to lead them. bob, a as in former to be in seems to be the end of the season. the whole we begin and goes up. we're almost or if it's 2300000 people are suffering deliberate mass, starvation,
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and post by israel is blocking of crucial aid is real control of some reason that just goes into the strip and has prevented adequate food and medical supplies from entering since the start of this falls, palestinians who are facing for starvation, say that it recalls and is in need and the basic necessities of life. october to the absent rights groups say that as well as using hung up as a weapon for the deliberate salvation of civilians is a war crime on the international humanitarian who is waiting for the checks also causing severe delays to the small amount of food. it's actually getting into gaza . what does it get in is nowhere near enough? palestinians also struggling to find any cane virtual food. people have started, asian cross and grains meant animals because nothing else is less. target boys in begins are coverage now from rough hungry i'm displace these children are receiving food handouts for 2300000 people who can cause a suffering at
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a different time and due to as well. so use of the style patient as a what than for less than the $58.00 trucks are getting throat to guns that we choose to see. move them point on top loads every day. because i'm more of the top of the border crossings by ease with the basic necessities of life are totally absent in our camp, as well as all other refugee camps and gaza from water to food, let alone baby milk. we hear about aid being delivered, good quantities are scanned and their whereabouts are unknown. terry to say that the sea running out as soon as new people are arriving roughly on top of the more than one point. $3000000.00 people who are read the and the prices of food and water only increases as it becomes less available hydrogen. the
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people's need for food is enormous. food is beginning to completely run out and the northern gaza strip 8. come boys have no entity, northern gauze or a tool. yeah, and i've got another in going so the speak about collecting what they can from the ground. essentially, hudson wins of the people i result seems to ethan crass and animal feet just as long as you ask them a little while there was a marsh where you gotcha. which way. so basically what i'm trying to collect some of these wild plants to feed my children, we have nothing else. rice at flower or bread. this is what we're leaving on for months. i'm risking my life by being here. i'm gonna put you on site that children tend to find all at higher risk of stuff, e mail, nutrition, and this can coast long term damage to the growth. the us size that by not allowing food into garza salvation is being used as
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a weapon of flu. and the only way to stop the ongoing pulsation is to allow you den . and that can only happen with a ceasefire. topic about zoom out, just a rough, rough off, and so i'll bring causa. will that speak to tara otherwise in he's in rafa for us. tart is any age getting in right now and given the tiny amounts we've seen so far, what are people actually doing to get food we just saw out challenging it was as well in fact, so no one expected that the humanitarian situation will be deteriorated to search unprecedented critical levels, as the majority of palestinians are suffering from an acute food insecurity. since the beginning of this complex where they have been accrued prevention of age delivery since the 1st weeks of the confrontations. but later with the on getting together, she ation 8 started to flew into gauze on the problem still exists, which is the food insecurity where the number of humanitarian trucks be getting
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into cause that is very desperately limited, where palestinians are dried, struggling each day for survivor as they are looking for meals for to feed their family members and we are talking about a key deterioration. and they know that part of the cause of where people are starting to grinding animal food to get at the to get something to eat for their family. members, and this is absolutely in human conditions that it has been the largest of recorded globally were different organizations have been quoting for an immediate and increase of humanitarian supplies, into the causes chip onto the most largely affected areas of the conflict in order to help people to cope with the situation, but until now people are completely depending on alternatives, as they are trying to each it to find each day. a kind of amount of food that could be barely enough for the family members tart as they should monitor. and situation continues to deteriorate. the bombardment is continuing. where are we seeing these
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latest strengths, us? yes, bombardments on fighting with the ground in facts. continue to grow, then to get much more furious, and on the ground in the another in pots and also in central areas have gone into the city where the is where the forces had stepped up. it's mandatory trucks in the north. in the past few hours, we have been seeing most strikes when to value a refugee camp were to palestinians have reported killed and then at a strike that destroyed a building in tell us our neighborhood alongside that these are the forces. i talk it said the central neighborhoods of kansas city, including a supper and share your area where the is very forces had been operating before it's ongoing. cost to the recycling of the central parts of the territory were an impulse, palestinians, happier reported, killed. now these areas supposed to be saved zone for the majority of palestinians as they have fared, had been informed by the is where the army to go for in order to seek safety. as we can see, that there is going to be more expansion and military attacks in the south were
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rough. i right now is the last remaining area that is supposed to be saved zone for past 10 years, but had been why the attacks within the past few days time a couple of them. there was that report from the ground in rafa. and the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much. time earlier we spoke to a palestinian about how difficult it is to find enough to eat the how is described how food prizes us or, and use of these shortages as part of the problem is that there's bombardments in the middle. the occupations do the best age well now was starving, was starving to death. we as adults can do, but i did turn that in. can log in. now it is 150 days old war. whatever savings we have a good how they are. they want a bible right to be moving them so we use to even to live on what the they need to deliver. it is very scant. it is not sufficient. and we are living on the hand how
