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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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on it, does he get off the the hello until mccrae. this is denise our line from us coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready for us as can at least 100 people across scouts all over the last 24 hours. the situation at nasa hospital is deteriorating rapidly. people in breath, a scramble for ski as quantities of food as rouzan bucko with district prevents adequate to humanitarian supplies from entering the international criminal court homes of a perilous situation and profit demanding israel. a bond binds order to protect palestinian lives, plus the human the occupied westbank. and i'll be telling you about the policy to
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me and children being born. i checked points like this one and you tried withdrawals. troops from the front line city of of difficult. it's the most significant territorial game for russia in nearly a year. the, let's just after 7 g and t that is 9 am and goes away is roll continues to launch a strong. so on the south of the strip, at least 100 people have been killed across garza, and just the past 24 hours a line. a rough a has been bearing the brunt of israel's latest bombardment. 1.5000000 palestinians, a sheltering there, have to early a being told by israel to move, they have their own safety. the international court of justice phones is route to abide by its order to protect the palestinian lives, adding that any new assault on rother would make was already a few minutes here and not me. even with that on friday,
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the top you in court rejected a request for urgent measures to safe god, palestinians, then meanwhile, the situation at nesa hospital and con eunice is deteriorating by the day 5. i see you patients died on friday due to power outages of is ready for the students to facilitate that early as well. this is the thread of starvation loons for all palestinians and cause of israel is heavily restricting a crow access to gaza. and the food that does get through is difficult to distribute due to the ongoing is riley attacks. target bu, as it begins coverage from rasa, cam food has become staple from thousands which live else to each, to remove them for months of wool. but it's far from being in a different source of foods. at high school, i'm all about outdoor consists solely of canned food. my siblings are full and it will do to this, the urgency need access to purple nutrition and drinking on. so to alleviate the
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suffering, this is our last night and this is the only food we are eating high up, the more i live up and the price of the kansas increasing along with the price of oil thoughts as they become increasingly is cost. yeah, i'm the same as i said it has been outside and the prices have become exorbitant across the board. the situation is dire with tomatoes now price have $2.00 daughters with a compared to $0.50 previously. these inflated prices, along with the destruction and loss of lives that have made essential goods out of reach for many this fresh meat as i received. i'm far too expensive for most and without adequate nutrition and clean water. there is a high risk of folding set can recover. it's hot money, save that. com food and the lack of access to items. facilities is causing stomach related illnesses. why have um a vehicle period? us them on this is a dangerous situation that could lead to developing serious health conditions among
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children. if gastro, intestinal upsets are not treated properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to severe dehydration which can sometimes lead to dental fussy bob a lot. yeah. you wanna set estimates that if this tall facing continues up to 10000 children could suffer from 60 wasting and will need the treatment to recover. according to international fluid security expense, the percentage of people in cars who cannot find the food they need is the highest ever recorded in one area. and that is a result of as well as located unbuttoning topic about zoom out. just a rough, rough is offering garza so how do you must move? it is joining us live from rafa now and honey as we've heard time. and again, there are more calls for a few minutes here in a to get into the strip. we know is right, let's holding that price is up, but what does managed to get through is also getting hotter to distribute,
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isn't this? yes indeed. and now those the 190 uh trucks that were allowed to through the car mobile asylum across thing. they are for the commercials per been set for the private sector here in the the, the city. they're also 16 humanitarian truck, were allowed to, through rough by high crossing, as well as a, the ford trucks filled with cooking, a gas, then the, here's the problem. what's going on this came after a long time of withholding humanitarian trucks on the addiction side, as well as the ongoing blockade of a, of a kind of mobile side of me crossing by the ongoing, a settlers of protest and families of the top is inside the gaza strip, but this would,
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these action lead late into depletion of the market of basic necessities and food supplies necessarily needed for the survival of, of the over at, for the displace population. here in, over a crowded rough estimate, the that is the struggle to find clean and drinking water on daily basis, as well as the necessary food supplies and other survival items to hold them. combat and, and head and face the challenges was, is by the ongoing bombing campaign as well as the uh, the spread of, of difficult living conditions as well as the diseases as a result of the consumption. this is a little over 4 months. right now, the consumption of canned food that is leading into serious problems, the health of problems, particularly among the most vulnerable groups. we're talking about pregnant women, women who. 2 are proceeding as children who are in need of different kinds of different kind of new trends to help them sustain themselves and grow me honey. we
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know that the situation and the hospital is incredibly dire at this point in time. that is also concerned that some 8 organizations have been blocked from actually getting access to us. yes for almost now, 10 hours there is a medical can void consecutive to trucks spelled with necessary medical supplies for nicer hospital land men missed the fuel to generate the to generate power and to help the power generators the start, the generating power for the i to you and thank you, patient insights. not that are hosted now in a statement mean by the health ministry in gaza. 8 talks about these 2 tracks that were sent by the world health organization, but has been blocked by the israeli military. by the time, send the bulldozer who died in front of the convoy on it from behind a just a caught in between 2 areas. hard to move into the drive. there are literally
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according to the statement, 50 meters away from the gate of the hospital. but there is still under the block and just put in the risk of everyone in the hospital, including a baby's incubators, the those really nice see you and the patients and other evacuated inside the hospital for their life. but press, there are reports of, of the medical, the staff members being detained and tortured by these really military. we're looking at very difficult situations in the coming hours are going to unfold more of this tragedy and dig into honey. i understand you visited a factory, providing the vital lifeline for mothers and god. so can you just explain what you found that yes, well, what we did here there is uh uh we visited a factory here in dropbox city to try to provide alternative for some of the basic survival items are that are needed for a particular group here in a month,
