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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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and jail free card. it's time you pull the trigger. why do you think the shooter wasn't arrested? because of the law? i feel like she's hiding behind the stand your ground. the at least full patients die and also hospital as is right, a full system. the complex and southern garza power and oxygen supplies have been costs the times time is a them, this is i'll just do live from dell hall. so coming up, israel's prime minister rejects international goals for recognition of a palestinian state. is riley forces step up strikes across scots. ukraine says
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it's withdrawing troops from a key town and they've done the regions following months of heavy fighting cnn to this industry and the last complete loss of this heritage. and we meet the fisherman in malaysia, costing around for a way to make a living climate change hits the we stopped in southern guns that were at least full patients of died in the intensive care units of loss of hospital officer is very full system. the facility oxygen and electricity supplies were caught, generates is shot down stuff. a wire is more critically or patients will die. authorities say it's another war crime, it guides palestinians. israel says some of the bodies of captives were kept to the
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hospital, but haven't provided any evidence for that. highly. my fluids begins on coverage. a terrifying experience for patients and medical staff and most of the hospital as is rarely soldiers, a storm the facility and find you treating the sick. and the one to the hospital was filtering at least 10000 displays, palestinians from relentless is really a top. the medical staff attempted to move with bound patients, as is really troops made a series of arrest after selling parts of the building. doctors described conditions as catastrophic and disaster. yeah. but i've got special ed at about $1130.00 last night. these very soldiers and least frantic dogs and symmetrical complex after that, they want us to speak is that the hospital must be evacuated within only 10 to 15 minutes. it was an ultimatum to evacuate within minutes, not only display citizens, but also of the medical stuff. civilians started to leave the hospital,
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but then i me saw was fired on the orthopedics department. and one person was killed in 2 people, but medical stuff were ordered to leave one by one river actuated by force. kidney, dialysis patients were among the many forced to flee the hospital and they put their dental insurance. a visual office i left with my husband. use blind. i was undergoing kidney dialysis, so they destroyed the wall surrounding us as well as another room. they ordered us to live and fired. booms and roof keeps us from overhead. they destroyed the building. we left and my husband and i walked to see which is re lease then took him away for it isn't gonna say is really, snipers killed the 3 people at the hospital on tuesday. the same day is rated forces go the prisoner in hand, cos who was sent into the hospital to issue evacuation orders. this is your nozzler hospital and the attacks on its facilities is yet another violation of
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international law and further emphasizes that there is no safe place across the gaza strip anymore mode. i just did a rough behind southern gaza as the winds will have from rory, challenges in occupied east jerusalem. he's following developments in israel, but 1st let's cross over the honey mcmurry. be standing by for us in rafa in southern gaza. so how do you, how is the situation looking in also hospital now of the very difficult situation is indeed inside the health facility is not the hospital in con, you and assigned team days of military seizure ended with these really military and it's invading forces along with both those are times in his diapers, in bathing or storming the health facilities. and right now, as we speak, is really military and it's invading forces conducting a room to room,
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building the building search and to major at buildings inside the the hospice, the maternity ward, as well as the uh, the new intel intensive a care. and in doing so, they are causing a great deal of destruction and damage to the equipment in the mid isn't available, as well as the just it versus getting or putting the life both of injuries inside the hospital at risk as remaining medical, as staff are prevented from intervening or providing whatever necessary to save lives. so far, 4 people have died in the intensive care unit as the oxygen as deflated due to ongoing power outage. and it's because, and it's direct result, the prevention of this fuel to get to the hospital to keep it, to keep it running. there's 2 of the women who gave birth in the hospital in the most difficult, in human conditions ever. and there is no water, no food supplies, and no heating system available right now. and those newly born babies dart in need
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to be an incubator that are not operational right now, just putting the risk of those a new born babies, the injuries at risk as the search and the storming continue. all right, stay with us for a 2nd. let's take that point though, it's really challenges east joining us now for multi bodies through some. what are we going from is where the officials about what's happening and also the hospital to cool that situation that he was just describing there is, is what the is righty. ministry is holding a limited and precise operation undertaken by his right. the special forces, they say they have no uh plan to force people to evacuate from the hospital. they say they have no plans to shut down the hospital as a functioning medical units. uh and so they say that they wants. yeah, that's the hospital to to continue as