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it's what i'm benevolent people. we are weird things like that was an hour, so even if we can, it's a good whatever a delivered the on or what doing their best for them. but some of this is not sufficient. well, test ingram is a spokes passenger eunice s. she told me earlier that even one through dentist casa guessing it to where it's needed is next to impossible of the situation in the south, which we are able to provide some limited aid and also have some access to those of, you know, some level of food all of the families that i met and spoke to said that they were incredibly hungry, but they were able to access a tend vegetables from aid packages and perhaps spread from a community fire of thirty's, limited, and the diversity. and that 3rd is not enough nutrition for, for children to grow up healthy and strong. but in the north, the situation is, is even worse, unbelievably, because i had access to the north has basically been nonexistent since the
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beginning of this year. we haven't received these safety assurances that we need to get up into the north and provide there. and what we're hearing from families on the ground in the north east is that hung up is, is catastrophic. and people are resorting to, to non human foods to, to try and survive. what reason is riley forces actually giving to 8 walk, inspect for turning trucks back. so it's, it's uh, very opaque we, we do our best to try and get as much items as we can, but the price is the screening at the border is, is very complex and it's very long. and one of the challenges that we have is, is when we kind of surrender trucks to that screening process, we don't know when they're going to arrive on the other side, which makes it very difficult for us to plan the distribution. and then once we do receive the goods, we then have to battle with the ongoing security challenges on the ground, the lack of trucks, fuel the damage to the road. so it's incredibly difficult for us to move around even most so now with the threat of
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a grand invasion in rafa. as all the calls of health ministry, he says that he has rarely on me, meanwhile, has forced hundreds of people into harsh and frightening conditions. they've been pushed into an old building up and also hospital complex. those who left the facility describing shop tops and foamed. is there any forces claim that the bodies of captives were being kept fed, but haven't provided any evidence. honeywell would reports from rough on a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and loss of the hospital as is rarely soldiers the storm, the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians from relentless is really a top medical staff attempted to move bit bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest after selling parts of the building,
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doctors described conditions as catastrophic and disaster yes. well that's special ed about $1130.00 last night. these ready soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex after that they wanted us to speak is that the hospital must be evacuated within early 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilian started to leave the hospital, and then i me. so i was fired on the orthopedics department, and one person was killed in 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one river actuated by force. the kidney dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital. authorities in gotta say is really snipers go to 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is really forces guild, the prisoner in hand. cost was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders. and the visual i left with my husband. use blind. i was undergoing kidney dialysis,
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so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to laugh and fired booms and rockets at us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to see which is right at least and took him away and their number and the oh, how does your the, the see is your nozzler hospital and the tax on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place across the gaza strip anymore mode via the dropbox and southern gaza. humanitarian groups, including doctors without borders, the red cross and the un say they run out of ones to describe the har is unfolding in the besieged costs a strict following meeting in geneva. they said that israel cannot offload responsibility for the cottage. that on to 8 watkins, the agencies warmed against israel, pushing ahead with that major operation in rafa where 1500000 palestinians have
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sought refuge reality in any case is that an evacuation to a safe place in godsa is an illusion. if that happens, do not look to the united tank community as the rescue brigade for the people of compressed into that area because conditions do not allow, it will not be our fault. if people suffer, it will be the fault of those who decide to make them suffer. we are reaching the barriers of language in describing the humanitarian situation. it is not in your interest to off load the responsibility to the states parties to the geneva convention half onto the humanitarian auditors. the families of israeli captives all threatening to storm the ministry of defense and tell of these good demanding and immediate meeting with politicians. and the
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government re, ends in negotiations to come off and comes off as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose decision to recall a delegation from kyra where they haven't. the tools relatives of the captives say the government is sacrificing their loved ones. well, let's now speak to hum to sell hood. she joins us from occupied east through them. and we was saying all of this looks like a pretty substantial protest. how significant doesn't this is quite a larger demonstration than what we usually see from the families of the captives. in fact, it happened outside the kids. this is rose defense ministry. and inside of that building, earlier tonight, we saw a meeting with the c, r e, a director, these really prime minister and the delegation that he had sent to cairo. now remember, these really prime minister had not allowed that delegation to go back to cairo for
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a 2nd day of meetings and negotiations with mediators. now this came at the surprise of some members of the war cabinet who were not consulted on this decision, but nothing yahoo had made himself so the families are saying that these really government is simply not doing enough to help them. they're not only demanding that the government go back into negotiations, but they're also demanding a meeting with the prime minister so that they can voice their concerns yet again for more than 4 months. they have been saying that these really government is not prioritizing, bringing back the captives from gaza and that they should re enter negotiations and be willing to offer up any sort of concessions that the other side wants. but nets and yahoo himself has said that israel has multiple red lines and that while he does want it to bring back the captive, it's not going to come at any price. and in fact, he has been reiterating that military pressure is the only way to bring them back.
