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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the its southern gaza is under, is really attacked, rasa is being bombed and patients and stuff in nasir hospital are under fire as troops, storm the facility, the serve, any age, good to have you with us. this is allison 0 life from don't also coming up today for starvation in gaza. israel is accused of using hunger as a weapon of war by blocking 8 families as captives held in gaza,
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threatened to storm israel's ministry of defense. if politicians don't meet with them and send the goals, constitutional counsel over turns a decree by president lucky cell to delay the presidential election news. so we begin in southern gaza where israel has once again attacked. the southern most point in the strip meant to be the last safe soon in gaza. 7 people have been killed in their strike on the rough. uh. meanwhile, in the city of han you, this is really troops, a storm of the largest hospital in the area after besieging it for weeks. hundreds of stuff and patients at nicer hospital have been forced to flee heavy tank and machine gun fire. they've been pushed into an old building and the complex is real says the bodies of captives are being kept there, but it hasn't provided any evidence for that claim. honey. my who begins are coverage from rough, a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and most of the hospitals,
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as is really soldiers, a storm the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians from relentless is really at the top. the medical staff attempted to move it bound patients as, as really troops made a series of arrest. after selling parts of the building, doctors describe conditions as catastrophic and disaster. yes. well, that's special ed about $1130.00 last night. these very soldiers and least frantic dogs in symmetrical complex after that they wanted us to speak is that the hospital must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also the medical stuff. civilian started to leave the hospital, and then i me. so i was fired on the orthopedics department, and one person was killed in 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one river actuated by force. kidney
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. dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital. authorities in gaza say is really snipers. go to 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is really forces guild, the prisoner in hand. costs was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders. and they put their dental insurance, the visual i left with my husband use blind. i was undergoing kidney dialysis, so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to leave and fired booms and rockets at us from overhead. they destroyed the building, we left and my husband and i walked to see which is right at least and took him away and there was a seizure nozzler hospital and the tax on its facilities is yet another violation of international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place across the gaza strip. under my mood,
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i was just the rough behind southern gaza. the dr. match gilbert is an emergency medicine physician who's worked in gauze his hospitals. he's been in touch with some of the stuff at nasa hospital and explains the situation in the aftermath of that, right. i the just got the information from some of our colleagues inside. and they can tell that the hundreds of patients and staff altogether, 600, were forced by the occupation soldiers to move all the patient, the and the, the staff to, to one of the 3 buildings, which is the oldest one. there were only one elevator working, they have to carry patients by hand carrying them on their backs. and they're not crammed in the nato quoted doors of this remaining building. and it's 273 patients who cannot be moved. there are uh, 300 terminally members to get with the patients. it's a 190 staff with the 300 family members. and then
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a number of displaced persons who have been forcefully displaced. they've taken shelter. so they say that the situation in the hospital for the patients and the staff and the family members is unbearable. there is constant attacks. and i'd write like to read to you. uh, what's the message that i just received uh from one of the doctors accompanied by this picture of the quoted doors in the building where they have been forcefully displaced too. and he says, all of the patients and health care workers were displaced to one department. other buildings had been invaded by soldiers. we can hear the shooting and bumping everywhere. please stop this madness. stop this war. this is the hospital facility, not a battlefield. and this should come as no surprise neither to the media nor to the world, because in fact, this is what these really occupation army has been doing for 4 months. they had the same threats against, i'll put some capital, i guys ship
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a hospital against the other hospitals in the north and currently currently only barely. a 3rd of the hospitals in garza are working because these realities have been doing this to hospital one after another. or israel is blocking aid from getting into gaza. and that means almost all of the 2300000 people in the strip or suffering, deliberate mass. starvation, searching for food has become a daily necessity. i'm sure zeros. are a couple assume reports hungry. i'm displace these children are receiving food handouts for 2300000 people who can cause a suffering deliberate, simon, would you to, as well so use of the style patient as of what than for less than the 5th or 8 trucks are getting thrown to concept which used to see more than 500 complaints