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the displaced population, they're looking at at the young children and babies. and then those who are in need of the, of the face of bible items such as the diapers that and others the things that are necessarily for their survival. it just, it runs at very low capacity. there is, as we know, there is a greater demand going on here. just given that the lease in on the capacity of all that basic supply, the needs that are required by the uh, by the display as the traumatized population. so there is a little bit of both of work being done. then on top of that, there are also complications involved with it. the ongoing power outage, the, the inability to find alternatives on parts for equipment to use it for the manufacturing of the survival items. just make it a very difficult, yet. it's a good lifeline. this is what we found out when we visited the factory.
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the home of the sewing machines isn't loud enough to drown out the sound of the bombs outside. but the work being done in this a small factory and rough is a lifeline to 1000 of parents. personal protective gear is being repurposed as diapers we got the idea at the markets. people were looking for diapers and would wait in line to bite them at a very high price. israel's complete cesar gaza has halted the import of old goods since october. items that used to be taken for granted, such as the diapers and formula for babies have become luxuries. the factory keeps its cost down by a copying the design of the diapers and it's fitting them by hand. it produces 500 diapers a day and can keep up with the demand. israel is also accused of blocking the entry
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of the human atory, an 8. the you want us to mates only 20 percent of the roughly 580 trucks that used to enter a gaza daily are getting through the u. n. saves the entire population. is that eminent risk of famine and babies and young children are most at risk. while this factory is a welcome relief, it's only a fraction of what's needed due to the war and see each the price of joyce's has become very high. people cannot afford to buy them for the children. it is also a temporary solution. supplies role materials will eventually run out. and the why these workers are vulnerable to the ever present the threats from above. and even more, i would just eat a rough gauze. the health facilities and profit struggling to cope with a number of people now sheltering. the strain on infrastructure is increased by the number of babies that arrive each day. stephanie decor reports on if it's down,
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kansas. now this cup with welcoming new bones into a was on imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your home, everything you built and worked for your safe space. now you live here one among hundreds of thousands in the tent in open land. during winter, you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again, you have a family, but you cannot provide any of flights basic needs and the baby has just arrived. comp nursery is sprayed on this. it's a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months, concrete tools and to proper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale and it provides essential help to mothers with babies from infant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition
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to the simple cab provided by us midwives a little. but i would use this, let's see. let's have a list. in this one i gave birth to my child 15 days ago as we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather. my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birth. i was not able to keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital. the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time. now we have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god to help we'll be in the most influx of displaced people in that off. ok means the remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope in and democrats. i had the fun with the affordable rock. i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now with nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section and the hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for others.
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and to start with the new lives born into words, those and even if and when the war comes to an end, there will be very little left standing for people to return to most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life. and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie decker o g 0 o. dr. brenda kelly is a consultant of attrition at oxford university hospital. she joins us from oaks with in the you can now thank you very much for being with us here on out to 0. as we just heard the almost $3000.00 and babies born a month and roughly it would be overwhelming in normal circumstances for, for town that is generally small. seen a huge influx, one and a half 1000000 people now living there is simply no health facilities to help. then the newborn babies, all the mothers at this point in time. what sort of effect does that have on you? bones on both sides representative coming on. i mean it's, it's a devastating situation. and in normal times in golf,
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as an attorney system was somebody from china was lack of some of the essential drugs and times. and also guy overworked and how 40 megabytes and doctors, the 2 biggest hospitals that were having to turn to us and they'll sheet. but now sir, i know i can not work for not functioning a tool. okay. and overall, to the terms we have that both because the birth, i mean they just simply not able to cope. you know, as you had to do previous presenter, the comments rate that they've gone to from 1520 birthday to 1890 for us. that leads over a 100 women per day to the different ip site healthcare facilities. giving birth is the most unable time in anyone's life, um for that new born. and actually we will see a rise in the death of newborns phones. complications that 1st step in unintended by any skilled caregiver, but also as you've heard some very basic diseases. now this is di,
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real illnesses and respect chances. the impact of mile nutrition on the permanent one and gaza cannot be underestimated. the sooner arriving to give birth that the managed to get to hospital in a dire state, anemic. so the basics and the challenges of childbirth, but their new borns did not. they need to be bad. we know that stress mom, nutrition khaki, one's ability to breast feed on alongside that if she cannot grasp the lack of sufficient instant formula and little coming through is up to your choices. what milk is coming through. you need to have clean water in order to provide that safety to a new born be here. so this is a situation for both mothers, new point and golfer cuz as you say it is not just you know, well the mother is giving birth or in the immediate days after which it is there are long tends a fix it because we know that there is the risk of famine right throughout gaza?