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now this protest tonight until a v was significant because the family members came out in quite a show of force. they had hancock themselves together to the sense of the building . they had blocked roads. and remember that this is also the same protest movement that was happening before the war against israel's judicial overhaul. reforms is called caplin force and this protest movement essentially this week had said that they are coming back in full of force to protest, not only against the government, but also against their policies that have seen the war and go on for this long without the release of the captive, so the families tonight, intel of be incredibly angry, demanding more from these really government. i'm to saw her with the latest on that protest for us from occupied easter eastern. thanks. honda. well, actually i spoke to a kia elder. he's a political analyst on the contributors of the hertz newspaper. he explained that
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these 10 of your protest are likely to be just the beginning, especially as the costs of the will begin to bye. it's as the default to jackie was getting some type of eve. and it will come back to us again and again in the next few weeks is much bigger than the story of the cap dues. and the, the freedom of a $100.00 that he's larry's, and the face of the senior who are also in a way they have chapters in the in does up is bigger because it's about a free to of one person who believes that his freedom is more important and his political future is more important than the lives of hundreds
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of thousands of other seniors, as well as his riley's and this man, benjamin antonio is a stand, is still standing trial for corruption and was he was assigned to deal with. hum us that me is the end of the beginning, go to the end of the war, and this is the end of this call ition. and we will see in a few months, these riley's not only back industries, but back in developing stations. there seems to be a huge public support for the war and for the military. we know the nursing yahoo is incredibly unpopular and many believe that his political survival is obviously featuring heavily in his decisions on this for. is that knowledge then actually changing feeling about how long the war should continue. the people who are coming back from guys after 4 months, the soldiers, the bottom tiers,
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the people who have been evacuated from the homes for more than 4 months in the nose. and in this, how's it going to be a big? yeah. and they don't believe that the, you know, that the, what he is looking for, which is a complete victory, isn't the costs. it's a, not a 0 sum game. they, they see that president biden is involved. these are national community, the cause international court of justice, egypt, jordan, that is, live is becoming a variety of states. the economy is down. uh, the easy way to use uh economy is a struggling not only with the expenses of the world, but with a kind offer and international embargo and as well also some breaking news. now, incentive dollars. constitutional court has always
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a ton of delay to the countries. the presidential election, they want you initially to take place on february 25th, but then the instigation of current presidents back, you saw some of those problem at postponed to that vote to defend the well, let's get more and all of this was nicholas talk. you joins us on the phone from the senegalese capital. com. nick what happens now if this postponement is effectively counselled? how soon could we actually see an election a great christmas? does it let sticks talk to what they said? a historic moment in unprecedented times for seneca, all essentially the constitutional counsel going against the decision of the president, the delayed news elections to december 15th. now, one of the issues that they had was the, the article one o 3 of the constitution, which says that the president cannot stay longer than his mandate. and president
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lucky selves and then date finishes on april. second, the election. do you want them to take place on december 15th, between the 2 months? that's a moment of consistency in the moment that's unconstitutional, according to the council. it's also the circumstances in which the vote took place . the vote, the creed that was announced by the president then was voted in by the national assembly. and we saw unprecedented seeking for we saw police and right here, they're normally on the street inside the national parliament pushing out empty that were staging a protest. and then the vote took place that would be united states, as the department says that the book was legitimate. there was concerns from the international community, but this is certainly a below for president my case file and a victory for those presidential hopefuls. they wanted to see the selection, go ahead and stop them. next, that had been street protests ever since this postponement took place. we're seeing
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some of them on, on our screens. now. they're obviously still a lot of unresolved issues. how free and fed is an election likely to be as well? this would be the election without one key figure or 2 key figures. kareem wad, who's currently an exile in caught are though ha, who is a figure of the opposition. and then there is an sancho with a popular opposition to figure that currently in jail. and that was what are the issues of president of mackie. so he, he saw that the elections couldn't go ahead because the circumstances of the list of candidates put in place a chance that that would be someone certain t over the outcome of the election. but if you talk to the candidates, they're looking forward to going ahead and to campaign. now, some things to bear in mind that the constitutional counsel tries that the february
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25th elections are just 2 weeks away. so that's quite to, there needs to be a new day that needs to be agreed upon by the president and members of the proposition and candidate. they need to still sit down at the table in the side when this election will take place. but for those who defended the institutions of democracy for them, it's an incredible victory. is already announcements made of protests in on friday and on saturday, from members of the opposition, but also from the civil society that are calling for. when they describe as political prisoners to be free, we see t fingers from the opposition and civil society that have been free. 7 of them had been freed today and were expecting more than enough to find a peace of mind from president becky saw that has always called for dialogue. but certainly a historic moment in unprecedented times for senegal in a region that has seen several crews, all eyes are on setting up