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every day because i'm more of the top of the border crossings by israel. the basic necessities of life are totally absent in our camp, as well as all other refugee camps and gaza from water to food, let alone baby milk. we hear about aid being delivered, good quantities are scanned and their whereabouts are unknown. terry to say that the feet running out as soon as people are arriving roughly on top of the more than $1300000.00 people who are read that and the prices of food and water only increases as it becomes less available hydrogen. the people's need for food is enormous. food is beginning to completely run out in the northern gaza strip. a come boys have no end to northern guys are a tool. yeah. and i've got another and cause these people are collecting what they can from the ground. essentially, hudson wins by the people i resort things to eat things, grass and animal sleep,
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just as long sasha is come a little while there was a marsh where you gotcha. which way. so basically what i'm trying to collect some of these wild plants to feed my children. we have nothing else. rice at flower or fred, this is what we have leaving on for months. i'm risking my life by being here. i'm gonna place you on site is that children tend to find all at higher risk of stuff, e mail, nutrition, and this can post long term damage to the gross. the us size that by not allowing food into garza salvation is being used as a weapon of will. and the only way to stop the ongoing stuff ation is to allow you den. and that can only happen with a ceasefire. topic about zoom out. just a rough, rough off in suffering garza, the test ingram is the unicef spokeswoman in earlier. she told my colleague this. does it say that even when food does enter a glass of the bum barden and makes it nearly impossible to deliver it? of the situation in the south,
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which were able to provide some limited aid and also have some access to those of, you know, some level of food. all of the families that i met and spoke to said that they were incredibly hungry, but they are able to access a tend vegetables from aid packages and, and perhaps spread from a community. fire of 30 is limited and the diversity in that 3rd is not enough. nutrition for, for children to grow up healthy and strong. but in the north, the situation is, is even worse, unbelievably, because i had access to the nose, has basically been non existent since the beginning of this year. we haven't received the safety assurance that we need to get up into the north and provide there. and what we're hearing from families on the ground in the north east is that hung up is, is catastrophic. and people are resorting to, to non human foods to, to try and survive. what reason is really, for us is actually giving to 8 walk, inspect baton in trucks back. so it's, it's very opaque we,
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we do our best to try and get as much items as we can, but the price is the screening of the bullet or is, is very complex and it's very long. and one of the challenges that we have is, is when we kind of surrender trucks to that screening process, we don't know when they're going to arrive on the other side, which makes it very difficult for us to plan the distribution. and then once we do receive the goods, we then have to battle with the ongoing security challenges on the ground, the lack of trucks, fuel the damage to the road. so it's incredibly difficult for us to move around even most so. now with the threat of a grand invasion in rasa, it is really a strike on a civilian vehicle and gaza city is killed at least 6 people. the attack happened on the la street because of health officials say nearly 29000 palestinians have been killed since the war began and october, the 7th. the so in the occupied westbank is really forces have conducted a rate in the city of calculator and open fire on
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a car. this look of this house and i found the handle of the house, then you media is reporting that is really forces prevented an ambulance from reaching the scene of the shooting. the deliberate obstruction of ambulance movements has been documented by rights groups in the past. the con boy, if is really armored vehicles are in the town of a board near ramallah as well. on wednesday of raid was conducted in central ramallah, where 2 palestinians were injured. nearly 400 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank since october. the 7th. families of these rarely captives are threatening to storm the ministry of defense and to leave. they are demanding a meeting with politicians and that the government restarting negotiations with home us is, comes out the prime minister benjamin netanyahu decided to recall israel's delegation from tops, new cairo. relatives of the captive say the government is sacrificing their loved ones to sell who has more from occupied east jerusalem. this is quite a larger demonstration than what we usually see from the families of the captives.