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what happens when a mother is male? not rich. what effect does that have on a baby's health and the long term? what sort of long term damage can that to? what we know is that where a mother is small and there is some decisions and lots of essential but events. but that will impact on the quotes that that may be in, in the blue. and we know that also in times as palm and also you know, we must forget, impact of war and stress is best hormones all over the baby is nourished. and when so we know that growth restriction, very low birth weight babies are also born more common. the situations of more common being born to early being born to small major impacts, not only on the baby's task survive in just 5 years of age. but we also know that the conditions in neutral impact on that child's longer term health is a good attitude. so what we're seeing here in casa, isn't just the impact on the current generation of young mothers and babies
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innovations in gaza because they are going to be full long term health problems such as carter boss receive high blood pressure, diabetes. yeah, we know this was the previous populations and conflicts owens, i thank you so much for your for your time and and so we really do appreciate it. that is dr. brenda kelly consultant of attrition at oxford university hospital. thank you. well since october, the 7th, the is ready, military has increased checkpoints across the occupied west bank. they cause long delays and heavy even falls, palestinian mothers to give birth on the road, need to abraham reports from burn in the occupied with spec. instead of these cries, it could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and him feel about how was in labor after midnight trying to get to a hospital a close. this really made it through check point stood in the way tract. i have
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turned the car into a delivery room for the bus to have to look. i delivered the baby, but the cord was wrapped around his neck. so i got to it and gave him to his mom to hold and just call and just heads up. i was embarrassed. i looked of man was around me fucked. my feed for the baby was thrown. got my oxygen living where to drill bank. i didn't want to lose him. this was not in house. first check point delivery, such as the door to head. it was during the 2nd posting and into fonda. the woman was in a car shouting, i delivered the baby, but i can't remember if it was a boy or a girl. both the mother and baby shanice are in good health. but not every story has a positive and i do, let's say it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to a death certificate on the same day in 2003 along with her
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husband, old lady members. the fear at this is really check point. a few minutes drive from that home and putting in the most of the occupied westbank soldiers asked her to sit quietly. the 8 months pregnant lady was anything bought that she started shouting, i gave birth, i think the baby followed by silence and then another shout. i think she died when i dropped her and i held her to my chest. i said, she's most likely that she started tending blue, but i wasn't sure i had hoped that she would still be alive. baby, me at all, lived and died at the check point, unless i had to cut them, but it cuts quote with thoughts stones. then they allowed me to take him to the hospital. 3 years later, the couple had another daughter being named helped me to, to, for so many palestinian women. the journey to motherhood is not always
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a joyous occasion. what comes with difficulties and obstacles? just a few hours ago, these really ministry and still this case at the entrance to the village mother is about to give birth to needing to go to the hospital like not know which case is open and which one is closed. it was a 22 closure when 20 year old son beckett was born in 2003 is not sure exactly where but thinks its around this area. the wasn't his way to check points here. now we moved over to the fact that i had hoped to be the last child to be born at a check point. look at us now, 20 years later. we hear stories we know too well. his wish is not happening with maybe some if being the last baby we know of born at the check point. sharma means standing tall. one day his family hopes. he will live up to his name and woke
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freely in the land with no check points that ever he and josie to the occupied westbank. the international court of justice is wanting of a perilous situation in profit and is demanding that is rather bind bind. so what is it we have re thing and its power to protect the palestinian lives. meanwhile, but you ins, highest quote, rejected south africa's request urgent measures to safeguards, rougher and southern gaza. but it knows it. a new a cellphone, the city would exacerbate what is will radiation minute, terry and nightmare. but us president joe biden has told his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that there must be a temporary spot in garza. a white house correspondent, kimberly hill kit has more. the speaking from the roosevelt room of the white house, us president joe biden said his team is working to get a framework deal in place to get a pause in israel's war on gaza. and he says he is hopeful. a framework deal is
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in place that would allow for humanitarian aid to get in an infrastructure to be built. and unlike the pause that took place in november, that was just one week long. he is hopeful that this could be an extended pause to last at least 6 weeks. first of all, i've had extensive conversations with the prime minister of israel over the last 7 days, almost an hour each. and i've made the case, i feel very strongly about that there has to be a, a temporary cease fire to get the prisoners out to get policies is out. and that is underway. i'm still hopeful that correct can be done. and in the meantime, i don't anticipate i'm hoping that that the israel is, will not make any mass of land and vision in the meantime. but it's unclear if the
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is really prime minister is listening to the us president. historically, he has not, especially when it comes to the us cautioning about how to conduct the is really military campaign. the us pushing for it surgical tactics. but instead, israel has launch the campaign that has resulted in more than 28000 palestinian casualties, mostly women and children as well. the united states has pushed to allow for the shipment of a, namely american shipment of flower. the v is rarely as have agreed to let in as of one month ago, but to date that still has not been left in all. so there is the concern, of course, that the 2 state solution has also been rejected by israel. one of the biggest points of contention between the 2 leaders. kimberly help it al jazeera,