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a country that hasn't only experience peaceful transitions of power. and if there's instability in the democracy here, instead of going, it could have a repercussion on the region at the whole present. but he's always not in the country right now. he's of the african union. he said to meet with nigeria as president because the head of the west african party echo was to discuss more about the crisis and the the, the move the head. best of them. well, suddenly a lot of uncertainty ahead, but i think day for synagogue nicholas hawk, the on the phone to us with all the latest from the center. gaze capital dot com. thanks may well, let's go back to goals and now and as the best tool that rises. so does the total on palestinian john list and its annual report the committee to protect on the said the $99.00 john this and media walk as well to live? well killed while doing good job. last year. thank who's 72 palestinians killed fight is really forces knots. nearly 3 quarters of the entire world wide total. the
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2023, a total number of the quoted s. so john, this was a 44 percent increase on the year before, and it was also the period with the most fe policies since the organization began documenting them in 1992. now even when then also on the john part of sending jealous, living in dollars a face the risk of his ready bombardment. the goal is the media office has at least a 126 pile of sending media was have been killed since, as well as wolf. again, john is working and conflict areas are protected on the international humanitarian google posting and trying to secure his as well of repeatedly violating metal and killing colleagues who are telling the wild what's happening on the ground and cause a that we're investigating at least a dozen cases where we think that journalists have been deliberately targeted, we've seen the case, for example, of some of the, the voices done, and that's who was killed on the lebanese border. has been a number of independent reports indicating that he was clearly wearing a. he was
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a wearing pressed insignia, his other job invest in an area known to be an area where john this operates. and yet i was talking to, it's by is really why in is where the strike and, and there were number of other cases that we're looking into. israel has long been one of the most divisive and divisive countries to come. i've been to join us for 25 years and that's loan been the country the, the, the issue that has divided international media, international politicians more than anything. so it's so surprising, i think that we've seen hesitancy to come out publicly in support of our journalist colleagues in goals that who are doing what the international journalistic community is and tardy reliance on to bring it the information to
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bring the public information about the people inside gaza, hezbollah says it funded dozens of rocket sizes in northern town and israel, 11 and 11 on based groups said that the rockets were in response to beginning of 10 civilians. and this really strikes on wednesday. that's the highest number of lebanese civilians killed in full months now. of cross border exchanges. is there any will pains carry down to those attacks on southeastern deadline on 12 s strikes targets in the what is saluki? they followed the killing of an israeli soldier in orchestra to. so i'm going to say you say they've targeted versus ship with a miss dial. the group said they target to the capital us while it was traveling in the gulf of age and the british maritime security from embrace of the a bulk carriers stuff of mine and damage officers was targeted by an explosive project though now and we didn't name the ship but said that the incident happened east of humans. port city of aidan malaysian charging says up to provide a deposit stands is accused of stealing millions of dollars. 3 man involved in the
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charge, the offers multiple charges of allegedly misappropriating funds derived from public donations funds. so it has moved from calling them for the judge took nearly 2 hours to read out all the challenges facing the top 2 executives of a local pro, palestine charity, on palest. and now this charging was set up 20 years ago in malaysia with the aim of channeling aid to palestinians. and since then it has given a weight, millions of dollars, even sponsoring equipment for the reconstruction of gaza in 2019. but on this date it's chad. man, an executive director, were charged with a $160.00 counts of money laundering, criminal breach of trust and cheating. they've been accused of stealing millions of dollars and using that money to purchase commercial and residential properties to buy land and even gold boss. now, a 3rd man, a director of
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a private company that's been entrusted to look after the assets of this charity has also been charged with money laundry. all 3 men have pleaded not guilty. malaysians have taken to social media to express the shock, disbelief and anger, especially in the country where so many people are pro palestine. now there are some comments who have suggested that this could be a conspiracy to stop this charity from dispersing 8 to palestinians. now that its bank accounts are frozen, but this is a minority view by and large people are angry because the amounts that we're talking about is very large. and they have also, of course, concerns that this could have a negative impact on all the charities, especially if people stop viewing all the charities with suspicion and distrust science. lee, which is 0 quite a little boy, are hostile ahead here on auto 0 days. as i've said, donald trump's criminal trial making him the fast for me,