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a functioning hospital. now they also saved on your hook. all right, this is already menissi spikes best and they have detained several lot equals terrorists. but they found weaponry that grenades and moses, and the some of the people that they have to tell you and are involved or wherever involved in the outside. but the 7th massa inside israel. so it's a very, very different picture from the is ready minute traits, spikes people. so what we're hearing from speaking see reports is why i had a hearing from others on the ground inside casa, all right, talking about on the ground inside golf. so let's go back to honey and ralph, i'll bring this up to speeds of what's happening in terms of those licensed as price on roughly where you are. yes, i am an overnight attacks and central and northern part of rough ice city to a residential buildings were targeted and destroyed by massive,
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relentless error strikes the entire residential buildings. both of them completely flat into the earth. people will remove literally from large slab of concrete, from under the levels and the rest of the hospital at to displace families. and a few of the people who are from rough i local residents were killed in the tops of looking at 11 people so far. some of the injures arrived to the doctor hospital are in critical conditions is just given the situation of the hospital at the mid sized hospital lack, the sufficient number of doctors and medical staff back streamlining the necessary medical supplies. it's becoming increasingly difficult for uh, for the team to intervene it properly and offer the treatment needed for those injuries is a risk of losing their life. so their number might increase within the coming dollars. there's also the risk of other people are still under the levels. it's important point out civil defense. a crew on the ground are operate operating at the lowest capacity possible, given that there is no equipment,
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no technology in been employed whatsoever in the searching process to conduct the proper rescue efforts in other parts. they've got this through including java city, and then they'll say that there are renewed air strikes and artillery, sending a decent part, and inside the refugee guns. all right, thanks to honey. let's take some of those points bank to rory. so we've already seeing an increase in a tax going on on the rough file. what is the us messaging to these riley's over this? because we have seen the us expressing concerns about an assault on rough the yeah, the white house administration and that's no, he's government, no loss, no love lost between them. and the risk i think is becoming increasingly apparent, so particularly off to the collapse of the car right until saturday this week. so
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that the us really heights would bring about some sort of ceasefire agreements and exchange of, of, of captives and, and prisoners and foundation. the us government hopes for a wider peace settlement for them at least not installments or at the moment because these ro is ready to not playing bold. the bite and ministration has been trying to a pressurized net. to me, i hate to get back on board bill by and see i directed has been here in the last couple of days, have me things kind of fucking cold between us and we are inviting late last night in which the readout from the white house goes joy bite and yes again, said that that should be no operation manager operation by the is right in raffle without a profit, credible humanitarian plan for all the people who are sheltering that netanyahu on wavering at the moment from his intention to deal as he puts it with the how much battalions that are left in breakfast and he says that plan continues to have with
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that will be no diversion from the plans that are sold roughly. all right, thanks so much. raleigh challenz. following the call with us president joe biden. nothing. yeah. who posted on x rays raising his thoughts on the 2 state solution. he said, israel rejects international calls for a permanent settlements with palestinians and that they will continue to oppose the recognition of a palestinian state of the i spoke to getting leave you a call on mr. tod. it's newspaper. he says the international community should impose a palestinian state on israel as the project always lies was to as long as any possibility or how about a student state, not only things to enforce any kind of negotiations with the palestinians. you need anything possible and succeeded, by the way, to put all that. but it's been a problem of the table for many,
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many years now until he came to the 7th of october and reminded him that he cannot continue. was this for ever, but to expect him now to get into way. negotiations over by sea estate is really ridiculous. what is serious is the great opportunity that we have facing now, because we are facing an opportunity. but this is an opportunity to the international community. is what will be with us because we use the reviews for their case even before that video, to go for a re, a settlement and therefore international community. that's it's time to say, you know, you know, we cannot, henry anymore is what is going to want every few years, disjoint gas up and then the international community does to every thing, does it both at risk over there or was all kinds of other tensions rise because of