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the white house. so there's plenty more here on this. do use now including with life to most go gauging reaction to the death on friday of rational position politician alexi now found the interval between the israeli military and his belie moves deep and to live in on the ukraine has withdrawn its out number. the troops from of disc, after months of heavy fighting, russian forces, the threatening to encircled the town strategically located near donates. it's the biggest blow to the ukrainian. what if it's since my last year, the compound, it has described the town as the horses sick to on the front lines? bro mcbride's joins may live uh, from the ukrainian city of hot cavan robot. what's been the reaction there and how
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big a blow. oh is this for you kinds? what if it's yeah, i mean i did have a strategic value sitting right on the edge of russian control don't yet. so this will be seen as a victory for the russians, a strategic blow for the ukrainians. the pullout was confirmed by a legs on the set ski, the head of ukraine, you know, full sage and a statement saying that the forces that have done the duty also, he says destroying the very best russian units that were sent in that direction. so that also points to the other strategic value of continuing the seemingly endless meet grind to type operations bottles on, on the front. the if you are defending and you are killing fall, more of the attacking russians than you are losing in your ukrainian defend does. that does make a certain military logic to continue these operations to grand and your opponent. that's what we saw in back the moods last year. but that does come
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a time when you have to make the decision that you're not willing to see any more people being lost, that you walk in and pull back your defender. so that's what we have seen here. so basically, is that strategic last for ukraine and it will be see as a symbolic victory for the russians coming very close to the secondary of us or the start of this full scale will they think so much from roaming front for us there in hockey's and memorial sit up in moscow just off to the depth of rational position politician alexi, now finding was announced has been destroyed. and this video shows a group of identified people who are moving flowers and full view of police motors, headlight flowers at the monument for victims of oppression. early in the day, world leaders have been planning, rushes president for the opposition. they does dance at a penal calling colony in the arctic region. but for more on this, daniel hawkins is live for us in moscow. in daniel, this comes one months before the presidential election was the coverage of nova and
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his death being like the, the russian media has historically sold to play down the attendance and surrounding the valley. as an oppositional figure on the importance of the movements he led to which was attached to to him by much so position media and farm media yesterday was very much, no exception this morning as well. the main russian title is devoting a general under minutes of coverage share reports, and one is best for reflection and certainly avoiding attaching the labels off on the scene as i say, informed media, labeling, amazon and nemesis, somebody me a booth. and it was a key opposition figure it had now certainly no coverage for dental coverage of the visuals held across rusher and the people arrested or detained. but police those visuals yesterday as well. this comes at a time with russia was a very much under the spot. lots of schools with the presidential elections coming
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up. uh, brother, opposing his what to expect. it's a when he's pulling way above the other candidates. and this is something that has been highlighted by some politicians here and by sports are some pro government figures. the fact that is that the schools such outrage among western leaders, the repercussions for russia still potentially being discussed. they've highlighted that and said this is evidence that the government could not have had that had any is best that there was simply no motive for the russian government to get involved . and not as a point that many of supports of the government here may bind. but many support has no biling here. that simply, of course, will not fall into the document the tool. okay, and i guess we'd assess, leave the rational position movement hasn't died long sides. nobody as well. of course, the valet was not the only real position of the guy in russia, but certainly he was the best the best known. he had the water sweets both in
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russian borders and beyond as one and his activism over the last 10 years before his arrest and death, of course, weeks out to a considerable audience. a rush of people say is supposed to say that it is spying people for a different vision of how rush it could be about over the last 3 or 4 years. the growth. so it's moving. the organization that he built up was systematically dismantled by rational thirty's, who cited with him and his support as well, nothing more than western puppets. seeking to dismantle, to destabilize russia through western funding and support. and that's why they labeled his organization as extremist, eventually making it illegal. this means he had no political power such he couldn't hold a political office to of course he continued to campaign. despite his present sentence, the russian parliamentary non parliamentary field position him is fragmented, and in practical times on the ground this means is best may have little major