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you as president to be try and on such charges. and then gyptian football legend takes charge of the national team that piece of will have all the details for you. the had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for europe. and you can see it is a launch the unsettled picture. but don't be deceived. there's lots of mild weather to be found. the temperature is one above the average for this time if yeah, we think conditions that would be most suited for early may run the mid february and look at those temperatures. places like germany as well as poland, rising up. we've got lots of rooms that is looking pretty wonderful in a wall, so i feel good friday, 12 degrees celsius, which should be around to 2 degrees. the rain does start to pour in on saturday, a cloudy outlook, and a much cool up by sunday. and that's because we what rounds of rain that are going
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to move in from the west. we'll see some of that pouring back into portugal and northern pots of space edging across much of front. it does look like a fine a day for britain on the island of island. on the saturday. the rate isn't very far away. that will start to push its weight for the east, but on friday we're seeing more rain move across scan today, but it is pretty more mild hit to a temperature, little bit high than they have been some snow running across interested in more of that working its way across russia, lots of bright stars to be found across eastern areas of your showers, coming in to greece, the but you can see the worst of the heavy rain rolling into island by saturday that she weather update. the the unique perspective. i don't want to leave, i don't want to go even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the
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street, in the rubble of their own homes, and this is unacceptable. the stream on our these are the density as wild flyers in the history of chile begin with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce wins this way, look like a very small flyer right now with this at this up time tree or what's left of it, and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. so when you put out the fire, it can ignite it at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again. they started simultaneously and exactly the same hour and 6 different places . this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish the culprits. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the natural watching all just here. um, let's remind you about top stories. this allen causes 2300000 people of suffering, deliberate mass starvation imposed by israel, broken crucial aid fights. troops say that israel is using hung up as a witness as well. controls the movements of goods into the strip and has prevented adequate supplies from entering. is there any forces have stormed the largest functioning hospital ins. awesome patients and intensive care, as well as thousands of sheets of sheltering mass. and it's really attached to the hospital and con, unice has been on the stage now. the breaking your incentive goal is constitutional counsel has over time to delay to
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the country's president for the next it was due to take place on february 25th. at the instigation of con presidents by himself, selling some of his parliament postponed the vote to defend the violence between the army and i'm 20. 3 fighters has escalated an east and the democratic republic of congo battle is all taking place around the town of south k. neither one's in border, more than a $120.00 armed groups operation in that area. they've been competing for land and natural resources. the government uses neighboring lawanda is backing them $23.00 charges that kick already has denied. meanwhile, thousands of civilians have been killed in the fighting. millions more have been displaced. the un peacekeeping mission has been stationed in east in new york even more than a decade now. but it's due to withdrawal by the end of the year, of the criticism for failing to protect people from arms. groups with jason stones is from the congo research group in new york university. he says the government
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faces many challenges as it tries to end the fighting, as well as a very confusing situation on the grounds that i think is very worried. so on the one hand, you have to call these army, those allied to local militia, cause it was all into it is also allied with as receiving the support now from the side to access. so that address and develop the community forces to the south african allow in intensity and forces. it's also being that higher and private security contractors to different private security contracts. we have a whole array of the call to the side. and the other side, you have the m 23 rebellion due calling these government it uses to being back by rhonda that also the united nations group of experts has provided numerous reports stay the same thing as a numerous governments donor governments. and so you have this very complex array of forces by to each other an hour and a situation with defining escalating that you have. what we believe our role on and for us is actually staging. definitely fire with south african government. i went
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to the indian government as well as we have a regionalization of this price is much of this one house into the 3rd floor is actually was there before as part of the un mission as was being re added as the siding mission now. so there's actually not a lot of news about and force is there some new there coming to the south? african army is really stretched very then even domestically and has a lot of recruitment problems, a lot of equipment problems. and so it's not clear to me whether the military force could really change things. i think the real, the real big news is diplomatic. really, if we imagine a situation where it's asking government is finding oncology so withdrawn and government that is a significant diplomatic escalation as well. so i think that on the diplomatic militarily, yes, it could change things, but i think we really need to look is diplomatically wrong. and governments is militarily, very strong, but diplomatically, extremely dependent on donor 8. and i think we have a hard time going to, to tote diplomatically with the government such as throwing government. and so i