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in fact, it happened outside the kiddy of israel's defense ministry. and inside of that building earlier tonight we saw a meeting with the c r e, a director, these really prime minister and the delegation that he had sent to cairo. now remember, these really prime minister had not allowed that delegation to go back to cairo for a 2nd day of meetings and negotiations with mediators. now this came at the surprise of some members of the war cabinet who were not consulted on this decision, but nothing yahoo had made himself so the families are saying that these really government is simply not doing enough to help them. they are not only demanding that the government go back into negotiations, but they're also demanding a meeting with the prime minister so that they can voice their concerns yet again for more than 4 months. they have been saying that these really government is not
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prioritizing bringing back the captives from gaza and that they should re enter negotiations and be willing to offer up any sort of concessions that the other side wants. but nothing y'all who himself has said that israel has multiple red lines and that while he does want it to bring back the captive, it's not going to come at any price. and in fact, he has been reiterating that military pressure is the only way to bring them back. now this protest tonight until a v was significant because the family members came out in quite a show of force. they had hancock themselves together to the sense of the building . they had blocked roads. and remember that this is also the same protest movement that was happening before the war against israel's judicial overhaul reforms. it's called caplin force and this protest movement essentially this week had said that they are coming back in full force to protest, not only against the government,
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but also against their policies that have seen the war. go on for this long without the release of the captive. so the families tonight, intel of be incredibly angry, demanding more from these really government says the law says it's, i are dozens of rock into the town and northern israel. this is in response to the killing of 10 civilians and is really strikes on 11 on wednesday. that was the highest number of lebanese civilians killed and 4 months of cross border exchanges . evans, who these say that they've wants to miss only a little bit of ship. the group said that they targeted the liquor vetoes while it was traveling in the gulf of age. and the british maritime security from embrace, as a vessel, suffered minor damage after it was hit and re did not name the ship. but did say that the incident happened. east of humans, port, city of aden, or the set of goals. constitutional counsel has overturn the delay to the countries
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presidential election. this was due to take place on february 25th, but at the instigation of current president, lucky south side of goes parliament postpone the vote to december. nicholas hack has this update from the city police capital the car, the constitutional council counseling rejecting and challenging a decision taken by the president voted by the national assembly to delay february's presidential elections to december 15th. now the president had said that the electoral process was flawed. and decided to delay the elections because there was suspicion of corruption among the council itself that drew the list of candidates. the counsels response was that the decision to delay the elections is unconstitutional. they cited article window 3 of the constitution thing, a president, you know, extend his van, they present themselves. term in office ends on april 2nd. now this decision was
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welcomed by candidates, but also members of the opposition to comes at a time where several leading figures of civil society and the opposition were freed from the tension. now there are several marches that are going to take place for many. this is a sign that the institution, the democratic institution in sending gulf works for others. this is a sign of a deepening crisis between the president and the, the constitutional counsel and some of the institutions in the country. now the council has said that the president, the opposition, the candidates have to get together and decide for a new election dates. as soon as possible. nicholas hawk elgin 0, the car dealer head on alpha 0. the date is set, donald trump will become the 1st former you as president the facing criminal trial that's next month. and why his venezuela ordered the u. n. human rights office to close
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the the, the weather brought to you by visit. how low they will have a look at the weather for north america. and just days after the snow dropped was broken in new york city, we are going to see more of the white stuff over the weekend. but it is looking much clearer. the on friday, a week storm system will push its way further east, developing reading some very heavy writing to the south eastern states. eventually bringing some of that snow through to the east coast. you can see that new york city expecting to see a light snow, at least on saturday, the return of sunshine on sunday, but as suddenly a cooler field should be around 6 degrees celsius will be seeing is 3 the through the weekend with the weather coming back into the west coast, you can see the heaviest rain pouring into northern parts of california a winter ridge as well to the mountains here that with weather running up towards
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western parts of canada. and the development of some wet weather across the deep south is going to pull into northern parts of mexico. cool things down here, rather dramatic aid for cities like monterey, as well as mexico city, some showers dominating across the top. and then she went to the weather as well. come in, it's costa rica and panama, but for much of the caribbean and for his spend your lot with the move in the way it's got to shower, but plenty of sunshine. havana coming up to 29 degrees celsius on saturday, as the weather brought to you by visit castle mazda. some big a supervisor of the united states, victorious guantanamo on background detention center. civic, so cold war on terror. now human rights activist campaign for the release of the last i've got help in one time, will be retraces steps. revisit cuz that's it. that's by the