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the conflict here, it's enough to be to is right. that's that dive that. the international community. we try to impose a solution because otherwise it, we lost like this for ever. the to the out really doesn't believe in any kind of settlement was there, but it stands, it doesn't really, really the salt is that the best can last for ever in the situation. the dispute busy used to coordinate that last for, but here and there, there will be some crisis here and there, there will be like some care of like improving the injunction accordingly to the situation of the past. and yet, it is a way to continue to govern brutally. you know, that the people find maybe a paper in the west bank and gaza for ever. why know, we are the chosen people? let's not forget the, the
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new crime says it's with drawing some tribes from pods of the town of the outcome in the don't yet screech, and following months of heavy fighting with the russian forces by k of also says it's sending more troops to areas where it's in the basic position, recent video shows widespread destruction of a front line town which russian soldiers are trying to in circle president below them is that excuse says everything is being done to save your training and troops . mcbride is following developments from the pregnancy of cognitive that it does look increasingly precarious full of the ukrainian defenders of this town that have been literally months of russian assaults on this place. and it has achieved this kind of symbolism for both sides. as we often see in these additional bibles in the east of ukraine, we started with the city of back move last year that eventually fell again after
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months of fighting. and this does come with a significant time. you have the 2nd anniversary coming up of the full scale invasion by russia. you will. so it comes ahead of the, of the elections in russia, of the presidential elections in russia or in vladimir putin would daily like to be able to claim a victory ahead of that. but it also does have an actual strategic value. it's right on the edge of the russian health city of don't yet the rest of us helps in 2014 and a by taking a deep current woods, a cement rush. just hold on the front around. don't. yes, but it's for that very 2nd reason that ukraine would want to hold on to the city a. but there is a scream calculation that the premiums have to apply to all of these additional bottles that they are prepared to put men into the fight to carry on. drawing the russians into this problem. knowing that the russians have tremendous casualty weights, given these human wave assaults that they conduct,
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but at some point the ukrainians that we may be reaching that point. now have to decide that it's not worth holding on to something for the sake of the lives of the men, and it's time maybe to pull back. are still ahead on al jazeera senegal is constitutional counsel over times the degree by president microsoft to delay the election. the have a lot of the west in australia is set to scissors way through very hot. we can well get down on to in a moment. the 1st to southeast asia and high pressure remains in charge across indo china. keeping with a very hot and dry for the likes of thailand, but we will see some showers coming into the south and that will help clear the. we've had toxic hayes affecting bank coke in recent days. the weather can be found for the south of this system heavy fools to come from western parts of borneo and
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the showers and storms continued to dominate across much of indonesia and heavy rain is the story across the north of australia. we have tropical psych loan lincoln. it has, we can do a tropical load moving in line to close the n t. it's going to be some very heavy rain to queensland as well. we're expecting flooding from that and some very powerful winds that continue to push it out for the east. and legacy of showers will remain around coastal areas as a where we can for sydney. but we're all going to see a lot of heats coming to the west again. once again for pub will be touching up to 40 degrees celsius. the 43 on sundays, a very hot indeed. on temperatures offset to recover across new zealand. we'll have a quick look there before we go. very settled, whether on saturday, march, west to how weather in the south of the south island. on sunday. they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are
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finding statement, fortune a celebrity influences. but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger one. 0, one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera and we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as as to what i'm going on. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the feel watching out just to recap on headline style and also hospital and sonya, this is under control of israeli troops generates as