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think it's in the diplomatic round of things will begin to shift lawyers in between and also on strike, demanding the release. one of your colleagues has been kidnapped and detained since the end of january. nicholas hoc results from dot com. and some of the, the lawyers are walking out of the court room in burkina faso angry, and the military june to who seems to be arresting those that are critical of the government and taking them to the front line. the latest arrest is a prominent lawyer, d l, a. come, he was arrested in january on his way out of the country. no one knows his whereabout in this video is. but anyway, though he's visually impaired, he was critical of gentle leader ever. i am try right now. you see him praising the military and it's effort to stop attacks from our groups linked to ice. so you know, tied up for rice group. not only is this a range of his human rights, but also cruel. we have seen at times by the government to media,
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people that have been deployed at the front line or those that are targeted are known for their independence for big voices, which is a government kind of control and wants to control. the government says that this is all perfectly legal. there's been an emergency to create a law that was passed in 2023, allowing the military turn to, to send anybody to the front line. meanwhile, attachment on groups or on the increase. so is the frustration among the population as the security situation continues to deteriorate. nicholas hawk alger 0. the car, a john to new york has ruled, but donald trump's hush money trial will begin next month. after his story is failed and their attempt for delay. this would be the 1st time that a former us president will face the criminal trial. she ever times. the reports now from washington. donald trump will be prosecuted in a new courtroom on march the 25th. you will be the 1st former us president to face
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a criminal trial. the case is expected to take some 6 weeks, and trump found to be present to fight what he believes as an attempt to buy the bike and administration to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. obviously the manhattan district attorney welcomes a decision by the judge stating that he was pleased with the quote denied the defences motion to dismiss and look forward to presenting his case to the court. the prosecution letters. but donald trump paid an adult full mattress, $130000.00 to prevent it from going public about the alleged affair. prior to the 2016 presidential election, trump declared the payment as a legal expense for the da alleges the payment was made to help trumps election campaign and therefore was in fact, undeclared campaign contribution. then you will judge's decision confirms that
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donald trump will phase criminal prosecution in court before the 2024 presidential election as the new york court hearing going underway on thursday. a georgia court was hearing evidence about the letter, improper relationship between the atlanta prosecutor and her deputy, a revelation that could result in that states persecution, legend crump, and co conspirators attempted to sup uh the results of the 2020 election being thrown out on friday a new york judge is scheduled to route on a civil case involving trump and his real estate impact. it could cost him hundreds of millions of dollars. i'm from could be bound from doing real estate business in the states, trouble surfaces to federal trials. another case alleging that he attempted to overtime the results of the 2020 election is on hold, pending a us supreme court judgments on presidential immunization of the case currently scheduled for may on the alleged mishandling of classified documents is expected to be delayed. she ever time c l g 0, washington. ha,
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staying in the us and police and kansas city say, 3 suspect opened fire on a super bowl victory parade officer dispute. the 3 all still detains, but the police haven't yet found charges. one woman was killed and $22.00 people, including children, were injured in that shooting on wednesday. none of us to pay us or coaches will had more than a $1000000.00 people had been at that event for the nfl champions. first and foremost, i want to stress that preliminary investigative findings have shown there was no nexus to terrorism or home grown violent extremism. this appeared to be a dispute between several people that ended in gunfire. nbc news correspondent j grey has worn out from kansas city. lisa, this is going to be a lengthy and detailed investigation that they have perhaps hundreds of people to interview. they're asking for video from anyone who may have any video from the
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time that the shootings free began. we are learning more from police today, as you talked about 3 suspects in custody. at least 2 of those are juveniles. and we know that the adult suspect was one that was tackled by bands. they saw him with a hand gun rustled him to the ground and held them there until police showed up $23.00 victims of the one who perished is 43 year old. but lisa lopez, galvan. she was a popular radio host here in kansas city, and her parents and families say, an average chief spam had to be at the celebration yesterday of the $23.00 victims of age range is 8 to 47. with that least half of those uh 16 are under. so a lot of children were here to parade. it makes sense that uh there would be a number of children that were wounded or injured during the shooting. the spurious, we talked about coming into this no indications of terror. instead,
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it looks like it was a dispute between multiple people that escalated into a gun by police also saying this afternoon that they have recovered several weapons here. at least 6 people have been killed and a missile strike on the russians that have bel garage near the ukrainian border revolt suggest 17 people also injured during those attacks on thursday. usually a couple of out of a has moved from oscar as a full month sold, baby was killed during the shutting of belgrade. the child was lying in a primary school when a fragment, one of the shells from nearby. so the latest information is that 6 people done it as a result of the shunting, including the baby and 17 people including 4 children were injured. and the russian ministry of defense report had that 14 volk, as were intercepted over the region. according to the statements that you currently assigned to use that i am 70 vampire rocket systems. and there last night, stay russian ministry launched a mess of mr. laptop on regents of ukraine as