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impacts. but his support has, we'll say, as a symbol of somebody useful to unites a broad coalition of groups of post the criminal that will certainly have a blow and a support as warnings to be worried about the fates office allies. some of to of course, also subbing next israel sentences. we have thanks so much for that update. it's daniel hopkins for us, and most guy we're going to stay with us and alexi murphy, if it is an associate professor of national security and strategic studies at coast and university. it joins us from us in australia. now thank you very much for being here on elder 0. we had a little bit from our correspondence in moscow just in, but is this going to have any effect on post and, and the upcoming election at all? not domestically as much as we don't like hearing aid, but and i'm only didn't have any significant political weight. and rush, obviously had the non meal of support those. but compared to the overall uh for a portion of process. conservative electrodes the war and continued the remainder
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mine or it just so we didn't even have to worry about not only in fact he's the app is actually counter productive to him. not so much with regards to domestic politics, but with regards to his attempts to re establish dialogue with the west and on basically the kremlin, it will have to do a lot of explain your mouth about what actually happened to them on the what was the reasons and, and, and, and the causes of kids that so it actually came at the very inconvenient time for putting in especially update she is logic lane, the interview will talk and carlo some way. she was trying to save the number 2 messages to the west. so it's, it's, it's not going to affect the outcome of the elections, but it will affect the, and the attempts to have some sort of a political dialogue with which is less than counterparts. that's what happened to you. so you don't think peyton or the russian government had any involvement in his desk. and then i, i would probably make a distinction. i don't think put in one sitting on the bed. i think it in his
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interest, my mom and was very much of manual to see him was being alive. but i can have a suspicion that they may still have some elements with the russian government. we actually don't want to see any form of dialogue between the rush and the west, the curing. so because the only was held in extreme security, it a prism can for way effectively people as a sort of in life sentence the so to accept that sort of facility you need to have and, and so the jury is diction. so it can only bid the with, with, with the knowledge or access to security services, they seek your job rather than not only how. so i can suspected maybe as someone who actually interpreted for getting syndication during the interview that he was willing to and that they some sort of the goal changes with the west as a red flag. and all of a sudden i'm all knee is that because obviously i can't,
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i'm only and, and his presence of this was considered to be a red flag for many in the way here. we know that there's been widespread condemnation for many people in the international community. many leaders, what can i do now? how can i actually against prudent? because obviously as we know that there were been heavy sanctions since the war and you kind started. it really is not much because i think a lot of the upper doing you choose to impose political income on make restrictions . so already being exhausted, obviously the, the change on the side on the battlefield of ukraine doesn't speak in favor. and then obviously the re still would be the you sorry about the volume of your brain. so what we're doing well, i have to be, uh, will be asked and, and the grammar will be honest, really uncomfortable questions. i don't think there is much that can be done because if there is a will to negotiate the political solution and because of the crisis in your brain, it won't happen one way or another, not maybe immediately, but donald to track for sure. if there's not going to be will,
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regardless whether them on a is that or a life of that, that dialogue is not going to take place. so i think there's going to be a lot of restoring for children, but slowly i think it will. busy kind of, you know, and stop and, and, and do so and, and again, also because i don't think there's going to be any, any, any massive outbreaks. so as social is all the, in russia. okay, we'll have to leave it there. but thank you so much for your, for your time and your insights. thank you. okay, well, still a hit hit on al jazeera. i'm drawing a 100 and these fellows, dean ohio, were president biden, is visiting the year after a toxic railway accident the the,
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let's have a lot of that. let's have a look at the weather across europe this weekend. and i have to say it is looking very pleasant and mild across many areas. we still got some areas of unsettled weather, 2 fronts of pushing away from west to east. the 1st of that bringing some heavy snow to western pots of russia on saturday. so heavy snow in most go through saturday night expected, and you can see the freezing rain trailing down from that system moving across. you create the showers, do pizza out. instead, we'll see more wave settled weather with sunshine in the southeast, with some improvement for greece as well as to kia behind that some cloud, but also bright to spell. so essential areas clear across the scan to a beautiful new way, as well as sweden. we've got settled weather dominating across the mediterranean. so i'm showing coming in and wrote we have a warnings out. however, some for some folks in the very know, lots of sunshine coming through the portugal and spring, but they have that band of weather putting of course prison on the island divided. if you go to sunday, we'll see the low countries get a wrenching as well as denmark add more snow coming into northern pots and southern
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parts of way. but that we looked at the temperature as a very mild conditions to be enjoyed with lots of heat continuing to build across the south, suddenly in rome is to be the diesels, the deadliest wild flyers in the history of chile. begin with what people describe as a sudden downpour of cylinders given by fierce wins this way, look like a very small fly right now with this at this time trio. what's left of it? and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. so when you put out the fire, it can ignite it at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again. they started simultaneously and exactly the same hour and 6 different places . this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish