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echoes of background. with this documentary on the jersey to the the, you're watching alpha 0 room light of our headlines. this, our israel is attacking southern gaza bombing and rasa is killed 7 palestinians and is really forces a storm that the nicer hospitality on unit is forcing hundreds inside the fleet. heavy gunfire, families of is really captives are threatening to storing the ministry of defense until a beef. they are demanding a meeting with politicians and that the government restart negotiations with almost israel is blocking aid from getting into the guys and forcing 2300000 people to
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suffer. starvation. searching for food has become a daily necessity. rights groups say israel is using hunger as a weapon of war. the worst hid part in the strip is in the north of gaza, where if every little aid is being delivered, some people have resorted to pulling up weeds to try and make a meal. here's one woman story in her own words. and the saw that i thought i'd also like you to start with a script that the funny. yeah. it's not me. is that a little see if you don't know how that book is that what fraud of the limits of some of the yeah, so that's fine with you. yeah. and even as the literacy it had the sure i have no clue upon this as upfront. most of the subjects about thus little on yes, the left. now the indoor now the head start when you are to be remember. so let us know the whole well, what does that have to and we get to for shopping for low speed of
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a has your fee. so let me know. so how's that? oh, yeah, no, i would need. well, i get the, the, what i'm in the audit on the computer, if it's in some of that, the condition and how can it might interest you if it's so love, you called was left here, but he made the message. is he on a natural a i need a special needs child official. lucky i need the i mean yeah, i know you. i know when i get home visit issue with the columbus to should i am about i show well yeah, i mean if i, if you look at the headlights, real low homeless up we, most of them have come most we've also that i should have homeless as smoke we've, i take less oh, but with has learned that nature that i'm the husband that know sure. i mean have to know a lot of the issue. i mean shopping for those leading. yeah. i mean a, some use about bush. what kind of interested in that the conduct i know, i know, but i know how do i sort of him the book see how i'm no confession with the whole business. i mean, but none of the you would know. yeah. initial issue with the machine that the issue
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now. cool. and if you had the type that i that's it i that's in the know. yeah, i mean that's about to be stuck with you. so i just, we seem like, you know, for soup, is that the, whatever was the resolution thinking of as to what and what go tomorrow and how would you prefer when are you in this? if i know perfect. well, i have a job job assignment, which i've, i've done as an a, be a household with nobody to be. but you know, so i've got the little this of the booth isn't that? yeah, you would have to know, never tell someone over jo. and unless you look at the, let them know, so yeah, i'm a or i can uh, as i'm, if you, i'm out of the school. do i have to have the chat when or what? yeah, i do. when do a meeting you to send one of the can? well now the well being team is always up with the, the paid or the rest of the i don't want you to deal with that. you all had the whole change them to give one more. i'm in the show you if you on the child with that man, the side and the thing that i'm the thought about, what i'm going to was a who the head of. well, that's the government. this is why you know, send
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a little her basic come on and while you got the zip. yeah, i didn't. why even if you and i'm i'm then i the oldest and haven't got any matter when they got off. yeah. and as opens up comes by, let's just put it on it, i'm going on, which obviously says, you're gonna decide if this does. yeah. russia is developing an anti satellite capability that has not yet been deployed. you as president joe biden has requested direct diplomatic engagement with moscow about this. the white house says this capability is concerning but represents no immediate threat. houses here is kimberly healthcare has more on this. in the white house says it's monitoring rushes and ty satellite capability, but says there is no threat to americans personal safety. this one day after the chair of the house intelligence committee revealed the threat posed by russia. now national security council spokesperson john kirby told reporters that a white house briefing on thursday that the security threat in terms of the
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satellite capability is not active, nor has it been deployed. still, he says it is troubling. i don't want to minimize the potential here for disruption . should there be an anti satellite capability of any significance? it could affect services here on earth. there's no question about that. that's why we are taking this so seriously. but why, how says this? engaging directly with russia about the threat national security advisor jake sullivan has also brief. some members of congress. lawmakers are also urging the white house to declassify the intelligence. since the united states can consult with us allies. the white house is reviewing that decision. kimberly helped algae 0 . the white house police in kansas city say 3 suspects, opened fire on a super bowl victory parade after a dispute, the 3 is still detained,