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a result of which several people were injured and a lot of interest talked to was damaged. so many see base events in the background regional russia as a re tell a trach hog. for him, ministry, sparks pass and re is a horrible cold incident. yet another acts of terrorism by the key of regime. and that had would be submitted by russia to a number of international organizations, including the u. on security council. the belgrade region serves as one of the supply lines for the russian army at the beginning of the armed conflict between russia and ukraine, and february 2022, numerous convoys of tongues and vehicles. what kind of loan trans personnel were entering ukraine through the belgrade range and the result of military infrastructure that including repair bases and hospitals with every time when they're shunning a cause, we hear about civilian casualties. and this time around is no exception. we hear about showing the peaceful sacraments that as well. well, those 300 people have been relocated from the belgrade region to other regions of russia,
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but ukrainian surely remains the main problem in the border regions and this content is growing. those people say that the rest of russia simply don't have all the countrymen living close to the ministry complex. the problems simply known as the rest of the country continue to leave that every day. life is nothing is happening between russia and ukraine. you last above all of our older 0 most current. a song as unions in india have met with ministers as a push for guaranteed minimum prices for their costs. purchasing farm is blocked, railroads and highways as they mounts towards the capital in new delhi. previous folks failed to secure a commitment from the government and p as in australia has voted to jefferson and the us to allow these training whistle blower dirty into songs to return home. the high cold in london is use issue a routing next week on an appeal by the we can expand against his extradition to the united states. he's one to the face espionage charges. so publishing hundreds
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of thousands of leak documents about the wars and i've got a stone and a rock it will send a very powerful political signal to the british government, enter the us government that the british government should not, in the time the id or boosters saw as being extremely extra daunted to the years, it sends a very powerful signal to washington. that destroyer stands at one as one side. but this meta has gone on long, long enough that regardless of what you might think of mr. hassan justice is not being served in this case. now germany has any problem to japan to become the once the largest economy, the japanese slips down the rankings into 4th place after week domestic demand coolest recession. in the final quarter of last year, japan's g d. p totaled $4.00 trillion dollars behind germany's $4.00 trillion on the bridge economy also stepped into a recession and cd piece rank is 0.3 percent of the last quarter of 2023 of the
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assign dropped the previous quote. then despite the recession, the finance minister, jeremy home says growth was better than expected. israel's assault on the causes us to have has the palestinians living abroad watching on an hara they feared for their families and for the future of gaza. palestinian students in the u. k. of shed has story with alan's, was there a hello? hannah beach, the students and the activist. it's been the, the service, the scariest, the craziest. almost a phoning. think of, of, of, of a witness like of with this bill as the 6 other edition since 2008 and all of them were so ugly, so about so produces but this event is something unprecedented even for people to know that is really fatality. and one of the worst things is the sky. i love the sky. i used to be
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a sky. you guys are someone who looks at the stars all the time in the morning over since this started, i know our, our just calling because the, which i love it even of is no phone over drones full of apache, of 55, a 60 and this is literally bombarding is city, single living and because the people and the buildings. so i wasn't able to to look at the sky or the same way and i hate it each time i have to look at the, at the sky. i since i have my breath in a place on my mind, then on feelings and it's a place offense both and is connected. i would be on the 2nd is what i'm very strong woman. i don't chose to use at all, but i would be crying in any 2nd. so although we are trying and we have been trying for more of a 75 years to preserve ourselves to resist our non, to keep overhead of fish. i mean, what are you and all of that isn't,
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doesn't know that to us as intellectually community is helping them know, understanding by us, by chance to a future. because is there of have literally demolished or headed to an historical or places and killed or internally. and usually you wouldn't think the in the of a future when you don't have a pass. and they are trying to educate our past. because now we're still at this like status of a big win if you were the middle of thought. so i tub for see the future which i can undersea all when people start to this is jewel site changes ellison, us, it in us. so whatever we have, as, as a committee, as a group, as a community doesn't exist anymore. a hostile ahead here on out of there was number one is through to the council open. send me find that's coming up shortly and source,
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but due to the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dash before to use the
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this business uptake. this makes its try the restaurant. no bundle dash before to use the program that it's time to support you see this stuff there. thank you so much. kidding and buffett has told power central man that he will leave the club at the end of the season. the terms of use to publish it or get to be agreed. but according to reports, woke up with a has communicated easing tension to leave when these contract expires. at the end of the current season, 25 year old is the that the french champions for 6 and a half years. and the salary costs the cub around $250000000.00 per year. round the good of the front runners to sign him and i have to take a significant salary cuts for the move to happen. well,