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the culprits on countering the cost of israel is 1st credit raising down. great. how bleak is the outlook for its economy? commercial real estate in the us as faltering banks as far away as job at a feeling the pain. plus we find out whether a full day work week will boost workers productivity counting the cost on i will just say around the the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl is ready for us as a continuing to attack the sound of the gaza strip. we more than 1500000 palestinians, the sheltering arms and public facilities and profit and con eunice are among the
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buildings which have been target says at least 100 people had been killed over the last 24 hours desperate palestinians facing starvation had been rushing to trunks entering through the rough crossing, hoping to get food according to the you in the right of a truck just entering cause that has dropped significantly over the past week. and the international court of justice has won the israel to abide by its order to protect palestinian lines. i didn't get any new assault on ruffled, would make what's already a few minutes hurrying nightmare. even worse on the front, at the top, you in court rejected a request for urgent measures to sites got palestinians there. his ballasa is the latest attacks by israel that killed at least 10 civilians were part of a deliberate strategy to pressure the group to stop slicing. children were among those killed in the strikes on wednesday. it was the worst single day civilian death told him living on since the boy on guns a began design, a hold of reports from southern living on the war between these really military
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and has been law keeps moving beyond the border. targeted strikes, deeper inside lebanon, and kilometers away from the battle ground are becoming more frequent. israel has been tracking down commanders and fighters of the arms group. within the latest strikes, civilians including children, were among the victims. hezbollah says the attacks were deliberate and part of in this way, the strategy to pressure the group into halting the fighting. and joe, up i was the zip, i mean one, her response to the massacre will be to continue the confrontation, an escalade or the enemy should expect. that to me must know that it went too far by targeting civilians. they will pay the price in blood have a until now the warring sides have been conducting what has been described as a calculated escalation. an all out tour would hurt them both. yep. do i know not so? yeah,
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it seems they forgot the resistance in lebanon has precision guided missiles capable of reaching because yet shimoda to as yet is ro 2 has been threatening to do with the officials say, would be a copy paste from casa to bay boot. but they also say they prefer not to get their political. let's say, we don't want to go to walmart. we're interested in reaching an agreement with safety enabled the kind of residents of the most of the homes on the, on the body process. but if there is no choice, we will locked residents of southern lebanon, fear a new phase of violence for the step. look, man, i'm, he's one of these trying to find that pete, extra. why did the conflict should it wants to expand the war? i'm a how has relies trying to avoid the full blown war, but these are these not even listening to the administration and mom's sort of dial out by then while i pull off, which accuses the us of complicity. and the war on gaza appears to be preparing for a long fight. surrender, it says,
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is not an option. because which here is linked to the war on garza. hezbollah has repeatedly said, there can be no fault to the fighting until the aggression on the script, as well as also part of the so called the axis of iran, which leads that who is also warning of severe consequences for as well. if it launches an offensive on russell in the south of garza, and that's why the coming days could determine the trajectory of this confrontation center for their houses. either about the southern left and on the form of us present. donald trump's is. he'll appeal a decision against them in a for which case. steve was ordered by a judge to buy hundreds of millions of dollars for and fighting his wealth. kristin, selling the reports from new york, almost $355000000.00. so that's how much
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a new york court ordered former president donald trump, to pay punishment for inflating the value of his properties. he's also been barred from running any business in the state of new york for 3 years. it's a victory for the state prosecutor who brought the case. today we prove that no one is above the law. no matter how rich powerful or politically connected you are, every one must play by the same rules. we have a responsibility to protect the integrity of the marketplace. for years, donald trump engaged in deceptive business practices and tremendous fraud that donald trump had committed. fraud was established by judge arthur in gore. and back in september before the trial even began. as it progressed, trump made regular appearances ever clicked to defend themselves. he's dismissed the ruling as political persecution play using this as weapon is ation. i guess
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a political opponent who's a philosopher the balls and always will be because i'm competing with a man who can put 2 sentences together, who doesn't know what he's doing. and we're heading into a 3rd world war because of this guy. we have to win the selection, they're doing everything possible to step in a way, but we're not going to stand for his 2 oldest sons, eric and don junior. we're also found liable for their roles in the business. they were fined $4000000.00 each and barred from doing business for 2 years. legal experts say the case hits trump, where it hurts it comes down to his legacy. if this is a family own corporation, this is all his kids were involved. perhaps his grandkids would have been one day, so wiping out potentially the temp organization wipes out a legacy of generations. the former president is expected to appeal this decision, but it's just one of many legal issues he's facing in the run up to the november election. the 1st of 4 criminal trials is expected to get underway. just