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a stopped working causing pallets of the facility and gaza. full patients have died as a result of a hospital has been on the siege for weeks is ready 5 minutes or is rejecting international goals for recognition of a palestinian state? new me nothing. yeah. says this or i will continue to in to oppose. what because, you know, lots of recognition, senegal is constitutional counsel as ruled. the postponement of the presidential election was illegal. the law was passed by parliament last week, after opposition members were removed from the chamber. it led to widespread demonstrations and the killing of at least 3 people. earlier this month, president matthew sole positive decree to indefinitely delay the vote. plans for february the 25th decisive disputes throughout the disqualification of opposition. presidential candidates as a reason off to the routing, several government critics and opposition figures were released from jail. and it
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was celebrations as they were free. because hawk has the nicest from deck com, of the cultures on council counseling, rejecting and challenging a decision taken by the president voted by the national assembly to delay february's presidential elections to december 15th. now the president had said that the electoral process was flawed and decided to delay the elections because they was suspicion of corruption amongst the council itself that drew the list of candidates. the counsels response was that the decision to delay the elections is unconstitutional. they cited article one or 3 of the constitution, think a president can not extend his mandate present themselves. term in office ends on april 2nd. now this decision was welcomed by candidates, but also members of the opposition. it comes at a time where several leading figures of civil society and the opposition were freed
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from the tension. now there are several marches that are going to take place for many. this is a sign that the institution, the democratic institution been sending go works for others. this is a sign of a deepening crisis between the president and the, the constitutional counsel and some of the institutions in the country. now the council has said that the president, the opposition, the candidates have to get together and decide for a new election dates. as soon as possible. nicholas hawk elgin 0, the car well, leaders and defense officials, a gathering and unique for the annual security conference. it's the 6, the sound of a 3 of a form that's become the world's 2nd largest diplomatic conference. the major focus on global and regional security. top of the agenda will be the board and ukraine. germany and ukraine are expected to assign the new security agreement. as well as
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war on gaza will also feature europe and latest divided with some calling for a see saw criticizing us support for as well. then the, the upcoming us election by jo buys and the don'ts on the likely the slice off. tom's recent comments about not defending nase who members don't need the spending targets for likely be discussed and how to provide a cold war as europe decides whether it's china or is upon no or threats. let's go of analysis that vast and she joins us live from the unix. i will many eyes be on the signals of european support for you prime given concerns over us. simple. oh yeah, absolutely. the that's going to be one of the big topics here. you already mentioned it's a 60 is anniversary of one of the main diplomatic gatherings in the world with 50 lead us in more than 100 minutes. those attending and of course the war on guys is
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moving very highly on this conference and also the war or you, craig, at the report. so that was published before this conference. very gloomy picture of the state of world affairs. a right now and i'm joined now by the main line of the conference, the chair of the music security conference course, of course, going to put us all in a perspective. so you have all the key players here, right? you have to be is ready, president, you have about a senior, you have the arab needs to be americans. what are your expectations or hopes to come out on? this talks about guys and the dire situation there right now, but we provide the platform. the most of the music security conference is peace through dialogue. and this what we want to make possible here. we have invited all the persons who have mentioned, and it's not up to them. and are they ready to sit down to talk to each other, find a solution. i will open the conference with the dom,
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your barn points with eastern yvonne orchestra where we have an x ray, the pellets, damien arabs playing, and they can play together on, you know, on the 1st level and what is possible in music and culture has to be possible in politics as well, so that's a suffering of the people can and you have been savvy, critical about the status of your own country, germany on what's going on and god so right, you have also set the drum, you should have been smaller, holy international law if it comes to the sufferings of civilians there. oh, what do you feel about the fact that jeremy has taken that position and that europe has been sold? this decided on this issue. but my line is one which i learned that was in bastard to the united nations. and this is something that is outside the bank. it is also my own country of our, our constitution. that is the rule of law. we have to go by the rule of law. we have to go by the, an international humanitarian law by security council resolutions and we have to