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this is wholesome. how something back in 2000 when he was on his way to becoming egypt, leading gold score oval time. and this is how from earlier today being unveiled as the national teams, new head coach. how some of the places really victoria off of the favors would be to the last 16 that the advocate couple of nations. a few weeks ago you 13, i've gone titles as a player and recently criticized stop playing mohammed. 1 for not getting use based in egypt. shoes. this is mohammed sola is one of the players who is admired all over the world. well, how much so is a very important player for the national team. i believe that all the players all over the world are under huge pressure and criticism. and in my personal opinion, all the players are very important for us. i mean, south korea's foot board association has recommended the sacking of the national team coach. you're going clansman. the germans contract was to run through the 2026 world cab, but he's under pressure following a disappointing asian cup performance,
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which sold and beaten by jordan in the semi finals. this is just the recommendation then. the final decision is he has to be made as you just came, explains from sol a jordan cleanser the future with teams. south korea has been a hot topic for days and now a committee of south korea's football association. after hours of debate, have decided that he is no longer fit to leave the team just one year into the job . fams had been furious over the disappointing run and could tie their dreams of the golden generation. lifting the asian cup trophy to end as 6 decades route dashed during an hours long meeting on thursday, the k as a committee fault at clansman, for not having in place a proper strategy, especially for the semi finals, which was the 2nd time south korea would face jordan and the tournament is that fans were disrespected when clansman spent little time here keeping his home in the
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u. s. a fight between storm midfielder egon in an captain's when a man on the eve of what would become their final match and guitar underlined the coach is out of touch. this which committee members said it negatively impacted game date, readiness. the ball. now, in the court of the case, a chairman who has the authority to fire a clansman, either on whether he will pay out the rest of his contract for a fresh start. you know, skim others era. so. so crickets in india have taken control against england off to a shaky stall on day one of the 3rd test in captain bang stakes was presented with a special cap to commemorate is $100.00 the taste appearance, india, with a $1.00 for 3, but kept in the row, it's shawna and remainder of the data, hopefully back on track if both players proof of centuries data is still there on $110.00, but it was that it costs debutant itself. it was con. what 62 before is one of late in the day instead of just was trying to reach the century. india 326. the 5
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interrupt codes are just full cutting wood. who gave states, he's kept at the store the day to, i guess from the team's point of view, just to thank him for what he's doing. and just, you know, the way that he pushes the boundaries all the time. and then in fellows, every, every play, every member of the coach and stuff with, with confidence. so it's, yeah it's, it's great moment for him. it will then be one of you guys to be on site because we just the cut, the rope and semi finals with victory against victoria as a ring to trump. tech is looking to winning the off of the 3rd time in a row. and she looks good very forward against another 2 time winner of the veins of victoria as a rank or 2 on the 1st 664 before proceeding just full on full share was in the sick and safe. and she went on to win that 16 loved 21 street sets 112 w. and in the battle of former world number one's it was catalina fisco who came
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out victorious against them. jo, soccer, the check of the coming the full time grand slam champion $76.00 and $6.00, in the strong sense of fiscal that will be on taking the praise of finance. and i know that back in a has one. her full teams match in a row after she the latest the mandates. 2 weeks to law, school 216462 to continue. have a good run which so when the last week, she'll face on the stuff, you'll probably check up the next go to some old data or performances that will the classics encounter. this was the mains, the high diving competition at the old, the port. they were jumping from $27.00 inches up and he did a seas of $8100.00 kilometres an hour. it was persons, 8 and a half. fluffy, came away with the cold metal had a phone, she's very hungry, and some slightly different time. it's very sweet and is officially on the way is raining will champion color of and peta. was foster in the shakedown stage in the hawk mark on the thursday. the shack down off those, the trees,
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the chose to see what they can expect for the 18 stages. and that's what it's supposed to be useful tonight. i'll see you make some stops here. thanks so much piece that. well, that is it for me and installs a time for this new zone. so vanya will be here next with much more of the day, is nice to stay with us on out of there the this is the 1st one i saw that we see in real time, it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered hard. i mean, to be used as
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a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is, it may just something look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era this magical facility in the mind in sedan? scott been so hard to him is a single room, but provide health care for dozens of people. every day and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your wrap. it support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i
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take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with gunshot wounds, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many investigating volunteers that say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the, [000:00:00;00] the other one sort of any age group to have you with this. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the next 16 minutes. patients and medical staff come under


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