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a block away from here in a new york court room. on march 25th charges range from covering up hush money payments to an adult film star, to a criminal conspiracy to overturn georgia's elections. to mishandling classified documents at his mara lago, a state at this rate, the former president could spend as much time in court in 2024. as on the campaign trail, christian salumi, l g 0, new york for tens of thousands of protesters and hungry have condemned the presidential pardon issued in a child abuse case. the demonstration in budapest follows a series of resignations by senior members of the governing policy. president katelyn novak resigned last week when it was revealed she gave clemency to a man who falls victims of sexual assault to retract their accounts of abuse is being described as prime minister or bonds. biggest political challenge? yes. frequently does amazing and if you, if he is capital to discuss the confidence most pressing issues, stuff,
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discuss the on risk and the democratic republic of congo with the military is finding in 23 rebels education and financial reformer also on the agenda at the african union. summer's mom involve reports from edison baba or 10 months of conflicting sudan have created the world as loud just displacement. the causes violence isn't testifying in the east and the democratic republic of congo. it's a national and regional innovations have failed. at least 6 countries have been suspended from the off the can union following and democratic changes of government . and the comic books from the east to the west have splintered. these are some of the most pressing issues facing off the conditions. and yet the theme of this year's summit is education, part of a long term vision for the content. the other major topic on the agenda is suck to him on the financial, the form within the organization. without the to say the
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a you want to be able to function just that the most the phone clicked them is. we'll see you soon. this entered in hope the funds we managed to raise can suffice for the funding of some of our essential operations. we will know the un has recently passed a resolution on financing some of our needs, which is a huge progress associated, but it won't solve all of our problems. our own efforts to fill the funding gap, it must continue intensively. africa comp discharge itself of its responsibilities, by the way. yeah. and most of the conflict in sudan and the democratic republic of congo will be discussed behind closed doors. but no announcements or initiatives are expected suspended member states of sending little different medications, which means the dialogue about the return to the a you is unlike how do you know, told test on the whole model heads of state would be meeting a few blocks away to try to solve often because problems to within top know and um
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in more detail for the full body. well, i'm heading down with i'm from the district of bari and hooked to that's where the goal started up. not i have to move with family from place to place until they ended up here in ethiopia. but i'm, i use my popularity as an office to open a restaurant for a living but of the. but i think that's what can lead us to try to end the war and help us we are trying to young communion. 10 shift has no illusions about what the funny to achieve. views no doubt share with by millions of others across the continent with a population of close to 1500000000 times 30 percent of the. well, some of the lives of the continents has foster potential to capitalize on it. so the sources offer that can lead as need to achieve beautiful piece, promote good governments. above all, start to get the unity flights of goals, the 3 mean you lose. how much the funds on to 0 are disabled and included all the army has been carrying out searches and prisons. it's part of the light is cracked down on gangs troops found stashes of weapons, drugs,
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and electronics during the rights and civil states. violent split in ecuador, last month of to into torres truck load, escaped from prison. environmental activists and panama threatening to hold more protest says the government moves to shut down a controversial couple mine. the supreme court ordered the closure of the cobra, panama mine, and then the following widespread protests against mining contract awarded to a canadian company. first, quantum, the quotes, the contract was unconstitutional and that it lacked environmental safeguards. active assignment was ordered by the court and not being enforced armies most. if someone had to wait on it right now, we are in summit, but in a few months, 3 and a half 1000 millimeters of rainbow falls. so we will have to control that wastewater treatment area and if it's available and if i don't know, we are very concerned about the situation. we do not to allow to be turning through the streets if necessary. notice got us president joe biden has been visiting the side of a training crash in east palestine, ohio. but yeah, up to the accident,
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released toxic chemicals into the air and water as shown henri and propose people living in the town. so they still need help. and it's been more than a year since a d real train left, a black cloud over this guys of east palestine. prisoner joe biden arrived friday and promised to hold really company norfolk southern accountable for the factory train crash. encouraged congress to pass along stalled railway safety bill. you know, i want to thank you folks these policy to know and once i understand that we're not going home no matter what. so this job is done is not done yet. there's a lot more to do. some welcome the attention, the handling of this is been largely an adequate you know, people are still getting sick and there are people who are so out of their homes. and you know that, that that means hand or downtown a small group rallied for biden's,
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likely presidential opponent republican donald trump visited shortly after the accident. i mean, i waited a year to get here is the fact that he was pressure to come and it was all just political pressure from his donors and everyone else. and they need to get them out there. need to do something in a campaign ad released for the occasion. trump cold is too little, too late. a year after the accident that spilled toxic chemicals here. cleanup goes on. the water has been declared safe, but some residents say they're not so sure. the state of ohio has declared the local water se, but many here refuse to drink it. so i'm handed out bottled water to residents during the president's visit. a sign of the communities lack the face. the danger has passed. john henry and l g 0 east. tell us dean ohio, at least 155 that has been killed and 9 injured and an explosion at home in northern virginia in the us. video showed debris spread out at the scene and