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but the police have not yet filed charges. one woman was killed and 22 people were interested in the shooting on wednesday, none of the players or coaches were hurt. more than a 1000000 people had been at the event for the nfl champions. a judge in new york has ruled donald trump's hustle. any trial will begin next month after his lawyers failed in their attempts for delay. it is the 1st time a former us president faces criminal trial should have a ton see reports from washington, dc. donald trump will be prosecuted in a new courtroom on march the 25th. he will be the 1st former us president to face a criminal trial. the case is expected to take some 6 weeks and trouble filed to be present to fight what he believes as an attempt to buy the bike and administration to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. obviously,
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the manhattan district attorney. welcome the decision by the judge stating that he was pleased with the quote denying the defense as motion to dismiss and look forward to presenting his case to the court. the prosecution letters that donald trump paid an adult full mattress, $130000.00 to prevent it from going public about the alleged affair. prior to the 2016 presidential election, trump declared the payment as a legal expense for the va ledges. the payment was made to help trumps election campaign and therefore was in fact an undergrad campaign contribution. the new judge's decision confirms with donald trump will phase criminal prosecution in court before the 2024 presidential election. as the new york court hearing going underway on thursday, georgia court was hearing evidence about the amended improper relationship between the atlantic prosecutor and her deputy, a revelation that could result in bad states persecution, legend crump and co conspirators attempted to survive the results of a 2020 election being thrown out on friday and new york judge is scheduled to route on
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a civil case involving trump and his real estate impact. it could cost him hundreds of millions of dollars i'm from could be bound from doing real estate business in the states. trumbull, certain faces to fed rule trials another case alleging that he attempted to overtime. the results of the 2020 electra is on hold pending a us supreme court judgments on presidential immunity. of the case currently scheduled for may on alleged list, humbling or classified documents is expected to be delayed. she ever time c, l 20, washington, venezuela. it has suspended the activities of the un human rights office in the country and ordered and staff to leave. and that's after the you and agency express . deep concern over the intention of prominent activist receive san miguel the decade. she has been a vocal critic of the military men, while republic reports the vin is willing government has asked the un human rights body to close its offices in get active, and ordered staff to leave the country. not
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a political. the boulevard in republican venezuela announced his decision to suspend the activities of the technical advisory office of the united nations high commissioner and the human rights business with us for administer, yvonne deed accuse the un staff of having an attitude violated of the united nations charter. so if we see that could be a but uh, it has an office created to collaborate technically with the state in order to improve and to optimize human rights protection and venezuela. but it has now been instrumental liked by the extreme right wing opposition, but i'm going to don't own netflix or minus what i like. the expulsion follows. the detention of lucio son, begin a problem. and it, human rights activists who's arrest has caused an uproar. send me, gives attorney says the arrest and a raid at the active is home is clear, evidence of government crackdown on to send a single candle a. they were looking for something related to conspiracies, to terrorism,
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of what they are not going to get anything like that. because we know that this is a gross lie that's been built around ro, seo son miguel. and her entire family is who in a statement on thursday ravine and ashanda sunny spokesperson for the un human rights office, said the un regrets the decision by the venice will and government adding that they are guiding principles have been and remain the promotion and protection of the human rights of the people of venezuela moved up a little al jazeera, the truck drivers and mexico had begun a nationwide strikes, demanding better security on the roads and protest organized by the i'm a tax drivers group as cause disruptions on at least 9 major highways the drivers se lawlessness on the roads has led to a rise in robberies and extortion and is causing the depths of one or 2 truckers every month. the mexican government called the strike and found it an unjustified and said positive negotiations had now been disrupted. deputies,
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you find it in our main demand is security. we continued struggling with the desk of our drivers. the drivers have been shorts and drivers no longer know whether or not to go out on the roads. we have a shortage of drivers into union. i don't know what happened on the day that the drivers can no longer work the day when the drivers no longer wants to go out work . how would all the supplies get to the cities as far union as in india has met with ministers as they push for guaranteed minimum prices for their crops, protesting farmers blocked railroads and highways as they march towards the capital and new daily, previous talks failed to secure a commitment from the government and staying in india, the country supreme court has struck down a controversial funding system for political parties ahead of general elections in 2 months. the court scrapped a scheme that allowed anonymous donations to political parties. the opposition had pushed for the change, arguing the public had


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