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bite, but this ends, if this doesn't happen, you have to call the state of space, tell me as being wrong. i'll expense model call, so let's see is fine. what all of this month, i think and you know, 150 countries of the u. n. as toward ceasefire. and the us president has accused israel also war crimes by doing indiscriminate bom being. and if this happens, if you see the p, i'll see you and organizations. i think the only way out is to ask for it ceasefire to end the suffering of the people. another thing that's looming over the conference, it's on the words of donald from last week. saying that's uh that the basically encourages russia to do what i've heard, once with a nato ally, when they don't pay for the defense. right. not enough. how do you see this playing out at the conference the, the americans are here. will they be even be able to reassure the allies that america will actually come to the defense? well, and, you know, we have heard a lot by donald trump if you listen to every word and then you know,
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you can sleep any more longer. i think what we have to do is something that we have neglected to do after resar invaded ukraine in 2014 after they annex crimea. we had this summit, the nato summit in weights. we're all the europeans. and promised to go to 2.0 percent of the g p for defense spending we have left behind. and when trump aspect we do our homework, i understand that i understand that yes, you cannot ask the us techs peer and to continue to pay more than we do for you, a fee and security. so we have to be a part though we have to do our homework. and i'm sure when you do our homework, when you actually he was right to say that and make that kind of well, you know, trump is trump. i mean, it is right in asking us to do to present, but then he says, well, we're not, we ask good deal. i would like to remind the us president the, the only time that article type was in. busy to us by the us read germany and other
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pregnant student by the side of the us went into afghanistan, we lots of the life of german soldiers in afghanistan. we were there with thousands of soldiers, and i think this is all to solidarity and business. something with but i think we can write the, as from our american friends, they have provided that and i hope they would continue to provide that. what we have to do is our homework. you know, we have to strengthen the european pillar of a nato and we are finally getting there. thank you so much for joining the program and it's going to be a long 3 days for, for mr. hayes. good. i'm sure. today we will hear from come out of harris, the vice president of the united states will have what they call a major foreign policy. is a speech saying an outlying that the us is still the most dominant will power. and the will also be a antonio antonio, a good terrorist. so speaker and also there will be a discussion on an international law. so a lot of things on the program, and this is just the 1st day i have reasons to come back to from the day. thanks so
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much. the boston india is main opposition. policy says it's bank accounts have been frozen. the congress policy accuses tax authorities. the volk straightening the move, which it says is equivalent to freezing democracy. well, the allegations come a day after the supreme court struck down a funding scheme that allowed anonymous donations to political policies, policies leaders of the judiciary to intervene. they say they'll lead to protests if the bonds not met as well. the generations fishing close to shore has been the backbone of malaysia's coastal communities. but the change in climate is making it more difficult for small scale fishermen to run and living far and slow ever falls from jo. haas that strikes early morning is feeding time at this fish farm in the straits of the whole
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southern melisha. while my read one being more like he has, it works here. okay. usually after he stopped going out to sea to fish 2 years ago . so you're going to die. i've had 2 bad experiences when my boat was on the way back to show the winds changed suddenly in less than 5 minutes. then what a large waves in my boat was sent by. i couldn't avoid the waves getting hit with that. i didn't think of anything else. i only thought of getting back safely. i lost half my catch, but i didn't care. near shall fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in malaysia generations. but that's the way of life is coming under threat. changing weather patterns also mean the fuel months with say for small scale fishermen to head out to sea, serena roman is a conservation scientist, has been studying the impact of climate change on rural community. so everybody knows the temperature of the ocean by increasing apollo beach, et cetera. but this also affects the movements of the species. so we have changed fish, the seas sees analogy, you know, they're not where they used to be. the fish and not coming in. we didn't have squid
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at all last year, is not just to climate change, coastal development and land reclamation also creating pollution and the build up of salt wrecking habitats for marine life. i could easily touched when people are grants of crips before. no, it is difficult to even get 5 kilograms. the fisherman here have had to find other ways to make a living. the number of fish farms is multiplied with many expanding that businesses by offering fishing platforms for english. you can pay $35.00 ring if that's equivalent to about roughly 7 us dollars to come here to fish. is becoming increasingly popular with fishing and disease and is turning into a pretty good source of income for fishermen. here. that's climate experts say in the long run, fission and won't be able to escape the impact of climate change and coastal development. i see i see an end to this industry and the last complete loss of his heritage.


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