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neighboring huns. the explosion caused a large fire. police are investigating what caused the blast. 2 teenagers have been charged with bar on violations following wednesday's masters in kansas city. a woman was killed and $22.00 injured during the superbowl victory parade. to have them remain in critical condition. at the end of the kansas city chiefs was celebrating the football teams homecoming when the shooting began. place in missouri suspected started because of a dispute between several people. so hit hit on al jazeera citizenship for bitcoin donations. how one latin american country is hoping to attract, foreign investors, the unique perspective on and the, i don't want to, even if i'm not reporting, i want to leave this. and it was really a, for my things, thoughtful this coverage. and there's no reason to target the journal on her,
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it's voices that i'm all the patients please connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere be that women are delivering babies in the shelters in the rubble of their own homes. and this is unacceptable, the stream on out to 0 examining the impact of today's headlines. this is not a war between an israel, this is a war against palestinians exploring a 112 clause program. and we are basically a digital firm scene investigator. but we're doing it from space design to inform, most events on the spot. you want to compete at the olympic games. they come, stay, relax, see the well, from a different perspective. on our address here. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the o self, it was president, just trying to attract crypto investors to the country. now you but kelly is offering citizenship to foreigners who make the queen donations to development programs. and well, russell reports from el salvador was a bitcoin beach search city el salvador. this the side village is not only a surfers paradise. those who follow crypto currencies closely. know it better and spit point be the queen day. if it queen be the queen, beat me, call me it'd be it'd be, it's bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin right. from a tourism perspective. we know how to tell her to her as a part. we know who's the surfer and we know who is
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a bit cleaner. salvatore and authorities say between has been a met positive for tourism since it was made a national currency in 2021. what is the grocery going salvatore in president nigi book kelly, who was recently elected to a 2nd term, is betting big on using bitcoin as a tool for development. part of that plan includes a new law that grants expedited citizenship to foreigners who choose to invest in the country using bitcoin. there's a remarkable transition going on here. nomic least you know, just in terms of sentiment. so john is from canada, and as of january of this year, he's also a bona fide citizen of el salvador. i decided that i really want to be part of what's happening here in support. i'm all in so there's clearly enthusiasm for big coin here with the love is not universal. critics say there's
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a lack of transparency altogether when it comes to matters of bitcoin and the government to come back, even though it has become a black hole for public fine on everything that has been used for bit clung with tex, spare money becomes lost without a trace some argue that big problem is related to big coin have yet to materialize . like construction of a mega project, the big coins, cities from powered by geothermal energy, from an active volcano. more than 2 years after the adoption of the currency, the use of bitcoin, among the majority of the salvadorans, is low, most still preferred to use paper money. there's also the warnings from the international monetary fund over the volatility of crypto currencies and the risk of adopting one as legal tender. but despite all this l, salvatore's bitcoin experiment continues to attract attention. whether or not al salvatore's bitcoin gamble is paying off for the nation's economy is debatable. one
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thing that is certain is that between beach has become a haven for crypto currency, and susie is from around the world. bill salvador is not the only country which offers a citizenship by investment scheme. it may be the only one that currently accepts bitcoin for surf lessons. one way that up a little al jazeera el salvador is serv. city. would you pan has successfully launched its new flagship rocket? the best it can taste model of the h 3 blasted off in the countries southwest. it's almost one year after it's boost mobile failed due to problems with its engine ignition. they broke into saying, is it possible competitive to space exist? bell can 9 and could one day be used to deliver congo devices on the night as well that so for me, tell mccrae for this news. uh, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the guys news. stay with us.
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the if a child does not die from the bombing, he will die from the cold. that no clothes, no food, nothing. no diapers were 5 and children in attends of one square meter continue without having a hostages right now. the specs for the government of the country for texas on october 7th, this government failed miserably competed beyond wells. taken without hesitation for them died from power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare other people with that. and people empower, investigate, expose this,
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and questions they use them to be use of our around on out to their ukraine. a father front line, a mother and children. can this kind of the see a future? one of the sky is the sign is without and the ukraine escaping the dog with ears from i'll just on the go and the tonight i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we dissect the from i'll just say was my last
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available in your favorite types to just set for it and to have to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the the scrambled for food and goes as is where else and by good prevents deliveries of humanitarian supplies. the tell mccrae, this is they'll just say rely from dog hot and so coming up bone into a bulls on elsewhere can struggle to safely deliver babies and rasa. i'm the human the occupied westbank and i'll be telling you about plus to me and children being


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